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Out of the frying pan into the .... valley of the baboons



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos


    Tracking the dot and Raidlight Tumbleweeds are making steady progress to TA5. They should get there and push straight on if they plan to take a long nap in the Baviaansckloof wilderness

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    It's just taken me half an hour but I've finally got my head around the course and the canyon section that Raidlight Tumbleweends are now negotiating. This section lies between Transition 5 and 6. CPs 17 to 21 must be collected here. Now here's the interesting bit shamelessly taken from the sleepmonsters website.

    - After entering, teams must follow the canyon until they exit at CP21.

    - On that leg, teams are not allowed to be moving after 6pm.

    - Teams should stop when it’s wise, if it gets dark before 6pm, especially in deeper parts of the canyon where you are in shadow. There’s no point in pushing beyond 5:45pm if thick brush lies ahead, as that’s a recipe for bad things to happen.

    - On that leg, teams cannot begin moving before 6:45am.

    - Teams can make fires at night in the canyon to stay warm, but only between CP17 and CP20. After CP20, the going is rocky, bare of firewood, hard underfoot, so teams are discouraged from stopping there overnight, and must not make fires.

    - There isn’t any water between CP20 and 21.

    - At night, teams must be careful not to leave food out, or their packs at a distance from the sleeping location, as baboons will scavenge, and one could wake up without a viable pack to use.

    - After CP17, the water level will be knee deep at most….

    - Except, immediately after leaving CP17, there is a deep, 5-metre-long pool, which racers will have to swim. Stephan recommends teams go naked, as wet clothing in a cold wind in the mountains isn’t wise. And it’s always windy up there. Photos to follow.

    - From CP20 to 21, teams should stick to the red path marked on the OS map, not meander into the unknown.

    - The chance of seeing game is high, as animals follow the canyon bed, gradually being funnelled into narrower sections, hence the need to be wary of buffalo.

    - If they are lucky, teams might see a leopard.

    - The reason CPs 18 and 19 are highlighted on this overview map is that they are potential sleeping places, where 4x4 support vehicles will be gathered, and roaring fires on the go at night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    I had the most amazing time in South Africa. It was a tough race but man it was such an incredible experience. I've put together some highs and lows instead of a race report ....

    Sunday - Day 1: 5k beach run + 16k trek + kayak (canals) + 6k trek + 15k kayak (reservoir) + 89k bike

    Zero hip pain all through the race. This is the first AR I've done where I havent had an issue with my hips thanks to the rehab programme I found online and the many strengthening routines I got from runnersworld.

    Kayaking with Ico. Ico is a kayaking machine!

    Damon took us on a shortcut in the kayaks where we portaged them through a housing estate. It was so much fun to pop back in in front of a load of teams

    The bike up into the Baviannskloof was cool and we were racing with a few teams so it flew by

    Reaching transition ..... every transition was a highlight for me!

    Low points:

    On the second trek I was running past a thorn bush, As I brushed past, one of the thorns stabbed me in the knee. It was really painful for several hours and my whole knee went numb for a while. It's still sore even now

    Portaging the kayaks 800m up a mountain

    Realising that all the bike legs are going to be off road on dirt tracks with massive potholes and rocks and deep ruts

    Monday - Day 2: 89k bike cntd + 59k Baviaans trek


    Being in the canyon. It was super awesome

    I had no dry bag for the swim before CP 17 and I was so lucky that I could beg, borrow and steal dry clothes from Damon and Ico

    Building a big ass camp fire between CP 18 and CP 19, boiling water for dinner in Ico's water canisters and drying all my stuff by the fire. So cool

    Low points:

    I was in a crap humour all day Monday. Everything and everybody was annoying me.

    Hours and hours and hours of bushwhacking through buffalo paths that were made for elves!

    It was so so cold at night and I was totally unprepared for that

    We didn't see any buffalo or leopards.

    Tuesday - Day 3: 59k trek cntd + 97k bike


    TA 6 - strawberries, fruit, juice, heaven

    Reaching halfway

    The two little girls who ran up the mountain to meet us as we were descending off the cliff. They were really cute

    The 24hr petrol station that we raided on our bikes. We bought a whole heap of stuff and then we sat on the floor of the shop and had a little picnic

    Low points:

    I fell off my bike numerous times. I only did minimal damage though!

    Wednesday - Day 4: 4k trek and abseil + 25k kayak (river) + 18k trek (beach)


    The abseil was fun. So long as I didn't look down too much

    Finishing the kayak. Finding a way to transition without having to do another long portage.

    Loved the beach trek

    Swimming across the river estuary


    I kept falling asleep in the kayak and I thought it went on forever

    Thursday - Day 5 123k bike + 48k trek


    Finishing this leg. I felt good until my knee started to hurt after about 60k. This bike went on and on and on, up and down hills and towards the end whenever I put weight through my left leg, I'd get a sharp dart of pain through my knee. I knew I had a big trek coming up and I was worried and frustrated about my knee and I just started hyperventilating at one point when I thought we were near the finish but it became obvious that we were not

    Friday - Day 6 48k trek cntd


    TA 11 - Marmite sandwiches and baby potatoes. Nom Nom Meeting Hayley in transtion and knowing that we're almost there

    The beach dunes were very cool but they went on forever and I felt like Lawrence of Arabia


    Pizza and beer. Even though I don't like beer!!

    The organisation. We were so well looked after. Thanks to Heidi, Stephan and all the volunteers

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Sounds fantastic - well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Brilliant, thank for the update K. I was tracking the three Irish teams all week and you all did fantastic in what sounded like a really tough race. You guys paced it and raced it really well. I was delighted to see that ye had made up places every single morning.

    Also looks like you made the right call on the tubeless tyres, poor DAR Dingle had a nightmare with punctures and buckled wheels.

    Did you stay on in SA for a few days to do some sight seeing? How're your energy levels? and most importantly, whats next and will you be keeping the good people on updated?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Brilliant, thank for the update K. I was tracking the three Irish teams all week and you all did fantastic in what sounded like a really tough race. You guys paced it and raced it really well. I was delighted to see that ye had made up places every single morning.

    Also looks like you made the right call on the tubeless tyres, poor DAR Dingle had a nightmare with punctures and buckled wheels.

    Did you stay on in SA for a few days to do some sight seeing? How're your energy levels? and most importantly, whats next and will you be keeping the good people on updated?

    Sorry I never replied to this Neady. I was tired for weeks after I got back from Africa and I had some serious AR withdrawal to deal with. Not helped I might add by all the pictures of EA being posted on Facebook!! Also my left knee was giving me bother. Much better now thankfully

    I did DAR 12 last Saturday with Peter. We struggled a bit but its a good race in a superb location and I'll definitely consider doing it again next year. I've joined a solid looking team for The Beast in August. It's in Donegal and it should be a really interesting and fun 40 hours. Last week I also joined a team for Expedition India in September.
    It's in the Himalayas and the pictures look incredible. And so does the event itinerary!!

    #livingthedream :D:D

    I guess I'll do the odd update. I'm not sure there's too much interest in AR round these parts though :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    I guess I'll do the odd update. I'm not sure there's too much interest in AR round these parts though :D

    There is! There is!! I've a lot of catching up to do as I only found this log recently but do keep us posted!

    Living the dream indeed!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    do keep us posted!

    Ok will do :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Jul 3rd - Jul 9th

    Beast: 4 and a bit weeks
    Expindia: 11 weeks

    I recovered really well from the 12 hr race in Dingle. RHR on Tuesday was 42. No aches or pains and no tiredness - I now think 12hr races are the business!! Very little hardship involved. No sleep deprivation to worry about, no night nav, no long tiresome stages. Practically a holiday :D

    6 days
    24 miles
    1 x session: 4mi 1E 1Steady 1E 1T(7:30)
    Longest run: 6mi

    9 hours
    Had a grading on Friday and got my blue belt

    4 hrs on Sunday on the River Nore with my team mates in single kayaks. We had planned to go from Kilkenny castle to Inistioge and we left a car in Inistioge but it was 5pm by the time we started and it took us 4 hrs to get to Thomastown so we called it a day there and Robbie got his Dad to collect us and bring us back. I'm really disappointed with my kayaking. It's pathetic and it shouldn't be cause I have really good upper body strength. Need to sort it out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Jul 10th - Jul 17th

    Beast: 3 and a bit weeks
    Expindia: 9 weeks

    Tired a lot this week. It doesn't seem like I did much but a couple of the midweek sessions were quite intensive and I was sore afterwards (in a good way!) I feel like I'm neglecting the bike work a bit so I'll try and rectify that next week. I got a new paddle. I love it. It's light and you can adjust the angle of the blades and I can watch you tube videos and practice, practice practice my stroke



    30 min turbo easy


    3m recovery





    Squats and lunges with 16kg weight. Only did 12 reps of each
    Forward squat, Forward lunge, Side lunge, One legged deadlift, Split squat
    Really felt it for the next couple of days though


    30 min turbo with 5 x 1 min hard, 1 min rec


    3 x 4 min T with Conor who made me go too fast!!!!!!




    90 min club




    10k hills

    With my Beast team mate Cormac in Stradbally woods. He's mad into his trail running. I was sore and I'd been working all morning and I was going to make some excuse not to go but I didn't. Happy about that even though it was tough at first



    30 min recovery


    Kicks and kata



    4m recovery am

    30 min steady tempo pm


    Almost forgot about this. I thought if I did pull ups it would help my paddling. So ..... I find pull ups hard. Managed 2 then I took a break and did 3 chin ups. Tried to do another 2 pull ups. Only managed 1. Did another 3 chin ups. Tried to do another 2 pull ups. Failed to do any. I was hanging off the bar but I couldn't pull myself up. I counted to 10 and then I dropped to the ground. Got myself back in position and got one more pull up done and another 3 chin ups. I thought maybe I could get one more pull up to bring me up to the grand total of 5 but I failed at the next go and decided to call it a day

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    I'm really disappointed with my kayaking. It's pathetic and it shouldn't be cause I have really good upper body strength. Need to sort it out!

    Well you know what to do about it and you're doing it, right? Besides, pathetic is relative. In the Blackstairs AR (or multisport race to you "real" ARtists) a couple of years back, I was second last out of the whole race in the kayak. Now that was pathetic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    These new paddles you got, do they have set angles or is it up to you to set the angle yourself? What angle do you use them at??

    I wouldn't be too worried about upper body strength and paddling, it's as much about core strength as well. using the winding and un-winding of the torso to help pull the paddle through the water. Paddling is a bit like swimming, it's a huge amount of technique, strength will help hide poor technique but if your going long distance and the type of racing you do you would be better off concentrating on technique, which you seem to be doing by watching the video's! I wouldn't stop the upper body stuff but I'd work on getting the technique as good as possible, makes you more efficient so you can keep some energy for the 200km bike and mountain marathon you would probably have after it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    joey100 wrote: »
    These new paddles you got, do they have set angles or is it up to you to set the angle yourself? What angle do you use them at??

    Morning Joey :)

    The paddle is a 2 piece Werner camano. You set the angle of the blade yourself. It goes 0,15 30,45, 60 L and R. The man in the shop said for what I'm doing he thought 30 or 45 would be the best but that I should just play around with it and see how it feels. I've been using it (in the kitchen!!!) at 30 and it feels good. I'm not sure whether 30 L or 30 R is better for me but I think the angle of the blade at what would be the entry point in the water looks better (to me) when it's at 30R

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Can't go wrong with a set of Werner's, best paddles around, I have a set for around 12 years now and still in perfect condition, that might be as much about how much I use them than their durability tho!

    When I started most paddles where around 90 degrees, or a little less. They moved towards 15-30 degrees over time. Generally a lower angle means less flexing of the wrist to change the angle of the blade entering the water and that saves a bit of wear on your body over a long event. With a 30 degree angle the majority of the shift in the paddle angle will come from rotating your body. The downside of the lower angle is that the blade that isn't in the water is presenting nearly a full flat face to the wind. With a higher angle (closer to 90 degrees), what a lot of flat water racers would use, the higher blade (one out of the water) nearly cuts through the wind and can save a bit of energy, especially into a headwind. But there is more flexing of the wrist for this type of stroke and if you watch some of the top K1 paddlers you will see how much body rotation they have to try and lessen this.

    The L and R option is pretty new and just lets you choose which hand stays 'stuck' to the paddle shaft while the other has a looser grip and lets it rotate. Normally people leave their stronger hand as the 'stuck' hand.

    I'd go with what ever is more comfortable really. I had tendinitis in my wrists so used a smaller angle, suited me and my style of paddling. No real right or wrong way so what ever you find easiest and most comfortable is the way to go!

  • Registered Users Posts: 425 ✭✭Mulberry

    There is! There is!! I've a lot of catching up to do as I only found this log recently but do keep us posted!

    Living the dream indeed!!

    +1! Keep it coming, fascinating to read!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Joey thanks for the info. I know very little about kayaking so your posts are always like gold dust for me :)
    I'm going to join the canoe club in Kilkenny. It's a bit of a trek over but they've started to do an improves class every Monday evening which I think I would benefit a lot from

    Mulberry - another defector from the A/R forum hahaha :D

    We got an email about the race details for the Beast today. Looks like we're going to be covering a lot of ground :eek:

    Race Outline

    We will email a detailed logistics planner Sun 30th JULY with enough information to allow you to pack your bags with kit and food before leaving home. For now, we can confirm the following race outline:

    Stage 1 Mountain Bike

    Stage 2 Kayak

    Stage 3 Mountain Bike

    Stage 4 Trek/Run

    Stage 5 Mountain Bike

    Stage 6 Trek/Run

    Stage 7 Mountain Bike

    Stage 8 Trek/Run

    Stage 9 Mountain Bike

    Stage 10 Kayak

    Stage 11 Mountain Bike

    Additional Information

    - We will supply all the equipment for the Ropes Section

    - We will supply all of the equipment for the kayak section (kayaks, paddles, buoyancy aids, NOT backrests). You may bring your own paddles, buoyancy aids and back rests if you wish.

    - Wetsuit must be full length arms and legs, suitable for swimming/kayaking

    - Each team will be allowed 5 kit bags. One of these will be required for wet-suits, buoyancy aids and kayak gear. You will see 1 each of the remaining 4 bags at separate transition areas (I.E. kit bags must be packed as teams, not individuals).

    - There will be live tracking of the race online. Link to follow.

    - You are not required to bring bike boxes for the race.

    - Ivan will be in touch directly with the international teams regarding airport transfers

    - Approx. total race distance is 280km with a short course option of 216km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    11 stages, 280KM.....I need to sit down :D Not sure I'm ready to defect over here, you're all a bit mad :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Hey CM, just found you again here.... sounds like some amazing adventures in Africa, etc. and the Beast is in Donegal... How do i find out where and when? And if any of it is spectator friendly... :). Very best of luck with it !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    annapr wrote: »
    Hey CM, just found you again here.... sounds like some amazing adventures in Africa, etc. and the Beast is in Donegal... How do i find out where and when? And if any of it is spectator friendly... :). Very best of luck with it !!

    Hi Anna
    Race is from Fri 4th - Sun 6th. Race HQ is the Radisson Hotel in Letterkenny. We're not starting there as far as I can make out from the email

    04 AUG 1600 - 1700 Move to Start Point

    04 AUG 1700 Race Start

    06 AUG 0900 - 1500 Race Finish

    The best way to spectate would be to volunteer. You can contact Ivan here if you're interested

    Other than that you'd have to be following the tracker once it comes online. There are 4 transitions so you would be guaranteed to see teams there.

    Craig from the ARWS is doing live reports. You can follow him on Facebook
    The Beast website is being updated at the moment. You can also follow the Beast on Facebook

    Hope that helps :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I agree, keep posting I love these logs :D

    Good luck at the Beast :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Baby75 wrote: »
    I agree, keep posting I love these logs :D

    Good luck at the Beast :)

    You're very kind thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Jul 17th - Jul 23rd

    Beast: 12 days
    Expindia: 7 wks to prologue


    Stretching. Took a rest day but I don't remember being tired


    Bike turbo
    40 min steady

    Paddle practice in the kitchen

    Stretching x 2

    35 min recovery ~ 3.5 mi


    Track races with the club. Small enough turn out. I guess people are on holidays and stuff. I was feeling tired all day and I was going to go to karate instead but I knew I could take it easy at karate and the track was going to hurt. And I'm a sucker for pain!!!
    Started with 100m no blocks - 14:73
    Walked a lap of the track then lined up for the mile - 6:41:39 Legs were very heavy and I was on my own out front for most of it. I don't know if I'd have gone much faster if I had people to push me but that's a pretty poor time for me and it just reinforces my belief that I'm fat and unfit :(
    Next up was the 400m - 1:17:59 Martin who was doing the timing was recording 100m splits and he said I kept pretty even. Just slowed a bit in the third quarter
    Finally I ran the last leg of the 4 x 100m. We were way behind the men but we beat the senior women
    I did a good warm up and cool down and jogs in between the races. It was fun to do something completely different from normal and hopefully we'll do a few more of these nights


    Bike turbo
    75min easy
    Wide awake at 3am. I didn't feel sleepy so I decided to do something useful



    30 min recovery ~ 3 mi
    Tired today


    Bike turbo
    40 min steady


    Masters road race. 6k in 27:20
    In Clonmel. Not a great time but I didn't have much more. I was lucky for the last 2k my club mate was running with me and he kept me going especially in the last 500m. I shamelessly beat him in a sprint finish for the line :)

    Bike turbo
    2hr easy


    I've been practising my paddle stroke but it doesn't warrant an entry in the diary

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Great training, I would be over the moon getting those times running, I am slowly getting there some day I hope, but I think sometimes we just have crap runs thanks to our cycle or other sometimes unknown reasons. but then on race day or what ever event we are doing the legs serve us well :)

    I was checking out Groupon and they have a great offer on renting a kayak for 2 hours might be an option for more practice for you. I am planning on doing it myself to get more practice in for Achill quest.
    these tips are great as well and basically exactly what an instructor went through with us when we had a lesson :) might help you

  • Registered Users Posts: 425 ✭✭Mulberry

    Started with 100m no blocks - 14:73

    It would appear, CM, that you are a sprinter! Next up is the indoors in 6 months - you should give it a shot! I will come back on here to remind you 8 weeks or so in advance, hopefully you won't be off jet-setting and can give it a few weeks training. Interested? Are you a senior or a master?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sounds like fun on the track. Did ye not have any field events? I thought you would give some of those a go

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Great training, I would be over the moon getting those times running, I am slowly getting there some day I hope, but I think sometimes we just have crap runs thanks to our cycle or other sometimes unknown reasons. but then on race day or what ever event we are doing the legs serve us well :)

    I was checking out Groupon and they have a great offer on renting a kayak for 2 hours might be an option for more practice for you. I am planning on doing it myself to get more practice in for Achill quest.
    these tips are great as well and basically exactly what an instructor went through with us when we had a lesson :) might help you

    Thanks for the link. It probably would be very useful if you lived in Dublin or Wicklow and didn't have a boat. I'm lucky that I can borrow a boat anytime from Mike or Peter. What I need though is someone to look at how I'm paddling and tell me how I can make it more efficient.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Mulberry wrote: »
    It would appear, CM, that you are a sprinter! Next up is the indoors in 6 months - you should give it a shot! I will come back on here to remind you 8 weeks or so in advance, hopefully you won't be off jet-setting and can give it a few weeks training. Interested? Are you a senior or a master?

    Haha I'm not sure I'm much of a sprinter but it would be fun to try :D I'm masters this year. Ya I'll definitely give it a go. You'll have to give me some advice re training though!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Sounds like fun on the track. Did ye not have any field events? I thought you would give some of those a go

    No field events. I would definitely have tried the javelin again. I'm not finished with that yet :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 425 ✭✭Mulberry

    Haha I'm not sure I'm much of a sprinter but it would be fun to try :D I'm masters this year. Ya I'll definitely give it a go. You'll have to give me some advice re training though!!

    I think you are a sprinter, I don't know many masters who would do sub 15 on their first outing! I'll be in touch in a few months :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    6:41:39 Legs were very heavy and I was on my own out front for most of it. I don't know if I'd have gone much faster if I had people to push me but that's a pretty poor time for me and it just reinforces my belief that I'm fat and unfit
    Fat and unfit so you were on your own out front for most of it. That doesn't compute. And anyway, you're back trying to be all things to all people. How many people doing a mile sprint could do a 7-day adventure race?
    I was lucky for the last 2k my club mate was running with me and he kept me going especially in the last 500m. I shamelessly beat him in a sprint finish for the line :)

    Of course the poor sod wasn't to know you've form at this kind of thing, was he?:rolleyes:
