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PB or not PB...that is the question



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    5K – Road – 19:35 – AT

    Today was all set to be a tough interval session but got tied at work in the morning so my lunchtime window shrunk a bit.

    Realised that it’s been ages since I did a flat out 5K run – would have hoped/expected to be a little closer to 19 mins but I’ll take it in the circumstances.

    The wind, yet again, was a killer – I miraculously remembered to throw my inhaler into gear bag earlier on but stupidly forget to have a puff before heading out. The first 2.5K were into a blustery wind and kinda knocked the stuffing out of me tbh.

    Anyway, here’s the splits –

    1) 3:57
    2) 3:57
    3) 3:53
    4) 3:51
    5) 3:54

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Road – 38:03 – AF

    A gentle jog in the rain this afternoon – 4:45 per KM average.

    My right Achilles is a little bit stiff….have neglected my foam rolling and heel drops lately so need to get that going again.

    Probably not going to race this weekend either – the Doon 10K/5K is on Sunday but I’m not too pushed either way tbh. I actually finished 2nd in the 5K last year….will see how the weekend goes..might take a spin out if it suits.

    Have a couple of Cross Country races coming up too in the next few weeks – will do the County Intermediate in Bilboa….it’s not really true cross country imho (over half of it is on a gravel track) but last year I really enjoyed the intensity of the race itself…completely different feel to normal road racing and the team aspect is great too.

    Will also have a crack at the Novice XC out in UL in early October – should be a good chance to finally get my spikes in action.

    Other than that, I probably won’t do anything else race wise until the SMRC next month.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Doon Red Cross 10K

    10K - Road - 42:56 - AT

    "Hey Achill Half Marathon 2007....time to move...there's a brand new entry in the Worst Race Ever list"

    What a bad day at the office that was the perfect storm today of factors and everything went tits up big style.

    I knew a PB was unlikely today but also knew it would be a small field so a decent run would probably get me on the podium...what I didn't know was that this course is ridiculously hilly.

    Recognised a couple of fellas at the start and decided to stick with them and see what happened. The first couple of KM were actually pretty quick but I was feeling grand and even lead the race for a few hundred metres...shortly after 2K we hit a bend and a short steep hill...I put a bit of a surge on just to see what effect it would have on the lads around me. Heard a lot of huffing and puffing from behind so was feeling pretty chuffed and eased off then at what I thought was the top of the hill.

    Turns out that hill was just the start of what transpired to be a 5KM long climb that got steadily steeper as it progressed. 2 of the lads started to pull away and I was like 'that's ok, no bother...just keep the legs turning and push on for 3rd place'.

    Was struggling badly by 6K and the signage wasn't helping "Only 750m to the top!!". Was hoping to make it to the summit, get my breath back and then put the hammer down on the presumably downhill last few KM.

    Reached the turnaround point at last and then "WHOOOOSH"....straight into a very stiff wind. So much for catching my breath...felt like I was running in treacle at this point and had the beginnings of a stitch/cramp in my right hand side.

    Tried to breathe away the cramp/stitch but it suddenly got a lot lot worse and I had to come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road (I totally freaked out the fella running beside me)...was a bit freaked out myself tbh..haven't experienced pain like that since the whole kidney stones torture earlier this year.

    Walked for a couple of minutes, few people passed me and then eventually got it together to jog the last couple of KM to the finish line.

    The splits of doom in Doon:
    1) 3:35
    2) 3:48
    3) 3:58
    4) 4:11
    5) 4:50
    6) 4:31
    7) 4:09
    8) 4:41
    9) 4:22
    10) 4:36

    A bit of a mess whichever way you look at it...would probably have been as well off racing my own race but it seemed like a good idea at the time. The combination of hills and wind would have probably knobbled me either way I think. My warmup was ok..maybe a bit too gentle in hindsight. I don't think I was under fuelled or dehydrated so hopefully it was just one of those days.

    Still not feeling great this evening I have to say...achey and knackered and side still tender. Fingers crossed a good nights sleep will sort me out.

    To finish on a positive note...the best thing about that race is that I donated 15 euro to a good cause :-)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    I hope there is nothing too serious & you are feeling alright tomorrow.

    Me offering advice/questioning your training is ridiculous but you don't really seem to ease off your training even in the week of a race. I hugely admire your consistency but just wondering if you ever consider it or is it how you feel you get the best out of yourself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78 is always most welcome :-)

    I can definitely see where you're coming from alright...I hadn't really planned/prepared at all for this wasn't really until yesterday evening that I was 100% sure I was going to do it.

    I would normally try to tailor the week a bit better leading up to a race, but because I don't really have a target race at the moment, I guess this is something I'm not concentrating too much on.

    Today was very much a bonus/free-hit style effort that went totally arseways :-)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Feel like I ran a marathon yesterday - still achy but I think my ego probably took the worst hit ;)

    I think a blowout like yesterday had been on the cards for a while tbh....I came close to hitting the wall in Dundrum and Liscarroll as well.

    Those races were on super flat courses and were held in optimum weather conditions, so you wouldn't need to be Nostradamus to predict that adding in some hills and wind would leave me struggling.

    I think I've probably over-achieved this year tbh....I'm extremely pleased with the progress I've made but in reality my training base is still too small to really push on.

    Having said that, I'm happy with the level I'm at taking everything into account and as I've said in previous posts, I'm enjoying my running now more than at any stage over the past 10 years or so.

    Yesterday was a reminder of my limitations so hopefully no damage done and lesson learned :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Threadmill – 34:59 – SK

    Have been taking it easy on the exercise front since the Doon Disaster – did a light gym session on Monday to loosen out a bit but was still feeling generally knackered.

    Had a busy/stressful few days as well besides, involving a job interview for me, an interview and new job for Mrs.Cartman and a good aul episode of projectile vomiting from Cartman Jnr. to top things off :pac::pac::pac::pac:

    Anyway, it was almost a relief today to hop back on the threadmill today and bang out a few miles – felt a-ok during at and pretty refreshed afterwards so hopefully back to normal.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10.10K – Road – 47:22 – AF

    Nice mid paced run with a fella from work.

    Feeling a bit stiff and achey still so the pace suited me just fine.

    Going to physio later for a bit of a loosen out – should probably have gone a few weeks ago (had to cancel an appointment I made I think)….will probably take a few days off and then regroup for the cross country

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    6K – Road – 26:54 – AF

    Physio went well on Friday evening – turns out the pain in my side was from a sciatic-style nerve reaction coming from my glute….probably been brewing for a while and the constant hard hill climbing in Doon pushed it over the edge.

    Got a good loosen out anyway (and the Achilles as well) and had planned on taking the weekend off but…..after watching my beloved Mayo losing yet another All-Ireland Final I had to get out of the house and clear my head for half an hour (it was either a run or attempting to cut a semi-waterlogged lawn).

    The run itself was grand – mainly flat, with some relatively minor drags/hills, took it easy but it didn’t quite mend my wrecked head and broken heart


    5K – Threadmill – 22:05 – SK

    Another gentle recovery run indoors – no major reaction from Achilles or glute so it seems I’ve responded well to the physio treatment.

    Not feeling 100% confident ahead of the Intermediate/Senior Cross Country this weekend – it’s 9K over a hybrid style course. Had 2 days on it last year and found it tough going over 6K and 7K so will have to pace myself a bit better this year. I’m likely to be the 4th wheel anyway so hopefully I don’t inflate the team score too much

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K – Road – 44:14 – AF

    Perfect day for running – light rain and light wind, cool but not freezing….nobody else out running or walking in the industrial estate.

    Have been feeling a bit fatigued and leggy the last couple of days – wasn’t sure if I’d picked up something off one of the kids or whether it was just generally being worn out. Maybe a bit of both but feel a lot better now after being out.

    Today was a quasi-fitness test ahead of the XC this weekend and have to say it went pretty well, didn’t push myself too hard but kept going at a reasonable clip all the way.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    6K – Threadmill – 25:14 – SK

    What better way to prep for cross country that doing 6K on a flat threadmill in an air-conditioned gym :D:pac:

    Had planned a more sedate and leisurely effort but someone inexplicably scheduled a meeting during lunchtime so had to change up a bit.

    Having a fairly sh1tty week so glad to stretch the legs – this probably wasn’t the optimum workout today but it cleared my head a bit.

    Long-time readers will probably have gathered that a lot of my runs have more of a mental health focus rather than a purely athletic one – probably not the best approach for PB chasing but I’m happy with the balance for now.

    Having said all that I’m looking forward to the Cross Country on Sunday – it’s not often us runners get to be part of a team in a real sense…it’s an aspect I really enjoyed last year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Limerick Senior/Intermediate Cross Country Championship

    9K – Grass – 37:26 – SK

    A great day for the club and I was personally happy with my own solid, if very unspectacular, performance.

    Arrived in plenty of time so had a good warm up. Was glad to see they had modified the course so there was now effectively about 400-500m ‘extra’ on grass compared to last year.

    The grass itself was softish but firm enough for racing flats.

    I had a couple of days XC in Bilboa last year and had a vague recollection of going out to fast and slightly blowing up around halfway (over 6K and 7K) so wanted to take a more sensible approach. We only had 5 as well, 3 of whom were eligible for Intermediate so the pressure was off me really unless one of the lads got injured/pulled out mid-race.

    I passed maybe 5 or 6 fellas in the first lap and ehh…that was pretty much it for the rest of the race.

    The next group were about 300m ahead of me and the guys I passed were about the same if not more behind me, so I basically ended up running a 5 mile time trial on my own :pac::pac::pac:

    Still though, it was genuinely exciting to see the race unfolding around me and I enjoyed the atmosphere on the course.

    Could I have pushed harder? Definitely, but there really wasn’t much point. I was very conscious of my glute/lower back flaring up so didn’t want to do damage unnecessarily. All in all I was happy with the run after the disaster in Doon.

    Splits -
    1) 3:59
    2) 4:05
    3) 4:11
    4) 4:03
    5) 4:08
    6) 4:11
    7) 4:06
    8) 4:16
    9) 4:19

    The lads from the club ran really well – we had 3 in the top 5 so won the Senior Championship. I wasn’t expecting a medal but apparently they give out 6 as standard so I wasn’t going to turn it down (even if I felt like a glorified mascot) and it’s not often someone from Mayo gets their hands of silverware ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Road – 35:47 – AF

    No real goal for today…… another workout for the mindfulness folder :cool:

    Took it relatively easy in what turned out to be unseasonably warm weather – any niggles I have are still minor but will keep them under observation.

    Did a good bit of stretching and core yesterday along with some light cardio (rowing) so in good shape after the XC

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    5K – Threadmill – 19:08 – SK

    A 5K Threadmill PB and possibly my 2nd or 3rd fastest 5K ever (haven’t really done a whole lot of 5K races)

    Found it relatively comfortable I have to say – did 2.5K at 15.5kmph, 1K at 16kmph, 1K at 16.5kmph and was up around 17.5kmph for the last few hundred metres.

    Not sure when I’ll run a 5K race again but nice to know I’m not a million miles off par….my PB is from this time last year (18:39).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    Great stuff in the cross country, sounds like a good day. What club do you run with?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Limerick Novice/Masters Cross Country Championship

    6.5K – Grass – 27:23 – XC Spikes

    “Hi running….we need to talk….listen, it’s not you, it’s me…I think we need to take a break”

    Tough day yesterday – the tank, the legs, the body….everything seemed empty.

    I’ve felt a bit flat generally for a while now – feels like a bout of Man Flu but could be just a bit worn out as well. Basically since I set my 10K PB in Liscarroll, my running form has fallen off a cliff.

    Conditions weren’t bad yesterday as such – the ground was firm in spots and waterlogged in others, and there was a dirty wind in a couple of sections.

    I wanted to give it a good lash either way so set off at a decent pace – once the shock of being covered in mud after about 5 seconds wore off I settled into an ok pace for the first 2K.

    But then, after the ~300m section into the headwind followed by the hill….it was like someone turned my power switch off. Felt really knackered and the pace dropped off as I started to struggle through the mud – got passed by a few fellas and there was no way I could even attempt to tag on to any of them.

    Luckily in a way, we didn’t have enough out for the team event or I’d have really been under pressure….as it was, I just wanted to avoid finishing last (which I managed ok….woo-hoo)

    Anyway, despite everything, I kinda enjoyed it in a weird way…..there’s something about Cross Country that really appeals to me but yesterday was just at the wrong time for me given my current form and fitness.

    1) 3:46
    2) 4:04
    3) 4:15
    4) 4:22
    5) 4:28
    6) 4:26
    7) 2:00 (~500m)

    So, I think it’s probably time for a mid-term break from competitive running.

    Time to let the body rest and repair – that pain in my side/lower back flared up a small bit yesterday as well so probably going to take a week or two off to regroup. Will keep up some cardio at the gym (and might even hop on the threadmill for a jog)….have a night away at a spa coming up next weekend too so looking forward to chilling out a bit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    No harm to ease off a bit now before anything really went wrong. Enjoy the break.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    3K – Threadmill – 12:03 – SK

    Well my running hiatus lasted a whopping 4 days :cool:

    Have spent the last few days doing non-running cardio, core and stretching…..hadn’t planned a run today but I cracked after 10 minutes of a planned 25 minute rowing workout.

    I might do something on the road tomorrow, will be taking the weekend off either way and then re-assess next week what the plan is.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Road – 35:56 – AF

    Having spent the last 2 days basically sitting in an outdoor hot-tub it was back to normality/reality today :cool:

    Enjoyed the spa break – I think the mini-break from hard running didn’t do me any harm either.

    Handy outing today in the misty rain – was aiming for 4:30s so not too far off (ran a slow first km and a quick last km, with 6 x 4:30 in the middle)

    Might have a look at doing a couple of the ULRC 5K races that are on Thursday nights for the next few weeks – I think I’ve missed a couple already and can’t go this week but will possibly be an option next week

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    6K – Threadmill – 23:55 – SK

    Once again my lunchtime was squeezed by meetings on either side so was a bit tighter on time than I would have liked.

    Found this pace comfortable indoors….whether I could replicate it on the road is another question

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Road – 34:23 – AF

    Gorgeous afternoon for running yesterday – temps in low to mid teens, dry and light wind.

    Again, found this pace and distance comfortable enough although feeling a bit creaky again today.

    That pain in my lower back/side hasn’t really gone away – have a feeling it would flare up again if I was to really push myself. Have been doing loads or foam rolling, stretching etc. but it’s not going away as quickly as I’d like. Might have a chat with physio and see what the options are :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    5K – Road – 21:01 – SK

    Didn’t manage to make it out over the weekend…or yesterday for obvious reasons :pac:

    Have been keeping up the stretching and foam rolling to keep limber and took the dog for a couple of long walks to keep up my 10K steps a day thingy. Also got a full upper body and core workout in yesterday evening replacing a couple of broken fence panels on my own.

    I should also add that I spent the rest of the day sitting around making Lego and eating biscuits and buns with the kids – we still have no electricity so it could be another evening of 1980’s style entertainment ahead :rolleyes:

    Hadn’t planned on going out today but the weather was so nice it seemed a shame to be indoors on the threadmill. Had no hard time target in mind so just went at a pace that was challenging but not a burden.

    Felt pretty good – the niggles are there alright but not an immediate concern.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    12K – Road – 59:48 – AF

    My first time running in the dark in a very long time – genuinely can’t remember the last time I was out after sunset….could possibly be 2 years ago.

    Have sub-consciously (or maybe consciously) avoided running in crap weather since getting pneumonia in early 2016 but it’s probably time to get back out there now…I actually wore one of those light tube scarf thingies last night to keep the cold air out and it seemed to work ok….got some funny looks but I’ve long since gone past caring at this stage.

    Was on Daddy Day Care duty yesterday as the school still had no electricity...luckily our own had come back on Tuesday evening so spent a good bit of the day watching Lego Batman and Outback Truckers :D:D

    Aimed to run at 4:50+ per km and found it ok although I started to get a bit leggy/tired around 9K or so.

    Also felt ancient running around UL while people half my age were out on the lash on a Wednesday night :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Road – 36:23 – AF

    Handy enough tempo run in pretty crappy weather conditions.

    My first KM was 4:43 but everything else after that was pretty much bang on 4:30.

    Cold and windy and generally miserable weather in Shannon so always great to get a workout in on a day like today – was tempted to tag on another couple of KM but was worried the weather was closing in a bit (in hindsight it wasn’t but didn’t fancy taking any risks at the time).

    Wore the tube scarf again today and found it good – would normally be spluttering a bit after that kind of run.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K – Road – 47:12 – AF

    Had planned to go out in the afternoon but a ninja change of plans meant my only window of opportunity shifted to first thing in the morning – not sure if my body and/or brain was ready cos this turned out to be a real slog.

    No niggles really and was fine on the cardio front – my legs still thought they were still in bed.

    Another successful outing for the tube scarf as well – not a single wheeze or splutter after it despite being out in fairly windy and miserable conditions.

    No major plans for the week – will see how I’m feeling in a couple of days…might give the ULRC 5K a lash on Thursday night

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    6K – Threadmill – 24:25 – SK

    No need for the scarf today :pac:

    Felt comfortable at this pace – not sure if it moves the dial too much one way or the other really but a good workout nonetheless.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.6K – Road – 37:41 – AF

    Pushed myself a little bit harder today after very slow run on Sunday and indoor effort yesterday.

    Felt pretty good all things considered – will give the 5K a go on Thursday if I can get out of the house (we have tilers & plumbers on site at the minute so things a bit higgledy-piggeldy)….I’d be happy to get down near 19 mins…anything under 19 mins would be a bonus I reckon

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    ULRC 5K (Week 5)

    5K – Road – 19:19 – AD

    Managed to make it out the door ok and arrived with just enough time to do my usual half arsed warm-up :D

    Recognised most of the people doing the race so knew a few battles lay in store.

    Set off at a nice clip and found myself in a mini peloton behind the leading group...was hoping to reel in a couple of them after the halfway mark but alas it wasn't to be.

    My recent rustiness reappeared and I kinda ran out of juice again and plodded a bit to the finish, getting passed a couple of times in the last few hundred metres or so.

    Have to say I'm happy with the run though in the circumstances, probably par for what I've been up to lately. Also happy to report that there was no flare up of my back/side niggle

    1) 3:42
    2) 3:42
    3) 4:00
    4) 3:56
    5) 4:00

    Might try another couple of these if I get a chance....can't go wrong with 5K for €5. A very well organised race...well marshalled and accurately measured

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Boo! :eek::eek:

    No trick or treating or running for me - have picked up a virus off the young lad...haven't ran since Thursday and probably won't get out til later in the week at best.

    Tired, sore, lethargic, achey, sinussey, congested - basically like Man Flu but with actual illness added in

    Annoying as I can't seem to get traction at all lately - literally running to stand still.

    Will rest up and dose myself on Vitamin C etc. and try to remember to not forget to remind myself to sign up for John Treacy 10 Miler

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,703 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Meh....still smothered with whatever the hell I have....not sure if virus anymore or something else....have the worst sinus headache I can remember.

    Can't even get a flipping GP appointment either so will probably end up going to some quack at ShannonDoc :mad::mad:

    Anyway, in more positive news, I was one of the lucky early birds that got a place in the John Treacy 10 Miler for next February.

    As mentioned before in this log (I think), the last time I did this race (2012) was the undoubted best performance of my running career...finished in a not too shabby 63 mins before it all went t1ts up a few weeks later when the dreaded Plantar Fasciitis reared it's head for the first time.

    Looking forward to training for it to be honest - it seems like a very long time since I entered a race months in advance :D
