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Lyric Revues



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    I'd love to go 6.04 for a 400m tt and not be happy. One day when I'm a grown up....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    joey100 wrote: »
    I'd love to go 6.04 for a 400m tt and not be happy. One day when I'm a grown up....

    Swap you that for a 18:xx 5k any day of the week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    **cough, cough, 17.5x, cough, cough ** ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue PM 5k easy run
    Magical cold dark starry run with the headtorch, often turned off for the fun of it.

    Wed Nothing, busy at work

    Thurs 90min easy turbo; 3,000 Masters swim

    250 warmup
    8*75 as (25k, 25doggie, 25sw)
    20*(100 pace with 30s rest, 100 max with 60s rest)
    250 swim down

    I did these side by side with Alex, useful as we are around the similar level and so pushed each other for the fast ones. The first few were coming in around 1:21/22, but on the forth I cramped, badly. Calf and arches. I did what I could for the next few, but had to pull up on a couple. Pity, as I was going well otherwise, found my stroke again.

    Talking afterwarsd Alex reckoned I was overtraining the past few days. He's right; a race, a 400m TT, an FTP test on consecutive days is too much. I need to pay attention to these niggles, and not think three hard days makes me bulletproof.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Fri 90 mins easy turbo 155W

    Sat 20.5k hilly run 2:08
    I got one kid out of bed early, the other not feeling well, the first then started not feeling well in sympathy... back to bed, so no early run for me. After a day "tidying" the office (as soon as I pick up one piece of paper it leads to files coming out and hours of work being done), I got out for my run. A nice old-style hill jaunt up Annagh, my old stomping ground. It really is a magical place, the terrain so varied, the views incredible, the twists and turns and ups and downs... I had one downhill stumble, but luckily I still remember how to roll and fall, so no damage done. Dark as I was getting back, you really have to grab the daylight when you can at the moment.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sun 54k hilly bike 2:18


    There was a sneaky wind against us rolling out, but the morning wasn't as cold as I'd expected. Nice and steady to Woodenbridge, and then up along the long hilly drags. The gradient was shallow enough to stay seated, but steep enough to pinch and keep you working. The battle royale was a long steep hill from Ballyfad over Croghan, but it wasn't as tough as I'd remembered. Some recent weight loss had made a big difference in the hills.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Mon 45 mins easy turbo; 3,000m Masters swim

    200m warmup
    14*200 off 3:45 alt fast/easy

    Fast were 2:54, 2:58, 3:05(congestion), 2:57, 3:00, 3:05, 3:11(cramping a lot).

    I liked this set, it was tough enough that you were working, with just enough recovery to start each fast 200 with purpose. I was slowing towards the end, mainly through a cramping foot, but the "count four 50's" were both long and short enough for the right amount of speed/endurance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 40 min turbo

    10min EZ
    5*(30s build, 30s EZ)
    4*(3min 115%, 2min EZ)
    5min EZ

    The hard bits were (316W, 316, 312, 311). During them time decided to slow right down. I felt that sickey feeling afterwards, that usually tells me I've pushed a session. The effort felt about right; next time one more rep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Good to see your sticking with the hard turbo's Kurt. The above 100% stuff is coming up for me soon, finish off this block of training where I have been working on big gear stuff and then the really tough stuff starts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    joey100 wrote: »
    Good to see your sticking with the hard turbo's Kurt. The above 100% stuff is coming up for me soon, finish off this block of training where I have been working on big gear stuff and then the really tough stuff starts.

    Jeez I can't believe that turbo was only two days past, it seems like a week ago! Busy since.

    No training, but an indoor pool I'd ordered from England arrived a couple of days early, and no forklift in place to take the parts off the truck. We managed (myself and a very nice driver) to take everything off, and then I stowed it away, but there was a hell of a lot of heavy lifting involved and I've been aching ever since. The driver got a decent tip for his help ("Dis veekend I vill drink whiskey" said with a smile, and I hope he has fun), and I got my endless pool. Need to build an extension to house it though. Got it from this crowd, and I'd recommend them as very good to deal with. I know a few others are waiting to take advantage of weak sterling ;)

    Thurs 45 mins easy turbo; 3,000 Masters swim
    As mentioned above I was wrecked and sore all day. The turbo helped, and the swim was a tonic after the first few lengths.

    500m warm up (dolphin kick underwater first 10m off each wall)
    2*100 on 1:40
    2*100 easy +15s
    2*100 on 1:35
    2*100 easy +20s
    2*100 on 1:30
    2*100 easy +25s
    2*100 on 1:25
    2*100 easy +25s
    2*100 on 1:20
    500pb alt BE3/5/7

    I managed to hit everything except the last one (1:22, 1:31) which to be honest was more mental than physical, so I'm not too happy with myself on that count. Otherwise all was good, happy with how I'm swimming at the moment. I've not done much volume at all though, and a 3,000m TT next week might be an eye-opener.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Fri 1:20 easy turbo

    Sat 1:30 easy turbo

    The body is still feeling very tight from lifting- so much so that I decided against any runs. Easy spinning isn't an ideal substitute, but its an okay substitute, and okay beats nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    What's the plan for the new tub? Are you putting together a man-cave?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Man-and-boy-and-girl cave. I'll need to build an extension to house it- builder hopefully will start in January. The pool will get a lot of use- both kids are keen swimmers, but we have a long round trip to our nearest pool.

    Sun No training, all day was spent at the NAC watching Missy swim better than she's done before. 33s (handtimed) for the 50free, 45s for the 50 breast... gold, silver, and a team relay bronze. Afterwards she asked "did you tell the coaches my time?" (yes), followed by "did you tell Dory my time?" :D

    Mon Masters swim

    200m warmup
    4*50 (25fist, 25 BE5)
    5*(50max, 15s, 50max, 15s, 150easy, 90s rest)
    200 swim down

    Each set of 50+50 were to total our 100PB, and they were to be consistent. My 100PB is 1:12(dive start), so aim for 1:13 or 1:14(wall start). As usual I went off too fast, and each first 50 was 34-36s, grab some air, and get the next 50 a little slower.
    50+50 times were: 1:14, 1:13, 1:14, 1:13, 1:12

    Pain- my grud, do these hurt! Imagine an untutored monkey playing guitar badly on your hamstrings, while his hillbilly cousin rips the instep from your arch-bone. Sharp air that stabs your lungs is gasped into acid filled lungs. Arms labour into heavy water, unfamiliar and unforgiving. The briefest respite at a wall turn- one imagines the sheer love expressed as Torquemada ceases his purifying vigilance for the day- before it all begins again for the return 25. Push off the wall, force a dolphin kick, curse the flags representing a mere 5 meters, and know the relationship between increasing levels of electric pain and time standing still...

    The other lane were doing a 3k TT, and boy did that look tempting tonight! We were told after the 15s between each 50 would reduce to 10s, then 5s, then 0s, then next three times we do this.

    So I will soon look back on tonights set with wistful longing, and marvel at the benevolence in those 15 generous seconds. Such is winter pool training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    "did you tell Dory my time?" :D

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Pain- my grud, do these hurt! Imagine an untutored monkey playing guitar badly on your hamstrings, while his hillbilly cousin rips the instep from your arch-bone. Sharp air that stabs your lungs is gasped into acid filled lungs. Arms labour into heavy water, unfamiliar and unforgiving. The briefest respite at a wall turn- one imagines the sheer love expressed as Torquemada ceases his purifying vigilance for the day- before it all begins again for the return 25. Push off the wall, force a dolphin kick, curse the flags representing a mere 5 meters, and know the relationship between increasing levels of electric pain and time standing still...

    Because I don't swim, I don't get the level of pain endured in swimming ..... but I don now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    What's the plan for the new tub? Are you putting together a man-cave?

    Just when I thought you might have run out of things to buy for tri (and of course the family) :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Because I don't swim, I don't get the level of pain endured in swimming ..... but I don now :)
    Oh I'm sure you know that pain well Neady- its the same ice-cold-sharp-knife intense pain of hill reps in running, or pushing max intervals on the bike. Not exclusive to swimmers at all- just that last nights pain was so intense it deserved to be framed withing this Boards log verbosity ;)
    Just when I thought you might have run out of things to buy for tri (and of course the family) :D
    We weighed up the cost of moving to Wicklow town and beside the sea, and the pool/extension was by far the cheaper option. You're stuck with us another few years in these parts! We could do much worse though, we're lucky to live around these parts :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 90 min easy turbo 137W; 60 mins treadmill

    It would have been useful to have an indoor pool today- wet and windy, so I stayed indoors (have a bit of a cold coming on too). The treadie was in the gym while the kids swam, I did hill intervals for an hour. The pace wasn't too hard, but running at 7% gradient made it a tough little session in places.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Wed 95 mins turbo

    There's an annoying cold/cough going around, it hasn't taken root just yet but I can feel murmurings... so no intensity today. Kept it solid instead, 170W for the session.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Thurs 48min easy turbo 148W; 30min easy treadmill/bike; 3,000m TT swim

    I had been dreading the TT all day, had figured on going around 1:35 pace and holding. Coach asked up to target 1:40 (a bit of erroneous maths as it turned out), so we three went for that. I led the first 1,000 and we swapped lead for the other two. My lead was a steady 1:40 pace throughout, it felt more than comfortable. The rest of the swim was in a wake, we got a little faster but we were targeting too slow a pace. Finished feeling untaxed, for an overall 1:38 pace (49 mins). General disappointment when we realised the error- but given we are only swimming twice a week with no endurance work, I guess its not too bad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Fri 2:40 turbo 180W average

    While watching the movie "Boyhood". Meh. Worse ways to spend a couple of hours I suppose.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Fri 2:40 turbo 180W average

    While watching the movie "Boyhood". Meh. Worse ways to spend a couple of hours I suppose.

    Yeah, you could've spent it watching The Lobster. :eek:

    Worst. Movie. Ever!!!!!

    (Don't let the quirky trailer fool you. It is a dark and disturbing movie!!)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Yeah, you could've spent it watching The Lobster. :eek:

    Worst. Movie. Ever!!!!!

    (Don't let the quirky trailer fool you. It is a dark and disturbing movie!!)

    irish actor. cannot be bad, oscar worthy at least

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Yeah, you could've spent it watching The Lobster. :eek:

    Worst. Movie. Ever!!!!!

    (Don't let the quirky trailer fool you. It is a dark and disturbing movie!!)

    Thanks, I was curious about this movie but will give it a miss. Same jerk actor who was in the crap Total Recall remake, that's more than enough turbo-ing for me.

    Dark and disturbing I usually like; pity it doesn't happen too often anymore. There was a moment when I thought "Boyhood" would break the forth wall and actually say something relevant about appreciating the moment; instead it continued on a safe, secure, smiley path. Back to sci-fi-turbo-crapulence for me. While I wait for "Fargo" season 3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    The Lobster may be the absolute worst movie I have ever seen (I'm still shuddering!), but if you are looking for dark and disturbing then this may be your ticket. Pity we aren't neighbors, I'd loan gladly give you my copy!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sat 20.8K hilly run

    We were at Macreddin last night for a very good meal, left the car there so it needed to be picked up today. I mapped a backroads run and proceeded to include as many offroad sections as I could. Committed to memory, I set off towards Tinahely, and hit the Railway walk to Ballybeg House. I had noted a shortcut with potential and decided to take it, splashing along a muddy trail behind the hose. This brought me to open fields, and the first challenge- the nice little stream on Goole maps had become a raging torrent with recent rainfall. After running up and down for a while, I resigned to a very wet crossing. Using a fallen tree as a barrier against the flow, I entered up to my waist and crossed. Success- although I ended up on an island and had to make a second crossing ;) All good fun.

    Exited bang on where I expected, and with a mental pat on the back I ran up into a forest trail. We are so lucky to live where we do, so many trails, so much variety, always something new to be discovered. Up and around a forest, before hitting a clearing that would lead me to Annacurragh Hill. I went slightly askew from straight lines here, but no harm, I could look back across my route to the setting sun.

    Across some heather an I spied the turn point for Mick's Annacurragh race, with Lug looking well in the distance.

    Then down a steep hill, a lot of fun running down here! You feel a giant when running these hills, as hills, valleys, ups, downs, are noticed, considered, and negotiated. This pic won't mean much to anyone but me, but I can see the steep hill I ran down (along the forest), before running up a just-as-steep hill.

    From there it was all downhill against the day, and finally back to Macreddin, and a well-deserved pint ;) Good weekend so far!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Love love love those pics, thank you. Can see why you enjoyed that run so much, sounds like an adventure I'd enjoy too :) this is a lovely wee country that we live in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    An epic cross country run. A well deserved pint indeed. I note in your last photo the low lying fog starting to build in the valley again. The fog across the land first thing this morning was gorgeous.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sun Nothing, I was at a gala in Wexford most of the day. DOMS from the hilly run made for robotic movements.

    Mon 2,500m swim
    With the pool going into its Xmas hibernation schedule, its a matter of grabbing whatever lane time you can. Mostly technique and paddle work. The body is still creaky with DOMS, should be better after tomorrow though.
    Race of the Year is tomorrow, the inaugural Asgard Parents race. Its what the years training has been all leading up to ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    The Lobster may be the absolute worst movie I have ever seen (I'm still shuddering!), but if you are looking for dark and disturbing then this may be your ticket.

    Tue 2:10 easy turbo 168W
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    The Lobster may be the absolute worst movie I have ever seen (I'm still shuddering!), but if you are looking for dark and disturbing then this may be your ticket.

    Meh. I started watching a stupid sci-fi flick, quickly deciding this was too stupid even for me, so I moved onto the Lobster. Talk about wooden acting- I get the fat Irish lad was "supposed" to be acting without much spark to him, but my god he was brutal. Otherwise I found the concept mildly entertaining... but dark and disturbing?!? Dear oh dear Dory, I hope for your sake no-one ever lends you a copy of The Road! ;)

    Later in the evening the Asgard gala, kids all had fun and the junior jumbles got to swim with the old and venerable teenagers, who they are starstruck by. Always a good evening. Missy got "Most Improved" trophy (again!), and Pops won the over-70's Parents Race, overcoming the coach holding him on the blocks for 5 seconds after start, to tumble-turn gracefully and explode towards the finish to take the coveted Cadburys Selection Box laurels.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Wed 2,000m swim

    200 warm up
    100 paddles
    100 fist
    100 paddles
    100 free
    100 paddles
    100 ripple

    The pool will close today for Xmas, so I was content to get in this 40 min splash (squeezed into a day of multi-tasking and numerous errands). Paddles are great for helping your streamline, and my kick is also getting better in this regard.
