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Lyric Revues



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Snow down your socks :) I love it.

    Have you recovered enough to look back with fond memories on it yet?

    Tough run by the sounds of it but many lessons learned :) Fair play for taking it on without any specific training for it. Sounds quite beautiful.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Have you recovered enough to look back with fond memories on it yet?

    No! It was horrific, I doubt there will be any fond memories... alright then, apart from the snow down socks, the views to Wales, the waterfall, chatting to Hilary briefly at halfway (52:xx 3k TT in the pool, good going!), the view of Lough Tay, the helpful volunteers, the laid-back vibe, the €20 entry, the camaraderie, the delight in actually finishing... besides all that, what have the Romans ever done for us?!?

    I still have DOMS, did a short easy bike yesterday, skipped the swim today (I'd have gone too hard!), but hopefully back on track tomorrow. No intention to do another ultra again- give me the short sharp shock of a Sprint or Oly any day! I think you need a certain type of mindset to "enjoy" the longer events, and while I like long training runs, and like short races, I don't think I have that particular character to that marries the two! There was a lot of banter between entrants on Saturday, and while thats a great thing, its not something I'm used to... raceface and leave the chat till afterwards suits me better. I don't mean that to sound as po-faced as it reads- certainly the ultra guys were working hard and many passed me in the second half while moving faster and in more cheery a mood. Overall, glad I ticked the box, unhappy with the time (but no more than my prep deserved!), and eager to settle into the shorter training now. It was a useful experience, but not something I'll ever be fond of! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    I hope you got your mug after all that. A nice addition to the household, I've a few myself from helping at the trail races over the years.

    Considering your preparation (ahem) you didn't do too bad all the same :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 60 mins easy bike

    Wed 50 mins easy swim

    The body has been pretty sore the past few days, to be expected really. Last nights spin on the bike helped a lot, as did this mornings swim, and I now feel a lot better. Need to be smart about the running however, muscles will still be damaged for a few days yet and so I'll be cautious for the rest of the week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Thurs 5k easy run; 60 mins Masters swim

    The run was very easy pace with my mate who is coming back from injury. Great to have company again. My DOMS has gone, legs and joints still a bit sore but easy runs like this will help.

    400m warmup
    8*50 Band&PB (15s)
    8*50 Band&PB&paddle (15s)
    8*50 Band single arm (25 left, 25 right) 15s
    4*50 Band 15s
    8*25 max 15s
    warm down 10*50 (25scull, 25choice)

    Lots of technique tonight, I'm good with Band&PB put terrible once you take away the PB! The upshot of the evening is I have good upper body technique but need to work on kick.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Mon Masters swim

    4*50 as 25max 25 easy
    6*(200max, 2mins rest, 200 easy, 1 min rest)

    Time to start the sharpening block now endurance is done and dusted. Tonight was my first time swimming hard in quite a while and boy did it show... the first 200 was 2:50 and it got slower from there. Thankfully not a complete collapse (everything in under 3:00) but enough to remind me you get out what you put in. I will up the swims to 4/5 hrs per week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Things are gone very quiet here Kurt, all going ok?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    I had another ear infection Neady, which developed into a nasty chest infection... reckon I was run-down after the ultra run, you can't wing them without some blowback! No training at all for the past couple of weeks. At this stage I know my body; training when feeling weak just means longer term issues. Thankfully the chest has cleared up so I'll get back into things now.

    Mon 2,800m Masters swim

    300 warm-up
    6*50 (25 fist, 25 choice)
    2*200 on 3:00
    2*200 on 3:30
    2*200 on 2:50
    2*200 on 3:30
    2*200 on 2:45
    200m warm down

    First time back in the pool in a while, and as usual I had forgotten how to swim. I felt good for the first 200, and came in around 2:50... the second drifted to 3:00. From then on I was struggling and didn't manage anything better than 3:10 or so. That's to be expected, and swimming form should return soon enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 13 k run, 4..47/km

    Nothing wrong with my running anyhow. A great fresh evening, swirling winds with a storm having passed (and still hanging over Annagh in the distance), i set off for a loop of Arklow Rock. The plan was to keep it very easy, i figured 6min km pace... Ran the first couple of km feeling good, checked the pace, wow, it was 5min km pace i was running. Compared to the struggle in the pool yesterday, this was a breeze. I guess I've kept the weight in check the last couple of weeks, maybe that accounts for running this freely. Picked up the pace a tad towards the end, and was pretty content when all was said and done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Ticking away the past while, just getting back to fitness.

    Fri 28th April I took the TT bike out for its first spin since August 2016... my handling has gone to pieces (not that it was ever up to scratch in the first place mind...). The Tinahely duathlon was on this weekend so I scouted the bike course. I was surprised how much effort was required for limited speed, but more on that later...

    Sat 18k easy run 5:43/km pace
    A great morning for a jog out along the coast road and back to Arklow.

    Sun Tinahely Duathlon bike (part of relay)
    I opted for the relay as a speedy runner was looking for a biker, and I didn't fancy a full race so soon after sickness. Cycled up to the registration, all seemed good with the bike, set up and waited. This would be handy, we could start with shoes and helmets on, all that was needed was to grab the bike and go. My lad came in 3rd, having run the initial 5k in 18 mins, and off I went. I was feeling good, aiming for around 36mins or so. However, right from the start I knew something was up, I was going nowhere. Hopped off to check if the wheels were rubbing the breaks, but both seemed to spin ok, so off I went again. Going up the hill in Tinahely it was obvious something was up, lads were just flying by me, and my power was high 300's... off I get again. This time I adjusted the rear wheel, took a couple of minutes to do so, all the while bikers flying by me. It took a time to get going again, still not feeling quite right for some time. By about 7km in, I managed to pick up speed on a downhill, and things seemed to get better from here. Everyone in front was a target, and I was fueled by anger at the moment. I upped the effort and reeled in quite a few to finish the route strongly... handed over to my guy, alas despite a great final 3k run from him we came second in the relay by about 10 seconds. Mea culpa.

    Mon Easy 4k run

    Tue Steady 12k run, 2 mins OW swim brrr!

    Thurs 38k bike; 1,900m swim
    The bike had issues again... it wasn't until I was an hour in (and scratching my head as to why 23kph speed required so much effort) that I figured out what the problem was- my rear skewer wasn't set correctly, and so the rear wheel had some lateral "play" in it, and was periodically hitting the frame. This only happened under effort, so if I stopped and spun the wheel it wasn't apparent. I fixed it and things immediately improved, I was now hitting over 30kph with ease, and was rewarded with a 7:14 next 5k. I'm useless with bike maintenance.

    4*100 (25sw, 25k, 25drill, 25sw)
    1,500 TT (25:24)
    I was rusty for this, not having swam much recently. The first few 100's were around 1:30-ish pace (I used PB for first 750m) but soon started creeping upwards. Checked the watch after 500m to see it had never started, so just plugged away. My arms were pretty tired, there was no "flow", and form was an effort. I was surprised at how slow it was overall- that's over 1:40/100m pace- and think I may have done an extra 50m. But its also likely my form has gone that bad.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sun 81k bike, 29kph av
    Great morning for a club spin, it seemed like half of Wicklow was out on their bikes. Felt good, tired towards the end and sucked wheel for the last 5k or so.

    Mon Masters swim

    400 warmup
    4*50MAX on 1:30
    200 EZ, 30s
    3*50MAX on 1:30
    200 EZ, 30s
    2*50MAX on 1:30
    200 EZ, 30s
    1*50MAX on 1:30
    400pb as (50fist, 50sw)
    200 swim down

    Lack of swimming has me fighting the water, and yesterdays bike was still in the legs. Nonetheless, I was happy to be sprinting again, and the first couple of 50's were in 33, 34s. Tiring towards the end, and drifting to 35, 36s. We swam the last one as a wall start race, two side by side in the lane. I started fast, excitement of racing doncha know, but tired at the turn and limped home half a body behind. I can still feel the moment I gave up, cuts like a knife.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Doing Carlow the weekend Kurt? With this weather we might get a full swim!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Yeah I'll be there, with the lack of rainfall I expect minimal flow. I'm not too pushed on the swim, early in the season yet so this one is all about the run for me.

    See you there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    You will, I'll be the small grumpy one giving out about not doing enough training. Weather looks to be good so hopefully it will be a good day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    I skipped Carlow in the end, wasn't feeling great and made a half-hearted attempt to get my gear together the night before... and realised my bike was still having problems. So I decided to sit it out, and given my performance in the pool tonight that was the right call.

    Mon 1:45 easy turbo; Masters swim

    400m warmup
    10*100 MAX on 4:00
    400m swim down

    Tonight was a wake-up call to show how far behind I've slipped. The first was in 1:17, and I figured I'd keep them all around 1:20 or so... however the second was 1:23, third was 1:28, and went to 1:33/4 after that. I just couldn't get power from the arms. It didn't help that D was in the lane beside me, she is super-competitive, and she smelled blood tonight, pipping me towards the end. Ah well, thats what its all about- I've been trying to bluff on one swim a week for a while now, it just doesn't work like that!

    *Funny story* The young fella is running 1,500m in the Community Games, I lent him my Garmin and he set off on a 7k run... auto-synch once he returned, and I get an email from Training Peaks "Congratulations, you recently set a new threshold pace value. We recommend you update your zones in TrainingPeaks for optimal analysis" The fecker has all the household swim PB's, I can say goodbye to the running ones too! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »

    *Funny story* The young fella is running 1,500m in the Community Games, I lent him my Garmin and he set off on a 7k run... auto-synch once he returned, and I get an email from Training Peaks "Congratulations, you recently set a new threshold pace value. We recommend you update your zones in TrainingPeaks for optimal analysis" The fecker has all the household swim PB's, I can say goodbye to the running ones too! :D

    ...... says you a little bit miffed but proud as punch :) He didn't lick it off a stone ya know :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 60min easy turbo 167W; 62min easy run 5:17 av

    I started the run feeling fresh, into a headwind up to the Rock, but sort of died going up it. Whatever lethargy I had during Monday's swim is obviously still with me.

    Wed 45 min turbo
    10 EZ
    15* (min on, min off)
    5 EZ

    It felt good to be working on the turbo again. The hard minutes were holding over 300W, and although I was counting down the seconds for each, they were manageable and felt like proper training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Thurs Masters swim
    400 wu
    4*50k (25 back, 25 free)
    Main set
    3*75 on 1:15
    2*75 on 1:05
    3*75 on 1:20
    2*75 on 1:00
    3*75 on 1:25
    2*75 on 0:55
    3*75 on 1:30
    2*75 on 0:50
    50 easy
    250 hypoxic

    Needless to say I didn't make this set, another frustrating day in the pool.

    Sat 16.7k 5:05av
    Lovely fresh morning for a run around the Railway Walk and Coolattin, had a good chat about reasons for training, making the most of things, enjoying the here and now... all things that have been on my mind lately. Just found out that a very good IMRA runner has passed away, Curley Cunningham, a lovely man and very friendly to chat with when you'd see him at the Championship races. RIP. You never know whats coming; enjoy the training, enjoy the racing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sun 87k bike 26.5kph av

    Tinahely-Aughrim-Rathdrum-Kilmacurragh-Meetings of the Waters-Avoca-Woodenbridge-Aughrim-home

    Decent club spin this morning, we are lucky to live in such a scenic area, and always new routes to be discovered.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Mon 45 mins easy turbo; 3,200m Masters swim

    1,000m moderate
    4*500m descending
    200m swim down

    A familiar story, struggling for form again tonight. My first was 1:35/100 pace, second slower, third I only got 400m done, and last was 1:35 pace again. The silver lining is that I tried gliding more in the last and it seemed to help form and streamline, so at least things are going in the right direction.

    Today I paid my entry for the ITU AG Standard distance race in Rotterdam, paid for flights and hotel too. It's in mid-September, and I need an end-season goal to work towards. Hardman will be deferred until 2018, when it can be more of a target. Right now, all eyes on the main goal, I've a lot of work to get race ready, but 16 weeks is enough time to sharpen what needs to be sharpened.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 44k bike 27.1kph av

    Evening spin with K, pushing it in places towards Wicklow, then more leisurely returning via Brittas Bay. It was like the Riviera along the coast today, should have gone sea splashing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Unstructured training for a few days, back into a routine again this week.

    Mon 60 mins easy turbo; Masters swim

    400 warmup
    8*50 (25k, 25 fist)
    6*100 MAX off 4:00
    400 swim down

    I'm still struggling with swimming, although everything is moving in the right direction. The first 100 was 1:20, and the pace slowed until the last in 1:27. Not great, but not as dramatic a falloff as before.

    Tue 10k easy run 53 mins, 30 mins easy turbo

    Wed 40 mins turbo; 1.8k OW swim
    15 easy
    12*(min 300W+, min easy)

    The swim was my first real OW swim of 2017, very late getting in this year. Absafookingloved it, a great swim around Arklow. The water wasn't too cold, there was just enough flow and waves to make it interesting. I fitted my suit well (after the thread on shoulder restriction today) and allowed for a good reach and stroke. LOVE sea swimming!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Thurs 40 min easy turbo; Masters swim

    200m warmup
    4*50 as 25k, 25 fist, 10s rest
    5*(200 hard, 30s, 200 easy, 30s)
    400 hypoxic/warmdown

    Finally, I felt like I could swim again. Scores were 2:54, 2:56, 2:54, 2:57, 2:59; and while they should be under 2:50, they were evidence that things are going in the right direction. I introduced a slight stretch and glide, and it worked wonders, my catch and pull were much better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Fri 22.5k hilly run 2:25

    The wifey was at an extended lunch work booze-up and needed a lift back from Macreddin. She got a great day to be sipping chilled wine outdoors, it was hot and sunny today. I spent the day plastering the new pool room, before setting off on my run to pick her up. In retrospect this wasn't a great idea, as I had been working all day. hadn't eaten anything, and it was hot hot hot. The first few km seemed laboured for the pace, so I resolved to just get the run done, no speed records would be bothered today.

    Up onto the bare hills after 14k, and it was tough going in the long meadow grass (a lot longer than last Dec when I last did this run). Starting to feel the effort now, it was baking hot as I ran into Mick's forest, and took a few wrong turns before doubling back onto known farmland routes. The last hill before Macreddin was too much, and I walked stretches of it, before descending knackered down to the hotel.

    Glad I did the run, but it was a lesson in running tired.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 6th June 25.7k Bike race
    Racing 795 were hosting a bike race close by, I went with a clubmate. This was my first time racing draft legal- you have to be very smart and on the ball to keep with the pack. There were three sprints for points, but as I didn't really know the course I was left standing each time...
    Overall it was good fun- sucking wheel for most of it. One stretch I was hitting 32kph at about 80W, took a turn at the front, those 32kph now cost 350W! What a huge difference, and demonstrates the advantage those who draft in a Tri race get.

    Wed Easy turbo 1:40

    Thurs Hard turbo 45mins
    10 EZ
    10X(90s 310W+, 60sEZ)

    This was a nice tough little session that delivered a lot of punch in the short window of time I had available.

    Fri 10k easy/steady 50 mins
    Strolled out at 5:30 pace, came back at 4:30, which was still chatting pace. I'm happy enough bout that.

    Sat, Sun Nothing
    I had work and family stuff, couldn't get out.

    Mon Masters swim
    I forget the set, think it was 100's alternate fast/slow off 2:00... anyway I was coming in 1:25-1:29 so the improvement continues.

    Tue 45min easy turbo
    Busy so this is all I got done.

    Wed 5,000 swim
    500 warmup
    10X50 as (25 fist, 25 drill) 10s
    10X100 off 2:00 (alternate fast, easy) (fast in 1:20-1:25)
    10X75 as (25 kick, 50 BE5) 10s
    10X100 off 2:00 (alternate fast, easy) (fast in 1:25-1:29)
    500 pb easy free
    20X25 alt sprint/easy 15s rest (fast in 15-17)
    250 swim down

    This early morning swim set was done in the company of the coach (just back from injury) and an ex-fish doing her first swim since September... she was grace personified in the water and was doing the fast 100's under 1:20. Coach hit 1:06 for his fastest, so while I was a bit out of my depth the desire to keep up was useful. My arms were tiring towards the end though, and as usual the stroke goes to pot. I enjoyed the sprint 25's though, power can get you through these.

    Valentia Sprint on Saturday, first race of the year :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Best of luck at the weekend. Forecast looks good. Enjoy

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    How are you set for the race Kurt?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    joey100 wrote: »
    How are you set for the race Kurt?

    5kg overweight ;) but otherwise ok. My season has to start sometime and set a marker, this is the start of the AG Champs race in Rotterdam.

    Obviously really looking forward to the swim, bike will be a test, and the run will be just desserts for all the desserts I've just eaten. Either way it'll be fun, heading down now with the young lad for a boys weekend. Lots of swimming and canoeing for the next few days :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Are you doing the sprint in Rotterdam?

    One of the lads in our club is going, pretty sure he's doing the sprint. Draft legal now and TI want them to try a draft legal race before they go to get an idea of it. He's down to do the Cat 2 in Dublin to get some practice.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    I decided on the Oly, its earlier in the day (less chance of fatties overheating) and I'm not confident enough of my bike drafting skills (and not entered Kilkee this year so can't practice)
