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NASRPC EGM (See post #19)



  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Valhalla18

    It would have been of enormous help in this debate, if the minutes and documented proceedings of the affairs of the NASRPC had been handed over to the incoming committee after the last AGM. I do not know if this happened. Perhaps if the previous secretary of the NASRPC is looking at this thread he may like to enlighten us on this?[/quote]

    Just for your info. The election of officers was one of the first things on the agenda at the last agm. (Just like every year). The new committee took over after that . It was they who were responsible for the meeting from then on. Including any minutes. It was them who did not release them in time. So get your facts correct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,057 ✭✭✭clivej

    Anyone still got the Email for the motions to go on the agenda for the 2016 AGM to get voted on.

    That will clear up a lot of the sh!te that getting posted here

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,788 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    badaj0z wrote: »
    The current constitution is the same as it has been for the last few years with one major exception which relates to EGMs. Prior to the AGM held in January of last year, voting at AGMs was from the floor (only recently, previously it was only by clubs) and voting at EGMs was by clubs.

    Was there ever an EGM before?

    Where is it written down in the Constitution that it's only clubs that can vote at an EGM?

    Motion – David Hayes
    Under Section “ Amendments to the Constitution” That: “Amendments to the Constitution
    of the NASRPC shall be agreed only at an Annual General Meeting.”
    Be replaced by:
    “Amendments to the Constitution of the NASRPC, shall be agreed at the Annual General
    Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting”
    ● Motion Carried Unanimously

    It therefore follows that the proposed EGM to change the constitution is valid ,according to the constitution, and only clubs can vote, one vote per club.

    I was at the AGM and I don't remember that being voted upon. And neither can anybody else that I have been talking to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    Valhalla18 wrote: »

    Just for your info. The election of officers was one of the first things on the agenda at the last agm. (Just like every year). The new committee took over after that . It was they who were responsible for the meeting from then on. Including any minutes. It was them who did not release them in time. So get your facts correct.

    Well understood V18. It is not the minutes of the last AGM I referred to, it is the minutes of every AGM or committee meeting of the last few years. If these were available from the previous committee, it would sort out the debate on the changes to the constitution, amongst other matters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    Perhaps you missed this bit of the minutes LB6

    Following a short recess , the new chairman brought the meeting back to order and discussed
    the following
    ● Updating E-mail contacts for each club and point of contact including mobile number
    ● Question on 2016 Competition Calendar for Jeff McCann, When will it be ready?
    ● Action of Committee : moved 4 motions out, seconded the remainder
    Motion – Donall McGroary
    NASRPC Calendar year to commence on 1st day of March and finish on the last day of
    february in the following year
    ● Motion Carried
    Motion – Donall McGroary
    50% of the money raised by a national competition run by the NASRPC would remain
    with the affiliated club and 50% would be retained by the NASRPC.
    ● Motion Rejected
    Motion – Clive Jackson
    From each NASRPC national and International event held that 10% (ten Percent) of the
    NET takings (profits) , after all expenses involved in running the said event are deducted,
    should be given back to the Club where the event was held. And that if a loss is made by
    the NASRPC from running said event that the NASRPC suffer that loss.
    ● Motion Rejected
    Meeting Minutes : 2015 Annual General Meeting : National Associtation of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs
    Motion – Gerry McCarthy
    That no member of the committee serve more than two consecutive terms regardless of
    the position on the committee.
    ● Motion Withdrawn
    Motion – Noel Thompson
    That a portion of all monies raised from NASRPC competitions be put aside to help fund
    the international teams’ travel expenses.
    ● Motion Carried
    Motion – Adam Smyth
    I would like to propose a motion to get some clarification on the course of events recently
    which led to An riocht claiming they are excluded from the NASRPC.
    ● Motion withdrawn
    Motion – Adam Smyth
    (My third motion. - Relates to conduct of committee members). That no one member can
    verbally or otherwise bring the NASRPC into disrepute by verbally or otherwise
    castigating another member, and that any member who feels so aggrieved, is entitled to
    formally petition the committee and seek the removal of that person from the committee if
    found to be in breach of this condition.
    ● Motion Carried Unanimously
    Motion – David Hayes
    Under Section “ Amendments to the Constitution” That: “Amendments to the Constitution
    of the NASRPC shall be agreed only at an Annual General Meeting.”
    Be replaced by:
    “Amendments to the Constitution of the NASRPC, shall be agreed at the Annual General
    Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting”
    ● Motion Carried Unanimously
    Motion – David Hayes
    That € 10 per person member per affiliated club agreed at the 2014 AGM be removed
    ● Motion Carried Unanimously

    There seems to be a collective loss of memory by the inner circle. Do you think that the men in black were present with their magic pencils? Any word from the previous secretary?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    clivej wrote: »
    Anyone still got the Email for the motions to go on the agenda for the 2016 AGM to get voted on.

    That will clear up a lot of the sh!te that getting posted here

    Here you are CliveJ, below is what my club sent in. Other clubs also sent in similar motions. I have no doubt that setting up the Agenda was a complex matter and some condensation and simplification took place but I have no doubt regarding the submission of these motions.

    Motions for NASRPC AGM, 2016
    Under Section “ Amendments to the Constitution”
    Amendments to the Constitution of the NASRPC shall be agreed only at an Annual General Meeting.
    Be replaced by:
    Amendments to the Constitution of the NASRPC, shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting

    That € 10 per person member per affiliated club agreed at the 2014 AGM be removed forthwith.
    That the 2015 committee of the NASRPC explain what happened regarding their handling of their relationship with the Sports Council and the consequences of this in the following areas:
    The undertakings they gave on joining the SC.
    Why they broke these agreements by doing “solo runs”
    Why they chose to discuss the “apprenticeship scheme” with the DOJ/Minister
    Why they did not explain their position to the SC.
    Why they did not do as instructed by the members meeting at Hilltop as regards reaching an agreement with the SC
    Why they chose to resign from the SC
    Why they changed the long standing method of handling late payments of member club’s fees and used this as a means of reducing the voting power of clubs who had criticised them.
    Why they did not call an EGM even though they had received requests for an EGM from the specified proportion of member clubs
    Why they have not answered any of these questions before now.
    Following their explanations on the above questions and appropriate debate a vote of member clubs present should be held on whether they remain in office for 2016 or are replaced by a new committee elected from the floor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    BattleCorp wrote: »
    Was there ever an EGM before?

    Where is it written down in the Constitution that it's only clubs that can vote at an EGM?

    This is where it gets complicated BC. Below you will see a copy of the constitution sent out as part of the AGM notice which took place in 2015. As far as I can see, this is the constitution in force at the AGM held in 2016. These are the important clauses:

    6: Membership.
    Membership of the NASRC shall be open to target shooting Clubs

    12: The Annual General Meeting (AGM).
    The AGM of the Association shall be held once every calendar year at a central location. The Committee shall determine the: date, time and location of each meeting. At least 30 (thirty) days before the meeting the Secretary of the Association shall notify each affiliated club in writing, or by electronic mail, of the date, time, loca
    The following business shall be transacted: receive and if approved, adopt the agenda. The Chairman and Secretary’s reports, which includes from the Treasurer a statement of accounts to the end of the year. Election of officers of the Association. All bona fide members of affiliated clubs present at the A.G.M. may vote on any proposal put forward during proceedings

    13: Voting Procedures at AGM’s
    On each motion duly submitted to the AGM, each member Club shall be entitled to vote.

    14: Extraordinary General Meeting:
    An E.G.M. of the Association shall only be called by the Association Secretary on the instructions of the committee, or by written request of at least one third of the Association membership. Only the specific business of the meeting shall
    be transacted at such a meeting. The Secretary shall give 30 (thirty) days notice in writing to the affiliated Clubs of such a meeting, stating the: date, time, location and business to be transacted

    You will note that there are conflicting statements in these. Prior to the change that allowed "the floor" to vote at an AGM, only "members" could vote and these are defined as "clubs". The committee at the time changed clause 12 to allow "members of clubs present" to vote but did not change the other clauses that were affected by this change. This meant that the definition of a member was not changed and the EGM clause was not changed. This leaves clause 14 open to interpretation. I do not believe an EGM was ever held so there is not precedent. However, there was no attempt to change clause 14 so it follows that it was intended to be as it was created,i.e. members voted,i.e. clubs.
    You may wish to disagree with this interpretation but what matters is how the committee now interprets it.
    They have concluded, correctly in my view, that the constitution is a mess and a new one is needed. Hence the call for the EGM to sort things out.
    I suggest that what you and many of the other posters on here should consider is how well the current committee has performed this year. I have posted elsewhere on boards about how the statistics show their good performance this year regarding competitions, increased membership. etc. No doubt the inner circle of deposed power will come back and winge as usual but the facts remain.

    You will note that even the second motion proposed for this AGM did not understand the voting rules in force.


    Good Evening everyone,

    Apologies for the slight delay in getting this out.

    Please find below updated details in relation to the NASRPC Annual General Meeting including Motions for consideration.

    Time: 17.00
    Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2015
    Location: Osprey Hotel, Devoy Quarter, Naas, Co. Kildare

    2013 AGM Minutes
    Chairman’s Report
    Secretary’s Report
    Treasurers Report
    Competition Report
    The Year Review
    The Future Plans
    Election of Officers
    Motions for Consideration
    Any Other Business

    Motions for Consideration:

    I propose that the AGM, going forward, is held at a similar time of year, i.e. March of that year. The AGM should be for the year ahead, not a review of the year gone past. This probably means that this meeting should comprise both the 20I4 and 2015 AGMs and next March or so would be the 2016 AGM. A vote from the floor should qualify that.

    That we move to a Proportional Representation for Votoing at NASRPC Annual General Meetings - Proposal - Each Club with less than 100 Members has 2 Votes and Each Club with more that 100 Members has 4 Votes

    Constitution of the National
    Association of Sporting Rifle Clubs
    1: Name.
    The name of the body shall be the National Association of Sporting Rifle Clubs.
    (Hereinafter referred to as the “N.A.S.R.C.”)
    2: Logo. As decided by the Committee.
    3: Address: The address shall be that of the Current Chairman or Secretary.
    4: Declaration:
    The Association shall be the sole body representing competitive sporting rifle shooting in Ireland, and as such shall be affiliated to the National Rifle and Pistol Association of Ireland (N.R.P.A.I.) and to any other national or international body as may be agreed necessary for the promotion of the sport.
    5: Objectives;
    1. To encourage, support and promote the sport of organised and competitive shooting.
    2. To encourage the formation of competitive shooting clubs throughout the country and to encourage members to participate in all competitions approved and regulated by the Association.
    3. To introduce and implement a classification system in all National Shoots.
    4. To facilitate amongst its members, joint co-operation on matters of common interest.
    5. To provide information to its membership on relevant sport related matters and issues.
    6. To raise the profile of target shooting.
    6: Membership.
    Membership of the NASRC shall be open to target shooting Clubs, on payment to the Association of a prescribed affiliation fee, such fee being agreed by the Committee at the Annual General Meeting. The affiliation fee should be paid direct to the Association Treasurer within one month following the Association’s Annual General Meeting.
    Application for membership of the NASRC shall be made to the Committee on payment of the prescribed membership fee, then applicable, on the prescribed application form. The Committee shall have power to, without disclosing any reason, to refuse any application for membership. The decision of the Committee in relation to any application for membership shall be final.
    Membership shall lapse in the event of failure to pay subscription in due time or within such extended time as may be agreed in writing by the Committee.
    7: Executive Committee.
    The management of the business of the NASRC including the arrangements for meetings of the NASRC shall be the responsibility of the Committee, which shall consist of
    • Hon. Chairman, • Hon. Secretary,
    • Hon. Treasurer, • Vice Chairman.
    • Assistant Secretary. • Public Relations Officer

    The Committee shall meet at least three times per year and additionally as required to discharge the business of the NASRC. At least one week’s notice for meetings shall be given, which shall include an agenda of the meeting. The Committee shall carry out the day-to-day business of the NASRC and deal with any other matters considered necessary. The Committee shall also have the power to appoint sub-committees and working groups as required carrying out the business of the NASRC.
    8: Finance:
    The Association shall derive its funds from subscriptions, fund raising activities, grants, donations and any other source of legal income.
    The funds of the Association shall be applied to meet the Bona Fide financial commitments of the Association.
    There shall be an annual audit of the Associations’ funds and accounts. The funds of the Association shall be adequately safeguarded. Not less than two officers of the Committee shall sign documents authorising the withdrawal of funds.
    The annual subscription: e.g. club and individual, affiliation fees’ shall be set by the Committee, subject to approval by the general body at the A.G.M.
    At its first meeting following the A.G.M., the Committee shall arrange to ensure that proper records are kept of all financial transactions of the NASRC and for the preparation each year for independent examination and submission to the Annual General Meeting of an income and expenditure account and balance sheet. The financial year shall end on December 31st of each year.
    9: Authority.
    The ultimate authority within the Association shall be the members assembled in the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. The affiliated clubs shall entrust the management of the Association to the elected representatives.
    10: Principles Governing the Officers of the Association:
    Officers of the Association shall serve in an honorary capacity without salary and they shall ensure that the provisions of the Association’s Constitution, rules and the general rules of the association are given priority in all matters relating to the sport of shooting.
    11: Election to The Committee.
    Officers of the NASRC committee shall be elected at the A.G.M. The election of officers shall form part of the agenda. Any person elected to serve on the Committee who ceases to be the representative of a member Club shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.
    12: The Annual General Meeting (AGM).
    The AGM of the Association shall be held once every calendar year at a central location. The Committee shall determine the: date, time and location of each meeting. At least 30 (thirty) days before the meeting the Secretary of the Association shall notify each affiliated club in writing, or by electronic mail, of the date, time, loca
    The following business shall be transacted: receive and if approved, adopt the agenda. The Chairman and Secretary’s reports, which includes from the Treasurer a statement of accounts to the end of the year. Election of officers of the Association. All bona fide members of affiliated clubs present at the A.G.M. may vote on any proposal put forward during proceedings.
    Representatives from one third of subscribing member Clubs shall form a quorum at all AGM’s of the NASRC and all matters except amendments to the Constitution shall be decided by a simple majority. In the event of a quorum
    not being present for any AGM called, the meeting shall stand adjourned until the same time and place twenty eight days forward and notice shall be given within seven days of the said adjournment to all member Clubs intimating the date, time and location of the rescheduled AGM. In the event a quorum is not present for the rescheduled AGM, the full member clubs then present shall constitute a quorum for the adjourned meeting.
    13: Voting Procedures at AGM’s
    On each motion duly submitted to the AGM, each member Club shall be entitled to vote. During elections at an AGM should there be more than two valid nominations for the post of either Chairman or Secretary, a ballot shall be held and the candidate(s) receiving the least votes on each occasion shall drop out until two candidates remain. A simple majority shall decide the contest between the remaining two candidates. In the event of there being only one valid nomination for any post the Chairman shall declare that nominee elected.
    During elections at an AGM should there be more than two valid nominations for any of the other Executive Members posts, a ballot shall be held and the candidate(s) receiving least votes on each occasion shall drop out until two candidates remain. A simple majority shall decide the contest between the remaining two candidates. In the event of there being only one valid nomination tion and agenda of the meeting.
    for any post the Chairman shall declare that nominee elected. The NASRC Chairman shall chair all General Meetings of the NASRC. In the absence of the Chairman, the Secretary shall take the chair. In the absence of both the Chairman and the Secretary the meeting shall elect a representative of a member Club to take the chair. The Chairman of any meeting shall have a casting vote.
    14: Extraordinary General Meeting:
    An E.G.M. of the Association shall only be called by the Association Secretary on the instructions of the committee, or by written request of at least one third of the Association membership. Only the specific business of the meeting shall
    be transacted at such a meeting. The Secretary shall give 30 (thirty) days notice in writing to the affiliated Clubs of such a meeting, stating the: date, time, location and business to be transacted.
    15: Management.
    The NASRC shall have power through its Committee to appoint and remunerate staff for the purpose of conducting affairs of the NASRC. The Committee shall also have the power to remunerate any person, or persons appointed as staff, with the repayment of expenses properly incurred in connection with carrying out duties on behalf of the NASRC.
    The duties of staff may include such duties and powers as originally vested in the Secretary and such duties and powers as the Committee may consider appropriate to delegate. All notices required to be given by the Committee to member Clubs shall be sent to the nominated correspondent for each member Club, in such a manner as may from time to time be determined by the Committee, and every such notice shall be deemed to have been duly served on the day following sending.
    16: Motions submitted for consideration .
    All motions should be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the AGM. In the event of such motion(s) being submitted, the Secretary shall, not less than 14 days before a General Meeting, circulate the motion along with the agenda of the General Meeting to the membership of the NASRC. Any motion submitted in writing for consideration by the Committee shall be discussed at the meeting. Any motion should be proposed and seconded by two affiliated Clubs of the NASRC present at the meeting. The decision on the motion shall be by simple majority of those affiliated members present.
    17: Amendments to the Constitution,
    Amendments to the Constitution of the NASRC shall be agreed only at an AGM.
    Any motion to amend the Constitution shall be proposed and seconded by two member Clubs or the Committee of the NASRC and submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the AGM. In the event of such a motion being submitted, the Secretary shall, not less than 14 days before the AGM, circulate the motion(s) along with the agenda of the AGM to the membership of the NASRC. Amendments to the Constitution shall be decided by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at an AGM.
    18: Dissolution of the Association:
    A motion to dissolve the Association may only be moved at an AGM or an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting), or where there is a failure to elect an incoming committee within (6) months of the date on which the AGM was held.
    If a motion to dissolve the Association is so carried, the Associations’ assets shall be transferred to the National Rifle & Pistol Association of Ireland to be placed in trust until such time as they can again be used in the furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
    19: Disciplinary Procedures, Expulsions, Suspensions and Appeals.
    The NASRC Code of Discipline will cover these procedures. The sitting Committee shall have full power in these matters and will amend the code of discipline as and when needed.
    20: General Meeting’s (GM’s):
    The quorum for General Meetings (GM’s) shall be six (6) members, representing a minimum of three clubs. Two of the attendees must be members of the executive. The Secretary in consultation with the Chairman shall reschedule a GM that is not quorate at a time not less than seven (7) days from the date of the cancelled meeting.
    21: Committee Vacancies.
    The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt a representative of a member Club to fill any vacancy, which may arise on the Committee. Such Co-options shall subsist until the date of the next Annual General Meeting

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    Don't think anyone could argue with that Badajoz!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,057 ✭✭✭clivej

    badaj0z wrote: »
    Here you are CliveJ, below is what my club sent in. Other clubs also sent in similar motions. I have no doubt that setting up the Agenda was a complex matter and some condensation and simplification took place but I have no doubt regarding the submission of these motions.

    Motions for NASRPC AGM, 2016
    Under Section “ Amendments to the Constitution”
    Amendments to the Constitution of the NASRPC shall be agreed only at an Annual General Meeting.
    Be replaced by:
    Amendments to the Constitution of the NASRPC, shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting

    That € 10 per person member per affiliated club agreed at the 2014 AGM be removed forthwith.
    That the 2015 committee of the NASRPC explain what happened regarding their handling of their relationship with the Sports Council and the consequences of this in the following areas:
    The undertakings they gave on joining the SC.
    Why they broke these agreements by doing “solo runs”
    Why they chose to discuss the “apprenticeship scheme” with the DOJ/Minister
    Why they did not explain their position to the SC.
    Why they did not do as instructed by the members meeting at Hilltop as regards reaching an agreement with the SC
    Why they chose to resign from the SC
    Why they changed the long standing method of handling late payments of member club’s fees and used this as a means of reducing the voting power of clubs who had criticised them.
    Why they did not call an EGM even though they had received requests for an EGM from the specified proportion of member clubs
    Why they have not answered any of these questions before now.
    Following their explanations on the above questions and appropriate debate a vote of member clubs present should be held on whether they remain in office for 2016 or are replaced by a new committee elected from the floor.

    Thanks for this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    What date is this all being put to bed?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    What date is this all being put to bed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,788 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    What date is this all being put to bed?

    I would have thought that someone who was so vocal in support of the NASRPC and this new Constitution would know when and where the vote is being held.

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    Easier to ask here than search through my emails.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,717 ✭✭✭LB6

    ok i'll bite - try the nasrpc website:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    LB6 wrote: »
    ok i'll bite - try the nasrpc website:D

    Yeah but apparently they don't even know what version of the constitution is being used!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 251 ✭✭Rimfire Shooter

    Yeah but apparently they don't even know what version of the constitution is being used!

    OK I'll bite too :)

    It's "they" now should that not be "we"?

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    This all comes back to individuals taking power.

    The majority of the NASRPC revenue last year came from about 20 individuals if you exclude the International, so a boycott of all NASRPC events is the only solution to this problem.

    Let all those clubs who support the amendments to the constitution proposed be subject to the NASRPC rules and regulations and lack of accountability or responsibility on the NASRPC s part if anything goes wrong. Clubs you do all the work and the NASRPC take all the glory and money. The clubs deal with the safety concerns and supply RO'S and you have to pay your fee to be allowed to even do this????

    Training - any competent trainer who has competed on a regular basis no longer supports the NASRPC. Or are relieved of their position.

    2 Training events in the last year, or sorry 3.

    A recent NASRPC " Training event", attracted 2 members from a club of 400, so looks like plenty of support for NASRPC Training in 2017. Just to clarify one of those 2 members probably didn't realize it was training and just wanted to do a 1500 .

    But a point to note if one club can provide more training in one month than a National organization can in one year then show me where the power is now.

    I personally don't see that the NASRPC has any power now or in the future regardless.

    With all these new clubs joining the NASRPC under these new conditions sure the NASRPC will have plenty of people to train up. Should keep them very busy over the next year. More fool to any club accepting anything the NASRPC have to say or do.

    I find it interesting that this so called "EGM Rule", change at the last AGM was proposed by a Munster Club Chairman (possibly former club chairman) and voted on unanimously. SOMETHING WRONG HERE.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,717 ✭✭✭LB6

    Yeah but apparently they don't even know what version of the constitution is being used!

    That wasn't the question you asked - I'm bored of this now.:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    OK I'll bite too :)

    It's "they" now should that not be "we"?

    :p I am not on the committee and I don't have anything to do with the running of anything!

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    jb88 wrote: »
    This all comes back to individuals taking power.

    The majority of the NASRPC revenue last year came from about 20 individuals if you exclude the International, so a boycott of all NASRPC events is the only solution to this problem.

    Let all those clubs who support the amendments to the constitution proposed be subject to the NASRPC rules and regulations and lack of accountability or responsibility on the NASRPC s part if anything goes wrong. Clubs you do all the work and the NASRPC take all the glory and money. The clubs deal with the safety concerns and supply RO'S and you have to pay your fee to be allowed to even do this????

    Training - any competent trainer who has competed on a regular basis no longer supports the NASRPC. Or are relieved of their position.

    2 Training events in the last year, or sorry 3.

    A recent NASRPC " Training event", attracted 2 members from a club of 400, so looks like plenty of support for NASRPC Training in 2017. Just to clarify one of those 2 members probably didn't realize it was training and just wanted to do a 1500 .

    But a point to note if one club can provide more training in one month than a National organization can in one year then show me where the power is now.

    I personally don't see that the NASRPC has any power now or in the future regardless.

    With all these new clubs joining the NASRPC under these new conditions sure the NASRPC will have plenty of people to train up. Should keep them very busy over the next year. More fool to any club accepting anything the NASRPC have to say or do.

    I find it interesting that this so called "EGM Rule", change at the last AGM was proposed by a Munster Club Chairman (possibly former club chairman) and voted on unanimously. SOMETHING WRONG HERE.......

    Donald Trump is in a few days and already his alternative facts have spread to the shooting world.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,717 ✭✭✭LB6

    :p I am not on the committee and I don't have anything to do with the running of anything!

    That's the mantra that you used to throw out on FB too, but we haven't seen you there in a while!

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    LB6 wrote: »
    That's the mantra that you used to throw out on FB too, but we haven't seen you there in a while!

    hahahaha I don't have facebook. :P You are very funny. Not always haha funny but very funny sometimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    Donald Trump is in a few days and already his alternative facts have spread to the shooting world.

    Seems you don't like the truth, nothing I can do about that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    jb88 wrote: »
    Seems you don't like the truth, nothing I can do about that.

    You mean the 20 people who pretty much funded the NASRPC? Love to know where that comes from.

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    You mean the 20 people who pretty much funded the NASRPC? Love to know where that comes from.

    Check out the NASRPC leaderboard for 2016 a list of everyone who contributed their money to the NASRPC in 2016 and some who didn't ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    jb88 wrote: »
    so a boycott of all NASRPC events is the only solution to this problem.

    Please God let this come true.Let JB88 and all of his mates boycott the shoots, all media, especially and all other forums. It would be lovely to return to reasoned discussion, facts and the expression of sensible views in a logical manner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,057 ✭✭✭clivej

    badaj0z wrote: »
    Please God let this come true.Let JB88 and all of his mates boycott the shoots, all media, especially and all other forums. It would be lovely to return to reasoned discussion, facts and the expression of sensible views in a logical manner.

    Never happen :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Gleefulprinter

    badaj0z wrote: »
    Please God let this come true.Let JB88 and all of his mates boycott the shoots, all media, especially and all other forums. It would be lovely to return to reasoned discussion, facts and the expression of sensible views in a logical manner.

    He keeps promising but no action yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    As was mentioned earlier in the thread,
    For the sake of the thread, perhaps listening to their objections and not dismissing them in an uncivil manner would be good, as well as being in keeping with the first rule of the forum?

    I understand how high feelings run on topics like this, I've been there a few times myself. But if folks would remember the first rule of the forum, that'd make for a far less unfriendly thread to people looking on here for some idea of what's happening, who might not be au fait with people's backstories here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    badaj0z wrote: »
    Please God let this come true.Let JB88 and all of his mates boycott the shoots, all media, especially and all other forums. It would be lovely to return to reasoned discussion, facts and the expression of sensible views in a logical manner.

    But on the question of logic, binary answers are not always what matter. But I hope your one year in the NASRPC after a long absence brings some sense to it now.

    I would trust in the guidance of the NASRPC as im sure they have Gallery shooting at the core of their agenda as it is their money maker after all.
