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Sets of faahve



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    SSB: 90kg x 12, 12, 8, 12. Dunno what happened on 3rd set; just felt wrecked. Took some MTFU and completed my last set properly.

    BB lunge: 40kg x 12, 12, 8, 8. Just absolutely wrecked. Not sure why.

    Seated calf raise: 4x12 @ 40kg. Grand. Leg extension/curl machine was busy so did calves first.

    Standing calf raise: 4x12 @ 20kg. Grand.

    Leg extension: 1x12 @ 30kg and 3x15 @ 35kg. Hard. Supersetted with below

    Hamstring curl: 25kg x 15, 15, 15, 12. Hard.

    Have eaten properly and had a decent sleep. Just chalking it down to being a bad day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    This is going to be my last week going PHUL. I'm starting a new job from next week and I won't be able to dedicate the same 4 days to this routine. Which is a shame, because this routine has definitely benefitted me.

    Bench: 4x3 @ 85kg. Really, really was my absolute limit. Gonna have to dial this back a bit going forward.

    Incline DB bench: 4x10 @ 22.5kg. Tidier than last week.

    Pullup: BE x 7, 8, 7, 7. Happy.

    BB row: 60kg x 5, 2x5 @ 70kg, 1x5 @ 60kg. Felt weak. Weight was pushing me around at 70, so dropped back.

    OHP: 3x8 @ 35kg. Same weight as last week because I wanted to see if it was a fluke. Completed it, but was hard.

    EZ skulls and curls: 3x10 @ 23kg. Same weight, still hard. Bleh

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Squat: 4x3 @ 120kg. Have also reached my limit here. Form was solid, at least.

    Deadlift: 1x3 @ 140kg. Recorded and paid attention to my warmups this time. Kinda got the hang of what I was doing wrong last week (tilt pelvis to pull on hamstrings until feet feel heavier), but still not 100% convinced it was right. Video showed a slightly rounded back that I didn't have once upon a time. Decided to do one top set instead of 4, and called it. Disappointed.

    Leg press: 4x15 @ 100kg. Lower back started to get sore here so maybe it wasn't dodgy deadlifts hurting me the last two weeks? Called it after 4 sets, instead of the intended 5.

    Hamstring curl: 4x10 @ 25kg. Grand.

    Seated calf raise: 4x10 @ 42.5kg. Grand.

    Annoying day. At least squats felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    As it is my last week on PHUL, I decided to push the weight on some accessories and be on the lower end of the rep ranges.

    Incline bench: 4x8 @ 55kg. Grand.

    DB chest fly: 4x10 @ 15kg. Grand. Coulda gone for more reps.

    Cable row: 4x15 @ 71kg. Grand.

    One-arm DB row: 25kg x 10 and 30kg x 8, 8, 8. Grand.

    Lateral raises: 4x10 @ 7.5kg. Could afford extra rests so was able to do better on these.

    Incline curl: 4x10 @ 10kg. Grand.

    Tricep extension: 4x12 @ 23kg. Grand.

    Lots of 'grand' today. Not bad, considering I had been working on the garden before the gym.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Haven't trained in just over two weeks. Trying to get used to new schedule of job. Unlikely I'll be able to fit in anything beyond 3 days/week with one of those being a short session.

    Paused SSB squat: 3x8 @ 80kg. Think this is my first time with this specific variation. Grand.

    RDL: 3x8 @ 80kg. Bit too easy. Wasn't quite snatch grip, but was widening my grip as the sets went on.

    OHP/pullup superset: 3x5 @ 40kg and 3x6 @ BW. Grand.

    BB lunges: 3x5 @ 40kg. Strength-wise, fine, but I was kinda imbalanced.

    More greasing the groove than anything else. Also trying to suss out how much time it takes to do the above.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Short Wednesday session. Upper only.

    Bench: 4x8 @ 65kg. First time benching in approx 3 weeks so was bound to be a bit weak. Couldn't have asked for more than this tbh.

    One-arm DB row: 4x10 @ 22.5kg. Grand.

    Lateral raise: 4x12 @ 5kg. Grand.

    Did some facepulls and tricep extensions at whatever weight that made my muscles kinda tired for 15 reps.

    Better than nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Forgot to log for Monday 19th.

    Paused SSB: 4x8 @ 80kg. Too easy. Should have gone heavier.

    Stiff leg DL: 4x3 @ 100kg. Dunno what happened, but became drained of energy and couldn't get my head right.

    OHP/pullup: 4x5 @ 40kg/ 6 @ BW. Grand.

    Split squat: 5s @ 20kg. Practised these with bodyweight at home and got a great stretch out of them, so just sussing them out with a barbell.

    Again, better than nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Bench: 4x8 @ 67.5kg. Easier than expected. Cool.

    Incline DB bench: 4x10 @ 20kg. Grand.

    One arm DB rows: 50reps each arm with 20kg. Grand, but tiring the way i did it.

    Lateral raise: 4x12 @ 5kg. Grand.

    Finished with 15s on facepulls and tricep extensions.

    Grand evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Paused SSB squat: 3x8 @ 90kg. Threw some extra weight on the bar because Monday was far too easy. Moved well but absolutely exhausted me.

    RDL: 4x10 @ 90kg. Grand

    OHP/pullup: 3x6/6 @ 40kg/BW. Was exhausted at this stage so this was tough.

    Leg press: 3x15 @ 75kg. Wanted to do leg extension/curls but machine was being used. Grand.

    I'm getting tired very easily these days. Don't think having two weeks off training can explain this; must be the heat and/or humidity

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Paused SSB squat: 4x8 @ 90kg. Actually completely the sets i intented on Friday and it was easier to move. Progress.

    RDL: 4x10 @ 90kg. Too easy.

    OHP/pullup: 3x6 @ 40kg/BW. Grand.

    Leg extension/curl: 20/20 and 20/18 @ 25kg/20kg. Legs were tired doing these.

    Grand day. It's 5C lower than Friday so could explain why things were easier.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    No session in a week due to family commitments.

    Paused SSB squat: 3x8 @ 90kg. Same weight but felt way heavier.

    RDL: 3x10 @ 100kg. Up in weight. Felt it in my hammies big time after first set. Usually takes a few hours.

    OHP/pullup: 3x6 @ 40kg/BW. Grand.

    Leg extension/curl: 30kg/25kg for 15/15, 15/15 and 15/11. Hard.

    Another case of 'something is better than nothing'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Bench: 4x8 @ 65kg. Hadn't benched last week so this seemed right.

    Lateral raise/one arm DB: 3x 12/12 @ 5kg/27.5kg. Laterals fine but rows hard.

    Finished with 3x15 facepulls and tricep extensions at whatever weight.

    Kids were a nightmare to put to bed so got to the gym late. Had to make this a really short session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Paused SSB squat: 3x8 @ 95kg. Heavy.

    Deadlift: 1x3 @ 130kg. Haven't pulled from the floor, aside from getting RDLs se up, in over a month. Just wanted to see where my beltless was at. Was surprisingly ok.

    OHP/pullup: 3x7 @ 40kg/BW. Grand.

    Belt squat/45 raise: 2x15 @ 50kg/BW. Messed up the belt squat weight and thought it was 100kg. It was easy and only knew why afterwards .

    Something is better than nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Paused SSB squat: 3x8 @ 100kg. Milestone achieved. Grand.

    RDL: 2x10 @ 100kg. Same weight but less sets as last week.

    OHP/pullup: 3x8 @ 40kg/BW. Happy with this.

    Leg extension/curl: 30kg/25kg for 2x15. Hard.

    I was completely drained this morning and had to rest extra long between sets, which meant cutting back on sets overall. Strength was there; energy wasn't. I'll take it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Bench: 4x8 @ 70kg. Up from last week. Happy with this.

    Incline DB bench: 3x10 @ 22.5kg. Grand.

    One arm DB row/lateral raise: 4x10/12 @ 27.5kg/5kg. Rows grand but laterals hard.

    Facepulls and tricep extensions to finish, as per usual

    No rushing this evening so no need to skip anything. Nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Paused SSB squat: 4x6 @ 102.5kg. Yeah, those 5kg jumps weren't going to last forever.

    Deadlift: 3x5 @ 120kg. Was good. Beltless. This year, I've had trouble being consistent with more than 3 reps but this was fine. Now to do it with some actual weight...

    OHP/pullup: 3x5/8 @ 42.5kg/BW. Grand. Will make pullups weighted next time.

    Leg extension/curl: 3x15/10 @ 35kg/30kg. Urgh.

    Something being better than nothing is better than being weaker than i was last week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Family commitments meant nothing on Monday.

    Bench: 5x6 @ 72.5kg. Up from last week but too heavy for 8s. 6s still hard.

    Incline DB bench: 10, 9, 8 @ 25kg. Bit off more than i can chew here. Probably didn't help i used a bench with a slightly higher incline than last week.

    One arm DB row/lateral raise: 4x10/12 @ 30kg/5kg. Rows harder than last week but laterals still hard.

    Facepulls, tricep extensions and 5xBW pullups to finish. Threw in the pullups because I didn't train Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Paused SSB squat: 3x6 @ 105kg. Was going to do 3x8 @ 100kg because I missed Monday but went up from the last time regardless. It was hard. So hard, that I opted against a 4th set.

    RDL: 3x8 @ 110kg. Was kinda hard, but I expected it to be harder. Happy.

    OHP/weighted pullup: 3x6/5 @ 42.5kg/5kg. First time doing weighted pullups in literally years when I was about 10kg heavier BW. Happy that a set of 5 felt like piss.

    Ab wheel/DB split squat: 3x8/10 @ BW/10kgs (20kg). Decided to switch it up because I never train abs directly. Dis gonna be sore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Paused squat: 5x3 @ 100kg. Beltless. Haven't LB squatted in about two months so decided to see where my form was at. Kept losing lower abdominal tension between reps and my head wasn't always upright. So a bit to work on. But the good news is that strength was there.

    Deadlift: 3x5 @ 130kg. Meant to do 125kg but got plates mixed up. Happy it felt as easy when it did.

    OHP/weighted pullup: 3x7/6 @ 42.5kg/5kg. Hard and hard. Still happy.

    Leg extension/curl: 40kg x 20 and 30kg x 8. These were kinda AMRAPS because i had an ohjesuslookatthetime moment.

    Good day after a tiring weekend 

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Forgot to post this on Wednesday...

    Bench: 1x1 @ 85kg and 3x6 @ 72.5kg. Single just to see where my top-end strength was at and the 6s were still hard.

    Incline DB bench: 13, 10, 10 @ 22.5kg. Went down in weight and thought it would be easier than it was. Oh well.

    One arm DB row/lateral raise: 3x10/10, 10, @ 30kg/7.5kg. Rows grand and went up in weight with laterals because I can't be on 5kg forever. They were hard as expected but I'm happy with them.

    Facepulls and tricep extensions before going home.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Squat: 5x3 @ 110kg. Beltless. Just practicing consistent repping. Happy to report that it's coming together fast and strength is there more than expected.

    RDL: 3x8 @ 115kg. Grand. Happy.

    OHP/weighted pullup: 3x8/7 @ 42.5kg/5kg. Absolute limit on OHP and hard on pullups. Still happy.

    DB split squat/ab rollout: 3x 10/8 @ 10, 12.5, 15/BW. Split squat easy but abs on fire.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Squat: 4x3 @ 115kg. Beltless. Didn't have time to do any more because I messed up my morning routine.

    Deadlift: 2x2 @ 150kg. Beltless. Just seeing how my top end strength is. Happy.

    OHP/weighted pullup: 3x5/8 @ 45kg/5kg. OHP was harder than expected and completed pullups, but not happy with form.

    Leg extension/lying leg curl: 2x20/15 @ 40kg/25kg. Hard.

    Good day after another tiring weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Got to gym late because children were a nightmare.

    Bench: 1x1 @ 90kg and 3x4. @ 80kg. Single because I'm a moron without a plan and backoffs for same reason.

    One arm DB row/lateral raise: 3x10 @ 32.5kg/7.5kg. Rows hard and laterals better than last week.

    Facepulls and dips because I fancied something different. Did 3x10 @ BW on dips and jad room to spare, so could easily do weighted if i wanted. Happy with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Poor time management meant i got to gym late.

    Squat: 1x1 @ 130kg and 3x3 @ 120kg. Threw on a belt this morning and see previous post about not having a plan.

    Deadlift: 1x3 @ 155kg and 2x3 @ 140. The 155 was sort of a rep PR for me. I did 160x8 while doing JTS AI (albeit with awful form) and have done 170x3, but these were all at a higher bodyweight. This is a double bodyweight for reps PR. Kinda happy.

    OHP/weighted pullup: 2x6/8 @ 45kg/5kg. OHP was still hard and still not happy with pullups form. Only two sets due to time.

    Was hoping to get more done considering i won't be training on Monday. Oh well. Better than nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Bench: 1x1 @ 92.5kg and 4x4. @ 77.5kg. Grand.

    One arm DB row/lateral raise: 3x8 @ 30kg/10kg. In hindsight, i wasn't happy with my rows form last week so back down in weight and staying strict. Laterals up in weight because 7.5kg wasn't a challenge any more.

    Dips/pullups: 3x10/5 @ BW/BW. Dips because why not and pullups because I didn't do any on Monday.

    Facepulls to finish. Didn't bother supersetting with any tricep-ey because I already did dips.

    Grand evening, despite the humidity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Squat: 5x3 @ 110kg. Beltless, just because.

    RDL: 3x8 @ 110kg. Grand. Bit too easy, if anything.

    OHP/weighted pullup: 3x5/5 @ 45kg/5kg. Upper body just felt weak today so i held back a bit.

    Leg extension/curl: 3x15/12 @ 45kg/25kg. Grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Decided to change things up a notch for a few weeks. Will do 4 sets of 4-6 on a main lift (gonna include dips), 6-8 on accessories and will deadlift on Wednesdays.

    Squat: 4x6 @ 105kg. Beltless. Can't do triples forever. Felt good.

    Weighted dip: 4x6 @ 5kg. Was a little too easy. Unweighted sets of 10 were simple so this isn't a surprise. Will move up next time.

    Leg extension/lat pulldown: 4x8 @ 55kg/59kg. Leg extension PR or something. Grand. Had more in the tank but not 100% happy with form.

    Triceps extension/one arm DB row: 4x8/8 @ 29kg/27.5kg. Rows less than last time because they felt weak during warmup. Everything ended up being grand altogether.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Deadlift: 6, 4, 5, 4 @ 140kg. Was supposed to be 4x6. I was considering going for 135kg but warmups felt great, so went for it. I stopped when i noticed form breakdown and i didn't actually fail any reps. I'll repeat this attempt next week.

    Bench: 4x6 @ 75kg. Hard. Last rep was a grind.

    45 hyper/lateral raise: 3x10/8 @ 10kg/10kg. Hypers were far too easy and laterals were hard.

    One set of hamstring curls before I left before the gym closed. Didn't plan out my accessories properly as i didn't do any rows, which I bhad intended

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Squat: 4x6 @ 107.5kg. Beltless. First two sets were harder than anticipated. Blamed Wednesday's deadlifts, but realised while setting up for third set that I was using a wider grip than usual. Fixed that, which made upper back toghter, which made it all easier.

    Weighted dip: 4x6 @ 10kg. Started easy but latter sets got tough. Never close to failure though. Will go up 2.5 next time.

    Leg extension/lat pulldown: 4x8 @ 55kg/65g. Leg extensions better than last time and pulldowns as hard as expected.

    Triceps extension/one arm DB row: 4x8/8 @ 29kg/30kg. Everything kinda hard but ok.

    Have been back on a caloric deficit the last few weeks and have really felt the weakness that brings about this week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Squat: 4x6 @ 110kg. Beltless. Overall, better than Friday. Felt heavy but form felt solid and reps hardly slowed to the end.

    Weighted dip: 4x6 @ 12.5kg. Had to rush these because the dip belt was missing a clasp and took ages to find a replacement that fit. Aside from that, felt hard AF.

    Leg extension/lat pulldown: 4x8 @ 60kg/65g. Leg extensions hard but lat pulldowns harder than expected. Form not good so sticking with the weight.

    Triceps extension/one arm DB row: 4x8/8 @ 29kg/32.5kg. Tricep extensions far too easy but rows hard.

    Completely exhausted by the end.
