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PB or not PB...that is the question



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    4.35K – Treadmill – 20:00 – SK

    A gentle return following my recent enforced 2 week extreme taper plan.

    Took it very handy and felt ok, although still a bit of a rattle in my chest so won’t be venturing further than the treadmill for a few days.

    In other quasi-running related news, I handed in my notice today after a hard winter of job hunting.

    It’ll be the end of my meandering lunchtime runs (and access to a treadmill and gym) but time to move on….bring on the long evenings!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck with the new job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    4.45K – Treadmill – 20:00 – SK

    Groundhog Day with an extra 100m added in.

    Slowly slowly starting to feel halfways normal again :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    4.68K – Treadmill – 20:00 – SK

    Groundhog Day….again :pac::pac:

    More marginal improvement today....legs feeling grand and cardio capacity coming back day by day.

    Still not confident about Mallow at all (on the 25th)……if I hadn’t already registered I probably wouldn’t do it. Will be more than happy to match my Dungarvan performance.

    Interestingly, the Duhallow 10 Miler has been rescheduled for April 8th so might be an option as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7.15K – Road – 33:47 – NB

    Found this really hard going but slogged my way through it…

    List of explanations/excuses –

    1) Underestimated the effect of the flu and recovery time
    2) Underestimated the effect of running 3 days in a row on the treadmill
    3) Underestimated the effect of gorging at lunchtime on the Family Value Meal at Pizza Hut :pac::pac::pac::pac:

    Anyway, got through it in one piece so hopefully that’s the really bad run out of my system.

    Going to take advantage of my altered work status (working my notice period atm) and get a couple of longer runs in at lunchtime this week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10.15K – Road – 46:57 – AF

    A much better effort than Saturday’s Pizza Hut fuelled struggle.

    Not exactly setting the world alight pace wise but a solid and fairly consistent effort

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    9K – Road – 41:32 – AC

    Took an involuntary cardio break yesterday but managed to get a decent core and stretching session in last night while gleefully watching ManYoo getting dumped out of the Champions League :pac::pac:

    Today’s run was another bit of a slog in the wind and rain in Shannon – nothing to report really; just getting some miles back into my legs….will hopefully get a tempo run and some intervals in before the Mallow 10 miler.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10.15K – Road – 47:39 – AF

    Another outing in dull and blustery Shannon, can’t say I’m going to miss this place when I move on at the end of the month.

    Wasn’t in the form for something fast so decided to just churn out another few miles; stamina is definitely more of an issue for me than speed at the moment – headed off at roughly 4:30 pace but fell off a lot in the second half….got tired and ravenously hungry at around 6K for some reason.

    Might do some short intervals tomorrow evening if I get a chance, with a longer run on Sunday if all goes to plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K – Road – 49:08 – AF

    Another struggle/slog – not going to list my usual list of excuses….the fact is my form simply hasn’t returned at all since the flu.

    Even had to take a walking break!! The shame :pac::pac::pac::pac:


    14.15K – Road – 1:06:38 – NB

    A bit of an improvement from the previous outing – took in an extra loop on my usual route which features a lot of very testing hills.

    Kept the wheels turning the whole time which was good I guess and felt reasonably fresh at the end.

    Not feeling too confident ahead of Mallow on Sunday – if I wasn’t entered already I probably wouldn’t do it. A PB is certainly out of scope and even matching my Dungarvan time from January would be a challenge now tbh

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    6K – Treadmill – 24:56 – SK

    Will be one of my last outings on the treadmill at work….don’t think my new office has a gym so probably won’t be doing any indoor running for the foreseeable future.

    Have found the treadmill worthwhile overall I think….it’s mind-numbingly boring for sure but it’s allowed me to ‘run’ on days where I’d either be resting after a long run or avoiding outdoors cos of the weather. At worst, it’s a decent cardio workout.

    Felt pretty good today so hopefully my recent slump is coming to an end

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Intervals – 8 x 1K - Road – AF

    Tried to give these a good lash but nothing in the tank at all…makes grim reading when I look back at the same workout from this time last month.

    Anyway, FWIW, here’s today splits:

    1) 4:14
    2) 4:15
    3) 4:23
    4) 4:24
    5) 4:38
    6) 4:36
    7) 4:38
    8) 4:38

    Will take a running break tomorrow and then maybe churn out a slow 8K or so on Friday

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Lost: 1 x Running Mojo

    Last seen on the 20th of February in Shannon

    Please PM me if found....substantial reward offered

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7K – Road – 33:30 – NB

    Went out just to clear the head and get some fresh air and on that level it was a massive success :pac::pac:

    Still feeling stodgy and heavy-legged....can't remember being this badly out of form before a race before. Will give it a go on Sunday anyway and see what happens

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Best of luck on Sunday. I hope your mojo turns up, it's easy to lose it when life stuff gets in the way, but i find it's a bit like a boomerang and usually finds it's way back again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best in Mallow tomorrow, run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    MALLOW 10 MILE 2018

    16K – Road – 67:39 – NB

    Well I didn't find my mojo but I think I remember now where I might have left it :pac::pac::pac::pac:

    Ordinarily, a time that is over 4 minutes off my PB would send me into an existential crisis but, given the circumstances, I was actually pretty happy with this on the day.

    Got down in plenty of time and found what turned out to be the perfect parking space (halfway between the start and finish lines).

    Did a warm up-number collection combination run, very slick organisation...fair dues to Mallow AC and all involved (and shout out to the lady on the desk who said I have a lovely name:D)

    Made my way down to the start line, and positioned myself between the 65 min and 70 min pacers....the loose plan was to take it handy for 10K and then kick for home.

    Started off in near perfect conditions - cool, bright and no wind worth talking about.

    I was very comfortable for the first few km's - settled into a nice pace and group of 8-10 others doing the same pace.

    The fatigue kicked in relatively out of the blue after half-way...a few lads I'd been keeping pace with pushed on a bit and I finally lost sight of the 65 min pace group.

    From there on in it was a bit of a slog and a battle of wills between my legs and my head.....came very very close to stepping off and taking a walking break in the last 5K but after plenty of internal swearing and telling myself to HTFU I kept the legs turning to the finish line.

    1 – 4.12
    2 – 4.10
    3 – 4.17
    4 – 4.12
    5 – 3.55 Cumulative Time - 20.49
    6 – 4.00
    7 – 4.05
    8 – 4.11
    9 – 4.10
    10 – 4.14 Cumulative Time - 41.33
    11 – 4.10
    12 – 4.17
    13 – 4.17
    14 – 4.13
    15 – 4.15
    16 – 4.25

    So overall happy enough I guess but frustrated too as this is definitely a PB course I think - lots of long flat/slightly downhill stretches that I would have normally made up a lot of time on.

    It isn't a particularly picturesque route by any means (seemed to be a lot of sections in the hard shoulder) but the stewarding and marshalling was top notch. Decent spread at the end too and a really nice long sleeve top.

    Not a lot else to report on really - got very bad blisters again on the toes on my right foot....started to get painful for the last few km's but didn't slow me down (although hobbling about a bit today in my work shoes :rolleyes:)

    So not sure what's next at the minute....had been thinking about Duhallow 10 Miler in 2 weeks time but not sure it's worth it now (:confused:)....might hold off until the Ballyhoura Race Series kicks off at the end of April

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    7.15K - Road - 31:19 - AF

    First run since Mallow after a very higgledy-piggledy few days. The main issue early in the week was the blisters on my toes....never had anything like it before,think it might be a specific combo of shoes and socks.

    Went to the gym a couple of times alright for some light cardio and stretching. Finished up work on Wednesday which unfortunately coincided with a family funeral so was obviously tied up with that for a couple of days.

    Finally had a brief window on Friday morning to get out and clear the head....had planned a 10K but had to pivot and go the shorter route due to time constraints. Actually felt pretty good all things considered....plenty of carbs consumed in recent times.

    Friday night was going away drinks...paced myself reasonably well and didn't blow up in the closing stages :-)


    Intervals - 8 x 800m - NB

    Yet more carb loading (chocolate is a carbohydrate...right?? ;-) ) so some fresh air and activity was badly needed.

    Again, pretty pleased with this session so maybe the few days off didn't do me any harm.

    1) 3:16
    2) 3:13
    3) 3:08
    4) 3:24
    5) 3:16
    6) 3:24
    7) 3:09
    8) 3:00

    Had briefly contemplated doing a local 10K today but will give it a miss I think...not a lot to be gained either way from it. I'm officially off this week too so will be doing some long and leisurely afternoon runs. Not sure how my training will look beyond that yet

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    6.5K - Road - 29:44 - NB

    A slow enough bonus plod to counteract the confectionary overload of recent days


    20.15K - Road - 99:38 - NB

    My first recent long run that wasn't on my local hilly's amazing how much easier running on the flat is :-)

    Started off in UL and did a long loop of the campus before heading off down the river bank. Did another loop around Corbally and then back towards the college. Ended up doing about 4K on the track in torrential rain so felt I was in my own Rocky style training montage.

    Felt pretty good and could have kept going for another bit I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Intervals - 10 x 1K - AD

    Well it appears that I may have located my mojo! :cool:

    Feel like I'm finally back on track and finally getting back on a track....was out bright and early this morning on the UL Track. Did a 2K warm-up around the campus and then set off with the plan of running 10 reps at 3:55ish pace..

    1) 3:53
    2) 3:50
    3) 3:56
    4) 3:59
    5) 3:55
    6) 3:57
    7) 3:52
    8) 3:46
    9) 3:50
    10) 3:48

    Really really happy with that to be the pacing right and felt strong for the last few. I think the slower ones early on were due to lack of concentration rather than anything else.

    Should be nicely set for the upcoming Ballyhoura races assuming I can keep things ticking over along with the new job...and actually make it to the races as most of them are clashing with my young fella's U-6 hurling training :pac::pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Cartman78 wrote: »

    Intervals - 10 x 1K - AD

    Well it appears that I may have located my mojo! :cool:

    Feel like I'm finally back on track and finally getting back on a track....was out bright and early this morning on the UL Track. Did a 2K warm-up around the campus and then set off with the plan of running 10 reps at 3:55ish pace..

    1) 3:53
    2) 3:50
    3) 3:56
    4) 3:59
    5) 3:55
    6) 3:57
    7) 3:52
    8) 3:46
    9) 3:50
    10) 3:48

    Really really happy with that to be the pacing right and felt strong for the last few. I think the slower ones early on were due to lack of concentration rather than anything else.

    Should be nicely set for the upcoming Ballyhoura races assuming I can keep things ticking over along with the new job...and actually make it to the races as most of them are clashing with my young fella's U-6 hurling training :pac::pac:

    I'm glad you have found your mojo :)

    Good luck with the race series... and the joys of juggling around the kids :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    13.15K - Road - 66:13 - NB

    A totally unplanned pootle along the riverbank, I had intended to treat myself to a gym session in UL but after waiting for about 15 mins for a parking space I gave up and went for a run instead.

    Nothing major to report....glad to be in a position where a 13K run feels short :-)


    10K - Road - 41:42 - AF

    After a week of enjoying the flat plains of Castletroy it was back to the muck and hills in the countryside today.

    Gave it hammer and tongs from the off...kept the hammer down the whole way and finished just outside my PB for this route.

    A decent training week for me I think...starting the new job tomorrow so running may have to take a backseat until things settle down

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    6.1K - Road - 27:55 - AD

    As predicted, running was very much deprioritised this week...a combination of the new job, yet another head cold and an overnight trip to Dublin meant that my training budget was very limited.

    Got some core and light weights in and finally made it out for a quick session last night.

    Will hopefully get out today and tomorrow and take it from there. There's already a running group formed at work so will check that out next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - Road - 44:36 - NB

    Not a bad run in the grand scheme of things, had planned another couple of km but the wind put me off it tbh.

    Both Achilles a bit achy after it...will be dusting off the foam roller tonight

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8.30K - Road - 42:09 – NB

    First lunchtime run in the new job – was running with another fella so it was more of a social outing than a athletic workout.
    The route wasn’t great tbh – a loop along a couple of ring roads and then back through the town….will do some investigating in the coming days.

    7K - Road - 30:50 – AT

    Out on my own today which suited me just fine….aimed for a 4:30 pace tempo run but the crazy wind made it very awkward to keep a steady pace.
    Did an out and back route today along the ring roads today which was much better….really don’t like running through towns, stopping at junctions etc.
    Event update: I got a comp entry for the Great Limerick Run – there’s zero point in me attempting the half marathon at this stage so will be aiming to hammer around the 6 Mile course yet again

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    10K - Road - 44:19 - NB

    Couldn't run at lunchtime so only made it out for a late evening dash.

    Had to battle through clouds of fricking midges but felt fairly strong and fresh for a Friday evening.


    14.35K - Road - 67:23 - NB

    Was woken up at 6.30am by a WWF style manoeuvre by my 3 year old so had the porridge good and early and hit the road just before 9am.

    A beautiful Spring morning in Limerick, light but crisp breeze and sunshine. I did my most hilly route so this was a good test....the pace fell off around half way but got a second wind and finished fairly strongly and consistently.

    So 4 runs this week which is ok I guess but would like to get another session in going forward....starting to miss the treadmill now ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    Intervals 15 x 400m - Road - AD

    It seems that Nenagh has the same wind-blowing-in-your-face-no-matter-which-way-you’re-going style climate as Shannon…..still though, was happy enough with this workout and kept the pace and effort at a decent level throughout.
    Not long now until the Great Limerick 6 Miler – next weekend will be a running write off due to family events so will have to squeeze in a long run one of the evenings if possible.
    Anyway, here be the splitzzzz:
    1)     1.33
    2)     1.33
    3)     1.25
    4)     1.29
    5)     1.31
    6)     1.31
    7)     1.33
    8)     1.33
    9)     1.33
    10)  1.35
    11)  1.34
    12)  1.36
    13)  1.31
    14)  1.30
    15)  1.28

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Road – 36:18 - NB

    Discovered a lovely new route for lunchtime runs – it’s an out and back course for the minute but that’s fine….really nice,quiet and picturesque country roads….gentle rolling hills, relatively sheltered and decent surface.
    Rather tarnished a good day by almost hospitalising myself later that evening – long story…but basically we ended up locked out of our house and, in the futile act of scaling the garden side gate in my work clothes, I was extremely lucky to not end up making a mess of myself altogether….ended up breaking the side gate and smacking my head off the wall. No major damage done (just a large bruise and a smallish cut….and mercifully nobody actually saw it happen :)) but wasn’t a million miles away from knocking myself out I’d say.

    7.15K – Road – 31:40 – AF

    Had a busy day with family bits and bobs so managed to squeeze in a quick blitz right after breakfast.
    Was feeling a bit stiff and leggy after my misadventures with the side-gate earlier in the week.

    8K - Road - 33:36 – AF

    Back out on my lunchtime country run today – perfect conditions so gave it a bit of welly and felt ok, although both Achilles feeling a bit tender.
    Despite wintering reasonably well, I’m once again entering the spring/summer racing season in sub-optimal shape…very frustrating but could be worse I guess. Would like to get close to 39mins for the GLR 6 Mile on Sunday…have always under performed in this race…would like a Top 30 overall finish and maybe a Top 10 in my new age category

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78


    8K – Road – 36:18 – AC


    8K – Road – 33:11 - NB

    Two more outings on my new favourite route .
    Ran on Wednesday with another fella from work that’s doing the marathon on Sunday so was happy to keep the pace at a conversational 4:30.
    Today was a solo speed effort in an attempt to blow off the cobwebs before the GLR 6 Miler….felt comfortable enough but both Achilles are as tight as they’ve been in 18 months or so.
    Looking forward to the race on Sunday despite not being in optimum shape…..the main goal is to go sub-40 mins (in reality I’ll be slightly miffed not to go sub 39:30)….will be interesting to see how I go in the O-40 Category as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78



    9.80K – Road – 38:47 - AD

    Finally managed to break 40 mins on this course :pac:

    Training has been a bit messy lately so had no real expectations today but wanted to give it a good go....decided to ditch my recent sensible and cautious race tactics and go balls out from the start and keep going til the wheels fell off basically :pac:

    There was a huge crowd for this as usual so wanted to be as close to the start as possible to avoid the bottlenecks in the first couple of kilometres.

    Got out ok and had open enough road for a few km before hitting increasingly heavy traffic from the half marathon and marathon. Rows of four and five people walking with headphones in wasn't ideal so a lot of energy wasted weaving in and out between them in the closing stages.

    The heat and the hill at the Gaelic Grounds made things tough as well but finished strongly enough in what was a fantastic atmosphere..great to see so many people out in Limerick.

    Les splìts:
    1. 3:45
    2. 3:51
    3. 3:58
    4. 3:56
    5. 4:00
    6. 3:57
    7. 3:59
    8. 4:15
    9. 4:04
    10.2:57 (800m)

    Would have equated to a ~39:40 10K if my calculations are correct so I'm slightly ahead of par for where I normally am at this time of year

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,674 ✭✭✭Cartman78

    Just to add to my GLR Report – finished inside the Top 30 overall and would have been 3rd in my age category, although I was actually designated in the 35-39 Years group…..doesn’t really matter as there’s no prizes at stake.

    10K – Road – 46:08 – AF

    Yet again, I had planned a longer run but the usual bedtime shenanigans meant a change…..felt pretty good during this one, no hangover from the race on Sunday…swallowed about 1,000 flies L

    5K – Road – 20:33 – NB

    Had to squeeze this is between a couple of meetings and lunch – the weather was perfect, raining and light wind. Again felt good and fresh.
    I might be racing again this weekend in the Mungret 10K on Sunday – would prefer to do the Mike Curley/Galbally 4 Miler tomorrow evening but can’t make it.
