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New Facebook scam?

  • 25-08-2016 6:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi folks,

    Hoping someone can help me with this.

    For the past three days straight my girlfriend has gotten messages through facebook messenger off some very strange names (different profiles each day) saying "they have information about me (her boyfriend - specific name mentioned) and that she should know about it or see messages I have sent people"

    The profiles themselves have no pictures, no friends, no activity whatsoever but seem to be set up purely to harass or annoy people.
    I have asked a lot of people about this because it is quite strange and certainly a position no one wants or needs to be put in. Another friend of mine got a similar message saying "people were talking about him and has information about it"...he wrote back and got a message back saying "people said this about you" and a link attached to a dodgey web page which he didn't click into.

    Has anyone else experienced this and how do these people know in detail who to contact? Is this a new type of scam? The profiles have all been subsequently deleted but a new one keeps popping up every day for the past three days with a similar message through facebook messenger.
    Any tips or advice on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.
