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Getting stronger getting older



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Yep, two weeks off will take you back a bit but a week or so and you should be more or less back to normal. Serves you right for not training like a champion.

    Definitely do not neglect shoulders as well; an impingement there literally changed my life like and all because I adopted an "it'll be grand" attitude for years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 1 ohp

    47.5x5 (+2)

    Lat pulldown @85 kg 8,8,6

    Seated ohp 3x8 @40kg

    Seated cable row 3x8 @75

    Meh to say the least. I have to put this woeful performance down to the 2 week break, cause if I don't I'll be cursing all day. I did 9@ 47.5 a while back so I know I'm capable of better

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Deadlift cycle 3 week 1

    107.5 x 5
    122.5 x 5
    140 x 5 (+6)

    Front squats @80kg 8,8,5

    Hip thrust 3x10 @160kg

    Leg extension 3 x 15 @50

    Calf raise @110. 20,20,20,15,15

    Deadlifts were handy enough up until the final 3 reps where I started to tire. I could feel myself almost switching to a RDL on the last rep so I stopped.

    I shouidve got 3x8 on the front squats. Next time I will.

    Hip thrusts only became challenging on the last few reps.

    After the leg extensions and calf raises, when I walked, it looked like I had to go to the toilet really bad. I didn't.

    Back into the swing of things now. Looking forward to benching tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Your deadlift is brilliant, I couldn't even do ten reps of 120 really. I'm always slipping in RDLs in there when I'm knackered too, it's just a lack of concentration on my part I think. What weight are you now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    FTA69 wrote: »
    Your deadlift is brilliant, I couldn't even do ten reps of 120 really. I'm always slipping in RDLs in there when I'm knackered too, it's just a lack of concentration on my part I think. What weight are you now?

    I'd say around 85ish at the moment. Prob a little fatter after holidays but I haven't checked

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 1 Bench Press

    52.5 x 5
    62.5 x 5
    70 x 5 (+3)
    70 x 8

    Pull ups BW 10,7,6

    Dips +15kg. 8,8,7

    Barbell shrugs 3x12 @100kg

    Incline DB press 3x15 @10kg

    Seated dips 3 x 20

    That elbow injury or whatever it is still isn't gone. It seems to transform itself into something new every couple of weeks. This week it's stiffness and some mild pain. I think this could be a major reason for the weakness in my left side when pushing.

    Benching didn't feel great and I really struggled to get 8. So pissed off with it that I had to go again knowing I could do better. I widened my grip a good bit, and although I didn't get higher reps, it was a much more comfortable set. Due to my long dangly arms I'm assuming I should be using a wider grip anyway??

    I'm going for 3 x 10 in pull ups. First set was easy almost. Next 2 not so easy. Pull ups really are humbling.

    Dropped the weight on the dips just till I feel stronger again. Had to grind these out

    Shrugs were a change using the barbell. Tested the grip. Might stick to them for a while.

    Incline press was a pain, literally. Had 20's to start with but I got a horrible pain in my right rotator cuff. Couldn't shake it off so dropped the weight by half.

    Legs raised seated dips for a good pump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    Have you gone to a physio

    Grip width I use ring fingers on the rings if that helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    bluewolf wrote: »
    Have you gone to a physio

    Grip width I use ring fingers on the rings if that helps.

    I was going to go to a Physio, then the elbow starts to feel better and I put it off. Then it restarts again etc etc. I may go.
    I'm putting my pinky on the outer rings now and a lot better

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I have longer arms. My grip with has the pinky just inside the rings. It's where my bench feels strongest. Wider grip reduces the ROM but it also doesn't feel as strong for me.

    It's whatever feels strongest rather than what should be suited to your physical makeup

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Go to your physio honestly. What is a small impingement or pain now could become much, much worse. You'll never believe bad rotator cuff injuries can happen to you until they happen. At my worst I couldn't even take my wallet out of my back pocket.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 2 squat low bar

    Toe squats up to 60kg

    82.5 x 3
    95 x 3
    105 x 3 (+7)

    RDL 3 x 8 @120

    BB lunge 12 steps 35,50,55

    Leg curl @45.5 10,9,8

    Calf raises @100kg. 20,20,15,15,15

    I did shoulder mobility all week in the hopes it improved things today. It did thankfully. Lots of shoulder warm ups before I started, but my shoulders, especially the right was tight. In between warm up sets I kept stretching and doing mobility. Come working sets it felt great, easy almost :)
    Set 2 was probably my most comfortable set ever. Everything felt perfect.
    Set 3 is a pb id say. Delighted with it. Could've got another 2 sloppy ones but wasn't gonna risk it for ego. I think I lean too forward before the decent too. I'll have to video it.
    The hardest part I found was the breathing. Taking big breaths each rep kinda makes you dizzy after a high rep set. Anybody else find that?

    RDL's were tough enough

    Everything else was grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    make sure you let your tummy go completely slack on a breath, then breathe again fully to tense up properly
    Might help a bit. If you're remaining tense you won't take in a full breath which might cause it

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 2 OHP

    Warm ups

    1 x 5x40 pozidrive screw into finger

    37.5 x 3
    45 x 3
    50 x 3 (+3)

    Lat pulldown @85kg 8,8,6

    Seated ohp 3 x 8 @ 40kg

    Seated cable row @75kg 10,10,7

    DB shrugs 3x15 @34kg db
    Db rev fly 3x10 @10kg

    I feel it's weaker I'm getting at this lift. Maybe it's the fact I did a half arsed deload the first time that lasted 2 weeks. I dunno. I'm gonna try a wider grip next week and see if it's any better.

    Drilled a screw into my finger yesterday which made any pulling excersises a pain. Didn't affect my poor performance on the ohp though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 2 Deadlift

    Warm ups

    115 x 3
    132.5 x 3
    147.5 x 3 (+6)

    Front squats 3 x 8 @80kg

    Hip thrust 3 x 10 @180kg

    Leg extension machine broke

    Leg press light 3 x 20

    Calf raise 4 x 20 @100kg


    DL were good this week. On the last set I really concentrated on not transforming the last few reps into RDL's.

    Front squats were a proper slog. I had to have a quick chat to myself around rep 4 of each set. Got through them. Just about.

    Hip thrust was grand. Probably bump it up to 200 next time. The hardest part is holding the weight against my hands.

    Been a while since I did any direct core work. Looking forward to tummy doms tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 2 Bench Press

    Warm ups

    57.5 x 3
    65 x 3
    72.5 x 3 (+5)

    Pull ups 10,7,6

    Dips +15kg 3x8

    Shrugs 2 x front, 2 x behind @110kg

    Incline DB press 3 x 10 @18kg

    Tricep pulldowns 5 x 10 @18

    Tried the wider grip today. Felt a bit better but 8 was my max, no improvement from a month ago. I think I'm gonna experiment with grips widths a bit over the coming weeks to find one that I'm happy with

    Pulls ups are a bitch. No other word for them but I'll trod on.

    Dips were tough but got them done.

    Incline DB felt like that shoulder pain was coming back using the 20's so I dropped down to 18's and they were handy.

    Physio booked in for tomorrrow morning but the elbow feels 100% for the last 2 days. Typical. I was gonna do some curls to test it out but left well enough alone. I'll still go to Physio just to be sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sometimes it's good to include a block of wider grip bench as an accessory cos it's a greater range of motion. It won't necessarily test where your strongest grip is but it will make you stronger in a different range which will help with your bench overall

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Sometimes it's good to include a block of wider grip bench as an accessory cos it's a greater range of motion. It won't necessarily test where your strongest grip is but it will make you stronger in a different range which will help with your bench overall

    Id have thought wider grip had less ROM cause you'd naturally not push up as far?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Sometimes it's good to include a block of wider grip bench as an accessory cos it's a greater range of motion. It won't necessarily test where your strongest grip is but it will make you stronger in a different range which will help with your bench overall

    Id have thought wider grip had less ROM cause you'd naturally not push up as far?

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    I just noticed you're doing 180kg hip thrusts
    Do you do them elbows on a bench

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    bluewolf wrote: »
    I just noticed you're doing 180kg hip thrusts
    Do you do them elbows on a bench

    God no that's break me in half. I do them on the floor with my feet on steps so I can get a higher push

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Dtp1979 wrote: »
    Id have thought wider grip had less ROM cause you'd naturally not push up as far?

    Sorry...brain fart. It's a different range of motion with different focus on the muscles

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Sorry...brain fart. It's a different range of motion with different focus on the muscles

    Thanks. I'll be working on bench a good bit cause it's so weak so I plan on doing variations like you said. But first I may learn what grip works for me :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 3 Squat

    Toe squats up to 60kg

    87.5 x 5
    100 x 3
    110 x 1 (+8)

    RDL 3 x 8 @120kg

    On the warmups I was having the opposite effect to FTA69's problem. The bar was sliding up my back. Keeping it tighter and lower sorted that.
    Main Squats felt heavy today but I have to say I'm delighted with 9 reps. I'm continuing to work on shoulder mobility before every workout and it's paying off hugely. Zero pain or discomfort. Form was better than last week for sure.

    RDL were done today without straps. I had them ready but realised that if I can deadlift 10 reps in the 140's without straps then surely I can do 120's. It was a lot tougher and my forearms are pumped. On the very last rep I got this huge sharp pain in my head that had me worried for a few mins. Had to go early anyway as restricted for time.

    Did anyone else ever get a pain like this going at near maximum effort?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 3 OHP

    Warm ups

    42.5 x 5
    47.5 x 3
    52.5 x 1 (+4)

    Lat pulldown @85kg 8,8,6

    Seated ohp 3 x 8 @42.5kg

    Seated cable row 3 x 8 @75kg

    DB shrugs 4x15 @34kg

    Rev fly DB 3 x 12 @10kg

    Lights curls

    Elbow is still a bit stiff today. Might go back to Physio.
    Tried a slightly wider grip today. It felt a little better and the weight moved ok. The first 3 went well on the last set, lost a bit of control and after that I tired very quickly. Happier all the same.

    I've hit a wall on the lat pulldown. Just in time for the deload. In cycle 4 I'll restart a bit lighter

    Happy with seated ohp. I might try 45kg next cycle. If that's too heavy I'll throw on fractional plates and work up to it

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Cycle 3 week 3 Deadlifts

    122.5 x 3
    140 x 3
    155 x 1 (+3)

    Front squats x 1. 60, 80, 90, 100, 105 PB+15

    Hip thrust 3 x 10 @200

    Calf raise 3x20 @80kg

    Deadlifts were grand. I'll post a video in the open forum. I only did an extra 3 cause I didn't want to risk that weird headache I got doing RDL's recently. I had another 3-4 easily. I'll push harder after the deload week.

    Tested front squat for a change today. Probably not the best idea after deadlifting. Got an increase of 15kg so not too bad.

    Hip thrusts were ok. Weight wasn't an issue. Holding that kind of weight against your hand and trying to balance it was harder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    200 wowweee

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    bluewolf wrote: »
    200 wowweee

    Ah it sounds a lot more impressive than it actually is. Try it yourself and you'll see how handy it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Hips are rising a touch early on the deadlift. And you're not pushing your hips through. Lock put harder. It's not an issue now because that's well inside what you're capable of but it would tell when it's heavier. Also it looks like you're just cajoling it off the ground. Drive harder off the ground - don't give it a chance to fight back.

    Don't get me wrong, none of those are major flaws. They're minor things that can be addressed easily and would make that look a lot easier.

    It looked easy enough but it's just about putting everything into it as if it was 220kg, which would have that fly up so that when you're up at 220kg you're used to pulling with the intensity that you'll need, if that makes sense

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    I will try a hip thrust sometime, i think it's time

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Hips are rising a touch early on the deadlift. And you're not pushing your hips through. Lock put harder. It's not an issue now because that's well inside what you're capable of but it would tell when it's heavier. Also it looks like you're just cajoling it off the ground. Drive harder off the ground - don't give it a chance to fight back.

    Don't get me wrong, none of those are major flaws. They're minor things that can be addressed easily and would make that look a lot easier.

    It looked easy enough but it's just about putting everything into it as if it was 220kg, which would have that fly up so that when you're up at 220kg you're used to pulling with the intensity that you'll need, if that makes sense

    It does, and thank you. Much appreciated
