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Challenging Times



  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    POST RACE ( Free Bar ; )

    Picked up my medal and walked through into the athletes area, utopia. 10 massage tables, which is just as well because I was seizing up, the front of my shoulders were killing and to top it all off I think I was getting lock jaw. I must have been clenching my teeth on the run unbeknownst to myself. This was serious as there was a pig on a spit being carved and stuffed into rolls. I grabbed a beer from the free bar and slowly ate a pork roll to get my electrolytes in order while I queued for a massage. I pointed to all the bits that were soar and your man went to work. About 10 mins later I was a new man and he even gave my back a little crack, top service.

    This left me in a position to take full advantage of the free bar and the extensive buffet. We spent the next 3-4 hours mulling over the race while sipping Sagres and nibbling pork bones. In true Irish style we were asked to leave but not before a good chat with the race director and his no 2, sound man.

    As the sun went down on Challenge Lisboa (I'm in with the lingo now) we all agreed it was a super race, well organised, great location and the lads are going back to chase sub 5's next year as it's definitely a pb course with the right conditions. Not sure I'll be back next year myself but would have now issues recommending it, and after the extended chat I had with the boss man there should be mechanical support for bikes ; )

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Super race Jonathan and super report! Really makes me want to do a HIM again and perhaps this particular one! You are flying. What's planned for the summer?

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Signed up for the Wicklow 200, I've never cycled that far before. The max I've done is 143km, so starting Sunday I'll be hitting the bike for a few weeks. Then I'll be building to Caroline Kearney, would love to do a sub 40 off the bike so need to get back to a bit of speed work. Going sub 2.20 for Olympic has been one of my goals for a few seasons, 2.21 two years ago and no Olympic races last year so it would be nice to take it out this year. If I can get any where near 40mins that should take care of the 2.20.

    Before that I'll do 2 Provences and I might do Belfast Titanic in September.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    How many people actually look at these logs I'm not sure, bar the few names the occasionaly like the odd post, but I'll keep it going until Caroline Kearney anyway. After some post race analysis there some things I could have done better and it's always good to learn something. Too often you don't write then down so here goes.

    1) I got up early enough but we wasted time at the apartment doing stuff that could have been done the day before
    2) This had a knock on effect, late doing final checks on bike and checking in bike and run bags.
    3) Missed the swim warm up. Any time I've had a good swim in a race I've gotten a warm up done beforehand.
    4) Got my swim tactics wrong. I have a tendency to veer right in open water so starting on the extreme right was a bit stupid. The idea was to get away quick and then pick up some faster swimmers as they passed. Maybe I'm trying to be too cute and should have just went with the pack and took a nice wide angle around the first buoy, kept moving. The group would also have kept me straighter.
    4b) Breaststroking after 400m, not good. Hamstring locking up, worse. Bought a 220Tri magazine for the plane on the way over but only got to read it after the race. Dave Scott describes how his hamstring locked up on him exiting the swim in an IM in the early 80s, he said it plagued him for the rest of the race and he then use to breaststroke coming towards the end of a long swim to get blood flowing and avoiding cramping ( I hear ya brother, I hear ya). Just to clarify breaststroking after 400m does not stop cramping after 1900m
    5) Happy with the bike but better knowledge of the course would have led me to do some hill repeats in preparation for the turn around.
    5b) Bars i bought for the bike were crap, like eating saw dust. Would have been better off with a few mini mars bars
    6) Forgot to put my HR monitor on. Again happy with the run, 1.38 is what I trained for but I had planned to keep an eye on the HR in case I was overdoing it early on ( it would also be nice to have the date to analyse)
    7) Never synced the watch that morning so when I started the run I was messing around with it and the first mile was probably not accurate, again possiblity of overdoing it early on.
    8) Never practiced with the course gels, took one on laps 3 and 4 and it was in the lap of the gods if I ended up in the jax.
    9) finally post race the things that hurt the most were the front of my shoulders ( been down on the bars for 2.5 hrs?), my jaw ( clenching my teeth, this shows I wasn't as relaxed as I thought), the chip was starting to cut into my ankle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    I also found that swim start a bit stressful last year. Not sure it's Lisbon-specific but like you I didn't get a warmup in and the initial pace was pretty frenetic. By the aquarium I was banjaxed and had to glide for a good 60 seconds to get back into the swing of things. Never happened before or since.

    The turnaround on the bike is a nasty wee b1tch alright. because you have it in sight on approach it doesn't seem so bad but it's probably 10% at the end just when you've put 700m into an 8% climb. Mind you the coast down the other side is a welcome relief.

    Tell us something about the Portuguese cocktails on holidays though, this log needs a whimsical interlude I think.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    A tip for avoiding clenched teeth on the bike and being tense. Think of funny things and smile often, sounds simple but it works:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    I was trying to avoid publicising on an open forum the I was in fact on holidays, you never know what dodgy sorts are perusing. So if my house is ransacked when I return DB, I'll have a place to vent. Seeing you ve let the cat out of the bag, the family followed me to Lisbon and we went to Cascais for d Holliers.

    The holliers have changed let me tell you. Gone are the days of crisp sambos on the beach and a glass of Mi Wadi, I think we ate sea weed as a snack before anyone knew it was a snack. Mozzarella sticks and salmon burgers now for the little darlings. mini sirloin steak, my dad got sirloin once a week and if you were good you got to nibble the meat off the strip of fat after he had a go. Fcukin crèche in a holiday resort, people leave their kids in a crèche all year and then come on holidays and bang them into a crèche, holy jasus. And as for night time Ye can't even leave your kids in a room anymore and tip out for a few gargles, bleedin McCanns fcuked it up for everyone. Instead your back in your room after your dinner whispering in the dark. No more contorted sleeping kids in prams while their parents get banjoed, frowned upon apparently, bleedin bar was empty. And as for the cocktails, there is no more sex on the beach it all gin this, gin that. Get me back to Achill

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    A tip for avoiding clenched teeth on the bike and being tense. Think of funny things and smile often, sounds simple but it works:D

    I actually didn't notice until I'd finished, really soar. Imagine not finishing a race because of lock jaw, now that would make you laugh

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    So post race week I did a 10k run on the following Sunday, 5k out along the Portuguese Atlantic coast and 5k back. There was little or no spring in the step, back to the bar. Nothing else done that week bar a bit of paddling with the kids and plenty of eating.

    The following Thursday i went down to the gym and did 40mins on the treadmill followed by some S&C, 20mins. Went for a 3 course dinner and a few pints to balance it out.

    Flew home Saturday 20th, felt like I been away for longer and had a truly good rest after the race. Planned a long bike for Sunday with Wicklow 200 in mind. Was meeting 2 lads for a spin around Wicklow, one from Lisbon trip. I had planned on cycling to Lexlip for an 8.15 start but that all went to sh1te, my gear was all over the place and I was running late. Pulled on my cycling gear, a bit snugger than usual I might add(curse those Portuguese tarts). Jumped in the car and got there on time, we got going 8.20.

    Lexlip ~ Sally's Gap ~ Turn right to Roundwood~ Back up to Sally's Gap ~ Back to Lexlip 118km 1300m climbing.

    Thank god I didn't cycle over, wrecked. Route was lovely, never been on a bike around that way before, forests, waterfalls, Glendalough from high up is a serious view. Plenty of people out cycling, running despite the wind and odd shower. I'll need at least one more of them before Wicklow200 although I've a feeling I'm going to suffer. Won't get to Wicklow this weekend as I ve to go to a 40th Saturday but will do 3 hrs Sat morning, probably head to Howth and do hill repeats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Slow week, probably (definitely) put on a few pounds while i was away and am feeling slow and sluggish as a result. On top of that I started a new job (in the same company), 9-5 Mon-Fri, so its a big change from 24-7 shift. Better for sleeping and recovery I'm sure but in need to figure out a completely new schedule for training, it'll take a few weeks to bed down. 

    Monday - Easy 45 min run (8.5 km)

    Tuesday - Nothing

    Wednesday - Bike to work 50 mins 20.8km, Cycle home, plus a bit, 60 mins, 23.7 km

    Thursday - Bike 95 mins, 35.7 km. Did some hills in and around the Phoenix Park, Knockmaroon, Rugged Lane, Somerton Lane.

    Friday - 50 mins (2050m) First swim in a while and it showed. I seem to lose swim fitness very fast compared to bike and run.
    • 400m warm up
    • 4 x 100m kick with fins
    • 200 pull
    • (5 x 50m off 60 sec, 100 easy) x 3
    (PM) Run 60mins (11.3km),easy

    Saturday - Bike 50 mins (21.5 km) Had planned to do a longish bike. Got out at 09.00 but was back in the house at 09.50 saturated, seen off one shower but after the second I pulled the plug. Turbo not set back up since Lisbon, tri bike still in a few pieces. 

    Sunday - Off, At a 40th Saturday night so I wasnt up to much Sunday. Good to meet up with the gang, you dont tend to get out as much when your in the middle of a training block. Just shy of 7hrs for the week, pick it up this week a bit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Mojo is gone out the window. Haven't really settled into any proper routine. The new job is busy an hence very little for posting here, gone are the days of an hour here or there with a little quiet time while on the clock.

    Training has been a bit haphazard. Did a 5 mile tonight after doing the Wicklow200 on Sunday. Enjoyed it in a sadistic type of way. After 2k we were climbing a hill and we were still climbing hills at 199k. It was wet and wild at times but after a while I didn't give a sh1te. Last 30 or so were a pain but a good day out.

    Pervious to that I did a couple of easy runs, 14miles total. A 2k swim one morning and an hour on the turbo Wednesday (VO2 session). So basically I'm all over the shop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Very little to report for last week
    2 runs = 21km
    2 swims = 3.6km
    2 barbecues
    Taste of Dublin
    1 hang over

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    I was at Taste of Dublin on Sunday. Great family day out. Weather was amazing for it. Great venue too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    pgibbo wrote: »
    I was at Taste of Dublin on Sunday. Great family day out. Weather was amazing for it. Great venue too.

    I was there Friday night. Nice standing outside having a few tipples, music, bit of food, Music was thumping at the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm


    So after a nice weekend socialising and a poor weekend training I got up early to run before work. 60mins easy, 11.3km.

    (PM) Got out on the bike for 75mins, 30k


    Evening run, Intervals, 10k 55mins
    Bit of a warm up and then some 400s in the local park. First time I've done any sort of speed work and it showed. Did 6 400s with 400m recovery. They came in about 1.36/1.37 which is poor.


    Run - 10k easy

    Should I be surprised how quickly my fitness has depleted. In 2 months I've gone from 4.47 half iron to blowing out my arse doing a few 400s. Hopefully I can pull it back quickly but it's amazing how much you can slide in a short period.

    Im thinking of loading up on running over the next while, I still have some running goals I'd like to hit this year, sub 19 5k, sub 38 10k and a pb in the marathon would be a bonus (pb3.23). An 18 week plan for the marathon would start next week and I'm thinking of following the Hanson Method.

    Sub 2.20 for Olympic was nearly a sure thing after Lisbon but the way I'm going at the moment it's a goal I could miss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Thursday ended up a rest day

    - morning swim 55mins 2.1km
    • 600m warm up
    • 4x 100m kick with fins
    • 100 easy pull buoy
    • 10x 100m pull buoy off 1.55

    (PM) 10k Run. Easy enough

    Bike 95mins 40km.
    Again handy enough around the Phoenix park

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Sunday 25th
    Got out for 8miles. Picked it up a small bit for this 7.30per mile average.

    So that was 2.1km swim, 70k bike and 54km running, 8 hrs total for the week.

    Monday 26th
    10k easy 50mins

    Rest day

    Morning Swim 50mins. 1.8km
    400m warm up
    (5x50m fast, 100easy) x4

    Run 10km 50mins
    8min mile average

    Morning swim 50mins. 1.8k

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    So I ve been following the Hanson Method Advanced 18 week plan for DCM for the last 5 weeks. Didn't want to post anything until I had a few weeks under my belt. The weeks are as follows (in miles), Tuesday and Thursday have a 2 mile warm up and at least 1 cool down

    Mon- 6/7
    Tues- Speed or Strength session
    Wed- rest
    Thurs- tempo run (6 up to 10)
    Fri - 6/7 easy
    Sat - 6 building to 10
    Sun - 8 building to 16

    The main thing about this plan is it doesn't over emphasise the long run but rather spread the load over Saturday and Sunday.

    54km easy the week before the plan started

    Week Prescribed Completed
    1. 43. 32
    2. 59. 62
    3. 77. 74
    4. 75. 48
    5. 80. 86.5

    Week 4 I swam once and cycled to work and back twice which impacted the running so I need to prioritise the running and anything else is a bonus. Also did the Fingal 10k which didn't go great following 8miles Friday and Saturday. I was 19.55 after 5k and struggling so I backed off and rolled home 41.30.

    Got up early twice this week to run before work where before I might swim or cycle. The easy runs are starting to feel easier and I've been hitting the paces for the speed and more importantly Tempo (MP) and Long Runs. Heart Rate has come down a bit for runs of the same pace so things starting to move in the right direction.

    Next up Week 6, 78km. 4 x 1200 speed session and the tempo increases to 7 mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Are the prescribed & completed in miles or kms?

    How are you finding the run focus? I find it hard to ditch the swim & bike. I find run only gets a bit boring/struggle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Are the prescribed & completed in miles or kms?

    How are you finding the run focus? I find it hard to ditch the swim & bike. I find run only gets a bit boring/struggle.

    Sorry, yeah that's a bit confusing, those are in km. The plan would say for example 7 mile tempo and it's understood you do up to 2 mile easy before and the same after. My watch is set up for miles but gives the total for the workout in km and that's why i record my totals in km.

    Run focus is ok at the moment, enjoying the process. Trying not to beat the plan especially on the speed and tempo days. Little demons in your head telling you to do another interval or one more mile at tempo pace. 4x 1200m yesterday and I was almost going to do 5 but didn't. Glad now as the Achilles' tendon is a bit tender today, maybe the 5th one would have pushed me over the edge.

    Analysing numbers is interesting and I can see the HR decreasing for workouts with the same paces. That will be key information as the HR on those Marathon pace(MP) runs will give me some indication if that pace is sustainable over 26miles. The goal is 3.10 and if that goes well I'll have a crack at 3.00, so this cycle is about laying a good base.

    When I did NY by the end of the training I was sick of running and couldn't wait to get back to the turbo trainer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Cheers. Best of luck with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    1. 43. 32
    2. 59. 62
    3. 77. 74
    4. 75. 48
    5. 80. 86.5
    6. 78. 65
    Total(km) 412. 367.5

    Unfortunately mother in law is in St Francis Hospice so training is down the priority list for the week gone and next week at least. With hospital visits I had to skip Monday but I did the 6 mile easy on the Wednesday, which is supposed to be the rest day. No harm in that I think.

    Training before work is the best option at the moment. Could be a bit risky doing intervals and tempo sessions early but that's the only option.

    Tuesday was Speed Intervals, 4 x 1200 with 400 m jog recovery. Went fine, all efforts around the 4.40 mark. Was going to do a 5th but didn't.

    Thursday was 7 miles at tempo(MP = 7.15). Again ok 7.04, 7.07, 7.10, 7.08, 7.12, 7.03, 6.49. I felt the pace was even, maybe it was the watch acting up. A bit faster than the prescribed 7.15 but it felt like right. HR for these Tempo runs have come down so hopefully that continues.

    Friday- 6 easy
    Saturday- 8easy. Missed session, again with hospital visits and my daughters birthday the run was shelved.

    Sunday - Got out for the prescribed 8miles and added 2 extra.

    Not sure what next week will bring, we'll have to play it my ear.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    Total(km) 500 443.5

    Bad week personally. Easy running mostly. Tempo on Saturday and 14miles on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    Total(km) 582. 508.5

    Back to relative normally.

    Monday - Had the gear on ready to go but the rain poured and poured. Finally called it a day about 10 and put the run off until Wed.

    Tuesday- Speed Work- 3x 1600, 2 min recovery. 60mins 11k total. Decided to do this on a thread mill to help hold the pace.

    2 mile warm up
    Then into 1600m at 6min pace/ 3.45per km. call on nature meant I had to slip out to the toilet but I felt really comfortable at that pace which is the first run session I felt fit and strong in a long time. Came back and did two more 1600s. Then did an 800 to make up for the extra long rest between reps 1&2. Cool down

    Wednesday 55mins 10.2k easy

    HR monitor on the blink so no HR data. Just took it easy around the park

    Thursday-Tempo(7miles at MP) Run, 80mins 16.2km

    2 mile easy warm up.
    1) 7.16
    2) 7.08
    3) 7.11
    4) 7.11
    5) 7.11
    6) 7.06
    7) 7.16
    1 mile warm down

    Legs felt heavy enough starting this, got through the 7 miles, most of it around the 15 acres.

    Friday- 6miles easy

    About 3 miles into this I felt a tightness in my left calf, finished out the run but once I stopped it started to lock up.

    Saturday- Due to do 10mile/16k but my calf was tight a decided to rest it and get the foam roller out. Flexibility not my strongest area but I'll prob have to do more.

    Sunday - After some self massage and magic rub I headed out for the prescribed 16k, did 18 in the end.

    Weekly total 65km with about 30 mins S&C. Calf still tight and if it's not improving I'll get treatment Wed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    Total(km) 676. 594.5

    Had to switch things around to fit the Frank Duffy 10 mile in on Saturday. Plan was to swap the 8 mile MP run on Thursday for the 10 mile Saturday and do it at MP.

    Monday - 8 miles easy 70mins

    Tuesday- Speed Work- 6 x 800m @ 3.45per km with 2 mins easy recovery.

    20min warm up
    Then into 6 x 800m at 6min pace/ 3.45per km.
    Cool down then 30 mins S&C

    Wednesday 52 mins 6 mile easy

    Thursday- 9miles easy 75 mins

    Friday- 6km easy 32 mins. Took it really handy and did it before work to give myself a full 24hrs before the 10mile.

    Saturday- Frank Duffy 10mile

    Plan was to run this at Marathon pace (7.15per mile / 4.30per km) which I did initially but after a km I sped up to 4.10-4.15per km). Splits were solid for the whole race and passed a load on the final hill. 10sec outside my pb but its probably a bit soft. More happy my speed endurance has improved and felt relatively fine after the race. Averaged 4.12per km

    Sunday - Out Saturday night for wife's birthday. I was scheduled to do 25k but only did 11.5k easy. There wasn't much spring in the step coupled with a night out I opted for a handy option.

    Weekly total 86k with 30 mins S&C.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    Total(km) 760. 677.5

    Stuck to the plan this week, within reason.

    Monday - 6 miles easy 52mins

    Tuesday- Speed Work- 3 x 1600 @ 3.45per km with 3 mins easy recovery. Made these, I wouldn't say handy but I was never not going to.

    20min warm up
    Then into 3x 1600m at 6min pace/ 3.45per km.
    Cool down then 30 mins S&C

    Wednesday - Rest day

    Thursday- tempo 8 mile. 95mins 19.5km

    2 mile easy
    8miles at MP. Feel ok doing these, towards the end I start to feel it so not entirely sure how I'll manage another 18 miles.
    1.5 mile warm down

    Friday- 6miles easy 49mins. Maybe a little quicker than prescribed

    Saturday- 10mile easy 83mins 16.12km, pushed on a little for the final 3 mile

    Sunday - 11 mile easy 90mins

    83km for the week. Big week next week 100km. The speed sessions switch to strength sessions on the plan which are MP -10sec. I also have an entry for a 5k wed night so might need to move things around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    Total(km) 863. 777.5

    Had to re jig the week to fit the race in Wednesday. No strength session Tuesday and move the Tempo to Saturday.

    Monday - 8 miles easy 64mins

    Tuesday- 8k easy in prep for Wednesday

    Wednesday - Grant Thornton 5k, pb 18.51

    Couldn't really waste the whole night on a 5k so I jogged down to the race, 6k. Found the start and mooched my way in near the front. Plan was to try a pb as it's pan flat. Took off fairly fast, a right over the bridge and down the quays towards the O2, a few passing me which I felt a bit bad about because I'm always giving out about people starting to high up the field blocking better runners, mile 1= 5.56. A 180 near the O2 and back towards the Samuel Beckett bridge, over it and around a few buildings, starting to pass people now, Mile2= 6.02. Then back on the quays and over the Samuel Beckett again picking off little groups. finishing the race on the opposite side of the Liffey, Mile 3 = 6.07. Finish 18.51, slight fade pace wise.

    6k jog home

    Thursday- Rest

    Friday- 8 mile easy (ish)
    A little bit faster than prescribed

    Saturday- 22km total 1hr27mins

    5k easy, 8mile/13k tempo (MP), 4K cool down.
    1- 7.20
    2- 7.15
    3- 7.12
    4- 7.11
    5- 7.17
    6- 7.13
    7- 7.13
    8- 7.14

    Sunday - 27km 2hrs27mins

    So I hit 100k for the week, I don't feel too bad, a little bit in the knees the last 7k today. Had to endure a few heavy showers today to get the the 27 done. Better not get a cold this week. The pb shows I'm improving but with limited long runs, distance wise, it's difficult to know how this will affect marathon performance. Mileage drops a little this week but an extra mile is added to the Tempo Run (9miles).

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    ---1. ........43...........32
    ---2. ........59...........62
    ---3. ........77...........74
    ---4. .........75...........48
    ---5. .........80...........86.5
    ---6. .........78...........65
    ---7. .........88...........76
    ---8. ..........82...........65
    ---9. ..........94...........86
    Total(km) 952......857.5

    Had to re jig the week again, wife was working late. Rested Tuesday and Thursday and moved the Tempo to Saturday. Added a couple of miles to the Sunday run. Felt a bit off this week, struggling not with the paces, just off.

    Monday - 6 miles easy 53mins

    Tuesday- Rest

    Wednesday - Strenght Session
    4 x 1.5 miles @ MP minus 10 sec with 800 easy in between. Did this on the treadmill, nights getting too dark for running fast (ish).

    Thursday- Rest

    Friday- 10 mile easy 1.25

    Saturday- 19k total 1hr30

    2 mile easy, 9 mile tempo (MP), 1 mile cool down.
    1- 7.17
    2- 7.06
    3- 7.12
    4- 7.16
    5- 7.14
    6- 7.03
    7- 6.53
    8- 7.11
    9- 7.04

    Sunday - 20k 1hr 45min

    Missed a run so 9k short. 100k again next week. Bit of modification required again to fit Dublin Half in. Plan is to run it at MP (1.34) and do 20 k Sunday. If I try pb it i my kiss Sunday good bye so I'll be disciplined.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    ---1. ........43...........32
    ---2. ........59...........62
    ---3. ........77...........74
    ---4. .........75...........48
    ---5. .........80...........86.5
    ---6. .........78...........65
    ---7. .........88...........76
    ---8. ..........82...........65
    ---9. ..........94...........86
    Total(km) 1053......949.5

    Had to re jig the week again. Rested Wednesday as per plan. Moved the Tempo to Saturday, Dublin Half Marathon. The mid week tempos are getting harder to fit in mid week. When you factor in the warm up and cool downs the run is 13 miles in the dark so I might move them to Saturday for the rest of the plan.

    Monday - 8miles easy 69mins

    Tuesday - Strenght Session
    3x 2miles @ MP minus 10 sec with 800 easy in between. Did this on the roads around the Navan rd.
    1) 14.12
    2) 13.57
    3) 14.11

    Wednesday- rest

    Thursday- 18k easy - 1.38

    Friday- 7k easy 40mins

    Saturday- 25k total

    2 mile warm up.
    Dublin Half Marathon 1.33.04
    Forgot my watch so I was off to a good start. Then I hit the M1, holy ****. Abandoned my car and jogged 2 miles to the start. Race delayed. Finally got going but had to go by feel. Tough enough first 7 miles, asked someone what time we passed through 7 miles at. 50 mins, so I knew I was doing ok with the pacing, tad fast. Few miles downhill and back to start, finished 1.33.04. Happy enough and I stayed disciplined with the pace. Not sure I'd have gone around again at the same pace though.

    Sunday - 13k easy 1hr 15mins

    Didn't quite make the 100k. Ran Sunday but it was very slow so knocked the final 8k on the head. That and the fact I spent half of Sunday picking a new fridge ( long story but don't defrost your fridge with a hammer, as Donald would say, its very very bad).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Week Prescribed Completed
    ---1. ........43...........32
    ---2. ........59...........62
    ---3. ........77...........74
    ---4. .........75...........48
    ---5. .........80...........86.5
    ---6. .........78...........65
    ---7. .........88...........76
    ---8. ..........82...........65
    ---9. ..........94...........86
    Total(km) 1145.........1026

    Bit of a messy week, missed a run

    Monday - 7 miles easy 60 mins

    Tuesday - Strenght Session
    2 x 3 miles @ MP minus 10 sec with 1 mile easy in between. Did this on the treadmill. Did this too fast according to the plan, did it at 6.50 mile or 4.15 per km.

    Wednesday- rest planned

    Thursday- 11k easy - 60

    Friday- rest unplanned.

    Saturday- 17 k easy

    Sunday - 22.5k 1hr 45 (Tempo 9 miles)

    3 mile easy, then into 9 mile at MP, 1.5 mile warm down

    1) 7.20
    2) 7.14
    3) 7.17
    4) 7.14
    5) 7.11
    6) 7.11
    7) 7.13
    8) 7.19
    9) 7.16

    Hard to know how this is all going. The tempo 9 miles feels hard. Could I do another 9, most likely, another 7 after that I'm not too confident at the moment. That said I ran 17k the day before so it's hard to judge, I'm praying it all comes together the last few weeks.

    There are some doing big MP runs but are resting a few days before. I can see merit in it though as it gives u big confidence you can hold your MP for 16/17/18 miles.
