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Sets of faahve



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,804 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Regarding the SSB, the fact it tries to fold you over and the user is fighting against it is the reason it puts excessive pressure on the lower back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Excessive pressure being put on the back sounds like a problem with bracing to me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night. Knee had been at me since the last session and I 100% put it down to those Platz-style squats. My knees have been achey before after trying to squat with a closer, more knees-forward stance. Therefore, going forward, Imma stop doing the thing that hurts me. If I want to do some extra quad work, there are plenty of safer alternatives; belt squat, leg extension, regular goblets, etc etc


    Did 5x5 @ 90kg with a straight bar. Heaviest I've gone post lockdown, yet still baby weight, and they felt great. A couple of dodgy reps on the last two sets but aside from that, form felt by far the best it has in a long time. They were just consistent.


    Did 5x5 @ 60kg. Again, heaviest this year. They actually felt difficult at times but my face was never in danger either. Only thing was me knee was at me doing these, but felt fine for squats.

    Finished off with 3x15 on facepulls because why not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    It puts pressure on your lower back because you're letting it fold you over.

    Brace harder or drop the weight back; either way change what you're doing if it's causing you lower back issues

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,804 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    its not folding me over. It’s the battle to not let it fold me over that strains my back I think. Yea weight drop is probably the way forward

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    We know. But if the battle to not get folded results in you straining your lower back, it probably means that you're using your lower back to battle it. Which you shouldn't be if you are bracing properly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    You could make that argument about deadlift as well, i.e. that you have to work hard against lower back flexion. But when you lose that battle is when you're going too heavy (or you're just not bracing enough).

    But feeling it in your lower back isn't a result of just resisting lower back flexion. It's more likely to be actual flexion. But you might not have to drop back much and you can always do extra reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night

    Handful of paused squats up to 60kg as a pseudo warmup. Also because my form the last time felt fantastic and I wanted to ingrain it in my (muscle) memory.


    5x3 @ 120kg. They felt great, but I was still full from dinner so kept the reps low. Recorded a handful of reps afterwards and it didn't look anywhere near as good as it felt. Weird.


    3x3 @ 70kg. Had worked up to 60kg, i.e. my weight from a few nights ago and then just threw an extra 10kg on the bar because I need to stop being a pussy. Triples were absolutely fine. Knee annoyed me during warmups, so I just pointed my foot more forward and that solved it.


    3x5. Haven't done these in forever. Nice to be able to do 5s even when I think I'm completely weak. Want to get used to doing them because I aim to start an actual program soon and it calls for sets of 8 at various times.

    Solid week of messing about. Doing something is better than doing nothing

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    5x5 @ 87.5kg. 2nd set was all over the shop because rack was facing a mirror and it was distracting. Learned to ignore it and everything felt better. That said, recorded the last set and I appear to have a good bit of butt wink, so need to figure that out.


    5x5 @ 55kg. Grand. Easy.

    EZ curls:

    4x12 @ something. I don't do curls so these were more tiring than anything else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    4x5 @ 110kg and 3x6 EMOM @ 87.5kg. All easy. The EMOM was embarrassingly light.


    1x8 @ 40kg, 1x6 @ 45kg, 2x4 @ 52.5kg and 2x3 @ 60kg. All easy.

    DB rows:

    3x10 @ 20kg. Grand. My left side seems significantly weaker than my right.

    All baby weight. DB rows were the hardest thing I did.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    1x70kg and AMAP @ 60kg. Program didn't call for the 70kg but I threw it in as a CNS primer. Was hoping to hit 12 for the AMAP but got 14. Maybe could have been 15 if i had a spotter. Very happy.

    Front squat:

    1x8 @ 60kg and 3x6 @ 60kg. Program called for an 8RM and 60kg could be it. Dunno. First time front squatting in probably 2 years or something so can't complain that it's worse than my bench. Left elbow was noticeably lower than my right and it kept slipping there.

    NG pullup:

    Supposed to be 4x8 but did 2x8 and 1x5 because my pullup is weak AF right now

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    4x3 @ 92.5kg. First two sets felt strong but inconsistent. Had recorded the second set and noticed my head was forward which to me, meant i wasn't bracing my upper back. Addressed that and the rest felt solid, but weaker? Hmm.


    4x3 @ 62.5kg and 3x6 @ 60kg. Easy. Bench flying along at the moment. I also need to be careful about not keeping the outside of my foot on the ground.

    Hammer curls:

    Im pretty sure my left side is much weaker than my right so im opting for unilateral curls over last week's ez curls. Did 4x10 @ 7.5kg and they were possibly too light.

    Grand evening, albeit a sweaty one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    2x1 @ 125kg

    3x3 @ 117.5kg

    6x3 @ 90kg EMOM

    All grand. Nothing difficult. Noticed my start position and back looked off during warmups, so adjusted, and everything felt better. I may have been lifting with my elbow on my left while using mixed grip, so need to remember to flex my triceps. I had an ouchey left bicep last week that I put down to sleeping badly, but this could be a cause.


    1x8 @ 40kg

    2x6 @ 47.5kg

    2x5 @ 55kg

    2x4 @ 60kg

    3x3 @ 62.5kg

    All grand. Never felt heavy. Knee pain existed for two warmup sets but fine after that. Considering there were 10 working sets, the closing time crept up on me so I had to superset the latter sets with...

    One-arm dumbbell rows:

    4x10 @ 20kg. Left side initially felt weak but I realised I was doing it differently on the left. Ensured both sides were equal and it was far easier, so I may not be weaker after all.

    Grand session. But it was warm and I was left looking like a bucket of water had been thrown at me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Front squat:

    1x5 @ 75kg and 3x3 @ 75kg. Plan was get a new 5RM and do triples with that weight. Every set felt deathly despite the baby weight but at least my front squat numbers are better than bench numbers... I think


    62.5kg AMAP, including a single 70kg CNS primer. Got 13 and despite there being no spotter, i know there wasn't a 14th. Happy with that as i was aiming for 12+.


    4x6. Was supposed to be 4x8 but im too weak.

    Trained 3 times a week two weeks in a row. Woohoo!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    Three singles @ 97.5kg. That's it. Not backdown sets. I have a feeling this template is pretty low on the oul squat volume. That, or I should have opted for beginner over intermediate. Anyway, they all felt good. Consistent and not weak.


    4x3 @ 67.5kg and 3x8 @ 60kg. Probably the first time that a non-AMAP set felt tough. I think I'm suffering from not spending enough time warming up as my shoulders and elbows were slightly achey. And the 8s were easier than the 3s.

    Hammer curls:

    1x10 @ 7.5kg and 3x12 @ 10kg. Grand.

    Grand grand grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    6x3 @ 100kg EMOM. Very easy. Got achey elbows/biceps midway through this, even though I was making sure I had triceps flexed during setup. Think I'm doing something stupid once the bar leaves the floor. Dunno. Either way, very easy weight and felt like I was wasting my time.


    1x8 @ 40kg

    2x6 @ 50kg

    2x5 @ 55kg

    2x3 @ 62.5kg

    2x1 @ 70kg

    Felt fine. Was lazy with engaging lats for earlier sets but copped on for later ones. Makes it so much easier. Either way, nothing felt hard.

    DB row:

    4x10 @ 20kg. Too easy; should have gone heavier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed Friday but never posted it. Handy that this new version of boards saves drafts.

    Front squat:

    80kg for a triple and some singles. My shoulders and elbows were in pain after every set. I really need to accept that my mobility is crap and i need to address it.


    70kg primer and AMAP @ 62.5kg. Got 13 again. Was hoping for 14 but can't complain.

    Didn't do prescribed pull-ups because I simply am not strong enough for them right now. And trying my best to max out on them every week when my joints are achey doesn't help the body. Instead, did 3x15 lat pulldown and 3x15 facepulls. Plenty of burn there and felt good after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight.


    Plan was to get a new 1RM while keeping form. Got to 125kg before calling it. Heaviest I've squatted post lockdown but 40kg lower than my max. But considering I'm not using a belt or sleeves and am generally out of practice, I'll still take it as a small win.


    2x3 @ 62.5kg and 3x5 @ 60kg. The 2x3 was supposed to be 3x2. Oh well. All easy anyway


    3x12 @ 10kg. Was close to closing so rushed these. Could have gone heavier of i had more time.

    Grand night but fierce sweaty

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Was due to shoot for a new deadlift 1RM but was far too late. Rather than rush it, i decided to push deadlifts to tomorrow and only bench instead (which is due a new 1RM on Friday)


    1x8 @ 40kg

    2x6 @ 47.5kg

    2x5 @ 55kg

    2x3 @ 60kg

    2x1 @ 62.5kg

    Was grand. All piss easy.


    3x20 @ something light. Made the joints feel better.

    Easy session. Because it was an easy half session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    Plan was new 1RM. Had plugged in 140kg for this last month as a 1RM (had done a triple at 130kg previous) so was going to be happy with anything north of that. 160kg was the aim but 170kg would be betterer.

    140kg just flew up hilariously fast. Its baby weight so i knew it wouldn't be hard but it was lol easy. But i just lost my rhythm and although 150kg moved fast, something didn't feel right. Like I was pulling from my back off the floor instead of legs. And 160kg was no better, albeit with a grind. I repeated 160kg in the hopes that something would click, but it didn't. Two grinders.

    Meh, ill take it. I don't know what my beltless max is but there's a chance this could be a beltless PR.

    DB rows:

    4x10 @ 17.5kg. These were intentionally light because im lifting tomorrow too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    New 1RM. Had plugged in 75kg before all this and was hoping for 85. Went 70 75 80 and then 85 was shakey. Got a spot for 90 and it flew up. Counted my chickens and didn't go for any more. Pretty damn happy.

    Finished off with 5x15 lat pulldowns. Grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Pause squat

    3x5 @ 80kg. Pause squats have traditionally exposed my crappy bracing by launching me forward, but these actually felt ok relative how normal squats feel at the moment. Hopefully this means my bracing is actually improving.


    3x5 @ 70kg. Felt heavy but always room in the tank. Supersetted these with 20kg one arm DB rows

    Lateral raises:

    3x15 @ 5kg. Baby weight but still hard. My shoulders are weak so no surprise


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Sumo deadlift

    3x3 @ 130kg. Been wanting to give sumo a try as it had been literally years. Avoided old mistakes by starting with as narrow a stance as my grip allowed and not trying to get my hips as low as possible. As Joe Sullivan would say, "build a house". And dare I say, 130kg sumo felt possibly easier than 130kg conv.


    3x10 @ 30kg. My shoulders and upper back are weak and overhead mobility is crap, so this was a challenge.

    Had limited time so glad to get something done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    100kg for a single, then 1x8 and 3x6 @ 90kg. Since last week, I've been trying to sit back less so i can keep my hips forward and be a little more vertical. While reviewing some recent videos, my butt wink starts a bit higher than im happy with so i want to give this a go to see if it improves. It feels ok, at least.


    3x10 @ 60kg. Too easy.

    Incline bench:

    4x10 @ 40kg. I had planned on working up to 50kg but 40kg was a struggle. I always knew my incline was weak but forgot how weak it was.

    Meh evening

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    Single @ 77.5kg, then 1x12, 2x10 and 1x9 @ 67.5kg. Almost killed me.

    Supersetted lateral raises 15 @ 5kg and one arm DB rows 10 @ 20kg for 5 rounds.

    Tricep pushdown 4x15 @ something

    Im not 100% arseing around in the gym these days. Because my ability to go to the gym is unpredictable, im trying to come up with something resembling a routine that has ab ok amount of volume and intensity where I can drop a day if needed. For now, trying a single at 85% and then am AMAP-1 @ 75% followed by drop sets. Tonight, i didn't foresee being able to hit 12 reps, so the planned subsequent 4x10 never happened. So might need to rethink this idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,804 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Don’t forget the abwheel…….

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last Friday but never typed it up...


    3x5 @ 80kg. Just greasing the groove. Easy.

    Sumo deadlift:

    135kg x 1 and 120kg x 8. Was my 85% single and 75% AMAP-1. Had more than 1 left after the 120kg but was surprised i got past 5. Tried one more set but felt some weird pressure in my knee, so i skedaddled. Liking sumo though.


    3x10 @ 30kg. My OHP is really crap and this weight is still hard.

    Can't complain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    110kg x 5, belted. First time using a belt in well over a year. Didn't expect to feel much different but I definitely felt the extra stability.

    Also hired a coach because I need to stop training like an idiot. My chest is falling as i break at the knees and hips so need to stand taller and engage my lats to stop it


    2x5 @ 70kg. Grand.

    One arm DB rows to end

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night

    Sumo deadlift

    Worked up to 140kg x 5, belted, then one further single. Didn't record any warmup and only realised how unused my lats were, so that one extra single was to correct that.


    Worked up to 75kg x 5. Grand.

    Lateral raises to finish because my arms generally feel better after them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Pause squat:

    Worked up to 100kg x 5. Weight wasn't hard to move, but trying to prevent hips from shooting back was a challenge for the last reps. Followed by 80kg backdowns.

    Incline DB press 20kg 4x8

    Cable rows 71kg 4x8

    Walking DB lunges 20kgs 4x10

    Planks 4x20 seconds

