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Grey skies give way to......



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    22 - 28 Mar

    Mon: track session. A session of 5 x 3 mins. A good session at 5km pace or quicker. After the session a few of us went out for an extra 2 miles, lovely to get back on the greenway in the evenings again with company and daylight. 8km 51mins including warm up and recoveries. First run in my new runners, feet getting used to them.

    Tues: rest

    Weds: Love an auld pyramid session on the track, it's great to try and pace yourself. Happy enough with my intervals going up the way. But back down felt tougher. And I misjudged the intervals, started the second last one thinking it was the last and flew off, wondering why I'd left the others behind me. I crashed on burned as they caught up on me! Last interval and hadn't the kick in me, it was all used up. Felt like a rookie error! Few laps cool down to round it out to 8km in 55mins.

    Thurs: Rest. Fitness class and a morning walk.

    Fri: Morning walk.

    Sat: Parkrun. Over visiting my inlaws so went to their local parkrun. Parked up early and got a 2km warm up in, nice and easy. It was getting warm out. Started parkrun and it was a bit congested at first but eased out after 200m. A 3 lap route of what goes up must come down! After the first loop I seen that my average pace was pretty good, try stick at it and felt good for the second lap. Trying to remember what my own course record was thinking 27:xx but not sure what. But on the last loop I really struggled with the climb and slowed up to a walk. Got going and had to work to get back to my pace. Tried to push on as much as I could for that last lap. Crossed the line 27:11. Checked my course pb after - 27:05 - so close - that walking cost me I think. Ah well I'll just have to try it again next time I'm visiting!

    Sun: Out for my long run, wasn't as early or as long as I had initially planned. Plotted a route which was mostly along the waterfront which was really enjoyable. Roads around that way aren't great for running, you'd nearly want to stick to the back roads as they are quieter and safer from traffic but are hillier. And I wasn't in the mood for hills so we had to contend with jumping into the verge every so often for drivers who wouldn't move out for us. But an enjoyable run nonetheless, relaxed pace, lovely scenery. 11km 1hr18mins. Passed the 500km mark, early in the year for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    29 Apr - 05 May

    Mon: track session. 7.5km incl warm up and cool down. 4 x 90sec increasing paces with 2 mins off. 4 sets. Went ok, it's nice to look back on strava and see each interval does actual increase in pace.

    Tues: rest

    Weds: Track. 5 x 5 mins session. To be honest, I actually wasn't paying much attention for this. I ended up chatting for most of it, as much as you can do running about. Session kinda flew past and at the end I wasn't even sure if I was running the prescribed paces. Was embarrassed when the session coach said as I was stretching that I had a good session out there that evening and was working well! I couldn't tell him I wasn't paying any attention! 🙈 6.6km in 45mins incl warm up and cool down.

    Thurs: rest

    Fri: walk.

    Sat: morning workout class. Over to parkrun after. Feels like ages since I'd run my local parkrun. I don't know what I had for breakfast that morning but seemed to have found an extra gear somehow! Or maybe it was because I didn't do any warm up. Eased into it for the first 200m and seemed to find my groove at 5:40min/km pace and in step with another lady. I let her go on I think maybe around 2km, but still kept her in my sights. Otherwise I was picking off people slowly one by one. Funny enough I seemed to pick up pace for the 3rd km. At 3.5km I caught back up with the lady I started with and we seemed to keep it steady and strong and we picked up a passenger at 4km for the last bit. A very quick glance at my watch showed me on for a pretty good time, wasn't sure what my course pb was, thinking around 28:00-ish. A good incentive to keep the pressure on for the last little bit to finish in 27:37. Looking back over my parkruns on this route, I ran this 5mins and 1 sec quicker than my first ever one!

    Sun: Long run. Had planned out an 11 mile loop from a friend's house. It was a warm enough morning, will have to start digging out the singlets and sun visor. A lovely run, roads quiet even though we set out after 9am. Much of the run was in the countryside for lovely peace and some chats. Into the town around 10km and hopped onto the greenway for 4km and off then for the last 2km. 18km in 1hr 50mins. Pace felt ok for running and chatting, on paper it reads a bit fast for my LSR but it felt easy effort-wise. Onto a bonus bank holiday fitness class after - seemed like a good idea when I booked in after class the previous day but felt as weak as a kitten for much of it but managed to pick things up a bit at the end!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    06 - 12 May

    Mon: bank holiday rest. Walk

    Tues: 5km with himself. It felt so tough, what the hell. 35:27.

    Weds: A friend suggested instead of doing track, that we run over to the new parkrun route and trial it once more before Saturday. Good idea. Ran from track over to sports centre - 3km. Erm - it's very warm out. Ran the parkrun route in 29:45. And then we had to run another 3km back to the car. We were bet after although felt pleased that we got 11km run of a Weds evening. 1hr 6 mins run time.

    Thurs: fitness class

    Fri: rest.

    Sat: Had a busy weekend ahead, didn't think I'd get my long run in and then a last minute early morning slot opened up. Met a group who were going very early morning jaunt out the greenway and back. It was perfect, lovely relaxed pace and great chats. Got 12km done in 1hr 18mins and back to marshal at parkrun.

    Sun: Felt strange not having my long run today. Any sensible person would lie in. I was wide awake early and knew I wouldn't fall back asleep so got up for a walk while it felt the whole town was in slumber.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    13- 19 May

    Mon: track session with a pyramid. Working our way down from 4 mins to 1. 2 sets. Covered 8.2km incl warm up and cool downs

    Tues: rest day

    Weds: back to the track. Another pyramid session this time an up and down ranging from 1 min up to 7 mins and back. Covered 8kms incl warm up and cool down.

    Thurs: Car was in for an early morning NCT (and failed). Went for a 4.5km walk while waiting. Fitness class that evening.

    Fri: rest.

    Sat: Clonown (Athlone) 10 mile. 1:31:38

    A local race I didn't want to miss. On a month earlier this year, probably to avoid the heat in the bog. As it wasn't starting til 11 I volunteered to marshal for a bit at parkrun and then scoot off after 10. Got parked up, ready, collect race number and chat a bit. Was really hoping for as close to 1:30 as possible or at the very least beating last year's time of 1:34. Started off grand with 2 others. We chatted as we ran along, knowing that I was in charge of setting the pace. 3rd was a bit fast as I took my eye off the watch. Other than that the kms were ticking by, felt like we got settled into a good rhythm, passing a few people, a few passing us. Just before 10km one of the girls said she was dropping back and to go on. Water station at about 10.5km and this is where things started to go wrong for me. I took a bottle and emptied it into my own only to find that I'd lost the lid of my own bottle. So I had to try and run along with a thumb over the top of my bottle which was a bit useless. I was loosing water so tried to take on a much as I could to empty it a bit. Then I had to take a gel and the wrapper wouldn't open so I had to stop to walk and open it and lost more time. In the meantime the other person I was running with had gone on ahead and a few others were passing me. I got frustrated with the bottle in the end and left it at one of the mile markers. I feel I need water with me when I run just in case so it was a mental risk to go the last few miles without the comfort. Tried to get going and pick up the pace but it was tough going. Then I was saved- there was a water station at mile 11! Picked up a bottle, a sip of water and I was away. Time to reel in those ahead of me. I knew it wasn't far to go, I could even see the other girl I'd been running with ahead of me and tried to reel her in, if I'd another few hundred metres I'd have got her. Tough uphill finish, like running in peanut butter for the last 200 metres. Finished in 1:31 so happy enough. The issues with the bottle and gel may have cost me sub 1:30 but who's to say I wouldn't have run out of steam further down the road. As always with this event, a great spread laid on in the community centre and lovely not to have a long drive home.

    Sun: Ashling Murphy 4 mile 40:20

    I'd missed this event since it's inception and its was such a good cause and memory. Even though I'd raced the previous day, I said I'd just run this to stretch out the legs. I ran it with my husband and actually that was a lovely easy pace for me to run. Very warm morning out. A great event to take part in and one I'd recommend and I could see many runners had travelled from around the country for it. Support on the route was great from locals and musicians along the way. Again it was nice not to have too far to travel home after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    20 - 26 May

    Mon: track session. 7mins at 10k pace with a 2 min pick up to 5km pace. Times 3. A decent session. Covered 6.7kms incl warm up and cool down.

    Tues: rest day

    Weds: walk. Can't remember why I wasn't at training, perhaps working?

    Thurs: Fitness class in the evening.

    Fri: rest.

    Sat: morning workout. Marshalled at parkrun after.

    Sun: Long run + 5km. Met with a few others and one had devised a 10 mile route which was lovely, it was good to run a different route. As we'll be heading into marathon training in a few weeks I don't want to be doing the same routes every week. Nice relaxed scenic route. Done 16.7km in 1:52. Scooted back home for a local 5km run, it was going passed the house so I couldn't miss that! Quick change and nibbled on a biscuit while I walked up the start line. It was fairly warm and to be honest I just wanted it done! Last km was all uphill and a road I know all too well! But I managed to push on from those who were with me on km 3 and 4 and finished in 27:27. Which brought me up to half marathon distance ran, perhaps a bit of training for pushing on in a long race on tired legs? Brilliant to be able to walk home after a race, I couldn't get any nearer! Legs were feeling it later that evening!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz


    Mon: track session. A really good speedy one. of 10 x 1 mins at 5km pace or a touch quicker. Got some good speed going in them, pushed out the last one to 4:01min/km pace (my 5km pace is around 5:05min/km). Felt like a really good session, especially after run over 21kms the day before.

    Tues: rest. short walk

    Weds: rest. morning walk.

    Thurs: Tubberclaire 5 mile. Another local race, it's hard not to support local events. I decided not to go all out for this one but to still give it an honest effort. First mile is all downhill but thank god I already knew that. It was still a quick mile and my buddy was clearly in stronger form than me so I didn't stay with her. Still tried to keep it at a decent pace that would get me under 45 mins. I knew there was a hill at 5km after a left hand turn but I'd forgotten that the hill actually starts about 300m before that. Had to take a little walk there but kicked myself to get going again when I was being passed. Just after 6km we were meeting with the 5km route so it was busy with walkers and kids so I bit of over and back on the country road. It felt like it was all uphill from there. I was trying to pass the 5km participants but I was huffing and puffing, digging in the arms, felt like I was barely moving. Just wanted the bloody thing over with. Passed the church and I knew I was almost finished so somehow found another gear and pushed on. Glad to see the finish line but the watch only measured 7.85km. I really wasn't ar$ed running on to round up to 5 mile. Good spread of food after but it got cold standing about,

    Fri: morning walk

    Sat: Ended up moving the long run to Sat morn. And the only way to fit it in was to run at 7am with those training for an ultra. I've gotten a few runs with this group over the last couple of months as they've had to slow down their long run pace and it just so happened to suit my pace! Ran 15.4km in 1:40 and then had to high-tail it over to parkrun where I was run director. It was the largest attendance I'd ever had as RD and it seemed to go off ok, even though it felt like I was chasing my tail a bit. Met a few for coffee after so by the time I got home at midday I was ready for bed again!

    Sun: No long run! Lie in til 10am! Up, did an online workout and then straight out for a walk in the sunshine after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Congrats on the mentoring gig :) Excellent choice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Likewise, congrats, you'll be brilliant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    03 - 09 June

    Mon: bank holiday Mon so no club training. The fitness studio were doing a Mon morn special class so went in for that for 10am. Drove over early and went for 5km before the class, change of scenery, it was close and heavy out and I was in a muck of sweat before the class even begun, change of top required. 5km 31:40.

    Tues: rest day. morning walk.

    Weds: unplanned rest day. Himself wasn't well so no sleep had last night. Went for a walk for some air.

    Thurs: Early morning run before work, a while since I did one of those, nice to be able to run different route locally at that hour now it's bright. Didn't feel like the easiest of runs - I put it down to early morning, on my own, and still behind on my sleep. 5km 34:07. Fitness class that evening, was late in so had to go up the front! Gave it socks but in hindsight probably shouldn't have booked in for the class with a half marathon on the Saturday.

    Fri: rest. Needed a walk to stretch out after the previous day's class. My right glute!!

    Sat: Portumna half marathon - 2:15

    In short - wasn't a good day in the office. I dunno, when I signed up for it in April I was really looking forward to it - this was going to be another shot at aiming for close to a 2 hour half marathon. Felt I did good enough training, have kept my training fairly consistent each week. My work has gotten quite busy at the moment and I'm putting in any spare hour I can, even from home in the evenings and weekends so maybe that has tired me mentally and physically. But that morning I wasn't all buzzing, or nervous excitement. The only reason I was still going is because there was a group of us doing it. We got there good and early, parked up, sussed the place out, seen the marathon and ultras running and the 10kms were just off. A good number doing the half and the route felt a bit crowded for the first lap. We had 4 laps in total. After the first lap I just wasn't feeling it, it felt like more of an effort than it should be, and we didn't start off fast. Second loop and one of the girls headed on (and got a pb in the end!). Half way through this loop one of the other girls pushed on a bit. Gel taken at 5 mile. Myself and one other ran along and while she was lovely company - I didn't feel that I was. After the 2nd loop, I excused myself to use the portaloo and sent her on. I needed a moment to wrestle with my head. The 3rd loop was a real struggle. I still felt off form, left my bottle with electrolytes at the water area and took a water bottle instead, convincing myself that it was the taste of the electrolytes. Met my friend's dad along this loop and stopped to jog and chat with him for a bit before heading on. Another gel taken. Near this end of this loop, along an out and back section, I seen my 2 friends from earlier - they said they were going to take a loo break and would wait for me for the final lap. I said ok but after as I ran along I wished I told them to go on, I didn't feel I'd be good company. I struggled to stay with them for a bit of the last lap. But then it kicked in that look we were on the final bit, just keep going. They were lovely, they knew I was off form and just kept the mood all light and breezy. Somehow I found a little push for the finish, I just wish I had it for the whole race. Was so glad to finish. Cold water at the finish. Lovely wooden medal. Just didn't feel 100%. Was glad to get a sit down for tea and a plain biscuit. One of the girls brought me home then, I was sorry I didn't get to stay around for those I knew running the ultra. Stomach wasn't great for the rest of the day, felt sensitive and unsettled, like I could barely stomach anything, even water.

    Sun: Lie on the couch watching the European athletics and manage tea and toast.

    Feeling sorry for myself. I wanted a good race for myself and didn't get it. But such a great place and atmosphere for an event. Knew loads of people there and looping about you see people at different stages for a hello. Even at the finish, all the camping chairs and tables, it's a proper day out. I'll definitely do it next year. I'm registered for Roscommon 10 mile at the end of the month. I'll see how I'm feeling by the end of this week but I'm considering not doing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Sorry you had a tough race. I guess we all have off days occasionally, it's just rubbish when it also happens to be race day. It sounds like you weren't really up for it anyhow but I wonder if the loops added an element of difficulty - mentally? I hope you've recovered by now and are flying it again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    10 - 16 June

    There wasn't much to report on for this week. Just felt completely wiped after Portumna. I figured my body was off form and had been working hard since the start of the year that a week off to rest would be the right thing to do. Out for a walk most mornings for some steps and air.

    Tested the legs and the body on Saturday at parkrun. First 300m or so a bit congested but spaced out then. Was running with a friend but to be honest after 2km I sent her on her way. I still kept surprisingly good pace though, although I faded in the last 500m. Finished in 26:34 which I was fairly pleased with. First time running this route (Athlone) so thinking I might have set a pb I would have to work at to beat!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    17 - 23 June

    A run at the track on mon and that was it for this week. It was an ok session, good to be back but definitely didn't push myself. Rest of the week was just walks. Was away at the weekend for donegal rally and I thought I might get out the odd morning or evening for a run but the evenings were busy catching up with people and any late mornings we had were sleeping.

    Finding it difficult to get back into things - the motivation and confidence seem low at the minute. Feeling quite tired as I've a few things going on outside of running that are using up my physical and mental energy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    24-30 June

    Mon: nothing

    Tues: nada

    Weds: Kicked my ass back to the track. I had to show up anyway to pass on my Roscommon bib to someone else (with a name change). Coach put on an "easy" session as so many were running Roscommon 10 miler that Saturday. 3 x 8 min tempo with a pick up in pace for the last 2 mins. Kept it handy enough. With warm up and cool down I covered 6.5kms in 45mins.

    Thurs: Fitness class in the evening.

    Fri: I know you're not supposed to chase lost miles but because I wasn't at the track on the Mon and was trying to get myself back into running again I went out for a late evening run. Very slow pace - about 6:45min/km. Just wanted to get my ass out the door and actually go for a run and got 5km covered.

    Sat: morning workout. Volunteered at parkrun after.

    Sun: Had a bright notion of going out for 8 miles that morning. Plan had said Roscommon 10 mile or 90mins easy. Figured I'd get about 8 miles in 90mins. My friend very wisely talked me out of that and we met early morning for 5 miles. First mile or so was fast and hilly. But once we got passed that section of the route we settled down into a chatty pace and a more manageable gradient. 8.4km in 50:30mins.

    While I'm still dog tired, I'm just going to have to suck it up, put on my runners and get out the door.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz


    Well a full week's training for a change!

    Mon: a really tough session on the track. I'm thinking the coach felt we needed to work off the excess of the club bbq from Sat night! 3 blocks of inverted pyramids. First set 5,4,3,2,1 mins all with 1min recover between. Bit of a breather. Then 4,3,2,1 with 1 min recovery. Lastly 3,2,1 with 1 mins recovery. It was a long session and felt tough. But we got it done in the end, no great increases in paces as the intervals got shorter but didn't drop back either and a decent push for the last block. 8.5km covered with warm up. Session ran over so no time for cool down, I had to scoot off.

    Tues: rest. Nice walk that morning.

    Weds: Track session with an up and down pyramid ranging from 1 to 7 mins and back to 1. Again no great changes of pace with the intervals but had a bit of a push for the last 1min interval. 6.7km covered with warm up and cool down.

    Thurs: rest day from running. Went for a walk that morning and a circuits class after work.

    Fri: A nice 5km walk after work between the showers

    Sat: morning circuits class. Over to parkrun straight after. An opportunity to run for a change as they'd enough volunteers. Plan was to keep this easy as I'd my long run the following day. I'm not used to this new route yet so of course I started off too fast and did my first km in 5:35! Was already feeling it! Slowed it right down to about 5:55/6 min/km pace. Still didn't feel overly easy. The sun was coming out and there's not any shade along the route. But glad to get it done in 30:09 and enjoy a cuppa after.

    Sun: Long run. Our club training plan said rest weekend but as I've already missed a few long runs this past few weeks I wanted to add a couple of miles to my 5 miles from last week to bring me nearer to next week's proposed 11 miles, so was aiming for 8 miles. One of the girls suggested a different route which was 10 miles and some of it is scenic and I welcomed a change of route - the thoughts of facing into the same route each week that the group does locally was already at me! I'm not going to lie, I did find this long run tough going. We were taking it slow but even still I found it tough. I took a gel around 10km but that didn't give me much of a boost. We tacked on another mile where we took in a lovely little riverside loop. Onto the greenway with 5km to go and it really felt like a slog for me and I was struggling to keep up with the girls and it was getting very warm out and no shade. Was glad to get back to the car and into the shop to buy more water. 18km in 2 hours. I guess it was one of those "rip the plaster off" type runs and I could say that it has officially marked the start of DCM training for me! 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,121 ✭✭✭witnessmenow

    Congrats on getting back into it!
