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Future of a law student (Help)

  • 07-10-2016 2:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi guys,

    Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, sorry if it's not.

    I'm a final year law student who is in a really weird place at the moment and I would be so grateful for any insights that anyone out there can provide me with.

    As final year is all about prepping for the future (and I hope mine will be as a solicitor), I am slightly afraid that I may have jeopardised mine in some ways. I've began looking to apply for internships in the usual firms and beyond and I'm not sure if I'm just wasting my time. This is because my 1st and 2nd year grade are not very up to par of what this firms would be expecting. It took a lot for me to get into 3rd level education and it's been a real struggle to stay there over the past 2 years due to my own negligence but also due to some personal issues that I have had to come to terms with. As final year mark is all that will be put on my final degree, I'm doing my damn best to make sure that I am at least able to leave college with a 2:1 degree.

    Now, the question that I have is that, is there any point in me applying to this firms even though my grades thus far have not being great.

    Also, would it be wise for me to just do a masters degree to bump up my CV?

    I should also mention that I have done a lot of extra curricular actives outside of the lecture hall, I also did a really good work experience this summer and I'm also on the committee of a society.

    I would be so grateful for any reply that this post gets.

