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The continuing story of a quack who's gone to the dogs



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Well done today, P. Excellent performance despite the weather being warmer than you would have liked. Enjoy the rest of the trip!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Over the moon for you P :) A well deserved result. Really looking forward to the report. Enjoy the rehydration :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    Well done P, excellent running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Well done!! Enjoy the PB high.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Delighted for you P. Spot on with the training and the pacing. The sub 3 will be there for the next one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    snailsong wrote: »
    Report later.

    *cough cough* I only came in to look for this :D Will try again next week!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    snailsong wrote: »
    Report later.

    *cough cough* I only came in to look for this :D Will try again next week!

    Ah g'way. I thought we'd lost you.
    Report is coming but don't get too excited about it, I just ran the same pace all the way. Is there any point even posting this if you only check.once a week?
    Between yourself and tang I've lost half my readership.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    snailsong wrote: »
    Between yourself and tang I've lost half my readership.

    The funnier better looking half too :D tang has gone off to work on his jokes, it could take a while :p

    Ah now there's more to it than running the same pace for 26.2, what about the atmosphere? Passing other runners? What the heat was like? How did you feel when you crossed the line? Was it better / worse than last year? Did you miss Martyboy? :D What did the PB beers taste like and how bad was your hangover :D

    Yours in anticipation


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    Just spent ages writing a report only for the computer to crash and lose everything. Will try again later.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    snailsong wrote: »
    Just spent ages writing a report only for the computer to crash and lose everything. Will try again later.

    Sounds like my approach to sub 3 :)


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    I'll try again. Tablet this time.

    Thursday 6/4
    No run.

    Friday 7/4
    I was travelling and sharing accommodation with my friend and training partner, Sean, who was hoping to break 3:10. I collected him early and the first success of the weekend was when my aged jalopy made it all the way to Dublin airport. Here we met two more friends and clubmates and proceeded to Amsterdam and on to Rotterdam.
    It was just a 25 minute walk to our air bnb. Our hostess was a lovely 70 year old Dutch lady, full of spirit and craic. In to town later and we met the others for a nice Italian meal.

    Saturday 8/4
    Had a lovely breakfast with our hostess as the sun streamed in from her garden. Then out for a two mile jog to loosen out the legs. In the afternoon we visited the expo and collected our numbers, had lunch and did a little tourist shopping in Decathlon. We bought two day travel tickets so we could minimise the walking around. That evening we dined again in another fine Italian. One concern was a slight sore throat I'd been feeling all day coupled with some congestion. I occasionally suffer from allergies and I took an anti histamine for this. Checked my resting heart rate that evening and it was 5-10 beats higher than normal.
    3.2k @ 6:16/k

    Sunday 9/4. Rotterdam marathon.
    Slept well, up early and had another lovely leisurely breakfast with our hostess. My throat felt better but still quite stuffed up, took another tablet. The trams weren't running because of marathon road closures so we walked the 2 k or so to the bag drop. After the customary panic for water and toilets we were changed into race gear and met our friends for a few photos. It was already about 13 degrees and with clear skies and very little breeze so we knew it'd be a warm one. Final goodbyes and we headed for wave one where we took our place a few rows behind the 3 hour pacers. Before long Lee Towers (the Dutch Tom Jones) was raised in his hoist to sing 'You'll never walk alone'. Then the mayor fired the cannon and we were off.

    The plan was 4:20/k all other things being equal but heart rate was also going to determine the pace. Last year I began with the hr in the 155-160 zone and increased to 180 or so by the finish. From the start, this year, the hr was a little higher than I would have liked. For the first k or so I kept cool whilst the early congestion cleared. I then tried a little 4:15 (3 hour) pace and whilst it felt fine the hr was far too high, 165, so I resolved to keep to plan A until at least 30 k. Kept steady the next long way really at 4:20/ k or slightly under to allow for time lost at water stations and not running the racing line.
    Official 5k split 22:05. Target would be 21:40 but lost 30 seconds early on and not rushing to get it back.

    More of the same. I like this part of the course. You run through residential areas but Dutch style with lots of parks, ponds, trees and playing fields. A few bands and a nice sprinkling of support too. Met a few lads from Monaghan who were going for 3:15. I suggested they'd set off a bit quick which they knew. I met one of them again in Dublin airport on Monday, they ran 3:13, well done. Took water and the first gel at 10k.
    Split 21:37

    Still in the zone, feeling positive and enjoying the experience. Keeping to my pace and already passing a few people. Had planned to have some energy drink here and because of the heat took on water too. No bother to have two drinks as the water stations were long and well attended.
    Split 21:38

    Just kept on keeping on. Feeling quite warm by now and I notice a few people already struggling. Passing quite a few people now. At one point I hear a chant of Por-tu-gal, Por-tu-gal. When I realise it's for me it's already too late to shout obrigado. The green and red Mayo singlet always gets a response! Another gel and water at 20k
    Split 21:35

    Went through half way at 1:31:39, bang on target. Still harbouring faint ambitions of a negative split but happy to keep up this pace in the heat. At 23k I felt a familiar pain on the outside of my right knee. I've had this before, most recently at the Western Way 50 miler last June. On that day it meant I couldn't maintain a run for more than two minutes for the second half of the race. It was unwelcome, to say the least. I took the mature decision to ignore it and see what happened. By now the hr was high 160's, also a concern. Still trying to think positively but thoughts of a big finish were getting distant. More water and energy drink at 25k.
    Split 21:43.

    Just after 25k you cross the iconic Erasmusbrug and arrive back in the city centre. The crowds are massive here, it's also the start and finish. The cheering, bands, drummers and the now fairly intense heat made for a real cauldron atmosphere. I was working hard now but loving it. This is what I trained for and what I came for. Even though I was suffering I was visualising the finishing straight already. Still feeling positive. Just before 30 k the pain in my knee miraculously subsided. Also my hr passed 170. Took another gel and water at 30k. The official splits have me slipping a bit from here on. Strava however says I kept to my pace until 37k or so. The difference being that my watch measured distance starts to diverge from the course markers from here. Partly due to not running a good racing line and partly because I was weaving around slower runners from here on.
    Split 21:52

    Working hard, feeling like I can do this. From 31-37 k you run through a park, this is potentially the fastest part of the race but this year I wasn't in a position to accelerate. One k slipped to 4:27 due to lack of concentration but I gave myself a gee up and ran a 4:12 to make up for it. Not running in a group now, passing groups constantly. The heat is taking its toll, I think I was passing a lot of refugees from the sub 3 team. Glad now I didn't go with them. I caught up to one lad from Mullingar who had given up on 3 but thought he was still on for 3:05. I told him that was my plan but he wasn't with me for long. At the 35k water station I walked a few seconds in order to get a good drink of water and energy drink.
    Split 21:49

    At 36k there was another aid station where I took water and the final gel in accordance with plan. Onwards to the 5k left point. My hr is now over 180. This is usually as high as it gets in a marathon. I'm working pretty much flat out, but still passing people all the way. Nevertheless I'm struggling to hold 4:20 pace. I do a few on the spot calculations, 5:00/k will get me a pb, 4:40/ k will be sub 3:05. I want more. Of course every sinew is telling me to stop but I won't even contemplate that. Km 38 is 4:21, km 39 is 4:29, I'll take 4:30's now, we're out of the park and the hr hits 185. I can smell the finish. I'm about to explode, I'm loving it. Km 40 comes in at 4:28.
    Split 21:58

    Two and a bit k to go and I'm rationing out the last of the fuel. I want to give it everything but still could come up short. Looking at the watch I think 3:05 is in the bag but it's hard to think. Km 41 finally ends in 4:31, that'll do. After another few miles, as it seems, I see the one km to go mark. Open all the taps, nothing can stop us now. Km 42 is 4:11. In to the Coolsingel, the finishing straight. Can I give more? The answer is yes, 4:04/k for the last few hundred metres, hr at 191.
    I crossed the line in 3:03:44 official. Just over three minutes faster than last year.

    It took a long time for the hr to come down after the finish. I waited at the finish for my friend Sean hoping he'd be close behind. After an agonising wait he came in at 3:18 having taken the sensible decision to ease back when the hr was high. If I had sense I might have done likewise,.

    Watching people cross the line it was noticeable how pale, drained and pure wrecked everyone looked at the finish. Heat and marathons don't go well together. I'm sure I looked just as bad.

    I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I'll post my thoughts on this and my future plans in the next day or two.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Well worth the wait, great report and congrats again that's a super result especially given the heat. 'The answer is usually yes' :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Nice one. Great report and great running. Congrats on the result.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Super super effort and result P.

    Delighted for you, on a cooler day you'd a run sub 3 damn close.

    Recover well


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    snailsong wrote: »
    . I can smell the finish. I'm about to explode, I'm loving it.

    Brilliant :)

    Nice report and great running - very controlled and consistent. 10 seconds off target isn't too bad either!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Fantastic report and well worth the wait! Delighted for you Paul. Huge congratulations!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭martyboy48

    Fantastic result and read Paul.. You're definitely going in the right direction ☺

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    Great report P to match your great result. Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    That's a very well written and informative report P :) and some great racing. You can really see how you're racing experience has paid off. You embraced the pain and made the right adjustments to your pace when they were needed - it would have been all too easy to chase sub-3 and blow your chances of a PB.

    It's a very well deserved result, I'm really delighted for you :) Hope you're enjoying the down time.

    So ... I'm just going to put this here so you have something to think about over the summer months :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    Thanks, Neady. It was clear on the day that sub 3 wasn't on which made it all easier in a way.
    And g'way with that Kerry Way ultra. Didn't I say how I haven't recovered from Western Way yet. We're not all bulletproof like you.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    quote=Annie get your run

    Ah now there's more to it than running the same pace for 26.2, what about the atmosphere? Passing other runners? What the heat was like? How did you feel when you crossed the line? Was it better / worse than last year? Did you miss Martyboy? :D What did the PB beers taste like and how bad was your hangover :D

    Yours in anticipation


    I'll try to address each of these questions.

    The atmosphere was excellent again. There's something about the Dutch that I love. The city really embraces this race.

    Passed lots of runners. I'd love to see splits showing position as it feels like I made up thousands of places in the second half. Feel, though, can be deceptive. In any case, I ran almost dead even splits and would guess there were mainly positive splits on the day. A bit of lurking on Strava seems to confirm this.

    The heat was hot. I don't really mind a bit of heat but the HR was high and maybe that's why.

    To borrow from Krusty, the main emotion I felt crossing the line was relief. This could have gone badly wrong, as my hr rose over the last few k it was touch and go whether I'd get home without a major collapse. I'd trained hard for this and invested emotionally so if I didn't get a pb it would be hard to stomach and hard to reload and do it all again. Just relieved I'm not left with a difficult decision.

    Last year I was a country bumpkin, greenhorn, 40 year old virgin, farmer in the city. I was a bit blown away by the whole experience. Also the race went better than I even hoped. This year I was older and wiser, less easily impressed. The race went well but maybe not quite as well as my dream scenario. Still loved it though and I'm likely to be back. In the words of Billy Bragg, 'Though it's never the same after the first time, it doesn't stop them coming back for more'.

    At the finish I noticed a few people in tears. I swear I overheard one of the sob, 'if only Martyboy was here'. True story.
    Seriously though, last year I knew quite a few boards it's there and met a few more. This year I knew no one and it was late when I got to Murphy's so didn't seek them out. It'd be great to have a trip away with Marty, tang, Anne and whoever again, yourself too of course. I did get to meet and still Ricky villa at the finish though.

    Pb beers tasted great. Ordered some fancy beer off a menu! Whilst we visited three establishments and had some fine food and drink there was no reprise of the mayhem that followed last year's race. No two day hangover either, which was welcome. As Marty said, I love it when a plan comes together.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Brilliant Running and brilliant report. well done P. Delighted all your hard training has paid off and the sub 3 is getting all the closer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    How's the recovery going P? What's next on the agenda?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    Recovery is a bit slower this year, but getting there. No firm plans but I'll post my thoughts here soon. I'm hoping to do the last one Running in Westport in July. Watched it last year and it was great craic!
    Might suit you too.

    I hope the link works, otherwise copy in browser. I'm unlikely to do the Western Way 50 as its a big commitment for me right now, subject to change of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    I recall you telling me about the Last One Running before. It clashes with the Joyce Country mountain challenge but I've done that a few times now so maybe I'll give this ago :) Thanks for the link - it's in the diary.

    I'm out for the Western Way this year too :( I'm on bridesmaid duty in Kerry the day before so I'll hardly make Westport on Saturday morning. There's a few other trail runs we could pencil in instead though :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭martyboy48

    So, what's the story with this last one running/standing 😂😂

    And where's the race report ffs.....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    martyboy48 wrote: »
    So, what's the story with this last one running/standing 😂😂

    And where's the race report ffs.....

    Good to meet you again on Saturday. I'll linked you the thingy on fb. Will try to find a proper link for here. Planning on refloating this log soon, I'm shortly to resume training. Might even start marathon training. Do you know anything about the Galway Bay Marathon?
    Happy to run a small pb on Saturday, maybe even report soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    From their fb page:

    Elverys Sports SUPPORTS THE LAST ONE RUNNING - Saturday 15th July.

    So what is ‘Ireland’s Last One Running’ ?
    The event is run over a loop of 3.8km of the Greenway starting from the Skate Park.
    Competitors are timed on each loop, with 30 minutes to complete the first loop the time for each loop thereafter will be reduced by 1 min. (.i.e. 29minutes for 2nd loop, 28 minutes for 3rd loop etc...)
    Once finished the loop, runners enter the holding area and must wait for the start of the next loop. Any runner not finished inside the time limit will be locked outside the holding area and disqualified.
    The next loop will NOT start until the time allocated for the previous loop has elapsed.

    The time will continue be reduced by one minute for every loop until there is only one runner at the start line.
    However, if there are two or more remaining at the start of what may be the final loop and all finish outside the allotted time for that loop the runner who crosses the finish first will be deemed the winner of the title Last One Running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    snailsong wrote: »
    Good to meet you again on Saturday. I'll linked you the thingy on fb. Will try to find a proper link for here. Planning on refloating this log soon, I'm shortly to resume training. Might even start marathon training. Do you know anything about the Galway Bay Marathon?
    Happy to run a small pb on Saturday, maybe even report soon.

    Looking forward to your report :) and looking forward to last one standing :)

    I've done the Galway Bay half - the full is four loops of the prom. It's very flat but if it's windy, there's no hiding from the elements. The prom is concrete which can also be an issue, I try to avoid it on training runs as there's no give in it and I find my legs get more tired after it.

    They say it's a good course for a PB though :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Nice PB on Saturday P, great going in the heat. I'll see you in Amsterdam in October.........
