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Transferring college courses

  • 19-08-2016 12:53pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,232 ✭✭✭

    Obviously I won't know for certain until Monday, but there's a good chance I've missed out on my first choice. My first choice is in UCD and my second in UL. Tbh, I don't really want to take the UL course (not because I don't want to go to college there but because I prefer to content on the UCD course much more). What I'm wondering is, if I take the UL course first and work hard at it for the year would it be very difficult to transfer to UCD for my second year? I've seen on their website that you need to be 30 points within what the course was (which I should be) and that you need to achieve a 2.1 in your first year, but they say it's very competitive. Does anyone know how difficult this would be to do? Is it a realistic option? Other than this, I'm considering repeating the LC and suffering for another year! :p
