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Samorost 3 released for iOS - iPad & Iphone

  • 01-09-2016 5:39pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,264 ✭✭✭

    Fresh on the app store today for only €5, its currently 20 euro on Steam. :)

    Havent played it yet but its an instabuy for me as Amanita Design's quality has being so high in the past, known well for Machinarium and their other point and click adventure games.

    The Samorost series started out as a Flash Game in your browser, and had a really unique, surreal and detailed art style.
    You can still play the first game for free provided you have flash installed on your device, most prefably on PC.

    The full list of games is here:

    Please note that Samorost 3 requires at minimum, an iPad 3, iPad mini 2 and iPhone 5.
