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PB or not PB...that is the question



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.55K - Road - 42:02 - AF

    A gentle jaunt in the sunshine (!) after yesterday's exertions.

    Feeling generally tired lately again due to abysmal sleep quality - will take a rest day tomorrow and hopefully get a good night's sleep soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K - Road - 34:59 - NB

    Tempo run today in borderline perfect running conditions.

    Found this pace relatively comfortable - still feeling a bit leggy and lethargic generally. Convinced at this stage that it's down to my continuing poor quality of sleep/rest lately.....have booked in for reflexology in 2 weeks time so hopefully that might do the trick :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - Road - 47:44 - NP

    A solid workout on the red hot streets of Nenagh dull temperate ring roads of Nenagh.

    All set now for the County 4 Mile race on Sunday - no major expectations really...I guess ~26 mins would be an acceptable outcome at this stage

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Limerick 4 Mile County Championship

    6.45K - Road - 25:09 - NB1400

    Not too sure how to feel about this one tbh :confused::confused:

    Woke up with a stiff hip which loosened out a bit with some foam rolling and stretches.

    Got to the Kilmallock in good time and did a decent warm up so was feeling pretty ok on the start line.

    Hadn’t thought too much about race strategy as this was something of a free hit. We didn’t have enough for a team so no pressure whatsoever on my performance so decided to give it socks and see what happened.

    Headed off at a nice pelt; felt very comfortable after 2K and had settled into a nice rhythm. Legs felt fine, hip a bit niggly but ok, breathing grand, kept it going up to 3K and then....

    It was like someone turned off a switch. This wasn’t hitting a wall or blowing up as I’ve experinced before, I just went from feeling great to feeling flat in the space of 400m.

    It was pretty pedestrian and comfortable after passed by a few lads and put on a bit of a sprint at the end.

    I’d have been happy enough with that time beforehand but the way it happened was weird. Maybe more conservative pacing early on might have helped but I genuinely felt a-ok for the first half and was confident of holding that pace for another few km.

    Anyway will keep ploughing on and see how things go.....3 weeks til Dromina so will need to make a call on that fairly soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K - Road - 38:40 - AD

    A gentle stretch of the legs after yesterday's exertions.

    Right hip/lower back still a bit iffy so have booked physio for Friday evening.

    I think I'll give the Dromina 10 Miler a go anyway - won't be racing it as such...more of a faster longish run I think.

    Ditto for the Great Limerick Run Half

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.75K - Road - 41:05 - NB

    A mid range mid-effort outing today in the sunshine.

    Not a whole lot to report really - still feeling flat.

    Have booked in a GP visit to get bloods done the week after next to see if there's anything funky going on - seems to be going beyond the threshold of just sleeping badly at this stage :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Intervals 8 x 800m - Road - NB

    Another glorious spring afternoon - feels great to be out in a t-shirt after endless months of base-layers and jackets.

    Still feeling nowhere 100% generally but running is still going ok I think in the circumstances.

    Had the luxury of a pacer today as well - randomly fell into a handy sequence (for me) with a middle aged woman who was trundling along the ring road path on a bike :-)

    She was maybe going at 4:45/5:00 per km pace so I'd pass her out at ~4 min pace; then take my interval break; then she'd roll by again and I'd catch up with her again after around 400m of the next interval.

    Would be handy to have her around every day to be honest! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    14.30K - Road - 67:28 - NP

    Had a physio session on Friday evening - both hip flexors were tight so got a good loosening out hopefully.

    Flat out with the kids all weekend but managed to get out for a bit yesterday morning - ideally would have gone for a longer run but always wary of overdoing it so soon after physio so kept it relatively short in the end.

    Both calves are a bit tight as well at the minute so will be plenty of foam rolling and stretching this week - have a busy few days/evenings ahead, running likely to be fairly sparse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78



    5.07K - Road - 19:21 - NB1400

    Only heard about this run a couple of days ago, it was for a good cause (Limerick Suicide Watch and Special Olympics) so decided to give it a lash as the combination of work and bad weather meant that I couldn't get out on Monday or lunchtime yesterday.

    The weather was absolutely baltic, was only 3 degrees in the car on the way in.

    Did a couple of laps to warm up and noticed that there was hardly anyone else out at all - spotted a couple of other lads doing strides and sprints so figured there'd be a handful of us actually racing. There was a big enough turnout actually (would estimate 300+) so a good night for the charities.

    I had vague notions of flirting with my PB (18:39) but it was never really on the cards given my recent form and training. Was aiming to run at ~3:45-3:50 pace.

    The start was a bit chaotic - no countdown at all, someone blew a horn and the crowd took off. Ironically, the few of us that had been warming up got stuck right at the back so we had to blitz through the crowd in the first few hundred metres.

    It thinned out very quickly after that and the positions didn't change after 1K.


    1) 3:38

    2) 3:49

    3) 3:54

    4) 3:55

    5) 3:50

    6) 0:13

    The first km was a bit frenetic but settled down after that. I think I possibly lost concentration/focus around halfway which might explain the slight drop off.

    Tried my best to close down on the guy ahead of me but he was holding steady in fairness to him. Ended up finishing 4th, probably 200m or so off 1st and maybe 20m off 3rd.

    Actually quite happy with the outing even if the time is a bit meh on paper. It's the first race in a while (of any distance) where I haven't had a major drop off in form/pace and actually finished strongly rather than dying on my arse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - Road - 47:15 - AF

    Took a break yesterday after the late night 5K shenanigans on Tuesday.

    Got out in between the showers, so it was bright and breezy and freezing.

    The run was grand - felt a tiny bit heavy legged in the last couple of k, so hopefully just a hangover from the 5K and physio.

    Will do something similar tomorrow and hopefully get a long run in at the weekend. Signed up for Limerick Half Marathon last night - badly need to get some miles in

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10.15K - Road - 48:53 - NB

    A pretty standard outing - can't remember a whole lot about it now tbh!


    22.50K - Road - 110:52 - NP

    My longest run since October 2018 and equal to my longest since 2013!

    The kids woke up at crazy o'clock so was out bright and early. It was a glorious morning to be fair - sunny, cool with a light breeze, no traffic and it seemed like every bird (the feathery type ones :-) ) in Limerick was out singing in the trees.

    Actually struggled a bit for the first few miles, but felt much stronger as time went by and could have done a few more km I think at that pace if i'd had more time.

    I think I'm going to give Dromina a miss next weekend - not a lot to be gained from it really from a running point of view (and have a 4 yr old's birthday party to go to) so will focus on a long run instead ahead of the Limerick half.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.05K - Road - 39:24 - AD

    Fresh air + headspace = today's run :cool::cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    12K - Road - 55:24 - NB

    Had originally planned a slowish 10 miler but the usual combo of crap murky weather and the young fella acting the maggot going to bed, meant that I was tight for time.

    Compromised by doing a mid-range tempo run instead and happy to say it went pretty well.

    Will take a rest day today and do some core work later on

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Intervals - 8 x 800m - Road - AF

    Possibly my most consistent and satisfying set of 800m intervals in a very long time.

    Despite a solid warm up, the first one was the only outlier but settled into a solid rhythm after that.

    1) 3:20
    2) 3:10
    3) 3:14
    4) 3:10
    5) 3:12
    6) 3:07
    7) 3:12
    8) 3:08

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.15K - 39:56 - Road – NB

    A solid run to end a fairly solid week of training.

    Yet another fairly busy weekend in store so not sure right now if I’ll get a proper window to get a decent long run in….will have to play it by air and get out when I can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    17.50K - 84:10 - Road – NP

    So as predicted, it was a fairly hectic weekend – Saturday morning was busy and then the whole family just chilled out and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon and evening…nice just to sit down and not be flittering around the place.

    Did a light weights and core workout later in the evening but nothing too stressful.

    Then woke up yesterday morning at 6.30 with the wind howling around the house and rain pelting off the windows – had a 4 yr old’s birthday party to go to at 11 so my first instinct was to roll over and hide under the covers.

    But found the inspiration to throw on the gear and drag myself out the door – the first 5K or so were into a gusty wind but the rest of it was either wind assisted or neutral and it wasn’t actually that cold and the rain pretty much stopped.

    Time was still tightish so knew I’d be running slightly shorter than last weekend so upped the pace slightly (~4:45) and it felt pretty comfortable I have to say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 43:38 - Road – AT

    Took advantage of the good weather yesterday and took on a 10K tempo effort at lunchtime.

    Felt comfortable at this pace and kept it consistent - hopefully my recent trend of hitting the wall in hard runs/races is a thing of the past

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    12K - 57:12 - Road – NB

    The hunt for the elusive midweek 10 Miler continues :-)

    Bathtime commitments and fading light to blame yet again – this will be easier when the evenings get slightly longer.

    Another positive outing anyway – the distance felt short and the pace was comfortable so all good in the hood.

    Will be busy with the kids the next couple of evenings so not sure when I’m going to get out next

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    9K - 41:16 - Grass - SK

    Did a few laps of the pitch while the young fella was at hurling training....even remembered to wear my dedicated grass shoes (Kinvaras) :D

    Might actually be more involved with the training going forward so probably won’t get a chance to sneak in a few laps again for a while.


    23K - 111:26 - Road - NP

    Busy with the kids all day Saturday...plenty of running around but no running :pac:

    Headed off early again yesterday morning in light fog and hazy sunshine which was a joy to be out in.

    Took a good while to get going actually....felt a bit leggy for the first 10K but settled down grand after that.

    My longest run since 2012 probably I’d say, prob my last long one before Limerick half, we’re away next weekend so not sure if I’ll get out

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7.25K - 34:56 - Road - NB

    An evening jaunt for a change...this was an easy enough run after yesterday's LSR.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7.3K - 37:35 - Road - AF

    Went out at lunchtime with a work colleague which was nice for a change - we stayed at conversational pace and missed the torrential rain showers so a pleasant outing all round


    Intervals 8 x 800m - Road - AD

    Another solid set of intervals - was very comfortable at ~3:20 pace with a couple of 3:15 sprinkled in for good measure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.75K - 40:13 - Road - NB

    Decided to head out at lunch time to get ahead of the storm.

    Feeling a bit tired and leggy today so this run was veering towards the junk miles category.

    I'm away this weekend so prob no long run but will throw the gear in the boot just in case

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.5K - 40:01 - Road - NP

    Spent Saturday night sleeping on a leaky blowup mattress after having a couple of beers - felt a bit ropey yesterday morning to say the least.

    Got out for a plod anyway and felt marginally better when I got home.


    8.15K - 40:36 - Road - NB

    Another easy session today in bright and breezy Nenagh - both Achilles a bit tight which isn't good so will be stretching and rolling for the next couple of days.

    I guess I should be tapering for the half on Sunday anyway so might be no harm having a lower mileage week

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 45:26 - Road - AF

    A mid-effort tempo run to (hopefully) blow off the cobwebs which have accumulated recently.

    Felt fine overall I think - might do another couple of shorter gentle runs tomorrow and Friday to keep the legs turning over

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.1K - 37:19 - Road - NB

    Couldn't get out at lunchtime or last night so had to make do with some stretching.

    Today's outing was grand - just wanted to keep the legs turning over more than anything tbh.

    As usual, I'm far from certain re: the race on Sunday. Will need to decide whether to go out with the 1:30 pacers or go at my own speed (which would be marginally slower).....will prob go with the pacers and see what happens I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78



    21.1K – 89:30 – Road – NP

    Well well – that was genuinely unexpected :D:D:D

    Have to admit that I wasn’t really looking forward to this race – was in poor enough form generally last week…feeling lethargic and meh most of the time.

    I started on thyroid medication a couple of weeks ago and had been hoping for an instant uplift but it didn’t seem to materialize. The blood tests I had also showed up haemochromatosis (high iron), which basically has the same symptoms as underactive thyroid (ie. feeling like a zombie) – have to go back for more tests on that later this month.

    Tldr – expectations were low. My plan was to keep in touch with the 1:30 pace group and grimly hang on when I inevitably hit the wall/ran out of gas. A marginal PB (< 93 mins) was the main goal.

    Spent most of Saturday literally and actually running around with the kids – the Fun Run was good craic and the lads really enjoyed it. The Expo itself was grand I guess – always find these kind of things very underwhelming.

    Felt ok on the morning of the race – got a bit complacent with time actually, it was nearly 9:45 by the time I hopped in the car. Ended up ninja parking in the exact same spot I used last year around the corner from Rene Cusasks off the Dock Rd.

    Wandered up towards the start then, and did a very gentle warm up. Bumped into a few club mates so was chatting for a couple of minutes and then mooched my way up through the crowd. Did a bit more stretching during the random speeches and prayers from the Bishop, and kept my eyes peeled for the 1:30 balloon.

    And then we were off; the first few corners were predictably chaotic so was just focused on not running into people. I could see the pace group up ahead, possibly a couple of hundred metres already but I wasn’t in any mad rush to make contact.

    The crowd started to thin out a bit after 1K, so I started to settle into a bit of a rhythm and could finally concentrate on something other than not clattering into people with headphones on.

    Worked my way up closer to the pace group and probably made contact around the 3.5K/4K mark.


    1) 4:17
    2) 4:00
    3) 4:14
    4) 4:18
    5) 4:10 -> Cumulative = 21:05

    Once I settled into the group I pretty much switched off to be honest – can’t recall anything about the route really. Chatted with the pacer for a bit and just kept chugging along very very comfortably.

    6) 4:12
    7) 4:14
    8) 4:19
    9) 4:09
    10) 4:17 -> Cumulative = 42:15

    Around the halfway mark, it started to get a bit congested and the road narrowed in places. As we came down towards the end of O’Connell Avenue, I decided to put on a mini-surge to avoid the traffic and then basically just kept going 

    It took me a couple of minutes to settle down away from the comfort of the group but I was now on a section of the course that I knew extremely well so confidence was high.

    It helped as well that I was passing out a steady enough stream of runners – nice to be on the other side of that interaction for a change!

    11) 4:17
    12) 4:11
    13) 4:13
    14) 4:24
    15) 4:19 -> Cumulative = 63:41

    Cruised around the North Circular Rd. handy enough and pretty much cruised up and down the Ennis Rd/Gaelic Grounds section as well. Had zero problems with the hills/drags in this section and it wasn’t until I got to the top and the flat section at the top that the going got a bit tough.

    The section between the tennis club and the maternity hospital was a killer – not sure why really, must have been a mental/perception issue. Have driven that road a gazillion times so maybe I thought it was shorter in my head or something. By now, the 1:30 pacer was back within earshot and offered some very timely and welcome encouragement. Finally made it on to the bridge and put down the hammer for the line…

    16) 4:18
    17) 4:19
    18) 4:12
    19) 4:14
    20) 4:19
    21) 3:58
    22) 0:28

    Really really happy with that I have to say…..probably my most satisfying race execution and outcome since the John Treacy back in 2012.

    The pacing group was a big help;
    The weather was perfect for running;
    My gels actually worked (took them at ~7K and ~15K), I made a conscious decision to take them before I felt I needed to take them;
    Limerick looked and sounded great I thought, really encouraging to see so many people out cheering people on;
    Great medal, sh1t t-shirt;
    I think I could have kept going for another while at steady pace with the group….how long? Not sure tbh but I am a lot more confident about Dublin now than I was last week;
    Not 100% sure on what my race plan is for the next few months – will deffo do one of either Clonmel or Charleville leading up to the marathon. Will probably do a couple of 10K’s along the way as well but main focus will be building stamina rather than speed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.05K – 37:34 – Road – NB

    Recovery run in murky Nenagh following the razzmatazz of Limerick at the weekend.

    All ok – no niggles or anything to report. Took it very easy over the last couple of days.

    Next up is the 3,000m at the County Track Championships on Sunday – I’ve never raced on a track before so looking forward to the experience. Have no expectation on what would be a good time for someone at my level but will give it a good lash anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    5K – 20:00 – Road – AD

    Missed a planned run yesterday evening due to a power cut at home which threw everything out of whack.

    Had also planned a longer, easier run today but meetings at work and U-8 Soccer Training tonight meant that I only had a narrow window available.

    All good in the hood - no fallout from the half at all it seems

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.15K - 38:56 - Road - NB

    Can’t remember this run now actually so I guess it was just a standard afternoon plod :D


    10K - 47:20 - Road - AF

    Was going to use Saturday as an official rest day but felt I needed to clear my head a bit.

    10K now feels like a short run for me which is good - doesn’t seem like that long ago since it was my LSR :o



    3K - 10:50 - Track - NB1400

    My first official race on a track at the ripe old age of 41 :pac:

    Had no expectation of time or position going into this - it was a small enough field (7 men) and I knew on the start line that there was at least four fellas faster than me.

    Anyway, after the first couple of laps I was pretty much running on my own in fourth place...kept it reasonably consistent although the last km was my slowest.

    Felt I had a bit left in the tank so possibly could have kicked for home a bit earlier. Was miles off 3rd place but my watch did gleefully beep for PBs for 1km (3:19) and 1 Mile (5:23)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    14K - 67:06 - Road - NB

    Still not breaking through the glass ceiling of an evening midweek 10 miler :pac:

    Was a bit tardy leaving the house so an extra couple of km would have left me running in the dark.

    Achilles/calves were both a bit stiff and achy for the first few km - nothing to worry about too much at this stage I think, gave them a good stretching and ice pack when I got home
