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How would you deal with annoying group of kids/teenagers causing a bit of nuisance?



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,633 ✭✭✭✭Widdershins

    Construct a spud canon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,055 ✭✭✭snickerpuss

    Bear in mind that your neighbours children and others might not appreciate a mosquito alarm. I honestly think they should be illegal. I'm 30 and I can still hear them perfectly. There are a few garages I no longer go to near me due to the sound when trying to fill up the car. Also your dogs will probably be bothered by them too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,164 ✭✭✭Butters1979

    What have they actually done wrong beside wind up your already wound up dogs anyway? You think the neighbours like your dogs barking every time someone walks past your house. Train your dogs maybe.

    There's a house like this near me. Every time anyone walks past it the dogs start barking like crazy. It's constant nuisance. Sorry op but your dogs shouldn't be barking at people walking along a public street.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭bazza1

    Talk rationally to them while wearing a shiny tracksuit, blond wigand smoking a cigar. Start the conversation with, "Now then,now then, now then........"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,828 ✭✭✭5rtytry56

    bazza1 wrote: »
    Talk rationally to them while wearing a shiny tracksuit, blond wigand smoking a cigar. Start the conversation with, "Now then,now then, now then........"
    don't forget the pair o' shades as well with the outfit OP ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭boardie100

    where they loiter, dig up a bit of the ground and put a couple of chicken breasts down.... when it rots they wont hand around the smell :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,833 ✭✭✭johnnyryan89

    Just go to their parents and tell them that their kid is being a little ****head teasing your dog's and if they don't do anything about it and they continue to tease the dogs you'll be calling back around to annoy them until something is done. Worked for my brother when his daughter was being bullied at school. If all else fails a sling shot and a bag of dobbers will do the trick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,164 ✭✭✭Butters1979

    Is the op aware that his dogs are probably much more of a nuisance to the neighbours than the kids? Absolute ignorance.

    Some of the suggestions in here are bizarre. OP train you damn dogs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 306 ✭✭TheWarChicken

    Is the op aware that his dogs are probably much more of a nuisance to the neighbours than the kids? Absolute ignorance.

    Some of the suggestions in here are bizarre. OP train you damn dogs.

    It isn't OP's fault that people keep bothering his dogs. He said before that they are normally well mannered. Besides, fair play to whoever can train a dog to ignore people specifically trying to irritate them. Besides, if the neighbors have a problem, it still isn't his fault.

    I reckon the garda patrol suggestion would work, no doubt they'll bugger off fairly sharpish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,164 ✭✭✭Butters1979

    It isn't OP's fault that people keep bothering his dogs. He said before that they are normally well mannered. Besides, fair play to whoever can train a dog to ignore people specifically trying to irritate them. Besides, if the neighbors have a problem, it still isn't his fault.

    I reckon the garda patrol suggestion would work, no doubt they'll bugger off fairly sharpish.

    How I read it was they were just walking past and the dogs starting barking and now he 'thinks' they're been loud on purpose. It sounds like the dogs started barking just because they walked by.
    Maybe I've taken it up wrong but it sounds like the dogs starting barking before the kids starting annoying them back. If the neighbours have a problem his dogs are poorly trained it absolutely is his fault.

    And yes you can train your dogs not to bark at noise. The dog has no idea if they're specifically trying to annoy him.

    One of his ideas was to let his dogs at them. OP if you released a dog on my child I'd do a lot worse to you than your dog did to them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    Ally Dick wrote: »
    Take your dogs for a walk occasionally, and they won't bark as much

    Oh I/we do .. and they will :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    Turtyturd wrote: »
    How did you survive in life/seek the attention you crave before joining boards OP?

    I dont class myself as an attention seeker TBH - so im afraid i cannot answer that one for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,633 ✭✭✭✭Widdershins

    How I read it was they were just walking past and the dogs starting barking and now he 'thinks' they're been loud on purpose. It sounds like the dogs started barking just because they walked by.
    Maybe I've taken it up wrong but it sounds like the dogs starting barking before the kids starting annoying them back. If the neighbours have a problem his dogs are poorly trained it absolutely is his fault.

    And yes you can train your dogs not to bark at noise. The dog has no idea if their specifically trying to annoy him.

    Some people like the security of a dog that barks when someone comes to their gate or door. It's a good burglar deterrent. If they are loitering outside OP's property, why shouldn't the dog bark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    Construct a spud canon.

    cool - never heard of one, just googled it - looks smart. - too good to use only just on the yoov's though I can think of a few other people I can use it on too! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    Bear in mind that your neighbours children and others might not appreciate a mosquito alarm. I honestly think they should be illegal. I'm 30 and I can still hear them perfectly. There are a few garages I no longer go to near me due to the sound when trying to fill up the car. Also your dogs will probably be bothered by them too.

    really? - so what are these things like really bad are they? - does the sound drive you to the stage you cannot stand it no more and you have to move away from it then . And is it the same frequency that interfere with dogs hearing too or is a different frequency that set dogs off I thought?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,164 ✭✭✭Butters1979

    Some people like the security of a dog that barks when someone comes to their gate or door. It's a good burglar deterrent. If they are loitering outside OP's property, why shouldn't the dog bark.

    They weren't on his property. They walked past it and the dogs barked.

    Kids in the neghborbood making noise: A problem to be solved with violence or involving the police.

    Dogs in the neighbourhood making noise: a dog owners right because security.

    Unbelievable sense of entitlement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    What have they actually done wrong beside wind up your already wound up dogs anyway? You think the neighbours like your dogs barking every time someone walks past your house. Train your dogs maybe.

    There's a house like this near me. Every time anyone walks past it the dogs start barking like crazy. It's constant nuisance. Sorry op but your dogs shouldn't be barking at people walking along a public street.

    no, you seem to mis-understand me sorry. My dogs, if someone walks past normally they are absoliutely fine most of the time, not a peep out of them - except for maybe if someone calls at the front door then they get a bit excited and run around - no, its when the kids/teenagers are outside with raised voices like they are having a fight the window is open (because its summer/hot) they hear the commotion of the kids and think they are fighting and then this really winds the dogs up and they go mental and start barking. Its like (and we dont) if there was a massive row in the house with the family and say if I started raising my voice to my mrs they would go mad and bark and more than likely bare their teeth or (hopefully not) bite - but you know they are dogs at the end of the day, this is what dogs do . - now, yesterday I wasnt around but my mrs said that the girls in this group of kids were screaming high pitch, now I know that would set off our dogs barking - but the next minute they are outside barking like dogs themselves and then in turn this made our dogs bark even more .. until eventually they moved on and the dogs calmed down.

    no, as a general rule they do not bark all day long (unlike 2 dogs across the road from us who are left outside and bark nearly constantly all day every day) or when people walk past the house normally and dont act like eejits and scream.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,633 ✭✭✭✭Widdershins

    They weren't on his property. They walked past it and the dogs barked.

    Kids in the neghborbood making noise: A problem to be solved with violence or involving the police.

    Dogs in the neighbourhood making noise: a dog owners right because security.

    Unbelievable sense of entitlement.

    It seems like they are staying outside the boundary of the property and making a lot of noise and thus winding the dogs up so they bark (whether it's a case of knowingly or unintentionally winding them up, I don't know)

    I don't think there's anything entitled about saying a certain amount of barking in reaction is normal and not problematic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    oh i surely dont have to spell it out, a lot of these 'children' / teenagers know exactly what they are doing theres no doubt - they are no little 'angels' they have nothing to do they are walking around in a group and loitering and being a bloody pain. I bet every village/town in Ireland has their fair share not just us in our village - this 'doubt' thats creeping in about they maybe are not aware they are winding me dogs up or not or whether they are being a nuisance is completely untrue TBH - sometimes you got to call it for what it is , and I'm calling it there is most probably nothing to keep them occupied at around that time of evening, they are walking around getting bored, their parents might not be home from work (IE no-one at home) or in the pub or couldnt care less what their kids are getting up to. but if people want to think that I am over-reacting and its 'only a bit of fun' and if all they are doing is purposely winding up my dogs and they could be doing a lot worse then fair enough we are all entitled to different opinions and views.

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Rebelkell

    My sister had a problem with teenagers sitting on her garden shed which backed onto the street so they used to climb the wall and sit on its roof. She knew telling them to f-off probably wouldn't work so she came up with a better solution. The next door neighbours had just got a new puppy who was dumping in her back garden at the time. She got a pair of rubber gloves picked it all up and smeared it on top of her shed where the kids sat. She then opened a bottle of wine and enjoyed the show once the teenagers leaped up the wall and sat on the shed. More than one way to skin a cat!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,597 ✭✭✭emeldc

    My neighbour leaves his dog out to bark at anything that moves.
    People have said to my that I should shoot the dog.
    But I think I should shoot my neighbour instead.
    After all it's not the dogs fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,513 ✭✭✭brevity

    Rebelkell wrote: »
    My sister had a problem with teenagers sitting on her garden shed which backed onto the street so they used to climb the wall and sit on its roof. She knew telling them to f-off probably wouldn't work so she came up with a better solution. The next door neighbours had just got a new puppy who was dumping in her back garden at the time. She got a pair of rubber gloves picked it all up and smeared it on top of her shed where the kids sat. She then opened a bottle of wine and enjoyed the show once the teenagers leaped up the wall and sat on the shed. More than one way to skin a cat!

    This is the way to go imo. Teenagers hate poo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,633 ✭✭✭✭Widdershins

    oh i surely dont have to spell it out, a lot of these 'children' / teenagers know exactly what they are doing theres no doubt - they are no little 'angels' they have nothing to do they are walking around in a group and loitering and being a bloody pain. I bet every village/town in Ireland has their fair share not just us in our village - this 'doubt' thats creeping in about they maybe are not aware they are winding me dogs up or not or whether they are being a nuisance is completely untrue TBH - sometimes you got to call it for what it is , and I'm calling it there is most probably nothing to keep them occupied at around that time of evening, they are walking around getting bored, their parents might not be home from work (IE no-one at home) or in the pub or couldnt care less what their kids are getting up to. but if people want to think that I am over-reacting and its 'only a bit of fun' and if all they are doing is purposely winding up my dogs and they could be doing a lot worse then fair enough we are all entitled to different opinions and views.

    The ''they're just kids having fun'' and ''we were all children once'' doesn't wash with me. As someone else said we've all been bored too but didn't go around being little shi**s.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 475 ✭✭jimmy blevins

    Do a clint eastwood job, sit in a rocking chair out on the porch drinking cans and giving those teenagers some real mean stares.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭Rezident

    sbs2010 wrote: »
    Get some stink bombs and drop them on the path outside when you get home in the evening.

    Increase the dosage each evening as required. They'll never know it was you.

    That might actually work. Cheers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    I have kids do that behind my house.

    On a different note, I have trouble controlling the garden sprinkler and it often sprays over the top of my back wall.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    I have kids do that behind my house.

    On a different note, I have trouble controlling the garden sprinkler and it often sprays over the top of my back wall.......

    one of those water cannon seems more attractive than a garden sprinkler... or do you think it be a bit OTT :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    looks like we have a temporary cessation tonight .... must have taken a different route!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,269 ✭✭✭twowheelsonly

    razorblunt wrote: »
    "there's not much for them to do".

    There wasn't much for any of us to do, we didn't go around acting like shítheads though.

    I did !!! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 306 ✭✭TheWarChicken

    looks like we have a temporary cessation tonight .... must have taken a different route!

    Must have read this thread and seen what nutters you have supporting you!
