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Sets of faahve



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed Wednesday night but never clicked Post

    Tempo bench 310:

    Worked up to 72.5kg x 5. Although pressing was fine, I found it hard to lower the bar consistently with the tempo, so called it. Two backdowns @ 60kg were much more smooth but piss easy.

    Belt squats 4x8 @ 100kg

    Skullcrushers 3x12 @ EZ + 10kg (started with 20kg because I forgot what weight I could use)

    Seal rows 4x12 @ 40kg

    Facepulls 4x20 @ 29kg

    Grand. But seal rows left me very lightheaded after every set despite not being too heavy. Must have been the pressure of being on my front.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Paused sumo:

    Worked up to 130kg x 5. The pauses damn near killed me. Moving the weight was fine but i really, really hated the pauses. Backdowns @ 110kg were effortless.

    Lat pulldowns 4x8

    Conv RDLs 3x10 @ 70kg, 80kg and 80kg

    Leg extensions 3x15

    45 degree hypers 3x15

    I predict doms

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    Worked up to 3 @ 120kg and 3x3 @ 100kg. Angle was bad but depth might not have been good on top set, but sunk the backdowns. The 120s felt like death but moved pretty fast. I must be stronger than i think i am but confidence isn't there.

    Flat DB bench 4x8 @ 25kg

    Seal rows 4x8 @ 50kg

    Split squat 4x10 @ 20/20/30/30

    Planks 4x20 second

    Felt light headed after seal rows again. Also, hamstrings were still brutally domsed from Friday. And i had never done split squats before and they were utterly rubbish. Aside from that, all good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    Worked up to 80kg x 3. Plan was RPE 8 and this felt undershot. Nice feeling. And 65kg x 3 for backdowns felt like piss.

    Belt squat 4x8 @ 120kg

    Tricep pushdown 4x8 @ 53kg

    One arm DB rows 3x12 @ 20kg

    Facepulls 4x20 @ 35kg


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last Friday but never wrote it up


    Worked up to 160kg x 3. Was thinking 150kg but that was too easy. 120kg 3x3 for backdowns.

    4x8 lat pulldowns

    3x10 RDLs

    3x12 leg extensions

    3x15 weighted 45 degree back raises


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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight. Can't make Wednesday so 2 day split this week


    127.5kg for a single @ 7 and backdowns at 115kg for 3x3. Last rep before 127.5 was 120kg which felt crap. Feedback was i was being lazy with my lats and the 127 moved faster.


    80kg for a triple @ 7 aand backdowns at 67.5kg for 2x5. Grand. Bench feeling great.

    Belt squat 4x8 @ 120kg

    Incline bench 4x8 @ 40/45/45/45kg supersetted with the belt squat because of time.

    Ran out of time for weighted planks

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    Worked up to 90kg single. Target was 7 and I had 85kg in mind but that moved far too smoothly. 3x3 at 80kg for backdowns. Bench flying along.


    Worked up to 155kg for a triple. First rep had bad bar drift and was grindy but rest flew up. Video showed my start position is different on 1st reps; shins more vertical than after i lowered it. Adjusted that for a backdown of 5x130 and way more consistent.

    Got to the gym late so above is all I had time for. Next few weeks are hectic so no idea how much o can train.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    4 @ 80kg and 3x4 @ 70kg. Was all easy. Lots of room in the tank after the 80kg

    Belt squat: 3x10 @ 125kg

    Facepull: 3x20 @ something

    All above was ad hoc. Coaching on hold until life calms down. Back was tired after a weekend of gardening, painting and other stuff, so opted for back friendly stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I was always bad for my first rep looking different to subsequent reps on DL so I had to go through a long spell of almost slowing the lowering of the bar so that I was reversing the movement and not just flopping back down. Definitely helped

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE


    120kg x 1 and 3x3 @ 120kg. Single was to be an 8 and i was delighted with how it moved considering i hadn't anything on my back in 2 weeks.

    Incline bench 50kg 4x8

    Cable row 4x8

    Step ups 4x10

    Weighted planks 4x20secs

    My incline bench sucks as usual but first time doing weighted planks. They nearly killed me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night


    Worked up to 85kg for a single, then 3x3 @ 67.5kg. 85kg was faster than I thought it would be, considering I hadn't benched in two weeks. Can't complain. And the 67.5s were piss easy.

    4x10 belt squat @ 125kg

    3x10 pushups

    3x15 lat pulldowns @ something

    4x20 facepulls @ something

    Just glad to be back at it after some crazy busy weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE


    Worked up to 160kg x 1 and 3x3 @ 130kg. Single moved slowly and hips went up slightly before bar, but back stayed neutral at least.

    Barbell rows 4x8 @ 60kg

    RDL 3x10 @ 80kg

    Single leg RDL 3x15 @ 10kg

    KB swings 3x15 @ 10kg

    First time doing single leg RDLs and i was crap at them. Really hot the sides of my hips though

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    4 sessions in a week? What?

    DB shoulder press: 5x5 @ 20kg

    Pushups: 4x8

    DB curls: 4 sets with 7.5kg @ 20/20/18

    Leg extensions: 3x8 @ something

    RDL slides: 3x15 but this didn't happen

    Chest supported rear flyes: 3x15 @ 7.5kg

    Gave up on the RDL slides because they just felt like absolute crap. Rest was grand. All done in less than an hour

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gym was insane on Monday so skipped and came back last night instead

    Pause squat:

    Worked up to a single @ 135kg and then 3x3 @ 110kg. The 135 might be a PR. I have an old video of myself tripling 137.5kg on uncalibrated plates, which could be closer to 130kg. But I'm delighted as my pause squat has traditionally been weak compared to comp squat, so it's a bigger form PR

    Floor press 4x8 @ 50kg

    One arm row 4x8 @ 25kg

    Step ups 4x6 @ 16kg

    Cable crunches 4x20 @ something


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night

    Board press:

    Worked up to 100kg x 1 @ 8, then 3x3 @ 80kg. It moved slowly, but I possibly expended too much energy unracking it. Should have asked for a handout.

    SSB 4x8 @ 85kg

    Neutral grip DB press 3x10 @ 22.5kg

    Lat pulldown 3x15 @ something

    Upright row 4x20 @ something

    Grand session

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed today

    Boris deadlift:

    Worked up to 160kg x 1. Tried 170kg, but it was a grinder and I knew if i dropped at the knees, it wasn't coming back up, so just locked it out. Annoying but what can you do.

    Barbell row 4x8 @ 50kg

    RDL 3x10 @ 80kg

    Single leg RDLs 3x15 @ 16kg

    Kettle bell swings 3x15 @ 16kg

    Mixed bag. Overdid on main lifts but took it too easy on accessories

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    Worked up to a triple @ 130kg and 3x3 @ 110kg. Think I nailed the RPE of the top set. Squat moving in the right direction.

    Neutral grip DB press 4x8 @ 25kg

    Meadows row 4x8 @ 20kg

    Lunges 3x10 @ 20kg

    Mountain climbers 3x20

    Two new exercises in meadows rows and mountain climbers. Happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight


    Worked up to 90kg x 3. Was supposed to be an 8 but was 9.5. Not sure what happened. Using a dodgy bench probably didn't help. 3x3 at 75kg to finish.

    Pause squat 4x6 @ 85kg

    Incline bench 3x10 @ 40kg

    Tricep pushdown 3x12 @ something

    Upright row 4x20 @ something

    Annoyed with the bench overshoot, but happy otherwise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed today. It's cold and i had too much wine last night


    Worked up to 162.5kg x 3. Was supposed to be an 8 but this was a massive undershoot. Flew up, but I started to get headaches and light headedness after every set, so called it. 3x3 @ 140kg for backdowns

    4x8 chest supported rows with 15kg DBs

    3x10 RDLs with 80kg

    Skipped the single leg RDLs and hyperextension because I just felt unwell and didn't want to faint.

    Happy with main lift but bit of a wasted opportunity

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,805 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Bench is returning to old form fairly quick!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Pause squat:

    Worked up to 130kg. 5kg down from 2 weeks ago. Wimped out of going higher. Backdowns 3x3 @ 115kg were deathly.

    4x8 floor press @ 60kg

    4x8 one arm DB rows @ 25kg

    4x6 step ups @ 25kg

    4x20 cable crunches

    Annoyed with paused squat but I think I figured out how to floor press.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Tempo bench:

    Worked up to 95kg @ 8 and backdowns 3x3 @ 85kg. Nailed the top single, even with an extra long tempo, so happy

    SSB squat 4x8 @ 80kg

    Neutral grip DB press 3x10 @ 25kgs

    Meadows row 3x10 @ 10kg

    Bench took forever so ran out of time. Had to superset the DB press and meadows row. No time for upright rows

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Pause deadlift:

    Worked up to a 170kg single @ 8. That's definitely a pause PR. Held position perfectly and it moved good. Backdowns were 3x3 @ 152.5kg.

    CGBP 4x8 @ 60kg

    RDLs 3x10 @ 85kg

    Single leg RDLs 3x12 @ something

    Ran out of time to do KB swings.

    Deadlift feeling great, despite feeling a bit beaten up by previous night's session. Can't complain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight. Deload week.

    Squat 3x10 @ 70kg

    Bench 5x5 @ 60kg

    Goblet squat 4x8 @ 30kg

    Incline bench 3x12 @ 17.5kg

    Planks 5x20 seconds

    Easy, like it should be

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    Bench 3x10 @ 50kg

    Deadlift 5x3 @ 115kg

    Pushups 4x8

    DB RDLS 3x10 @ 30kgs

    Single leg glute bridge 3x15

    Still deload. All easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed today

    Deadlift 5x2 @ 95kg

    Goblet squat 4x8 @ 35kg

    DB press 3x12 @ 22.5kgs

    Hammer curls 3x10 @ 12.5/15/12.5kgs

    Lunges 4x8 @ 15kgs

    Facepulls 3x15 @ something

    Curls 12.5 seemed too light but 15kg too heavy. Think that was a curl PR. Probably. Dunno. I'll take it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed tonight

    SSB squat:

    Worked up to 110kg x 5 and 80kg for backdowns. I probably undershot this, but SSB absolutely destroys me.

    4x8 squat @ 80kg

    3x10 belt squat @ 90kg

    Walking lunges 4x8 @ 20kgs

    Skipped cable crunches because time. Legs likely to be in bits tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed last night but still in drafts

    3ct bench:

    Worked up to 75kg x 5 @ 8. Had 80kg in mind but 75kg just felt crap. In hindsight, i think I rushed warmups. 60kg for backdowns felt like air whereas the same weight during warmups felt dodgy.

    Floor press 4x8 @ 60kg

    Incline DB press 3x10 @ 20kgs

    Facepulls 4x15 @ something

    French press 3x12 @ 20kg

    Annoyed by the undershooting of the bench, but grand otherwise. French press is a new one for me too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Gymmed yesterday

    Boris deadlift:

    Plan today was 5 @ 8. But considering i won't be training for at least 2 weeks, decided to start off with a regular single to see where I was at. 170kg flew up but hips went out of position right off the floor with 180kg, so called it.

    Had 150kg in mind with the top Boris set but started with 140kg and went no further; was out of breath after the 3rd rep. Was like a set of 10. Did backdowns @ 115kg and these left the legs jellyish.

    Halted deadlift 3x6 @ 100kg

    RDLs 4x8 @

    Leg curls 3x15 @ something

    Planks 3x20 seconds

    Deadlift form took a step back today, which is disheartening. But feckit, tis almost Christmas

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,567 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    *wipes away cobwebs*

    Never got my act together in 2022. Longest I've gone without training in, I dunno, 9 years or something? Having young kids can only get the blame for so much but it was also the first time I've ever been unmotivated. Weird feeling.

    Squats: 5x5 :60kg

    Bench: 5x5 @ 50kg

    Some one-arm DB rows with 15kg and lateral raises with 2.5kg

    Squat form was bad because gym was cold and I was wearing a hoodie with slippery material, which meant I was pushing my elbows back to stop the bar from slipping. Hopefully won't be a problem next time. Sets got easier as I went on.

    Bench form was grand. That first 50kg felt awful heavy but the last was a piece of piss. Lotsa neuromuscular adaptation this morning.

    I recently got DOMS from putting the Christmas decorations back into the attic so the next few days should be fun.
