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Sets of faahve



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    September 21

    Skipped the gym on Wednesday/Thursday because was busy with work. Extra day off from gym would do no harm under the current circumstances. Physio prescribed glute bridge thingies to do three times a day. Only did them twice :\

    No real plan today. Just trying to do something and not hurt myself.

    HB tempo half squat:
    20kg x 10
    30kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10

    Squatted to about 1-2" above parallel because I am to avoid stretching the hamstring. Tempo because I'm never quite sure at what point the hamstring would be stretched. Only 40kg because I shouldn't lift heavy. Boring, but better than nothing.

    Hamstring curl:
    11kg plate x 5 both/x 5 right/x 5 left
    17kg plate x 5 both/x 5 right/x 5 left
    17kg plate x 5 both/x 5 right/x 5 left
    17kg plate x 5 both/x 5 right/x 5 left
    17kg plate x 5 both/x 5 right/x 5 left
    17kg plate x 5 both/x 5 right/x 5 left

    Had never done single leg hamstring curls before. Kept everything slow and light and got blood flowing.

    3ct bench/rear delt flyes:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 5/2.5kg x 10
    70kg x 5/2.5kg x 10
    70kg x 5/2.5kg x 10
    70kg x 5/2.5kg x 10
    70kg x 5/2.5kg x 10
    70kg x 5/2.5kg x 10

    Didn't plan on doing 3ct pauses; realised my pauses on 1st set were longer than usual so went with it.

    Dips/wide grip pullups:
    x 5/x 5
    x 5/x 5
    x 5/x 5
    x 10/x 8

    More ad hoc stuff.

    Seal row:
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10

    Aaand more ad hoc stuff. The seal row bench is perfect for me at the moment. Above was just too light for today to have been of any benefit.

    Today was bland and aimless. Need to make some sort of plan for the next few weeks. Was half thinking that because I need to take it easy with lower body, now would be a good time to give smolov jr bench a try! But no, I like my shoulders and don't want to end up like dtp. Concentrating on increasing bench for now would keep me sane at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Plan out some rehab stuff as part of a program. That's one thing that kept me sane when I was injures before. Glute bridges, light ham curls (if physio was ok with that), maybe some easy single leg RDLs (maybe in a week or so).

    And maybe just alternate push and pull sessions and make sure to do lots of band pull aparts, face pulls and all that good stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    September 24

    Weekend of very little moving about. And no, I didn't do my physio exercises because I'm a gobsh1te.

    Did little tidbits of mobility to see where my hamstring is at. Noticed that with a close stance, my hamstring is fine. It's the wide stance

    HB squat:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 8
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 5

    These were normal speed, ATG (kinda) squats. Hamstring felt completely fine. Not going to go mad and do something silly like AMRAP/widowmaker or max out or anything. Just going to ease myself back into squatting for a bit.

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    87.5kg x 3
    87.5kg x 3
    87.5kg x 3
    87.5kg x 3
    87.5kg x 3

    120s rest between sets. Bar felt heavy and although warmups felt solid, the 80/87.5 sets felt... loose or something. I dunno, but they just didn't feel good.

    OHP/NG pullup:
    20kg x 10
    30kg x 8/x 5
    35kg x 8/x 8
    35kg x 8/x 8
    35kg x 8/x 8
    35kg x 8/x 8
    35kg x 8/x 8

    Didn't time these. OHP felt easy. Pullups were a struggle at the end.

    Glute bridge thingies:
    x5 both legs
    x3 left/right
    x5 both legs
    x3 left/right

    Physio exercises. Better late than never. Don't know if these are supposed to be called something else because the ankle is neutral so the heels are on the ground to ensure emphasis is on hamstring. But hamstring felt really nice after it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    September 25

    Worked late yesterday so no time for a walk. Still went through a lower body mobility routine despite no plans for lower body stuff today. Was a good boy and added in my glute bridge thingies. Also did TRX rows, which I don't usually do.

    Cable row:
    29kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 40

    60s rest, neutral grip. Haven't done cable rows since before joining this gym. No actual machine here, so put an aerobics step in front of an adjustable cable machine. Had no idea what weight to go for so went with 41kg and short rest times and an AMRAP for a final set. But being able to do 40 reps and plenty more in the tank meant that yeah, the weight was far too light. Still got a massive pump in my lower lats though.

    Spoto press/bentover lateral raise:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 5/5kgs x 5
    80kg x 4/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 4/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 4/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 4/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 4/5kgs x 10

    90s rest between supersets. Everything was grand.

    Barbell shrugs/facepulls:
    60kg x 10/29kg plate x 12
    80kg x 10/35kg plate x 12
    80kg x 10/35kg plate x 12
    80kg x 10/35kg plate x 12
    80kg x 10/35kg plate x 12
    80kg x 10/35kg plate x 12

    90s rest between sets. First time doing shrugs with a barbell and, well, had an issue with getting 'myself' caught with the barbell. Trying to keep form by not rolling my shoulders. Got a decent pump in my traps. Facepulls were light. Also, shrugs were good for grip strength in lieu of deadlifting.

    DB skullcrushers/hammer curls:
    7.5kg x 10/7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10/7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10/7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10/7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10/7.5kg x 10

    60s rest between sets. Had finished what I had planned and it was early. Didn't contemplate having extra time so didn't know what to do. Therefore if in doubt, bro it out. Looking back, some direct ab work would have been a better use of my time in lieu of deadlifting. Well, I know for next week.

    Grand easy day. I miss heavy lifting though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    First time doing shrugs with a barbell and, well, had an issue with getting 'myself' caught with the barbell.

    You're supposed to do the Buffalo Bill tuck.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    You're supposed to do the Buffalo Bill tuck.

    Idea for next gym sountrack: Q Lazarus

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Idea for next gym sountrack: Q Lazarus


    Goodbye manhood,
    I'm flying over you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    September 27

    3.5km walk on Tuesday evening was interrupted mid way through because I found a lost doggy and stopped to try find her owner. My back was stiff AF yesterday and I'm not sure why; I wasn't deadlifting. Only thing I can think of was the high volume isolation stuff but even then, that didn't make sense for what I felt.

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10

    120s rest. bebe w8. Hamstring felt fine. Grand.

    Hamstring curl:
    11kg plate both x 5/right x 5/left x 5
    17kg plate both x 5/right x 5/left x 5/right x 5/left x 5/right x 5/left x 5/right x 5/left x 5

    Decided to do 5 each side without resting, but 11kg was too light for the machine and it kept getting stuck at the top. Did 17kg until I got a pump in both hamstrings. Felt good.

    Bench tng:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8

    90s rest between sets. Decided not to superset these with pullups so I could treat pullups later on as it's own lift. Was grand at this weight.

    Wide grip pullup:
    x 3
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 9/41kg plate wide grip lat pulldown x 19

    60s rest between sets. Decided to keep the rep range low, but rest times low. Finished with an AMRAP quickly followed by an AMRAP on the lat pulldown machine to chase le pump. Should I use the term 'finisher'? I dunno. I just miss heavy lifting :(

    Lateral raise:
    5kgs x 10
    5kgs x 10
    5kgs x 10
    5kgs x 10
    5kgs x 10
    5kgs x 22

    60s rest between sets. 5x10 and then an AMRAP. Had more in the tank but I was starting to 'batman' the dumbbells, so stopped. Grand.

    Bit of a sweat worked up from the squats and bench but today was otherwise easy. Grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    September 28

    Worked late yesterday so no time for a walk. Was surprisingly nimble this morning and my lower body mobility routine was done in no time.

    Seal rows:
    40kg x 12
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 11

    60s rest between sets. 5x10 and an AMRAP. Been doing these for a few weeks and still surprised at how weak the numbers are. Perhaps my barbell rows were utilising leg drive after all...

    x 5
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8
    x 7

    60s rest between sets. 5x8 and an (pathetic) AMRAP. Lower rest times make these so much harder.

    Dumbbell shrugs/cable pullover:
    20kgs x 10/29kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/41kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/41kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/41kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/41kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/41kg plate x 12

    90s rest between supersets. Shrugs were fine. Pullovers were done kneeling in front of an adjustable cable machine. Felt good but 41kg was far too easy.

    Ab rollouts
    x 5
    x 10
    x 10
    x 10

    60s rest between sets. First time doing these, or any direct ab work, in forever. Was going to do 5 sets but felt like my guts were going to burst through my abs. Next week...

    Grand, easy day. In and out in about an hour. Still miss heavy lifting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 1

    Did some painting on Saturday. Sat down for 10 minutes afterwards and realised my left lat was aching like mad. Must have been all the twisting and extending on a ladder. Went for a 4.3k walk yesterday and the fresh air must have helped loosen me up because I felt perfect afterwards. Was loose this morning so needed little mobility.

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    120s rest between sets. Didn't feel any pain, but I felt something in my hamstring afterwards. Wouldn't even describe it as pain; just some mild discomfort. But I had notions of trying some light deadlifts tomorrow which I shall now forget about. Oh well.

    Also, as I was putting my plates back, girl doing squats nearby had to bail and bar came crashing down on pins. Without even looking properly, I rushed to help her and smacked my shoulder off my own barbell resulting in a second loud smash in the gym. Was grand though.

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    90kg x 2
    90kg x 2
    90kg x 2
    90kg x 2
    90kg x 2
    75kg x 5

    120s rest between sets, calibrated plates. Bar felt really solid. Much more so than last week. Happy.

    20kg x 10
    30kg x 5
    40kg x 3
    50kg x 2
    55kg x 1
    60kg x 1
    65kg x F
    65kg x F

    Went YOLO to see if I could break my 60kg PR. Haven't been pressing heavy recently and had absolutely no business even trying for a PR these days. Bar barely went past my nose. Oh well.

    NG pullup
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 8

    60s rest between sets. 5x5 followed by AMRAP. Was hoping for more but oh well.

    Grand day. Mildly annoyed by my hamstring. But I just need to be patient and let myself recover.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 2

    No walking last night. After yesterday's hamstring annoyance, I've come to the conclusion that perhaps I had general muscle soreness that wasn't directly caused by the injury. The discomfort wasn't really centered around the actual tear so maybe it just got a little fatigued. Still wasn't going to deadlift this morning. Patience. Lotsa foam rolling to the area and more boring bodybuilder stuff today.

    NG cable row:
    35kg plate x 15
    47kg plate x 12
    47kg plate x 12
    47kg plate x 12
    47kg plate x 12
    47kg plate x 12
    47kg plate x 40

    60s rest between sets. Again, too light despite going up a weight from last week.

    Spoto press/bentover lateral raise:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5/5kgs x 8
    80kg x 5/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 5/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 5/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 5/5kgs x 10
    80kg x 5/5kgs x 10

    60s rest between supersets... it was supposed to be 90s but I forgot to change my timer from the rows. Was wondering why I felt exhausted. Oh well. workCapacity++;

    Barbell shrugs/facepulls:
    20kg x 10
    60kg x 10/29kg plate x 12
    80kg x 10/41kg plate x 12
    70kg x 10/41kg plate x 12
    70kg x 10/41kg plate x 12
    70kg x 10/41kg plate x 12
    70kg x 10/41kg plate x 12

    90s rest between supersets. Realised my form for 80kg was crap so reduced the weight to ensure full ROM and a proper pause at top. Also enabled me to avoid the 'problem' I had last week.

    Overhead dumbbell press/plank:
    5kgs x 10/20s

    No rest between supersets. Never really overhead DB pressed before and got a nice burn. But the planks sucked. In lieu of deadlifting, I'll do some core work from now on. Because I hate myself, obviously.

    Sweaty day. Accidental short rests for spoto presses and planks killed me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Not a single curl.


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Going on holidays in a few weeks. Can't smuggle these guns through the airport if they get too big.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Going on holidays in a few weeks. Can't smuggle these guns through the airport if they get too big.

    Makes sense.

    Also, can concentrate on glute exercises in case they pull you to one side for a full search.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 4

    Haven't been active much at all, but still maintaining my lower body mobility somehow. Hamstring felt good this morning so decided to try some light deadlifts. Did some hamstring hip thruster thingies to get blood flowing.

    Conventional deadlift:
    70kg x 3
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    100kg x 5

    Hamstring felt absolutely fine. Haven't done conventional in almost a year. Always had issues setting up with a straight back, so today it was all about finding the right position and trying to get some cues going. Bar felt light.

    Bench tng:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    75kg x 5
    85kg x 9
    80kg x 9
    80kg x 7
    80kg x 6

    120s rest between sets. Plan was to AMRAP-1 85kg and then match the number of reps for 3 sets at 80kg. In retrospect, bad idea to restrict rest periods. Felt myself losing upper back tightness at times. Grand otherwise.

    Wide grip pullup:
    x 3
    x 6
    x 6
    x 6
    x 6
    x 5
    47kg plate wide grip pulldown x 20

    60s rest between sets. Last week, form was dodgy so really concentrated on stricter form. And I felt it. Felt pathetically weak. Ugh.

    DB lateral raise:
    5kgs x 8
    7.5kgs x 8
    7.5kgs x 8
    7.5kgs x 8
    7.5kgs x 8
    7.5kgs x 8

    60s rest between sets. Need to move on from little boy weights.

    Deadlifts looked alright. Was more concerned with getting a flat back and hip at the correct level. I think I need to get my chest up more at the bottom. But with this weight, I was lifting the bar from the ground when I tried to get tighter. Any feedback welcome:

    ...aaand I'm still king of the sh1t camera angles

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 5

    Rain was crap last night so no walk. That leaves none this week so far.

    Seal row:
    40kg x 12
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 14

    60s rest between sets. 5x10 and an AMRAP. Was grand.

    x 5
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8
    x 9

    60s rest between sets. 5x8 and an AMRAP. Wasn't great, but better than last week at least.

    DB shrugs/cable pullover:
    20kgs x 10/35kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/47kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/47kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/47kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/47kg plate x 12
    30kgs x 10/47kg plate x 12

    90s rest between supersets. Again, grand.

    Ab wheel rolls/facepulls:
    x 3/41kg plate x 12
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15

    60s rest between supersets. Yeah, felt like what a hernia would probably feel like. Hate the ab wheel. Facepulls were good, at least.

    Day can be summarised as 'grand'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 8

    4.2k walk on Saturday and something like a 5k walk yesterday. Was actually pretty stiff this morning so plenty of mobility needed.

    Pause squat:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    80kg x 3
    80kg x 3
    80kg x 3
    80kg x 3

    90s rest between sets. Staying light, but pausing just to make it more difficult. Hamstring felt fine. Went narrow stance at the start which meant knees more forward, but I felt some pressure on the knees and didn't want my lower body to become completely bollocksed.

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    75kg x 3
    85kg x 2
    95kg x 1
    100kg x 1
    95kg x 1
    95kg x 1
    95kg x 1
    80kg x 5

    60s rest between sets, calibrated plated. Just working up to a single and then some backoff stuff. 100kg was a 9.5

    20kg x 10
    30kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2
    40kg x 10

    60s rest between sets. Nice upper back pump from the heavyish doubles, which I wasn't expecting.

    Close grip NG pulldown/hamstring curl:
    35kg plate x 15/17kg plate
    35kg plate x 15/17kg plate
    35kg plate x 15/17kg plate
    35kg plate x 15/17kg plate
    35kg plate x 15/17kg plate

    No rest; continuous. Hamstring curls were 5x both legs, then 5 each leg. I meant to do hamstrings after squats but forgot. Instead of doing NG chinups, I used the pulldown machine because the two machines are right beside each other and fancied something slightly different.

    Grand day. Heavy bench and heavyish OHP keeping me sane while I heal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 9

    3.5k walk last night. Hamstring with injury felt overall achey, so did some foam rolling and usual lower body routine despite no lower body stuff on today's menu.

    NG cable row:
    41kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 40

    60s rest between sets. Thought I found a weight that was too heavy for 40 reps, but I was wrong. Still, the 40 reps were pretty difficult.

    Spoto press/bentover lateral raise:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    75kg x 3/5kgs x 8
    85kg x 3/5kgs x 10
    85kg x 3/5kgs x 10
    85kg x 3/5kgs x 10
    85kg x 3/5kgs x 10
    85kg x 5/5kgs x 10

    90s rest between supersets, except last one where I ended up chatting and was more like 6-7 minutes, so did some extra reps. Felt heavy.

    Barbell shrug/facepull:
    60kg x 10/29kg plate x 15
    70kg plate/41kg plate x 15
    70kg plate/41kg plate x 15
    70kg plate/41kg plate x 15
    70kg plate/41kg plate x 15
    70kg plate/41kg plate x 15

    90s rest between supersets. Was all grand.

    Overhead DB press/planks:
    5kgs x 10/20s
    12.5kg x 10/30s
    12.5kg x 10/30s
    12.5kg x 10/30s
    12.5kg x 10/30s
    12.5kg x 10/30s

    No rest; continuous. Rotten. Still hate planks. That's what I get for (probably) having a weak core.

    Forgot my headphones today and missed them. Have really gotten used to being able to zone out into my own world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    aleknas > planks

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,803 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    bluewolf wrote: »
    aleknas > planks

    Ab wheel > aleknas > planks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Can we all just stop hating on planks. Many a DOM was brought about from planks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    bluewolf wrote: »
    aleknas > planks
    Dtp1979 wrote: »
    Ab wheel > aleknas > planks


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 11

    Very little movement yesterday (5 hours total in the car) and felt it this morning. Was very stiff. Lots of mobility was needed

    70kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    110kg x 5
    110kg x 5
    110kg x 5

    Again, no hamstring pain, so yay. Form was a bit off in warmups but just had to remember to sit my ass back a bit and it was fine. All this was double overhand. Bar's knurling was crap and my grip started to go in the 2nd top set, so I switched to mixed for one rep. Video shows my back wasn't straight for that one rep. Weird. Chalked for last set and was grand.

    Bench (tng)
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    95kg x 3
    95kg x 3
    95kg x 3
    95kg x 3
    95kg x 3

    90s rest between sets. These were hard and grindy. Grand otherwise.

    Wide grip pullup:
    x 3
    x 6
    x 6
    x 6
    x 6
    x 6 -> 53kg plate lat pulldown x 11

    60s rest between sets. Felt weak AF.

    Dumbbell lateral raises:
    5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10
    7.5kg x 10

    60s rest between sets. Found this tough.

    Didn't feel like a great day. Looking back, given the day I had yesterday, it wasn't so bad after all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 12

    Major hamstring doms this morning, which probably means deadlifts are working. Did the usual lower body mobility/warmup despite no lower body on the menu.

    Barbell row:
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 12

    60s rest between sets. Seal row bench was being used. Grand.

    x 3
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5

    60s rest between sets. Backing off on reps here because I'm gonna try for a sneaky bench PR on Monday.

    Dumbbell shrugs/cable pullovers:
    20kg x 10/41kg plate x 12
    30kg x 10/53kg plate x 12
    30kg x 10/53kg plate x 12
    30kg x 10/53kg plate x 12
    30kg x 10/53kg plate x 12
    30kg x 10/53kg plate x 12

    90s rest between sets. Grand

    Ab wheel rollouts/facepulls:
    x 4/35kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15
    x 8/41kg plate x 15

    60 rest between sets. Grand.

    Another day that's grand altogether.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 15

    Plenty of walking spread over the weekend. I'd hazard a guess at around 25-30k since Friday night. Legs are surprisingly not wrecked. Was pretty nimble this morning regardless.

    Last session before holidays. Plan was do do some light LB squats and chance my arm at a bench PR.

    LB squats:
    20kg x 10
    * sleeves * - because it was freezing and my knees were achey
    40kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    90kg x 8
    90kg x 8
    90kg x 8

    Calibrated plates. Didn't time rest periods but they were probably ~180s. Kept a closer than normal stance because hamstring. Everything felt graaand.

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    75kg x 3
    85kg x 2
    95kg x 1
    100kg x 1
    105kg x 1 (equal PR)

    Calibrated plates. Matched my PR but there was nothing left afterwards. Considering I haven't been benching heavy recently, I can't complain. Still happy.

    NG cable rows:
    41kg plate x 15
    53kg plate x 20
    53kg plate x 20
    53kg plate x 20
    53kg plate x 20
    53kg plate x 20

    60s rest between sets. Graaand.

    Some random stuff:
    5kg lateral raise x 10
    20s pullup bar hang
    Pec stretch against squat rack
    7.5kg DB overhead press
    12.5kg DB overhead press
    15kg DB overhead press

    Some aimless random stuff for a bit of craic.

    Hopefully the next time I'm in the gym, the only physical ailment will be a result of having a belly full of pasta, pizza and gelato.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 22

    Loads of walking over the last week. 20-30k steps most days. Fully expected legs to be wrecked this morning, but they were fine. Bit tight around the inner thighs and glutes but that's it.

    Am starting a basic 4 day lower/upper split for the rest of the year. I reckon I'll find it easier to get the work more done by not using frequency (slightly less time spent warming up per session). I know my bench will suffer. Not planning on competing or testing maxes for a long time. Just going to try and get bigger and stronger for a while.

    LB squat:
    20kg x 10
    50kg x 8
    * sleeves *
    70kg x 6
    * belt *
    90kg x 6
    100kg x 6
    100kg x 6
    100kg x 6
    100kg x 6

    120s rest between sets, calibrated plates. Heaviest I've squatted since the hamstring injury and luckily, felt nothing in that area. Bar never felt too heavy. Was verging on pukey at the end though.

    Front squat:
    70kg x 4
    70kg x 4
    70kg x 4

    120s rest between sets, calibrated plates. Was grand and light. Just trying to nail the bar position and bracing cues I discovered by accident a while back.

    Farmer carries:
    30kg length x 2
    30kg length x 2
    30kg length x 2
    30kg length x 2
    30kg length x 2

    30s rest between sets. Dunno what weight the carries are but I reckon about 10kg each, so 10kg + 20kg plates. Felt light. Been ages since I did these.

    Single leg hamstring curls:
    17kg plate x 5 right/left
    17kg plate x 5 right/left
    17kg plate x 5 right/left
    17kg plate x 5 right/left
    17kg plate x 5 right/left
    17kg plate x 5 right/left

    No rest. Just doing 5 reps each side til failure. Hamstrings started cramping towards the end so stopped after 6 sets.

    Ab wheel rollouts
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8
    x 8

    60s rest. Was going to do leg raises but somebody else started using the station.

    Grand day. This is the layout I have planned for Mondays. More volume from next week. This week was just a post holiday intro. Will probably still get doms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 23

    No walk yesterday evening because I had to work late. Needed it though because I felt the doms starting. And yeah, was pretty sore this morning.

    NG cable rows:
    47kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 40

    60s rest between sets. Almost running out of plates on this machine.

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    90s rest between sets, calibrated plates. First time going a week without benching since probably Christmas or something. Strength levels felt alright.

    Pin press:
    70kg x 1
    80kg x 1
    90kg x 2
    90kg x 2
    90kg x 2

    90s rest between sets, calibrated plates. Haven't done these in aaages and was using a different rack setup, so was faffing about with pin levels, etc. Was grand.

    20kg x 10
    30kg x 5
    40kg x 3
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2
    50kg x 2

    60s rest between sets. Haven't OHP'd in 2 weeks. Was grand.

    NG pullup
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5

    60s rest between sets. Was easy.

    Lat pulldown:
    53kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 12
    53kg plate x 12

    60s rest between sets. Was easy.

    Cable crossover rear delt flye:
    17kg plate x 5
    17kg plate x 5

    Umm... never did these before so giving them a try just to add some different shoulder health exercises. Kinda made a balls of them, so abandoned them. I think the crossover machine is too narrow to do these properly. Or maybe I'm just really, really uncoordinated. Dunno. Gave up and switched to the old reliable...

    41kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 12
    41kg plate x 12

    60s rest between sets. Grand.

    This is sort of the planned layout for Tuesdays. I need to adjust it because I ran out of time and didn't get in enough upper back/shoulder stuff. I wasted some time adjusting the rack for pin presses and spent 5+ minutes chatting to someone, which is time I can easily get back. Facepulls weren't on the menu either but threw them in just to get something done quickly. Anyway, lessons were learned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 25

    Legs were bollocksed since Monday. Serious doms. Stairs and getting out of chairs being chores kinda bad. Didn't have a chance to do much walking over the last few days, which never helps. Some teary foam rolling and stretching was needed this morning.

    70kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    * belt *
    110kg x 5
    120kg x 6
    120kg x 6
    120kg x 6

    120s rest between sets. Don't need a belt at this weight but put it on to practise using it again. Bar felt light in my hands and nothing was a struggle. I didn't record myself so I'm unsure of my form consistency.

    Head not in a good place this morning due to real life issues so had to have a few "u ok hun" self chats to be somewhat productive.

    SSB squat:
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    120s rest between sets. These felt light and there were loads more in the tank, but my legs were killing me everywhere. Being scared of injuring myself and unsure if pain was just silly doms, I didn't go any heavier.

    DB lunge walk:
    10kgs x 10
    15kgs x 10
    15kgs x 10
    15kgs x 10

    120s rest between sets. Pff, cardio. But with legs feeling like lead, this was still tough.

    Leg raises:
    x 5
    x 10
    x 10
    x 10

    60s rest between sets. Easy core stuff.

    Levels of do not want were high this morning. I find it kinda funny how badly domsed I am from Monday considering the weights weren't that high at all. LB squats 4x6 @ 100kg and front squats 3x4 @ 70kg should still be light. Guess I'm just highly undertrained at the moment. Gonna pretend I'm getting newbie gains for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 26

    3.5km walk last night. Reckon it did me the world of good because I was mildly stiff but not at all sore this morning.

    Pendlay row:
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    70kg x 5

    60s rest between sets. Kept it light for practise. Just trying to get a solid SLDL start position and avoid lifting with my legs. Weight felt too light because the plates sometimes left the ground just when I was getting tight.

    Bench (tng):
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8

    90s rest between sets, calibrated plates. Was grand.

    Incline DB press:
    20kgs x 8
    25kgs x 8
    25kgs x 8
    25kgs x 8

    90s rest between sets. Was supposed to be incline bench but rack availability prevented that.

    x 3
    x 5
    x 5
    x 5

    60s rest between sets. Easy.

    Lat pulldown:
    59kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 12
    59kg plate x 12

    60s rest between sets. Pretty difficult and hard to finish last set.

    Chest supported reverse DB flye:
    5kgs x 8
    5kgs x 12
    5kgs x 12
    5kgs x 12
    5kgs x 12
    5kgs x 12

    60s rest between sets. This burned the upper back good. Probably means I had been using leg drive or back before.

    Grand day. Meant to do JM press as extra tricep work but forgot. Above was done in about 1h10m which means I won't be stuck for time in future.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    October 29

    Went for 4.3km walk on Saturday which was great for the legs. Visited parents yesterday and ended up eating half the country's food supply. Was feeling pretty bloated going to the gym and the tightness of the belt confirmed how I felt.

    LB squat:
    20kg x 10
    50kg x 8
    70kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    100kg x 8
    100kg x 8
    100kg x 8
    100kg x 8
    100kg x 8

    150s rest between sets, calibrated plates. Bar never felt heavy but my god, I wanted to puke from the 3rd set on. Took an extra minute before the 4th and was going to quit after it. But had a talk with myself and decided that if I didn't do a 5th set, I didn't deserve anything less than a poverty squat. Got through it, but the ~5 minute rest definitely helped.

    Seems like the little bit of conditioning I built up before hurting the hamstring is gone and I need to get it back.

    Front squat:
    70kg x 4
    70kg x 4
    70kg x 4

    Didn't time rest, but it would have been no more than 2 minutes. Was going to increase reps from last week but considering how sick I felt after squats, decided to take it handy.

    Single leg hamstring curl:
    17kg plate Rx5, Lx5 x 3
    17kg plate Rx5, Lx5 x 3
    17kg plate Rx5, Lx5 x 3

    Didn't time rest here either, but probably 1 minute. Could feel the hamstrings filling up with blood. No cramping, but they just got weaker and weaker as I went on.

    Reduced bank holiday hours meant the gym was far busier than usual this morning. As a result, I forgot mah core work. Probably would have died if I looked at the ab wheel.

    Not a good day but sure, those kind of days happen.
