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Zero to Hero

  • 05-01-2017 10:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭

    How did I end up here, female 32 5-8 and 19 stone 5 lbs? Years of bad eating and without doubt a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

    About this time of year 4 years ago I was the same weight got down to 13st 13lb , by a mixture of eating right myself , joining weightwatchers for a period of time and damn hard phyiscal activity.

    Ironically I've always been really active, I've played GAA for years and would regularly train 3/4 times a week during the season , my weight would have naturally gone up and down depending on the time of year.

    A bad injury stuffed my during the summer and along with losing my job , I lost all confidence in myself and turning the food and alcohol for comfort.

    The switch has gone off in my head , I am now ready to get back to a healthy weight and live a healthy life.

    I've started since tuesday didn't initially want to weight myself for a few weeks as I knew it would be bad but glad I did now , it is my reality.

    I've walked 3 times this week about an hour each time, I'm doing a free trial day of a gym on saturday and will definitly be joining it. They offer free assessment/programs and a weekly weigh in club so will be ticking all those boxes.

    I've started logging on Myfitnesspal and have a current calorie allowance of 1,780 which I will do my utmost to stick to. I am also planning on not drinking for the forseeable so this should help a lot.

    I hope to use this thread to motivate myself , be accountable on here and fingers crossed get a pat on the back or a kick up the arse when needed by you lot.

    I hope you enjoy my journey.




  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 4 19st flat

    I'm aware that this is mostly water but it did bring a smile to my face this morning.
    Did a half hour walk last night and this evening I did a (slow) breaststroke for 30mins and arsed around in the pool for another 20mins

    Diet has been fairly good
    Breakfast eggs or porridge
    Snack yoghurt and nuts/seeds mix
    Lunch brown bread sandwich with turkey salad
    Snack 1 or 2 pieces of fruit
    Dinner homemade thai fish curry or fish jambalaya

    Other snacks have been a few jaffa cakes/buttons/low cal crisps - I know long term this isn't what i should be snacking on but I'm somewhat of a junkfood fiend so this is good for me for now. I'm also drinking 3/4 cans of coke zero a can , I know this must go too.

    Trying out a gym tomorrow so hope to be a member by next week.

    Have gotten a lot more energy from eating better.


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 5
    1750 calories

    Did a free sample day at the gym . Will be joining next week. Probably should have done more but this is what I did anyway. I might add there was zero method to what I did! I'll get a program when I join properly.

    25 mins threadmill slow jogging /walking

    Deadlifts - back in March I did a 1RM of 125kg feel along way from there now but it's a longterm goal to get back lifting that.

    bar only x 10
    30kg x 10 x 2
    40 kg x 8 x 3
    50kg x 6 x 6

    Bent over rows
    12.5kg x 8 x 5

    Pull down machine
    25kg x 8 x 5

    20 mins swimming.


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 6
    1720 calories

    We started back club training this morning , so we did a short warm up and then did a running session they were supposed to be sprints , I was just ticking over in some of these runs.

    6 x 100m
    4 x 200m
    2 x 400m
    1 x 800m

    food has only been ok today, stuck to the calories but this evening I hit the taytos and chocolate. Need to improve on this front and drank a good bit of coke too.

    No alcohol in a week - very happy about this.


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 7
    1732 calories

    So I've officially joined the gym , I am getting my initial assessment and programme on thursday so again this is my own makey uppy routine that I did this evening. Legs were sore from saturday and sundays efforts so mainly arms today.

    35 mins bike - v light resistance just wanted to loosen legs

    Barbell rows
    Bar x 8 x 2
    30kg x 8 x 5
    40kg x 5 x 5

    Pull down machine
    35kg x 8 x 8

    Shoulder press machine
    15kg x 8 x 5

    20mins in pool messing about.

    Food again has been fairly good , still have a few issues with it that need sorted in the long run but happy enough.


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 8 Weigh In 18st 13lbs Weekly - 6lbs Overall - 6lbs
    1493 calories

    Happy out with the 6 lb loss , I realise most of that's probably water weight etc but its v nice to see 18 and not 19.

    Gym today

    Bike 35mins light resistance
    Pull down machine
    35kg x 8 x 8
    45kg x 4

    Shoulder press
    15kg x 8 x 5

    Chest press machine
    15kg x 5 x 2
    25 kg x 5 x 5

    Leg extension machine
    5 kg x 10 x 5

    Hoping for a 2/3 lb loss this week.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 9
    1750 calories

    I was feeling a bit down today, with a few different things , just back from the gym and it is true what they say about exercise affecting your mood/outlook. I'm gaining confidence day by day in the gym, I'm not as intimidated by the muscle boys! I have my assessment tomorrow and will be getting my plan so hopefully my workouts will have a lot more direction.
    Today I did

    35 mins bike

    Did the next 3 as a mini circuit
    Dumbell chest press 10kg x 8 x 5
    Kettlebell swings 12kg x 12 x 5
    Skull Crushers 3kg x 10 x 5

    Next mini circuit
    Russian twists 5kg ball 20 x 5
    Bicep curls 10kg x 10 x 5
    Lateral raises 3kg x 10 x 5

    Seated leg press
    5kg x 10
    15kg x 10 x 2
    25kg x 10 x 3
    35kg x 10 x 2


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 10
    1470 calories

    I got my initial assessment in the gym no surprises but still FML
    Weight 119.5kg
    BMI 40.4
    Fat% 48.7%

    This is my workout programme to start with

    Bike 20mins
    Cross trainer 10mins

    Seated leg press
    25kg x 10 x 3
    Seated leg Curl
    20kg x 10 x 3
    Leg extension 15kg x 10 x 3

    Row weight machine (forget proper name)
    20KG X 10 X 3
    Pull down machine
    25kg x 10 x 3
    Shoulder press
    10kg x 10 x 3
    Chest press
    15kg x 10 x 3

    Bicep curls
    7.5kg x 10 x 3
    Kettlebell swings
    12kg x 10 x 3

    May need to adjust some of the weights but this is what I started off on anyway.


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 11
    Calorie 1767

    20mins bike
    10mins cross trainer

    Seated leg press
    35kg x 10 x 3
    Seated leg Curl
    20kg x 10 x 3
    Leg extension 15kg x 10 x 3

    Row/rear deltoid machine
    22.5KG X 10 X 3
    Pull down machine
    30kg x 10 x 3
    Shoulder press
    15kg x 10 x 3
    Chest press
    15kg x 10 x 3

    Bicep curls
    7.5kg x 10 x 3

    Kettlebell swings
    12kg x 10 x 3

    skull crushers
    3kg x 10 x 3


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 12
    1718 calories

    20mins bike
    10mins cross trainer

    Leg press
    10 x 35kg x 3
    Leg curl
    10 x 20kg x 3
    Leg extensions
    10 x 15kg x 3

    Row machine
    10 x 22.5kg x 3
    Pull down
    10 x 32.5kg x 3
    Chest press
    10 x 20kg x 3
    Shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 1
    10 x 15kg x 2

    Bicep curl
    10 x 7.5kg x 3

    Skull crushers
    10 x 5kg x 3

    Kb swings
    10 x 12kg x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 13

    Club training , running session

    6 lap , 1 slow, 1 quick etc
    8 x 50m sprints
    8 x 40m sprints

    I am spent.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 14
    Calories 1612

    Bike 20mins
    cross trainer 10mins

    Leg curl
    10 x 20kg x 1
    10 x 22.5kg x 2
    leg extension
    10 x 17.5kg x 2
    10 x 15kg x 1
    leg press
    10 x 37.5kg x 3

    10 x 22.5kg x 3
    pull down
    10 x 32.5kg x 3
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 1
    10 x 15kg x 2
    chest press
    10 x 22.5kg x 3

    bicep curl
    10 x 10kg x 2
    kb swing
    10 x 12kg x 3


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Day 15
    Calories 1529
    18st 9lbs Weekly - 4lbs Overall -10lbs

    Bike 20 mins
    Cross trainer 10 mins

    Leg extension
    10 x 17.5kg x 3
    leg press
    10 x 37.5kg x 1
    10 x 40kg x 2
    seated leg curl
    10 x 22.5kg x 2
    10 x 25kg x 1

    10 x 25kg x 3
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 1
    10 x 15kg x 2
    chest press
    10 x 22.5kg x 3
    pull down
    10 x 32.5kg x 1
    10 x 35kg x 2

    skull crushers
    10 x 5kg x 3
    bicep curls
    10 x 10kg x 2
    kb swings
    10 x 16kg x 2

    Happy out with the - 4lbs


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Calories 1505

    Bike 20 mins
    Cross trainer 10 mins

    Leg extension
    10 x 17.5kg x 2
    10x 20kg x 1
    leg press
    10 x 40kg x 1
    10 x 42.5kg x 2
    seated leg curl
    10 x 25kg x 3

    10 x 25kg x 2
    10x 27.5kg x 1
    shoulder press (i find this one so hard)
    10 x 17.5kg x 1
    10 x 15kg x 2
    chest press
    10 x 22.5kg x 3
    pull down
    10 x 35kg x 3

    skull crushers
    10 x 5kg x 3
    bicep curls
    10 x 10kg x 3
    kb swings
    10 x 16kg x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder


    Bike 20mins
    Cross 10 mins

    Leg extension
    10x 20kg x 3
    leg press
    10 x 42.5kg x 3
    seated leg curl
    10 x 25kg x 1
    10 x 27.5kg x 2

    10 x 25kg x 3
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 1
    10 x 15kg x 2
    chest press
    10 x 22.5kg x 3
    pull down
    10 x 35kg x 3

    skull crushers
    10 x 5kg x 3

    kb swings
    10 x 16kg x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    2050 calories

    Really needed a rest day so no gym today . Will be back there tmrw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder


    1626 calories

    bike 20mins
    cross 10 mins

    Leg extension
    10x 20kg x 3
    leg press
    10 x 45kg x 3
    seated leg curl
    10 x 25kg x 1
    10 x 27.5kg x 2

    10 x 25kg x 1
    10x 27.5kg x 2
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 3
    chest press
    10 x 22.5kg x 3
    pull down
    10 x 35kg x 1
    10 x 37.5kg x 2

    5kg med ball russian twists
    20 x 5

    40 leg raises

    30 glute bridges


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Calories 172

    10 Mins
    30second quick jog
    30second slow jog

    6 x 200metres quick

    2 x 1km runs


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder


    1711 calories

    bike 20mins
    cross 10 mins

    Leg extension
    10x 20kg x 3
    leg press
    10 x 45kg x 3
    seated leg curl
    10 x 30kg x 1
    10 x 32.5kg x 2

    10x 27.5kg x 3
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 3
    chest press
    10 x 22.5kg x 3
    pull down
    10 x 37.5kg x 3

    Skull crusher
    10 x 5kg x 3

    Will weigh myself tomorrow , but very happy to have 3 weeks done with a relatively healthy diet and have hit the gym or been active most days. No booze taken in that time which I'm happy about as it has helped to keep me on track.


  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    1735 calories
    18st 7lbs Weekly - 2lbs Overall -12lbs
    Very happy with the loss!

    bike 20mins
    cross 10 mins

    Leg extension
    10x 20kg x 3
    leg press
    10 x 45kg x 1
    10 x 47.5kg x 2
    seated leg curl
    10 x 32.5kg x 3

    10x 27.5kg x 3
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 3
    chest press
    10 x 22.5kg x 2
    10 x 25kg x 1
    pull down
    10 x 37.5kg x 2
    10 x 40kg x 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Calories 1554
    No gym today been on my feet all day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    calories 1730

    bike 15mins
    cross 15 mins

    Leg extension
    10x 20kg x 3
    leg press
    10 x 47.5kg x 3
    seated leg curl
    10 x 32.5kg x 3

    10x 27.5kg x 3
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 3
    chest press
    10 x 25kg x 3
    pull down
    10 x 40kg x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    fair play to you staying so active all the time

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Thanks , I've struggled a bit this week as work has been really busy but feeling better/healthier, some of my clothes starting to feel looser . There has been a few days where my legs have felt very heavy from exercising but mostly ok. I plan to get reassessed the week after next in the gym so the workout will change then I suppose. Still catch myself in the gym mirrors and can't believe how big I am but will keep plugging away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    GapMinder wrote: »
    Thanks , I've struggled a bit this week as work has been really busy but feeling better/healthier, some of my clothes starting to feel looser . There has been a few days where my legs have felt very heavy from exercising but mostly ok. I plan to get reassessed the week after next in the gym so the workout will change then I suppose. Still catch myself in the gym mirrors and can't believe how big I am but will keep plugging away.

    You're 24 days in and making a huge effort and a lot of people give in a long while before 24 days.

    Keep on keeping on and focus on those little wins - clothes feeling looser - and remember thats after ~ a month. You're in a better place than you were and focus on being in a better place than now in another month or so.

    You're going really well. Just keep plugging away and the results will continue to come :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Calories 1990
    No gym

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder


    45 Mins aqua jogging

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    Calories 1618

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    calories 1400

    50mins aqua jogging

    Twinged my knee at the weekend so changing it up a bit this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    1445 calories
    Weight 18st 4lbs Weekly - 3lbs Overall -15lbs
    Happy days.

    bike 20mins
    cross 10mins

    pull down
    10 x 40kg x 3
    shoulder press
    10 x 17.5kg x 3
    chest press
    10 x 25kg x 3

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  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭GapMinder

    1600 calories
