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Grey skies give way to......



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Another week of not much running...

    The Mon eve I hadn't an opportunity to go for a run. The young lad wasn't doing training and the hubbie had a meeting. So I brought the youngster to our local GAA club for the Operation Transformation Light up Ireland campaign. I met my parents there and the child went off with his friends. I walked about 3.5kms.

    Tues eve was the only eve I had a window for a run this week. However when I went outside, the footpaths were dicey enough for running, I just wasn't going to chance it. So I walked 3.5 kms around the town.

    Sat 10/02/2018 5km parkrun 31:23 (official time 31:04)
    Splits: 6:35, 6:17, 6:27, 6:00, 6:04
    Was away with the hubbie for the weekend to Manchester so we took the opportunity to get a bit of parkrun tourism done! We arrived in plenty of time, weather was a bit drizzley and we introduced ourselves to the run director. Just under 400 people ran this run, our usual parkrun has about 50! It was a lovely route, one lap of an athletics track, two loops of the park and one final lap around the track to finish. Start was busy enough, we just went with the crowd. There were two big deep puddles on the course, both of which we had to meet twice - sure feck it just run through them for the craic! The course was as flat as a pancake, I never noticed a climb at all. The finish was great, as you come into the athletics ground for the finale, the people who have already finished were standing near the entrance, recovering or getting barcode scanned and they cheer everyone on. I was kinda hoping to get under 31 mins but considering we didn't push ourselves too much, we were in holiday mode, hadn't much sleep, plenty of eating, drinking and many kms walked the previous day, I was pretty happy with that time.

    Edit: While it doesn't look I did much running last week, I have still been walking in and out of work most days, which is 2km return. Also with the weekend away we covered 18km and 19kms in the 2 days we were away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Routine has been a bit all over the place lately and still is. Between changes to the son's training, busy at work, mid term etc running and fitness has unfortunately taken a back seat. However towards the end of last week things started to come back together a bit. The Friday night I got back to my GAA club fitness class, think I've missed the past 3 weeks of this. Wow I couldn't believe how much of a set back I've taken in this. I haven't been back at it properly really since the Christmas break. Things that I normally would have been fine doing I struggled with. I didn't push myself so far cos I knew I had a break but I didn't realise how far I had gone back. I really should be doing something at home myself.

    Sat morn - parkrun tailwalker. I volunteered as parkrun tail walker. I know it sounds mean but I was kinda hoping there would be no walkers this weekend and that I could do a slow jog. However there was one walker, ah sure not to worry. I enjoyed a walk and a chat with her nonetheless and crossed the line at 49 minutes. My local course is a nice for a workout of a walk, the few climbs get the heart rate up and the legs pumping!

    Sat afternoon 3.38km 21:01
    Splits: 6:02, 6:51, 5:54, 5:50 (0.3)
    I had a small window for a run while the child was at music. Still in my running clothes for parkrun I got out along the flat cycleway. I decided I try for a faster run. First km was good. 2nd km I took 2 walking breaks after 1.5km. When the 3rd km started I tried to press on and imagine it was the last km of a race. Ah it was an ok session, an attempt at running a bit faster although I must try and structure it a bit more. The cyleway is the best place for those types of runs but ours isn't lit so trying to get daylight to run in!

    Lastly, I did a few stupid things in the past week or two - I registered for races!! I have been registered to do a half in August with my hubbie. It's for him moreso rather than me. There is a half on Easter Sunday in a lovely location which also has a relay option. I've never done one of those before so decided to give it a go, hubbie will be my tag team! Also a 10km race is on Easter Saturday, I half thought of doing it, I did it last year and really enjoyed it. I seen the medal and tshirt released and I really want them! So like an eejit I registered for it so I now have two 10km's one day after another! That was clever!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Last week consisted of no running but walking in and out of work. Was flat out busy all week and was battling to keep a head cold at bay before going away last weekend. Managed to squeeze in a bit of volunteering at parkrun. I also attended the AIT Grand Prix in Athlone, it really was something else to watch them go. The pole vault was really enjoyable and the finale with the mile was great.

    Mon 26/02/18 10.26km 1:15:13
    Splits: 7:06, 7:29, 7:15, 7:52, 7:53, 7:02, 8:07, 7:14, 7:12, 6:36, 5:36 (0.26)
    I knew it had been a few weeks since I got a long run in but didn't realise it was 5 weeks! That's appalling! I wasn't going to push too much as I knew I hadn't been on a long one in a while and wasn't sure how I'd be with the weather so I picked the 8km route and figured if I was doing alright for time I could extend it a bit when I got back to the car. Didn't know what was pace was like as I ran the 8km route, my watch was well buried under layers. The weather was lovely for running though, no bitter breeze and no stinging of the lungs, just calmness. There was no-one out running though, usually I meet 6-10 people about running, just seen 1 near the start and another near the end of the run.
    When I got back to the car, just over 8km done and 15 mins before the child was finished training. So I went to the outdoor track and did 1 lap slow, 1 lap fast x 2 - hence the faster 0.26km! Just to change things up a bit and practice getting the final dig in near the end of a race when you are tired. Glutes and hamstrings are a bit achy this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Mon 05/03/18 - 9.37km 1:10:26
    Splits: 6:42, 7:13, 7:57, 7:19, 8:07, 7:26, 8:13, 7:51, 7:21, 6:05 (0.37)
    Did the same out and back 8km route as last week. Weather conditions were perfectly fine for it, as were the footpaths. I think I was a bit overdressed though, the chill to the bone I experienced in Clontarf back in Nov still haunts me!
    I just felt really sluggish, tired, legs felt so heavy, as did my feet, I was barely lifting them off the ground, and at one stage I looked down to see was I still wearing my snow boots which I've been getting good wear out of the past week. Bit disappointed, the same route last week was fine and dandy but this week it felt difficult. Did 2 laps of the track when I got back to the car, should have squeezed in one more to bring me up to 10km even!
    Feels like I need to pull my socks up or the 10km x 2 at the end of the month is going to be a huge mistake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Sunny Dayz i wouldn't worry about feeling sluggish after a week of not running, i'm always like that too getting back into it. I bet if you now today or tomorrow it will feel a lot easier.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Tues 06/03/18 4.14km 30:31
    Splits: 6:51, 7:33, 7:47, 7:25, 6:17 (0.14)
    Made more of a effort to get out for a run, even if it was more a case of knowing I needed to get out rather than wanting to get out. It didn't feel as bad as the previous night, felt a little easier but still not in the easy effortless gliding along feeling. Of course I was glad I got out, you always are really.

    No running Weds or Thurs - was back helping out with the kids athletics Weds night.

    Fri night I returned to the GAA gym. Was dreading this. The last time I went was again after an unplanned break and it was awful, I had felt I had lost all my strength and ability and was almost crying with disappointment in myself. This time around it didn't fell as bad as I was expecting, I was better able to do things like Russian twists, burpees and bicycle crunches than I thought I would have been. One thing I hadn't realised I'd miss was the chat and camaraderie.

    Sat 5km parkrun 33:37
    Splits: 6:27, 7:05, 6:54, 7:24, 7:05
    Even feels like ages since I've ran at parkrun! Snow was gone but the ground was wet and mucky in parts, has been worse though. Just kept plodding along, it did at times felt hard to lift the feet. But I was happy that I didn't feel like I had to slow down or walk, I was happy to keep going. Only time I stopped was when I spied someone out for a jog on the opposite side of the perimeter wall and he asked what was I doing and I gave him a few lines about parkrun! Not one of my better times but still happy enough with staying going although it did feel like the run required more effort than the time showed and even two faster runners complemented my running which was surprising. However from 3km onwards my foot felt sore, like a blister was forming and sure enough a belter on my instep! I put on an old pair of running socks and part of it seems to have folded or wrinkled along there and caused a blister.

    Sun - would have been a perfect day for a run, feels like the first nice day we got here. But the son was running in the Leinster Indoors so spent Mother's Day cheering him on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Mon 12/03/18 7.2km 51:06
    Splits: 7:04, 6:53, 6:48: 7:41, 7:51, 6:58, 6:36, 6:06 (0.2)
    Had an errand to do after dropping the kid to training so decided to run from there and get a change of scenery. It was a good route and I'll do it again. However from 4km onwards my foot was not playing ball and I could feel the blister returning. Of course I was stubborn and just kept going but I did cut the 8km planned route short with a km to go. Need to stock up on compeed plasters!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Tues 13/03
    Needed to get out but didn't want to chance aggravating my blistered foot anymore so got in a brisk walk of just over 4km in around 40 mins. I wanted my foot to be ok for parkrun at the weekend.

    Sat 17/03 parkrun 5km 31:18
    Splits: 6:01, 6:55, 7:18, 7:13, 6:37
    We were up with the inlaws for the long weekend so decided on a bit of parkrun tourism. Falcarragh is about an hours drive away but it was an enjoyable scenic one in a part of the county I've never been in. Welcoming bunch of people but there was a bitter cold breeze. Luckily the run is largely sheltered bar one exposed bit near the golf course. Started off fine but after about 2km the body started to feel tired, I hadn't a good sleep the night before. The course is tiring too, it's very twisty, unless you've ran the course a few time you have to keep your wits about you although it has plenty of signage. You see people running through the trees in all directions and you don't know are they ahead or behind you! Due to the trees, walled garden etc my watch only measured at 4.58km. Lovely spread put on by the group after. I plastered up my foot and didn't get any blistering.

    I brought extra running gear and had planned on getting a run on Sun or Mon. But the coldness was so bitter that all I managed was a 1km very brisk walk home from the pub on Sat and Sun nights!

    Tues 20/03 12.25km 1:33:34
    Splits: 7:23, 7:43, 8:00, 8:09, 7:54, 7:39, 7:43, 7:36, 7:39, 7:23, 7:08, 7:26, 7:08 (0.25)
    Getting conscious that in less than 2 weeks I'll effectively be running a half marathon in one weekend, what on earth was I thinking arranging that! Think of the medal, think of the tshirt, think of the easter egg...
    I felt I needed to get a good long run in, just to get myself feeling ready physically and mentally. There's a 6km loop from the house down the town, all footpaths and streetlights so I decided I would do that twice. There was, of course, the temptation to call it quits at the first loop when nearing the house but because the run was nice and slow, it was comfortable and I knew I could do the second loop no bother. It was cool enough out. Can't believe I went out and ran for an hour and a half after doing a day's work.

    Plan of action for the rest of the week:
    Hoping to get out for a short one tomorrow. Probably doing parkrun on Sat morning and then there's a local run on Sunday with a handsome Irish rugby player fronting it, would be rude not to support it ! :D Next week I'm thinking maybe 8km on Mon while kiddo is training, 3 or 4km on Thurs and rest til Sat and Sun.

    I also want to do something about my weight. I'm not overweight but I've a family wedding in the summer and would like a dress to fit a little better as I'm borderline in sizing. Decided at the start of the year that half a stone in 6 months would be grand. 3 months in, I weighed myself at the weekend and I've put on half a stone instead, I knew my clothes were feeling tight lately, especially my work clothes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Well done on your long run last night. Good luck with the rest of your week's runs.

    I find it so hard to lose even a couple of pounds lately. Thought the running would help with it but I just eat a lot so that balances it out! If I was not doing any running I reckon I would be huge. Good luck with loosing a few pounds :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Sat 24/03 parkrun 5k 30:49
    Splits: 6:05, 6:36, 6:26, 6:39, 6:15
    Fairly happy with that time. T'was a warm morning out and was glad I took a chance a wore a tshirt. Few people about doing similar pace to myself, had one person infront of me and I knew two were behind me so that made me stick at it. Between 3.5 and 4km I caught up with the person in front of me and carried on. The next person was a guy and I kept him in my sights although I got close at one point. Happy with how that went.

    Sat 24/03 5km 36:07
    Splits: 7:00, 7:27, 7:11, 7:20, 6:55
    Yes I did another 5km. The child was at music lessons, I said I'd just go for a walk but I knew as soon as I stepped outside the gate that it was a run for me. Did one lap around the park, out the cycleway to the next road crossing, back to the park for 2 laps as I had time and then back to the car. Took it handy enough, just enough to move along and enjoy it. The weather was fab and the crowds enjoying the park were great to see.

    Sun 25/03 5km 30:23
    Splits: 5:51, 6:08, 6:16, 6:21, 5:51
    A local school was hosting a 5km run and wow they got such a crowd, fab weather and a serious spread of food after. Really enjoyed this.
    Started off fine, tried to keep an eye on the pace and not go too fast out, plenty of eager kids flying past and then running out of steam, but they were all enjoying themselves. First half of the race was kinda hilly. In the first km I sorta locked onto two women who were doing a nice pace and kept them near enough. Enjoyed a bit of a chat along the 3rd or 4th km and didn't notice that passing at all. I pushed on a bit after she dropped back. Took a little breather around the 4km mark, put the head down and chased after the two women again and was back up with them around 400m to go. I dunno what distance was left when I checked my watch and 28:xx on the clock and I could hear the finish line so I really pushed on. 30:22 was my chip time. I hadn't actually set out to race it, just would have liked sub 31. I just went to run it, bearing in mind I've 2 x 10km next weekend. After 2 x 5km yesterday and a 5km race today, I'm (stupidly) a little less apprehensive about next weekend...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Well done on running twice on Saturday and again on Sunday. Looks like you are getting back into a routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Right! Glass of wine poured, let's get started.
    The lead up to this weekend wasn't as planned: had to help kiddies athletics Mon night as they were short on coaches, was up the walls in work and both the hubbie and son were sick this week. Bar a brisk walk one of the evenings, I got no running done..

    The Ros Run 10k 1:05:12
    Splits: 6:32, 6:37, 6:39, 6:28, 6:33, 6:38, 6:33, 6:44, 6:25, 5:57

    Probably should have left a little earlier for this, small tshirts were gone by the time I got in, I just had enough time to get a toilet break, and then a warm up jog to the start line and a few stretches. Braved the elements in shorts and tshirt when all around were in long sleeves but glad I did, I was rightly warm by 2km. Route goes around the town, past Roscommon Castle and heads out into the countryside past the 5km mark. I seen a group of ladies I recognized from a facebook group running and chatting together so I kept them in my sights. I caught up with them around the 3km mark around the castle park and past them by. They didn't stay to far behind me for the rest of the race, I could hear them chatting for a few kms after.

    Really just kept it going. The km's flew past, I wasn't pushing myself, I wasn't really racing, I was just letting the body take its lead. Got to the 5km mark where there is a loop of about 3.5 or 4km - this time they had us going the opposite way on the loop compared to last year. Felt like I completed the loop in no time, the kms really ticked by, was slowly picking off other runnners one by one. Was starting to feel a bit of digestive discomfort, not enough to slow me down though.

    Anyway got off the loop on the edge of town with approx 1.5km to go. I knew the route from here on in and passed a few more people giving them a few words of encouragement. I hadn't been watching my time as I was running, I wasn't chasing a time but I had a glance as the watch when the finish line was in view and was pleasantly surprised.

    Was glad of a proper toilet at the end and didn't feel like hanging about after the race even though the hotel put on a spread. The Ros Run is in it's second year, they also had a half and a full marathon on yesterday, would highly recommend it, I couldn't resist doing it again this year when I was already registered for another race this weekend, which is testament to it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Ok, wine glass has been topped up, onto today's race!

    Lough Boora Half marathon relay (2nd leg) 10.7km 1:10:48
    Splits: 6:02, 6:24, 6:27, 6:36, 6:49, 6:34, 6:37, 6:33, 6:37, 7:15, 6:18 (0.7)

    This was the race I had first registered for. Lough Boora is a beautiful parkland in Co Offaly, a gorgeous setting for a run. Myself and another decided we would register for the half relay, we've never done one before, figured it was something a bit different to do and we get to take part with the big boys in a half but not actually run the whole half ourselves!

    Got there in plenty of time this morning. However got out of the car and it was baltic!! I had planned on running in shorts and tshirt but threw on another tshirt and my lightweight running jacket. Seen loads of people we knew and had a bit of time to chat. The start line was approx 1km from the registration area so I jogged down to it with Leg 1 to keep warm and then back to bus which was to bring us to the halfway point to transition for the relay.

    We were brought out to a point just off the main road and about a km walk into the park to the relay transition area. The steward here was brill, he did a bit of a warm up with us as the front runners came through. Enjoyed cheering everyone one as they passed. Got fairly warmed up and ended up stripping off the jacket and one of the tshirts.

    About 1:15 into the race, my Leg 1 came along and off I set. Started off way too fast and really struggled to reel in the pace for the first 500m. Realised I could see no one in front of me, I was at the back of the pack and didn't even bring earphones to listen to a bit of music! However my legs were fresher and after a km I was starting to catch up on people. I started my watch when I set off but my km's weren't matching the markers on the road so this was a bit confusing but hey it kept my mind occupied. 4km in and my foot started to feel a bit niggley - gave me no trouble yesterday but I could feel my blister area making itself known to me! Nothing I could do only keep going and try to ignore it.

    I had around 5km done when I caught up with my friend's mum, down to a slow jog to chat to her for a little bit, she was struggling. She sent me on my way and I could feel the head wind pick up from here. It didn't help my already tired legs from the day before. But I still kept looking ahead and gradually picking people off. Around my 7km point I could feel my glutes, in particular the left one, making themselves know to me. Now they weren't sore, just tired moreso and I made a mental note to strengthen them up!

    My 10th km felt like my worst and this might have been partly to do with the difference between my watch and the markers. Jeez are the there yet?!I took a few walking breaks when I probably shouldn't have, I was just feeling tired, the headwind wasn't letting up and it felt like I was putting in the effort but not seeing the same result.

    When my watch beeped for my 10km I had a glance to see what time I had done for that and was pleasantly surprised to see 1:06! It felt slower and tougher than that! Push on so for the finish line and I think 2:26 was on the clock when I crossed the line.

    Another race that comes highly recommended. Well organised, fab tshirt and medal, fab location, good support from the stewards and even the other participants were just lovely people. Good spread on afterwards, enjoyed a cuppa and a slice of madeira cake.

    And I've just realised I never switched on the immersion for my soak in the bath! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Well done on two 10kms in one weekend! Great race reports. Sounds like you are really enjoying your runs. Have you signed up for any other runs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    gypsylee wrote: »
    Well done on two 10kms in one weekend! Great race reports. Sounds like you are really enjoying your runs. Have you signed up for any other runs?
    Thanks a mill - yes strangely enough I did enjoy the 2 races at the weekend. I was lucky it worked out for me really.

    Hoping to do a local 5km race in 3 weeks time, never done this one before it has always clashed with other things but from what I've heard it's a flat enough course so quietly hoping for sub 3-0.
    Then doing the Northwest 10k in Letterkenny May bank holiday weekend.

    Other than that I've been registered to do the Tullamore half marathon at the end of August so must sit down and work out a plan shortly whereby both myself and the husband can fit in our training, especially the long runs around the child, work, a wedding (week), hen, stag, etc etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Mon 02/04

    My friend's mum had organised a charity 5km walk for Easter Monday so I took part in that, a nice 5km brisk walk and overdue catch up with a friend. Legs felt fine, foot a little sore where the blister was. Got it done before the rain.

    As I was free this evening (the child hadn't athletics training) I went back to GAA gym class, hadn't been in a few weeks. I didn't overly push myself, a few exercises were grand but a few others, mainly the weights and lunges were tougher. I'm going to have to look about doing a session myself at home even just once a week, I know it will make all the difference to my running.

    However when I got home, the stairs took a dislike to me! After all the running and walking all weekend, it's the gym class that actually made my body sore!

    Not feeling the May West today, feeling cold, tired, sore. Hoping I'm not picking up the chest infection that my husband just got over and my son is currently battling as I've a lot on this week and weekend coming, one of which is kinda running related.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Well done on the two races, and hope the sickness goes away quickly/doesn't turn into a chest infection!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Fri 06/04 12km approx 1hr 30 approx

    I did something a little different on Friday. Someone I know had organised a treadmill run in the shopping centre to raise money for charity and had asked me would I do a stint. I’ve never run on a treadmill before but sure why not?! Took a little while to get comfortable on the treadmill and over the fear of falling off it but got into it. I found it difficult to judge how fast I was going. The display shows kmph but I run on mins per km. I thought I was doing a decent pace but after converting the kmph I was doing I realised I was going a lot slower than I expected and even estimating the distance as 12km was probably being generous.
    Nevertheless I enjoyed it, there was a lot of support for the charity from the public in the shopping centre and I said I’ll do it again next time

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Mon 09/04/18 3.7km 24:17
    Splits: 6:34, 6:20, 6:54, 6:09 (0.7)
    Missed my usual longer run of a Monday as I had errands to run. So I had a window of 25 mins before kiddo finished training so I made it a speedier run along the greenway

    Fri 13/04/18 1.2km 7:34
    Splits: 6:21, 5:47 (0.2)
    Was at the GAA gym class and the weather was nice heading in so I decided I'd do a few laps of the pitch after. Think I had one lap done and I realised that my legs and body were tired after class. I did 2 more laps and snuck way quietly back to my car!

    Sat 14/04/18 0km
    Was meant to do parkrun that morning. But they were short on volunteers so I nipped back to the car for a hoodie. I'm kinda raging with myself that I gave up my run when I've volunteered practically once for every 2 runs but I wouldn't have liked to see our lovely run director stuck.

    Figured I get out for a stretch when kiddo was at music, I got delayed and missed that window of opportunity also.

    Tues 17/04/2018 4.2km 32:32
    Splits: 10:00, 6:50, 7:12, 7:32, 6:34
    I set out to do a walk. It was a nice evening and and when I got out figured I'd rather a slow run. Watch took ages to get signal so I walked the first km. Once I got going there wasn't much else to note, just took it handy. I did learn that when I go out for a walk I should probably put on a sports bra. I haven't the chest that requires that much support but when I started jogging it wasn't the most comfortable.

    Saturday 21/04/18 parkrun 5km 31:48
    Splits: 6:11, 6:37, 6:34, 7:00, 6:16
    Finally getting to run parkrun, feels like ages since I last ran it. Gorgeous morning for it, those bright blue skies. Started off good, slightly speedy. I was a km gone when I realised that I should ease up a bit, I was running a race the next day, and by rights I probably should have volunteered. So I reigned it in a bit but couldn't help myself, I did keep it moving a bit! On my 4th km I could feel myself really starting to heat up. I caught up with a girl infront of me and we had a bit of a chat. The last km I probably did push on more that what I should have been especially the last 200m

    Sunday 22/04/18 5km race 29:56 per watch (official time not released yet)
    Splits: 5:35, 5:51, 6:02, 6:04, 6:18

    Local 5km and 10km race on. I've missed it the past few years, it's always clashed with something else so glad to get a chance to run it this year. I chose the 5km cos apart from parkrun which doesn''t count as a race (to me anyway) I haven't raced a 5km in ages. I know the parkrun times I've been getting but they're not on easy courses and I haven't been racing them so I wanted to know what i could do now and was really hoping for a sub 30. I ran (but didn't race) a local 5km last month and came in at 30:20 or thereabouts so I figured there could be a sub 30 in me now!

    First km I started off WAY too fast. 'Sake!! Passed a lady I know from parkrun who's usually around the 30min mark. Glanced down at my watch and my pace was 4:xx min per km at one stage - way way too fast for me. I'd say it took over 200m to reign myself in. My pace was around 5:30 mins/km whenever I glanced at my watch on the rest of this km, still I knew too fast. When the first km beeped on the watch I knew it was much too fast but hoped it had banked me a little time for later and would not hamper me further on in the race.
    Second km I settled into pace a bit better, keeping it steady around the 5:50 mark. A lady inched past me on this km so I kept tabs on her.
    Third km I could start to feel things less comfortable for me. I really wished I had water with me. The lady I know from parkrun passed me by and I resolved to keep her in my sights. But we got up to a corner and I gave in to the walk, got around the corner and seen a water station at the 3km mark so picked up again. Got water and walked while taking that on and set off again. Was grand then for that 4th km. However when it got to the start of my last km ended up taking another walking break and yet another person passed me by. I checked my watch and seen there was I think 24 or 25 mins on my clock so I felt I had lost my sub 30. I figured ok I've lost sub 30 but I'm gonna get as damn near to 3-0 as I can and also I'm not letting another one pass me by. I passed her out and pushed on. Sign for 100m to go and I really dug in, got around the corner to see the finish line and gave it all. There was no overhead timer at the finish (it's only a local race, no chip timing) so I'm hoping my result is the right side of 30! One thing I love about local races is the spread of sandwiches and cakes after!

    I thought I'd be happier having finally ran sub 30 but I'm not. I felt I could have run the race better. I started out too fast, I know I should have paced myself better for the first km. I should have brought water with me for the race, even only as a safety net. I shouldn't have given in to walking when my brain told me. You'd have thought I'd have a handle on this sort of stuff by now!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Well, you snuck that in there. Sub-30! Don't be so hard on yourself about the pacing - just enjoy the good result :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Congrats on the sub-30. Great result. We are all guilty of starting too quick at times, learn from yesterday and your next race will be even better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Sunny Dayz wrote: »
    I thought I'd be happier having finally ran sub 30 but I'm not. I felt I could have run the race better. I started out too fast, I know I should have paced myself better for the first km. I should have brought water with me for the race, even only as a safety net. I shouldn't have given in to walking when my brain told me. You'd have thought I'd have a handle on this sort of stuff by now!! :D

    Those are all things you've identified now and that you can work on next time around, but they shouldn't interfere with you enjoying the achievement now!!! It's a big milestone and you deserve to be delighted :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Thanks for the comments. My official time came through at 30:06. The difference between my watch and the official time is cos my watch timed out just before the race started so I had to reset it and I was already away by the time I started my watch. Disappointed in myself if I'm honest. If I hadn't taken those walking breaks I probably would have just scrapped under the 30. Those walks cost me precious seconds. One of my best results and the one I'm least happy with. Ordinarily I'd be delighted with that time, but I really had hoped I'd clear 3-0. Oh so close!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Within touching distance now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Sun 22/04/18 7.8km walk . This was in the evening time after my borderline 30mins 5km. I had the afternoon and evening to myself and instead of curling up on the couch in my pjs watching a chickflick like a normal person would do while waiting for the immersion to heat up fro a bath, I went out for a brisk long walk, headphones on. Think the long walk tired out the legs more than the 5km race!

    Sat 28/04/18 5km parkrun 32:50
    Splits: 6:46, 7:08, 6:30, 7:04, 6:23
    Don't think there's much to say about this run. Hadn't been out all week, low on energy, busy at work. Took it handy enough at parkrun. Jogged with someone for the first 2km chatting a little bit. They headed on gradually after that, thought I would gain on them after but no, their fitness is improving!

    Mon 30/04/18 8.64km 1:04:00
    Splits: 6:52, 7:24, 7:26, 7:09, 7:49, 7:36, 8:11, 7:25, 6:24 (0.64)
    This was the last (and probably first) long run before the Northwest 10k. A slow steady 8km was the plan of action. It was slow alright but didn't feel steady. 1km in and I already had to stop to stretch the calves, again after 2km and again at 3.5km. Turned at 4km and the route back the calves were fine. But I just felt tired, stubbornness kept me going, sooner I get back the sooner I'm finished this. But it has reminded me that I need to hydrate, eat and sleep well before the race on Sat. Last year I did NW10k in 1:05, if I stay under that I'm happy to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Good luck with your run on Saturday. Is it tomorrow or next week?

    Are you joining us on over on the DCM Novices thread?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    gypsylee wrote: »
    Good luck with your run on Saturday. Is it tomorrow or next week?

    Are you joining us on over on the DCM Novices thread?
    It's on Sunday afternoon. So the plan is a slow parkrun in Letterkenny on Sat morn to stretch out the legs after a long drive tonight and rest then.

    Won't be joining the DCM Novice Thread as a novice but I'll certainly follow it again this year, has it been set up yet? I found that it helped me get out the door in my half training last year and may need to inspo again this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Good luck on Sunday. Have a great run.

    the DCM thread is up and running. Loved reading through it last year. Hopefully it will help me get to the start line in October.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    gypsylee wrote: »
    the DCM thread is up and running. Loved reading through it last year. Hopefully it will help me get to the start line in October.
    Ah just found it, I was looking in logs. Thanks, I'll have a read over it later with a cuppa. Hoping to see you posting plenty on it gypsylee!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Best of luck on Sunday Sunny Dayz. Try to just enjoy the run this time, don't worry about time, even slow it down a bit more if you're feeling the need to walk - you'll feel brilliant if you finish it without walking whatever time you do :)
