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vu solo se

  • 14-11-2016 2:02pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 82 ✭✭


    I have a vu solo box, its a vu solo se box. I have had it a year and it has been working fine. However, the other night bt sports 2 wasn't working, and in my stupidity i went messing around with it. now only the free channels work as in bbc2 and all that!! its really annoying!! all the channel lists come up and i can see the programme thats on, however, when i click on the channel either a blank screen comes up or "service not available PAT not available in SID". I also did an update....that probably did more damage god knows!! any help would be appreciated!! please bear in mind that i am a technology simpleton in your reply! Thanks, martin


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,905 ✭✭✭steveon

    06608124 wrote: »

    I have a vu solo box, its a vu solo se box. I have had it a year and it has been working fine. However, the other night bt sports 2 wasn't working, and in my stupidity i went messing around with it. now only the free channels work as in bbc2 and all that!! its really annoying!! all the channel lists come up and i can see the programme thats on, however, when i click on the channel either a blank screen comes up or "service not available PAT not available in SID". I also did an update....that probably did more damage god knows!! any help would be appreciated!! please bear in mind that i am a technology simpleton in your reply! Thanks, martin

    Do a full automatic scan, then look for Autobouquets which should be on your box somewhere which will put the channels back in order select Ireland Sd version etc...cannot help you with channels being scrambled its not allowed here

    Which image are you using Vix blackhole etc?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 82 ✭✭06608124

    Hi, thanks for this, i will do a rescan and the autoboqouets thing, not sure what the other part is about :) when i turn on the box "Black Hole" comes up. When i turned on the the box "sky believe in better" would come up, since i did the update "Open PLI" comes up. Thanks, Martin

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 Flipflop2013

    Hi, my subscription has expired and my previous host is no longer doing them. Can anyone recommend somebody to take over my subscription for my V U solo +
