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Minimum alcohol pricing is nigh



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    The effect on alcoholics was in reference to the article and to the expected results of MUP (the 'effect' being that they would stop buying it), but i get you, and agree

    It seems that they thought by increasing the price, that lower income people who were struggling with money and alcohol, would make the decision to stop buying alcohol and in turn use the little money they have to buy food as a result of MUP. They didn't care about the wealthier alcoholics, or the rest of the people that drink, but aren't alcoholics, as "It doesn't effect them".

    Nothing about this MUP makes sense when looked at a little more. Early on in this thread people on this thread had pretty much said what that report says, would happen.

    i.e. The lower income alcoholics started spending more of their lower income on alcohol, as it became more expensive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,192 ✭✭✭✭Fr Tod Umptious

    It's a redline issue for me come election time anyway, if you don't have some plan to reverse it then don't come near my doorstep.

    So who are you going to vote for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    We all are aware that every party voted it to go through, but would it be a massive ask for any of them to have a reversal plan ready to use if it didn't work/show any signs of working? Or are they all just that arrogant.

    In any case, I will also be asking about any plans to reverse it. The people that it is supposed to help most, don't seem to be benefiting from it. Are we just to keep lining the retailers and alcohol manufacturers pockets regardless? Or will it be reviewed?

    And seeing as Scotland is years ahead of us take their results into account. Seeing as we followed them into this useless test program to begin with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,964 ✭✭✭✭VinLieger

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,050 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    When MUP was first proposed I thought it would be like the euro changeover. I though the cheap cans of supermarket beers would be upped to the MUP and the good stuff (which I drink) increased accordingly... I'm glad that hasn't happened (yet?)

    With that being said I am a fan of the free market so overall I still don't like it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    So the lesson here really is that alcohol is a problem not a problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭BraveDonut

    Local offy (Centra) is selling pint cans of Lithuanian beer. A lager, A dark lager and a red ale.

    The lager is really nice but the other 2 are awful.

    568ml can at 5.2%

    According to the MUP calculator this should be at least 2.33 per can but they are selling it for 1.59

    I have no problem with this but how are they getting away with it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    They shouldn't be.. 🤫 but fair play to them.

    My chosen beers are the Svyturys and the Wolfas Engelman ranges - They (and loads of others) ranged from €1.39 - €1.79 before MUP, and now the cheapest is €2.19 with some above €3. Which are massive hikes.

    I wouldn't think they will get away with it for long, unless it is fairly weak stuff? Stock up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,336 ✭✭✭✭Atlantic Dawn

    Whole system of new rules is a joke, the government bring in legislation to have doors leading in to the supermarket off licences so that children are protected against the alcohol advertising/branding and then every single supermarket in the country sets up massive non-alcohol displays around the entrances to the off licence sections and then super oddly the hours to buy the non-alcohol versions are the same as the alcohol, madness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭BraveDonut

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    Yeah, I didn't expect it to be weak, but was just pointing out that is the only reason I can think of that it could be that cheap.

    Is it any of the Svyturys brand?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭BraveDonut

    Volfas Engelman

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,881 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    If you really like the lager buy lot's of it before they get get snitched on by some concerned citizen 🙂

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    I don't know that particular one, but all of the beers from that brewery are well over €2.50 since MUP. Worth getting a few at that price. The only one of theirs I'm not mad about is the Cherry one, and that is nice - if you stick to one. Two is a bit sickening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,964 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    Seeing a load of people talking about how to get the cheapest drink... reminds me of another sector of society...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,881 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    How do you know what "sector of society" posters belong to ?

    The real action on cheaper drink is over at

    Drop in any time, it'll blow your mind 🙂

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,964 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    I'm not saying the posters belong in that section, but there is a section of society who will go to any lengths to get their cheap fix, sound familiar is all. #justsayin

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    If referring to the conversation above about the store selling cans for pre MUP prices, it is hardly a 'cheap' option. As for a cheap fix. It's not that either.

    Most addicts will go for a fix because they need it. Don't believe that they can function without it.

    Somebody pointing out that their local store seems to be selling a brand at prices pre MUP is worthy of being posted in the BA thread, where they also must be looking for their cheap fix. But seeing as we have some of the most expensive alcohol in Europe (the most expensive for some types) by quite a big gap, asking if the price seems wrong, doesn't really amount to people looking for it anyway.

    Every section of society, whether they are rich or poor, and be it shoelaces or luxury cars, look for a bargain, or what may seem like one. It seems the MUP mentality is to tar all people who like a drink with the same brush (unless of course, they are not from a lower income background).

    Relaxing over a drink for any reason is nothing to be ashamed of and shouldn't be compared to people that have genuine addictions.

    It's like saying people who train in mma or boxing or martial arts in general, are scumbags, because they fight too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,964 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    I understand all that, but from the few threads I've read about people going on 2 hour drives to go up north to fill up on booze to save a few quid, to people comparing the cheaper than new standard priced drinks... it's just, in my opinion, a sign of desperation. I mean, for most people who drink, will it have such an effect? Surely you'd want to be drinking like a fish for it to really affect you, and by that stage the price is the least of the problems.

    Don't get me wrong, I drove 2 hours to pick up a bag of weed once. But that's currently illegal, so understandable. Going out of your way for a few euro saved on a few cans, or filling up the boot up north to bring it back down... It's not a good read. And if it really is making the cost of your weekly alcohol purchases that much harder, I'd be looking at how much you are drinking.

    But again, just my 2 cents. I've siblings who could have been borderline alcoholics, and with MUP they're drinking less now. It's not all doom and gloom, it's having a positive effect on some people. And the less people drinking, the better.

  • Posts: 25,611 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    You'd **** yourself if you found the Bargain Alerts forum, it's full of people trying to get their fix of McDonalds, phones, streaming services, alcohol, it's a total den of iniquity.

    Did you drive the 2 hours to save money? Or did you drive it because you're one of those people who actually get that desperate for weed? I've lived with a few people like that who tended to be hyper-sensitive to other people showing any warning signs of over-indulgent while they can't go a day without weed but see no issue.

    If there's something you regularly consume then why wouldn't you try and save money? If I spin up to Newry I'll save way more than my fuel money (only a fiver for me which is nice) just on painkillers and allergy tablets in one shop. You'll also find a great range and selection (being part of UK market can be nice). If you have a couple of people and stop for something to eat the savings on that would probably cover the cost of fuel and you're getting a day out.

    Anyway, have a read through the thread and you'll see that yes, it'll have an effect on not-heavy drinkers. An increase of a fiver a week would eat up €1k of any increase in the Standard rate cut-off point for example.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,390 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    I listened to a report on this on BBC News. I can't provide a link but the reporter said that the Scottish government are considering increasing the MUP as a result of it.

    When a report shows that MUP has no effect on problem drinkers they disgustingly infer they didn't go far enough. That is outrageous. What there are saying is they are putting any kind of alc purchase out of the reach of low income people as a policy.

    At the same time our government has said that they wish to change laws related to the legal times of sale of alc. Meaning you can legally buy alcohol after 10pm in shops and in licensed entertainment venues beyond the average 1am time for pubs, or whatever it is.

    All of this shows that out gov are taxing ppl having a good time. I find all this utterly outrageous and I'd really like to see a movement counteracting this tax grab, as if it's about the nations health well-being. Clearly it's not because if they gave a frig about the health of the nation they would ban the sale of crap processed food.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,964 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    @[Deleted User] I drove 2 hours because it's illegal and I can't just walk into a shop and buy some between certain hours, nor could I go somewhere to consume any until upwards of 2am, nor is there a handy list of everyone who sells it. Also because it was a friend I hadn't seen in ages who just happened to have some so wasn't a complete waste. But, if there was a shop I could have walked into around the corner, I would have saved myself the 2 hours. I also could have done without, but I decided I wanted it and this was the only place I could get it. It's a non-comparison case. Now, if I said I drove 2 hours to get a burger, fair game!

    And the money is my point about it. If it's making such a big difference to your pocket (just the drink, the other stuff you mentioned doesn't matter) then maybe one is drinking too much to begin with? Like, even when it was cheaper, it still wasn't so expensive to drink at home. If I still drank then the increase wouldn't make me drive around the country looking for bargains. It just would have cost me a few more euro. Also, a 5 minute drive is one thing, that's like me deciding between Centra or Spar. But I've seen people say 2 hours just to get cheaper hooch, which is legal and readily available basically everywhere in Ireland but a bit more expensive.

    Reports saying MUP doesn't work anyway, but it's too late now, it's in, and it's only gonna go up and up, just like every other tax in this lovely little country. But it is working for some, just want to clarify that, seeing as most people believe it has no positive effect. It does, just not to everyone, nor to those who don't want to change. And I'm not one to talk, if I could afford it I'd be stoned 24/7. And by afford I mean grow. And if I could grow it, there'd be a lot more money being put into the economy by me. As it stands, I've no idea where it goes.

    I've said it before, we'll join forces. Drinkers support the legalisation of weed, stoners will support the abolition of MUP. Win/Win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,192 ✭✭✭✭Fr Tod Umptious

    I've never been convinced that MUP would prevent alcoholics from buying drink.

    They are too far gone at that stage.

    But I am convinced that higher prices will prevent people from becoming alcoholics in the future because the price will be a deterrent to young people buying alcohol.

    I also think that advertising curbs are as important as pricing in trying to achieve the above.

  • Posts: 25,611 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    First paragraph, right so you went to meet your mate, thought so. There were plenty of nights back in the day when we we too late for drink but could get other stuff. One lad would pop out on his bike with half a g, thought you would have had better contacts than me...

    You're moving the goalposts and then just ignoring what I've said. 28 units a week is the suggested limit. That's not a huge amount. Yet for people who drank cheaper stuff (plebs, right?) that'll be an extra €12-14 a week. So even a light drinker could easily be €600 a year worse off. And since people tend to like what they like it's pretty easy to "plan ahead" and stock up. And ya know what, some people like going for a spin. Once or twice a month I'll take a spin to another town for a takeaway we don't have here. Is it worth the extra cost compared to something locally and along with the tenner for petrol and the 2 hours? Well no, but it's nice to get out of the house once in a while. I haven't had a drink in years and I can still call it out for the bullshit it is.

    Any reason you can't grow it? It's really, really easy, couple of clowns I used to live with managed it. And I've heard there are a few in plain sight not far away from where I live that never even saw a flower pot. ;) Not the right way to do it but still cheaper. :P I will say though I was better off when I was drinking heavily than smoking heavily. I went through the same **** I see everyone who smokes a lot doing and I knew I needed to stop. For whatever reason though smokeheads just can't accept that their lovely, natural weed is **** them up mentally and socially than a few drinks a few times a week. There are exceptions of course. But pretty much without fail all the people I know on Facebook who bang on about how great weed is, if we're close enough for the kind of talk they all still have panic attacks, days they can't leave the house etc. but insist the weed helps "level them out". As for planning a trip with a smoker, ughhhhhhhhh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭La Madame

    I am fairly proud of the fact that since the introduction of MUP I have not purchased a single six pack of beer in an Irish supermarket nor have I changed my drinking habits! I never was an enthusiastic Pub goer and that has stayed the same. I also don't live close to NI. What definitely has changed is my opinion about the Politicians here. I never had a high opinion about the Politics in Ireland but MUP was the straw which broke the camels back. I will not vote for any of the political Parties who supported this shameless Law until it is abolished!

    Beer Drinkers support Farmers!

    Abolish infamous Minimum Unit Pricing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,964 ✭✭✭✭VinLieger

    Then you have a problem because it was unfortunately supported by every major party and most independents, best you can do is make it clear when election time comes how you feel about it and quote the evidence in this thread about how it doesnt work and is a payoff to vintners.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,881 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    It's definitely a problem that they all support it.

    Trinity Professor Sean Barrett who was a Senator at the time was the only voice raised against MUP.

    As an economist he correctly pointed out the madness of making a gift to the drinks trade as a measure to address the so called "Ireland's drink problem".

    So now with this morally bankrupt public policy we have people who drink at moderate levels in their own homes being forced to subsidise the drinks trade.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,211 ✭✭✭✭Suckit

    The driving to the North or to France on Ferry and stocking up would be out of protest as much as anything else. The way that they have introduced this is literally to make it harder to purchase 'cheaper' alcohol, so it's isn't a million miles away from you having to go out of your way to buy weed.

    You wouldn't have to be drinking like a fish either. If I go up North to buy alcohol, I would have put aside xxx amount and purchase enough that I reckon I might take at least a few months to go through, that would be including inviting people around to my house for any random weekend. The saving annually could be quite substantial..

    I have a friend with a van that has to go to France in two weeks for a weekend, he is bringing furniture over. He has asked me if I want him to pick up anything, I have said yes, and would be mad not to take advantage of that. The prices here are astronomical compared to places in Europe, the word cheap falls out of our mouths without thinking, so anywhere, anyhow and anytime I can buy alcohol outside MUP for any reason, I will. But it won't necessarily be because it's cheaper, it would far more likely be out of protest of this sh*t law that was introduced on top of our already heavily taxed alcohol, the law is also very prejudiced in it's entirety.

    So for me, and anyone I know, with the exception of maybe 1 person, you are completely wrong when you assume it is out of desperation, or even if you think it seems like that. As it is just taking advantage of a bad situation which was none of our doing, and does affect us, despite what they say about it only affecting the lower income alcoholics, which is ridiculous. This hypocritical government introduce it and then want to relax alcohol laws.

    Incidentally, the beer that I prefer, that the poster had noticed in store has jumped up over €1.10 on average per can in price for me since MUP was introduced.

    I prefer Lithuanian beers, which are sold in Pint cans, and one or two other countries, that were all acceptably priced, even though they were much more expensive than anywhere else they are available in Europe that I have seen.

    I was paying between €1.19 - €1.99 per can depending on which ones I was drinking. They have shot up now. Some are ,€2.39 some are €3.50+ . I think there are 2 that are €2.19.

    If I was to buy 10 cans to have in my fridge for the next week or two, the price difference is anywhere between €12 - €17 more. If I assume that is every two weeks and average it at €14.50, and I also then assume I don't have weeks where I may enjoy myself a bit more, don't drink at barbecues, don't drink at festivals, camping, weekends away etc..

    That is still an annual increase of €348 on me, for no reason other than somebody decided that MUP would be a good deterent for low income alcoholics, who are essentially MUPs target, but it isn't working. So even if it does smell or look like desperation to you, that is as mentioned incorrect, but it is also something unavoidable unless I decide to embrace MUP, which I won't be doing, or unless they revert it, which I doubt they'll be doing either, although I will put it to them at election time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,393 ✭✭✭✭ArmaniJeanss

    The way that 'driving all the way to Newry to save a few quid' is painted in such a negative light always amazes me. For a big percentage of the population it's a quick spin up or an 80-minute €23 return train trip. It's a nice enough town, not the worst place to pass a few hours walking around and be back in time for tea.

    You can buy a couple of weeks worth of alcohol. You can (as repeatedly pointed out by buttonftw) save 50% plus on toiletries and general medical stuff in various discount retailers. If you vape like me, you can save about 30% on liquids or disposables (Elf Bars £4 compared to €8 here). If you are a Marks&Spencers or Next shopper (which you really shouldn't be as they are owned/ran by Brexit-backing Tory-donaters but that's another debate) you can buy your stuff on the STG price rather than that excessive EUR markup on the label.

    The idea that people who take advantage of these savings need to question themselves in some way is curious.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,192 ✭✭✭✭Fr Tod Umptious

    and quote the evidence in this thread about how it doesnt work 

    Do you really want to make a fool of yourself ?
