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PB or not PB...that is the question



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.10K – 39:49 – Road – AF

    Another stodgy late evening run – not sure if my body has forgotten how to run at this time of the day or if I need to rejig my fueling options.


    8K – 34:59 – Road – NB

    Back to lunchtime action with a solid tempo session – set the Garmin to a 4:15-4:30 pace window and landed around 4:22 for each km fairly comfortably.

    We left Achilles is a bit achier than normal so will keep a close eye on it – extra stretching and foam rolling over the next few days for sure.

    Signed up for the Charleville Half today to take advantage of the early bird price – if all goes to plan this will be a good chance to tune up ahead of Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    16.50K – 79:14 – Road – NP

    Missed my morning run window due to being knackered and relaxed.

    Eventually made it out around 5pm – had notions of going 20K+ but achey Achilles and looming dinner/bedtime combined to keep this slightly shorter.

    Settled into a comfortable 4:50 per km pace early on and didn’t veer too far from it at all.


    6.40K – 30:57 – Road – NB


    Physio booked for Wednesday evening to loosen out calves/Achilles

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 47:01 - Road - AD

    Another solid easy run - felt good throughout, and upped the pace marginally for the last 3K


    Intervals - 8 x 800m - Road - NB

    Busy morning at work so blew off some of the stress with a decent set of 800's.

    Physio tonight should help loosen out the calves and Achilles

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K - 37:54 - Road - NP

    Went to physio on Wednesday evening - both calves and Achilles tight so had some dry needling done and a good rub out.

    Took a couple of days rest on Thursday and Friday and was hoping to be back to normal by the weekend - was still a bit achey on Saturday so just did a gentle few miles to (hopefully) loosen out.

    The run itself went ok-ish but was still sore enough yesterday so might take a longer break now I think to let things settle down. Did 15 miles on the bike yesterday instead - god almighty...have forgotten how boring cycling is :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 48:22 - Road - NB

    Took a few days break to (hopefully) let the Achilles recover.

    Up the walls at work and had the added headwreck of having to cancel our holiday to France (due to Brittany Ferries fiasco) and rearrange a staycation instead :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Anyway, have spent the last few days doing some weights, core and stretching.

    Both ankles/Achilles were still a bit achey today so took the run very gently - still a few small niggles mid run so will keep a very very close eye on it.

    I think the hard 3K on the track probably pushed me over the injury threshold unfortunately - it seemed like a good idea at the time, but in hindsight it was probably a bit unnecessary

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.10K - 38:25 - Road - NB

    Another low-key workout to ease the Achilles back into action.


    12K - 56:25 - Road - NP

    Another slightly longer low-key workout to ease the Achilles back into action ;)


    10.10K - 47:04 - Road - AF

    Lashing rain, cool, light breeze = perfect conditions for lunchtime workout.

    Still some lingering tightness in the ankles/calves but over the worst of it now I think

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K - 37:05 - Road - NB

    An evening run in clammy rural Limerick - enjoyed this one actually...basically did a 4K easy run and a 4K tempo (<4:30 pace) run.

    Feel like I'm getting some form back at last - have been stretching/foam rolling a good bit as well so should be in good shape soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.25K - 36:11 - Road - NB

    A regular and instantly forgettable lunchtime workout


    25.10K - 129:45 - Road/Trail/Grass

    My longest run since London marathon in 2012 and possibly my slowest run ever :-)

    Drove over to UL as didn't fancy a long run on the hills near the house. Also my first ever run wearing calf guards....time will tell if they make any difference I guess.

    We were down in Kerry for a few days during the week on staycation....threw the gear in the boot but had no intention of doing any real training tbh. Got a couple of short runs in alright to keep the legs turning over and scope out places to eat :-)


    16K - 76:04 - Road - NB

    A decent enough mid paced effort after a week of carb loading in Kenmare.

    Jarred my ankle in a pothole around halfway which was annoying but think I got away with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Not a whole lot of running activity to report from Week 2 of staycation - did one 10K on a glorious route in Belmullet, and a very hilly 5 miler in Donegal but not a lot else tbh.

    And to cap off my 2 weeks of inactivity, I've been congested/wheezy for the last few days so have just been mooching around doing some stretching and weights. Not sure if it's hayfever or a reaction to chlorine in the hotel pool last week.

    Confidence levels are plummeting re: Dublin with each passing day at this stage :(

    Have the gear in the boot today which is a start so will hopefully get out for a quick spin at lunchtime

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.15K - 37:29 - Road - NB

    Gorgeous day for a run...not too hot here in Nenagh (~20 degrees with a light breeze) so set off at a nice mid-paced clip.

    Actually went a lot better than I expected - still feeling lethargic and crappy but this was my best run in a while tbh.

    Onwards and upwards :pac::pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.10K - 37:14 - Road - NB

    Another easy-ish run in the issues to report at all thank god. Nice to feel a bit of heat after months of going out in multiple layers :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Intervals - 8 x 800m - Road - AD

    My first session in what seems like a very long time :rolleyes:

    Balmy and dull conditions in Nenagh today - was aiming to run at ~HMP and was reasonably successful....a couple at 3:11, a couple at 3:23 with the bulk being around 3:18 so not bad going all things considered.

    Prob won't do anything tomorrow - will aim for long run on Sunday morning

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    16K - 77:45 - Road - NP

    Was feeling pretty crappy all weekend tbh - congested, lethargic etc. so missed my run window on Sunday morning and had a mini lie in.

    Didn't actually head out till around 8.30pm - was still feeling pooky so would have been happy with an 8K, but actually felt pretty ok once I was out so drove on and ran a fairly comfortable 10 miler in the end :):)

    Anyway, will hopefully get a few more miles in this week. Tempted by the Dundrum 10K on Wednesday night...will see how the next couple of days go

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10.10K - 48:24 - Road - AF

    An easy 10K to kick the week off - it felt a tad harder than it should have maybe at points but overall ok.

    On mature reflection, I'm gonna give Dundrum a swerve on Weds night - nothing to be gained from it's debatable whether I'd run sub 40 never mind a PB and I'd probably need a couple of rest and recovery days in there as well

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    16.25K - 77:43 - Road - NP


    The stars finally aligned last night for me to do a decent midweek run.

    Happy to report I'm finally at a stage where 10 miles feels like a short run's taken a while to get here so hopefully I can maintain this form now for a while.

    Did ~11K at 4:50ish pace and then did a 5K tempo/surge at 4:35ish pace. This included a lighthearted chase by a minuscule Jack Russell for about 500m :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K - 34:51 - Road - NB

    Happy enough with this mid-paced tempo; effort and pace felt consistent all the way and never felt I had to work to hard to maintain it.


    10K - 49:22 - Road - NB

    Another easy 10K to round off the week - tried to concentrate on running form, posture, cadence etc and just trundled along.

    It's probably been my most solid/successful training week in a while so hopefully my injuries and illness shenanigans are behind me.

    Will rest tomorrow (if you can count going to watch Mayo v. Galway as rest :D) and see what the plan is for Sunday

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    12.30K - 57:43 - Road - NP

    Survived the emotional trauma of watching Mayo conspiring against themselves to almost manage to not beat Galway :rolleyes:

    A long run was always going to be tricky to squeeze in this weekend tbh - was out with the kids most of the day yesterday so didn't get the runners on till 8.30pm or so.

    Might not be the worst thing though that I missed a long run (~20K+); have upped the mileage a bit so prob a good idea to keep it gradual.

    All good for this run - no aches or niggles and felt easy at that pace.


    Intervals 8 x 800m - Road - AT

    Got slightly caught out by the weather - it was overcast and misty when I was togging out but the sun had appeared by the time my run started.

    Hit these reasonably hard (<=4:00 min per k pace) and kept the times steady including 3 in a row at 3:10.

    Also met two fellas riding unicycles which is a first!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    18K - 86:25 - Road - NP

    Was super knackered all day yesterday - energy levels still all over the place :( it was genuinely a very close call between going to bed around 8pm or go for a run.

    Dragged myself out and as always, was glad that I did - took a while to get going but settled into a handy rhythm after a few km.

    Got yet another chase from yet another dog - he was a snappy aggressive little fupper as well so grabbed a large stick for when I had to pass him on the way back - he wasn't half as cocky when he saw me coming towards him armed with a wooden sword :pac::pac::pac:

    Tried again to up the pace for the last 5K or so - not a whole lot in the tank last night but increased the pace a bit from ~4:50 to ~4: 30.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 44:00 - Road - NB1400

    Another hybrid workout - the challenging Hill Tempo Workout :cool:

    The aim was to run 10K at sub 4:30 pace and it was relatively comfortable despite me opting to run on my local hilly route.

    The pace warning was buzzing a bit going up some of the hills alright but tried to keep my effort consistent.

    A traditional LSR might be tricky again this weekend - I'm now fairly onboard the Mayo bandwagon so will be gone to Killarney most of the day on Sunday

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    I hope you're packing a spare wheel or two...its from now on that they start falling off that wagon! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I hope you're packing a spare wheel or two...its from now on that they start falling off that wagon! :D

    I know - it's the hope that kills you :)

    Win, lose or draw it'll be entertaining anyway and I'll probably burn off as many calories as I would on a long run :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7.15K - 36:09 - Road - NB880

    A few gentle junk miles to round off the week.

    Togged out & dropped my car to the garage to get the windscreen fixed and it was ready when I got back so it was a fairly productive lunchtime.

    Will probably aim for a 10+ miler either tomorrow night or early on Sunday - will see how things go

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 47:26 - Road - AF

    INJURY UPDATE - Broken heart and head wrecked after watching Mayo in Killarney yesterday :pac::pac::pac:

    As predicted, no long run (and no short run either) this weekend...flat out with the kids on Saturday, and then skived off with the eldest lad to the match yesterday. Disappointing result but great day out in fairness.

    Again, maybe no harm I had a couple of days rest given my inherent tendency to overtrain and get injured.

    Handy enough run in the sun today - easy pace and topped the tan up

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    9K - 42:24 - Road - NB880

    Another gentle jaunt at lunchtime in the searing clammy-ness of Nenagh.

    A few aches and groans from my achilles starting off but settled down ok after that - was going to tag on an extra km at the end but was overheating at that stage.

    Might try 10+ miler tomorrow night if I can get out of the house in time

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    18K - 86:07 - Road - NP

    Was absolutely and utterly knackered on Wednesday so ended up bathing my feet in Epsom salts and going to bed early rather than going for a run.

    Felt marginally more energetic last night and was reasonably happy with this solid but very unspectacular run.

    Both achilles a bit tight and achey - will keep an eye on them; gave them a quick icing last night while catching up on the Tour de France highlights

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 49:27 - Road - NB880

    Not quite sure if this was a recovery from, or a continuation of, the run from last night....either way it's 28K in 16 hours with a 14 hour break in the middle :D

    Found this a bit of a struggle - the achilles was ok but felt a bit leggy anyway, the weather was shyte too...simultaneously clammy, sunny and windy.

    Rest day tomorrow and hopefully a longer run on Sunday morning

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    18.20K - 87:29 - Road - NP

    Was up home in Mayo for the weekend so finally had some bandwidth for a Sunday morning LSR. Haven't ran this route in ages - it used to feel like an extremely long run a few years ago when I started running but it was more comfortable yesterday.

    Ideally I'd have done a few more km's but was happy enough with another solid outing at this distance.


    Intervals - 4 x 2K @ Target HMP (~4:15)

    Shyte weather for running really - simultaneously clammy and blustery winds. Was wary of doing intervals after a long run but felt like doing something different.

    Very happy with these - took 2 mins interval breaks so probably helped keep things relatively consistent -

    1) 4:17
    2) 4:11
    3) 4:14
    4) 4:17
    5) 4:18
    6) 4:21
    7) 4:16
    8) 4:12

    Achilles felt good for a change - might book in for physio over the next week or so

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10.15K - 48:24 - Road - NB

    A bit of an easy-miles-slog in the the dead heat.... was up the walls at work so it was great to get out.

    Took another running break yesterday - was going to do my 'usual' 16K-18K last night but felt a bit flat so we all went out for pizza instead :-)

    Had more blood tests again this week too - still feel like my thyroid is acting up...back to GP next week; hoping the solution isn't too far away as it's dragging on a bit now

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 42:59 - Road - AF

    Decent tempo effort - never felt I was trying that hard but would have liked to be closer to 42:30


    25.50K - 124:09 - Road - NP

    An odyssey of a long run up in Mayo :-)

    Was actually lost for about 5K of this - had a rough notion of where I was but was from from 100% sure for a while.

    Both calves/achilles were stiff and sore-ish for the first couple of km but settled down ok after that (and feel ok today) - going for physio tonight so hopefully I can get ahead of any bigger problems.

    Other than that the run was fine - no issues with energy etc. and finished relatively strongly.Overall mileage probably still on the low side but I'm conscious of staying within my injury boundaries. Plan for this week will be similar to last week I think depending on how I feel after physio

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.75K - 41:52 - Road - NB880

    A pre-physio workout ; legs ok after long run


    10.10K - 47:42 - Road - NB880

    Got on ok at physio the other night – both calves observed as being tight but no major concerns.

    Was going to head out yesterday evening but decided to take it handy so mowed the lawn and did some core work instead.

    Today’s run was comfortable – the gentle cooling wind was most welcome
