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PB or not PB...that is the question



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7.25K - 33:38 - Road - NP34

    Took 2 days of planned rest - feel like I'm making decent progress lately but with no races on horizon there's no point in pushing too hard and inevitably blowing up.

    Last night was a bit of an aimless outing tbh - no real target or goal... just a bog-standard run

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Intervals 8 x 800m - Road - NP35

    Was feeling a bit dozy yet again at the end of the week and was going to give running a miss but dragged myself out around 9pm.

    Felt a bit leggy for the first one (3:30) but settled into a solid pace after that, ran the majority of them at 3:15 and a couple down around 3:05 without having to push too hard.

    An unexpectedly good workout tbh, may take a gentle spin out today if I get a chance

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    12K - 56:37 - Road - NP35

    Not feeling too hectic today for some reason so getting out the door felt like an achievement in itself.

    Trundled along handy enough at that pace....could possibly have done a tad more.

    Picked up some new gear in SportsDirect earlier after doing the Dunnes shopping...a couple of hi viz tops and two pair of Asics shorts. With all the Imelda Marcos style focus on footwear I hadn't noticed the arse falling out of some of my other ones :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    12K - 55:29 - Road - NP36

    So another involuntary break from running :-(

    Presumably another thyroid flare up....tired, groggy, achey etc.

    Then bingo, today grand again for no apparent reason :confused:

    Anyhoo, decided to bust out my “new” Pegasus 36....a dayglo cherry red pair I picked up on sale last autumn in a sale.

    They feel more like a racing shoe tbh than the traditional Pegasus workhorse feel....would be perfect for 10 miles or half marathon I reckon.

    Flew along comfortably enough and knocked over a minute off recent time over the same distance

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    5K - 20:29- Road - NB1400

    Another crack at 5K and despite a minor regression I was actually happy enough with this one.

    Was a bit sluggish starting off but settled ok after that. Felt tired at 2K but kept going at a more steady pace than last time out. It started lashing rain randomly in the last 2K which was a shock after weeks of dry conditions.

    So happy enough really, considering how crap I felt earlier in the week, 20:29 for 5K feels like a win

    5K TT:
    1. 22:53
    2. 22:16
    3. 20:59
    4. 20:22
    5. 20:29

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7.25K - 34:33 - Road - AF

    Felt like shyte all weekend so didn't get out - getting pretty frustrated now with the symptoms flaring up and down so frequently :(

    If stopping running would help I'd stop right now but all the advice I'm getting is to keep fit, exercising etc. so I'll keep plugging away.

    This run was total meh - not that enjoyable on any level but felt good to get out I suppose.


    8K - 38:31 - Road - NP35

    Woke up early so popped on the gear and headed out this morning pre-breakfast. Don't normally run in the mornings ever really so nice to change things up a bit.

    Still not exactly feeling tippity-top but this was an improvement on Monday's grim grind.

    Could possibly have gone out to 10K but didn't feel there was much point to it tbh.

    Anyway, ordered a pair of NB 1080's yesterday so at least if my running goes to sh1t I can't blame my gear :D They were less than half price on SportsPursuit yesterday so too good to turn down...have been after them for a while so it wasn't just a random buy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 46:05 - Road - NP36

    Another long day juggling WFH and children’s entertainment/education, followed up by my long awaited debut as an U8 Hurling trainer.

    Didn’t think I’d have time for a run at all but managed a half decent 10K in murky fading light.

    Felt ok....not great but better than earlier in the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    12K - 56:57 - Road - NP35

    Completely underestimated the wind earlier on grand though in the swirling and blustery conditions.

    Not a lot to report major niggles at the moment

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - 48:12 - Road - NP36

    I was out on the road so early this morning the rain hadn't even started :-)

    It took the guts of 2K for the legs to wake up but trundled along ok after that. Zero traffic on the road which was nice too.

    Generally not feeling too hectic lately....recent blood tests weren't great, back in another loop now of tinkering with meds and waiting for consultant appt. So in that context being able to bang out any sort of semi consistent training feels like a bonus tbh.

    U8 Gaelic Football training starts tonight....I think word has got out about my Mayo heritage so I'm fully expecting to be groomed for a coaching role in the not too distant future

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    So nearly a month since last update....says it all really :-(

    Had about 2 weeks with no running at all (a combo of work being busy, house renovation and the usual feeling like shyte) but have been plodding along as much as I can.

    Did a few runs on holidays last week in Mayo/Sligo on various different beaches, trails and off road surfaces which was a nice change.

    Anyway, I think I'll suspend this thrilling log for a while until something approaching normality is restored. There's enough crap on the internet already without me whinging and moaning about feeling tired and grinding out 50 min 10K runs two or three times a week.

    Over and out for now....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Aaaaaaandddddd I'm back :D

    Glad to see the back of 2020 like most of the planet I guess.

    Covid was a total sh1tshow for long time readers might recall I spent most of the year suffering from severe migraines/headaches/bodyaches so not being able to run was the least of my concerns tbh. Ended up being off work for a long time and even playing and spending time with the kids was challenging.

    Anyway, I'll keep this short but basically....

    Back in August/Sept my symptoms got a lot worse and I was spending most of the time mooching around the house in a reasonable amount of pain. Went to GP and got a tentative diagnosis of fibromyalgia. A totally sh1tty thing to be diagnosed with but I was kinda relieved in a way as at least it was something to work with.

    Was waiting to see a rheumatologist to confirm/investigate the diagnosis when another GP in the practice I go to contacted me and said for me to go and see and allergy/fatigue specialist guy in the Galway Clinic. I was sceptical but had nothing to lose so went to see him - he did a few basic allergy tests and nothing major showed up and then started asking me about my diet.

    He suggested I go on an elimination diet to see if there was anything going on.....I remember driving home feeling extremely p1ssed off and annoyed at a wasted journey and another couple of hundred quid down the toilet.

    The elimination diet was very strict (basically nothing out of a jar/packet; brown rice, rice cakes, peanut butter, fruit, veg and chicken formed the majority of my meals) BUT....

    after 3 or 4 days the headache that had plagued me for 12 months vanished :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    My energy levels returned pretty quickly and I was back walking and cycling within a week. Started back running very tentatively but was feeling really well for the first time in ages.

    I lost a lot of weight very quickly as well (went from 80kg to 75kg in 3-4 weeks). Unbelievably I was now able to run consistently on consecutive day as well which is something I've found to be a huge challenge over the years.

    So tldr - following weeks of testing and reintroducing foods it seems that I had developed a severe intolerance to both wheat and dairy which apparently led to the symptoms I was plagued with all last year.

    Have been consistently running 50K-60K a week for a while now (normally do 3/4 days on, rest, repeat)....done a couple of 20K+ efforts as well no hassle so whenever racing returns I should be in good shape. My weight has stabilised now as well so back at ~76-77kg.

    I've been doing a few TT's as well to keep the interest up - my 5K time is down to 19:20 from a few weeks ago (Race PB is 18:39). I had a bit of a cold over the Xmas so took a break from running, easing back into it again now....ran 19:30 on Saturday so not a bad marker all things considered. I would be confident of getting down to sub 19 in the not too distant future.

    Done a couple of 10K TT's also - the best time so far is 42:00 (which may well be my PB for that particular's really hilly so don't recall ever going faster on it tbh)

    Anyway, roll on 2021 and hopefully there might be some races on later in the year.

    I'll probably update here every Monday I think with a weekly report

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Gosh that is mental about the food intolerance. I had no idea those issues could cause such severe symptoms. You must be so relieved to get to the bottom of it. Best of luck with the 2021 plans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Gosh that is mental. I'm glad to hear you're on the mend and hope it continues for you.

    I hope you don't mind the hijack but do you mind me asking the name of the consultant you went to in the Galway Clinic? I've very interested in food intolerances but it's seems a bit of an unknown quantity with my GP. I have an 8yr old who has awful eczema and is on a prescription to manage on-going issues with constipation. The same child also had severe reflux as a baby. I personally feel there has to be a dietary connection between all 3 conditions but both the GP & Paediatrician seem more interested in treating the symptoms rather than find the cause :(

    Best of luck for 2021 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Gosh that is mental about the food intolerance. I had no idea those issues could cause such severe symptoms. You must be so relieved to get to the bottom of it. Best of luck with the 2021 plans.

    Cheers - don't think I've ever been so relieved tbh....was very close to going down the fibromyalgia treatment route which would have been a disaster.

    Still no concrete explanation for what caused/sparked it....I suspect I've had it at a low level for years (I had previously cut down on bread intake but was still eating wraps, pasta etc. and had started avoiding fast food), so maybe I picked up a virus or something last year that tipped it over the edge.

    I came up negative for coeliac disease by the way so it appears to be a specific intolerance. I've experimented with different types of bread since (mainly spelt) but will probably stay away from it now altogether.

    Anyway, glad to be back worrying about times, niggles, races, buying unnecessary runners etc :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    ariana` wrote: »
    Gosh that is mental. I'm glad to hear you're on the mend and hope it continues for you.

    I hope you don't mind the hijack but do you mind me asking the name of the consultant you went to in the Galway Clinic? I've very interested in food intolerances but it's seems a bit of an unknown quantity with my GP. I have an 8yr old who has awful eczema and is on a prescription to manage on-going issues with constipation. The same child also had severe reflux as a baby. I personally feel there has to be a dietary connection between all 3 conditions but both the GP & Paediatrician seem more interested in treating the symptoms rather than find the cause :(

    Best of luck for 2021 :)

    No worries.

    He's called Dr. Joe FitzGibbon ('d recommend based on my personal experience so deffo worth having a chat with your GP and getting a referral.

    And if you do thing to note....they tell you in advance that the consultations are not covered by medical insurance but I was able to claim all of mine with VHI.

    Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Cartman78 wrote: »
    No worries.

    He's called Dr. Joe FitzGibbon ('d recommend based on my personal experience so deffo worth having a chat with your GP and getting a referral.

    And if you do thing to note....they tell you in advance that the consultations are not covered by medical insurance but I was able to claim all of mine with VHI.

    Good luck!
    Thanks for that and the tip re. health insurance. I'll chat to our GP.

    Your turnaround is amazing. Delighted for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 04/01/2021

    Number of Runs: 2

    Total Distance: 26 km

    So after all the fanfare of my blog returning, last week turned out to be a bit of a damp squib due to a combination of factors very much beyond my control - the weather being the chief offender and homeschooling chipping in as well.

    Got out for 10K on Tuesday - set off at a mid pace and felt good after the first couple of km so decided to change gears a bit and do the rest as a mini TT. Ended up doing a not too shabby 42:53.

    The rest of the week was a write off tbh - as long term readers (:pac:) will know I had a nasty fall doing intervals a couple of years ago which has spooked me somewhat in terms of running in slippy conditions. The home gym is going well though I think - a pull up bar arrived last week so will add a bit more variation to my workouts.

    Finally got out yesterday morning for a gentle 10 miler (78:04).

    Probably going to be fairly limited again this week I think and it'll be that way I think until the kids go back to school :( Lunchtime workouts are my only viable option really right now but I'll have to consider morning runs I guess if this thing drags on for too long

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 11/01/2021

    Number of Runs: 5

    Total Distance: 45.5 km

    Not a bad week all things considered - homeschooling going full steam ahead so lunchtime training window under a bit of pressure :D

    There's no real structure or plan to my training at the moment but that itself is part of my current plan ;)

    The key metric for me is not distance covered or speed but the number of workouts - getting out the door is the main thing for me at the moment, tbh I'm not that bothered what happens after that.

    Didn't look at my watch for most of the runs - just running on feel these days which can sometimes be fast and sometimes more of a mindfulness style jaunt

    Having said that, I did have another go at a 5K TT and ran (for me) a fairly impressive 19:10. Had a quick look at my Garmin archives and turns out that is actually my 2nd fastest 5K ever :eek::eek:

    There's still room for improvement there I think so I should be threatening a PB (<18:39) in the coming weeks. Makes me wonder what the hell I was up to over the years but in my defence I have never really targeted 5K as a distance before.

    Had planned a slow 10 miler yesterday but ran out of time a bit so ended up being a slow 12K instead.

    No major news besides - S&C training going ok; reading an interesting book as well about human endurance called Endure
    - some very useful information on all aspects of training and performance. I won't attempt to summarise here but well worth a look imho (And I reckon it may have subconsciously helped on the final km of my 5K TT on Saturday ;))

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 18/01/2021

    Number of Runs: 4

    Total Distance: 33.8km

    Couldn’t get going at all this week - had a mild flare up of symptoms earlier in the week (headache, feeling meh etc).

    Was debating whether to take a few days off altogether but said fuppit and headed out for a 10K TT on Tuesday to blow the cobwebs off....and unexpectedly ran a lifetime PB (41:20) for my regular local hilly loop :pac::pac:

    The time itself isn’t hectic on paper but to give it some context...the previous best time was from my supposed peak back in March 2012, a few weeks after running 63 mins in Dungarvan, a few weeks before detonating in London and a couple of months before I went sub 40 for 10K for the first time in a couple of races.

    I guess I could spend a lot of time trying to analyse the reasons for the improvement but I suspect it’s probably multi-factorial and largely irrelevant at this stage :)

    Anyway, that was the obvious highlight of the week...the other runs were firmly in the headspace category. Had mentally pencilled in a long run today but didn’t fancy running in the ice and wasn’t really in the form for it tbh. Got out for a quick 8K this evening as the sun was setting and nearly fell on my arse on black ice twice.

    More of the same this week most likely....morning runs might still be just out of scope but not long to wait now hopefully.

    Weight has stabilised now around 76kg which is grand. S&C ticking along as well...making progress with the pull up bar. Not looking to bulk up really but some strength and tone wouldn’t go amiss.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 25/01/2021

    Number of Runs: 5

    Total Distance: 43.4km

    Not a bad few days running wise....tried to mix it up a bit during the week, did one lunchtime run, one evening one and finally a morning one (although I still felt I wanted/needed to go for a run at lunchtime :D)

    Managed my first ever official Hill Repeat workout after work one evening...I live just outside a smallish rural village so outings in the dark are limited by the limited streetlights. Have identified a handy enough 200m hill by the soccer pitch so was more than happy to run up and down it in the lashing rain.

    Did a mid paced 12K yesterday and rounded off the week with a 5K TT earlier on this afternoon. The wind was challenging to say the least so was more than happy to post another training PB (albeit a very marginal one) of 19:08.

    A good confidence booster tbh....would think sub 19 is well in scope now in slightly more favourable conditions.

    No major plans this week either....need to do a couple of slower runs as everything seems a bit frantic and rushed atm.

    S&C continues to go well....feel a lot stronger generally and think it’s helping my running overall

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 01/02/2021

    Number of Runs: 4

    Total Distance: 41.0km

    Another ok-ish week I guess…..still struggling with the whole homeschool-working from home shenanigans but plenty out there a lot worse off at the moment so just need to keep ploughing on and hope this fupping thing ends sometime soon.

    Not a bad week running wise – starting to fall in love with my new Hill Repeats session….both times I’ve done it now the weather has been absolutely brutal. 15 x 200m of a hill so with warm up and cool down it equates to ~8K of a session.

    The other midweek runs were morning efforts (lunch runs now fully parked until the kids go back to school) – I find I’m very sluggish for a mile or two at the start, not sure if there’s a workaround really (?) but not a big deal either way.

    Tried a 10K Time Trial on Friday morning – took a while to get going and even then I didn’t hit full steam but was reasonably happy with 43:11.

    Was busy and knackered on Saturday, and just knackered yesterday….was out on the bike with the kids in the morning and came back freezing. Had mentally written off a run while putting the bikes into the shed but by the time I got into the house I was ready for off :-)

    Ended up doing a very challenging and satisfying 14.5K – was going to tag on another couple of km but figured there’s no point overdoing it atm.

    Not a lot to update otherwise tbh – might bust out a shiny new pair of Pegasus 36 (or 37) that I have stashed in the attic. The Peg 35’s are veering down the road of walking shoes now so time to refresh the herd.

    Have been keeping an eye on the Nike website as well – have some vouchers (and upcoming birthday discount) so thinking of dipping my toes in the carbon plate market for the first time and see what all the fuss is about

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 08/02/2021

    Number of Runs: 2

    Total Distance: 18.60km

    Well that was a helluva week :D

    Everything was standard enough up to Wednesday evening.....had done a morning 10K run on Tuesday and another gruelling but enjoyable set of Hill Repeats on Wednesday evening. Felt strong and ran them consistently....not even the presence of a fella out walking his dog smoking a gigantic joint (the man not the dog ;)) put me off my stride.

    Then came the snow so I knew running was going to be off the table for a couple of days.

    And then woke up on Friday morning at 5am with a pretty bad and hauntingly familiar pain in my lower back :eek:

    Yep, almost four years exactly since their last appearance....a fupping kidney stone :mad:

    Went to GP who booked me in for a CT scan and put me on strong antibiotics and strongish painkillers (no morphine this time around)....felt pretty crappy Friday and most of yesterday but then last night as I was watching Curb Your Enthusiasm I experienced a sensation of “movement” from lower back/kidney towards a possible exit point :pac:

    Anyway, I’m pretty sure it’s gone now but still feeling a bit sore and groggy.

    FWIW...the weather here is diabolical so I probably wouldn’t have been out running either way.

    Still immensely frustrating though but at least I won’t have to go through the traumatic body horror shenanigans from 2017.

    Will have to wait and see how this thing pans out before I get back on the road; best case scenario would be towards the end of the week I guess. Booked annual leave for the school midterm....homeschooling fell apart totally this week...can’t blame the kids at all tbh....the current situation is completely unsustainable for such a long period of time.

    My running top and medal for the Irish Heart Foundation event arrived this’s a beautiful long sleeve top, don’t think I’ll ever wear it running tbh. Had planned to log 5K, 10K and half marathon times for it before the end of the month so that should be still in scope assuming things settle down

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Very easy update this week :-(

    Was feeling better earlier on in the week and had mentally pencilled in a return to running on Thursday but alas my left kidney and a stone therein had vastly different plans.

    Woke up in the horrors yesterday morning, muddled through the day somehow hoping it might pass but had to give in today and went to A&E. On a trolley now, doped up to the eyeballs and probably having a procedure in the morning.

    Getting pretty pissed off with these random bouts of random illnesses I have to say

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Oh man that sounds rough. Fingers crossed you get it sorted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Oh man that sounds rough. Fingers crossed you get it sorted.

    Cheers.... hopefully will get it zapped and removed today but will be out of action for a while either way.

    The only consolation I can think of is that I won't be missing out on any races :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 03/08/2021

    Number of Runs: 3

    Total Distance: 21.4 km

    Finally back on my feet, albeit very gingerly.

    The stone removal process was successful but…….they found another stone on the other side when they were poking around ☹

    So the side with the original stone is now a-ok, but pain starting to come in waves on the other side now ffs.

    I’ll probably have to go for shockwave therapy to get it broken down or else (if the pain worsens) it’ll back to A&E for the same ding-dong all over again.

    Ironically, running is supposed to help to move a stone on (along with drinking gallons of water) so I’ll keep plodding on if the pain allows.

    Anyway, was glad just to be out again a couple of times last week. My young fellas are back doing another mile challenge so was pacing them on Saturday; had a few spare minutes after so popped off on one myself for the craic….ran a not too shabby but not great either 5:48…I’ll take it given recent developments 😊

    Will be out and about when I can this week – really tied up with school drop off and pick ups so my running window will be minuscule really until the clocks go forward and our after school re-opens fully

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Sorry to hear about the health issues, you're having a run of it. I hope the stone removes itself :eek: And good luck with juggling running with the partial school return :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 10/03/2021

    Number of Runs: 2

    Total Distance: 21.6 km

    So as expected this turned out to be a fairly uninspired week on the running front – various factors chipping in, namely work, school run, atrocious weather and most annoyingly of all, constant mid-level pain in my lower back/kidney area….rang the urologist to see what my options are, looks like I’ll just have to sit tight until it either passes by itself or gets bad enough to go back to hospital. Not great options but the shockwave therapy won’t be available until April :mad:

    Anyhoo….just the two outings last week…managed to sneak in 7K on Wednesday evening and a rather enjoyable 14.30K yesterday afternoon. Felt pretty good yesterday so maybe the downtime has given me a chance to reset/refresh.

    Still doing pretty well on the core and S&C too I think so hoping all that will pay off eventually when the kidney stone fupps off one way or the other.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Week Beginning: 15/03/2021

    Number of Runs: 4

    Total Distance:
    39.9 km

    A much better week on the running front - the mini stretch in the evening makes a big difference.

    Did a nicely paced (75 mins) 10 miler on Paddy's Day in a 'new' pair of Pegasus 36 that have been lurking in the attic for a while.

    The other runs were solid and unspectacular - was busy with the kids most of the weekends but popped out for my first 5K TT in a few weeks yesterday....had no real expectation/goal but happy enough with 19:48. I had got down to 19:08 a few weeks ago so will hopefully be back at that level fairly soon.

    Not a lot going on besides - the kidney stone is still rattling around...feels like a timebomb but trying to plough on as best I can in the meantime.

    No major targets for this week - regular and consistent running would be welcome now with the odd hill repeats or speed session thrown in
