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PW Draft 2017 - Evaluation Thread

  • 24-01-2017 2:27pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭

    Welcome to the Boards Draft 2017 Evaluation Thread.

    For you new to the game, I strongly encourage you to check out last years thread to see what others have done. Some go the while hog and do many write ups and a PPV, others simply post their dream card from their available roster.

    CHECK IT OUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HERE!!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Below is a general outline of the rules and how it works :
    - Posting is optional. Participants don't have to write weekly shows for their rosters if they don't want to. Its up to them if they want to do shows, however usually those who do the weekly shows are more in teh running to win the overall game.

    - You can outline your promotion, TV show name, your roster's champions etc.

    - There is a max to what you can post. Traditionally players are allowed post 5 posts in total. 4 weekly shows to build up to your PPV and a PPV. This is essentially your weekly TV show building up to your PPV so you can post this up to 5 times.

    - You may post a preview post, outlining your federation history and outline of your characters before your weekly shows begin. This wont count towards your total.

    - You may also post a preview show before your PPV summing up the weekly shows before your PPV, recapping all that has unfolded in your weekly shows. This also wont count as one of your 5 posts.

    - Final write-ups will be posted after round 15. It is your PPV event and the only thing which is a requirement in this thread. This is not optional as the PPV will be judged to determine the winner.

    You can commence your PPV build now. Good luck and have fun. As always please keep discussion of the game (feedback to show etc) in the discussion thread.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Welcome ladies & gentlemen to CWA Fallout we open this week’s show with Pipers Pit

    Piper: Welcome to the premiere slot in professional wrestling Pipers Pit, You know old Hot Rod had a lot of options this year but I wanted to come home to CWA the place where I won my first legends title and where I plan to defend it plus it’s a home away from home of Pipers Pit.
    This week we have with us well let’s just say an interesting group,
    They're creepy and they're kooky,
    Mysterious and spooky,
    They're all together ooky,
    The Wyatt Family.


    Bray Wyatt, Kevin Sullivan, Braun Strowman and Dr Death all make their way to the ring
    Piper: What a group of misfits we have here, Bray Wyatt the eater of worlds…maybe you should go on a diet Bray as you are looking a little Husky lately & Kevin Sullivan the task master himself..the only master you are is a master (Sullivan grabs mic)
    Sullivan: Listen up here Piper be very careful with your next words
    Piper: I was going to say master of disguise I barely noticed ya without the face paint on, but enough of you Sullivan I want to talk to you Bray Wyatt I want to know what your plans are here in CWA, what are you doing here
    Wyatt: You will get your answers Piper in fact your answers is about to slap you in your face (with that Williams & Strowman attack Piper and tru him out of the ring.

    Wyatt: They’ve been lying to you man you see there no such thing as a hero, oh yes CWA will go out and sign all these legends to make you feel safe, to tuck you into bed at night and kiss you on the cheek and tell you everything is alright.
    But the truth is everything is not alright we live dangerous times but me and my family are here to let you know as long as you follow the buzzards you will be safe.


    Announcer: We are back folks from our commercial break but while we were on break we had an altercation backstage, let’s show you what happened.

    Backstage Segment

    Lashley: Yo Jay wait up I have a proposition for you
    Lethal: A proposition, this ain’t going to cost me any money is it.
    Lashley: No nothing like that, I have brought the Nation back together and we want you part of it
    Lethal: You brought the Nation back together again and why would you do a stupid ass thing like that
    Lashley: Stupid…do you not see what is going on around you, with the stipulations in place for this years draft you looked certain to go in round 1 but didn’t go till 9th round, I am a multi time world Champion and did not go till 4th Round, Godfather a Hall of famer and D-Lo not till Round 5 then Mark Henry another multi time champion till Round 6.
    Lethal: Look man I don’t care what round I go in I am here to tear it up and come World Champion the only nation I am interested in is the Lethal Nation population 1
    Lashley: Well if you are not with us you are against us
    Lethal: That is fine by me in fact why don’t we sort this out in the ring

    Announcer:So folks that is what happened during the break and our owner has signed the deal, next up is Bobby Lashley taking on Jay Lethal


    Lethal is in the ring staring at the entrance waiting for Lashley to show up when all of the sudden Godfather, Dlo Brown and Mark Henry jump the guard rail and runs in to attack Lethal who has no chance to defend himself, one they beat him down Lashley comes out puts his foot on Lethal and has Dlo do a 3 count with loud boos coming from the crowd.

    Announcer:Well that was just disgusting what a group of thugs.

    Then the Wyatts appear at the top of the ramp

    Bray: Nation of Domination if ye are so eager to prove your dominace why not have my man Braun Strowman come down there and face two of yer guys in a handicap match, that is if Godfather and Dlo are up to the challenge

    Announcer: Oh here we go folks Dlo has just made the just bring it sign, Lashley and Mark Henry have been ordered out of the ring and we will have Braun Strowman face off against Dlo Brown and The Godfather


    As soon as Strowman get’s into the ring Dlo and Godfather attack him with Lashley and Mark Henry outside jeering him on, But Strowman is soon to get the upperhand and over powers the Nation Members, he tosses Dlo out of the ring and when Lashley & Henry go to aid him the rest of the Wyatts attack, it’s now 3 on 3 on the outside and just Godfather and Strowman in the ring, Godfather puts up a good defence but was not enough for Strowman who picks up the win via running powerslam.
    After the win the Nation regroup in the ring and Mark Henry says anything Strowman can do he can do better and tonight he will also have a handicapped match.

    As they are leaving up the ramp Wyatt turns and says “ Godfather your place is not with this Nation follow the buzzards”

    *******COMMERCIAL BREAK*******

    Backstage Segment

    The Wyatts are backstage celebrating their win, The Godwinns approach them
    Henry Godwinn: Mr Wyatt sir we have followed the buzzards and wish to join your family
    Kevin Sullivan: Why don’t you pig farmers just move along
    Bray: Don’t be so hasty Kevin let’s hear what these here boys have to say
    Pheonis Godwinn: We just want to prove ourselves worthy
    Kevin Sullivan: Worthy…ye ain’t worthy of being in our presence
    Bray: Again with the hastiness Kevin, I will decide who is worthy and who is not so I tell you what Godwinns if ye can’t beat the Sullivan & Williams tonight I will consider ye
    Kevin Sullivan: Is this really necessary Bray
    Bray: Just cause you knew my pop don’t think you know me Sullivan if I say something is necessary then it is necessary

    Announcer: Well folks it looks like we have our main event , next up we have an exclusive look at the newest signing’s for CWA

    After video ends Mark Henry is already in the ring awaiting his opponents


    It’s the tag champions and members of The Bullet Club, Guerillas of Destiny, the crowd give them a huge pop and as soon as the match begins they take control, plenty of high flying spots on this one and they are really wearing down Henry, they go for combo powerbomb but instead Henry is able to back flip both at once he then picks up Tama and bodyslams him onto Tanga, he comes off the ropes and splashes onto both for the 3 pin.

    And finally we have come to our main event , can the Godwinns prove to Bray Wyatt they deserve a place in his family or will Sullivan & Williams cement their place.


    Sullivan & Williams are in control from the off, with some really nice in ring work and quick tags it looks like it is all over Kevin Sullivan locks in a figure four leglock on Henry Godwinn, but Godwinn refuses to tap, Sullivan who is close to the ring reaches out to Bray Wyatt to hold his hand so he can get more leverage but instead Wyatt pulls Sullivan out of the ring and starts stomping on him, while Strowman then attacks Williams.
    Once they are beat down Bray gets in the ring

    Bray Wyatt: Sulllivan you and Dr Death were never part of my family, I know my pop sent ye down here to try and keep his young boy under control, well there is no controlling me, no sir so why don’t you & Williams go back to pops while ye still can and never follow the buzzards again….


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Ladies & Gentleman welcome to CWA Fallout, we open the show with Jim Cornette in the middle of the ring.

    Cornette: Folks let me tell you, last week Campo the owner of CWA rang me and said Jim I need you, I need a proper wrasslin man someone who can get the best out of the roster, so I said Campo you have made the right call so here I am the shows new GM
    And 1st order of business is to sort out who will be the CWA World Champion, well I have looked around this roster and got to be honest no one has impressed me yet so there will be a title tournament starting tonight.
    Next Bray Wyatt I know you are in the back so make your way out here.

    Bray Wyatt: Jim Cornette Mr GM man, anyone the calls me out must be very brave or very stupid and the only reason I am out here is to find out which one are you
    Cornette: Listen Wyatt I used to run Smoky Mountain and people like you are a dime a dozen, they used to come down from the mountain with their sister & wife which were usually one in the same person, talking about their love for buzzard and goats and God only knows what else, so you don’t scare me, what I want to know is can you go in the ring.
    So tonight, Wyatt we will find out as you get to face a man who can go in the ring, a former NWA World Champion, so in the 1st round of the CWA World Championship will be you versus The Franchise Shane Douglas oh and if any of your freaky Friday family members interfere the closest you will get to a wrestling ring again is when you are mopping it up.


    Backstage Segment
    Interview with Bad Luck Fale

    Interviewer: Bad Luck Fale what bring’s you here to CWA
    Fale: (Pushes announcer away)
    I was at home last week when I get a call to tell me that Guerrillas of Destiny lost in a handicap match, I started to laugh and asked what did they get disqualified for and I was told no Underboss you don’t understand they lost clean, Oh hell no I wasn’t having that so I got on the first flight to here to make sure the Guerrillas of Destiny know who and what they represent
    Commentator: We have Bray Wyatt vs Shane Douglas coming up but before that we have just had word from GM Jim Cornette on the CWA Championship Tournament, and we can reveal who will face who in the 1st round


    Douglas launches into a frenzied attack on Wyatt, hitting him with forearms and elbows but Wyatt soon fought back with headbut and running crossbody, Douglas does attempt a come back but Wyatt is in full control at this stage, Wyatt now has Douglas and ready to finish him off with sister Abigail but before he get’s a chance to finish move Kevin Sullivan & Steve Williams have ran into ring and start to beat down on Wyatt with the help of Douglas, Sullivan, Williams and Douglas stand in the middle of the ring arms aloft and make a BWA gesture…………

    winner via DQ: Bray Wyatt

    We go to the outside where both Henry and Strowman have a pulling harness on which is connected to a bus, Henry is giving plenty of thrash talk to Strowman telling him he is the true strongman of CWA & the strongest man in the world and tonight he will prove it, the ref is in the middle and he whistles to start the competition, the both start to pull their bus forward inch by inch there is nothing to separate them, Henry slowly beings to take the lead and is nearing the finish….when Guerrillas of Destiny appear chairs in hand and they start to smash Henry with them, he can’t defend himself while harnessed and Strowman passes him out while smiling over at him and crosses the line taking the win.
    Piper: Welcome to Pipers Pit where tonight we will have the leader of the Nation Of Domination Bobby Lashley with us, but 1st after last week I decided to beef up my security so who better to have my back then my old friend Cowboy Bob Orton

    Bobby Lashley makes his way to the ring

    Piper: Bobby great to have you on Pipers Pit, lets just jump straight into it…why did you put Nation back together.
    Bobby: I’m glad you asked and let me answer your question with a question
    How many black wrestlers were drafted in the first round…I’ll tell you 1
    How many would you say in Round 2…I’ll tell you again it was 2
    Oh and in round 3 not one Black competitor was picked.
    Piper: So you are saying Black Wrestlers are being discriminated against
    Lashley: Isn’t it obvious
    Piper: Ok then let me ask you this, is there any fees for joining the Nation as if so because I was once half black does that mean I only have to pay half the fees
    (Lashley begins to crack his knuckles and stares down Piper till Orton stand in front of him)
    Lashley: You want some Orton, tell you what get a ref down here and we will start our CWA Championship Tournament match right now

    As soon as ref enters ring Lashley attacks Orton with vicious punches and kicks , he whips him to the rope and hits him with a spear before picking up and finishing him with the dominator.

    Winner via pin fall: Bobby Lashley

    Backstage segment

    The Godwinns enter Jim Cornettes office


    Cornette; Oh my God I should have known ye were about to call as I could smell ye from two buildings away
    Godwinns: We want a match tonight, we got to show Bray what we can do
    Cornette: So ye are falling for his claptrap, well I tell you what you are lucky I love a good tag team match so tonight Godwinns I am putting ye in a match against Dlo & Godfather oh and who ever wins gets to slop their opponent so good luck.

    Godwinns seemed more interested in trying to impress the watching Bray Wyatt then beating Dlo & Godfather which proves to be a costly mistake, Dlo & Godfather and never truly troubled and are able to defeat the Godwins when Dlo hits Henry with a frog splash and Godfather makes sure PhIneas does not interfere, after the match Godfather and Dlo dumps a bucket of slop over The Godwinns head who looked devastated.


    Bray Wyatt gets on the mic
    Wyatt: Yes Yes this makes me very happy very happy indeed , There is indeed a place in my family for you

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome to the BWA Raw preview show!

    All the lights in the arena are off as we go to air, making it all the more impressive when the pyros (not as much as usual, it's still the preview show) hit. just then a large spotlight appears in the center of ring. A figure stands in it who slowly raises his head to a good pop from the crowd as they realize that it is none other than the BWA's own Bounty Hunter.
    10 years... 10 years since The Draft began and 10 years since I first set foot in the BWA. Back then the BWA was named after me - Bounty Hunter Wrestling association. That may have changed but this place (looks around the arena), this place stayed the same. This place has always been the heart of the BWA universe. Every year we put on the best best matches witht he best wrestling personalities from John Cena facing off against the immortal Hulk Hogan in our first year to the dream match that was Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar last year at Wrestlepalooza... but that all changed when the voting started last year. That all changed when the BWA board realized they would not be retaining the draft champions title.

    I now invite you to watch the following video, first recapping last years groundbreaking BWA Wrestlepalooza, then recapping the year to date since then.
    The video plays

    After the Wrestlepalooza highlights are shown we see how the board reacted to coming joint second in the voting last year or as they described it not even good enough to be the best loser on our own. They were livid and blamed the promotions top stars and said that they let the brand down despite actually each having mammoth matches (Bryan vs Brock won the best match slammy).

    They also announced their intentions to sell the promotion after the disappointment that was the 2016 draft season and as a result did not invest in new talent until they had done so which obviously did not sit well with the roster or the fans. An example of this was when Bobby Heenan straight up quit the promotion a few weeks back and took his top star Brock Lesnar with him, although some did suggest that was actually in reaction to how Brock had been suspended indefinitely for going nuts and F5'ing / suplexing half the production crew after losing to Daniel Bryan at the last Wrestlepalloza.

    It is believed that this coupled with them struggling to find a buyer forced the boards hand as they announced both the fact that they had secured a new main event talent (whom they stated was a multi time world champion and a box office star) to replace him and tonight's main event. They said that after tonight's year in review show and 1 week before the new draft season begins that Daniel Bryan would defend his title in a Street Fight! The board clearly want to make the company look like a big deal with these announcements but I wonder have they made it enough of an exciting proposition to entice a buyer to part with their cash and take on the promotion?

    As the video ends Bounty Hunter states that now as his last act as an announcer as he will instead be returning to the commentary team to replace Heenan he will introduce tonight's main event

    Daniel Bryan vs Takeshi Morishima in a Street fight for the WWE title

    We are informed that this match will literally start in the streets as we head to the BWA parking lot in the back where almost the entire roster are waiting to watch the fight as the champion makes his entrance out through the security entrance to the back of the arena where there is even a big screen and speakers set up for this occasion. He then hands his title over to the referee who raises it up to highlight that this bout will decide the BWA world champion.

    The referee passes the title over to Bounty Hunter (and whispers something to him) who looks a little confused but brings the title back inside the arena letting the arena doors swing shut and locked behind him.

    Then just as the two competitors are about to engage each other they are stopped in their tracks as music starts blaring... the entrance music of "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase who all roster members start watching on the big screen while we switch back to the ring.
    Ted Dibiase: I'M HERE, I'M HERE... The Million Dollar Man is here in the BWA! Now I would say sorry for interrupting your main event but the Million Dollar Man doesn't apologize to peasants like you and all of you (points to the titantron where the roster can be seen in the parking lot) better listen up because as you know... Everybody's got a price and I just paid the BWA boards price so your looking at the boss of this here place. Oh and one more hard cruel fact of life you need to know, If you don't do the job right you don't get paid and you guys not winning the draft last year wasn't doing the job right... So.... YOUR ALL FIRED!


    The entire arena is in shock, as are the wrestlers in the car park who suddenly realize they have been locked out of the arena. As the show ends we are left wondering just like the commentators what does this mean for the BWA going forward? and just what kind of promotion will we see on the first week of the road to Wrestlepalooza which will apparently be the first week of the reign of The Million Dollar Man!
    **End of Show**

    so storyline wise we don't know who will be competing in the BWA the next time we return to the show but for the viewers at home who have been following the names drafted to the company here is a little preview of what we could see:

    The NWO - Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, IRS / V.K. Wallstreet (Mike Rotunda), Virgil & Horace Hogan

    That's 8 different former NWO members all on the BWA roster this year. Will they take over? Will The Hulkster and the outsiders dominate the main event scene? will anyone be able to stand up to such a group ? and will anyone else join the NWO?

    The Million Dollar Corporation - Ted Dibiase, IRS (Mike Rotunda), Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow

    What if The Million Dollar man isn't in the NWO? could he reform his Million Dollar Corporation? The Beast from the East (Bam Bam) would be incredible muscle and with Tatanka & IRS also on the roster they would no doubt be a formidable stable for anyone to have to deal with.

    The Varsity Club - Kevin Sullivan, "Dr Death" Steve Williams, Rick Steiner, Dan Spivey & Mike Rotunda

    The entire Varsity club has found it's way onto the BWA's roster this year meaning there are 3 rosters that Mike "IRS" Rotunda could easily fit into. Lead by Kevin Sullivan this stable who brag about their superiority to other wrestlers on the roster because of their amateur wrestling background could really make an impact on the undercard at the very least.

    Triple Threat - Bam Bam Bigelow, Shane Douglas & Chris Candido

    Shane Douglas was "The Franchise" in ECW where he won and threw down the NWA title, could he make as big an impact in the BWA? He does have a former wrestlemania main eventer in his corner in the form of Bam Bam Bigelow and the often underrated (Wrestling Observer Newsletter most underrated of 95) also former NWA champ Chris Candido on his side, so who knows how well these boys could do if they combine their efforts.

    Other Main Eventers - Andre The Giant, Dave "The Animal" Batista, Stan Hansen

    It says a lot about the BWA in 2017 that we have gotten this far into the description of the roster without having mentioned the most successful and popular gaijin in professional wrestling history Stan Hansen or "The Eighth Wonder of the World" and the inaugural inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame Andre The Giant (who also has history with Dibiase). Then you also have bonafide main eventer and big time Hollywood star Dave The Animal Batista who completes the list of main event names all of whom are worthy of headlining the BWAs annual Wrestlepalooza PPV.

    The Women's division - "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey, Manami Toyota & Aja Kong, Victoria & Molly Holly

    2 years ago at Wrestlepalooza Rousey defeated Jesse Ventura of all people... can any female wrestler really defeat her? Well Arguably the best female wreslter of all time (just look at her list of 5 star matches) Manami Toyota will no doubt believe she can. Meanwhile Aja Kong has been drafted to the BWA roster more times than any other woman for a reason, because she is a destructive force of nature and she too will believe that she can be the top women in this years BWA's women's roster. It isn't just Female asian stars who will be gunning to make a name for themselves at Rousey's expense though as we also have the woman known as The Head B*tch in charge Victoria & the woman whose head she shaved at Wrestlemania Molly Holly who no doubt will both want to ascend to the top of arguably the best womans division in the draft.
    Other undercard wrestlers - Sabu, The Original Shiek, Abdullah The Butcher, Hannibal, "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert & Tatanka

    High flying, crazy, hardcore and Gimmick wrestlers who can offer something very different to this or any roster and some of them such as Sabu & The Shiek or Hannibal & The Butcher have history together that could obviously get brought up when they meet up in the BWA.

    BWA Roster 2016
    Hulk Hogan
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Andre The Giant
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    "IRS" Mike Rotunda
    Dave Batista
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Stan Hansen
    Manami Toyota
    Aja Kong
    Ronda Rousey
    Molly Holly
    The Original Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    "The Franchise Shane Douglas"
    Chris Candido
    "Dr Death" Steve Williams
    Dan Spivey
    Kevin Sullivan
    Rick Steiner
    "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson
    Horace Hogan

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Previously on Natural Championship Wrestling….

    Necrominus: No, goddammit! Hey ref, you have to stop this!

    Hardy has no more energy left, and Hussan sinks the Clutch in and drags him dead centre of the ring. Hardy goes limp, and the referee starts to raise Hardy’s arm…




    Necrominus: Dammit, Hussan has stolen the title!

    Billy-Bob: And we have a new NCW Champion!

    Hussan holds his arms high, as the others enter the ring. Hardy lays unconscious in the ring, as the announcer regrettably announces the decision.

    Ring Announcer: The winner of this match.... And New NCW Heavyweight Champion... Muhammad Hassan!

    Necrominus: It shouldn't have been this way! Jeff Hardy just had the belt stolen from him!

    Billy-Bob: Take it up with management, Necro… I can’t believe it myself!

    Daivari grabs the belt from the referee, and gives it to Hussan! He cackles in delight, hugging his new allies, Monty Brown and Michael Tarver! The two members kneel before Hussan… Hussan places the title on his shoulders, pride beaming from his eyes. The referee checks on Jeff Hardy, who has yet to move. Hussan storms towards the ring announcer, and yanks the microphone from his hands.

    Hussan: Get a good look at your hero!

    Hussan points down to Hardy.

    Hussan: This will be the last you see of him... And I have ascended my throne, as your one true NCW Champion!

    Daivari, Brown, and Tarver nod their heads, as Hussan screams into the microphone....

    Hussan: Long. Live. The. King!

    Hussan holds his arms in the shape of a crucifix, as, Daivari, Brown and Tarver flank his left and right side. Necrominus begins to speak, as the copyright information comes up.

    Necrominus: My God... What... What does this all mean....

    At the end of last year’s Natural Selection a new ‘King’ was crowned. Muhammad Hussan shocked the world when he stole the title from Jeff Hardy, directly following on from his war with John Cena . Together with Monty Brown and Michael Tarver, Hussan climbed to the top of the NCW mountain and ascended his throne.

    In the months that followed, Hussan would retain his title in a rematch with Hardy, again aided and abetted by the assistance of his trusted allies. Then it was Andre the Giant’s turn – but once more Hussan kept hold of the championship belt. But behind the scenes at NCW, a revolution was on the cards.

    Fed up with perceived mismanagement and distrust of the head writers, John Cena was the first in a raft of talent to leave the company, immediately departing following Natural Selection. Scott Hall and X-Pac were next to leave – a rematch with the Outlaws teased but never materialising. But late in the fall of 2016, the company was to be dealt its biggest blow of all – when The New Age Outlaws, the reigning tag team champions announced their departure for the MWA. Days later, reigning NCW US Champion Andre the Giant also announced he would be signing for another rival federation – the BWA, and would be bringing the US Championship along with him. More and more departures were to follow.

    General Manager Pete Rose was quick to act, immediately signing up reputable tag team The Natural Disasters, but compounded his already controversial reign by simply awarding them the championships – as there were no other tag teams left in the company to face them. Legends such as ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham and Pat Patterson also signed on, but the writing was on the wall. Haemorrhaging talent and money, NCW would surely fold.

    Cue a lifeline. Realising their mistake, NCW management fired the embattled Pete Rose, stating a ‘gross abuse of power’ coupled with severe staff mismanagement had made his position untenable. The next day the company was put up for sale.


    Elsewhere at the same time, Stephanie McMahon stunned the wrestling world when she sold her stock in WWE and left the company under a cloud of controversy. Immediately rumours began swirling that she intended to purchase a controlling interest in NCW – but for weeks it was simply rumours. Until tonight that is. We would now like to take you live to the NCW press conference:


    A hush comes over the packed auditorium as Necrominus, the voice of NCW makes his way onto the stage, accompanied by Stephanie McMahon. They take their seats along the large table set up for this conference.

    Necrominus: “I’d firstly like to thank you all for attending this important night in the history of NCW. For months now there has been speculation that the company was to close its doors – but I can confirm to you all that this will now not be the case. And it is all thanks to this woman sitting here beside me.”

    Necrominus sits back and Stephanie moves forward to speak into the mic.

    Stephanie: “Before I begin tonight, I would like to remind you that I will NOT be answering questions regarding anything to do with my departure from the WWE. That, as far as I am concerned is in the past. NCW is the future of professional sports entertainment, and we will strive to be the very best in the business at what we do.”

    John, Sunday Tribune: “So, Stephanie – from what you have just said – is it safe to presume that you have indeed purchased the company?”

    Stephanie: “I suppose the cat is out of the bag. Yes, it is true. I have purchased a controlling stake in NCW and will serve in the role of General Manager of the company. Moving forward NCW will be a force to be reckoned with as we move to challenge the premier companies in this industry.

    Gillian, New York Times: “But, Mrs McMahon – it’s been well documented that the roster at NCW is depleted and lacks any significant quality. How can you even talk about competing with the premier organisations when you have no discernible talent on your books?”

    Stephanie: “I resent that comment. Already signed to NCW we have several legends in this business in Billy Graham and Pat Patterson, alongside our Tag Team Champions, The Natural Disasters. But you’re right, the talent pool is very low on the numbers side. Already NCW has been on a recruitment drive, and I can exclusively reveal this evening that we have signed an incredible array of talent, from all corners of the globe.

    Firstly, I can reveal that Samoa Joe has signed an exclusive deal with NCW.

    Another member of the roster will be – and we consider this a coup given his status in Monday Night Grappling last year – he is, quite simply – The Rated R Superstar – Edge. Another former member of the MNG roster has also joined – in the monster, Vader. As you can see, we are intent on paying top dollar to ensure the NCW fans get to see some of the finest talent on the planet.”

    The room is awash with questions again.
    Mary, Wrestling World Weekly: “Stephanie, these are all big names to be signing exclusively to NCW, for certain. However, last year this company came under considerable criticism for assembling an all-male roster. Given these criticisms is it fair to say that a change may be on the cards in this regard?”

    Stephanie: “NCW recognises the mistake it made last year and has this year resolved this glaring issue. I would like to introduce to you, the inaugural NCW Women’s Champion – The Fabulous Moolah!”


    The crowd applauds the legendary Moolah as she comes to the stage, revealing a glittering new belt with the company’s logo emblazoned on the front. She takes a seat next to Stephanie and again the room is ablaze with questions.

    Tony, Slam Wrestling: “Moolah, how do you feel being given the opportunity to be the first women’s champion in NCW history?”

    Moolah: “Darling it’s absolutely fabulous to be here. Stephanie has presented me with this opportunity to delight the NCW fans – and they will not be disappointed.”

    Stephanie: “And to ensure that Moolah will have competition for her championship, the ink has barely dried on this latest deal, which will see Emma and Bayley leave BCW to join us here at Natural Championship wrestling.”

    Moolah: “Competition? Well… if you can call it that. I hardly think that you can compare two developmental talents with someone as fabulous as myself.”

    Stephanie: “We have signed a wide range of talent as you can see – there are many other names that we have been in negotiation with and in time they will be revealed to the NCW fans. But we must move on from talent discussions. There is a reason you see, that we called this press conference today. Generally, a takeover is announced via press release but we at Natural Championship Wrestling can exclusively reveal a number of major announcements.

    Firstly, as is already well documented – when Andre the Giant left the company, he did so taking the NCW United States Championship along with him. After much deliberation, it has been decided to create a new concept for our secondary title. That is – the NCW Rising Star Championship!

    It is unfortunate that Andre saw fit to take our company’s property with him when he signed for the BWA, but he can do whatever he likes with it now – the Rising Star Championship is a brand new concept to professional wrestling, with rewards for champions who can successfully retain the championship on a multiple of occasions. If they are successful in retaining their championship five times, they can – if they wish – vacate the belt for an NCW Championship opportunity.

    We at NCW feel that this is a way of allowing the so-called midcard to grasp the brass ring and claim the company’s ultimate prize. And the very first champion for this title will be decided on our Agony Pay Per View, when Michael Tarver takes on the debuting Samoa Joe.”

    Stephanie pauses as the onlooking journalists take notes on the new championship.

    Stephanie: “To continue, my next announcement concerns the NCW Heavyweight Championship. In a situation which has been brewing for months, Muhammad Hussan will defend his championship against ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham at Agony.

    But this will not main event Agony. We feel that it is fitting as my final announcement is that NCW have signed a deal with the 45th President of the United States of America – Mr Donald J. Trump! President Trump has long held an interest in the wrestling world and sees it fitting that one of his first public appearances since his inaugaration be in front of the NCW fans.”




    The room is suddenly ablaze with questions when Stephanie and Necrominus stand up and start to leave.

    Necrominus: “Any further questions will be taken by our Press Officer. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your attendance today.”

    So there you have it folks, Stephanie McMahon is the new owner of Natural Championship Wrestling. But what of the other roster members she alluded to? Well, please see below for an exclusive preview of the main movers and shakers for our current season of NCW!

    NCW Roster 2017:

    Key Players:

    The Brotherhood


    Muhammad Hassan: NCW Heavyweight Champion, and leader of the Brotherhood. The longest reigning champion in NCW history by some way, Hussan and his cronies have reigned supreme over NCW for the past 12 months with an iron fist. The latest influx of talent has left Hussan even angrier at the world than usual. He defends his title against ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham at Agony – can the self-professed ‘King’ of NCW continue his reign?

    The Natural Disasters: The NCW Tag Team Champions. Having been awarded the titles after having the honour of being the last surviving tag team in NCW, Earthquake and Typhoon have laid a path of destruction ever since. Swiftly aligning themselves with Muhammad Hussan, they have come close to entirely wiping out their competition from NCW. They now have an opportunity to eliminate the last remaining active team in the division when they take on Team CoBro at Agony.

    Michael Tarver: One of Hussan’s most trusted allies, lately relations between his long-time friend Monty Brown and he have become strained with Tarver feeling they should have been awarded the tag team championships. Tarver will now finally get the break he has been asking for at Agony when he takes on Samoa Joe to determine the first ever Rising Star Champion. However is Tarver truly prepared for the challenge that he faces?

    Monty Brown: The official muscle for the Brotherhood. He has struck up an alliance with Hussan, seeing the benefit to his career, and has become his most trusted advisor.

    Ranjin Singh: The official spokesperson for the Brotherhood. Singh lacks any real physical attributes, but more than makes up for this with his mind. His schemes are used to ensure that Hussan – in particular – but also the entire Brotherhood stay on top for a very long time.

    Edge: Arguably the most high profile signing of the year, Edge has come to NCW smarting from defeat to Finn Balor last year on Monday Night Grappling. The Rated R Superstar claims to have cleaned up his act and turned over a new leaf. But can Edge’s nice guy act truly be believed?

    Stephanie McMahon: The controlling force in NCW since her acrimonious WWE departure. Stephanie has shocked not just the wrestling world, but the entire planet with the announcement that President Trump will step foot in an NCW ring to address the fans at Agony. What other plans for the company has Stephanie in store?

    Samoa Joe - Joe has carved a path of destruction across every federation he has graced. From his unbeaten run in TNA – to being crowned the only two time NXT Champion in history, Joe’s reputation precedes him. Now he has set his sights firmly on NCW – and the Rising Star Championship. Will Joe succeed in his debut match when he takes on Michael Tarver – or has he finally bitten off more than he can chew by tangling with The Brotherhood?

    Team CoBro – Agony presents the final opportunity for the comedy duo to claim the Tag Team Championships. If they were to lose the match against the Natural Disasters, it has been decreed by NCW management that the team must disband and go their separate ways. Having come so close to claiming tag gold just last month, will this be the final swan song for Santino and Zack Ryder?

    ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham – The original Superstar, Billy Graham came to the NCW alongside his old tag team partner Pat Patterson. Together they stood against the domineering Brotherhood for almost 3 months. Now Graham finally has his title shot against Hussan at Agony, will he seize the day and claim the title?

    Pat Patterson – Joining the NCW alongside his longtime friend, Patterson has stood toe to toe against the Brotherhood over the past number of months. Last month he was unsuccessful in wresting the championship from Hussan’s grasp. Since then, Patterson has been displaying a much more aggressive persona, most recently destroying a local talent at a house show after the match with a set of brass knuckles. How will this new change in attitude affect his relationship with Graham?

    The Fabulous Moolah – NCW Women’s Champion. One of the most decorated women to have ever stepped inside the squared circle, Moolah has been crowned the inaugural Women’s Champion. How will Moolah react with the news that Bayley and Emma are on their way to NCW?

    Bayley – The rising star in women’s wrestling, Bayley has arrived in NCW alongside her one-time tag team partner, but more often than not enemy – Emma. With their paths destined to cross for yet another year, will Bayley and Emma collide one more time? More importantly – what will happen when the most popular women’s wrestler in a decade comes face to face with the legendary Moolah?

    The Dudley Boyz – The legendary tag team are rumoured to have signed an exclusive contract with NCW.

    Vader – One of the most destructive forces to ever set foot in a ring, Vader has finally landed in the NCW. Since his arrival, Vader has preferred to let his actions speak louder than words, laying waste to everything in his path. With his laser focus, Vader is determined to reach the pinnacle of NCW and will let nothing or nobody stand in his way.

    NCW Presents:


    AGONY – Live on Pay Per View:

    Match Card:

    The Cutting Edge debuts on NCW – with special guest Bayley

    Samoa Joe VS Michael Tarver – NCW Rising Star Championship

    The Natural Disasters (c) VS Team CoBro – NCW Tag Team Championships

    Muhammad Hussan VS ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham – NCW Heavyweight Championship

    President Donald J. Trump addresses the NCW fans

    NCW ROSTER 2017


  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭daithi1989

    Welcome to DPW here on the new ROI Network. Lets take things to the ring, where DPW owner Daithi is waiting to address the audience.
    Lady and Gentlemen.. Let me take this opportunity to introduce to you the next big Wrestling Promotion to launch. My name is Daithi, and I am proud to bring you DPW, Daithi Pro Wrestling! In this Launch Show on the ROI Network, we will be introducing you to our Champions and have a No1 Contender match for one of these titles.

    Here at DPW, we have spent the last 3-4 week encouraging stars from the Past and Present to join us in this new adventure and they will thrill and entertain you in the coming weeks, and we will have our first DPW Pay Per View soon too, Destiny Day.

    At this time, I would like to introduce you to the first General Manager of DPW, who will run the day to day programming of the show while I try keep things in check behind the scenes. He was successful in the role for WWE Raw in the past, and I have full faith in him to do the same here in DPW.

    ***Hornswoggle Theme***
    Thanks Daithi for the opportunity to be a General Manager again, only this time without having to do so in secret. And although I’m only small in stature, I want all the performers in the back to respect my authority and decisions. All decisions I make will be for the good of DPW and if you don’t agree with that… Well tough luck! I’m the boss… AND THE BOTTOM LINE COZ HOOOORRRNNNS-WOGGLE said so!

    Hornswoggle - You’re not Stone Cold. Get your own catch--


    Stop Hornswoggle… I think I preferred when you were anonymous! And couldn’t talk now that I think about it!

    Now, without any further delay, please let me introduce you to our 4 champions here in DPW, as we display there pictures on the Screen.

    DPW World Heavyweight Champion: The Great Khali

    DPW Inter-National Champion: Booker T

    DPW Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr.

    DPW Womens Champion: AJ Lee

    These are the champions of DPW and I can announce now, in our PPV, all 4 Championships will be defended by their champions. And at least one title will be defended every live TV show every week. If you are champion, you will need to be a fighting champion.

    Now, lets have our first match in D……..


    Randy Orton has interrupted the owner of DPW in his first address. He must have something on his mind that he has come out to confront Daithi.

    Here we are everyone - Let me introduce you to the first Superstar of DPW.. Its..

    It’s the Apex Predator.. The Viper.. The LEGEND…. KILLER… Randy Orton

    Randy, you’re not scheduled for this match up. Why are you out here?

    Hornswoggle, Daithi.. I’m here for one reason, and one reason only. I want to know if you have any legends on this roster, or have they all run scared of The Legend Killer.

    Randy, welcome to DPW

    ***Offers Handshake*** Randy refuses.
    Okay.. Be like that. I’ll let you know we have got some legends on the rosters, but I wont let you at them. You have eliminated enough Legends in the past.

    That’s the thing Daithi… I wasn’t asking to let at them - I was telling you. I want to face every legend you have. If they think they can still cut it in wrestling by joining DPW, then let them go through me.

    Alright Randy.. You want competiton, you’ve got it. Next Week, on the 1st ever episode on DPW Weekly Show, you will face a WWE Hall of Famer. The Main event will be Randy Orton v Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

    That will be the first legend to fall to a RKO on my Road to Destiny Day, and as there’s no Legends here tonight….


    Oh my God, Randy Orton has just RKO’ed the owner of DPW. Surely he will face serious consequences over this. Join us next week to see how Daithi reacts to this and for our Main Event of Randy Orton v Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


    Welcome back to DPW on the ROI Network.

    Before the break, Owner of DPW, Daithi and the General Manager were in the ring, when they got interrupted by Superstar Randy Orton. Hornswoggle had just informed Randy that next week he will face Hacksaw Jim Duggan in the Main Event of the first ever DPW show. When this happened.

    **Recap Video**
    Daithi has been helped to the back by officials while we were on commercial break, and although a little shaken, he should be okay to be on the first DPW show next week. What will he have in store for The Viper Randy Orton.
    Now, changing gears.. We hand you over to the Ring Announcer to introduce you to the competitors in the No1 Contenders match we have tonight on DPW Preview Show for the AJ Lee’s Womens Championship.

    **Tamina Entrance**

    Ring Announcer
    The following is a No1 Contenders Match scheduled for One Fall. Introducing first, from Vancouver Washington.. TAAAAMINA..

    Here she is - Tamina Snuka is on the way to the ring. As you are all aware, she comes from Wrestling Royalty, as her surname suggests, but she is also connections to famous Anoa’I family.

    **Kaitlyn Entrance**

    And her opponent, from Houston Texas.. KAITTTTLYN

    Kaitlyn was the winner of the All-Female series of NxT when working for WWE, but has found herself on DPW now, and goes up against Tamina with the a chance to go on and face her friend, AJ Lee.

    **Match Starts**

    The women lock up in the middle of the ring, when Tamina gets the better of Kaitlyn and spins her round to deliver a Suplex. She keeps the pressure on, working the head area with headlocks. Kaitlyn gets back into the contest and both women go for the same move and collide in the middle of the ring and both women are down on the mat.

    At the top of the ramp, Captain Lou Albano has come out for a closer look at this match. What interest has he in Kaitlyn or Tamina? This match continues, next..


    We come back from the break, and Kaitlyn is on top here. During the break, this battle spread to the outside, when Kaitlyn drove Tamina back first into the Ring apron. The commentator reminds us that Captain Lou is still on the ramp watching the match.

    Tamina gets back into the match, and has Kaitlyn rattled. Kaitlyn is staggering on her feet, and Tamina is waiting for her to turn around… Kaitlyn turns, and the Big Boot connects. Kaitlyn is down, Tamina climbs the top rope, and hits the Superfly Splash.. 1...2...3! *ding ding*

    Here is your winner, and New No 1 contender.. Tamina!
    At this point, Captain Lou leaves the stage again

    She’s done it - she’s beating Kaitlyn with homage to her family. But why was Captain Lou out here?

    At this time, I would like to hand you over to DPW General Manager Hornswoggle, who is going to introduce the full DPW Roster to the TV Audience on the ROI Network.


    Here we are everyone. Next Week on the ROI Network, we get going for real on DPW. You already know who our Champions are.

    At this time, I would like to introduce you to the follow wrestlers who also make up DPW roster.

    You already know 3 of our Women here in DPW, but we also have Naomi here. With her partner Tamina after becoming No1 contender, how will she force her way into the title picture?

    We have a strong Tag Team Division here in DPW, with champions Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase having to contend with the Wyatt Family, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, and Too Cool, Scotty 2 Hotty, Grand Master Sexay and Rikishi, and Tons of Funk, Brodus Clay and Tensai.

    Booker T will have many rivals chasing him down for the Inter-National Championship, with Nathan Jones, Manu, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Juventud Guerrero all chasing him down, and with Daithi intending on getting 2 more people to join us in DPW, Booker T has his work cut out for him.

    The Great Khali is our DPW Heavyweight Champion, and he will have his work cut out, as he deals with 3 of the toughest people in Wrestling History. The Icon Sting, The Legend Killer Randy Orton and Goldberg all aiming to take the title of him.

    However, after Randy Orton’s actions tonight, it could be awhile before Daithi allows him have an opportunity.

    There we have it Lady and Gentlemen! We are DPW, and we are on the Road to Destiny Day.

    Join us for the DPW Live Shows in the coming weeks, where on our first show, we will have a Title match and Randy Orton faces Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,469 ✭✭✭LeeJM



    Jim Smallman : Welcome to the AEPW Year in Review show. I am Jim Smallman the AEPW Chief Executive and colour commentator. The “Voice of AEPW” and my fellow commentator KK couldnt be here today mainly because I didnt invite him. So lets recap all that has happened in AEPW since last April.

    Following a so-so debut in the Boards Draft, AEPW management reached out to me and offered me the Chief Executive position. They said they needed to shake things up and gave me free reign to sign and release any and all talent.

    So AEPW said goodbye to talent like DDP, Chris Jericho, Jerry The King Lawler, Sabu, The Faces of Fear, Dr Death Steve Williams and others.

    I brought in many new talents like Takeshi Morishima, Pete Dunne, Chris Hero, David Finlay Jr and Sheamus to name just a few. Gone were any restrictions the talent felt previous management had imposed on them. If the talent wanted to get on the mic and swear that was fine by me. This isnt a business where being a nice guy is rewarded. In AEPW if you want something you can just go and f*cking take it.

    Now lets focus on what has the graps world buzzing right now, our annual New Years Eve Event, The Big Bang. But before jumping right to the main event and the WWGC Title match lets focus first on the WWGC Tag Team Titles. The father & son team of Finlay & David Finlay Jr retained their titles in a hard fought battle against the new team of XPac & Jerry Lynn. And this was after Trent Seven and Tyler Bate of British Strong Style became the #1 contenders earlier in the show.

    The AEPW European Title was the only title to change hands at The Big Bang. In a shock that nobody saw coming Pete Dunne became the first man since AJ Styles last April to pin Taz. It was so shocking because the European Title match was scheduled to be Taz vs Sheamus. But when Sheamus was found a bloody mess in the locker room just moments before the match Taz issued an open challenge to anybody in the back which Pete Dunne gladly accepted. But Pete didnt do it alone as his British Strong Style cohorts interfered whenever possible and eventually the numbers proved too much for even Taz.

    As for the man responsible for the attack on Sheamus, well this video was sent to my office only days ago.

    Rocky is it on? It f*cking is I can see the red light! Right Sheamus, ye know who I am. I am a blast from yer past right. Ye think I forgot what ye did to me? A Ward never forgets! And what happened at that Big Bang show was just a taste of what ye have comin’ to ya! Luther Ward is comin’ for ya Sheamo and Im gonna use my lady here *holds up hurley* to make sure ye pay yer debt in full! Right turn it off Rocky

    And now the WWGC Title match. It was the champion AJ Styles defending against Chris Hero in what was a battle that will never be forgotten. But instead of talking about what happened I am going to show the final minutes of The Big Bang event right now, role the tape!

    *AJ Styles vs Chris Hero WWGC Title Match @ The Big Bang*


    JS : But he cant capitalise KK. Both men are absolutely spent.

    KK : Both men are down Jim and its hard to tell just who has anything left in the tank. The referee has begun his count.

    Ref ; 1……………….2…………….3………………..4

    KK : Neither man has moved much. It cant end like this.

    Ref ; 5……………….6……………...7

    *The lights in the arena go out and the place is total darkness*

    KK : What the hell is this? Whats going on here? Jim are you there?

    JS : Yeah KK I am here!

    *Marty Scurll walks out onto the stage and points toward the ring as both Chris Hero and AJ Styles are beginning to get too their feet*



    JS : He is here to be The Villain KK! The Villain is here to progress this company to the future! Hmmmmm I think I just said progress………..

    *British Strong Style and Jimmy Havoc have come through the crowd and are in the ring and attacking both Styles and Hero*

    KK : What is this? British Strong Style and Jimmy Havoc have no business ruining this classic match. Jim what is this about?

    JS : SHUT UP KK! I am trying to enjoy this moment. 9 months of planning all come to life.

    KK: What?! Are you part of this? Jim say you arent part of this!

    *Jim Smallman leaves the announce booth. Marty Scurll has locked the chicken wing on AJ Styles as Jimmy Havoc lays out Chris Hero with an Acid Rainmaker. Smallman gets into the ring, mic in hand and is hugging British Strong Style*

    JS : Ooohhhhh I think you guys are p*ssed off. Did my guys ruin your little match? Well if you are p*ssed off then you can join the f*cking club! For 9 months I have been here playing nice, acting like everything was ok, wearing these f*cking suits and sitting next to that pr*ck over there.

    Well everything isnt f*cking ok. I spent years building a wrestling company! These guys here helped to build that brand. We became known as the premier Indie company in the business. The standard bearers of great wrestling. Then the big f*cking companies decided to ruin it all.

    They stole our wrestlers. They mimicked our look. They undercut us. They stole our fans. THEY KILLED THE INDIE WRESTLING SCENE! And everything is supposed to be ok?!

    All of you f*cking mugs sitting out there in your AEPW merch can go f*ck yourselves. You should be wearing Progress Wrestling merch! You all killed my company! Our company! You all ruined it. So we decided to do something about it. Progress was no longer running shows but it wasnt DEAD.

    I took the Chief Executive job here for one simple reason, to kill AEPW from within! All you idiots never saw it. Everytime I fired an established AEPW talent, I brought in one of my own. Bye DDP, hello Jimmy Havoc! Bye Sabu, welcome Pete Dunne! And you think we didnt know about what was going to happen to Sheamus?! How do you think the attacker got access to the locker room!

    As for Mr Hero and Mr Styles, I have sat over there beside that tosser and listened to you argue over who is the best in the world. And the answer is quite simple ; NEITHER OF YOU! Standing over you is the #1 in the world. He is the only true Villain in this industry. He is Marty Scurll!

    And its not only us 5. There is more of us. This isnt an Invasion. Its not even a Hostile Takeover. This.





  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    NCW Presents…



    Necrominus: “Welcome one and all to our first Pay Per View of 2017 – Agony! And we are live here in Omaha, Nebraska as we bring to you one of the greatest nights in the company’s short history!”

    Jiminy Billy-Bob: “You got that right, Necro! And what better place to have it than in my home state!”

    Disco Inferno: “I know guys, adding me to the commentary team was a stroke of genius – Disco is here to stay!”

    Necro: “Um… we weren’t talking about that decision, Disco – that was made by a crazed lunatic! We are, of course, talking about tonight’s main event – when the newly elected 45th President of the United States – Donald J. Trump – addresses the NCW fans!”

    Billy-Bob: “That’s President Trump, Necro. I can’t believe my idol is here tonight! Don’t you think I look like him?”

    Disco – “Maybe in your dreams, Jiminy – but guys, what about the rest of the card! Tonight we see the debut of a new Championship in NCW – when Samoa Joe and Michael Tarver collide for the Rising Star Championship!"

    Necro: “Yes, we’re all looking forward to that, Disco. Especially the debut of Samoa Joe. He comes to NCW with a stellar reputation in the other companies he has graced."

    Billy-Bob: “And of course, let’s not forget guys – Muhammad Hussan defends his NCW Title against ‘The Superstar’ Billy Graham – that’s sure to be one hell of a match!”

    Necro: “That’s for sure, Jiminy! We also will see two of Hassan’s henchmen in action tonight – when the Natural Disasters defend their NCW Tag Team Titles against Team CoBro!”

    Disco: “And if Santino and Zack Ryder fail to win, they are forced to disband! I know who I’ll be rooting for!”

    Necro: “And rounding off our stacked line-up tonight – The Rated R Superstar FINALLY debuts on NCW – with his award winning talk show – The Cutting Edge!!”

    Billy-Bob: “And exactly what awards has he won for it, Necro?”

    Necro: “It’s in the script, Jiminy… just go with it for once!!”

    Disco: “And that is up next!”

    You think you know me…

    The crowd erupts with a mixed reaction for Edge as he comes to the stage in typical fashion, smoke blaring and lights flashing.

    Necrominus: “We have all been wondering for months – what sort of Edge will show up here in NCW. Will it be the vicious, violent individual who surrendered his Monday Night Grappling title to Finn Balor last year?”

    Billy-Bob: “No way, Necro. I have it on good authority that Edge is a reformed character! He’s seen the error of his ways!”

    Disco: “I just hope he doesn’t put me through a table like some guy did last year. What was his name again….John…”

    Necro: “We all know who it was, Disco. Let’s not risk it with the legal team mentioning his name.”

    Edge is in the ring at this point, soaking in the cheers (and boos) of the crowd. He grabs a mic and addresses the crowd.


    Edge: “What’s with all the aggression, Omaha? (cheers) This is no way to greet the newest member of NCW – and a 12 time World Champion! (boos)”

    Edge looks quizzically at the crowd.

    Edge – “Oh, I get it. You don’t trust me, is it? (loud chants of NO) Well, from the bottom of my heart, I have come here to NCW…. To apologise.”

    Necrominus: “To apologise? Is this the same Edge we signed? Or has someone been feeding him happy pills?”

    Billy-Bob: “Quiet Necro! The man is pouring his heart out!”

    Edge: “I know what you’re all thinking. That I have some devilish scheme in mind to gain control of the NCW Heavyweight Title – or take over the company – something like that. But not this time, guys. Honestly, I swear. Cross my heart and hope to…”

    The music of Muhammad Hussan hits!!

    Muhammad Hussan comes to the stage, uncharacteristically alone. The NCW Heavyweight Championship is wrapped firmly around his waist. He has a mic in his hand, and stands on the stage.


    Hussan: “You filthy, capitalist dog. What have you done to my ring? I demand you clear this rubbish from it right now.”

    Edge: “So you’re the face that runs this place eh? Allow me to introduce myself Mr….”

    Hussan: “Silence you buck-toothed, sorry excuse for a human! I know exactly who you are. And I am out here to give you one chance to pack up your bags, clear my ring and bow down at my feet before you ship off to whatever two-bit promotion will have you. This is the Brotherhood’s domain – and you are not welcome.”

    Edge: “Get a load of this guy – listen Hussein, Hussan – whatever the hell your name is. It’s fun to listen to you go into your usual ranting and raving about empires, kingdoms… or shanty towns in your case. But if you’re so intent on booting me out the door, Muhammie…. Why don’t you come down here and do it yourself?”

    The crowd cheers Edge as Hussan’s face contorts from Edge’s insults.

    Hussan: “That won’t be necessary – tonight. You have had your warning Edge. If you value your career – your very life… I would take heed. For one way or another – you, Edge – and the entire NCW roster – will bow down to The Brotherhood!”

    Hussan leaves the stage as quickly as he arrived as the crowd boo him emphatically.

    Edge: Ok… what lunatic asylum let him out for the day. Now – where was I? Oh yes – Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the debut episode of the Cutting Edge on NCW!! Now I was going to go into a whole spiel about how great it was to be here and what my plans were for the future… But – Mr. Crankypants Abdul Jibar went and cut into my time.

    So, without further interruption – I would like to welcome my first guest to the show tonight… it’s everyone’s favourite diva – Bayley!!”

    The crowd goes wild for Bayley as she makes her way down to the ring, hugging her young fans and high fiving the older ones. She rolls into the ring and beams at Edge who eyes her strangely. She grabs the second mic from the stool as Edge speaks again.

    Edge: “Bayley – a pleasure to meet you. I gotta say, and don’t take this the wrong way, but I never got the hype about you. I never understood how the fans could have made such a connection with someone like they have with you… until now.”

    The crowd cheers the final two words of Edge’s sentence as Bayley’s eyes sparkle with delight.


    Bayley: “Your words mean a lot, Edge, as do the cheers of each and every one of you, the fans!! (loud cheers and a Bayley chant) It’s because of you, the NCW fans, that I decided to join this company. It’s because of each and every one of you, that I am determined to give everything – inside the ring and out - each and every single night!”

    Edge: “You’re just a bundle of energy, aren’t you! Listen, Bayley, I invited you here as my guest tonight for one reason and one reason only – we haven’t seen much of you inside an NCW ring. I know, I know – they’ve got you doing promotional stuff all over the country for our upcoming Natural Selection Pay Per View (cheers), but what are your plans?”

    Bayley: “You know Edge, I love the promotional work and everything. But I belong here, in the ring – performing for the fans. And as for my future…”

    Edge: “Well that’s what I wanted to hear, Bayley – and that brings me to the second guest on tonight’s show – can you all please put your hands together, for the inaugural NCW Women’s Champion - the legendary – Fabulous Moolah!”

    The crowd cheers again as Moolah comes to the stage, her glittering title draped over one shoulder. She comes to the ring with purpose, as Bayley looks starstruck in the ring. She wipes her feet on the ring steps, and motions for someone to hold the second rope for her to enter the ring – Bayley obliges to loud cheers again!

    Moolah eyes Bayley up and down before walking past her and shaking hands with Edge. Moolah then looks for a mic – before snatching Bayley’s from her hands! Bayley looks a little troubled now as Edge shrugs his shoulders and grabs the third mic from the stool, handing it to Bayley.

    Moolah: “Thank you Edge, my dear. I’ll take it from here.”


    The crowd grows a little restless at Moolah’s attitude and a few boos start to filter in.

    Moolah: “Bayley my dear, how Fabulous to meet you. I almost thought you had retired we’ve seen that little of you inside an NCW ring.”

    Bayley: “Miss Moolah – it’s an honour. My whole life I’ve dreamed of matching the success that you have had in your career. And now, to stand beside you in an NCW ring – it truly is a dream come true.”

    The fans applaud Bayley’s kind words as Moolah eyes her up and down.

    Moolah: “Such manners! I can see why they like you. I have to admit – I like you too, Bayley. So much so – I asked… no, begged is the right term – Edge here to set up this once in a lifetime meeting. You see, I can see the potential in you, Bayley – more than any of the other pretenders floating around in the other companies at the moment. I believe I am the one to make you realise this potential more than anyone. So I have a proposition for you.”

    Bayley looks truly in awe of Moolah as she continues to speak.

    Moolah: “My proposition is this, my dear. I will become your trainer. Together we will work on every aspect of your game, and refine you… eventually – into one of the greatest female stars of all time. I even have the papers drawn up. All you have to do is sign them, Bayley. You sign these papers and one day – you can become… simply Fabulous.”

    Moolah pulls a two page contract and a pen from her pocket and shoves them in Bayley’s face. She flips one page and shows Bayley where to sign. Bayley tries to flip back to the first page to read, and Moolah’s face drops as she holds it in place.

    Moolah: “Why the hesitation, darling? It’s all legal mumbo jumbo – you wouldn’t understand it at all. Simply sign on the dotted line and you will be on your way to becoming the greatest.”

    Bayley draws the pen towards the dotted line – but hesitates again. Suddenly, she manages to wrest the contract from Moolah’s grasp! She quickly flicks to the first page and begins to read.

    Bayley: “Further to the training and assistance the undersigned will also agree – under penalty of NCW contract termination – to forego active match participation for a period of no longer than 3 years.”

    Moolah: “Well, aha, you, aha, see – in order to train correctly you must give your entire dedication…”

    Bayley: “Wait, there’s more… The undersigned also agrees to surrender their NCW salary to the trainer and will be compensated for the duration of their contract with a fee of no less than… 30 dollars per week? What is this nonsense?”

    Moolah: “Training is not cheap, my dear – and you will have all the necessities you require in my training compound. Now are we really going to worry about the frivolities? Sign here, Bayley – and you will be a star.”

    Bayley: “Moolah, ma’am, I’m sorry – but the terms of this contract are simply too much. I could never give up performing for these fans! I respect you, and all you have done for this industry – but I have to say no. Instead, I want to make you an offer. The Fabulous Moolah VS Bayley – for the NCW Women’s Championship – right here, tonight!”

    The crowd cheer in unison for Bayley as Moolah’s face suddenly changes...

    Moolah slaps Bayley!

    Moolah: “You insolent little pup! Do you honestly think that you, a teenage joke – could match up to the might of the Fabulous Moolah? You are not even in my atmosphere, Bayley. You’re a joke, a fraud. You just turned down the only chance you had of EVER making it in this business. You are not now – nor will ever be – deserving of this championship! So my answer, dear Bayley – is an emphatic no!”

    Moolah slips out of the ring and stalks to the back as Bayley stands in shock in the ring holding her face.

    Necrominus: “What was Moolah thinking? It would have been curtains for Bayley’s career for minimally 3 years had she signed that contract!”

    Billy-Bob: “What disrespect to a legend of our business! When Moolah makes you an offer, you don’t turn it down because of certain ‘conditions’ – you accept it and learn from the greatest!”

    Disco: “I dunno Billy-Bob – those conditions seemed like trying to stop a rising star from challenging her for the title..”

    Billy-Bob: “Don’t be so ridiculous – Bayley just made the biggest mistake of her career!”

    The camera suddenly cuts back to the ring where The Natural Disasters have rolled into the ring behind Edge. He turns round and gets smashed with a huge clothesline by Earthquake!

    Necrominus: “What the hell? This is ridiculous!”

    Edge staggers to his feet but is immediately whipped across to the corner by Typhoon. Earthquake follows up and splashes Edge in the corner, before throwing him to the mat. The two men then back up either side of the ring: Typhoon runs forward and splashes Edge on the mat, quickly rolling out of the way – Earthquake follows suit and blasts Edge with a second splash!

    Billy-Bob: “That’s their finisher right there – The Tidal Quake!”

    The Disasters then pose over a prone Edge, who lies on the mat writhing in pain as the crowd boo the two monsters.

    Backstage, Tarver is wrapping his hands for his upcoming match. Monty Brown comes into the room.

    Tarver: “What the hell? I told you, Monty – I do this tonight by myself.”

    Brown: “Huh? Oh, yeah – your match. That’s what I was coming here for. Listen I’ve got your back against Joe – trust me when I say he’s like nothing you’ve ever faced. I should know man – he kicked my ass upside down and inside out when we were in TNA. You should let your friends in the Brotherhood help you out.”

    Tarver: “Listen, Monty – I respect your offer. I really do. But there comes a time when a man has to stand on his own two feet. I’ve been begging for this opportunity for months. A chance to prove myself to you all. Now I have to go out there and back it up tonight.”

    Brown: “Tarver, I…”

    Tarver: “No, I told you no, Monty! Why can’t you get that into your thick skull? Not everything is about you, or Hussan, or the damn Brotherhood! Tonight is about me!”

    Tarver storms out of the room leaving Brown looking perplexed.

    Brown: “Thick skull?”

    Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall – and will determine the inaugural NCW Rising Star Champion!”

    The music of the Brotherhood hits and the crowd boo as Michael Tarver comes to the stage with a determined look on his face.

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first, from Cleveland Ohio, weighing in at 256lbs – representing the Brotherhood – Michael Tarver!”

    Necrominus: “Having campaigned to his fellow Brotherhood members for months – Michael Tarver finally gets the chance to stand on his own two feet tonight.”

    Billy-Bob: “And I for one think he’s an idiot! Did you see the way he spoke to Monty Brown earlier?”

    Necrominus: “I think it’s commendable that Tarver wants to prove himself here tonight. He’s spent too long in the background of the Brotherhood as… well, basically a lackey.”

    Disco: “Yeah… but… has he forgotten who he faces tonight?”

    The crowd explode as Joe’s music hits!

    Ring Announcer: “And the opponent – making his NCW debut right here tonight… from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 282lbs – he is SAMOA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE!”

    Joe comes to the stage with his towel over his shoulders and the crowd erupts in a frenzy chanting his name.


    Necrominus: “Samoa Joe has arrived in NCW! And what a way to make a debut, competing for the Rising Star Title!”

    Billy-Bob: “This is another lock, I’m afraid Necro. Without the Brotherhood to back Tarver up… I shudder to think what happens now!”

    Joe comes to the ring as the crowd are amped up with the arrival of their newest superstar. Tarver eyes him across the ring, the first sign of doubt crossing his face as Joe bores a hole through him with his deadly stare.

    Disco: “Tarver seems to be finally realising what he’s up against, guys. This Samoa Joe dude is scary!”

    The referee unlocks the case at ringside which holds the newest title for NCW, and brings it into the ring. He holds it up for all to see, and passes it to the timekeeper before calling the bell to start the match!

    Joe continues to stare at Tarver as they come face to face in the ring. Tarver starts mouthing off at Joe.

    Tarver: “You’re nothing special. Tonight is my night!”

    Tarver backs up a step or two – Joe runs through him with a Lariat! The crowd explode as Tarver lies motionless on the canvas!

    Necrominus: “Oh my good God…”

    Joe stands over Tarver, who seems to be coming to a little – Joe picks him up and nails him with a Dragon Suplex! The crowd cheer again as Tarver writhes on the mat in agony! Joe again picks up Tarver and whips him into the corner – before running in and hitting an enzuigiri to the side of Tarver’s head!

    Disco: “This is a massacre!”

    Not finished just yet, Joe sets Tarver on the second rope before climbing himself and setting Tarver on his shoulders – he drops off and hits the Muscle Buster planting Tarver on the mat! The crowd again go wild as Joe stands up and dusts himself off – before locking in the Coquina Clutch and synching it in the middle of the ring!

    The crowd chant ‘Tap’ in unison as Tarver, barely conscious is seen weakly tapping out – Joe releases the hold as the referee calls for the bell – this match is over!!

    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner…. And the FIRST EVER NCW Rising Star Champion – SAMOA JOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!”

    The crowd are again chanting Joe’s name as he holds up the Rising Star Championship above his head. He eyes a motionless Tarver on the mat, shrugs his shoulders – and leaves for the back. On his way up the ramp, Monty Brown comes to the stage! The crowd boo as the enforcer of the Brotherhood stares down Joe – walks towards him – but shakes his head and walks straight past him! Joe continues to the back as Brown rolls into the ring and tries to revive Tarver.

    Billy-Bob: “Brown checking on the well-being of his longtime friend here after a destructive display of dominance by Samoa Joe.”

    Tarver eventually comes to and is helped to his feet by Brown. Brown pats his head as Tarver is distraught, finally realising what just happened.

    Tarver: “I tried my best Monty – I really tried.”

    Brown: “I know, Michael… I know.”


    Brown suddenly shakes his head as Tarver struggles to stand by himself – Brown runs the ropes as Tarver staggers around –


    Necrominus: “Oh Jesus, I should have figured this. The Brotherhood don’t take well to failure.”

    Tarver slumps back to the mat motionless as Brown opens up on him, mounting him and punching him repeatedly in the face while screaming at Tarver.

    Brown: “It didn’t have to be this way, Michael – You should have listened!”

    Brown drags Tarver up again as the crowd boo him mercilessly – he dumps Tarver to the floor, before rolling out himself! Picking up Tarver again he drags him onto the steel ramp before holding him upright and speaking to him.

    Brown: “This isn’t for me. This is for the Brotherhood! Everything is for the Brotherhood!”

    Brown sets Tarver and delivers an ALPHA BOMB onto the steel ramp!

    Necrominus: “Come on, enough is enough Brown! This is… was your friend!”

    Not done yet, Brown drags Tarver up and delivers a second Alpha Bomb onto the ramp. Finally security personnel come out and stand over the unconscious Tarver as Monty Brown screams at him

    Brown: “You ruined it man! We had a good thing! Now you’re done!”

    Finally Brown is escorted backstage as the medics load Tarver onto a stretcher and wheel him away.

    Necrominus: “It seems that Michael Tarver has pushed the Brotherhood too far tonight. Monty Brown has destroyed him and you have to wonder will he ever be the same?”

    Billy-Bob: “You can’t say it wasn’t coming, Necro. Tarver kept pushing for his chance. And when he gets it? Samoa Joe runs through him in record time!”

    Disco: “That’s the difference though, Jiminy. At least Tarver was willing to try and stand on his own feet – not like that snake Brown.”

    Billy-Bob: “Did you see the way Tarver spoke to him earlier?”

    Necrominus: “That doesn’t justify his actions here tonight, Jiminy. He could very well have ended Michael Tarver’s career – and for what? The Brotherhood? It’s not right!”

    We are taken backstage where our interviewer Jenni Jamestown is standing by:

    Jenni: “Well, I was due to interview ‘The Superstar’ Billy Graham on his upcoming match for the NCW Heavyweight Championship tonight… but it appears he has forgotten about me!”

    (In the background) Pat Patterson:
    “Help! Get the medics now!”

    The camera cuts past Jenni and moves toward the sound of Patterson’s voice.

    They go around the corner and the camera shot shows Graham lying motionless on the floor , blood tricking from his ear as Pat Patterson tries to revive him.

    The medics come running and the lead paramedic tries to ascertain what happened from Pat.

    Patterson: “I don’t know. He just left the locker room and I heard a thump so I came running. I found him like this! Is he ok? Can he compete tonight?”

    Paramedic: “I don’t know. We’ll have to get him to the trainers room and see what damage has been caused.”

    Patterson: “It’s the damn Brotherhood that did this! I swear – they will pay for this!”

    We cut back to the ring.

    Necrominus: “What the hell? The damn Brotherhood strike again!”

    Billy-Bob: “Hold your horses there now Necro. It might have been the Brotherhood, sure – but it could just as easily have been someone else.”

    Necrominus: “Who the hell else would attack Graham before his title match tonight? Open your eyes Jiminy!”

    Disco: “I gotta say, Jiminy – it does look sketchy.”

    Ring Announcer: “The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall – and is ‘The Last Chance’ match for the NCW Tag Team Championships!”

    *The sound of rumbling thunder hits*

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first representing the Brotherhood, weighing in at a combined weight of 846lbs and being accompanied to the ring by Ranjin Singh, they are the NCW Tag Team Champions… Earthquake – Typhoon – The Natural Disasters!”

    Earthquake and Typhoon come to the stage with the tag titles slung across their shoulders, looking extremely confident.

    Necrominus: “The seemingly unstoppable Natural Disasters defend their titles for the 5th time tonight. Twice prior they have knocked back Team CoBro – swatted them away with ease. Now Santino and Zack Ryder must win tonight – or disband forever."

    Billy-Bob: “This is lunacy by Santino and Ryder! They don’t stand a chance against this mass of humanity coming to the ring right now!”

    Disco: “I hate to agree with you Jiminy, but given the dominance of Earthquake and Typhoon – I can only see one winner here. Especially with that jerk Singh out here to help them! And I don’t want Team CoBro to go! I’m an honorary member you know!!”

    Necrominus: “Remember, The Natural Disasters have already made their presence felt tonight with a heinous attack on Edge


    Ring Announcer: “And introducing the challengers – Santino Marella and Zack Ryder – Team CoBro!!”

    The crowd are on their feet cheering as Santino and Ryder burst through the curtains, clearly pumped for their match. The Natural Disasters smirk in the ring as Ryder and Santino play up to the crowd.

    Necrominus: “Let’s not totally discount Santino and Ryder, guys. They know what’s at stake here.”

    Billy-Bob: “No, no. I am totally discounting them. Two joke acts that are now on borrowed time. The Natural Disasters will squash them!”

    Santino and Ryder enter the ring and pose on the ropes as the Natural Disasters stand side by side in the centre. Finally, Ryder and Santino stand across from them and the difference in size is staggering. The referee shows the tag titles to both teams and the crowd and Earthquake and Santino take their places in their respective corners. The referee calls for the bell and this match is on!

    The beginning:
    Ryder and Typhoon lock up centre of the ring, with Ryder trying his best to overpower the big man – Typhoon simply shoves Ryder to the mat!
    Necrominus: “Strength is not going to win the day here for Zack Ryder. He needs to use his speed and agility and somehow get the big man off his feet!”

    Ryder shakes his head as Typhoon flexes his arms and beckons Ryder to get back to his feet. Ryder again tries the lock up – but this time slips Typhoon and runs the ropes – coming back and hitting Typhoon with a clothesline! Typhoon shrugs it off! He grabs Ryder and flings him across the ring into his corner!

    Santino tags in and goes to work on Typhoon with right hands, but the big man isn’t fazed at all. He grabs Santino around the throat, and delivers a huge headbutt, flattening Santino!
    Billy-Bob: “Ryder and Santino simply do not have what it takes to win here. In fact, I don’t think anyone in the company does!”

    Typhoon backs up Santino and slugs him across the face with a right hand, staggering Santino in the corner. Typhoon backs up and goes for a splash – Santino moves! Typhoon crashes into the turnbuckles, momentarily stunned – Santino comes off the ropes and hits a hard looking chopblock to the knee!

    Typhoon roars in pain and goes to one knee for a moment – Santino tags in Ryder who hits a beautiful running dropkick to Typhoon’s face! The big man staggers – Santino and Ryder boot Typhoon in the stomach and look for a double suplex – Typhoon fights them off and plants both men on the canvas!!

    Disco: “Everything Santino and Ryder do is being countered by the big man at the moment. This does not look good!”

    The Middle:

    Continuing their dominance, Earthquake and Typhoon continue working over a weakened Ryder, tossing him around the ring with ease. Earthquake, now in the ring locks in a bearhug and Ryder screams in pain as the monster crushes his ribs. The crowd are on their feet in support of Ryder, chanting ‘Team CoBro’ over and over again. Ryder tries to fight out with a few right hands to the head of Earthquake, but the big man ignores these and tightens his grip.
    Necrominus: “After all the punishment Ryder has endured thus far, this looks like it could be the end right here.”

    Billy-Bob: “Do it Earthquake, crush him into powder!”

    Ryder is now limp and the referee checks to see if he is out. His hand drops once, twice – thre – NO!

    Ryder suddenly comes alive, determined to fight back – He this time drives his elbow into the temple of Earthquake three times! The big man releases the hold, dazed – Ryder quickly jumps up and hits a huge DDT, finally taking Earthquake to the mat! Both men are down!

    Disco: “This is Ryder’s chance, he needs to make the tag!”

    Billy-Bob: “Come on Earthquake, don’t let that pipsqueak keep you down!”

    Ryder, completely exhausted begins a slow crawl towards his corner. Earthquake is still down but coming to ever so slowly. Santino is in the corner, hand outstretched for the tag as the crowd noise begins to rise

    – Ranjin Singh runs around and pulls Santino’s leg from under him – dropping him face first into the apron!

    Necrominus: “Oh come on! That has to be a DQ right there!”

    Billy-Bob: “Brilliant by Singh – Ryder has no chance now!”

    Disco: “That Ranjin Singh cat is an absolute disgrace!”

    The End:

    Ryder had leaped for the tag as Santino had his leg pulled from under him by Singh and had missed by inches. With a look of disbelief on his face, Ryder turns around as Earthquake tags in Typhoon who runs across the ring as Ryder has hauled himself up by the ropes to check on Santino – Typhoon squashes Ryder in the corner!

    Ryder slumps to the canvas, and Typhoon drags him into the middle of the ring. Earthquake is in and both men stand opposite each other with Ryder in the centre of the ring – Typhoon runs forward and splashes Ryder on the mat, quickly rolling out of the way – Earthquake follows suit and blasts Ryder with a second splash!

    Billy-Bob: “That’s their finisher right there – Tidal-Quake!”

    Typhoon drops for the cover as Earthquake makes his way back to his corner



    3!!! It’s over!

    Ring Announcer: “Here are your winners – and STILL NCW Tag Team Champions – Earthquake and Typhoon – The Natural Disasters!

    Necrominus: “Dammit! Ranjin Singh cost Team CoBro this match – Santino was ready to make the tag and had his leg pulled from under him!”

    Billy-Bob: “Yes! Brilliant strategy from Singh. Ryder was out on his feet and Typhoon took full advantage!”

    Disco: “I don’t know how you can agree with that, Jiminy dude. Ranjin Singh basically screwed Team CoBro!”

    Billy-Bob: “I think you mean – Co – NO now Disco. They have to break up!”

    Earthquake and Typhoon celebrate in the ring with Singh and leave as Santino rolls in to check on Ryder. He helps him to his feet – but Ryder shoves him off! Santino looks confused as Ryder angrily stares at Santino, before turning on his tail and leaving for the back alone.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    We are taken backstage again where Billy Graham is sitting up in the trainer’s room.

    Doctor: “I can’t do it, I’m afraid Mr. Graham. You have suffered a significant blow to the head and could be suffering from a concussion. Therefore you are not medically cleared to compete tonight.”

    Graham: “I don’t give a damn, doc! This is the biggest match of my life tonight! I’m going out there and I’m going to win that damn title!”

    Pat Patterson walks into the room.

    Patterson: “Billy, will you see sense here. You could get even more hurt if you compete! It could be the end of your career.”

    Graham: “Maybe, maybe not. Maybe go fiddle yourself Pat. I am going out there and I am going to become NCW Champion!”

    Stephanie McMahon now enters the room, a look of concern on her face.

    Stephanie: “How is he doc?”

    Doctor: “As I was explaining to Mr. Graham here…”

    Graham: “I’m fine, Steph. I’m going to go out there, kick Hussan’s ass and win the championship.”

    Graham gets up, clearly still a little dazed and leaves the room in a rush.
    Patterson, Stephanie and the doctor look at each other worriedly.

    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall… and is for the NCW Heavyweight Championship!”

    The crowd cheer loudly as Graham’s music hits, but he doesn’t come to the stage straight away. A few moments pass before Graham comes out and the crowd chant ‘Superstar’.


    Necrominus: “I know why Billy Graham wants to compete tonight guys – but this is a bad idea.”

    Billy-Bob: “It would be a bad idea if he was fully able to compete, Necro! This is a terrible plan!”

    Disco: “Yeah guys, Graham could get seriously hurt here… or worse.”

    Graham is in the ring now, shaking his head and slapping himself in the face to try and remove the cobwebs from his earlier attack.

    Necrominus: “This is exactly what Hussan wanted. To injure or incapacitate Graham so he isn’t fully fit. Well whoever attacked Billy Graham – has succeeded in doing just that.”

    The crowd boo mercilessly as Hussan and Singh come out to the stage.

    Hussan has the NCW Title wrapped around his waist and kneels on the ramp before raising his hands to the sky and shouting ‘For Allah!’

    He then takes his time coming to the ring, a smirk on his face as he eyes the clearly injured Graham in the ring. The crowd boo and chant 'USA' at Hussan who ignores the hatred raining down on him as he walks up the steps and enters the ring.

    Billy-Bob: “Hussan has Graham right where he wants him tonight!”

    Hussan unwraps the championship belt from his waist, before holding it up to his face and kissing it. He then hands it to the referee as the ring announcer speaks:

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first, the challenger – from Paradise Valley, Arizona, weighing in at 275lbs – ‘THE SUPERRRRRSTARRRRR’ BILLLLLLLY GRAHHHHHHAMMMM!”

    The crowd chant both ‘Superstar’ and ‘USA’ and cheer Graham as he raises his hands in the air.

    Ring Announcer: “And now, introducing the NCW Champion – He is the leader of the Brotherhood and ‘King’ of NCW – weighing in at 245lbs… MUHAMMAD HUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAN!!”

    The crowd boo Hussan as he is on his knees again, praising Allah – and the entire arena in unison are chanting ‘USA’.

    Necrominus: “The typical, hostile reception for the leader of the Brotherhood, and self proclaimed ‘King’ of NCW here tonight.”

    Billy-Bob: “Where do these guys get off, Necro? This is no way to treat a king!”

    Hussan and Graham step forward and go face to face in the ring as the crowd chanting rises in anticipation. The referee calls for the bell – immediately Graham nails Hussan with several stinging right hands, backing him up!

    The Beginning

    Hussan staggers back as Graham looks to overwhelm the longest reigning champion in NCW history in the early moments, but seizes the advantage when Graham misses with a wild right – Hussan counters with a poke to the eyes! The crowd boo Hussan again as he hits a snap suplex on the larger Graham, before dropping the elbow on his sternum several times!

    Necrominus: “Typical antics from the NCW Champion early on. When are referees going to get wise to these dirty tactics?”

    Billy-Bob: “Hussan is the longest reigning champion in NCW history, Necro. He knows by now to use everything he can to retain his title.”

    Disco: “But this is ridiculous, Jiminy. It’s every match. If it’s not Hussan – it’s that idiot Singh getting involved! Something has to be done about it!”

    Hussan goes to drag Graham back to his feet – Graham counters and whips Hussan to the ropes – before nailing him with a big boot! The crowd chant ‘Superstar’ as Graham drops the knee on Hussan’s head!

    Billy-Bob: “Referee! That is a dangerous and outrageous manoeuvre! This match should be stopped!”

    Necrominus: “Oh can it, Jiminy. You know perfectly well that a knee-drop is not an illegal move.”

    Billy-Bob: “Well it should be! The only thing that should touch Hussan’s head is a crown!”

    Graham goes to work on Hussan in the corner with lefts and rights. Hussan tries to fight out – but Graham overpowers him and tosses him back into the corner! Hussan is covering up, overwhelmed by the early offence – Ranjin Singh jumps on the apron and remonstrates with the referee!

    Graham turns around to go after Singh – Hussan drops down for a low blow! Graham drops to the mat, clutching his groin as Hussan recovers in the corner.

    Necrominus: “Damn it! The numbers game already playing a huge factor in this match!”

    Disco: “I don’t hear you crying about illegalities now, Jiminy!”

    Billy-Bob: “A perfectly legal kick to the lower back, Disco! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

    The Middle:

    Hussan has dominated the match following the low blow, working primarily over Graham’s head following the earlier backstage assault. Yet Graham refuses to give in. Finally, Hussan hits a backbreaker on Graham and stands over him, getting ready to apply the Camel Clutch.

    Hussan: “Kneel before your King!”

    Hussan tries to lock in the move, Graham stands up with amazing strength, and with Hussan on his back – drops backwards and lays him out! Unfortunately, Graham’s head collided with Hussan’s knee and he rolls around on the mat in a daze, clutching his head.

    Necrominus: “Come on Billy, that’s enough! Think of your future! Of your career! Stop the match!”

    The referee checks on Graham as Hussan hauls himself up using the ropes – Graham refuses to let the referee stop the match!

    The End:

    Graham somehow staggers to his feet as Hussan stands across the ring, stunned at Graham’s resilience. Graham beckons Hussan to ‘come on’ - Hussan obliges and Graham locks in his patented bear hug!

    The crowd come unglued as Hussan screams in pain and Graham locks in the hold even harder! Hussan counters suddenly with swift elbows to the temple that drop Graham like a sack of bricks. The referee rushes in to try and stop the match and Hussan pushes him aside – before nailing Graham in the temple with a roundhouse kick to the head!

    Necrominus: “This is sick! You sick b******! “

    Graham’s eyes glaze over and he slumps onto the mat, motionless. Hussan quickly locks in the Camel Clutch on Graham who is totally unresponsive – the referee immediately calls for the bell to end the match! Hussan refuses to release the hold!! Ranjin Singh comes into the ring and lays boots to Graham who is still trapped in Camel Clutch as Hussan roars at him.

    Hussan: “You will bow down before your King!”

    Finally, Hussan releases the hold and the medical personnel rush to ringside to check on Graham.

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen – your winner… and STILL NCW Heavyweight Champion – Muhammad Hussan.”

    A hush grows over the crowd as Graham is the second man to be stretchered from the ringside area tonight. Pat Patterson comes to the stage, absolutely distraught at the sight of Graham and accompanies him backstage.

    Hussan ascends the ropes and celebrates as Singh rips the title from the referee and hands it to Hussan himself. Hussan wraps the belt around his waist again and the crowd boo him mercilessly.

    Necrominus: “I don’t even know what to say here. Billy Graham gave it his all tonight. But at what cost?”

    Billy-Bob: “I have to agree, Necro. Graham wasn’t fit to compete tonight and this is the result. This could be the end of the original ‘Superstar’!”

    Disco: “That filthy rat bag Singh with the boots to an unconscious Graham. I’m telling you guys – one day that Singh will get his just desserts. But that’s not even important right now.”

    Necrominus: “I don’t know how we’re supposed to compose ourselves after witnessing something like this but we’re not even done yet.”

    Billy-Bob: “Quite, Necro. Coming up in our main event – the 45th President of the United States addresses the NCW Universe!”


    We cut backstage to where a 15 foot limo is pulling up in the parking lot, along with a swarm of secret service cars and local police. Stephanie is waiting by as the limo driver opens the door, and President Donald J. Trump steps out to a loud cheer from this primarily pro-Trump crowd! Trump shakes hands with Stephanie.

    Trump: “Thanks boys. I’ll take it from here.”

    Trump and Stephanie converse as they walk towards the building with purpose – they are on their way to the ring!

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, NCW at this time would ask you to please all be upstanding for our honoured guest. Being accompanied to the ring by NCW General Manager, Stephanie McMahon, He is the 45th President of the United States of America – Donald J. Trump!!!”

    The crowd rise to their feet as President Trump, linking arms with Stephanie McMahon comes to the stage. They are flanked by 6 secret service agents. Together they walk towards the ring with purpose as Trump waves to the fans on the way. They both come up the steps and 2 of the agents hold the second rope up so both Stephanie and Trump can enter the ring. Two mics are produced but the agents check them first before handing them to both Stephanie and Trump.

    Stephanie: “Welcome everyone, to NCW Agony!(cheers) Aren’t we all excited to be here tonight! And in such company! Before President Trump can speak – allow me to provide an update on the status of ‘The Superstar’ Billy Graham.

    The crowd chant ‘Superstar’ as Stephanie continues.

    tephanie: “Mr. Graham has been transferred to a local medical facility where we have been told he is suffering from a severe concussion. Unfortunately, Billy Graham made a foolish decision tonight. He chose to compete against medical advice and has suffered an injury as a result. We at NCW do not condone such foolish actions and therefore we have no choice but to suspend Billy Graham from any further in ring activities until such a time as he is deemed medically able to compete (Loud boos). However, Mr. Graham did not suffer these injuries during a match. He was brutally attacked backstage and the perpetrator, or perpetrators of this act will be brought to justice. I am told a task force has been set up to get to the bottom of this – and will address the issue next Tuesday night.

    Now, without further ado – allow me to introduce you all to the 45th President of the United States of America – President Donald J. Trump!”

    A huge cheer and ‘USA’ chant breaks out as Trump salutes the crowd.

    Trump: “Good evening my fellow Americans (cheers). Tonight we…”

    Bob Backlund's music hits!!

    The crowd cheer as Bob Backlund comes to the ring!


    Stephanie and Trump looked perplexed as Backlund tries to get into the ring but finds his path blocked by secret service agents. Backlund has a mic and speaks:

    Backlund: “Donald! Donny boy! Pleased to make your acquaintance! I’ve been dying to meet you!”

    Stephanie: “Bob, what the hell are you doing out here? Who invited you?”

    Backlund: “I didn’t realise it was invitation only, Steph! I came out here to show my appreciation for our new Commander-in-Chief! Now if you wouldn’t mind… letting me in the ring?”

    Stephanie looks at Trump who shrugs and asks the agents to stand aside. Backlund enters the ring to loud cheers, before extending his hand to Trump! Trump tentatively takes it – Backlund pulls him in for a hug!

    The agents rush the ring and are about to forcibly remove Backlund when Trump speaks:

    Trump: “No – it’s ok. Bob was just showing his support for my presidency… weren’t you Bob?”

    Backlund: “You bet, Mr. President Donny!”

    The agents back off again as Trump eyes Backlund.

    Backlund: “I came out here, Donny to express my admiration for you. Your core values, that of America, of family – I am in total support. So much so, I came out here with a little request.”

    Stephanie: “Get to the point Bob. These fans didn’t come here to listen to you rambling on.”

    Backlund: “Quiet Stephanie! No one on earth wants to listen to you so just SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! (Cheers)

    Stephanie’s face contorts in anger but she remains silent.


    Backlund: “I see you’re forming your cabinet Donny boy. You’ve got your Vice President, Secretary of State… other roles like that. But I don’t see a nomination for your good friend Bob Backlund! So I am here to ask you… no, to beg you – toss that witches mom to the curb and saddle up your old friend Bob Backlund in her place! And together we can…”

    Trump: “Bob – with the greatest respect in the world – to borrow from my good friends the McMahons – There’s no chance in hell of that happening!”

    Bob looks upset. His face goes red and he screams into the mic.


    The republican crowd starts to boo Backlund as Trump now looks a little flustered.

    Stephanie interjects: “Ok gentlemen, I think we get the point. Now Bob if you wouldn’t mind…”

    The music of the Brotherhood hits!!!

    Necrominus: “Oh my God… what the hell are they doing here?”

    The crowd boos louder than ever before as the entire Brotherhood – Muhammad Hussan, Ranjin Singh, The Natural Disasters and Monty Brown come to the stage. Muhammad Hussan has a mic.


    Hussan: “President Trump. You filthy, republican pig. You are the embodiment of the state of this rotten, embarrassment of a nation. Your racial prejudices are a disgrace, your core values as that raving lunatic beside you put it – non-existent. You sit there in your ivory tower and care about only two things – money, and power. Well Mr. President, allow me to welcome you to my kingdom – the Kingdom of the Brotherhood! Here tonight – you are MY subject. And I will not tolerate this filth staining my ring.”

    Stephanie: “Mr. Hussan – this will not be tolerated! President Trump is an honoured guest here tonight!”

    Hussan: “Honoured by who exactly? By the rabid mongrels in the audience? I could care less about this backward, hick town. This is your final warning, Mr President. You will leave this ring, and go back to your Oval Office with your tail between your legs – or you will live to regret it.”

    Trump: “It seems we’re at an impasse then, Mr Hussan. You can stand up there and make your threats all you like. Because, and I say this as the 45th President of this great nation – We do NOT bow to anyone! You cannot intimidate me – you and your fake Kingdom. Because as long as your so-called Kingdom is on American soil – you answer to me.”

    Hussan’s face contorts in anger: “Very well. We shall see who answers to whom. Deal with them!”

    The Natural Disasters and Monty Brown advance on the 6 agents who form a line, blocking their path. The three big men attack the agents!

    Necrominus: “Someone stop this! This isn’t right!”

    Typhoon clotheslines one agent to the floor, knocking him out cold before lifting another above his head and dumping him face first into the steel barricade!
    Brown on the other side smashes two agents’ heads together before dropping one with the Circle of Life and the other with an Alpha Bomb!
    The three men surround the remaining two agents – Earthquake slams one into the ring apron and splashes him against it! Typhoon and Brown lift the other up high before slamming him down hard on the steel ramp. All 6 agents are motionless!

    Disco: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this, guys…”

    The three men then line either side of the ramp as Hussan saunters down towards the ring, stepping across the fallen bodies of the agents and heads towards the ring. He steps inside the ring and moves towards Trump – Backlund steps in his path!

    Hussan: “If you value your life – move – you raving loon!”

    Backlund: “MAKE ME YOU SON OF A B****!”


    Backlund tries to hit Hussan with a right hand – Singh jumps on his back! Backlund flips Singh onto the ground but steps too close to the ring ropes – Typhoon and Earthquake pull him from the ring and hit him with the Tidal Quake on the floor!

    Stephanie: “What is the meaning of this! Muhammad Hassan – as your General Manager, I order you to stop this madness!”

    Hussan ignores Stephanie and gets face to face with President Trump.

    Hussan: “I am not usually a merciful man – but I will allow you to leave unharmed, President Trump. All you have to do, is get on your knees – and kiss the feet of your King!”

    Trump drops his mic – and nails Hussan with a right hand!!!! The crowd erupts as Trump shakes his head and loosens his tie, getting ready to fight Hussan

    Trump: “Not in my country – not on my watch! Come on then!”

    Hussan looks a bit taken aback as he stands opposite the President of the United States


    Commentators (aghast): “What?”

    Trump drops to his knees in agony as Hussan smirks and shakes hands with Stephanie.

    Hussan: “Thank you – for providing me with this opportunity.”

    Stephanie makes a quick exit to the back as the ring starts to fill up with trash as an incensed crowd are now on the verge of rioting.

    Hussan stalks Trump, pushing him to the mat with his foot.

    Hussan: “Lost your nerve, Trump? Get up you dog!”

    To his credit, Trump tries to get back to his feet but Hussan stomps on his back. Hussan then stands over the fallen President, and smiles at the enraged crowd. Several fans cross the barrier but are taken out by Earthquake, Typhoon and Brown!

    Hussan: “This is the guy you voted into office? This weak, quivering mess? Watch now while I make him squeal like the filthy capitalist pig that he is!”



    Trump cries out in pain once as Hussan continues to mouth off to Trump while he has him locked in the Clutch.

    Necrominus: “Please, Hussan – stop this! This is not right!”

    Billy-Bob: “This is too much. Way too much.”

    Disco: “I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire American military force was on their way here right now!”

    Trump finally goes limp in the hold but Hussan keeps it locked in tight. Singh raises the mic to Hussan’s lips.

    Hussan: “Look at your leader now! He is worthless! A peon! You all should bow before me! Bow to your King!”

    Necrominus: “Someone come out – anyone! Dammit stop this!”

    You think you know me…

    The crowd now close to a full riot erupt in a frenzy as Edge comes to the stage, clutching his ribs from the earlier assault. Hussan eyes him quizzically and finally releases Trump and flings him to the mat as Brown, Earthquake and Typhoon advance on Edge.

    Hussan: “Break him in half!”

    The Brotherhood surround Edge – Bob Backlund runs up the ramp with a steel chair in hand!

    The crowd are chanting for Backlund and Edge now as Hussan and Singh stare on angrily from the ring.

    Typhoon advances towards Backlund – he hits him in the ribs with the chair! Typhoon doubles over in pain – Backlund cracks him across the back with the chair driving him to his knees!

    Edge backs up a little – before running through Brown with a huge Spear! Earthquake backs off Backlund as he advances with the chair


    Edge and Backlund now divert their attention to Muhammad Hussan and Singh in the ring and charge towards them – Hussan and Singh bail and back up the ramp as Edge checks on Trump who is motionless on the canvas while Backlund waves his chair towards the Brotherhood on the ramp, begging them to come back into the ring.

    Hussan rants on the ramp at Backlund and Edge as the medical staff come to the ring for a third time tonight to tend to the injured Trump.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Welcome to episode 3 of CWA Fallout, we open tonight’s show with Pipers Pit.

    Piper: Tonight’s guest is legend of pro wrestling, one of the greatest managers that has ever lived and to boot he is a dab hand at tennis, it’s the CWA GM Jim Cornette.

    (Cornette makes his way to the ring but he has a title belt with him)

    Piper: Corny it’s good to have you on Pipers Pit, I have known you for a long time and you know I have great respect for you
    Cornette: Thanks Roddy it’s a pleasure to be here and I come with some news
    Piper: Well I see you have a belt with you so what gives man
    Cornette: This belt is the new CWA TV Championship belt and shortly I will be introducing our 1st champion, but before I do I want to let all the fans know that this belt will be on the line if we are on TV & as long as the challenger has a referee with him.
    So, with that let me introduce you to our new TV Champion Nikita Koloff

    Cornette: Welcome back to CWA Nikita & I can’t think of anyone else who deserves this title more
    Koloff: Thank you Mr.Cornette
    Piper: Wait there just a minute Jim let me clarify you said this belt is on the line 24/7
    Cornette: Yes that is correct

    (Wait that Piper gives Koloff and chair shot and starts to beat him down, he calls out a ref who runs down to ringside)

    Piper pins Koloff for the 3 count as becomes the new TV Champion.
    Bob Orton comes out to celebrate with his pal and gives Piper a hug, he then lift his arm in celebration…


    oh Orton has hit Piper with his cast on his arm and knocked him out, he covers him for the pin..1…2…3.
    We have a new TV Champion: Cowboy Bob Orton
    Orton leaves the ring and runs backstage

    Announcer: The 1st match of CWA Superstarts of Wrestling has been announced and it will be Mark Henry vs Braun Strowman in a cage match.
    Last week Bray Wyatt & Bobby Lashley moved into the semi-final of the CWA Championship tournament, tonight we will find out who will join them
    1st we have Jay Lethal who will face off against Bo Dallas.


    The two have a good back and forth match, but Jay still seems to be suffering from the beat down that he got 2 weeks ago from N.O.D and is holding his ribs, Dallas would take full advantage with some stiff kicks to Lethals ribs followed by a belly to belly suplex, Lethal gets back up but is wobbling, Dallas takes the opportunity for his rolling cutter and takes the pin for the win and moves onto the semi-final.

    Winner: Bo Dallas

    Backstage Segment
    Cornette: Stan, Bobby oh man it’s great to see ye guys, get over here and give me a hug (all embrace)
    Eaton: Jim it’s good to see you but we are here on business we want a title shot at CWA Superstarts
    Cornette: Guys ye know I love ye and respect ye but the fans also know our history together so I can’t simply just hand ye a title shot but what I can do is put ye in a number one contender match tonight but to appease the fans ye will have to face one of the biggest names in tag team wrestling
    Lane: We have always beat the odds and beat the unbeatable so tonight we will beat whoever you put us against.
    Announcer:Ladies & Gentleman it is now time to find out who takes the last semi-final spot in our Championship tournament, the winner of this will face off against Bray Wyatt next week.


    Both coming out looking like absolute monsters and no one gives an inch and start trading punches in the middle of the ring, It is eventually Sid that takes control whipping Fale against the ropes and hitting him with the big boot then proceeding to power bomb in the middle of the ring for the 1…2…3 and the win.
    Winner: Sid

    After the match Bray Wyatt comes out to the ramp
    Wyatt: Every night is a special night but tonight you have all bared witness to Sid destroying the underboss, well next week Sid you will have to face the devil himself and I promise you a night you won’t forget..

    I’ve got the whole world in my hands, I’ve got the whole wide world in my hands, I’ve got the whole world in my hands, I’ve got the whole wide world in my hands…hahahaha

    OH WHAT A RUSH…………..

    Announcer: Oh my God that music can only mean one thing, Cornette has done it he must have made a trade to get these guys here…..

    Wait what the hell is this that is not the original Legion Of Doom that is Droz & Heindrich who both at one stage were in Legion Of Doom but they ain’t no Animal & Hawk


    Heindrich & Droz don’t actually look so bad and put on a great performance so much so they have the Midnight Express on the back foot more than once, Cornette makes his way to ringside to watch the No.1 contender bout, he grabs a steel chair and throws it into the ring, Bobby Eaton picks it up the ref is trying to get him off it when Cornette grabs the mic and says this is now a no DQ match, with that Eaton smashes the chair over Heindrich head, Droz tries to get into ring but Cornette is holding his legs, Eaton takes the pin for the win

    Winners: The Midnight Express

    Announcer:We are back and we go backstage for an interview with the Nation

    Interviewer:We are now joined by Bobby Lashley, Dlo Brown & The Godfather
    Lashley: Did you see what happened tonight, not only did Jim Cornette put the Midnight Express in a No.1 contenders match instead of Dlo & Godfather he also put a injured Jay Lethal in a match against Bo Dallas
    Interviewer:But it was ye who injured him
    Lashley:That does not matter it just shows once again the white man trying to push the black man down well we have had enough and next week Midnight Express if ye want to prove ye deserve the spot that was handed to ye then face our newest member of the Nation.

    Just then Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman and The Godwinns attack the 3 nation members, Strowman & Lashley battle back and forth while The Godwinns take out Dlo, Bray hits The Godfather with a sister abigail and begins to drag his unconscious body away, the rest of the family soon follow in retreat when Mark Henry comes to the rescue.
    Henry: Ye OK
    Dlo: Ya I'm fine but where is Godfather
    Henry: They've taken him
    Lashley: What you mean they have taken him
    Henry: The Wyatts man they have him..


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome to the BWA Raw!
    Live from The Allstate arena, Chicago Illinois
    previous shows: Preview show

    Recaps from last week and the shock firing of the entire BWA roster are played and then we are brought live into the arena where the fans go wild and the pyros go off. The announcers point out that now with The Million Dollar Man in charge we can not only expect a whole new roster but also that every championship in the BWA has been vacated. They then begin to speculate who Dibiase may have signed on to fight for those titles. We don't have to wait too long to find out however as out first is none other than "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase himself to address the audience.

    He states that he has a plan for the BWA. He has the money and he has the contacts to bring the biggest names in the Industry to the company and that he won't let anything stop him from doing so. He name checks how Ronda Rousey is sitting front row tonight and will spearhead the companies new women's division but says, that although she did compete at BWA Wrestlepalooza 2 years ago, he wanted to start the show with the person who headlined the first ever BWA PPV and the person Dibiase describes as the biggest name the industry has ever seen...
    *Hulk Hogan's Real American Theme Plays*

    Hulk Hogan emerges almost completely wrapped in an American flag and gets a pretty good pop from the patriotic crowd but before any Hogan chants can begin another theme takes the place of Real American

    The flag no longer covering him, Hogan can be seen wearing the black and white of the NWO, and now arriving & flanking him as he makes his way down the ramp are Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.

    Some fans seem happy, other fans look worried about the NWO's arrival and what this means for the company but there are enough fans that some small Hogan and NWO chants breaks out.
    Hogan: Now let me tell you something BWA brothers... It's good to be back! When I heard that our former NWO brother "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase was flashing his cash to bring this place up to grade I just knew it was for me Jack. I mean once your NWO your NWO for life.

    Nash: and Flash the Cash he did! who-wee it was too sweet *him and Hall Too Sweet*

    Hogan: True but I got something better than that now brothers... I got the BWA title!
    *The audience look stunned as he produces it and from this point on they start to become increasingly anti-NWO*

    Hall: Hey Yo! You the mang Hogan. (The crowd boo this which Hall seems to notice and take note of)

    Hogan: and that's not all... I got something called creative control brother! As long as I'm the champ, I and I alone can book world title matches! (more boos can be heard but this time at an increased volume)...So locker room be on notice I will only face the very very best of you... prove yourselves brothers!

    Then before heading to the back Ted Dibiase announces that tonight's first match will see a NWO member in action but not one who is in the ring right now. Instead he says he will once again get one over on ever other promotion in the fight game as he introduces to the BWA audiences a man he describes as a blockbuster signing for the promotion, someone who he had to promise a title match just to get him to sign for the promotion and someone who has been on an unbeaten streak ever since he joined the NWO. That person is....."Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig!

    Opening match: "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig vs "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert

    We find out another new roster member as Gilbert makes his way out to the ring but even with Dibiase then heading backstage he clearly felt apprehensive making his way down the ramp with 4 NWO members and massive stars of the industry united and awaiting him him in the ring. Thankfully Hogan, Hall & Nash all left the ring before he got there but Eddie was right to be worried as Hennig seemed determined to make an impression tonight on his first match in the BWA.

    Hennig lives up to his billing and has the perfect debut match reversing anything Gilbert tries before hitting suplexes or dropkicks and eventually getting his 3 count via a perfect plex.

    Winner: "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig

    The NWO are seen too sweeting each other before leaving ringside to celebrate the victory, while Perfect heads to the back and we go to commercial.
    When we return we see "The Franchise" Shane Douglas backstage. Our roving reporter Sean Mooney tries to get a word with him asking him what everyone was thinking "weren't you drafted to CWA? what are you doing here tonight?" But alas he's in too much of a hurry to talk too long and just says that the announcer just like most people clearly doesn't watch CWA as otherwise he'd have known Douglas was on his way here (to the BWA) before asking where The Million Dollar Man's office is and walking off in that direction. At which point we head back to the announcers at ringside.

    Bounty Hunter: I don't know what to think after how BWA Raw has started this week! I mean What have we witnessed already tonight? The NWO are here, Hulk Hogan is apparently the new BWA champion and not just that but he says he has creative control over who can challenge him! what ever could happen next?!
    JB: What? don't give me that, this has been a great show far! 3 of the biggest names ever in professional wrestling are here in the BWA, actually make that 4 after we had the perfect opening match possible. You should be ecstatic BH! Even if we have to look at Shane Douglas's ugly mug for whatever reason I couldn't have asked for more. God knows I can't wait to see who else is going to join the new BWA roster under our new management.
    BH: hmm...Well there is one lady we know The Million Dollar man has brought back to the BWA
    (Ronda Rousey once again appears on screen at ringside as the announcers show recent tweets of hers talking about how the BWA have promised to build a new womens division around her)

    BH: I don't know if I agree with you about the NWO but I gotta give Dibiase credit for getting Rousey back, I mean what women could really go toe to toe with her ?!
    Just then however, entrance music new to the BWA hits and a women emerges onto the stage

    JB: Dear God! is that Manami Toyota!... wait what were you just saying BH?!

    Before her match with the aid of a translator and whilst initially staring at Rousey she cuts a promo
    Toyota: 女性部門は私の周りに構築する必要があります!
    Translator:The BWA Women's division should be built around me!

    Toyota: 私は最高を打つことができます。 私は最高です...腕時計
    Translator: I can beat the best. I am the best... watch this

    Toyota: ホーガンは今ここに出る
    Translator: Hogan get out here now!

    The announcers are going wild speculating if the Hulkster will really come back out and accept this unusual challenge

    Toyota: ホレス・ホーガンが今ここに出て行く
    Translator: Horace Hogan... checks something with Manami...
    Toyota: ハッハッハは非常に面白い、あなたは私がハルクスターを意味すると思った...彼はロンダを倒してベルトを統一したい時まで待つことができます!
    Translator: ha ha ha very funny, You all thought I meant the Hulkster... he can wait till after I beat Ronda and want to unify the belts!

    just then Horace Hogan comes out and down the entrance way as much to everyone's surprise it's announced that we have an inter-gender match coming up

    Manami Toyota vs Horace Hogan

    JB on commentary notes that he had heard that Horace had been looking for a match tonight and an opportunity to impress his uncle as he wants in to the NWO but it's Manami Toyota that makes a huge impression on the BWA audience and embarrasses Horace here. She avoids his big punches before slapping and kicking the sh*t out of him and then finally sets him up for a hugely impressive Victory Star Drop (Avalanche bodyscissors back flip into a back-to-back kneeling piledriver)

    Winner: Manami Toyota

    After this match the announcers are understandably impressed by "new to the BWA" Manami Toyota and once again begin to speculate who else could be arriving to the company when suddenly announcer Sean Mooney runs over the the commentary team and whispers something to them before they inform the audience that we will now be heading to O'Haire international airport and some fan filmed footage from within the past hour of another apparent new signing to the BWA...

    Next thing we know we are looking at the exit from departures of O'Haire and yet the crowd back in the arena can still be heard popping big time as now huge movie star Dave "The Animal" Batista emerges. Batista does not look too pleased though and is talking to someone on the phone.
    "Look I may have been in a few big movies but I don't think I'm being a Diva or expecting too much to have someone meet me at the airport when I sign for a new company... wait, what do you mean you don't work with the BWA anymore?... fired!... wait hold on, who is in charge now!.... wo wo wo slow down and let me get a cab to the arena, you can fill me in on the way.

    When we return to the arena the Commentators are going mad talking up how huge it is that Dave Batista has seemingly signed for the BWA, although they do wonder whether the new management even know this is the case before we head backstage to see the new head honcho himself Ted Dibiase walking the corridors. His way is blocked by another new face to the BWA however as Kevin Sullivan approaches him telling him that he needs to talk to him about the tag team titles saying that "his boys" are ready for the challenge. Dibiase tells him that they will talk next week when he will decide what will happen with the tag titles but that he's busy now.

    The camera follows The Million Dollar Man as he passes Sullivan and heads towards his office backstage and he can be clearly heard wondering what Sullivan was even doing there and asking "who the hell are his boys" before adding, "I leave Schyster (IRS) in charge for 10 mins..." which kinda trails off as he enters the office only to see his former tag partner Stan Hansen sitting in there pounding beers and crushing the beer cans. He looks up and after one big Texas cowboy sized burp he says "Hey pardner... So when are we going to win the tag titles in this here place"

    Dibiase looks exasperated already and after a big sigh just says "Hi Stan" as we head back to ringside.

    As we return to ringside for our next match there is already a lady standing in the ring and we are informed that this is a recent graduate from the now defunct WECWF training academy. BH points out that she is apparently the highest touted female graduate they have ever produced as her opponent is announced as none other than returning BWA veteran Aja Kong who comes out to a huge pop from the BWA fans while JB jokes that he thinks the rookie just crapped her pants.

    Aja Kong vs Kay Fabian

    This is a dominant display from Kong who tosses her opponent around the ring like a rag doll before hitting her with a devastating powerbomb. While her opponent is near unconcious on the mat she leaves the ring and makes her way over to Rousey at ringside and gets in her face making a belt gesture around her waist before heading back into the ring to finish Fabian off with a very impressive Brainbuster before the 1, 2, 3 pinfall victory.

    Winner: Aja Kong

    After the match we return backstage and to the office of The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase where Ted is on the phone until the other half of Money Inc Irwin R Schyster (IRS) opens the door and interrupts him.
    IRS: Boss I know you said you didn't want to be interrupted after you finally got Hansen to leave your office but... (Dibiase holds up one finger stopping him, then hangs up before speaking)
    Ted: No obviously you don't know that, as otherwise you wouldn't be barging in here while I am negotiating the signature of one of the biggest names wrestling as a whole has ever seen! A man that went unbeaten for over 15 years, a real giant in the industry and someone who had main evented Wrestlemania but now will be debuting in the BWA next week!
    IRS: umm that's the thing boss... we have another Wrestlemania headliner here who wants to debut next week!
    *IRS opens the office door to reveal Bam Bam Bigelow standing there, at first Dibiase looks shocked but moments later we see a more common sight - The Laugh*

    After an ad break we head back to ringside where the commentary team are going mad with excitement over those two huge names for next week when we witness the arrival of The NWO (Hogan, Hall, Nash, Perfect & Dibiase) for the second time tonight, this time they come out to a decidedly more negative reaction.
    Hogan: Now let me tell you something brothers! We were in the back just a clanging and banging in our personal gym, making sure my 24 inch pythons were looking their best when one of my little Hulkamaniacs came running up to me. After I got through telling him how he should say his prayers and take his vitamins if he wants to grow up to be a big Hulkamaniac like me I realized that this little brother was worried about something. You see the older kids told him that Hulk Hogan was afraid! That old Hollywood here wasn't running wild but was running scared from competition brother and that I was going to use my creative control clause to only face wrestlers I knew I could beat!

    (he turns to Nash) and I know that's what all of these people (in the crowd) are thinking Jack but get a load of this brothers, Millionaire Ted here just okayed a world title match for next week, where yours truly will take on the greatest wrestler ever to never win a world title. I will take on... (Mr Perfect with a big smile on his face prepares to step forward as Hogan looks in his direction but then turns to the other side and says)...Scott Hall!

    Hall looks shocked but can't help but show his happiness at the announcement while Hennig on the other hand holds back his dissapointment (despite it being clear from his reactions) for his friend's (Hall) benefit. Thankfully he isn't given too much time to dwell on this as Dibiase steps in to announce our next match and tonights main event which would see The Outsiders Hall & Nash against the men who now make their way out to the ring Abdullah The Butcher & the Sheik.

    The Main Event: The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) vs The Shiek & Abdullah The Butcher

    This match starts even enough with the Shiek & Butcher holding their own against their bigger name opponents but eventually Hall & Nash start to gain the upper hand. Their advantage becomes even more prevalent as Hulk Hogan keeps interfering grabbing the Sheiks leg when he hits the ropes. Each time when he does this he (Hogan) celebrates what he perceives as getting one over on the heels by doing his signature gestures / taunts for the crowd except by this time almost everyone has soured on the NWO, hell even Scott hall is finding Hogan's interference annoying feeling they don't need the help.

    That said this advantage definitely does help and leads to the opportunity for the matches finish with both Nash's powerbomb and Hall's Razor's edge being hit in unison on their opponents before Hall makes the pin for the win.

    Winners: The Outsiders (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash)

    The NWO are not happy with just the victory and the beatdown continues after the bell as Hogan and IRS roll into the ring and continue to stomp down on The Shiek and Butcher to such an extent that the fans begin to boo even though those two are traditionally bad guys themselves. suddenly everyones attention gets turned to the titantron though as we are shown Dave Batista arrive into the arena. As he does he catches a quick glance of a monitor which shows the ongoing beatdown in the ring and can simply be heard to say "screw this, I'm not having this sh*t" as he pulls off his shirt and immediately heads towards towards the ringside area and moments later his music hits and the animal emerges on the ramp.

    He charges down the ramp and takes out Dibiase with a massive clothesline before even reaching the ring, at which point he grabs IRS's legs and pulls him out of the ring before delivering a devastating Batista Bomb to him laying him out on the floor below. He then helps The Shiiek and Butcher back to their feet on the outside and those 3 go toe to toe with the original NWO trio Hogan, Hall & Nash but as Perfect joins them and The Million Dollar Man slowly gets back to his feet Big Dave & Co are forced back up the ramp and as we go off the air the final shot is of the NWO laughing at ringside as their opponents are made to retreat, Batista though makes it clear that it is just for now and that this is not over!

    Meanwhile the commentators remind you all to tune in next week to see if anyone can combat the poison that is the New World Order.
    BWA Roster 2016
    Hulk Hogan
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Andre The Giant
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    "IRS" Mike Rotunda
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Stan Hansen
    Manami Toyota
    Aja Kong
    Ronda Rousey
    Molly Holly
    The Original Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas
    Chris Candido
    "Dr Death" Steve Williams
    Dan Spivey
    Kevin Sullivan
    Rick Steiner
    "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson
    Horace Hogan

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy


    MWA Road to WrestleRama Preview with live interview from MWA General Manager Shane McMahon – exclusive to Pro Wrestling Witness.

    Few could have known that January 2016 would be the beginning of a surge in popularity for Maddox Wrestling Association but by WrestleRama III it had cemented its place as a "good wrestling promotion". Brian Pillman, Batista & Kazuchika Okada main evented that night but it was the following months of fierce competition that continued the company's promise. The now 2-time MWA World Champion Pillman, backed by Motor City Machine Guns battled with Okada's Lions of CHAOS and ultimately broke it apart as Pillman's mind games turned Kenny Omega against his one-time friend. Omega vs Okada tore the roof off but soon both men left the organisation for pastures new. Seeing off remaining challengers like Rob Van Dam & Kota Ibushi, Pillman reigned supreme in the land of Supremacy.


    Fresh off this hype, losing Okada & Omega so quickly hurt MWA and its owner who was forced to take a back seat. The board sought a new investor to not only revive the slight struggle of the MWA but to push it forward to heights previously untouched. This man would be the son of a billionaire, an experienced & succesful CEO in his own right, Shane McMahon. As the General Manager of MWA, McMahon instigated widespread changes in personnel. RVD, Ibushi, the now seemingly crazy Matt Hardy were all removed and replaced by proven ratings stalwarts like Ultimate Warrior and friends of Shane, the New Age Outlaws. But before all of this Shane had one problem – Brian Pillman. The MWA World Heavyweight Champion just didn't have the star power, 'the draw' so-to-speak, to push MWA forward so Shane turned to a long proven entity. This man conquered the Streak, conquered UFC (twice) and has been one of the most reliable 'draws' no matter where he goes. Brock Lesnar joined MWA and its fans went nuts. Lesnar conquered Brian Pillman and the new MWA World Heavyweight Champion made MWA the "Next Big Thing". Or at least that was Shane's hope.

    Fast forward 6 months and rumours suggest Lesnar & McMahon have long been at loggerheads with one another. Lesnar's drawing power is undeniable but the problem Shane and many MWA fans have is that it isn't there often enough. Lesnar often doesn't show up to MWA programming for weeks at a time, the champion has been pictured at various sporting events and movie premieres while at the exact same time MWA fans are chanting his name in a packed arena 100s of miles away. The once revered star now gets a mixed reaction when he does turn up – boos regularly overpower the hysterical cheer his entrance music initially gets. But the one constant theme throughout has been when Lesnar turns up MWA becomes must-watch television. For that Shane has put up with The Beast's erratic scheduling but rumour has it that the GM's growing discontent is reaching a climax and McMahon is ready to issue an ultimatum. At precisely 6 o'clock eastern we will be hosting a live interview with Shane McMahon were we promise to press him on this issue. The interview's feed will be found at the bottom of this article so get sharing.

    But first we must not ignore the other happenings in MWA as we approach the Road to WrestleRama IV. Damien Sandow is a man who has overcome some dreadful gimmicks to become one of the hottest acts in MWA – his partnership with The Miz last year was a sight to behold and the ensuing feud as 'Mizdow' became his own man brought joy to all who watched. To recap; The Miz defeated Sandow at WrestleRama III with the help of Titus O'Miz (O'Neil has since left MWA) and the loss both hurt and made Sandow. A bad losing streak saw Sandow's stock plummet but fan support survived; finally Sandow had enough and challenged Miz to a loser leaves town match. Cocky, The Miz thought he would have little trouble dispatching Sandow but would end up shocked by his defeat and forced to leave MWA. Sandow would burst back with a winning streak that saw him win the Intercontinental Championship....and immediately turn on the crowd that cheered him. "You're all idiots," "Bow to my superiour intellectual ability," "I tricked each and every one of you." Suddenly the most loved underdog in MWA was one of the most despised heels in the company. Sandow still holds the Intercontinental Champion and we can only assume he has a big role to play at WrestleRama IV.

    As we touched on earlier, MWA Tag Team Champions Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi didn't last too much longer after WrestleRama III. They soon lost the titles to Motor City Machine Guns and their team officially ended when Ibushi sided with Okada after Omega's betrayal. The Motor City Machine Guns announced they would be leaving MWA for Spongey Wrestling Entertainment and they intended on taking the titles with them. Determined to avoid such embarrasment Shane McMahon brought in one of the most successful tag teams in wrestling, the reigning NCW Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws. On MCMG's final night with the company the Outlaws stole a victory and the titles were unified. Billy Gunn & Road Dogg, as loudmouthed as ever, drew the ire of fellow new recruits The Impact Players Lance Storm & Justin Credible and the two teams have been battling for the last few weeks. At this time it looks like this might be one match penciled in for WrestleRama IV with the Outlaws style contrasting nicely with the oft-boring but brilliant Lance Storm and his EXTREME partner Justin Credible.

    Also rumoured to return after taking some time out is the first winner of the Super Junior Invitational, Caristico. Whether he is back to retain his crown or to challenge for something new is unclear but fans are said to be eager to find out what the masked lucha star has in mind this year as he continues tyring to regain the trust and support of a disenfranchised fanbase. It would seem trying to destroy Rey Mysterio's legacy at Monday Night Grappling is a hard thing to come back from.

    And now we have an exclusive interview with Shane McMahon. Thanks for reading another article by ABMG.
    Interviewer: "Welcome Shane, we're delighted to have you here."
    Shane: "Delighted to be here."
    Interviewer: "So you've been at MWA for the guts of a year but this is your first WrestleRama, what can we expect from a McMahon led biggest show of the year?"
    Shane: "Well exactly that, WrestleRama is our biggest show of the year and this is gearing up to be the best one. We're going to have some great wrestling, massive stars and celebrities and there's a lot of talent bursting at the seams of MWA looking for a shot at greatness. WrestleRama IV will be the perfect place to grab it."
    Interviewer: "There's been some great WrestleRama's in the past, headlined by The Undertaker vs Keiji Mutoh, KENTA vs Sycho Sid and last year's triple threat between Batista, Brian Pillman & Kazuchika Okada. How will WRIV stack up do you think?"
    Shane: "Oh it's going to blow them all away for sure. For starters we've got Brock Lesnar now, a man that not one of those names can compare to."
    Interviewer: "Surely you don't mean that though? I mean The Undertaker is one of the longest surviving main eventers in wrestling."
    Shane: "And yet Brock Lesnar conquered him and his streak. The Undertaker wishes he could go toe-to-toe and fist-to-fist with Lesnar. But it's not just Brock. I am offically announcing that MWA have come to terms with the man Okada wishes he could be, the Ace of Japan for nigh on a decade, Hiroshi Tanahashi."
    Interviewer: "Wow, you heard it on PWW first folks. But that's a pretty big statement, Okada has been tearing the house down lately and is getting rave reviews. Are you sure this isn't just you being sour that he left for RCW?"
    Shane: "Are you serious right now? Okada couldn't win the big one at MWA so why would I care what he achieves at RCW? And lately? Tanahashi has been tearing the house down for longer than Okada's been wrestling. Gimme a break..rave reviews. Ugh."
    Interviewer: "Ok, you're clearly excited about this signing and we're all amped up for WrestleRama. But lets address these rumours about you and the World Champion Brock Lesnar not exactly seeing eye-to-eye lately? Any truth to them?"
    Shane: "I'm not normally one to air dirty laundry in public but yeah, there's a lot of truth to it. Lesnar is on a huge contract and I feel like he's been taking one too many liberties with it regarding his attendance. I'm not in the market for a part-time wrestling star. I just want wrestling stars."
    Interviewer: "So how can we be sure Brock will even be involved at WrestleRama?"
    Shane: "Oh you can bet your ass he'll be involved. In fact I am telling you right now that Lesnar will be involved on MWA programming for the entire Road to WrestleRama. I'm not going to have our World Champion sitting at home scratching his ass while I try to hype the biggest PPV we've ever had. And I hereby announce that Brock Lesnar will not only be at next week's MWA Supremacy but he will be in action against yet another new signing for MWA...Tomohiro Ishii. I promise you that's not one to miss."
    Interviewer: "A huge announcement by Shane McMahon folks. Lesnar vs Ishii is somewhat of a dream match and what Ishii may surrender in height to Lesnar he more than makes up for in toughness and a willingness to decapitate opponents. Quite a risky move putting your World Champion in the ring against a guy like this just weeks away from WrestleRama Shane."
    Shane: "If Brock can't handle it he wouldn't be champion. I am also announcing a Battle Royale with the final two men left standing set to face each other the following week to determine the challenger for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleRama. So as I say, Supremacy isn't one to be missed."
    Interviewer: "And we're just about out of time folks, Shane thanks for meeting with us and we sure are excited for WrestleRa..."
    Unknown Voice: "If it isn't baby boy McMahon..."

    The cameras pan to the doorway were Mankind is standing. He walks in and takes the interviewers seat.
    Mankind: "Let me congratulate you on such a successful interview Shane but you forgot this one little detail. Mankind is back Shane. I'm back in MWA."
    Shane: "Why the hell do you think that Mick, I didn't offer you anything."
    Mankind: "Well ya see Shane, you've got a boss. And that boss thinks I have unfinished business in MWA and I just so happened to agree. So here I am, letting you know that I'm going to win that Battle Royale and I'm going to go to WrestleRama and Mankind is going to be World Heavyweight Champion."

    Shane leaps to his feet. He's irate.
    Shane: "You've got another thing coming if you think I'm letting a freak headline the biggest show of all time. This is why the boss was removed, he doesn't understand how to bring a company forward. He doesn't realise that fans don't care about some washed up loser like Mick Foley. My father knew it, I know it and deep down inside Mick, you know it too. You know that without my father you'd be nothing. Nothing more than a failed wrestler diving off garage roofs in hickville USA, pretending to be 'ladies man Dude Love'. You think your hot wife would have been interested in you as a bankrupt, homeless, mentally deranged loser? You'd have nothing without my family Mick, no home, no money, no hot wife and that means no hot daughter either. The fact that you have any of this is part of my father's legacy, and it's the biggest mistake of it too. So if you want to turn up and ruin my legacy, well Mick, you've got another thing coming."

    Mankind doesn't say a word, he stands up and walks past McMahon. He stops with his back turned to Shane, reaches for something in his pants before turning with a sock on his hand and shoves it into Shane's mouth.
    Mankind: "Say hello to Mr Socko Shane!"
    The mandible claw is locked in and Shane's screams of pain can be heard muffled through Mr Socko. Building security rush into the room and drag Mankind away as Shane is crumpled on the ground, desparately spitting and gagging. "See you next week Shane" followed by laughing can be heard in the background before Mankind is taken out of the microphone's range. The cameras cut to black and the stream is ended.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro



    The cameras cut live to the arena where the crowd cheers and immediately begins a huge ‘USA’ chant.

    Necrominus: “Good evening everyone and welcome to Tuesday Night Destruction! We are coming to you live from the sold out Pinnacle Bank Arena! Last night we hosted our Agony PPV, and what transpired in the main event has to go down as one of the most controversial, despicable moments in pro wrestling history!”

    Billy-Bob: “You’ve got that right, Necro! Not even I can condone what happened to President Donald J. Trump last night, who was brutally attacked by Muhammad Hussan – the leader of the Brotherhood.”

    Disco: “I don’t know how we’re on the air still frankly guys! The Brotherhood made a statement last night – and the entire world is abuzz with their opinions on what should be done about it!”

    Necrominus: “The only reason we are here tonight is because the Brotherhood – and our Principal Owner and General Manager Stephanie McMahon have agreed to read a formal statement of apology to the world.”

    The crowd erupts in a fury as the entire Brotherhood come to the stage. Hussan is beaming from ear to ear as they form a guard of honour – and Stephanie McMahon joins them! She walks with purpose to the ring, Hussan and the Brotherhood following her as the crowd’s fury increases. Hussan holds the ropes for Stephanie as she slips into the ring and produces a microphone.

    Stephanie: “Tonight – we are all here – to apologise.”

    Hussan grabs a mic and produces a statement drafted by NCW management.

    Hussan: “On behalf of Natural Championship Wrestling, Principal Owner Stephanie McMahon and the entire group known as the Brotherhood, it is important to state that the actions of one Muhammad Hussan and one Stephanie McMahon were not the actions of the company. We at NCW apologise profusely to the public for their actions last night. As agreed, Mr. Hussan and Mrs McMahon will read their own personal statements that apologise for their reprehensible conduct last night to one President Donald J. Trump.”

    Hussan pauses as the boos wash over him, almost drowning him out. He drops the statement to the floor and continues.

    Hussan: “Actually – I am here to apologise. I want to say, from the bottom of my heart – to all of you. I am sorry. I’m sorry for beating the holy hell out of President Trump. I’m sorry for attacking secret service agents who were only doing their job. I’m sorry… I’M SORRY I DIDN’T DO IT SOONER!!!!


    Donald Trump is a cancer that I cut out of the world last night. A cockroach that I squashed. He has run back to his Oval Office now, hiding behind his military force. He is not a man. He is a dog. I proved last night that he is not fit to run this country. I embarrassed, humiliated – EVISCERATED – President Trump last night in front of the entire world. The only thing I am sorry about is that I didn’t finish the job.”

    Necrominus: “Is there no low this man will not sink to? This is a disgrace!”

    Stephanie: “Does that upset you all? Does that make you mad? GOOD! I know you’re all wondering why I did what I did last night. Why Stephanie Why? Why turn your back on a man that your family consider a close friend? It’s very simple. My family turned their backs on me! I hate them! I hate Donald Trump!

    Last night I castrated him for the world to see. I proved I, Stephanie McMahon – am smarter than the most powerful man on the planet! And I know you’re watching – Donald.


    Because I’m going to prove it again. Last night was just the start of my campaign. I am going to break you, piece by piece until you crawl back to Trump Towers and wish you never heard the name Stephanie McMahon! In two weeks, Donald – if you’ve got the guts – I challenge you to a live television debate – RIGHT HERE ON NCW!

    And when I embarrass you again, Donald – when I destroy you in front of the world – AGAIN – you will resign your position and I will take your mantle. I am the most powerful woman on this planet!”

    The crowd are in a white hot rage, booing furiously and chanting ‘YOU SUCK’.

    Hussan: “But enough talk of this so-called world leader. Last night I proved that I am the undisputed KING of NCW. But some of my servants are revolting it seems. I warned you Edge – I warned you to pack up your bags and get out of my Kingdom. I thought that the lesson my Natural Disasters provided you would be enough. It seems I was wrong. Edge, you have made the biggest mistake of your life. And as for Bob Backlund….”

    You think you know me…

    The crowd erupt in joy as the music of Edge hits and he comes to the stage. They chant his name over and over again as he stares down the Brotherhood and Stephanie from the ramp.


    Edge: “Muhammad Hussan. The King of NCW. Last night you certainly made a statement. But I’ll deal with you in a moment. Jesus, Stephanie – have you stolen Paul’s jungle juice and drank the whole bottle? Talk about deluded!”

    The fans cheer as Stephanie’s face contorts.

    Stephanie: “Shut your damn mouth Edge! After what you did last night I should fire you! You interrupted one of the greatest moments in NCW history!”

    Edge: “Greatest moments? We’ve only been on the air for two years… I think you guys should put down the crack pipe and face the reality of the situation. Last night you attacked the President of the United States of America – a man who… personal feelings aside, came to this company to address the fans. A man who isn’t like us. Isn’t an in-ring performer. And you’re out here bragging about beating him up? You’re an embarrassment to our profession.”

    Hussan: “What Trump got is nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you Edge. That was only a glimpse of what the Brotherhood can do!”

    Edge: “You say that now, Hussan – but what I see is this – a moron who runs his mouth and calls himself King – but cannot back it up. If you really want to prove yourself – how about you leave your buddies backstage and put that belt on the line – against me.”

    The crowd cheers again and chants for Edge.

    Necrominus: “Business is about to pick up here, guys! Edge wants the title!”

    Hussan smirks: “And what exactly makes you worthy of facing me, huh, Edge? No. I will not defend my title against a commoner like you.”

    Stephanie: “You can forget your grand plans, Edge – you might have forgotten that I am still your boss. And tonight you will indeed get a chance to prove yourself. You want to interfere in business that doesn’t concern you? Fine by me. Tonight, Edge – you will go one on one… with the other degenerate that assaulted the Brotherhood last night – Bob Backlund! And we will see if you are worthy. The winner will go on – to face Muhammad Hussan for the NCW Title at Natural Selection!”

    Billy-Bob: “What a main event!”

    Hussan frowns at Stephanie as Edge nods on the stage.


    Backstage, Singh is ranting to Stephanie.

    Singh: “This is ridiculous Steph! Muhammad Hussan should not have to face either of these opponents at Natural Selection!”

    Stephanie: “Listen, Ranjin. I am still the General Manager of this company. The fact is, the fans want to see either of these potential matches main event Natural Selection. And I am proving that once again, I will do whatever is best for business. Now I’m very busy so run along and tell Hussan the match IS going ahead.”

    Singh: “But, but – after last night…”

    Stephanie: “What, did you think I’d join your little Brotherhood and give you everything you ever wanted? No. What happened last night was a business arrangement. I have my eyes on a grander prize. In two weeks, if Trump shows up everyone will see what I mean. Now get the hell out of here!”

    The cameras cut back to the arena.

    Necrominus: “I suppose, at least Stephanie is trying to run things fairly. That’s about the only bonus we can take from this I suppose.”

    Billy-Bob: “Stephanie is proving to everyone that she can run this company fairly and justly. I’m fully behind her when she declares for the presidency in 2020!

    Disco: “I’m going to side with Edge, guys – Stephanie must be smoking some wacky tobaccie if she thinks she can run for president!”

    Necrominus: “Jiminy, last night you were Trump’s biggest fan!”

    Billy-Bob: “That was before Stephanie announced her intentions. Now I’m all aboard the Stephanie for 2020 campaign! Get your hashtags ready folks!”

    Necrominus: “Whatever. At this time folks we would like to introduce you to NCW’s newest ring announcer – Mr. Mike Adamle.”


    Adamle: “Hello NCW! It’s a pleasure to be here. I want to thank Stephanie McMahon (loud boos) for giving me this opportunity to prove myself.

    Without further ado, this following contest is scheduled for one pinfall! Introducing first, all the way from Co. Clare in Northern Ireland (loud boos), he is – Cliff Moher!”

    Cliff Moher waves to the fans but looks a little peeved at Adamle.

    Necrominus: “Ah dammit. Northern Ireland? Not already!”

    Billy-Bob: “One pinfall? What the hell is going on?”

    Disco: “Suddenly I’m not so much of a dud now, huh guys?”

    Billy-Bob: “No, you’re still a dud. But now you’re the second biggest dud.”

    Adamle: “And his tag team partner… oh, whoops. Sorry. Wrong match. His opponent tonight…”

    The crowd explode as Joe comes to the stage, completely cutting off Adamle. He heads straight for the ring and eyes Adamle with disdain as Mike beats a quick exit from the ring.

    Necrominus: “Who in the name of God gave this guy a job?”

    Joe raises his Rising Star Championship up for all to see and the crowd chants his name. He hands the title to the referee as Cliff Moher comes across to shake his hand – Joe just stares at him!

    Billy-Bob: “Um… we might need our medical team on stand-by… again.”

    The referee calls for the bell and Moher immediately goes to lock up with Joe – Joe shoves him off and plants him to the mat with a Lariat!

    Disco: “This is going to be the exact same as last night… Poor Cliff!”

    Joe drags Moher up by his hair and immediately sets him on his shoulders – MUSCLE BUSTER! Joe makes the cover –

    1 – 2 – 3! This match is over!

    Adamle: “Your winner – The Wild Samoan – Joe!”

    Joe stands up and stares angrily at Adamle for his mistake.

    Joe’s attention immediately switches to the stage as the music of Vader hits – Vader is here! Vader comes to the stage to rapturous applause and immediately heads for the ring!

    Necrominus: “Oh my God! It has been talked about throughout the draft – Vader and Joe – in the same ring, at the same time – and now it’s finally going to happen!”

    Vader enters the ring as Joe stands in the centre, Vader steps straight in front of him! The fans are on their feet as the two monsters stare each other down in the centre of the ring.

    Disco: “The mass of humanity in this ring – my God!”

    Billy-Bob: “We could do with the National Guard tonight guys! This could get ugly!”

    Joe and Vader continue their stare-down. Vader’s eyes suddenly shift downwards – towards the title in Joe’s hand!

    Necrominus: “He couldn’t possibly…”

    Joe notices the switch and immediately looks down at his Rising Star Championship. Suddenly, he raises his belt in the air and points at it. He mouths to Vader.


    ‘Wanna do it?’

    Vader nods and points at the Championship belt. He eyes Joe again, before turning around and leaving for the back again.

    Necrominus: “What just happened?”

    Billy-Bob: “Vader knows what he wants – and Joe is standing in his way!”

    Disco: “This is off the chain man! I’m so excited to be a part of NCW!”

    Joe stares at Vader who is backing up the ramp – and smiling.


    *Commercial Break*

    We cut backstage again where Jenni Jamestown is standing by with Pat Patterson.

    Jenni: “Pat, thank you for taking the time to speak to me. Can you provide us with an update on the condition of ‘The Superstar’ Billy Graham?”

    Patterson: “Sure, Jenni. Billy Graham is recuperating at home tonight. But he has assured me that he will be here next week to address his attackers. We all know who was responsible for last night’s heinous assault.”

    Jenni: “Last night, Stephanie McMahon stated she was setting up a task force to find out who was behind the attack. Have you any thoughts?”

    Patterson: “Listen, we all know the Brotherhood are behind this attack. They’ve been gunning for me and Billy for months now – and, well they’ve finally succeeded. There’s no need for a task force. Billy and I have got this covered. Now I just have to prove it. If you’ll excuse me…”

    Pat walks off leaving Jenni standing alone.

    The cameras cut back to the ring.

    Necrominus: “Pat Patterson is convinced the Brotherhood is behind last night’s attack on Billy Graham. I gotta say, I have to agree with him.”

    Billy-Bob: “All Pat Patterson has is circumstancial evidence Necro. There’s no proof!”

    Disco: “That Pat is a crazy cat! I wouldn’t want to be the Brotherhood when he comes across them next!"

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Stephanie McMahon has seen fit to remove Mike Adamle from announcing duties for the night. He will return next week.”

    Necrominus: “Next week? This guy should be fired!”

    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and will determine the number 1 contender for the NCW Women’s Championship! The winner will receive their title match at Natural Selection!”

    (Emma’s music hits)

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first, from Melbourne Australia – Emma!”

    Emma comes to the stage to mild cheers from the fans as she gets set for her NCW debut.

    Necrominus: “What a match to make your debut in, a number 1 contender’s match!”

    Billy-Bob: “I’m in love already! Go Emma!”

    Emma enters the ring and eyes the stage determinedly.

    (Bayley’s music hits)

    Ring Announcer: “And her opponent, from San Jose, California – IT’S BAYLEY!”

    The crowd come unglued as Bayley hits the stage, smiling and waving at the fans.

    Necrominus: “Bayley and Emma certainly have a history, guys. Just last year Bayley got a huge win over Emma on the main stage of one of our competitor’s promotions – Beyond Chaos Wrestling.”

    Billy-Bob: “Who cares? Emma has learned from her mistakes I’m sure! She’s bound to win!”

    The Beginning

    Bayley high fives the older fans and hugs the younger ones as she makes her way to the ring, before rolling in. She turns to salute the fans again – Emma rushes her and knocks her to the mat before stomping on her!

    Necrominus: “What? Oh come on, that’s not fair!”

    Billy-Bob: “What’s not fair about it? Emma proving she’s the smarter person here and doesn’t need the fans!”

    The referee hauls Emma back from stomping on Bayley and backs her up to the corner before checking on Bayley – Emma runs over and stomps on her again!

    Disco: “The referee needs to get control of this match, guys – Bayley could be hurt and this match hasn’t even started!”

    The referee admonishes Emma this time, ordering her back so he can check on Bayley, who is gasping in pain on the mat.

    Referee: “Bayley, are you hurt? Do you want to continue?”
    Bayley (panting): Just ring the bell!

    The referee reluctantly calls for the bell and Emma immediately rushes in, again stomping on downed Bayley. She chokes her in the corner with her foot!

    The referee orders Emma back but she shouts –
    ‘I have until 5!’

    Emma continues choking Bayley until the referee counts to 4, then backs up and looks for a running dropkick – and nails Bayley in the face! Bayley rolls out of the ring, slumping to the ground looking completely out of it as Emma is booed by the fans.


    We come back to the action where Emma has Bayley locked in a sleeper hold, with Bayley struggling to get out of it.

    Necrominus: “So far in this match, Emma has totally dominated Bayley. The sneak attack before the match certainly paid dividends!”

    Billy-Bob: “Sneak attack? It’s intelligent! Emma has Bayley’s number here!”

    The Middle

    The referee drops Bayley’s arm to check is she still responding – Bayley holds it up! She fights back with elbows to the ribs of Emma, finally breaking the hold and whips her against the ropes – Emma comes back and Bayley floors her with a Thesz press!

    Billy-Bob: “Hey ref! Those elbows were illegal!”

    Disco: “Come off it Jiminy!”

    Dragging Emma back up she again whips her against the ropes and dips her head – Emma counters with a kick to the mid-section before setting Bayley – she nails it! Double underhook suplex!

    She drops down for the cover – 1 -2 – NO! Bayley kicks out!

    Emma then drags Bayley up by her hair, the referee admonishing her for doing so. She seats her in corner, backs up and runs towards her, diving for a crossbody – Bayley moves! Emma collides with the turnbuckles stomach first! Both women are down!

    The End

    Bayley drags herself to her feet using the ropes, as Emma lies prone clutching her stomach. Bayley gets ready as Emma staggers to her feet – she catches her – BAYLEY-TO-BELLY!

    Bayley drops down for the cover…


    The referee is pulled from the ring!!

    Bayley turns around in shock – Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne have come from the crowd!


    Necrominus: “Wait a minute – what are they doing here???”

    Velvet and Madison roll into the ring as Bayley is still in shock – Velvet boots Bayley in the stomach -

    #1 STUNNA to Bayley!!!

    Emma struggles back to her feet – Rayne grabs her –

    RAYNE CHECK to Emma!!

    Rayne and Sky kick the two prone women from the ring and pose as the crowd boo them.

    Necrominus: “Why are they here? What is happening?”

    Billy-Bob: “The Beautiful People are making a statement here tonight!”

    (Moolah’s music hits)

    Moolah comes to the stage alongside her best friend Mae Young and comes towards the ring with a look of shock on her face. The Beautiful People eye them from the ring as the two legends roll into the ring – Rayne and Sky embrace Moolah and Young!!

    Necrominus: “This was a setup all along!! Moolah planned this!!”

    The crowd boo as the four women raise each other’s arms in the ring.

    Billy-Bob: “Brilliant by Moolah!! What a way to eliminate the competition!”

    Disco: “Come off it, Billy-Bob!!”

    Moolah and Young nod to the Beautiful People as they go to leave the ring – Velvet grabs Moolah by the hair and shakes her head!!


    Necrominus: “The old fashioned double cross!! Moolah trusted the wrong people!”

    Billy-Bob: “How dare they put their hands on Moolah! What is the meaning of this!!”

    Moolah and Young lie prone on the mat as Rayne and Sky pose in the ring again – Velvet looks down and rips Moolah’s title from around her waist!! She raises it up in the air – the crowd cheers a little!! Rayne then takes the title off Velvet – and raises it herself!! The two partners stare at each other warily in the ring, before dropping the belt and leaving together.

    Necrominus: “I think we know what this was all about, guys – the NCW Women’s Championship!”

    Disco: “I’m not sure the alliance between Rayne and Sky will hold up when the title is involved!”

    Billy-Bob: “Someone check on Moolah, this has gone horribly wrong!”


    We are back in the ring as the crowd are booing loudly at Ranjin Singh and The Natural Disasters.

    Necrominus: “What do these guys want? Haven’t we seen enough of the Brotherhood for one night?”

    Singh: “Tonight ladies and gentlemen, marks a momentous occasion for NCW. We are here to celebrate the most dominant tag team in the history of the company – The Natural Disasters!

    Since they have arrived they have proven themselves – time and again – as the premier team in ALL of professional wrestling. And with last night’s victory in mind – they have eliminated the competition. There is no one left in NCW to provide a threat!

    With this in mind, it is now time to put an end to this charade. To mark this date as one where the Natural Disasters – Earthquake, Typhoon – became the top team in this industry. And to show this, tonight they are officially RETIRING the NCW Tag Team Championships!”

    Necrominus: “What? They can’t do this!”

    Billy-Bob: “And who exactly is going to argue with them, Necro! There are no tag teams left in NCW!”

    Disco: “I hate to say he’s right, Necro-dude… but he’s right.”

    Singh and the Natural Disasters soak in the boos from the crowd before Singh continues.

    Singh: “This is not a dream, folks. The Natural Disasters have officially eliminated the…”

    Singh: “Competition.”

    The crowd erupts as Devon and Bubba Ray come to the stage!

    Necrominus: “They’re here! The Dudley’s are here! It was rumoured for weeks they had signed with NCW!”

    Disco: “This is amaze-balls!”

    Billy-Bob: “Looks like those tag titles will have to stay for another while guys!”

    Bubba and Devon soak in the amazing atmosphere here as Bubba has a mic. He begins to speak – Singh cuts him off!

    Singh: “What is the meaning of this! How dare you interrupt me!”

    Bubba: “Shut your mouth! Everyone is sick and tired of listening to you!”

    Singh: “How dare you speak to the Brotherhood like that! I will make sure…”

    Bubba: “You’ll make sure to shine those belts up real nice for us, Singh! The Dudleys are here in NCW – and we’re coming straight for those tag titles!”

    Devon: “OH TESTIFY my brother!”

    The Dudleys head straight down the ramp towards the ring and the Natural Disasters look ready to fight!

    Singh: “No! NO! Not tonight! You will regret this!”

    Singh orders the Natural Disasters to back down, and reluctantly they leave the ring as the Dudleys slide in! The Dudleys pose on the ropes and motion that they will be the next tag team champions as Singh flips out on the ramp!

    Disco: “Damn that Singh – we could have had a match for the Tag Team titles tonight if not for him!”

    Billy-Bob: “Discretion is sometimes the better part of valour, Disco. Leave it till another night when they’re fully prepared! Those damn Dudleys!”

    Necrominus: “It looks like the competition for the Tag Team Championships is just heating up!”


    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is our main event – and is the Number One Contender’s Match for the NCW Heavyweight Championship.”

    (Backlund’s music hits)

    Ring announcer: Introducing first, from Glastonbury, Connecticut – weighing in at 241lbs, BOOOOOOB BACCCCKKKKKLUNNNNND!!”

    The crowd cheer the arrival as Backlund makes his way to the ring, muttering to himself along the way.

    Necrominus: “I have to say, my opinion of Backlund has gone up given what transpired last night. He really came to the rescue last night.”

    Billy-Bob: “He’s still crazy old Bob to me, Necro. You don’t know what’s going to happen next!”

    Disco: “Bob Backlund is a cool cat in Disco’s book!”

    You think you know me…

    Ring Announcer: “And introducing his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 241lbs – he is The Rated R SUUUUUUUUUUUUPERSTAR – EDGE!”

    The crowd are on their feet for Edge as he comes through the curtain, clearly amped up for the match tonight. Backlund eyes him from the ring as Edge makes his way down to a thunderous ovation.

    Necrominus: “It would appear that Edge has indeed put his past behind him. His actions last night were nothing short of heroic.”

    Billy-Bob: “Edge is only interested in one thing – the NCW Title! Once he gets it, he’ll be back to his old ways!”

    Disco: “You’ve changed your tune, Jiminy man! Last night you wanted us to hear him out!”

    Edge slides into the ring as Backlund takes a corner and leans back into it. Edge climbs on the ropes and the crowd cheer loudly for him again.

    The Beginning

    The referee calls for the bell to start the match and Edge and Backlund approach each other. Edge extends his hand – Bob shakes it! The crowd applaud the gesture as the two men then circle each other, before locking up in the centre of the ring.

    Backlund slips behind Edge who applies a side headlock, Backlund shoves Edge off him and Edge runs the ropes, coming back and knocking Backlund flat with a shoulder tackle! The crowd pop as Backlund looks up at Edge in shock!

    Necrominus: “Edge enjoying early dominance over the more technical Backlund here.”

    Backlund gets back to his feet and locks up with Edge again – this time he slips behind and pulls Edge’s feet from under him! Backlund then rolls over and slaps Edge round the head a bit, before Edge shoves him off and the two men climb to their feet!

    Billy-Bob: “Backlund using his amateur wrestling background to school Edge here!”

    Both men nod and go to lock up again – Edge whips Bob against the ropes quickly and as he rebounds Edge clotheslines him over the top rope!!

    Backlund slams against the floor hard and comes up a little dazed!

    The Middle

    Backlund, back in the ring now gets hit with a standing dropkick by Edge. He staggers backwards and slumps into the corner in a sitting position. Edge motions for him to get to his feet.

    Necrominus: “Edge is surely thinking Spear here guys!”

    Backlund hauls himself back up using the ropes as Edge charges towards him – Backlund counters into a drop toehold! Quickly Backlund has Edge back on his feet and goes to work on his chest with some crisp, knife-edge chops.

    Backlund suddenly spins around Edge and looks for the crossface chickenwing – Edge counters!

    He lifts Backlund up on his shoulders suddenly, and drops him backwards with an Electric Chair Drop! Edge rolls into the cover

    – 1 – 2 – No! Backlund just gets the shoulder up!

    Edge again stalks Backlund who is struggling to recover from the high impact move – he runs forward – Backlund dodges it again and sends Edge shoulder first into the ring post!

    He drags Edge out – and locks it in!


    The End

    Necrominus: “This is it, Backlund has submitted many men with this move, will Edge tap out?”

    Edge struggles in the hold and tries to reach the ropes, Backlund drags him back into the centre of the ring!

    Billy-Bob: “Man that is in tight! He could break his arm here!”

    Edge is still trying to fight out but Backlund is like a tiger and just will not relent.

    Just as it seems that Edge is fading however – he drops down and takes Backlund with him, flipping him over with an arm drag which releases the hold! Edge is free!

    A little stunned, Backlund runs at Edge and gets booted in the stomach


    Edge rolls to the corner now and stalks Backlund for a third time. Backlund staggers back to his feet as Edge runs, he turns around

    – into the SPEAR!


    Edge rolls in for the cover




    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner, and number one contender….”

    The ring announcer stops short as Monty Brown runs down to the ring – Edge turns round and gets nailed with the POUNCE!

    He crashes to the mat and lies still. Brown then drags Backlund up by his head – Backlund fights back with right hands! Backlund backs Brown up – but gets dragged from the ring by Earthquake and Typhoon!

    Necrominus: “Oh come on, not this again! Someone stop this!”

    The two monsters pound on Backlund outside the ring as Brown drags Edge up – and hits the ALPHA BOMB!

    (Hussan’s music plays)

    The crowd boo furiously as Hussan and Singh saunter to the ring, smiling at the carnage around them. He enters the ring and Brown tosses Edge to the mat at his feet. Hussan gets down and shouts in Edge’s face

    Hussan: “I warned you! I told you not to cross me! Now look at you!”

    He turns to Brown – “Finish him off!”

    (Santino’s music hits)

    Necrominus: “What?”

    Santino runs down to the ring and immediately begins trading blows with Typhoon. This allows Backlund to recover a little and he ducks as Earthquake splashes the ring steps instead of him!

    Backlund takes over fighting with Typhoon as Santino rolls into the ring – Brown wipes him out with the POUNCE! Hussan kicks Santino from the ring and stomps on Edge.

    (Zack Ryder’s music hits)

    The crowd cheer as Ryder now comes to the ring, chair in hand!

    Brown, Singh and Hussan roll out and the Natural Disasters back off as Ryder slides into the ring!

    Backlund rolls in as well and the two men face down the Brotherhood on the ramp.

    Backlund nods at Ryder – who turns around and nails Backlund between the eyes with the chair!


    Necrominus: “No – Ryder, what have you done?”

    The crowd is stunned into silence as Ryder drops his chair, exits the ring and heads to the back. Hussan and the Brotherhood re-enter the ring, a little taken aback at what has just transpired.

    The Natural Disasters set Backlund up and squash him with the Tidal Quake! Hussan stomps on Edge before applying the Camel Clutch. Singh slaps Edge in the face repeatedly as Hussan continues to mouth off to Edge.

    Hussan: “This is what faces you! Bow down to your king!”

    Hussan finally releases the hold and the entire Brotherhood stand tall over the motionless bodies of Backlund and Edge as the show draws to a close.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,123 ✭✭✭✭paulie21


    Byron Saxton and David Otunga welcome us to this Friday night edition of Carnage.

    Paulie is making he’s way to the ring.


    “Dublin, Ireland welcome to the show, over the course of the last number of months we’ve undergone some roster changes, guys have decided to feck off to other promotions. Well that’s their problem if they want to slum it to the lesser lights, I hear Diesel is over at Has Been wrestling haha what a loser thought he was going to be PCW World Champion well I showed him. I value smart wrestlers over brawn like him any day. That’s why I chose the best in the game to be my champion, everybody please welcome Mr. Kennedy”

    PCW World Champion Mr Kennedy makes his way to the ring.

    Paulie: “I’ve a couple of big matches to announce. Tonight any male competitor on the roster will compete in a royal rumble style event to determine the number one contender who will receive a championship match next week. Also, PCW believes in equality and this year we’ve got some female talent on board, so they will also have a royal rumble match to crown the inaugural PCW Women’s Champion tonight.”

    Kennedy: “What a waste of time. None of these jokers will take my title because I’m the best, I’m the man, I’m MISTER KENNEDYYYYYYYYYY.”


    Sasha Banks is been interviewed by JOJO

    JOJO: “How do you feel about your chances tonight Sasha?”

    Sasha: “I’m the boss”

    Bella Twins cut her off


    Nikki: “ This title is going Bella.”

    Brie: “That’s right Nikki, we’re going to eliminate the field and then go through the rope at the same time meaning we’ll be joint champion.”

    Nikki gives Brie an awkward glance

    Saxton and Otunga welcome us back ringside the Women’s Championship Royal Rumble

    Entrant 1: Torrie Wilson
    Entrant 2: Bertha Faye

    “We don’t have to wait too long as Faye eliminates Wilson with a stiff kick to the gut forcing her back through the ropes.”

    Otunga: “Well at least Torrie is nice to look out, even our commissioner has a crush.”

    Entrant 3: Sasha Banks
    “Sasha is not long about getting stuck in locking the Bank Statement in on Faye picking her up and tossing her out.”

    Entrant 4: Brie Bella
    “We finally get some back and forth action with the two ladies both trying to gain an upper hand. Brie is been on the verge of been eliminated but”

    Entrant 5: Nikki Bella
    “Nikki keeps Brie in this thing and they team up to try take Sasha out, Sasha manages to fight both off for the time being but they’re too much to handle. Sasha’s dream has ended and she’s eliminated.”

    Saxton: “This is an outrage, it’s suppose to be every woman for themselves.”
    Otunga: “ Shut up, Byron.”

    “Brie is gloating at Sasha going to the ramp dejected but her twin takes the opportunity to eliminate her, Brie looks back but Nikki just shrugs her shoulders.”

    Entrant 6: Stacy Kiebler
    “Nikki hits the Rack Attack and Kiebler is eliminated. Only one woman left.”

    Entrant 7: Vickie Guerrero
    “Nikki is laughing hysterically as Vickie enters the ring. She shoves Vickie to the floor but behind her back Brie has re entered the ring and thrown Nikki out. Viva La Rasa, Vickie is the first ever PCW Women’s Champion.

    Winner: Vickie Gurrerro


    Saxton: “Well that was unexpected but we’ve little time to waste as the men are ready to take centre stage and compete for the opportunity to challenge for Kennedy’s title next week.”

    Entrant 1: Dolph Ziggler
    Entrant 2: Doug Basham

    “The two men lock up with Basham getting the immediate advantage but Ziggler gets on top and hits Basham with a superkick but Basham survives eliminatation.”

    Entrant 3: Danny Basham
    “The Bashams gang up on Ziggler with them hitting the Ball & Gag. Ziggler fights back hitting both with a superkick.”

    Entrant 4: Roderick Strong
    “Ziggler and Strong stare one another down before back and forth punches are exchanged. Both go for a dropkick leaving everyone in the ring layed out.”

    Entrant 5: Heath Slater
    “Heath wanders around and grabs a microphone.”
    Slater: “I’m the One Man Band babyyyyyyy. I’m the next PCW champion.”

    Entrant 6: Karl Anderson
    “We’ve action all over the place but no eliminations as of yet.”

    Entrant 7: Mark Briscoe

    “Him and Anderson get straight into it but we still have no eliminations.”

    Entrant 8: Giant Gonzalez with Paul Bearer
    “Business picks him as one by one he starts eliminating everyone. Hold on Ziggler skins the cat and survives, Bearer alerts Gonzalez and he knocks Ziggler down with a chop. Gonzalez looks like the clear favourite here ”
    Entrant 9: Jay Briscoe
    “Eliminated by Gonzalez the second he entered the ring.”

    Entrant 10: Rhyno
    “Rhyno is not scared of Gonzalez and gets the giant off his feet, he sets up for the Gore but Gonzalez stops him and tosses him over.”

    Entrant 11: The Rock
    “The Rock and Ziggler team up to try eliminate Gonzalez but he survives for the moment.”

    Entrant 12: Luke Gallows
    “He joins the guys in trying to get rid of the giant but ends up getting eliminated while Rock and Ziggler are layed out.”

    Entrant 13: Baron Corbin
    “The Lone Wolf could be the dark horse here and goes straight for the Giant and wobbles up with a big boot and tries to clothesline up over the ropes but he survives.”

    Entrant 14: Viscera
    “Business has picked up again as Vis and GG face off. This is a monster clash for the ages both men go at it with them teethering near the ropes the rest gang up to take them both out.”

    Entrant 15: Val Venis
    “Val doesn’t last too long as Ziggler superkicks him over the top rope. Ziggler has been in there nearly an hour.”

    Entrant 16: Chris Jericho
    “The first undisputed champion and number one pick has finally arrived. He lays Code Breakers on everyone in the ring and eliminates Corbin.”

    Entrant 17: Gangrel
    “The weird one is in there for a short period as the Rock takes him out.”

    Entrant 18: Rocky Johnson
    “Johnson is our final entrant and his son is delighted to see him. They team up fighting off Ziggler and Jericho. Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Ziggler and Soul Man tosses him out. Jericho tries to eliminate the father/son combo but can’t and gets eliminated. Johnson immediately tosses his son over the rope and we have an unlikely winner.

    Winner: Rocky Johnson


    Mr Kennedy and Paulie are shown looking stunned backstage.

    Saxton: “Well there we have it, as shocking as it sounds we have a championship match next week between Mr Kennedy and Rocky Johnson. See you next time guys.”

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Tuesday Night Destruction


    (Tuesday Night Destruction Theme)




    The crowd cheer loudly as the cameras go live for another episode of Tuesday Night Destruction!

    Necrominus: “Good evening one and all and welcome to the premier show in ALL of sports entertainment - NCW Tuesday Night Destruction! We are just TWO weeks away from our version of Superbowl Night – our All Ireland Final – call it what you will – Natural Selection II.”

    Billy-Bob: “And things have begun to take shape already, Necro! Already we know our main event when Muhammad Hussan will defend the NCW Heavyweight Championship against the number 1 contender – Edge!”

    Disco: “Edge won his place last week in our main event when he pinned Bob Backlund – but the Brotherhood made good on their promise to make both men pay!”

    Necrominus: “That’s for sure! Edge and Backlund were annihilated by the Brotherhood last week – with a little helping hand from Zack Ryder, of all people!”

    Billy-Bob: “I don’t quite know what possessed Ryder to lay out Backlund with a steel chair shot, but I can’t wait to find out!”

    Disco: “Not only that, but we can exclusively reveal that The Natural Disasters WILL defend their NCW Tag Team Championships at Natural Selection II against the legendary Dudley Boyz!”

    Necrominus: “A match that is sure to be a classic, no doubt. But, back to tonight – where I’m sure this rivalry will heat up even more when Bubba Ray Dudley and Typhoon collide in the centre of the ring!”

    Billy-Bob: “What a match that will be!!”

    Necrominus: “Yes. I wonder will we come to a resolution regarding the NCW Women’s Championship? Last week Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne – The Beautiful People – interrupted the number 1 contender’s match between Emma and Bayley.”

    Billy-Bob: “And to make things worse, they double crossed Moolah after that!”

    Necrominus: “You can’t say she didn’t have it coming, Jiminy. Moolah will address the Beautiful People in the ring tonight!”

    Disco: “But guys, that’s not all. We all saw the epic staredown last week between Vader and Samoa Joe, but nothing has been made official as of yet! Vader is in action tonight and I’ve been told he will issue a challenge following the match!”

    Necrominus: “And we’ll find out about that – right now!”

    Mike Adamle is standing in the ring.

    Adamle: “Good evening everyone! It’s great to be back here again! I want to thank Stephanie McMahon for giving me a second chance after my… errors last week!

    And, without further ado, the following contest is scheduled for one FALL! Introducing first, hailing from County Kerry in the United Kingdom, ROSS CASTLE!”

    Necrominus: “Again? Oh man…”

    Adamle: “And introducing his opponent…”

    The crowd cheer as Vader comes to the stage, cutting off Adamle in similar fashion to Joe last week. He heads straight for the ring and enters it as Adamle beats a quick exit.

    Vader eyes Ross Castle with disdain as the referee calls for the bell – Castle runs at Vader – who flattens him!

    Castle rolls around on the mat in pain as Vader drags him to the corner, before ascending the second rope – and dropping down on Castle with the VADER BOMB! Vader makes the cover –


    Vader wins without breaking a sweat!

    Necrominus: “And, as expected it has to be said – Vader has dominated one of our developmental talents. Hailing from County Kerry in the Republic of Ireland… despite what our fantastic announcer said…”

    Adamle: “Your winner – The Man They Call… DARTH VADER!”

    The crowd groans as Adamle makes yet another mistake and Vader eyes him angrily.

    Billy-Bob: “Why do they keeping making this moron announce these matches? They’re going to get him killed!”

    Vader leaves the ring and angrily stalks toward Adamle. He snatches the mic from him and roughly shoves him to the floor! Adamle beats a hasty retreat backstage as Vader re-enters the ring.

    Vader: “Joe – Natural Selection – NO. HOLDS. BARRED!!!!!”


    The crowd cheer loudly as Vader drops the mic to the floor and heads for the back.

    Necrominus: “Well, I believe a challenge has been issued, gents. Vader wants Samoa Joe at Natural Selection!”

    Billy-Bob: “Much more than that Necro – he wants the NCW Rising Star Championship!”

    Disco: “There’s more, guys! He wants a No Holds Barred Match!”

    The cameras cut backstage and show Billy Graham on his way to the ring!

    Necrominus: “Billy Graham is here! And he’s on his way to the ring right now!!”


    The crowd rise to their feet and chant the name of ‘The Superstar’ as he comes to the ring with purpose. He rolls in and immediately gets on the mic.


    Graham: “Cut the music! I’m not out here tonight to give long rambling speeches! I want that lily-livered coward who attacked me to get your ass out here right now! I’ve waited long enough!”

    Cameras cut to the stage but nothing happens.

    Graham: “I’m not playing around! Hussan! Or whatever of your cronies beat me up at Agony, tried to end my career – I’m standing right here! You want to come out and finish the job or what?”

    Still no reaction from the curtain.

    Graham: “I see. It’s going to be that way, is it? Fine – I’ll come back there and find you myself!”

    Pat Patterson’s music hits!

    The crowd cheer Patterson as he comes to the ring to try to reason with Graham.


    Patterson: “Billy, look, it’s great to see you back. But you can’t just go barging back there and beat the holy heck out of the first member of the Brotherhood you find!”

    Graham: “Pat, we’ve been friends for a long time, so with the greatest respect… I don’t give a damn what you say.”

    Graham motions to go past Patterson but he blocks his path.

    Patterson: “I will make you see sense!”

    Graham suddenly shoves Patterson aside –


    Necrominus: “What? Pat, what have you done?”

    Graham slumps to the mat in a heap.

    Patterson grabs the mic again.
    Patterson: “I couldn’t let you do it, Billy – I couldn’t let you find out the truth.”

    Necrominus: “Oh my god…”

    Patterson: “I couldn’t let you find out who attacked you at Agony… from anyone but ME.”

    The crowd boo Patterson loudly as he stands over Graham, who is holding his head in agony.

    Patterson: “Do you remember that feeling, Billy? That thump to the back of your head? I know you do. Because it was me – I attacked you at Agony!”

    Necrominus: “I don’t understand…”

    Billy-Bob: “Patterson has snapped!”

    Patterson: “I suppose you all want to know why. Why would I attack my best friend before his big match? It’s simple, Billy. I’m tired of you hogging the spotlight! Where were you when I had my match for the title? You were never there for me! But I was always there for you, saving you countless times. Well it’s over, Billy. You are done.

    And at Natural Selection – if you’re cleared to face me, that is – I will finish the job once and for all. Because it will be Billy Graham VS Pat Patterson – in a FIRST BLOOD MATCH!

    And when I bust you open, make you bleed like a stuck pig – your career, your very legacy will vanish! Pat Patterson will become the Superstar he was born to be!”

    Graham is trying to get to his feet using the ropes, but has a glassy look in his eyes. Patterson strikes him with the brass knuckles again!

    The crowd boo even louder as Patterson mounts Graham now, and strikes him between the eyes – a third shot with the knuckles – busting Graham wide open!!


    Patterson stands over Graham, blood dripping from his hand where the knuckles busted Graham open – Patterson wipes it on his chest!

    Necrominus: “I can’t believe this! Patterson was Graham’s best friend – and to betray him like this – over… nothing… it just doesn’t make any sense!”

    Billy-Bob: “It doesn’t need to make sense, Necro – Patterson made a statement tonight. One Graham may never recover from.”

    Disco: “Billy Graham may not even make it to Natural Selection guys!”


    Backstage, Hussan and Singh are in their personal locker room. Zack Ryder barges in.

    Ryder: “I did what you asked last week! Now I want your answer – am I in?”

    Singh: “How dare you speak to your King in such a tone – get out!”

    Hussan: “No, Ranjin – let him speak. Ryder – you have not proven yourself worthy of joining us yet.”

    Ryder: “What do you mean? I laid that loony tune out in the centre of the ring last week! I did exactly what you told me I needed to do!”

    Hussan: “And I assure you it is appreciated. But not two weeks ago, you and that comic joke of a man you called a partner were intent on taking the titles from the Natural Disasters. You failed. Like Michael Tarver found out, the Brotherhood does not tolerate failure. Last week you simply atoned for your loss at Agony. No – you are not in… yet. I have another assignment for you this week.”

    Ryder: “Hussan, let’s get something straight…”

    Hussan suddenly grabs Ryder by the throat and pins him to the locker!

    Hussan: “No, Zack – you listen to me! You have no choice after what you did last week – if you want protection from the Brotherhood you will do as I say.”

    Ryder: “Ok… ok… I’m sorry. Just let me go and I’ll do it.”

    Hussan releases Ryder: “Very good. You are learning. Tonight Ranjin has arranged a match for you. You will go one on one with my opponent at Natural Selection – Edge! But there will be no match at Natural Selection. You will make sure of that. Tonight I want you to destroy Edge. Show him what happens when he crosses the Brotherhood!”

    Ryder: “It will be done…my King. And when I do as you ask? I will join the Brotherhood, yes?”

    Hussan: “If you succeed tonight, Zack – you are in. If not… you can expect no further help from us. Now get out of here!”

    Ryder eyes Hussan furiously, but leaves the locker room.


    Necrominus: “What has come over Ryder? He’s now a snivelling lap dog for the Brotherhood!”

    Billy-Bob: “He’s seen the light, Necro! Who wouldn’t want to be a part of the most dominant group to ever grace NCW?”

    Disco: “I’m devastated guys. I’m hanging up my Broski headband! Ryder is a jerk!”

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome at this time, being accompanied to the ring by Mae Young – the ONLY NCW Women’s Champion in history – The Fabulous Moolah!”

    Moolah and Young come to the stage, Moolah being linked by Young and in a neck brace! They slowly walk down the ramp as the crowd boo them loudly.


    Necrominus: “What’s wrong with her now?”

    Billy-Bob: “Isn’t it obvious? She’s injured – Velvet Sky could have broken her neck last week!”

    Young helps Moolah onto the apron and holds the ropes for her. Moolah winces as she bends down to enter the ring, and shuffles across to grab a mic. The crowd boo her loudly.

    Moolah: “Shut up you peasants! Can’t you see I’m hurting! You should be lucky I even graced you all with my presence this week – I should be in the hospital!”

    The crowd starts a ‘MOOLAH SUCKS’ chant.

    Moolah: “I don’t know why I even bother. Last week I was brutally attacked! I had my hair pulled, my neck snapped backwards – I have 1st degree whiplash and I may never turn my head to my side again!!

    All because of my so-called friends. Ladies who I PERSONALLY brought to this company. They were here to deal with that menace Bayley… and that twit Emma was collateral damage!

    But instead – they assaulted me, and my best friend Mae! They had the cheek to take my title from me – and raise it in the air like their property! I will not stand for this!

    Because of their assault – there can be NO match at Natural Selection – my neck will not be in any shape to compete! You can thank them… these… Beautiful People as they call themselves…”

    The crowd cheers a little as Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne come to the stage! They begin to make their way down to the ring.

    Moolah: “NO! Stay right where you are! I am in no fit state to compete!”

    Velvet has a mic: “You know what Moolah – it’s true, you DID bring us here. But if you thought for one second we were going to be your buddies – your lapdogs – you picked the wrong b******, lady!”

    Madison: “You see, Moolah – you may be fabulous – but we – are – BEAUTIFUL. And NCW needs a Beautiful Champion. So at Natural Selection…”

    Bayley and Emma run down to the ring and immediately start brawling with Sky and Rayne!!!

    Moolah and Young survey the fighting from the ring – Bayley whips Rayne into the barricade while Emma and Velvet Sky battle on the other side of the arena.

    The crowd boo loudly as Stephanie comes to the stage, an angry look on her face.


    Stephanie: “Stop this immediately!! Stop it right now!!”

    Moolah: “Thank you Stephanie, I demand that these four be removed immediately and suspended! This is not…”

    Stephanie: “Cut the crap, Moolah. You engineered this. Against my better judgement I allowed you to draft Mae Young, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne to NCW.

    And this is how you repay me? Ruining a number one contender’s match last week? Starting this brawl?

    And to top it all off, you now say you’re injured and can’t compete at Natural Selection II. Well I’ve got news for you, Moolah – you will defend that title at Natural Selection.”

    Moolah: “Stephanie, can’t you see how much pain I’m in? I mean…”

    Stephanie: “You’re injured Moolah? You’re hurting? Fine – if you cannot compete I will STRIP you of that title!”

    Moolah: “Oh! Well… I suppose I could compete in a match in two weeks… I mean…”

    Stephanie: “That’s what I thought. Now I am sure we can all recall the main event of last year’s Natural Selection.

    An amazing contest between two of the best in the industry. This year, we will strive to emulate that match of the year candidate.

    And you ladies will pioneer this.

    Because the NCW Women’s Championship – will be defended –

    in a LADDER MATCH!”

    Necrominus: “Oh my God! What an announcement!”

    Stephanie: “Now, who is worthy of competing in a match of this stature against the legendary Moolah?

    Bayley and Emma have a worthy claim – having been interrupted last week in their match.

    The Beautiful People made a statement last week at the hands of all four of you.

    It’s a difficult one. And I have decided. Moolah – you will defend your title at Natural Selection –

    against Bayley (Loud Cheers)


    AND Emma (mild cheers)


    AND Velvet Sky (cheers)


    AND Madison Rayne (cheers)


    AND… MAE YOUNG!! (Cheers)


    It will be a six woman Ladder match for the NCW Women’s Championship!!!"

    Necrominus: “A six woman ladder match – I don’t think this has ever been before!”

    Stephanie’s music plays and she heads backstage as all attention turns to Moolah in the ring.

    Moolah: “You can’t do this! This isn’t fair! This is MY title!”

    The four women on the outside eye Moolah as she flips out in the ring. Mae Young candidly eyes the title around Moolah’s waist momentarily, but immediately shifts her gaze upwards as Moolah turns around to rant to her about Stephanie’s decision.


    Backstage, Jenni Jamestown is standing by with Edge.

    Jenni: “Edge, last week you earned the right to challenge Muhammad Hussan for the NCW Heavyweight Title at Natural Selection. Given what happened after the match last week, are you at 100 per cent?”

    Edge: “I’m pretty banged up, Jenni. The Brotherhood are a force to be reckoned with. But I came to NCW for one thing – and that is to become the NCW Champion! This means that no matter what Hussan and his cronies have in store for me – I’ll be ready.”

    Jenni: “Tonight you face Zack Ryder in the main event. After what he did to Bob Backlund last week and given we now know the reasons why – what can you expect?”

    Edge: “Zack Ryder clearly thought he was going to get ahead in his career by signing up with Hussan. Now he needs to take me out to join the Brotherhood. Here’s the thing, Zack – there will ALWAYS be another hoop to jump through for Hussan and his Brotherhood. Another person to maim or injure. They don’t care about him – they just don’t want to get their hands dirty. Well, Zack – tonight you plan to take me out. It’s time to show you why they call me the Rated R – Superstar.”

    Edge nods at Jenni and leaves.


    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall – and the winner will decide the stipulation for the NCW Tag Team Title match at Natural Selection!”

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Earthquake, he is one half of the NCW Tag Team Champions – Typhoon!”

    Typhoon and Earthquake stomp to the ring as the crowd boos them furiously.

    Ring Announcer: “And the opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Devon – Bubba Ray Dudley!”

    The crowd cheers loudly as The Dudleys hit the stage and play up to the crowd.

    Necrominus: “Bubba Ray making his NCW in ring debut tonight here, and this match has a number of connotations going forward!”

    Billy-Bob: “No prizes for guessing what stipulation the Dudley’s will pick if they win here tonight!”

    Bubba and Devon enter the ring and Typhoon and Earthquake back up and stand on the outside as the Dudleys pose on the ropes.
    Devon then exits the ring as Typhoon tentatively walks up the steps and gets in the ring. Bubba and Typhoon go nose to nose in the ring as the referee calls for the bell.

    The Beginning

    Typhoon and Bubba lock up in the middle of the ring, both men battling for dominance – Typhoon shoves Bubba backwards!

    He staggers but doesn’t fall – and goes straight back for another lock up! This time Bubba gets the better of Typhoon and backs him up into the corner – the referee calls for the break – Typhoon nails Bubba with a right hand!

    He then whips Bubba against the ropes and looks for a clothesline – Bubba comes back with a shoulder block and the two men collide in the centre of the ring – neither man goes down!

    Necrominus: “Typhoon cannot rely on raw power here – Bubba clearly has him matched!”

    Billy-Bob: “Typhoon is only getting started, Necro!”

    Disco: “They wanted competition – well they certainly got it!”

    Typhoon and Bubba again lock up and this time Typhoon backs Bubba up into the corner.
    He breaks when the referee orders him to but immediately tries for the right hand – Bubba counters with one of his own!
    Bubba backs Typhoon up with right hands – before whipping Typhoon against the ropes – Typhoon comes back – Bubba catches him and hits a Samoan drop, shaking the entire ring with the impact!!

    He rolls into the cover – 1 – Typhoon powers out!

    The Middle

    Bubba continues to exert dominance over Typhoon until Earthquake catches his foot as he moves to close to the ropes.

    Bubba turns around - Typhoon sends him over the top rope with a hard clothesline! He hits the floor and Typhoon distracts the ref so Earthquake gets a few cheap shots in on Bubba – Devon comes around the ring and starts brawling with Earthquake!

    Typhoon exits the ring and hauls Bubba to his feet, rolling him into the ring. He climbs back in himself and hits a big leg drop – before making the cover



    Bubba just kicks out!

    Typhoon gets to his feet and drags Bubba to the middle of the ring, before backing up and looking for the Tidal Wave – BUBBA MOVES!!

    Typhoon hits the mat and rolls around clutching his stomach as Bubba climbs back to his feet.

    The End

    Bubba stalks Typhoon as he slowly climbs to his feet and catches him in a Full Nelson – BUBBA BOMB! Typhoon is down!

    Devon still has Earthquake occupied on the outside as Bubba rolls into the cover…



    3!!! Bubba has done it!!!

    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner…”

    Earthquake rolls into the ring as Devon follows him – the Dudleys whip him against the ropes - Earthquake rebounds –


    The crowd are on their feet as Bubba shoves Devon…


    Necrominus: “I think we have our stipulation guys!”

    Billy-Bob: “Those damn Dudleys!”

    Devon rolls to the outside and hauls a table from under the ring – throwing it inside. Suddenly Devon gets wiped out by… MONTY BROWN!

    Monty Brown beats on Devon on the outside after the surprise attack as Bubba tries to exit the ring to help him – Typhoon is back up and clotheslines him in the back of the head which drops him! Both big men are up again now and hit the TIDAL QUAKE on Bubba!!

    Brown sets Devon on the outside and drops him with an Alpha Bomb!

    The Natural Disasters have set up the table inside the ring and lay Bubba on top of it, looking for the Tidal Quake again – THROUGH THE TABLE!!!



    Brown enters the ring and the three Brotherhood members stand tall over the prone Dudleys.

    Necrominus: “This is getting out of hand! The Brotherhood have laid waste to the Dudleys!”

    Billy-Bob: “This is what happens when you mess with the Brotherhood – it’s been proven time and time again!”

    Disco: “I’m just glad we didn’t have to see that smiling rat Singh out here tonight!”


    Backstage, Jenni Jamestown is standing by again.
    Jenni: “Hi guys, I’m here outside Samoa Joe’s dressing room – hoping to get his response to Vader’s challenge tonight.”

    Mike Adamle walks up to Jenni.

    Adamle: “Shove it, sister – Adamle is taking over!”

    Jenni frowns as Adamle grabs the mic from her and bangs on Samoa Joe’s door.

    Adamle: “Mr Joe? I need to get a few words…”

    The door swings open and smashes Adamle in the head, knocking him out cold as Joe comes out of the dressing room.

    Joe eyes the unconscious Adamle with a cold stare before picking up the mic.

    Joe: “Vader – I accept!”


    Joe then drops the mic and walks off down the hall.


    Necrominus: “I can’t believe it – Joe and Vader – No Holds Barred at Natural Selection!”

    Billy-Bob: “And that match will not be for the faint hearted, guys.”

    Disco: “And we’ve just been told that the official contract signing for that match will take place next week – right here on Tuesday Night Destruction!”

    Zack Ryder comes to the stage and ignores the booing crowd, heading straight for the ring.

    Necrominus: “What has got into Zack Ryder? I just don’t get why he would turn his back on the fans to join the Brotherhood!”

    Billy-Bob: “What do you mean? He sees how powerful the Brotherhood is – you’re better working for them than against them – even President Trump found that out!”

    Disco: “I just don’t know what to think anymore – if you can’t trust a bro like Ryder – who can you trust?”

    The crowd rise to their feet as Edge comes to the stage, pausing to acknowledge the fans but then running straight for the ring!

    Edge tackles Ryder to the mat and the two men start to the brawl – this match is on!
    Necrominus: “Edge clearly incensed with Ryder’s actions – and the fact that Hussan has ordered him to take him out tonight!”

    Billy-Bob: “Edge is a hothead! That was a blatant assault!”

    Disco: “Ryder promised to injure Edge tonight, Jiminy – what do you expect him to do?”

    The Beginning

    Ryder rolls away from Edge to the outside of the ring, shouting at the referee to restore order – As the referee orders Edge back Ryder grabs his legs and pulls him outside the ring, dumping the referee on his head!

    Necrominus: “Oh come on! That is ridiculous!”

    Edge, seizing the moment dives straight through the second rope – crashing into Ryder on the outside!! The two men go down momentarily but come back up and start trading blows immediately!

    Necrominus: “The match has clearly gone out the window – all hell is breaking lose right here beside us!”

    Edge tries to whip Ryder into the apron – he counters and slams Edge into the guard rail! Ryder then whips Edge – who collides head first with the steel ring post! Edge goes down and looks out of it!

    The Middle

    Ryder hauls Edge up again and throws him into the ring, as the referee finally begins to come to his senses.

    Ryder gets in the ring and whips Edge to the corner. He goes to call for the Broski Boot – then stops and flips off the crowd! Ryder runs straight at Edge and connects full force!

    Billy-Bob: “This match could be over right now!”

    Edge slumps to the canvas and the referee rolls back into the ring slowly as Ryder drags Edge into the middle of the ring for the cover…



    NO! Edge kicks out!

    Billy-Bob: “What? How did he kick out of that?”

    The End

    Looking frustrated, Ryder backs up and stalks Edge, looking for the Rough Ryder – Edge slowly gets to his feet and turns around as Ryder runs and jumps for it –ROUGH RY –


    Ryder crashes chest first into the turnbuckle and falls backwards – Edge runs – SPEAR!! SPEAR TO ZACK RYDER! Edge rolls into the cover…



    3!!! Edge has done it!

    Edge, weary from the match and last week’s beatdown, rolls off Ryder and is struggling to his feet.

    Ryder holds his ribs in pain on the mat but rolls to the ropes and gets to his feet – Ryder goes after Edge again and clotheslines him from behind!

    Ryder stomps on Edge and continues his post-match assault…


    Backlund runs to the ring and rolls in, immediately going for Ryder. Ryder ducks a clothesline and bails out of the ring – Backlund gives chase and Ryder escapes through the crowd!

    Necrominus: “Ryder may have escaped from Backlund tonight but he can’t run forever!”

    Billy-Bob: “Backlund is a lunatic! I don’t blame Ryder for running!”

    Edge gets to his feet in the ring and the crowd cheer as his music plays. He exits the ring and heads for the back, walking a little gingerly.

    Necrominus: “These sneak attacks are taking their toll on Edge – you can tell he’s hurting!”

    Billy-Bob: “Hussan warned him, Necro – don’t cross the Brotherhood!”

    Disco: “Warned him? Hussan started this at Agony!”

    Edge makes his way to the top of the ramp – and gets blasted with a clothesline from Hussan!

    The crowd boo as Hussan and Singh stomp on Edge on the ramp.

    Necrominus: “Come on! Enough is enough!”

    Hussan picks up Edge: “Had enough yet? I warned you – this will be the end of you!”

    Hussan grabs Edge and plants him face first on the ramp with an STO!

    The crowd are incensed as Edge lies motionless on the ramp and Hussan places a foot on his back, posing with the championship as the show draws to a close.

    Natural Selection II Line-Up:

    • Edge VS Muhammad Hussan (c) – NCW Heavyweight Championship

    • Vader VS Samoa Joe (c) – No Holds Barred Match for the NCW Rising Star Championship

    • Velvet Sky VS Madison Rayne VS Emma VS Mae Young VS Bayley VS The Fabulous Moolah (c) – Ladder Match for the NCW Women’s Championship

    • The Dudley Boyz VS The Natural Disasters (c) – Tables Match for the NCW Tag Team Championships

    • More to be announced….

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Beyond Chaos is back!


    We last left you with our Ultimate Chaos PPV and in the end Eric Bischoff delivered with his promise to secure victory for Beyond Chaos in the ratings war. It was a great show with high drama and suspense being the main themes of the show, as Sasha Banks overcame Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch turned to the dark side to win, Shinsuke Nakamura vanquished the dastardly EC3 while Cesaro retained his heavyweight Title with victory over Ric Flair. But 365 days is a long time in wrestling and a lot has changed in Beyond Chaos Wrestling since the Ultimate Chaos PPV. Lets take a look at what has transpired in the past year…...
    The Heavyweight Title Picture
    The show ended with Cesaro embracing the evil Zeb Colter, while he and his fellow Horsemen Reborn stables mates (Chris Hero, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) celebrated. Cesaro ended the night as World Heavyweight Champion by beating Ric Flair in a brutal 60 minute plus Ironman Match, and by retaining his title that night, he ensured all 4 members of the Horsemen reborn had BCW gold.

    Cesaro would do battle with new challengers such as the resilient Shinsuke Nakamura and a returning Kerry Von Erich and the Swiss Superman successfully retained in both matches, cementing himself as a dominant fighting, albeit unpopular champion.

    But the layout of the landscape in Beyond Chaos would change in the form of a flurry of new signings to Beyond Chaos. While the likes of Shinsuke Nakamura and Kerry Von Erich all left for pastures new, fresh, newly signed stars arrived in the form of an undefeated Kevin Owens, a brash devil may care Alberto Del Rio, the high flying fan favourite Neville, and the ever cocky self-proclaimed A-lister, The Miz .


    One new signing, however would be the make the biggest impact…………….. The Macho Man Randy Savage.

    Savage became engrossed in a feud against Cesaro and would take the fight to all members of The Horsemen. Savage would be a constant thorn in the side of the Horsemen Reborn and he would emphatically beat Hero for the IC title on his way to facing Cesaro for the Heavyweight title. Hero would never be seen again in a BCW ring and Tag Champions Gargano and Ciampa would abandon their leader, leaving Savage and Cesaro to face one on one. Cesaro and Savage would have 3 classic matches, with Cesaro avoiding defeat by a technicality in the first bout before losing the Heavyweight Title to Savage in at the Summer of Chaos PPV, making Savage a duel Champion.


    Savage would be forced to vacate the IC championship now that he won the big prize and Cesaro would then lose his rematch against Savage inside a steel cage before departing Beyond Chaos. Randy Savage would go on to become a great fighting champion whom all the fans respected, defeating the all comers for the title, solidifying his status as one of the all-time greats in Beyond Chaos and in wrestling history
    The Intercontinental Championship
    The Intercontinental Championship was lost by Chris Hero to Randy Savage, but was vacated by Savage when he claimed the Heavyweight Title. Eric Bischoff would announce a tournament which was won in controversial circumstances by The Miz whom defeated Neville in the final. The Miz secured the title thanks to outside interference by his loyal yet scheming Wife Maryse, while Neville was visibly disappointed by this loss and vowed go away, train harder and step things up a notch on his return.

    The Miz would remain undefeated as IC champ, however this is mostly due to him ducking title defenses and using his Hollywood career as an excuse, blaming his busy schedule for missing appearances. When he would defend the title, The Miz would always win by cheating at any opportunity or with help from his meddling spouse. By always finding a route to victory, by hook or by crook, The Miz earned himself the self-proclaimed title of the smartest Intercontinental Champion of all time.
    The Womens Championship
    The Womens scene has taken a shift since the Ultimate Chaos PPV. The ever resilient Sasha Banks and a newly aggressive Becky Lynch began to battle over the gold in a grueling series of matches in which Becky Lynch was successful in winning the Womens Championship. However, her reign was short lived, as the champion was challenged by the debuting British superstar Paige and Lynch lost the title in her first match with the hungry young Brit. Paige would then remain undefeated as she defended her title against both Becky and Sasha, who would both leave soon after. Paige was considered untouchable until recently when her personal life began to change.

    2 months ago, TMZ reported that Paige, 23, began dating 42-year-old married man and fellow Beyond Chaos roster member, Alberto Del Rio. Stories would stream out of their wild nights out and reckless behaviour outside of the ring. Many became concerned about Paige’s future as reports began to suggest her and Alberto were dabbling in illegal substance abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, as well as out of control partying. While Alberto seem to be able to handle both the wild partying without it affecting his in-ring career, Paige’s in-ring performances were sub-par and clearly affected by her new lifestyle.

    Paige would soon lose her title in a match with the new rising star in the Beyond Chaos Women’s division, the Asian Assassin Asuka. Asuka disposed of Paige very quickly, in a bout that many suspected Paige of being too intoxicated to compete.

    Asuka is now the reigning champion and Paige does have her automatic rematch clause, which as of writing is un-invoked. However Asuka also has competition in the form of the returning veteran Alundra Blayze, who has also in-line for a title opportunity after remaining unbeaten since joining Beyond Chaos.
    The Tag Team Titles

    While Ciampa and Gargano were members of the heel faction The Horsemen Reborn last year, in the last 12 months they not only distanced themselves from their former stable, but they have been embraced by the fans for their hard hitting performances. The have defended against all comers and though many believe they are only champions due to a lack of decent competition.
    The No #1 Contendership for the World Heavyweight title

    While Randy Savage was battling Cesaro, 2 men would be on a collision course on their path to the title. One is Kevin Owens, a newly signed star, who has remained undefeated since his arrival in Beyond Chaos. He has risen up the ranks to a point where wrestling pundits believe he is next in line for a shot at Savages title. The fans adore him as he is seen as a people's champion and a true fan favourite due to his innovative in-ring style and his “win-at-any-costs” mind set. However, another man stands in his way of meeting Savage. Alberto Del Rio has been on the accent too, leaving many broken bodies in his wake, such as the high flying Evan Bourne whom Alberto broke the wrist in a recent match up. Alberto has been brutal in his rise to the top and his destruction of his fellow superstars has lined him up for a shot at Savage also.

    Both Del Rio and Owens have legitimate claims for a shot at Savages title. Though some have concerns about Alberto Del Rios partying lifestyle, his in-ring performances haven’t been affected unlike that of his new younger girlfriend, Paige. Many believe it’s a toss-up who should face Savage for the title at the upcoming PPV, however with that decision up in the air and is due to be ruled upon at the next Beyond Chaos Press Conference
    Bischoff’s Unexpected Exit!

    Beyond Chaos was thrown into turmoil by the exit of General Manager Eric Bischoff. Bischoff had made the company a success by winning the ratings battle last year and even though he laid the groundwork for the upcoming year, he was wooed by an offer he couldn’t refuse by young upstart promotion, HCE. Bischoff jumped ship and has left Beyond Chaos without a manager for ratings season.

    The shareholders who own Beyond Chaos have acted fast and did what they can to keep the collateral damage to a minimum by signing all current talent to new deals to prevent Eric Bischoff from bringing them to HCE (Hard Cheese Entertainment, which is run by C. Wagstaff) and they have installed a new GM to run things. A press conference has been called to address the situation and announce a new GM. All Beyond Chaos superstars are due to be in attendance except for The Miz, who is filming a guest appearance in FOXs new hit show, McGarnicle – The Series.
    We are now live at the Beyond Chaos Wrestling Press Conference, and with a huge cloud of uncertainty hanging over Beyond Chaos, the nation's press awaits an appearance from a press officer on behalf of the shareholders of BCW.

    The press officer appears and he is hounded by questions upon arrival as the flashes of cameras are shot in his direction. He composes himself and asks the press to simmer down, before sipping some water and reading a prepared speech.

    Press Officer:“Members of the press and fans of Beyond Chaos Wrestling, I speak on behalf of The Consortium of owners who are in possession of the company. While many believe the current situation of Beyond Chaos has been thrown into turmoil following the sudden departure of Eric Bischoff, I am here to confirm that the company is still going strong despite his exit. While it's true that the company was surprised at the loss of Mr Bischoff, I am here to dismiss any notion of instability within our ranks.

    The press all shout questions at the press officer but they are all waved away as he continues.

    Press Officer: The new era of Beyond Chaos starts today, as does our march to retain our ratings crown. And that Starts with the hiring of a new General Manager. With Bischoff gone, we have moved quickly to replace him. We have hired a man who takes no nonsense, a man capable of taking our promotion to new heights and we wanted a man who we could count on to keep us on top of the pile, above BWA, MNG, and others.......“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the new General Manager of Beyond Chaos......The legendary…. Gorilla Monsoon.

    Gorilla Monsoon slowly walks out from the back as the flashbulbs go off and the media hustle as he takes the podium. He shakes the hand of the BCW spokesman before addressing the crowd.

    Gorilla Monsoon : I’m truly humbled to be here and to be considered by Beyond Chaos to fill the shoes of the successful Eric Bischoff, whom I wish the best at his new employers. It’s an honour to be here today and I’ve a lot to discuss about how I take Beyond Chaos Wrestling forward. Now our first show in the ratings season is on the horizon and we need to defend our crown. So like many top premier league football teams when they win the title, the top teams don’t rest of their laurels. They rebuild and reinforce their squads with strong, top tier talent and as Beyond Chaos General Manager, I am here to announce the very same as I unveil some big new signings to our roster just in time for the ratings war.

    The media begin to hustle and bustle in front of the podium as all eyes are on Monsoon.

    Gorilla Monsoon : First off I’d like to unveil a man who many say can’t be controlled. Many of my peers will think I’m mad for even considering signing this man due to his reputation, and my close friends have warned me that I will regret ever bringing this man on board. However, I say you don’t score victories without risks, and I have been assured that this talented young man will respect my authority and use his in-ring talents to bring Beyond Chaos some vital fire power. I present, the man the media nicknamed The Loose Cannon…. Brian Pillman.

    Shock descends over the room as Brian Pillman’s name is announced and the press in attendance are awe as a much more formal looking Brian Pillman strolls out from behind the curtain. The grungy and wild look of Brian Pillman is still just about visible but Brian appears to be dressed professionally as he politely greets Gorilla Monsoon. Brian appears to get a little emotional as he takes the podium to address the crowded room with his familiar raspy voice, while the press seem to be stunned by Brian being suited up to some extent.

    Brian Pillman : Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, I’d like to read a pre-prepared statement. (Brain retrieves a letter from his pockets and begins to read it). “ It is with great joy and pride that I appear before you today as a member of BCW. I am wholeheartedly grateful for the opportunity given to me by this company and I’d like to personally thank Gorilla Monsoon for taking chance on me when many others warned him against it. I will try repay his faith in me by being the best Brian Pillman I can be. Thank you and God bless.

    Pillman stares somberly into the crowd for a few moments before exiting the stage as Gorilla Monsoon takes the center stage again.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Thank You Brian, glad to have you on board. My next piece of business is in relation to the Womens division. I’m aware of the situation with former Champion Paige as she is entitled to a rematch against Champion Asuka, I’m also aware that Alundra Blayze is also considered the number one contender. Now I’ve heard rumours that Paige is unfit to wrestle, and she hasn’t returned my calls as of yet. She was due to be in attendance today but she hasn’t turned up. However, I believe everyone deserves a chance and under my watch everyone has a clean slate and a chance to make a name for themselves, So On the first Monday Night Chaos, we shall see Asuka defend her title in a triple threat match against Alundra Blayze and Paige. Now how’s that for starting things on a competitive note, a championship match on free TV folks. I wonder if the folks at BWA or MNG have that on their shows?

    The press begins to ask Monsoon about the announcement, but Gorilla politely waves them away and go on with his next announcement.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Next up on my agenda is to bring another name to the Beyond Chaos Roster. This man is a former MMA star, capable of some of the hardest hitting knockouts you’ll ever see and a master of many different submission holds. He’s now venturing into the world of Professional Wrestling and, if I do say so myself, he’s a wrestling prodigy. He is the next big thing in Wrestling and he is a man who has all the tools and potential to go all the way to the top, and we have signed him to our roster. This man will make his in-ring debut at our PPV later this month and he will appear live at Monday Night Chaos next week, please give a warm welcome to Matthew Riddle.

    Former UFC star Matt Riddle struts out and shakes Monsoons hand before posing for the cameras. Riddle seems to enjoy the attention and plays up a bit before taking the mic.

    Matt Riddle : Yo, Gorilla, only my Mom calls me Matthew Bro, you folks can call me Matt. For those of you that don’t know me, you will know me soon and for those who do know me, well….. I’m gonna light this place up in more ways than one, ya feel me? I’m delighted to be here and I can’t wait to make my debut at Ultimate Chaos and I’m gunning for that Title that Macho Man has wrapped around his waist. Peace.

    Riddles backs away from the podium and poses for pictures again before leaving, as Monsoon takes the stage again.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Matt Riddle everybody….. Now Mr Riddle mentioned the World Heavyweight Title. Now I love Mr Riddles ambition, but he’s not ready for a shot yet, that has to be earned. But before I go any further, allow me to introduce the man who holds the biggest prize in the game, he is The Beyond Chaos World Heavyweight Champion, Macho Man Randy Savage.

    The media go into a frenzy as Randy Savage and his darling Wife Miss Elizabeth walk out and poses of the Cameras. Macho Man embraces his old friend Gorilla Monsoon and he then takes the mic and begins to speak like only The Macho Man can.

    Randy Savage : Oooooooh yeah, can ya feel the electricity in here. The buzz is electric and The Macho Man Randy Savage is the power station beaming the positive vibes to every man, woman and child. I’m the tower of power and I’m too sweet to be sour, yyyyyyyyyyeah. I’ve been the Heavyweight Champion in Beyond Chaos for a long time now, and I’ve fought all comers to call myself the supreme being in professional wrestling today. So it doesn’t matter who is next, The Macho Man Randy Savage will show up, do what he does best, and that’s be the best, OOOOOH YEAH DIG IT!

    Savage steps aside after his speech and remains on the stage as Monsoon steps up to the podium.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Well Macho Man before we get to the Heavyweight Championship match at Ultimate Chaos in 5 weeks’ time, next Monday we will determine an opponent for Macho Man. 2 men will battle it out in a number 1 contenders match to see who will face Randy Savage at the PPV. In one corner is a man who has been brutally dominant in recent months, Alberto Del Rio!

    The press ask if Alberto in attendance to which Monsoon responds.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Alberto Del Rio was invited to the conference today but he doesn’t seem to have made it here, his opponent next week however is here, he is the man who the press have dubbed the new people's champion, the undefeated, Kevin Owens.

    Kevin Owens strolls out and immediately walks up to Randy Savage for what seems to be stare down with Champion Randy Savage before extending his hand to Savage. Both men are locked on each other as Savage shakes Owens hand and Owens then takes to the podium.

    Kevin Owens : See that man there, that’s Randy Savage. He is the measuring stick in which all wrestlers are measured. He’s the Champion and it’s my destiny to face him, it’s my destiny to fight him for the title and if I can’t beat him or Alberto Del Rio, then I don’t deserve to be Champion. That being said I will beat Alberto Del Rio and, with all due respect Macho Man, and believe me I respect the hell out of you, ……..I will beat you.

    Savage and Owens square up to each other, with the press scrambling to get a shot of the stare down, with neither man blinking as they focus on each other. But, as the two stars are staring down, he here a commotion from the back on the room. The press turns and we see that 2 individuals have entered the room from the main entrance and it's none other than Alberto Del Rio and his girlfriend Paige!

    Alberto and Paige are both dressed as if they’ve done the walk of shame from a night out and make their way up to the podium in each other’s pockets, with Paige clutching a glass of what appears to be an alcoholic drink. Both Savage, Elizabeth, Monsoon and Owens, as well as the press, all focusing on the wild couple as they make their way across the stage. Monsoon gets in between the stars with Del Rio and his boo on one side and Owens, Savage and Elizabeth on the opposite side. Paige nonchalantly reaches over Monsoon and grabs the mic from the podium and declares “The real stars are here baby” before passing the mic to Alberto. Paige looks mildly intoxicated as Alberto begins to speak.

    Alberto Del Rio : Well isn’t this nice, everybody’s here having a good time and that’s OK, I like having a good time too. So allow me to get this party started Chico’s. Firstly, Macho Man Randy Savage, you and your little wife are on borrowed time my friends, once I beat you for that big beautiful championship, you and your Mamacita will be old news my friend, but you already knew that didn’t you. Savage, to put it clear, you’re on borrowed time and once I’m Champion, myself and my sexy little hell cat Paige will be the new power couple of Beyond Chaos.

    Randy Savage doesn’t like what he’s hearing and goes for Alberto but he’s held back by his wife as Alberto continues.

    Alberto Del Rio : Now, before I get to Savage, I need to get pass you Owens. I heard what you said big man, you like to run your mouth about how it's your destiny, but you have it all twisted senor, as it’s actually my destiny.

    Kevin Owens : I thought your destiny was to cradle snatch Paige during your mid-life crisis? By The way, how's that working out?

    Alberto looks infuriated.

    Alberto Del Rio : Don't talk about my pretty little angel like that?

    Paige, who has been swinging out of Alberto the entire time, perks up when Owens mentions her. She begins to mouth at Owens in a very slurred fashion as she slurps and spills her drink.

    Alberto Del Rio : I won't rise to your mind games Owens. Look at you, your inferior to me. You don’t carry yourself like a champion, you don’t look like a champion and you sure as hell don’t fight like a champion. Next Week Owens, I will beat you within an inch of your life and when you come to, after the bell has rung, with blood on your face, you will look up to me, clutching a broken arm, and you will see the next Beyond Chaos Champion.

    Owens and Del Rio are kept apart by Monsoon as they attempt to square up to each other but all hell breaks loose when Paige throws her drink in the direction of Owens and Savage. A scuffle breaks out between all 3 men wildly swinging for each other, with Paige jumping on the back of Owens. Gorilla Monsoon calls for security, as he tries in vein to break it up the brawl. Security rush the stage and soon they manage to break apart the brawl, with all 3 men and Paige being held apart. But While all 3 men and Paige are being kept apart, suddenly off camera Miss Elizabeth falls from the stage as she backs off from the brawl.

    The Press are in shock, as is Randy Savage, who breaks free to tend to his wife who looks unconscious. Randy’s only concern is Elizabeth, as Owens and Del Rio and Paige are held off be security. Monsoon joins Savage in checking on Elizabeth as the cameras fade out…..
    Twitter explodes!!!
    In the wake of this huge press conference, certain stars of Beyond Chaos have their say on the news.

    @AlbertoDelRio1 : I will crush KO, Then I will destroy Savage, then I will be crowned King of BCW

    @MattRiddletuf7 : time to show everyone that I’m for real bro! #BroLife #realdeal

    @Paige :
    To celebrate my boyfriend's impending championship win, me and my Alberto are kicking it Tony Montana style #HereforagoodtimeNotalongtime # PaigeLovesADR

    @Cesaro : BCW is a mess without me, good riddance #LWE4LIFE

    @FightOwensFight : I’m fulfilling my destiny, no one's stopping me, not Savage, Not ADR…NO ONE.

    @The Miz : What? No title shot for me, where's my opportunity #heldback #glassceilingsmasher I want answers!

    @MNG : Oh I think we might be beating BCW this year #lastyearfluke #onehitwonder

    @Neville : Im coming back to show everyone what I can do. #Neville2.0

    @fINDeVANbOURNE : My recovery is going well, won’t be long before Im flying high again #AIRbOURNE

    @ASUKA : Still undefeated #needcompetition
    The BCW Roster run down

    World Champion - Randy Savage: As stated above the title became Randy’s after he defeated Cesaro for the gold. He has since defended it against all comers and he has solidified himself as not only the top face of the company, but one of the all time fan favorites. He awaits the winner of Owens v Del Rio at the next Monday Night Chaos.

    Womens Champion - Asuka : Asuka has dominated the division since arriving and now is firmly on top of the position and craving more competition. Many believe that while she is an unbelievable in-ring talent, there are some who think her ego is growing too. Since she joined Beyond Chaos she has showed each time that she is at the top of her game, but many wonder if she is getting a little too cocky for her own good?

    Intercontinental Champion - The Miz : The Miz won the gold in a tournament after Randy savage vacated the gold, by pinning Neville in the final in controversial circumstances thanks to help from his wife Maryse. The Miz while not the most technical or physical talent, he has shown that he is most certainly one of the smartest wrestlers ever. His resourcefulness knows no limits, as he always finds a way to steal a victory and get one up over his opponents. He is also has been using his smarts to duck out of title defences, claiming matches unfortunately conflict with his schedule. While The Miz is a successful IC champ, he still has a chip on his shoulder with management, who he constantly accuses of holding him back. Rumours have been running wild that he is unhappy with new GM Gorilla Monsoon with omitting him from the Number 1 contenders match between Del Rio and Owens.

    Tag Team Champions - D.I.Y (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa : These two hard hitting men may have been bad boys last year, but their in-ring performances have made them fan favourites since leaving The Horsemen Reborn faction. They have held the titles almost a year and their resilient performance in the ring have firmly got the fans behind them. Though there are those who believe they are only champions due to a small tag team division.

    Brian Pillman: Pillman is known for his unhinged mental state and being completely unpredictable inside and outside the ring, and it's that reputation which has made other promotions steer clear of signing him. However he seems completely professional and timid since Gorilla Monsoon gave him a chance when others wouldn’t . Brian appears to be extremely grateful to the opportunity given to him and if interviews are anything to go by,it looks like Brian will do anything to keep himself under control in BCW. However, many think that Gorilla Monsoon is a fool to have trusted Pillman and believe he will regret ever signing the former Loose Cannon.

    Alberto Del Rio: Del Rio is an a roll in BCW and he has been vicious and callous in his approach with climbing the ladder to success. He has shown little remorse to his opponents in the ring, injuring many including Evan Bourne, with his deadly cross armbreaker submission. While Alberto has been at the top of his game up until now, he recently got romantically involved with fellow BCW superstar Paige and both of them seem to be a recipe for destruction. While rumors of partying, alcoholic benders and even substance abuse have been rampant, his in-ring performances suggest he is not letting his personal life affect his wrestling career too much. Alberto is set to meet Kevin Owens on the first Monday Night Chaos of the season to determine the number 1 contender to the Heavyweight Title

    Paige : Beyond Chaos Womens Champion Paige appeared to be a talented young grappler, making a name for herself in Beyond Chaos off the backs of former champions Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch. That was until she began seeing Alberto Del Rio romantically and her in ring performances began to suffer. Reports of wild parties and constant intoxication would soon engulf her personal life, and these rumours appeared true when she lost her title to Asuka, while appearing to be somewhat under the influence. The Media and fans believe her life is spiralling out of control since she began seeing Del Rio, but she seems to have a devil may care attitude lately, and seems unconcerned about her career and more focused with her new boo. She has been given a chance to turn it all around by Gorilla Monsoon, as he has made a match for the Monday Night Chaos Season premiere with Asuka for the Womens Championship.

    Kevin Owens: Kevin Owens has been on a an unstoppable match to the title. Since arriving in Beyond Chaos, he has remained undefeated and has earned a reputation for winning at all costs. He constantly digs deep to overcome his opponents and he has grown accustomed to putting his body at risk to secure victory. The BCW fans have become endeared with kevin, and view him as one of their own with the wrestling media dubbing him “The People's Champion”.

    Neville : When Neville joined he was consider one of the most exciting talents to ever grace Beyond Chaos. His aerial acrobatics made him a firm fan favourite and giving him the name “The Man Who gravity Forgot”. However, Neville would go on a losing streak, losing to others like Del Rio and then The Miz,losing his self belief in the process. Neville would take a self imposed leave of absence from Beyond Chaos after coming up short against The Miz again, with Neville vowing to go home and find himself. Its been a few months since we last saw Neville, however it is reported that Neville is ready to return and many hope he will be back to his best.

    Evan Bourne : Like Neville, Evan Bourne is considered a firm fan favourite for his aerial combat skills. Evan is currently out injured, nursing a broken wrist suffered as a result of a match versus Del Rio. Bourne is almost finished his recovery, but until then he is keeping busy by being part of the commentary team alongside Corey Graves and Michael Cole as a special guest announcer.

    ACH : A young and upcoming talent, ACH is ready to unleash his brand of high flying offence on the Beyond Chaos roster. He is friends with BCW’s Evan Bourne and it's rumoured that Bourne helped get hims signed.

    Matt Riddle : The former UFC star is, according to most in the wrestling world as the next big thing in wrestling and he is signed with Beyond Chaos. Matt has a big future and Gorilla Monsoon has lured him to BCW with the hopes of tapping into his potential and creating the next big wrestling star.

    Cedric Alexander : Like ACH, Cedric is a highly impressive young star and willing to make a name for himself in BCW. Cedric has been getting worldwide acclaim for his in-ring performances and is ready to step things up in Beyond Chaos.

    Gorilla Monsoon : The newly installed General Manager appears to be a man on a mission, with his ultimate goal being making Beyond Chaos Number 1 in the ratings war for the second year. While many fans have their reservations towards Monsoon, believing him to be a sub-par replacement for Eric Bischoff, Monsoon is headed in the right direction in relation to winning them over. Sources close to Monsoon report that while happy with his work thus far, still seems to be looking more ways to create a huge buzz for Beyond Chaos and he won't rest until more big names and surprises are secured.

    The Beyond Chaos Commentary Team - Michael Cole and former in-ring talent Corey Graves are the current announce team in BCW, though currently they are joined by the ever perky Evan Bourne, who is doing guest commentary until his wrist injury is fully healed.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Monday Night Raw!
    Live from The Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, Tennessee
    previous shows: Preview show, Show 1

    The arena is filled with signs and the packed audience go wild as the show opens! moments later and the atmosphere changes as The NWO - Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash & Mr Perfect head out to the top of the ramp. This quietens down the crowd a little bit but then Hogan lifts up the BWA World title above his head as the boos begin to rain down from the crowd. The boys in the NWO clearly hear this and Hogan in particular heelishly acknowledges this by doing his hand to his ear gesture as they make their way down the ramp towards the ring riling up the crowd even more. One woman in the front row even tries to take a swipe at him when he does it next to her and Hall and Nash end up shouting abuse at her as security restrain her. Hulkamania clearly isn't running wild here tonight.

    When they arrive to the ring Hogan grabs a mic
    Hogan: Now let me tell you something brothers, you might be booing right now, but you all know that deep down inside each and every one of you is a little Hulkamaniac. You know it and I know it... (big smile) I'M THE MAN! (more boos again)... and before you all try to read too much into nothing at all, my brother Scott Hall, who has the black and white of the NWO pumping through his veins, is only not out here with us cos he has to get his head straight before he goes one on one with THE MAN tonight... and another thing Jack...

    Hogan is interrupted by the music of the man who took on 5 members of the NWO essentially on his own last week Dave "The Animal" Batista"
    Batista: Hogan would you please shut the hell up! these people don't wanna hear it and you know what, I'd happily walk down this ramp and shut you up all by myself except I found someone backstage that based on his history with you would like to shut your ass up just as much... So sorry Ted (looking at Dibiase), I know you wanted to hearld his arrival to the BWA but...

    The crowd erupts as Batista's backup comes out in the form of none other than Andre The Giant!

    BH: Oh my gawd, it's Andre the Giant, Batista has the gotten the 8th wonder of the world as his backup to take on the NWO!
    JB: I Knew it! I knew that's who Dibiase was talking about last week, the CWA US champion is now a BWA wrestler!

    while the commentators continue to big up this new arrival to the roster the two men head down the ramp and into the ring and now Batista and Andre square up against the 3 NWO members but.... right as Batista goes to attack them Andre gives him a giant sized chop to the back sending him stumbling forward and right into a Hogan big boot. Hogan picks him straight back up and passes him back to Andre who hits his double underhook suplex on him while the commentators go nuts about how Andre has joined the NWO!

    Who can really stop the NWO now! Batista isn't willing to give up and is going to keep trying but surely he has no chance as he struggles to get back to his feet only for Nash to put the exclamation point on the attack by Jackknife powerbombing Batista, who then has to be helped to the back by medical personal.

    The NWO celebrate the beatdown but then Andre, Hogan & Nash head to the outside while for the second week in a row the NWO man on a winning streak Mr Perfect opens the shows in ring product. This time he takes on another man known for having a winning streak in the past and a man who gets a nice pop from the crowd when he comes out Tatanka

    Mr Perfect vs Tatanka

    Before the match starts Tatanka reminds everyone that he used to be in the Million Dollar Corporation with NWO members Ted Dibiase & IRS and says that he will show with his performance here that he deserves to be in the NWO too.

    unfortunately for him though this is Mr Perfect we are talking about and despite some early offense from Tatanka Hennig puts him to the sword with a succession of suplexes culminating with his Perfect-Plex.

    Winner: "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Backstage we see "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert being interviewed and he is telling the young female interviewer that he got his nickname because women like his exes Missy Hyatt & Alundra Blayze just can't handle what he's got.He is clearly hitting on the young lady when he stops in his tracks and loses all interest in her and instead just tells her to "watch this" having spotted Ronda Rousey down the hallway whom he now approaches. "Hey Ronda can I have directions ?" he asks, to which she simply replies "to where?" walking straight into his "to your heart" quip.

    Ronda has a stern look on her face but lets his advance slide saying that he must be drunk if he thinks that line will work on her to which he responds "I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you" this actually gets Rousey to crack a smile momentarily and it looks like his charms may actually be working on her as she asks him if he can come up with more lines like that on the spot at which point Gilbert asks her to let him ask her something... "was your father a baker? cos you've got some nice buns" at which point he smiles and winks at her and clearly thinks he's done well but instead of getting her affection he gets a Rowdy Ronda right handed slap that leaves him dazed and confused.

    We then return to ringside and see what the announcers tell us are the local memphis promotions tag team champions in ring. Then much to everyone's shock and confusion the ring announcer introduces "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase & IRS aka Money Inc as the BWA tag team champions.

    BH: Wait, What ?!? Did you just hear that? Did they just get announced as the Tag Champs?
    JB: That's what I heard, thought I was dreaming but no, we actually have the best tag champs in the entire draft universe now!
    BH: Oh will you stop, they haven't even won a match yet!
    JB: Just give em a minute and they will change that, those chumps in the ring have less chance than Eddie Gilbert does of pulling Ronda Rousey

    Money Inc vs The Barry Bros

    Money Inc make quick work of The Barry Bros and after about 3 minutes of straight offense Dibiase locks in his Million Dollar Dream Sleeper hold for the win.

    Winners: Money Inc

    After the match Money Inc are interviewed by Josh Matthews
    Josh: Congratulations on your win tonight but for most people the biggest talking point was how you were announced as BWA tag team champions before the match, care to explain...
    Dibiase: You dare ask for an explanation from The Million Dollar Man! You know I'm your boss right? Actually get out of here...)Grabs the Mic from him)...YOUR FIRED!
    Matthews back away sheepishly looking like he's going to cry as DiBiase bursts into his trademark laugh. He stops laughing suddenly though and the camera pans back to reveal Stan Hansen

    Stan: Dibiase!...spits some chewing tobacco onto the floor... you and this little man never won nothing outside of Vince's promotion unlike when we teamed, why you wanted to make him your pardner... god damn I don't get it! but I guess it makes sense why you would just name yourselves champs as no way would you beat any real team with this (pokes at IRS before spitting again) pipsqueak on your team.
    IRS looks to square up to Hansen but the big Texan just laughs him off

    Stan: Just to let you know Ted (looking right past IRS) I'm going to find myself a tag partner and take those titles from you fellas. Wanna know how? Just watch this!

    Hansen pushes past them and then heads down to the ring.

    Horace Hogan vs Stan Hansen

    The commentators talk about how Horace Hogan is still trying to impress his uncle he Hulkster so that he can become an official member of the NWO but that perhaps just like last week this match won't be where he does this as Hansen nearly decapitates him with a monsterous Lariat for the win

    Winner: Stan Hansen

    We then head backstage where we see Ronda Rousey training. BWA reporter Charlie Minn is completly geeking out as he approaches her and tries to get a few words in with her but is told that she does not want to do any media before her return to the ring at Wrestlepalooza.

    However as he dejectedly turns to leave he bumps into Manami Toyota. She starts to address him in Japanese before stopping herself and speaking in English - "She is MMA fighther. Great MMA fight... but in wrestling she is just fan. She plays wrestling and at Wrestlepalooza I show her, in Wrestling I am God!" Rousey stops her training hearing this and the two women have a little staredown but it is interrupted by the arrival of Aja Kong who approaches Toyota and states - "I see you have learned some English but I will teach you something else right now. Nobody here in America cares about you! This here is the BWA, this is my domain and no matter how many 5 star matches you had in Japan nobody here even knows who you are so if you think you will walk into my..." she never gets to finish that statement though as Toyota cracks her with a hellacious chop and the two Asian ladies begin to brawl backstage. Rousey just looks on, clearly taken aback somewhat by the ferocity at which they are going at it until backstage personnel eventually break them up and we head back to ringside.
    *Ad Break*

    When we return the commentators inform us that a match between Manami Toyota and Aja Kong has just been made by Ted Dibiase for next week and that the winner would take on Ronda Rousey at Wrestlepalooza for the BWA women's title.

    Abdullah The Butcher vs Dan Spivey

    Spivey who is representing the Varsity Club is impressing here using his amateur wrestling skills but after a diving double foot stop to his knee by Abdullah the tide turns as Spivey really plays up the injury. The Butcher then produced a fork and after first displaying how dangerous an implement it could be by scraping it across his own forehead causing himself to bleed he went to stab Spivey with it only for what looked like a fan (but dressed almost like an MMA fighter) to jump over the barricade and attack him.

    This person is enraged and is clearly more than just a fan as he is able to not just hold his own against the formidable butcher but thanks to the surprise nature of the attack has to actually be dragged away from him before seriously injuring him. As security drag him to the back he can be heard screaming "LOOK AT ME YOU COWARD! I WILL SHOW THE WORLD WHAT YOU ARE! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!

    JB: Oh my gawd BH, what the hell just happened and who the heck was that!
    BH: I just don't know what to say, I know Abdullah has made enemies throughout the years but.. wait was that...
    JB: Do you recognise that man?
    BH: I'm not sure JB, I know we have to go to commercial but let's look at a reply of that one more time first.
    When we return from commercial we see Kevin Sullivan backstage talking to Spivey and telling him to head back to his hotel and put ice on his injured knee saying - "The rest of the club will be able to handle our business tonight"

    Of more interest to most is what we then see elsewhere backstage as "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig enters the dressing room of Scott Hall and references rumors he has heard about another "finger poke of doom" going down here tonight and wonders if that is why Hall wasn't with the NWO earlier tonight and had to "get his head straight" according to Hogan. He asks Hall if he knows what he's doing and reminds him that he (Perfect) wasn't brought to the BWA as part of the new world order. He was drafted here with Hall and that he will have his back no matter what he decides to do.

    As we return back to ringside we are joined by The Varsity Club Kevin Sullivan, Dr Death Steve Williams & Rick Steiner
    Sullivan: I would like to welcome you all to the highest class stable of wrestlers in all of professional wrestling. You already saw in action tonight hailing from The University of Georgia Dan Spivey but now I'd like to introduce to you University of Michigan's Rick Steiner (who then steps forward) and the man you all do a disservice to by referring to as "Dr Death" because he was an all american footballer and 4 time all american wrestler, The University of Oklahoma's Steve Williams (who then steps forward).

    Myself and Steve here were wrestling in CWA in week 1 of the draft and I Would like to be able to introduce you all to the man who brought us here Syracuse University's Mike Rotunda but unfortunately you all know him as IRS. You don't know him as the Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association's Heavyweight Champion I met years back but instead the Million Dollar Man's lackey in money Inc, the man who refuses to come out here and show the world his true self as part of the great Varsity club... but speaking of Dibiase that punk told me (on last weeks show) he would speak to me this week about the tag team titles, the titles we came here to win, and yet tonight we see him come out with Mr Rotunda and proclaim themselves the tag team champions having not beaten anybody to earn them.

    So "Money Inc" (actually does the air quotes as he says it) I'm calling you out, I'm challenging you, you wanna call yourselves the champions then you need to face the best...

    Just then however he is interrupted by this music as two hooded figures slowly make their way down the ramp to the ring to where they are separated just by the ropes from Steiner & Williams.

    They pull back their hoods and reveal themselves as Shane Douglas & Chris Candido and in doing so take everyone's attention meaning that Bam Bam Bigelow goes unnoticed entering from behind the ring and hits both Steiner and Williams with a big double clothesline sending them to the outside where Douglas & Candido start sticking boots to them. They then use this advantage to each grab one man and ram them head first into the turnbuckles on the outside. Meanhwile Sullivan is left all alone with the "Beast From The East" in the ring. He knows he isn't going anywhere with the other two on the outside and starts pleading with Bigelow to let him leave the ring but Bam Bam grabs him around the scruff of the neck and then drops him with a big headbutt. As Douglas & Candido enter the ring Bam Bam then clears it by picking Sullivan up over his head and tossing him clear over the ropes and into the crowd.

    BH: God dammit! how many sneak attacks are we going to see on this show tonight! Dibiase has to do something to stop this!
    JB: Keep your voice down BH, I don't want that man mountain coming out here to us, and atleast this time it isn't some fan running in.
    BH: I told you that wasn't a fan JB
    JB: Whatever man, at least these guys have a match coming up and please stop giving out about the man who will be signing our checks from this point on.

    Medical staff and BWA personnel help The Varsity squad guys to the back as The opponents for Triple Threat (Douglas, Candido & Bam Bam) gets announced as The Sheik and making his debut to the BWA The Shieks nephew Sabu!

    The Sheik & Sabu vs Dean Douglas & Chris Candido w/Bam Bam

    Sabu starts this match for his team and really got The BWA audience on his side as he debuted with his fast style and some very impressive moves such as a springboard moonsault into the ring and onto Chris Candido. Things started to go pear shaped for ECW's Evel Knivel when a little later in the bout he went to tag in his uncle and the man who trained him the Sheik after breaking free from a Shane Douglas attempt at a belly to back suplex. The Sheik, much to Sabu's surprise retracted his arm and then dropped off the ring apron before turning hs back on his nephew and walking towards the back. This left Sabu shocked but also prone for Douglas's attack and once that first suplex was hit the tide turned as Sabu was left in what was essentially a 3 on 1 battle, and it's a losing battle.

    After a few minutes of defiance Sabu is completely worn down and it's Candido who gets the pin after a diving headbutt. Unfortunately for him though moments after the 3 count he was hit with another headbutt but this time the Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma'am as it was known from Bam Bam Bigelow.

    Winners: Triple Threat

    After the match ends Shane Douglas grabs a Mic and says that whether it is the BWA world heavyweight title or the tag team titles (which he says it is a joke that The Varsity Club think they are worthy of) that the Triple Threat have come here to win championshp gold.
    ---Ad Break---
    When we return we head backstage and see Kevin Nash enter Scott Hall's dressing room. He tells him that nobody knows more than him exactly what he is going through now. That together they started the NWO and that right now after Andre The Giant joining them the group was stronger than ever so Hall should know what to do, because as he put it "in this case doing the right thing is also doing the smart thing".

    Back to the ring in time for our main event and Hogan is out hot dogging etc before the title match

    BH: I wonder where the rest of the NWO are? not like Hogan to travel alone!
    JB: Nonsense, I'm sure he just want's to ensure that this is a 100% clean match afterall one could argue that Mr Perfect or Kevin Nash have longer standing ties to Hall.
    BH: Bah, I'd say it's more likely that they just can't bring themselves to watching what Hogan and his creative control have in store for Hall here
    JB: How dare you speak i'll of the champ like that and I'd guarantee you they are all glued to TV screens in the back anyway

    this bickering stops as the challenger breaking with tradition of being first out makes his way from the back to a great response from the fans who are sick of Hogan's antics in ring

    BWA World Championship match: Hulk Hogan vs Scott Hall

    There is a strange eerie feeling in the arena that this match is not going to go down the way the fans hoped, something that is not made any better by the fact that Hogan is still wearing black jeans as apposed to tights and still has his title draped over his shoulder even after the bell is rung for the match to start.

    Eventually he does pass the belt to the ref though and gestures for Hall to come at him. The former Razor Ramon advances towards him tentatively as if even he is unsure what will happen next and then just as he gets within an arms lenght of Hogan he feels it.

    The most devastating move in all of pro wrestling... The Fingerpoke of Doom! aka a small light tap on his chest from the extended index finger of The Hulkster. Hall takes a moment, looking down at it and shaking his head. Then as he raises his head Hogan taps him one more time before seeing the look on Scott Halls face and immediately the camera catches Hogans eyes go as wide as possible as fear strikes him. He has no time to do anything (except see Hall mouth something to him which looked like Hell No!) however as Hall seems to act on instinct and despite this actually being a title match give him a quick but powerful looking kick to the balls. The bell rings almost immediately for a DQ but the crowd don't care and pop for this traditionally heel maneuver bigger than anything the commentators could remember them ever popping for, and then as Hogan bends over grasping his manhood Hall grabs him and delivers his Razors Edge Powerbomb and the place goes mental!

    As the match itself only lasted seconds the ref is still only a few feet away holding The world title and Hall immediately snatches it from him meaning that the final image we see before the show goes off air is that of Scott Hall standing over Hulk Hogan and holding the BWA World Title aloft!
    Hulk Hogan
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Andre The Giant
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    "IRS" Mike Rotunda
    Dave Batista
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Stan Hansen
    Manami Toyota
    Aja Kong
    Ronda Rousey
    Molly Holly
    The Original Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    "The Franchise Shane Douglas"
    Chris Candido
    "Dr Death" Steve Williams
    Dan Spivey
    Kevin Sullivan
    Rick Steiner
    "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson
    Horace Hogan

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Tuesday Night Destruction

    (Tuesday Night Destruction Theme)




    Necrominus: “Welcome everyone to Tuesday Night Destruction – our final show for this season ahead of our upcoming Natural Selection II!!!”

    Billy-Bob: “And what a show we have in store for you tonight – Emma and Bayley look to settle their differences with The Beautiful People ahead of the 6 woman Ladder Match for the NCW Women’s title!”

    Disco: “But that’s not all – The Dudley Boyz have challenged the Brotherhood to a huge 3 on 2 handicap match tonight!”

    Necrominus: “That’s sure to be a fiery confrontation after interference from Monty Brown lead to Bubba Ray Dudley being put through a table last week at the hands of the Natural Disasters.”

    Billy-Bob: “I’ll tell you what else could be fiery, guys – the contract signing for the No Holds Barred Match between Samoa Joe and Vader!”

    Disco: “I wouldn’t want to be the host of that! I dealt with enough mayhem last year to last me three lifetimes!”

    Necrominus: “I’ll second that, Disco. But probably most interestingly of all, we find out whether President Trump will return to NCW tonight after what happened at Agony just 3 weeks ago. Our Principal Owner and General Manager has challenged him to a live television debate tonight!”

    Billy-Bob: “Trump won’t be here, guys – he’s afraid of Stephanie!”

    Disco: “I wouldn’t blame him if he was! But I think he’ll be here! He won’t back down from a fight!”

    The crowd boos as Ryder comes to the stage, a scowl on his face as he heads to the ring not acknowledging the fans. He enters the ring and grabs the mic.


    Ryder: “I’m going to get straight to the point here. Bob Backlund – you want to mess with me? I challenge you to a match at Natural Selection! Now, if you have the guts – get your ass to this ring and give me my answer!”

    The crowd cheer as Santino comes to the stage. He eyes Ryder and runs straight to the ring and rolls in.

    Ryder: “What the hell do you want? Stay out of my business, Santino?”

    Santino: “Zack, what in the hell has gotten into you? Why are you acting like… well – a son-of-a-beech?”


    The crowd cheers as Ryder stares at Santino angrily.

    Ryder: “I don’t owe anyone an explanation. But you want to know – I’m tired of being the joke! You might be happy to come out here and entertain these fans – but I want more. I want titles, I want recognition! So I did what I did for me. Not for Hussan, not for the Brotherhood – I did it for me.”

    Santino: “That’s not the way I see it, broski. You think we were a joke? Team CoBro? We did – or I thought we did – what we did every week for the fans. We don’t all make it to the top Zack. Maybe I’ve just realised that. You need to wake up!”

    Ryder: “Wake up?”


    Ryder: “How about I give you a wake up call!”

    Ryder nails Santino with the microphone!! Santino drops to the mat and Ryder boots him in the stomach!

    Necrominus: “Come on, Ryder – stop this madness!”

    Ryder backs off and beckons Santino to get to his feet – LOW-RYDER TO SANTINO!

    Santino crashes back to the mat and Ryder continues to hammer on him with punches.

    Disco: “What the hell is this guy’s malfunction?”

    Billy-Bob: “He’s determined to be taken seriously – and how can you not at this point?”

    Ryder picks up the microphone again: “Backlund! Get your wrinkly old ass out here!”

    Santino stirs on the mat – Ryder nails him again with the mic – and a third time!!

    Necrominus: “That’s enough dammit, Ryder! Stop this!”

    The crowd chant for Backlund as he tears to the ring and unloads on Ryder! Ryder is backed up against the ropes – he drops down and rolls out of the ring and backs up the ramp!

    Backlund grabs a mic:
    Backlund: “Ryder you coward! You want me at Natural Selection? You’re on!!”

    The crowd cheer as Ryder nods from the ramp and shouts at Backlund: “You’re a dead man, Backlund!”

    Backlund leaves the ring and gives chase to Ryder – he runs backstage!

    Necrominus: “Ryder showing his true colours when faced with a challenge – he’ll have nowhere to hide at Natural Selection!”


    We come back to the arena where Moolah and Mae Young are on their way to the ring.

    Necrominus: “What are they doing out here? They’re not scheduled for action tonight?”

    Billy-Bob: “How dare you speak that way about Moolah!”

    Moolah and Young head for the announce table.

    Billy-Bob: “Make way guys, give them your seats! Some real talent is joining us right now!”

    Moolah puts on a headset and sits down in Disco’s seat. Disco pulls up two more seats alongside and he and Mae Young also sit down.

    Moolah: “This is the type of manners we get? Give my best friend a cold steel chair to sit on?”

    Billy-Bob: “He’s an ignorant one, Moolah – that Necro has no class! Unlike me!”

    Necrominus: “Whatever, Jiminy. To what do we owe the … pleasure of this visit ladies?”

    Moolah: “I’ll ignore that tone in your voice, Mr Necrominus. We are simply talent scouting. Since Stephanie has seen fit to place me in this – barbaric match at Natural Selection, we are here to watch!”

    Velvet and Madison make their way to the ring, as the fans cheer them slightly.

    Necrominus: “The Beautiful People getting a mild cheer here tonight.”

    Moolah: “Those backstabbers! After I stuck my neck out for them – they have no class!”

    Billy-Bob: “I’ve been saying that all along. Haven’t I been saying that?”

    (Emma’s music hits)

    Emma comes to the ring and stands on the outside as Rayne and Sky motion her to come in.

    Necrominus: “You have to wonder – given their past… problems, is it possible for Bayley and Emma to co-exist tonight?”

    Moolah: “Give me a break, my dear. None of them can! They’re all obsessed with me! They can’t possibly function as a team, unlike myself and Mae who are not just a team – but best friends!”

    Necrominus: “It’s funny you should mention that, Moolah, I was going to ask – how will you and Mae handle competing against each other in just six days at Natural Selection? Mae, I was hoping to get your thoughts.”

    Mae: “Well, I…”

    Moolah: “Stop talking nonsense, Necrominus! Mae and I have a friendship that extends way beyond titles and matches. We will show the world that nothing can break us! And when it comes to me retaining my title, Mae will stop at absolutely nothing to ensure that this happens!”

    Mae looks a little uncomfortable as Necrominus chooses to drop the subject.

    The crowd come unglued as Bayley comes to the ring in typical fashion, focused on the ring and the Beautiful People. Bayley comes down the aisle and nods at Emma – the two enter the ring and immediately the four women start brawling in the centre of the ring!

    The referee finally restores order, and Bayley and Rayne start the match. They circle each other, Rayne mouthing off at Bayley – Rayne tries to whip Bayley against the ropes – Bayley counters and dips her head – Rayne runs through her with a big boot! Rayne drops for the cover – 1 -2 – Bayley kicks out!

    Necrominus: “Bayley almost caught quickly by the more experienced Rayne.”

    Moolah: “And you think Bayley would stand a chance against me?”

    Rayne tags in Sky and together they drag Bayley to her feet – and drop her with a double Russian Legsweep! Sky then rolls in for the cover – 1 -2 – Bayley kicks out again!

    The match continues in a similar vein with Rayne and Sky’s team-work dominating Bayley throughout the match. Sky is in the ring now, and stalks Bayley who tries to get to her feet – she boots her in the stomach - #1 STUN – NO! Bayley counters! Bayley-Can-Rana!! Sky is down!

    Necrominus: “This is Bayley’s moment now – can she make the tag?”

    Bayley crawls towards her corner, jumping for the tag to Emma – she gets it!
    Emma comes in, as Sky is climbing to her feet – Emma knocks her back to the mat with a clothesline!

    Emma keeps going and takes out Rayne on the apron, knocking her to the floor. She turns around and picks up Sky – giving her the Emma-Plane spin!

    Sky staggers around the ring, dizzy from the spin as Emma now boots Sky in the stomach and hits a double underhook suplex – right into the turnbuckles! Emma drags Sky out for the cover…



    Rayne is in and makes the save!

    Rayne stomps on Emma now and pulls her up, look for the Rayne Check – Emma counters and whips Rayne against the ropes and she comes back – Emma catches her with a crossbody!

    Emma quickly rolls to her feet - #1 STUNNA!! SKY CATCHES EMMA!! Sky rolls in for the pin…



    Bayley breaks up the pin!

    All four women are in the ring now brawling as the referee throws the match out.

    Sky tries to catch Bayley – who reverses it – BAYLEY-TO-BELLY ON VELVET SKY!

    The crowd pops as Bayley is on her feet now – Rayne catches Bayley – Bayley reverses again – BAYLEY-TO-BELLY ON MADISON RAYNE!

    Bayley stands tall as both of the Beautiful People are down! She turns around – Emma comes off the top rope and hits it – CROSSBODY TO BAYLEY! BAYLEY IS DOWN!

    Emma surveys the fallen bodies in the ring and grabs Madison Rayne – EMMA-LOCK!! MADISON IS TAPPING!!!

    Emma refuses to release the hold as Moolah and Young now leave commentary – Young ascends the second rope – and dives off onto Emma! ELBOW DROP TO EMMA!!

    The crowd boo now as Moolah enters the ring and drags Sky to her feet – BACKBREAKER TO SKY! BACKBREAKER TO BAYLEY! BACKBREAKER TO RAYNE!

    Moolah and Young stand tall over the four women in the ring.

    Moolah motions to Mae to hand her the title which fell to the mat when she entered the ring. Mae Young picks up the title and stares at it for a long moment.

    Moolah snarls: “Give it to me!”

    Moolah yanks the title from Young’s hands and wraps it around her waist. With a look of slight anger on her face, Young eyes Moolah – before shaking her head and raising Moolah’s arm.


    Necrominus: “This match may have had no resolution – but one thing is for sure – we can expect this and more in just six days time!”

    Billy-Bob: “I can’t believe how rude you were to Moolah, Necro. She is the first lady of wrestling!”

    Disco: “I can’t wait for Sunday!”


    We are backstage with Jenni Jamestown.

    Jenni: “My guest at this time – the NCW Heavyweight Champion , Muhammad…”

    Singh grabs the mic from Jenni: “If you won’t do it right – beat it! Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you – the longest reigning NCW Heavyweight Champion in history, Leader of The Brotherhood, and King of NCW… Muhammad Hussan!”

    Singh throws the mic back at Jenni: “Now, ask your ridiculous questions.”

    Jenni: “Mr Hussan, in just six days you defend your title at Natural Selection against the number one contender…”

    Hussan: “Edge. Yet where is he tonight? I had plans of calling this man you cheer for to the ring tonight – to again humiliate him in front of the world… but I am told he is not here tonight?”

    Jenni: “My sources tell me Edge has been given the night off to recover from injuries sustained in multiple attacks from the Brotherhood.”

    Hussan: “Edge is just learning what happens when you cross the Brotherhood. Just like the Dudley Boyz will learn tonight.

    Like they have all learned. In six days time, it will mark an entire calendar year that I have held this title.

    I am the premier champion of this industry. Last year, Andre the Giant cheated to defeat me – but where is he now?

    He took his ball and he left to join the BWA. I have not been pinned, I have never submitted inside an NCW ring.

    At Natural Selection it will be the same result as always. I, Muhammad Hussan will stand tall over the broken body of another challenger.

    I will remain on my throne as King of NCW.

    You will all bow before me. President Trump learned this the hard way.

    What I did to him is only a fraction of what is in store for Edge at Natural Selection.”

    Hussan and Singh walk off leaving Jenni dumbfounded.


    We are back in the ring with Mike Adamle.

    Adamle: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to be out here again tonight. This week I have assured our General Manager that my performance will be flawless. It is now time for the contract signing for the No Holds Barred Match for the NCW Rising Star Championship at Natural Selection!”

    Billy-Bob: “Adamle has really got it together! I’m impressed!”

    Necrominus: “Of course he has! He’s reading off a card!”

    Adamle: “Introducing first, the challenger – The Man They Call… VADDDDERRRRR!!”

    The crowd cheers as the Mastadon comes to the ring. He rolls in and ignores Adamle.

    Adamle: “And his opponent on Sunday – he is the NCW Rising Star Champion… SAMOAAAAA JOOOOEEEEE!!”

    Joe comes to the ring to a much louder cheer. He stands on the stage and acknowledges the crowd before coming to the ring. Vader and Joe stare at each other as Joe enters the ring.

    Necrominus: “You can cut the tension with a knife in here right now!”

    Adamle: “Now before we undergo the formalities, gentlemen – have you anything you would like to say?”

    Joe and Vader look at Adamle – Joe tosses him to one side! Joe grabs the contract and shoves it at Vader.

    Joe: “Sign it!”

    Vader picks up the pen, eyeing Joe intensely – he stabs himself in the finger, drawing blood!!!

    Necrominus: “What is he doing?”

    Vader then drops the pen on the floor, and signs the contract with the blood from his finger!!

    Billy-Bob: “He’s signing it in blood? Oh my God!!!”

    Vader then tosses the contract to Joe.

    Vader: “Blood for blood!”

    Vader is smiling! Joe eyes him intensely – and returns the smile! Joe suddenly rips the contract off the clipboard! He tears the clipboard in half and draws the metal across his face sharply – Joe has busted himself open!!!


    Necrominus: “My God – what are these two going to do each other in six days???”

    Disco: “I think I’m going to be sick!”

    Joe then picks up the contract again – and headbutts it where his signature goes!! Joe tosses the contract aside and the two monsters stare at each other with sick smiles on their faces!

    Adamle (panting): “Well there we have it folks – it’s official! At Natural Selection – Samoa John and Darth Vader will collide for the… ARGH!!”

    Vader grabs Adamle! He hoists him over his head – POWERBOMB THROUGH THE CONTRACT TABLE!!!!

    Necrominus: “I knew this would happen… you can’t say it wasn’t coming!!!”

    Joe nods at Vader and drags the unconscious Adamle to his feet – MUSCLE-BUSTER TO MIKE ADAMLE!!!

    Billy-Bob: “These guys are trying to outdo each other in ways to hurt Mike Adamle… I love it!”

    Disco: “And that’s why I’m here with you guys this year – that could have been me!!”

    The crowd are on their feet as Joe and Vader stare each other down in the centre of the ring – over the broken body of Mike Adamle.


    We are backstage where Billy Graham has just arrived in the trainer’s room. He has a large bandage on his forehead from last week’s assault by Pat Patterson.

    Doctor: “Billy, the tests prove it – you are still suffering from a mild concussion. As a result I cannot clear you for your match at Natural Selection.”

    Billy: “Doc – you will clear me. Or I swear to God I’ll tear this place apart looking for Patterson!”

    Doctor: “Billy… I’m sorry. Medically…”

    Graham grabs the doctor by the throat: “Medically my ass! If my head was hanging off I would still kick that son of a bitch up and down this arena. It doesn’t matter what you say!”

    Stephanie walks into the room with security: “What are you doing? Put him down!”

    Billy drops the doctor and turns around angrily: “Steph, I want Patterson. I want him tonight!”

    Stephanie: “That’s just not going to happen, Billy! Pat Patterson has been suspended until further notice after his actions at Agony. I promised the NCW fans there would be reper…”

    Graham: “You what? I’m telling you Stephanie – make the match!”

    Stephanie: “No. As I was saying, NCW looks after its superstars. This discussion is over!”

    Graham flips out and tosses the doctor’s desk over on its side.

    He then advances on Stephanie – security pile in and hold him back!

    Graham: “Make the match Stephanie – or I’ll…”

    Stephanie: “You’ll do what, Billy? Ruin the entire event?

    You might be able to do that. I’ll tell you what, seeing as I don’t have time to deal with this tonight. You want Pat Patterson at Natural Selection? Fine – done.
    Much more – it will be a First Blood match – just like you two wanted.

    But… regardless of the result – this will be your LAST in NCW!

    I will not tolerate this! Because after Natural Selection – Billy Graham – YOU’RRREEEE FIRRRRREDDD!”

    Stephanie stalks out of the room and leaves Graham in shock.


    Necrominus: “I know his actions were uncalled for in the trainer’s room – but you can hardly blame Billy Graham after what Patterson did to him.”

    Billy-Bob: “He just pushed Stephanie too far! We all know not to cross the boss!”

    Disco: “Still, it’s horrible to think that in six days Billy Graham will be finished with NCW.”

    Ring Announcer: “The following handicap match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing the Brotherhood – the NCW Tag Team Champions, The Natural Disasters and The Alpha Male – Monty Brown!”

    The crowd boo loudly as the three Brotherhood members come to the ring.

    Necrominus: “I know they requested this match, but it hardly seems fair!”

    Billy-Bob: “Be careful what you wish for, Dudleys – you just might get it!”

    Disco: “Can I state for the record again how much I hate Ranjin Singh? I know he’s not out here but man do I hate that guy!”

    Ring Announcer: “And their opponents – from Dudleyville – Devon, Bubba Ray – The Dudley Boyz!!!”

    The Dudleys come to the stage as Typhoon, Brown and Earthquake smirk in the ring. Bubba has a mic.

    Bubba: “Look at you, you sons of b******, standing there with those smug looks on your faces.

    You think we’re that stupid? No. We found a guy - a guy that hates you just as much as we do.

    Monty, in fact you know him better than most.

    Ladies and Gents – please welcome back – MICHAEL TARVER!!"

    Necrominus:” Oh my God! The Dudleys had this planned!”

    Tarver breaks through the curtain, nods at the Dudleys and all three hit the ring as Brown has a stunned look on his face!

    Tarver rolls in and tackles Brown to the mat!

    The Natural Disasters have no time to help as Devon and Bubba roll in and immediately all hell breaks loose as the six men battle each other.

    Brown has rolled outside the ring now, trying to get away from Tarver – who comes off the apron and plants Brown with a SUPERMAN PUNCH!

    Necrominus: “Tarver has come to get him some of Monty Brown here tonight!”

    In the ring, Bubba has Earthquake backed up in the corner as Devon takes down Typhoon!! Bubba grabs Typhoon’s legs as Devon ascends the ropes…
    WASSSAAAAPP! Headbutt to Typhoon’s nether regions!

    Typhoon rolls out of the ring clutching himself as Earthquake runs at the Dudleys – Devon ducks and whips him against the ropes – 3-D!!! 3-D TO EARTHQUAKE!!!


    Devon rolls to the outside as Typhoon tries to get back in the ring – Bubba catches him and drops him with the BUBBA BOMB!

    Devon slides the table into the ring as Bubba drags Typhoon to his feet – Devon whips him – 3-D TO TYPHOON THROUGH THE TABLE!!!

    Elsewhere Brown and Tarver have fought out of sight as The Dudleys hold up the Tag Titles and pose on the ropes as the crowd chant their names.

    Necrominus: “Could this be signs of a shifting tide here tonight? The Brotherhood dominated and beaten down – The Dudleys stand tall!”

    Billy-Bob: “No way! It will be a different story at Natural Selection!!”

    Disco: “That was awesome!”


    Backstage, Jenni is with a flustered Monty Brown.

    Jenni: “Monty, tonight Michael Tarver made his return and attacked you before your match – have you anything to say about it?”

    Brown: “Michael Tarver should have stayed gone! Now I’m gonna have to…”

    Suddenly, Tarver appears out of nowhere and jumps Brown again! The two men brawl on the floor until security appear and separate them.

    Tarver: “You’re done Monty – At Natural Selection, you’re done!”

    Brown: “Come on, chump – bring it on!”

    Security drag both men different ways down the corridor as Jenni looks on in shock.

    The screen cuts to show Stephanie McMahon on her way to the ring.

    Necrominus: “The live debate - is next! Is President Trump here???”


    The crowd boo loudly as Stephanie makes her way to the ring, smirking as she enters. She takes her podium and begins to speak.

    Stephanie: “This is what the world has been waiting for! And you don’t have to wait any longer! Donald Trump – if you’re man enough – come on down!”

    The camera cuts to the back – a limo pulls up!!!


    Necrominus: “Oh My God!!! He’s here! Trump is here!”

    The limo opens and out steps a man. From the back it is clear that it is Trump.


    Billy-Bob: “This is strange – where’s his entourage? Where’s the army?”

    The camera shows Trump walking down towards the entrance and the crowd stands to attention as he comes to the stage. There are a loud number of boos as well as cheers for the controversial President who makes his way to the ring.

    Necrominus: “Guys… there’s something – different about President Trump tonight…”

    Billy-Bob: “I’m just amazed he’s here! I was sure he was going to wimp out!”

    Trump enters the ring and stands across from Stephanie – who is smiling evilly.

    Stephanie: “I’ve got to say – I’m impressed Donald. I didn’t think you had the balls to show up and face me! Where is your back up tonight? Your secret service?”

    Trump goes to speak, but Stephanie cuts him off.

    Stephanie: “You know what, Donald? I don’t even care. I told you I would humiliate you tonight. Emasculate you in front of the world.

    But I don’t need my words to do that, Donald.

    Because Donald – you’ve done it again. You’ve walked into my trap. And this time… NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU!!”

    Necrominus: “Oh no… not again! Come on, this is wrong!”

    The crowd boos louder than ever as Hussan and Singh come to the stage, beaming from ear to ear. They saunter to the ring and roll in.

    Stephanie is laughing as she hands Hussan the mic.

    Hussan: “You should have stayed away Mr President. I warned you to bow down at my feet and proclaim me as your King – but now it’s too……

    Trump starts clawing at his face, tearing away the face to reveal….

    (I couldn't find an Edge image but this will do (thanks to Cheese for allowing me to use it)


    Necrominus: “Wait a minute!! It’s Edge!! Edge is here!!!!”

    Hussan stares dumbfounded at Edge as he smiles at Hussan.

    He runs at him – SPEAR!!! SPEAR TO MUHAMMAD HUSSAN!!!

    The crowd explode as Singh dives out of the ring and Edge gets up, a devilish smile on his face.


    Stephanie: “What are you doing here? Stop this right NOW!!”

    Edge rolls out of the ring as the NCW Champion clutches his stomach in agony on the mat.

    He grabs two chairs from ringside, rolls in as Hussan staggers to his feet – EDGE BLASTS HUSSAN WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!

    Hussan slumps to the mat motionless as Stephanie screams at Edge to stop.
    Edge, in full psychotic mode now places the other chair under Hussan’s head.

    Necrominus: “Oh my God! He’s going to do it!”

    Billy-Bob: “Someone call the cops! This is an assault on our champion!!”

    Disco: “Hussan getting everything back that he gave to Edge – and more!”

    Edge picks up the other chair and screams at Hussan:
    “This is what you wanted!”

    Edge swings for the CONCHAIRTO –

    Singh pulls Hussan out of the ring at the last moment! Edge’s chair whistles past Hussan’s head and crashes into the other.

    Singh drags the motionless Hussan up the ramp.

    Stephanie: “YOU RUINED IT! I HATE YOU EDGE! There will be no match for you at Natural Selection – EDGE – YOU’RE FIRED!!”

    Necrominus: “What? She can’t do that?”

    Billy-Bob: “She can do whatever she wants, Necro! She’s the General Manager! Thank God that psycho is gone from NCW!”

    Trump: “Stephanie? Oh Stephanie? Is this thing on?”

    Suddenly the Tron lights up and President Trump is shown – sitting in the Oval Office!!


    Necrominus: “It’s Trump!!”

    Trump: “Stephanie – you didn’t think you’d catch me out with that trick again, did you? Lure me into another of your traps?

    Fool me once, Stephanie – shame on you. Fool me twice… No.

    I wanted to come there tonight, to put you in your place. But unfortunately, I have other commitments.

    But seeing you there, throwing your weight around – firing good people… the time has come for the truth to come out Stephanie. To tell the world why you left the WWE.”

    Stephanie: “Cut the feed! I am the owner of this company and I order you to cut…”

    Trump: “Oh, that won’t be happening, Steph. You see, you WERE the owner of NCW.

    But I got my guys to do a little digging, Stephanie. It’s like they say on TV, Steph – follow the money.

    I know your daddy wanted to keep this quiet – to avoid any more controversies… but you had to push me, didn’t you?

    You pushed the wrong man – the most powerful man on this planet. You really didn’t think this through did you?”

    Stephanie: “Donald… please – don’t. I’m sorry. I’ll do whatever you want!”

    Trump: “It’s far too late for that, Stephanie. What I found out about you Steph, about your Insider Trading?

    How you got so much money for your stock? That’s ILLEGAL ACTIVITY Stephanie… and as President of this great country – I had to inform the authorities.”

    All of a sudden, the police come from the back and come down the ramp. They enter the ring. A detective walks up to Stephanie.

    Detective: “Mrs McMahon – you are under arrest! Now we don’t want any trouble so if you can just come with us…”

    Stephanie: “No!! It’s not true!! I didn’t do it!”

    Detective: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.

    If you could place your hands behind your back for me ma’am this will all go smoothly.”

    Stephanie is crying now as she is placed in handcuffs and led from the arena!


    Necrominus: “I never thought that this could happen! Our owner arrested for insider trading! Oh my God!!”

    Trump: “But rest assured, NCW – your future is safe. As Stephanie’s money to buy the company was garnered illegally, the sale is considered null and void.

    And that’s where I – Donald J. Trump – the businessman – comes in.

    Because NCW is now under the control – of Trump Towers Incorporated!!”

    Necrominus: “Oh My God!!! The President of the USA is now the owner of NCW!”

    Billy-Bob: “I can’t believe this is happening….”

    Trump: “So as for your ‘firing’ Edge? Consider yourself – RE-HIRED! You WILL compete for the NCW Heavyweight Title at Natural Selection.

    And Muhammad Hassan – don’t think for one minute I am scared of you!

    I hope you can hear me, Muhammad – because I WILL be at Natural Selection too!

    Much more, Muhammad – I will be… THE SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE!!

    Necrominus: “Oh man!! Oh brother! All of Hussan’s chicks coming home to roost at once!”

    Billy-Bob: “That’s not right! Trump and Hussan have personal beef! How can he call the match fairly!!”

    Disco: “Hussan and Singh have had this coming for months!”

    Singh, still holding Hussan up on the ramp starts to rant furiously as Edge smiles maniacally in the ring to end the show.

    NCW Natural Selection Card:

    Zack Ryder VS Bob Backlund

    Monty Brown VS Michael Tarver

    ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham VS Pat Patterson – First Blood Match

    The Dudley Boyz VS The Natural Disasters (c) – Tables Match for the NCW Tag Team Titles

    Emma VS Madison Rayne VS Mae Young VS Velvet Sky VS Bayley VS The Fabulous Moolah (c) – Ladder Match for the NCW Women’s Championship

    Vader VS Samoa Joe (c) – No Holds Barred Match for the NCW Rising Star Championship

    Edge VS Muhammad Hussan (c) – NCW Heavyweight Championship – Special Guest Referee – President Donald J. Trump

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    NCW Natural Selection Preview Show


    Pat Patterson VS ‘The Superstar’ Billy Graham – First Blood Match:

    When Billy Graham was assaulted before his title match at Agony, all fingers were pointed squarely at The Brotherhood who had the most to gain.
    Against medical advice, Graham refused to give up his title match and paid the price, winding up in the hospital with a severe concussion after Muhammad Hussan knocked him out cold. Graham would wind up medically suspended by General Manager Stephanie McMahon as a result.

    Pat Patterson was distraught, and the next week on Tuesday Night Destruction vowed to prove that the Brotherhood were behind the attack by the time ‘The Superstar’ returned.

    And return he did. Graham returned on the second edition of Tuesday Night Destruction, and demanded that his attacker show his face. Graham vowed to go backstage and beat a confession out of the Brotherhood personally. Patterson came to the ring to try and reason with Graham – or at least that’s what we presumed.

    In reality, Patterson would reveal the truth and shock the world when he attacked his best friend from behind with a set of brass knuckles, leaving him bloodied and unconscious.

    Patterson explained that he was tired of always protecting Graham while ‘The Superstar’ hogged the spotlight. Patterson wanted his time to shine – and wants to assume Graham’s mantle.

    Graham returned on the final show when the NCW doctor delivered the bad news that he was still not deemed medically fit to compete at Natural Selection against Patterson.

    Enraged, Graham threatened the doctor and it wasn’t until security held him back that he could be contained. Stephanie agreed to let Graham compete at Natural Selection – but it would be his last match as an NCW Superstar.

    After everything Graham has gone through so far, can he end his NCW career on a high note and gain revenge over his former friend? Or will Patterson’s brass knuckles that he is so fond of now put an end to the career of The Superstar?


    Zack Ryder VS Bob Backlund:

    When Ryder and Backlund signed for NCW during this year’s draft, no one expected their paths to cross in such a pattern.

    Initially signed up as part of Team CoBro, Ryder and Santino battled against The Natural Disasters for a number of months until their loss at Agony confined their partnership to the dustbin. Ryder was angered at the loss, but what happened at the end of the first edition of Tuesday Night Destruction couldn’t have been predicted.

    During an assault by The Brotherhood on Backlund and Edge, Santino and Ryder interfered to seemingly aid the two men – however when Santino was taken out with ease by Brown, Ryder instead decided to lay Bob Backlund out with a steel chair shot and turn on his heels and leave.

    Why Ryder did what he did finally became clear the following week. Tired of being the brunt of abuse by The Brotherhood, he had decided the best policy was to join them to further his career.

    However, Hussan had other plans for Ryder and denied him entry into the group unless he took out Hassan’s opponent Edge that night.

    Ryder would display a new found aggression during the resulting match, but still came up short. A post match attack on Edge would be interrupted by an enraged Backlund, however Ryder escaped harm on this occasion.

    Ryder would then challenge Backlund to a match at Natural Selection the following week – however his former partner Santino would come to the ring to try and make him see sense.

    Ryder would however turn his aggression on Santino, beating him down with the microphone before Backlund would again come to the ring to make the save. Ryder would escape one more time, but as he made his retreat Backlund accepted the challenge made earlier.


    Monty Brown VS Michael Tarver – Loser Leaves Town:

    Brown and Tarver are old hands in NCW, having been initially drafted in 2016. Together they shocked the world at Natural Selection last year, when their initial assault on Jeff Hardy would cost him the NCW Heavyweight Championship.

    They immediately aligned themselves with Hussan and together became the three founding members of The Brotherhood.

    Yet Tarver grew frustrated at his perceived lack of opportunities. When he and Brown were overlooked for the Tag Team Championships for The Natural Disasters, Tarver began to become more vocal.

    Eventually his complaining paid off, when he was given the opportunity to become the first ever NCW Rising Star Champion at Agony. The only problem was that standing across the ring from him would be Samoa Joe.

    Tarver would be humiliated at Agony, when Joe ran through him in under 5 minutes. As a result of this failure, Monty Brown would turn his back on Tarver, delivering two devastating Alpha Bombs on the steel ramp. Tarver would be stretchered out of the arena that night, and most expected that his time in NCW was now at an end.

    For weeks Brown and the rest of the Brotherhood continued their systematic destruction of the NCW roster, and a planned 3 on 2 handicap of The Dudleys on the third edition was booked. However, The Dudleys and Tarver had conspired to trap the Brotherhood members and Tarver would go straight for his former friend.

    Not content with this, Tarver again attacked Brown during a backstage interview and both men had to be physically restrained. The match was set, and at Natural Selection two founding Brotherhood members will collide. For one it will be their last match in NCW as we can now exclusively reveal it will be a ‘Loser Leaves Town’ match.


    The Dudley Boyz VS The Natural Disasters – Elimination Tables Match for the NCW Tag Team Championships

    Since their arrival in NCW, The Natural Disasters – aided and abetted by their Brotherhood colleagues – have laid waste to the NCW tag team division. The combined mass of humanity caused the demise of challenges from Billy Graham & Pat Patterson, and even forced the fan favorites Team CoBro to disband.

    With no challengers on the horizon, Singh and the Disasters plotted to retire the Tag Team titles, cementing them as the final champions in the company’s history.

    However, they did not count on the debut of Devon and Bubba Ray – the most decorated tag team in professional wrestling history – The Dudley Boyz on that very same night.

    An intense rivalry was immediately established, and in the second edition of Tuesday Night Destruction Bubba Ray would defeat Typhoon to allow the Dudleys to select the stipulation for the title match at Natural Selection – an elimination Tables Match.

    While the stipulation would surprise nobody, The Natural Disasters would fire the first wooden bullet, crushing Bubba Ray through a table with their devastating double splash – the Tidal Quake.

    The Dudleys would not be deterred however, and immediately challenged the Disasters and their Brotherhood associate, Monty Brown to a 3 on 2 handicap match the following week.

    Over-confident of themselves, the three men left themselves open and The Dudleys duly exploited this with the aid of the returning Michael Tarver. With Brown chased off, The Dudleys did what no one else before them could do – and laid out the Disasters, driving Typhoon through a table with their patented 3-D.

    With the Natural Disasters finally showing a chink in their armour, can the Dudleys claim yet another tag team title to add to their glittering cabinet?


    Emma VS Velvet Sky VS Madison Rayne VS Mae Young VS Bayley VS The Fabulous Moolah – Ladder Match for the NCW Women’s Championship

    Controversy reigned supreme in NCW last season, when management saw fit to sign a sum total of 0 females to the roster in their debut season.

    Immediately rectifying this problem for 2017, Stephanie McMahon’s purchase of the company saw her immediately establish a women’s division, with the legendary Fabulous Moolah as the company’s inaugural champion.

    Moolah would immediately make an impact at Agony, when, as a guest on the Cutting Edge she would offer popular superstar Bayley the opportunity of a lifetime – to be taken under her wing and shown how to become a great.

    Unfortunately, the contract Moolah provided Bayley was full of pitfalls - preventing Bayley from competing among other things. Bayley would refuse Moolah’s ‘offer of a lifetime’ – which would anger the NCW Women’s Champion. She would strike Bayley and storm from the ring, leaving the loveable hugger in a state of shock.

    On the first edition of Destruction, it would seem Bayley was set to face Moolah at Natural Selection, however she was prevented from defeating ‘frenemy’ Emma by the debut of The Beautiful People – Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne.

    The new NCW stars would take out Emma and Bayley, seemingly at the behest of Moolah and her long time friend, Mae Young.

    However Rayne and Sky would pull the fabled double turn and take out Moolah and Young to boot, leaving NCW fans in a state of shock.

    Moolah would come to the ring the following week, claiming she had suffered an injury at the hands of Velvet Sky.
    It was revealed that Moolah had indeed employed the Beautiful People to take out Bayley (and Emma), but did not figure that they would chase her for the championship.

    Sky and Rayne came to the ring but were swiftly interrupted by Bayley and Emma, and a brawl ensued.

    Cue Stephanie McMahon. Calling a halt to the brawling, Stephanie called Moolah’s bluff on her ‘injuries’, threatening to strip her of the title.

    With Natural Selection fast approaching, Stephanie dropped a bombshell on all six women – that the championship would be defended in a ladder match.

    The bigger announcement however, were the participants – both of the Beautiful People, Bayley, Emma – and Moolah’s best friend Mae Young.

    Moolah would now be forced to defend her championship against 5 women at the same time.

    Bayley and Emma attempted to resolve their difficulties with The Beautiful People in a tag team match the following week, but it would be Moolah and Young who stood tall, laying out all 4 women in the centre of the ring.

    With so many permutations and combinations in the upcoming match, can Moolah manage to come out on top?

    And, more importantly – with the title on the line, will Mae Young try to seize this opportunity to become the top dog, or will her friendship with Moolah survive the match?


    Vader VS Samoa Joe – No Holds Barred Match for the NCW Rising Star Championship

    When the two monsters signed for NCW, many talked of a ‘dream match’ between them. Samoa Joe would however take a different path initially, wiping the floor with Michael Tarver on his debut and walking out the new NCW Rising Star Champion.

    On Destruction, Joe continued his dominance and easily defeated a developmental talent. Immediately following the match however, Vader would interrupt and an epic staredown would ensue between the two men. Vader, without words made it clear he was after one thing – the NCW Rising Star Championship.

    Vader then continued where Joe left off, destroying a local worker on the next edition of Destruction. The normally silent Vader would issue a challenge to Joe in the form of a very simple sentence – “Joe – Natural Selection – NO. HOLDS. BARRED!!”

    We wouldn’t have to wait long for Joe’s response. The bumbling Mike Adamle would attempt to garner one but would be knocked cold by an opening door. Joe’s response was as straight to the point as Vader’s challenge – “I accept!”

    The match was official, but the two men would meet again before Natural Selection when they attended a contract signing on the final edition of Destruction.

    Adamle, who had goofed and errored his way throughout Vader and Joe’s respective matches in previous weeks would host the contract signing, where we were given an indication of the level of violence that should be expected in this upcoming battle.

    Both monsters would sign the contract in their own blood – and another error from Adamle would prove to be the final straw for both of them. Adamle was powerbombed through a table before being dropped with a Muscle Buster as both men put an exclamation point on the contest.

    This match will not be for the faint hearted, and given the stipulation it really means that everything is legal when Vader and Joe collide. Who will come out victorious??


    Edge VS Muhammad Hussan – NCW Heavyweight Championship – Special Guest Referee President Donald J. Trump.

    For an entire year, Muhammad Hussan has reigned supreme over NCW. With the help of his Brotherhood cohorts, the self-proclaimed ‘King’ of NCW has thwarted every single challenger in his path and remained undefeated throughout this time.

    The sole blemish on Hussan’s copybook was his loss to Andre the Giant at last year’s Natural Selection, and that was through escape from the cage meaning Hussan has never been pinned or submitted inside an NCW ring.

    The fuel for this feud was immediately ignited at Agony, when Muhammad Hussan interrupted Edge’s talk show and warned him to leave the company. To put an exclamation point on this, Edge would be attacked after the segment had concluded by Hussan’s henchmen, The Natural Disasters.

    Hussan would go on to retain his NCW Heavyweight Title against an injured Billy Graham, before stunning the world with first a verbal, then a physical assault on the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

    Edge would come to the rescue at this point, and aided by Bob Backlund, they would back down the Brotherhood to allow aid to come to the fallen President.

    On Destruction, NCW management would force Hussan and Stephanie McMahon to apologise for their reprehensible actions, however the ‘apology’ would draw out Edge who challenged Hussan to a match.

    Stephanie would punish Edge and Backlund for their defence of Trump by forcing them to compete against each other in a number one contender’s match.

    Edge would pull out the win, earning himself the title match he wanted at Natural Selection but Hussan and the Brotherhood would assault both men after the match, locking in the Camel Clutch on an unconscious Edge.

    The following week Hussan would send Zack Ryder to do his bidding, promising him entrance to the Brotherhood if he ensured Edge did not make it to their upcoming clash. This would backfire however on Ryder, and Edge would pull out the victory.

    After Ryder was ran off by Backlund following a post-match attack, Hussan picked the bones of Edge, attacking him on the ramp and driving him face first into the steel. Hussan would once again stand tall over his opponent.

    With Edge seemingly taking the night off due to injuries sustained on episode 3 of Destruction, Hussan took the opportunity to gloat and warn Edge that what he had been put through up until now was just the beginning.

    During the live TV debate between Stephanie McMahon and Donald Trump, it seemed that Hussan would once again embarrass the US President only for Edge to reveal himself! With the helping hand of some excellent prosthetics, Edge delivered a huge Spear to the NCW Champion.

    With the previous weeks of frustration at boiling point, Edge was poised to deliver the brutal ConChairTo to Hussan – but for the last minute intervention of the devious Singh.

    An enraged Stephanie fired Edge on the spot and cancelled the main event – however there would be yet another twist in the tale.

    Donald Trump would reveal to the world the truth behind Stephanie’s WWE departure and the (now former) Principal Owner and General Manager was led from the arena in handcuffs.

    Much more, Trump also informed the audience that NCW had now been purchased by Trump Towers Incorporated.

    Immediately reinstating Edge and the Championship match at Natural Selection, Trump would then turn his attention to Hussan, stating that he would be at Natural Selection – as the Special Guest Referee for the NCW Championship match!

    With so much animosity built up between the three over the past number of weeks, it will all collide in one explosive main event. Can Edge reach the pinnacle of NCW and become only the 4th man to hold the Championship? Or will Hussan find a way to win again, like he has done so for the past 12 months. What role will the angered US President (and now owner of NCW) play in the match?


    Natural Selection II Completed Line Up:

    Edge VS Muhammad Hussan- NCW Heavyweight ChampionshipSpecial Guest Referee President Donald J. Trump

    Vader VS Samoa Joe – No Holds Barred Match for the NCW Rising Star Championship

    The Dudley Boyz VS The Natural Disasters – Tables Match for the NCW Tag Team Championships

    Emma VS Velvet Sky VS Madison Rayne VS Mae Young VS Bayley VS The Fabulous Moolah – Ladder Match for the NCW Women’s Championship

    Monty Brown VS Michael Tarver – Loser Leaves Town Match

    ‘The Superstar’ Billy Graham VS Pat Patterson – First Blood Match

    Bob Backlund VS Zack Ryder

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Tonight on the Season Premiere of Monday Night Chaos :


    Who will become the Number One Contender to Randy Savage's World Heavyweight Championship, as the man of the people, Kevin Owens takes on BCW’s resident Bad Boy, Alberto Del Rio.

    Beyond Chaos Women's Champion, Asuka defends her title against new signings former Champion Paige and the legendary Alundra Blayze in a triple threat match.

    Beyond Chaos’s young wrestling prodigy, Matt Riddle makes his first appearance in Beyond Chaos ring as he addresses the fans live tonight. What will Riddle have to say on his BCW debut?

    Beyond Chaos Intercontinental Champion, The Miz is scheduled to appear on tonight's show. With rumors of The Miz being unhappy at being left out of the number 1 contenders match, will the A lister kick up a stink tonight?

    The high flying Neville returns to Beyond Chaos after a long self-diagnosed sabbatical. Will Neville be back to his best?
    The cameras are rolling live in Charlotte, North Carolina as Monday Night Chaos opens on a hot crowd as the commentary team of Michael Cole, Corey Graves and special guest commentator Evan Bourne, whom is still injured at the hands of Alberto Del Rio welcome us to the show.

    Michael Cole
    : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Chaos. I’m here with my special guest colleague Evan Bourne and the ultimate analyst, Corey Graves. Guys, the question on everyone’s lips is who will be number 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Champion tonight?  The brash, callous Alberto Del Rio or the man the wrestling media have dubbed “The People's Champion”, Kevin Owens?

    Corey Graves : Well Michael, it’s hard to look past the undefeated Kevin Owens. No one has yet stopped his momentum and I just don’t see the Kevin Owens train slowing down tonight. Can he be stopped? We will find out tonight.

    Evan Bourne : Well as much as I hate the man, I can’t see Alberto Del Rio losing. The mans on a mission as I can attest to (pointing at his cast), he is clinical and unrelenting and I just can’t see him losing if he’s at the top of his game.

    Michael Cole :  Del Rio v Owens, later tonight! But right now, Beyond Chaos General Manager, Gorilla Monsoon is about to address the crowd.

    We switch now to the ring where Gorilla Monsoon is standing with a mic in hand.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Allow me to get right to the point here because I’m sure you all want to begin enjoying the action. But I want to take a few moments to say thank you to the fans who are still loyal to BCW and our brand of wrestling entertainment.  It’s been a tough couple of weeks for Beyond Chaos with Eric Bischoff departing, but I've been hired to take his place and try my best to win the ratings war for a consecutive year. I have some pretty big shoes to fill as Eric did an exceptional job but I feel up to the task and I intend on keeping this company on top. The owners of Beyond Chaos have given me free reign to do whatever is necessary in order to keep this company Number 1 and I hope my actions and decision making bring us success.

    Corey Graves : I dunno about Gorilla Monsoon, he’s an unproven commodity in Beyond Chaos.

    Michael Cole : To be fair, so was Eric Bischoff and he did a great job.

    Evan Bourne : Well, time will tell my friends. He's got love for this business and he has a great wrestling mind, so I say lets see what he can do.

    Corey Graves : Oh put a sock in it Bourne, you’re just angling for preferential treatment when your injury is healed, you’re fooling no one.

    Monsoon continues  

    Gorilla Monsoon : My philosophy has always been that you need to generate interest and give the fans what they want. You guys love great wrestling and competitive action, as well as a few surprises. Tonight I have can guarantee we will have all of the above and hopefully at the end of the night you will be dying for more. So Ladies and Gents, please enjoy Monday Night Chaos!

    With that Gorilla Monsoon leaves the ring as the music of Cedric Alexander hits and he and his tag team partner for the night ACH appear and look pumped up for the upcoming match. Both men seem fairly over with the crowd but their crowd reaction is much smaller compared to their opponents DIY, as their music hits soon after and the fans are extremely hyped.
    Match 1 Cedric Alexander and ACH Vs D.I.Y. (Gargano & Ciampa)

    Evan Bourne : While ACH and Cedric are two good individuals, they are no well oiled machine like DIY. The teamwork these two show is phenomenal.

    Corey Graves : Well to be honest the tag team division is hollow here lately, its no surprise that DIY have remained champions when their nearest rivals are only teaming now and then.  

    The match lasts around 1o minutes, and like Bourne alluded to in his commentary, while ACH and Cedric hold their own in this match with some great pieces of individual skill, it's the teamwork of Gargano and Ciampa that gives them the edge. And in the end, DIY come out on top after a good end sequence with numerous near falls, DIY get the vital pin as Gargano uses victory roll pin on ACH.

    Winners : Ciampa and Gargano.

    Gargano and Ciampa roll to the outside in from of the commentary table and celebrate as they receive their titles from the referee.

    Michael Cole : That’s another victory for the tag team champs.

    Corey Graves : The team lack competition, they haven’t had a real challenge in months.

    Both Gargano and Ciampa catch their breath and embrace each other, but as they do so they are blindsided by two masked attackers who assault the champs from behind.

    Michael Cole : What the hell?

    Both men are beaten down with clubbing blows much to the dismay of the crowd. One of the men then picks up Tomasso Ciampa and delivers headbutt before launching him at his accomplice who delivers a picture perfect spine buster to Ciampa to the floor.

    Corey Graves : Did you see that spinebuster…...Only one man can deliver a flawless spinebuster like that…..

    The man who spinebusted Ciampa then picks up Johnny Gargano and give him a rough elbow before he and his partner deliver a crushing spike piledriver on the floor to Gargano.

    Michael Cole : My god, Gargano could have a broken neck for god sake. The tag team champions are being dismantled.

    The two masked men high five before doing the Horsemen Salute to each other.

    Corey Graves : I knew it, I knew it….

    The two men then reveal themselves to be none other than the Original Horsemen, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.  

    Tully then makes the title gesture around his waist before security surround them, but it's already too late for the Tag Champs as the damage has been done.

    Michael Cole : We need medics out here, quick.

    Security usher Anderson and Blanchard away as medics finally arrive to tend to the fallen tag champs as we cut to a commercial break….

    Commercial Break

    We are back and we are backstage with a Beyond Chaos Reporter who has tracked down Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson.

    BCW Reporter : Mr Blanchard… Mr Anderson…. What are you doing in Beyond Chaos and why have you attacked the Tag Team Champions?

    Tully Blanchard : Are you lacking brain cells son?  Do you not see we have numerous reasons for our actions you little dullard.

    Arn Anderson : 1. We are newly signed to Beyond Chaos and we intend on making a statement. Number 2, we are the original Horsemen and last year these pretenders to our throne talked a lot of trash and their mouths wrote cheques that their asses couldn't cash. The waffled on about how they were the new and improved Horsemen, so we have rambled over here to show these immature pups who the real Horsemen are.

    Tully Blanchard : Often copied, never equaled.

    Arn Anderson : And reason Number 3, I'm Arn Anderson and he’s Tully Blanchard and we do what we want and what we please, when we please.

    Tully Blanchard : So what we did right there, we sent a message and if either Sissy Gargano or Baldy Ciampa want to reply, they know where we are, because me and Arn…. we are here to stay.

    Tully and Arn stroll off as we cut to the ringside commentary table and Michael Cole is addressing the TV audience.
    Michael Cole : Now last week we all saw what happened to The Wife of Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth. She unfortunately had an accident we she fell from the stage during last weeks conference call. Miss Elizabeth was tended to by medicals on hand at the venue as well as treated in hospital. We can confirm that Miss Elizabeth was kept in overnight for observation and she was discharged sometime the next day.

    Michael Cole : However, we have had no update on her condition but we do know she has been recuperating in private with her husband Randy Savage. We will give you an update as soon as more news becomes available, however I have been informed that our general manager Gorilla Monsoon has given Heavyweight Champion the night off tonight. We wish Miss Elizabeth a speedy recovery.
    The camera then switches backstage and we see a limo arriving. The doors swing open abruptly and out steps The Beyond Chaos Intercontinental Champion, The Miz and his wife Maryse. They take a moment to look around before The miz grabs a member of the backstage crew ….

    The Miz : Where the hell is that fool Gorilla Monsoon….Where's he at… tell me….

    The backstage worker looks scared as he points in the direction. The miz releases him and storms off with his wife in toe……… the camera then pans back to the vehicle arrival entrance and we see the limo leaving. But as its exiting the arena it's jams on the breaks and we hear loud beeping of a car horn as a small ferrari sports car speeds by it and into the arena extremely recklessly. The car horn is still being blared and the windows are tinted so we can't see the driver, but then the doors swing open and reveal its Alberto Del Rio and Paige. Both are laughing and basically all over each other as they exit the car and make their way into the arena.

    Michael Cole : The Bonnie and Clyde of Beyond Chaos, Alberto and Paige are here and both have important matches tonight.

    Evan Bourne : Albaige..... em..... Paigerto?

    Corey Graves :
    Just call them Alberto and Paige, stop trying to be witty.

    We cut back to ringside and it's time for our second match of the night.
    The pyros go off and one firework ziplines from the rafters to the stage below the titantron. The music of Neville blares and the man that gravity forgot appears from the firework smoke.

    Michael Cole : Wow, Nevilles back folks.

    Corey Graves : My old friend Neville, delighted he’s back, Beyond chaos has missed him.

    As the cameras zoom in, we can see that Neville not only looks fairly focused, but he also looks noticeably bigger in his muscle mass.

    Evan Bourne : I think Neville's been hitting the juice if ya catch my drift.

    Corey Graves : Are you implying what I think you're implying? Neville is would never use anything illegal to enhance his physique. Get a grip Bourne.

    Neville hopes into the ring and looks like a man on a mission. His opponent is already there and the bell rings

    Neville vs Mal A. Hide (local talent)

    Neville goes right after his opponent with vicious kicks and strikes, and he appears relentless as the ref breaks it up. Nevill goes on the assault again, hit heavy strikes backing his opponent into the corner. The match is over very quickly as Neville hits a swift kick to the jaw and knocks his opponent down, giving him the chance to lock in a new submission finisher, The Rings Of Saturn Crossface. His opponent taps almost instantly.

    Winner : Neville

    The bell rings signaling the end of the match, but Neville refuses to release the hold.

    Michael Cole : Come on now, release the damn hold.

    Neville is eventually pried off his opponent and he looks possessed with rage. Neville then shouts at the ring announcer for a mic and begins to speak.

    Neville : I have Returned!

    Neville has a big scowl on his face and the fans don't know what to make of this new Neville.

    Neville : I’m back and I’m taking no prisoners……, no mercy and I will destroy anyone with the balls to get in my way!

    Neville notices his injured opponent starting to get to his feet and lays him out with a spinning heel kick which knocks him to the mat once more. The ref stops Neville from doing more damage and he backs off and rolls out of the ring, still in an apparent rage.

    Corey Graves : Neville is back guys and he’s taking names and kicking ass.

    Michael Cole : Corey, do you not think he went too far there?

    Evan Bourne : I think he went too far with the muscle enhancers, he doesn't look natural if ya ask me…. Far too big.

    Corey Graves : Gimme a break Bourne, you’re just jealous that Neville is back and rejuvenated while here you are still on the shelf.

    Evan Bourne : I’ll be back in a week or so, almost at 100 percent.
    We now cut back to Gorilla Monsoon’s office and the Beyond Chaos GM is on the land line phone. Gorilla is chatting away when suddenly Gorilla gets cut off the phone and we see in the bottom of the picture a hand has hung up the phone from the base. Gorilla turns and we see the camera zooms out to reveal it’s The Miz along with Maryse, who have hung up on Gorilla.

    Gorilla Monsoon (Looking visibly annoyed): What's the meaning of this?

    The Miz : Listen Monsoon, I wait for nobody. You need to focus on me because I feel mistreated and you need to rectify your huge mistake.

    Gorilla Monsoon : And that would be?

    Maryse : You negligently left my husband, an undefeated Intercontinental Champion and true headliner out of the Number 1 contenders match later on tonight.

    The Miz : While you not only booked this silly match without me, the reality is I should be automatically number 1 contender. I’m the true star around here and I'm not happy Monsoon.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Listen Miz, fact is you haven't been around as much as Del Rio and Kevin Owens. They have been fighting week in week out, while you’ve been swanning off with these media appearances and guest spots in TV roles.

    The Miz : Swanning off?  I've been raising the profile of this show and each media appearance I make and every starring role I secure, makes me a bigger star and the bigger star I am, the bigger your show is. I put this company on the map and I raise the profile by just showing up.  Yet you book Kevin Owens and Alberto ahead of me? Is Alberto getting special treatment because he’s a minority? This wouldn't happen in NPW. And do you see yourself in Kevin Owens or something, because he hasn't an athletic bone in his body. He’s hardly a man you want representing this company. I’m the face that should be running this place and I demand you make me number 1 contender now!

    Gorilla Monsoon
    : I’m not changing anything. I actually have booked you tonight anyway.

    The Miz
    : What do you mean Im booked?

    Gorilla Monsoon : I’ve scheduled the first ever Miz TV segment on Beyond Chaos for tonight

    The Miz : Woooah there Monsoon. Hold On a sec, , I’m an expert journalist, no doubt, but Gorilla I don’t want to interview anyone tonight. Not happening.

    Gorilla Monsoon
    : Ok, that's fine, but with all your media junkets and jet setting, you’ve neglected your IC title. By my count it's just over 30 days since your last title defense, so you can either strip you of that title now or I can let the 30 day rule be ignored…. That is if you're willing to host Miz TV tonight.

    The Miz looks annoyed as he and his wife stare a blank hole into Monsoon. The Miz calms down and speaks very slowly and sinisterly at Monsoon.

    The Miz : Look at you, you’re just as corrupt as all the rest aren’t you. I’ve dealt with General managers like you before, I know your type Monsoon. I buried them all in my dust. But i’ll play your game Monsoon and I’ll bide my time with you. I’ll host Miz TV tonight but I will play by my rules.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Great, I’m glad you understand.

    The Miz
    : I actually have a guest in mind anyway. He's a former World Champion, a man who has done it all in wrestling, a true cross over star in Hollywood…..

    Gorilla Monsoon : I get it, your guest will be yourself. I know how you operate Miz, its old. I have already a guest in mind myself, your guest tonight….. Is Brian Pillman.

    Miz looks incensed as he squares up to Monsoon

    The Miz : What? You want me to be in the same ring as that loon? Are you serious?

    Gorilla Monsoon : He’s changed, he’s here to stay and he’s here to make our company a better place. I just want to give him a platform to speak directly to the fans and speak from his heart.

    The Miz : This is ludicrous. You’re more fruitier than him if you think that wack job is a changed man. You haven't heard the last of this Monsoon.

    The Miz and Maryse storm out as we cut to commercial.
    We are back and it's time for our third match. The ring announcer is in the ring with the mic in hand.

    Ring Announcer
    : Ladies and Gentlemen, this bout is for one fall. In the ring, from New York city, New York, weighing in at 296 pounds and he is 6 ft 7 inches tall…… Jim Beam.

    The man in the ring is a local talent but is fairly well built and looks fairly tough.

    Ring Announcer : And his opponent,  please welcome, from Allentown Pennsylvania, the mixed martial art expert and newest member of the Beyond Chaos roster….. Matt Riddle

    Pyros explode as Matt Riddle enters to his theme. He climbs in the ring and happily salutes the fans. The bell rings and Riddle and his opponent square up, with Riddle clearly the smaller of the two despite being 6ft 1inch tall.

    Matt Riddle vs Jim Beam

    Riddle and Beam both talk trash and Beam shoves Riddle to the Matt with ease.

    Corey Graves :
    Wow…. it just shows you, you can hold your own in MMA but when you stand in a wrestling ring on a big stage like Beyond Chaos, it's a whole different ball game.

    Riddle adjusts himself as his opponent laughs and continue to talk trash. Riddle composes himself and shouts “come at me bro” at big Jim Beam. Beam lunches at Riddle but Riddle sidesteps the attack and Beam is met with a flurry of elbow strikes, followed by some stiff kicks. Jim Beam looks hurt.

    Evan Bourne : Wow, Riddle stepping up. Go Bro Go!.

    Riddle then mocks the big man which only enrages the Beam, who lunges at riddle again. Riddle again is too quick for Beam and ducks the attack. Riddle quickly smashes Beams leg with a hard kick to the knee, which buckles Beams leg enough to enable Riddle to lock in his patented Twister Guillotine submission, otherwise known as the Bromission!

    Michael Cole : Bromission, Its the Bromission!… Riddles locked it in.

    Riddle has the submission synced in tight and big Jim Beam taps immediately.

    Winner : Matt Riddle

    Riddle releases the hold and jumps up to get his hand raised in victory by the referee.

    Michael Cole : My God that was impressive. What was that, a 1 minute and a half?

    Evan Bourne : It was under 2 minutes at least and Riddle took down a man half his size without really breaking a sweat. Impressive is right Cole.

    Corey Graves : I will take my hat off, I didn't see that coming. That was truly something else. Quick, deadly and powerful. Matt Riddle has stepped up.

    Michael Cole : What A debut!

    Matt Riddle poses on the top rope in celebration as we switch backstage
    We are now live with a BCW reporter who is standing by with Alberto Del Rio and Paige. Alberto looks ready to compete while occasionally leering at his girlfriend Paige, while  Paige is still in her civilian clothes even though her match is soon approaching.

    BCW Reporter: I am standing by with….

    Paige grabs the mic and shoves the reporter away while Alberto chuckles.

    Paige : Blah Blah Blah…...He bored me. Now, I’m here standing beside my gorgeous hunk of a man who will soon be the number 1 contender for the Heavyweight Title, the super sexy, Alberto Del Rio. Alberto, I have one question baby…… Where are we gonna celebrate later…..

    Alberto smiles while he kisses Paige on the lips

    Alberto Del Rio : Tonight my lovely, I shall take my rightful place as number 1 contender at the expense of Kevin Owens and then my lady we will celebrate in style. I'm ready, I'm set and I will go all night long.

    Paige : And believe me, he has the stamina! It won't be long before we are crown King and Queen of Beyond Chaos!

    Paige drops the mic and she and Alberto embrace in an over the top show of affection. The reporter picks up the mic.

    BCW Reporter : And Paige, you don’t look dressed to compete…..Are you…

    Paige grabs the reporter's mic again and declares her intentions.

    Paige : You know what darling, I haven't decided if I’ll bother yet. I’ve my hands full at the minute.

    The camera aims down and we see Paige cusping Alberos rear end. Paige and Del Rio continue their awkward embrace as we cut to commercial.
    We are back and we see Kevin Owens taping his fists up for his match later tonight as a BCW reporter approaches him

    BCW Reporter : Excuse me Kevin, but have you any thoughts about your match later on tonight with Alberto Del Rio

    Kevin stands up slowly and finishes his tape work before calmly responding with a great deal of determination.

    Kevin Owens : I have one thought for tonight, it is of me pinning Alberto Del Rio 1,2,3 in that ring. It's all I’m focused on. People think it's a phrase or a marketing moniker, but I genuinely will win no matter what the costs. I will put my body on the line, I will endure everything Del Rio throws at me, whether it’s his stiff kicks, or his painful submissions, I won’t quit, I won’t give up and I won’t stop until I have my match with Randy Savage for the World Heavyweight title. It’s my destiny….. And I’m going to do anything, ANYTHING, to get there.

    We switch back to ringside and it’s time for the Womens Championship Triple Threat.
    Michael Cole : Its time for the Womens Championship match, in which the title will be defended by Asuka in a triple threat match against Alundra Blayze and former champion Paige

    Alundra Blayze is first out and she looks fairly pumped up as she runs down the aisle. The next music to hit is Paiges theme and while her titantron video plans, there is actually no sign of the young Brit. Blayze looks puzzled in the ring, as do the fans at the no show by Paige

    Michael Cole : No sign of Paige…. I guess she has decided not to show up.

    Evan Bourne : It's madness Michael, she has an opportunity to regain her title here and prove to everyone of her doubters they are wrong about her, yet she no shows. When will this girl get her priority's straight?

    Corey Graves : Maybe she’s helping Del Rio prepare for his match later, maybe thats her priority.  Jeez, give the girl a break.

    Paige hasn't shown up which puzzles the fans in attendance, however the fans pop loudly when Asuka’s music hits and the Womens Champion walks through the curtain to a rapturous cheer. Asuka has her face covered by her trademark mask as she poses with her title.

    Michael Cole : No doubt about it, the fans here love Asuka

    Asuka slides into the ring and swaggers up to Alundra Blayze still with the mask held up to her face. Asuka then remove the mask to reveal a sinister smile across her face, however Blayze is unmoved.

    Corey Graves : Asuka is a master of the mind games.

    The ring announcer announces all three competitors even though Paige hasn't shown up and the match begins.
    Womens Triple Threat Championship Match
    Asuka vs Alundra Blayze vs Paige (who hasnt appeared)

    This is a highly anticipated match begins and both women stare each other down prior to the bell ringing. The crowd are love the opening exchanges are very interesting, As Alundra and Asuka chain wrestling 3 separate times, with counter after counter by each woman, until Asuka ends each sequence with a vicious kick to the right leg of Blayze.

    Evan Bourne : Asuka seems to always be one step ahead.

    Corey Graves : Don't write off Blayze yet, she has been around long enough to figure out a way to counter Asuka.

    The ladies go at it again, both trying to out do eachother and counter for position, and again Asuka tries to kick the leg of Blayze, but Blayze catches the leg of Asuka and delivers a T-Bone Suplex out of nowhere. Asuka looks stunned as Blayze stands over her but she soon smiles as if to say “bring it on”.

    Michael Cole : It's like Asuka is impressed and feeds off intensity of Blayze.

    The match goes on for roughly 20 minutes with some great sequences, with one highlights being Alundra Blayze climbing to the top rope only for Asuka to leap up and throw her off with a side belly to belly throw, while another highlight is Asuka attempting the Asuka-Lock submission after a series of vicious kicks, only for Blayze to reverse the move by spinning around and hitting a bridging german suplex for a near fall. Both women are now down feeling the effects of the match but Alundra is up to her feet first and is urging Asuka to get to her feet.

    Michael Cole : These women are proving that they are just as good as the men…. if not better.

    Corey Graves: I say we should use the same philosophy when it comes to this commentary booth, because anyone has to be an improvement over you Cole. Its not personal though, its just all about equality, scouts honour.

    The finish comes as Asuka sits up and reaches her knees only for Blayze to deliver a violent kick to the chest of the Champ, but Asuka hold sher chest in pain, she appears to be hulking up as she screams at Blayse to do it again. Blayze duly obliges and she begins kicking Asukas chest again and again until Asuka falls.

    Michael Cole : we could have a new champion if Blayze keeps this up.

    Blayze drags Asuka to her feet and signals her trademark Northern Lights Suplex, but as she attempts the finisher it, Asuka spins round her and locks in the Chickenwing Crossface otherwise known as the Asuka lock

    Corey Graves : The Asuka Lock is synched in, good night Alundra.

    Alundra tries to hold on and she struggles with all of her heart to get to the ropes, but eventually she succumbs to the devastating submission move and Asuka retains.

    Winner and still Women's Champion : Asuka

    Asuka is given her belt and celebrates.

    Michael Cole : Asuka looks as dominant as ever, she once again overcomes a tough challenge.

    Asuka yells out a battle cry in Japanese as Alundra Blayze attempts to move while clutching her arm. Blayze is obviously hurt as she reaches her feet and she and Asuka have a stare down.  

    Evan Bourne : I don't think this is over just yet.

    After a few tense moments Alundra applauds the champs and leave the ring while Asuka stands tall. The fans applaud with Blayze as she walks back up the aisle as Asuka celebrates on the top rope.

    Michael Cole : Nice show of respect there from a true pro, Alundra Blayze. …...WAIT WHAT THE HELL….

    As Asuka is perched on the top rope the lights go out and the arena is engulfed in darkness. The lights stay off for around 10 seconds and when the lights come back a hooded figure is standing in the ring in a long japanese kimono……

    Michael Cole : Who the hell is that!!!

    Asuka sleeks down the top rope and approaches the figure slowly but as she does the lights go out again

    Corey Graves : What the hell is going on here.

    The lights go back on and another person is standing behind Asuka but this person isnt disguised!

    Michael Cole : Now, who in gods name is that?

    Corey Graves : Oh Jesus, Thats Bull Nakano!!!

    Asuka turns and Bull Nakano grabs her throat with both hands and lifts her lift off her feet.

    Michael Cole : Who the hell is Bull Nakano?

    Corey Graves : Don’t you know anything Cole, Bull Nakano is one of the greatest, most dominant womens wrestler that ever lived.

    Nakano continues to choke the life out of the blindsided Asuka as the hooded figure is helling orders at Nakano. Nakano then a sit down chokeslam to asuka at the hooded figure directions. The Hooded figure then takes down her hood and reveals herself to be an older japanese woman. Graves seems to have a theory as to who she is….

    Corey Graves : It can’t be, can it? That woman is Dump Matsumoto, the mentor of both Bull Nakano and Asuka, that's her, I’m sure of it.

    Matsumoto is much older than both Bull and Asuka and she's barking orders at Nakano. Nakano then lifts up the lifeless body of asuka and delivers a mean looking kneeling piledriver to the champ much to the delight of her mentor.

    Evan Bourne : This is a mauling, I've never seen Asuka take such a beating.

    Corey Graves : This is nothing, Bull Nakano is a beast, she is capable of so much more. This is just a taste.

    Asuka is motionless on the mat as Nakano grabs her Championship title and kisses it before draping it across Asukas body. Bull Nakano then raises her arms in triumph as she lets out a huge roar as her mentor looks on as we cut to commercial.

    We return and the ring is set up for Miz TV, with the music of The Miz playing while the IC Champ and his wife Maryse both welcome us to the show.

    The Miz : Ladies in Gentlemen, Welcome to the only talk-show worth a damn in this business and the most must see piece of TV you’ll see all show, welcome to Miz TV.

    The fans show no love to The Miz and his wife as they boo loudly in their direction. The Miz being himself, smiles sarcastically at the crowd

    The Miz : You love booing me don't you? You people sound like depressed ghosts, booing constantly, “BOOOOOO” “BOOOO”. But that’s ok, I understand. I’d be depressed too if I was a fat, ugly, hopeless nobody who had to pay money to get just a glimpse of greatness by seeing me, The Miz, in person.

    The fans continue to boo as The Miz soaks it in.

    The Miz : But speaking of being a hopelessness nobody, thats a nice segway into my guest here tonight on Miz TV. So without further ado, allow me to introduce the man who needs no introduction, mainly because he hasn't accomplished anything of note, Brian Pillman.

    The fans pop as Pillman's music plays and outcomes Brian Pillman, who again is dressed formally opposed to his more familiar grungy look. Pillman looks a littel aggitated and hesitant at first as he appears.

    Michael Cole : I caught up with Brian Pillman after the press conference and he appears to have abandoned his lunatic ways and he's much more balanced. He seems truly grateful for the opportunity.

    Corey Graves : And so he should be. No one wanted this guy, he’s unstable but Gorilla went to bat for Pillman, he sold him to the sponsors and shareholders as a changed man, a man of redemption. He’s on his last chance her in BCW.

    Pillman steps into the ring and appears a little uneasy being there as he accepts a mic from The Miz.

    The Miz : Welcome Brian to the biggest moment of your career this far, a guest on Miz TV. Now Brian, a word of warning, I will ask the tough questions, I won’t shy away from the topics which may be too raw to ask.

    Pillman still with the mic at his side nods looks intently on The Miz who is in full swing of being his usual cocky self.

    The Miz : Now Brian, firstly, especially standing next to a big huge successful, multi talent star as myself, my question to you is, what’s it like being unsuccessful in life?

    Pillman looks unmoved as he stares a blank hole through The Miz.

    The Miz : I mean come on, I've won everything there is to win in this business, I’m a former World Champion, a former Tag Champion, the current Intercontinental Champion and a huge crossover star in Hollywood, yet ….. You’ve never won a big title in your entire career. You’ve never done anything of note in terms of career accomplishments….. Some might say, you’re an abject failure as a wrestler and as a human being.

    Pillman has his eyes locked on The Miz as it appears he’s holding his emotions in check as The Miz continues.

    The Miz : No comment, that's fine, I’d be speechless to if I was you next to a big star like me. It’s ok, I'm used to it. Next question, what’s it like being such damaged commodity in wrestling, that no other company was willing to take a chance on you due to your reckless ways?

    Pillman again doesn't move a muscle as The Miz continues to prod him with unprofessional questions.

    The Miz : Oh, you’re still lost for words. I’ll expand on my last question Is it a fact Brian that it wasn’t your “loose cannon” personality that scared other promoters off signing you, rather it was you’re lack of wrestling talent that kept you from being snapped up by any other show?

    Pillman again doesn't move yet his stare is getting visibly more intense as The Miz is being drowned out by boos from the crowd.

    The Miz : You're a tough man to reach Brian. I’ve one final question that may reach you. Is it true that you’ve played Gorilla Monsoon into thinking you’ve changed just so you can get a contract.

    The Miz squares up to Brian Pillman and Pillman doesn't move an inch as The Miz goes on…

    The Miz : Isn’t it a fact Brian that you are only acting like a changed man while underneath it all you're still the same idiotic loon. You’re fooling no one with this suit and this combed hair act, you’re not fooling me Pillman with this whole cool and calm approach. Admit it Pillman, you're still the same crazy, deranged dog behind that facade, aren't you...ADMIT IT!

    Pillman and Miz continue to stare down the barrel at each other while the fans chant Pillman's name. This stare down goes on but Pillman steps away and begins to laugh joyfully and The Miz looks enraged as his antagonising appears to have failed. Pillman walks casually up to The Miz again still chuckling to himself

    Brian Pillman : Man, you’re good, Miz you’re real good. You almost got me man, but I assure you Miz and the world, I am indeed a changed man… I ……

    Suddenly Pillman smashes his fist into the privates of Miz with a low blow and The Fans pop huge! The Miz doubles over as Maryse and The Commentary team are in disbelief.

    Brian Pillman : F*ck it, I can’t keep this sh*t up.

    The Miz is in agony as his wife tends to him, while Pillman opens his suit jacket and shirt to reveal his usual attire.



    The Miz rolls to the outside still clutching his family jewels as the crowd have erupted at Brian Pillman's sudden transformation. Miz’s wife Maryse storms up to Pilman and lays the verbal abuse on thick before attempting to slap Pillman. But the Loose Cannon grabs her arm in mid swing and she appears shocked. The Miz leaps onto the apron while Pillman swings maryse around in the ring and holds her hostage with a big crazy smile now plastered across Pillman's face.

    Corey Graves : What the hell is this idiot doing, that's the man's wife.

    The Miz shouting abuse and threats at Pillman, while half-heartedly trying to get in the ring. Pillman laughs psychotically before slowly licking the face of Maryse.

    Corey Graves:
    This guy is sick, we need security out here.

    Maryse is disgusted as Pillman pushes her in the direction of The Miz who grabs his wife and pulls her to the outside. The IC Champ and his wife stand outside scowling at Pillman and Maryse wipes her face of Pillman's saliva, while the fans are rabid with excitement. Pillman picks up the mic again and begins to pace around the ring.

    Brian Pillman : Ladies and Germs….. Welcome to the Brian F’N Pillman Show. I’m here to f*ck this place up.

    The fans are going crazy and the commentary team are silent, not knowing what to say.  

    Brian Pillman : Everyone is paralyzed with fear of Brian f'n Pillman. Why? Because I do and  say whatever the hell I want.

    Pillman then directs his attention to The Miz

    Brian Pillman : Hi Miz, nice show you got here but let's be honest about it it needs some fine tuning. Your wife tastes gorgeous by the way. I think she likes it too.

    The Miz is enraged by that comment and begins to hurl abuse again at Pillman's direction.

    Brian Pillman : Take a look Miz, yeah, take a good look. I'm the brightest star to ever step foot on God's green earth! While you call yourself a star, the leader of the new revolution ascends to his throne. I'm gonna rape, pillage and plunder this entire company. No one can stop me, not you, nor Monsoon, not the censors, no one has the guts to stop me.

    The fans pop as the Miz and Maryse look on as Pillman takes things a step further in the ring

    Brian Pillman : You wanna call me a dog, well I'm gonna mark my territory. I’m gonna whip out my Mike Mizanin and take a big f*ckin piss in this very ring.

    Pillman begins to unzip his pants to urinate in the ring but thankfully 8 security members swarm the ring and slide in to tackle Pillman. The security pin Pillman to the mat and cuff him, all the while Pillman smiles maniacally shouting “you’ll never take me alive copper”

    The feed unexpectedly cuts to commercial as Pillman is being dragged under the bottom rope by security.  

    We return and the camera is focused on the commentary desk as Michael Cole is apologizing for the offensive nature of Brian Pillman's actions. The camera then cuts to backstage and the security are dragging Pillman out and Gorilla Monsoon arrives and he's irate.

    Gorilla Monsoon : What the hell are you doing Brain, I had your word….

    Brian Pillman
    : Cut the crap Monsoon, you knew what you were doing, you know what you were getting into with me. You may not want to admit it, but you wanted to me to be controversial and push the envelope. You wanted to grab the headlines like your that rat Bischoff before you and you just can’t admit it to yourself. You need me Monsoon even if you don't know it.

    The Miz turns up with Maryse and he's the big man now that Pillman is restrained.

    The Miz : Fire him Monsoon, did you see what he did to my wife, did you see what he tried to do. Fire him or I’ll sue you.

    Brian Pillman : I’ll let Mrs Miz sue the pants off me any time.

    Maryse walks up and slaps the face off of the handcuffed Pillman. Pillman raises his head after being slapped and smiles from ear to ear

    Brian Pillman : Wow, I love it rough.

    The Miz, ever the opportunist, tackles the defenseless Pillman and pummels him on the ground for a moment until security drag Miz off

    The Miz : Fire him Monsoon, fire him or I’ll sue your ass.

    The Miz gets dragged away by his wife while Monsoon begins to address Pillman whos being helped up to his feet.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Brian, I’m sorry but you only have yourself to blame. I’m going to talk to our lawyers and see if we can cancel your contract. There's no place for your behaviour in BCW.

    Pillman gets dragged out while Monsoon looks stressed as we switch to another part of the locker room

    The camera then switches to the parking lot backstage were Brian Pillman is being bundled into a police car kicking and screaming. The door is slammed shut and pulls out of the arena.

    Michael Cole : And that looks like the end of Brian Pillman's brief Beyond Chaos Wrestling career.

    Corey Graves : Good riddance.

    Suddenly as the Police car goes out of the picture, a big black hummer pulls up and parks in the arena.

    Evan Bourne : Whos this arriving?

    The door opens and much to the surprise of everyone, out steps…. The Beyond Chaos World Heavyweight Champion, Macho Man Randy Savage

    Evan Bourne : I’m marking out here bro.

    Corey Graves : oh shut up, who are you? Matt striker? Please.

    Michael Cole : Savage wasn’t scheduled here tonight, He was given time off to be with his wife, Miss Elizabeth. What's he doing here?

    Corey Graves : He’s probably here to see the Number One Contenders match in person or maybe he's got a bone to pick with someone in that match after what happened to his wife last week?

    Michael Cole
    : Speaking of which, that's up next.

    The camera then switches to the ring for our main event of the evening.
    Out first is Alberto Del Rio and his girlfriend Paige. Paige gives Alberto a big smacker and she departs backstage as Alberto walks to ringside looking focused.

    Michael Cole : Alberto is looking like a man with one thing on his mind, victory.

    Evan Bourne : Alberto is the real deal, sure he’s the reason I’m out of action.

    Alberto steps into the ring and the fans show their disapproval for the Mexican star. The fans change their tune quickly as the music of Kevin Owens hits and the undefeated KO emerges from the back looking pumped.

    Michael Cole : The fans are behind Kevin Owens and why wouldn't they be.

    Corey Graves : Owens has been impressive, he’s been unstoppable so far. This one is too close to call.

    Owens steps into the ring and he an Alberto square up.
    Number 1 Contenders Match
    Kevin Owens vs Alberto Del Rio

    Start of the match (1 min - 5 mins )Both men can be heard talking trash to each other, with Alberto mentioning Owens weight while Owens asks his opponent about his mid-life crisis. The introductions are made and the bells rings and both men go at it at a frantic pace. Owens is forced back into the corner as Alberto throws hard right hands his way. Alberto takes a moment to taunt Owens before continues with some hard shoulder charges before whipping Owens into the opposite corner. However Owens reverses it and whips Alberto into the corner with so much force that Alberto goes over the turnbuckle to the outside much to the joy of the fans.

    Michael Cole : Alberto was knocked for six there.

    Corey Graves : Don’t count Del Rio out yet he's extremely resourceful.

    Alberto collects himself and re-enters the ring cautiously. Owens goes on the offense but Alberto ducks a clothesline and begins hit Kevin’s shins and legs with some neat kick strikes before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a dropkick to the knees of Owens.

    Corey Graves : See those kicks, that's the MMA background of Alberto at work.

    Middle (5-15 mins) :
    Alberto continues to work over the left leg of Owens by stomping the back of it before dragging him over the the ringpost and smashing his knee into said post from the outside.

    Corey Graves : Smart, very smart from Del Rio. He’s taking the legs from Owens. If Owens has a damaged leg, it will make it more difficult to lift Alberto up for the Pop Up Powerbomb. Very Clever

    Owens is in pain as Alberto continues the assault on his leg, with an atomic drop knee breaker. Owens is in pain but he taunts Alberto asking him “Is that all he’s got?”. Alberto is furious at Owens trash talking and locks in a knee bar. Alberto smiles with delight as he applies the pressure to Kevin’s knee but that smile is soon gone when Owens reaches the bottom rope thus making Del Rio release the hold. Owens goes to the outside and is limping badly and Alberto is in hot pursuit, clipping the knee from behind. Alberto taunts the crowd but this is a bad move as Owens gets up on one knee and begins throwing right hands at Alberto’s bread basket.

    Michael Cole : There's life in Owens yet, he knows no quit.

    Owens gets to his feet but Alberto steps back and charges at him. Owens telegraphs it though by sidestepping, sending Del Rio head first into the post. Owens sees an opportunity now that Del Rio is dazed by following up with an impressive German suplex to the concrete floor.

    Evan Bourne : One thing I've learned is that Kevin Owens is that he will always surprise you. When you think he’s licked, he does something like that out of nothing.

    Corey Graves : Only an idiot like you would underestimate Kevin Owens in the forms he is in.

    Owens rolls Del Rio inside and pins him for a two count. Owens pleads with the ref who confirms its only 2. Owens gets up and hits a senton splash and continues his assault by climbing slowly up the ropes and looking for a frog splash. However Owens takes too long due to his bad knee and when he does go for the move, Alberto gets the knees up. Both men gingerly get to their feet and Alberto backs himself into the corner and catches  his breath. Owens however reaches his feet and immediately charges at the corner. But his pace is slower due to his bad knee and Alberto dodges the shoulder charge resulting in Owens going shoulder first throw the ropes into the ringpost.

    Corey Graves : This is Alberto’s match to lose, he’s been on top and he’s got Owens nursing a bad leg and a bad shoulder.

    Evan Bourne : I hate to agree with you, but I know first hand, Del Rio will use both injuries as a target.  

    Alberto wastes no time as he smashes Owens in the shoulder with stiff knees before delivering a side arm breaker smash to Owens. Alberto then stands up and stomps away on the shoulder methodically, placing his kicks carefully. Alberto then drags Owens up, twists his arm before delivering a standing heel kick. Alberto goes for the cover….



    Kick out by Owens

    Owens crawls to the ropes and drags himself up, however he is quickly back on his back as he turns into a superkick by Del Rio…..



    Just a two! Alberto is annoyed but he drags Owens up again for more punishment and the fans are doing their best to get behind KO.

    The Finish (15-25 mins) : Alberto begins to unload with kicks on Owens, followed by some Flair like chops as the fans “woo” in unison. Alberto then ducks a wild swing by KO and transitions it into a picture perfect cross arm breaker!!!

    Corey Graves : Owens dug his own grave here with that wild swing, it's game over now surely.

    Evan Bourne : Alberto won’t let go until he breaks the arm of Owens, but he hasn’t got it locked in fully yet

    Bourne is correct as Owens is still fighting it despite Alberto's best efforts to fully lock in the submission. Owens gets to his knees and Del Rio still has the arm, but Owens is able to flip himself over to reach the ropes. Alberto locks in the hold but has to release it on the 5 count as Owens has the ropes.

    Corey Graves : Owens got extremely lucky

    Michael Cole : I think that was just great ring awareness to be honest.

    Alberto is furious at having to release the Arm Breaker and protests the referee so much that he backs the ref into the corner. Alberto is threatening the official but this gives Owens time to reach his feet again, even though he's still nursing the two injuries. Alberto releases Owens is back up and charges at him recklessly only to run straight into a Pop Up Powerbomb.!!!! Owens knee buckles and he only half hits hit. Both men are down

    Evan Bourne : Owens can’t capitalise.

    Corey Graves : He didn’t hit all of the move either.

    Owens clutched his knee in agony and crawls for a cover but as he drapes his arm over Alberto, Del Rio traps him in the armbreaker again!!!

    Corey Graves : Brilliant, simply brilliant from Del Rio.

    Owens is struggling to keep Alberto at bay and Del Rio is doing his best to lock in the move fully. Owens though somehow is able to maneuver himself and summons some strength as he begins to lift Del Rio off the mat. Owens manages to lift Alberto enough to slam him hard making him break the hold.

    Michael Cole : How did Owens do that with a bad leg and shoulder, unbelievable.

    Evan Bourne : He wasn't kidding when he said he will find a way to win.

    Owens and Alberto get to their feet and exchange rights hands and the fans are on the edge of their seats. Owens misses a right hand and Alberto reverses it into a backslide pin attempt



    Kick out. Both men are up and Alberto walks into a second Pop Up Powerbomb attempt, but this time Alberto hops over Owens and goes for a super kick, but Owens ducks and hits a super kick of his own on the follow up.

    Alberto is dazed yet still standing. Kevin Owens sees an opportunity and delivers a second superkick with authority. Alberto looks out on his feet a the power of the kick forces him to bounce off the ropes and straight into Owens, who  successfully hits the POP UP POWERBOMB.

    The fans count along as Owens covers Del Rio….




    The bell rings and Kevin Owens is victorious.

    Winner, and number 1 contender :
    Kevin Owens

    Michael Cole : What a match. I mean, wow…..I’m speechless.

    Corey Graves : What a battle, Owens stepped it up a notch. And No Randy Savage, I assumed he'd be out here taking a closer look

    Owens is almost motionless as his name is announced as the winner. He gets to his feet slowly with help from the referee and has his hand raised before collapsing in a heap. The fans are jubilant as Owens rolls to the outside and limps slowly back up the ramp with his hand aloft in victory. Michael Cole interrupts with breaking news however direct from Gorilla Monsoon.

    Michael Cole : Congratulations to the new number 1 contender Kevin Owens, however I must deliver some breaking news, our broadcast was due to end after this match but in a late development I being told by Gorilla Monsoon in my headset that that we will run into over time here on Monday Night Chaos. We will have one further commercial break and when we return I’m being told that ore current World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Savage will be here to address the crowd, stay tuned folks.

    Commercial Break

    We return and we are don’t have to wait long as the Pop and Circumstance hits and Macho Man Randy Savage appears. He slowly walks down the aisle with his title in hand and tags the fans hands so he makes his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and the commentary team wonder just what's going on, as the fans chant the Macho Mans name.

    Randy Savage : First, before I get down to business, allow me to say what a match we just saw, yeaaah. Give it up for Kevin Owens, yes sir.

    The fans cheers as Macho Man is applauds himself.

    Randy Savage : Now it's been a wild week as you all may know and it’s been a tough week for me, as a matter of fact it’s probably been the toughest week of my life. Weall saw what happened last week with Elizabeth. I’ve been a married man the past 6 years and my wife Elizabeth has been by my side for much longer than that. She is my soul mate, yeah…. My best friend…… and most of all the true love of my life….ohhhh yeah dig it.

    The fans being a Miss Elizabeth chant as Randy goes on.

    Randy Savage : Elizabeth has been by my side with me when I needed her most. She has been with me on my good days, my bad days and my greatest days. She has been on the road with me as I lived my life and as I became your champion and she always stood by me no matter what. And sh has always been a beacon of strength for me.

    Michael Cole : Miss Elizabeth has always been right there with Macho his entire career.

    Randy Savage : I wouldn't be champion today if it wasn't for her. In my darkest hours in the ring, when I couldn't get back up after being knocked down, I’d look to her and she would give me the belief, the will to keep going.  Simply put I’d be nothing without her.

    The fans cheer and start an “ELIZABETH” chant as Savage goes on.

    Randy Savage: But last week shook me, last week I put her in harm's way. She got hurt bad enough to knock her unconscious, her lights were out.  I was with her, by her side in the ambulance and in the hospital, and the doctors took real good care of her, no doubt about it. Thankfully,  she was able to leave hospital with just a little bump on the head and nothing more.

    The fans applaud and the Macho man looks humbled as he goes on.

    Randy Savage
    : Now I took care of her and she’s fine, no doubt about it yeah. But last week I had an epiphany, make no mistake about it, I had a big realisation. When she fell and I watched her lie there unconscious and it hit me like a two tonne bus. She easily could have been hurt and it was all because of me.

    Randy looks deeply saddened and remorseful as the fans quiet down.

    Randy Savage : No, the past week I’ve had plenty of heart to hearts with Elizabeth and we talked about life, our lives together and our future and I realise that she has done so much for me, that i need to do the same for her.

    Randy is starting to get very emotional and a tear begins to pass down his cheek.

    Corey Graves : Where is Savage going with this?

    Randy Savage : She put her life to one side for me and my career. She sacrifcied while I made it to the top, she stood by me every step of the way yeah, and for that I’m eternally grateful to her. I’ve done it all in this business and she was with me every step of the way, yeah. But right now I return the favor. It's time for my sacrifice.

    Corey Graves : What does he mean?

    Randy Savage : This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever, ever had to do but it has to be done. I have to do right by my wife, by my love. I’m 41 years old now and I’ve nothing else to prove in this business, so i think the time is right to say goodbye to this business.

    The fans are shocked as are the commentary team. Savage is in tears in the ring as he continues.

    Michael Cole : What? Did I hear that right?

    Evan Bourne : No way man, is he saying what I think he’s saying.

    Randy Savage : As of now, I officially retire from professional wrestling.

    Corey Graves : Oh my god.

    Evan Bourne : Say it isn't so.

    Randy Savage : It’s time for me to do right by my wife. I’m going to go home, start a family with the woman I love.

    Corey Graves
    : I can’t believe it. The Macho Man is calling it a day.

    Randy wipes his face as he tries to go on as the fans start a  “ONE MORE MATCH” chant.

    Randy Savage : I’m sorry guys. I will never forget you. You guys shared my greatest moments and made them so much more special. For that i thank you and I will never forget you.

    The fans begins a “THANK YOU RANDY” chant.

    Randy Savage : It's been a wild ride. I wouldn't change a thing but now is the right time to bow out. I’ve had a good chat with Gorilla Monsoon tonight and while he is unhappy I’m leaving, he understands and he’s agreed to allow me to leave. I agreed with Gorilla that next week I will officially relinquish this World Heavyweight Title and I will pass the torch to the next man in line, Kevin Owens. After his match tonight, I think we all can agree, he deserves it.

    The fans agree as Randy tries his best to compose himself.


    The Macho Mans theme plays and the entire arena of fans are on their feet applauding Randy Savage and chanting his name. Cole, Graves and Bourne all stand up out of respect as The Macho Man takes off his jacket, clibs the ropes and emotionally salutes the fans with his title in hand.

    Michael Cole speculates if thats the last time we will see Savage do this as Mach Man poses for the fans. Randy climbs down and exits the ring, clearly very emotional as he walks back down the aisle. The fans are still in disbelief as is the world at the news that Randy Savage is retiring.  As Macho reaches the top of the ramp, he turns and waves to the fans while tears stream down his face as he mouths “thank you” back at the fans while rasing his title one last time as we fade to black and go off the air.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,481 ✭✭✭brianregan09


    The scene opens on a boardroom of suits talking amongst themselves, One of them stands up at the top of the room

    Suit: Due to financial constraints this will be RCW’s last year operating. I have brought in someone to organise our Roster and be our General Manager. I’d like to introduce you to Paul Heyman

    In walks Heyman with his trademark hat and grin on his face, all the men look at each other with worried faces.

    Heyman: Hello Gentlemen ! I am Paul Heyman and I’m here to deliver one final kick to the rest of the Wrestling World. See RCW may be closing its doors for ever, But that’s okay. You do realise when ECW closed it’s doors the chants never stopped even to this day at Indie events such as OTT and even at the bigger shows like WWE anytime one of my former guys is in competition they are always reminded by the fans that ECW is what made them

    Suit: What’s your point here , We need a plan for RCW.

    Heyman: We need to be different so what I’m proposing is instead of hiring a plethora of guys to fight over some bull**** strap, I’m going to organize a tournament to take place over 2 nights with some of the best talent from the past and present and deliver you 2 nights of amazing and unforgettable Wrestling ……..not Sports Entertainment and we will present the winner with a trophy not a title that’ll never be defended.
    I have already signed the talent and drawn up the bracket for the 1st night and here it is the brackets for the Tournament

    Roman Reigns vs Bruce Hart

    Enzo Amore vs Big Cass

    Jushin Thunder Liger vs Psicosis

    Naito vs Tito Ortiz

    Elijah Burke vs Lex Luger

    Gran Metallic vs Super Crazy

    Paul Heyman: and there will be 2 bye’s to the ¼ finals as I don’t have those 2 signings finished with yet. But those 6 matches I have laid out should have plenty of thrills and stuff for the crowd.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 677 ✭✭✭Cheese Wagstaff



    Pyrotechnics go off and the crowd erupts as the camera circles to our commentary team of Mauro Porallo & Don Mortell.
    Porallo: You are very welcome to our live broadcast of Hard Cheese Entertainment, exclusively on the Boards Network! I am joined by Hall of Famer Don Mortell, and coming up right now, our principle owner Mr. Wagstaff will be delivering an announcment to our fans!

    Mortell: Whenever Mr. Wagstaff is in the building, you know something big is about to go down.

    Camera focuses on the ring, where Mr. Wagstaff is in the ring, microphone in hand.
    Mr.Wagstaff: Ladies & Gentlemen. I am not going to keep you too long. I would like to ask for our General Manager, John Laurinaitis to make his way to the ring.


    Johnny Ace makes his way to the ring, with a confident look on his face. He gets in and greets Mr. Wagstaff with a good firm handshake and pat on the back.

    Wagstaff: Now Johnny, as you and I know, this is the time where we conduct your quarterly review. As we know, and as THE FANS have had quite an eventful time here in HCE so far.

    (The crowd erupts with boos.)

    Mr. Wagstaff: Now let's see. You were a huge part in our overwhelmingly successful Cheddarama pay-per-view, the highest grossing event on the Boards Network in history! This included death-defying feats of athleticism, superb technical ability, and high-flying manoeuvres that would make your eyes pop out!

    You gave us Peter Morton, one of the most successful champions of this era. You gave us an icon in Buddy Rogers still showing the young upstarts how it is done. And the cherry on top, you gave us the first and last ever encounter of 'The Man': Seth Rollins against RICKY 'THE DRAGON' STEAMBOAT. I don't think we will ever see a match of that quality ever again.

    For that, you deserve a huge congratulations, and well done.

    (The crowd boos once again as Johnny Ace soaks up the praise, his grin growing larger from ear to ear)

    Mr. Wagstaff: Also...Xavier Woods. Bart Gunn. Antonio Inoki. Tatsumi Fujinami. Rich Swann. Sylvester Terkay. Shelton Benjamin. MVP. D'Lo Brown. The Godfather. Mark Henry. 'Iron' Mike Sharpe. Elijah Burke. Roderick Strong. Jay Lethal. Ricky Steamboat.

    (Johnny appears confused and can be seen mouthing 'What do you mean?')

    All of these men chose not to renew their contracts for this upcoming season. The board of directors and I, we were confused as to why considering the quality of lifestyle we offer here, and they were all unanimous in their reasoning: The choice they were making was because of one man...JOHN LAURINAITIS.

    (The crowd start to get excited and vocal)


    (The crowd begin to cheer, as Mr. Wagstaff attempts to regain his composure)

    And so John, as we are here concluding your performance review, I have come here to inform you that the board of directors have come to a decision. While there have been some good points, we ultimately feel that due to your lack of control over personnel, your time here is up and overdue.

    (Mr. Wagstaff leaves the ring to an ovation from the fans, as Laurinaitis remains dumbstruck in the middle of the ring. Wagstaff makes his way up the ramp, only to turn and acknowledge Johhny once more)

    Mr. Wagstaff: I forgive my lack of clarity. Three minutes overdue.

    Johnny is suddenly blindsided, as he is attacked by none other than the '3 Minute Warning'...Jamal & Rosey. They manhandle Johnny, and plant him to the ground with a Tilt-A-Whirl Sideslam. This leaves him prone as Jamal dives from the top rope, landing with a sickening headbutt. The two chest bump each other and can be heard screaming at the motionless Laurinaitis.


    Mr. Wagstaff: Without further ado, please let me introduce our NEW GENERAL MANAGER...

    (The crowd has a mixed eruption as Eric Bischoff appears on the ramp, shaking hands with Wagstaff. Wagstaff leaves the arena, as Bischoff takes his microphone from him.)

    Bischoff: Well, well, well! Look who's back! Damn it's good, especially with a seemly PUNK like that, just laid to waste. Jamal, Rosey...get that trash OUT OF MY RING![/b][/i]
    Eric makes his way down to the ring. He gets in and clears his throat. appears that we have a lot of cleaning up to do since John LAYRINGITIS did his level best to destroy EVERYTHING.

    Now...I know that it was supposed to be an ESPN-exclusive, but thanks to my contacts, I can reveal that we will be bringing you exclusive coverage from the press conference of our newest signing: BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART!

    Porallo: Wow! That is huge!

    Bischoff: And also, the tradition of the Television title being defended weekly WILL CONTINUE! Peter Morton will be in action...tonight!

    (The crowd boo at the mention of Morton)

    Bischoff: And last, but not least...we have a very special event coming up in the next couple of weeks...EDAMANIA. And all of you idiots aren't that stupid, so we all know that we'll need a marquee main event in order to show that we are the best promotion on this side of Boards PW forum.

    (The crowd do not take kindly to Bischoff, and begin to boo loudly!) we will have a Battle Royale TONIGHT to determine a No. 1 contender! Who knows...maybe we'll have two! (He acknowledges both Jamal & Rosey beside him.)


    Porallo: At the risk of sounding repetitive, Bischoff looks like he seems to know how to give the fans what they want!

    Mortell: I believe a certain Mr. Laurinaitis would argue with that!

    Porallo: Well, thanks to our new general manager, we don't really have to worry about that any more. Well, that concludes the opening. We'll be right back after these announcements, Peter Morton is UP NEXT!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Previously on Monday Night Chaos :


    In a news that shook the wrestling world, Beyond Chaos World Champion, Macho Man Randy Savage dramatically announced his retirement last week and he vowed to leave the wrestling business to be with his loving wife, Elizabeth. Savage has said he will vacate his title tonight to Beyond Chaos General Manager Gorilla Monsoon. Will this be the last time we see Randy Savage in a wrestling ring?

    Kevin Owens battled hard last week to become number 1 contender to the Heavyweight Championship and it's been speculated that he will be awarded the title as a result. Will Kevin be crowned the new top dog in Beyond Chaos?

    Brian Pillman arrived in BCW last week as the guest on Miz TV and mayhem ensued. After being goaded by IC champion The Miz, Pillman would reveal his true colours and go postal on the set of Miz Tv as he cursed, licked the face of Maryse and cut a chilling promo in which he then threatened to urinate in the ring. Beyond Chaos GM, Gorilla Monsoon would tell Brian that would attempt to cancel his contract and then had Pillman escorted from the building. With Pillman gone, how will The Miz react

    Beyond Chaos’s young wrestling prodigy, Matt Riddle made his first appearance in Beyond Chaos ring last week and he was thoroughly impressive. What does the future hold for the next big thing in wrestling?

    Last week the Beyond Chaos Tag Team Champions were put on notice as the Original Horsemen, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard arrived and took both Gargano and Ciampa out with a vicious assault. How will the tag champions regroup?

    Neville returned last week and showed a much improved physical physique and a meaner attitude. Will Neville continue on from last week and dominate his competition with ease?

    Beyond Chaos Womens Champions Asuka was brutally attacked after her match with Alundra Blayze by the menacing Bull Nakano at the commands of her former Mentor Dump Matsumoto. Will Bull Nakano continue her rampage?

    Alberto Del Rio and Paige had a bad week as he lost a brutal battle to Kevin Owens and Paige didn't bother even turning up for her Championship rematch. What has this week in store for the off the rails couple?

    The cameras are rolling live in New York City, New York as Monday Night Chaos opens on a hot crowd as the commentary team of Michael Cole, Corey Graves and special guest commentator Evan Bourne, whom is still injured welcome us to the show.

    Michael Cole : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Chaos, on what could be Macho Man Randy Savages final appearance in a wrestling ring.

    Corey Graves : It will be an emotional occasion if last week is anything to go by, and there is speculation that not only will Randy Savage relinquish the Heavyweight title tonight, but he will pass it to current Number 1 contender, Kevin Owens.

    Evan Bourne : Man, Randy Savage is a true great in this business and while I will be sad to see him go, I am honoured to be here to pay my respects.

    Michael Cole : It will be undoubtedly a historic and eventful night here in Beyond Chaos. One thing I can confirm though is that Brian Pillman, who was only signed a few weeks ago to compete here in Beyond Chaos, has been released from his contract in Beyond Chaos Wrestling. Brian was found to have breached his contract last week and has since been made a free agent as a result. On behalf of the General Manager of Beyond Chaos Wrestling, Gorilla Monsoon, we would like to extend our best wishes to Mr Pillman in his future endeavours.

    The music of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard blares over the arena and outcome 2 of Beyond Chaos Wrestling’s newest members. Michael Cole reminds us of their arrival last week as they dismantled the tag team champions, Ciampa and Gargano, as they enter the ring and Arn grabs a mic.

    Arn Anderson : Well you all know who we are, and you all know what we can do. And now, after last week, Gargano and Ciampa know too. So, we want to skip to the chase. We could do this week in, week out until we get a shot for the titles, but we thought Gargano and Ciampa might like the opportunity to man up and face us right here tonight for those Tag Team Titles.

    The fans pop as Tully grabs the mic.

    Tully Blanchard : So DIY, you know where we are. Lets not waste anyones time, come out here and fight us.

    The fans pop loudly as without further a do the music of Gargano and Ciampa play and out comes the tag team champions all fired up.

    Evan Bourne : Looks like business is picking up

    Corey Graves : Quit with the cliches Bourne.

    Gargano and Ciampa match down the aisle but as they do so they are swarmed by referees and backstage agents,one of whom is General Manager Gorilla Monsoon. Ciampa and Gargano are held back outside as Monsoon grabs a mic.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Now hold on a second…, you two (pointing at Arn and Tully) jumped the gun big time last week and I’m already up to my eyeballs with other important issues in this company, but I’m not about to let your actions last week jeopardize my plans for the Ultimate Chaos PPV. I signed you two guys to face DIY at the Ultimate Chaos and I’d need both of you to calm down until then.

    Michael Cole : Wow, DIY vs Arn and Tully at Ultimate Chaos. But you 4 are hell bent on a fight, and the fans here want to see you go at it, so i’m gonna comprise. Tonight Johnny Gargano will face off against Arn Anderson tonight.

    The fans cheer and both sides seem happy with the announcement

    Michael Cole : Double A, Arn Anderson makes his Beyond Chaos in-ring debut, when he takes on Johnny Gargano, one on one tonight.

    Gorilla Monsoon
    : And to spice things up for everyone involved, the winner gets to choose the stipulation for the Tag Team Title match at Ultimate Chaos. Good luck.

    Both teams seem happy with that announcement as we go to our first commercial break.

    We are back from commercial we are informed that since Randy Savage is retiring, the will be clips of his greatest achievements aired throughout the night. We see a clip of him beating Chris Hero for the IC title last year before we then switch backstage as a BCW reporter rushes up to BCW superstar Paige, who has arrived backstage.

    BCW Reporter : Paige, Paige, can you comment on you no-showing your title match last week?

    Paige looks at him up and down before grabbing him by the tie and dragging him up to her face.

    Paige : Ohhh my sweet little reporter boy, you want to I know what happened to little old me last week do you…..

    Paige begins touching his face affectionately and longing into his stunned eyes, making him rather uncomfortable as a result. Paige then teases kissing him before pushing him away

    Paige : I’m out of your league darling, but don’t worry. I’ll on my way to answer my critics..

    Alberto Del Rio then appears dressed in skinny jeans and a leather jacket from seemingly nowhere and clutches Paige close in a protective manner.

    Alberto Del Rio : Is this parasite bothering you baby?

    Paige : He actually just came onto me baby, and …... he, …...he kinda tried to kiss me.

    Paige smiles from the side of her face as Alberto wastes no time and grabbing the terrified reporter by the neck.

    Alberto Del Rio : Is this true essa? You wanna put your tongue down my woman's throat do you? How about I put my fist down your throat.

    The reporter is struggling to breathe as Paige grins as she looks on. Alberto then throws the reporter by his neck into a locker room door and leave shim in a heap on the floor before returning to Paige who embraces him. The pair walk off with Paige laughing like a schoolgirl, stuck to Alberto’s arm as we cut to ringside.

    Michael Cole : These two are one hell of a destructive couple.

    Paige’s music then hits and it out stroll Paige and her man Alberto Del Rio.

    Corey Graves : I guess we Paige is gonna answer her critics now.

    Paige and Alberto stroll down the aisle and Paige looks besotted with Alberto as the couple walk to the ring. Alberto grabs a mic as he and Paige step into the ring.

    Alberto Del Rio : Last Monday, was a very bad night for me. That rat Kevin Owens got lucky last week and I won’t lie to you, I was devastated.

    Paige is literally groping a kissing Alberto's body the entire time he continues speaking.

    Alberto Del Rio : But no matter how bad things got last week, I still was a true winner last week, because when I left last week i got to party the whole night away with this beautiful lady by my side.

    Paige stops to blush before going back to grope him again.

    Alberto Del Rio : We partied all night long, if you catch my drift.

    Alberto smiles and winks while the two share a long overly passionate kiss to the disgust of the crowd.

    Alberto Del Rio : But now I see the championship is being vacated and I understand that lucky rat Kevin Owens shall be made Champion later. Well I want to make it clear right now, that I deserve to be the first man to challenge for that title and I will be making my intentions very clear to Gorilla Monsoon later tonight!

    Michael Cole : Alberto Del Rio throwing his name into the ring already, he feels entitled to a shot after last week.

    Alberto Del Rio : You people already know I am championship material but enough about me. I’m not here to talk about myself, I'll do that later, right now I am here to be by the side of my sexy mamacita Paige, because she has something to get off her gorgeous chest.

    Paige and Alberto exchange kisses again as Paige takes the mic.

    Paige : Thanks Papi.

    Evan Bourne : Papi? Eeeew gross!

    Paige : Well….. Since last week, all I’ve heard is blah blah blah from social media. All these” So called experts” have been telling me I’ve lost my edge, that I’m off the rails….. That I’m wasting my talent….. I’ve been asked time and time again about how careless and stupid I must be to miss my title rematch. Well, you all can go to hell!

    The fans boo as Paige seems to want to vent.

    Paige : Everyone wants to judge me, you all think you know me, you all jump to conclusions. “Oh Paige must be too drunk to compete”, “ Oh Paige is throwing her life away”........please, you people don’t know the first thing about me. Firstly, if I wanna party hard then that's my bloody business. Secondly, allow me to set the record straight, I wasn’t too drunk to compete, or even drunk at all…., And I wasn’t under the influence either. Maybe I just didn't wanna share my contractual rematch with a has been like Alundra Blayze in triple threat.
    Evan Bourne : Blayze won’t like that comment.

    Paige : You all are so eager to see my supposed self destruction, maybe if you all spent less time reading the tabloids and listening to the so called “wrestling journalists” and more time understanding that I’m a young bad ass female, who does what she wants, when she wants, then…

    Paige is cut off mid sentence by the music of the legendary Alundra Blayze. Blayze strolls out with a mic in hand and begins to address Paige as her music cuts.

    Alundra Blayze : What the hell happened to you Paige? Last week you had an opportunity to reclaim the Womens Championship last week and you didn't even bother lacing up your boots. Do you know how many young, hunger fighters would kill for a chance like that?

    Paige : Oh who are you, my mother? Have you got some little maternal instinct inside of you that you believe gives you the right to judge me and question my life? Have you no kids of your own darling?

    Alundra Blayze
    : I’m sick of little kids like you, You have no respect.

    Corey Graves : Blayze is like an old man telling the youngsters to get off his lawn.

    Alundra Blayze : You don’t even know you're born. You get handed opportunity after opportunity and you whine and complain about how life is so tough and then you are too lazy to do anything with all the talent and skill you have. You need to reassess your life Paige. I remember a young, talented girl who dominated the Womens division 7 months ago. I remember a woman who showed Sasha Banks who the real boss is. I remember a girl who gave Becky Lynch a good lass kicking. But where is she now? All I see is a lost little girl who is content to get drunk and happy at being arm candy to a man double her age who's going through a midlife crisis.

    Alberto Del Rio : Woooah there, you wanna watch what your mouth.

    Paige : Who are you to come out here and judge me huh? Listen here granny big balls, come in here and say that to my face.

    Blayze slowly gets in the ring and continues

    Alundra Blayze : Listen Honey, I’ve made a career for throwing useless pieces of garbage in the trash and I have no problem doing the same to you.

    Paige : Please darling, why don’t you get out of my face Grandma before I hurt you, isn’t there a game of bingo somewhere that you need to be? Or an early bird diner with a reservation for an old, haggered, barren old maid like …..

    Before Paige finishes her insult, she gets a thunderous slap to the mouth by Blayze.

    Michael Cole : Oh my god!

    Paige stumbles back before retaliating and a brawl between the two ensues, with both women trading right hands. Alberto steps in after a moment and holds restrains Blayze as Paige regroups. Paige then slaps Blayze a couple of times while talking trash before Alberto releases Blayze from his grasp while Paige mounts her with right hands. Backstage agents and officials reach the ring Alberto and Paige scarper as the officials help Alundra Blayze up. Blayze is restrained in the ring as she and Paige begin screaming at each other. Del Rio drags Paige away back up the aisle as Alundra Blayze is seething as she is restrained by the officials.

    Evan Bourne : Trouble seems to follow Del Rio and Paige wherever they go.

    Corey Graves : Jealousy seems to follow them, case in point Ms Alundra Blayze.

    Commercial Break
    The camera switches back to ringside and the commentary team are busy discussing the title situation when they are interrupted by a commotion coming from the fans to their right hand side. The camera’s pan over to the side and the fans are cheering loudly for an unknown reason.

    Corey Graves : Whats going on, did some fat salad dodger trip and fall carrying his jumbo popcorn or something?

    The camera locates the source of the fans delight, as we see none other than The Loose Cannon himself, Brian Pillman, walking down the steps in the stand of the arena.

    Corey Graves : What’s he doing here, someone call security?

    Pillman looks very pleased with himself as he is walking through the fans in attendance for a few moments, before he finds a seat and plonks his butt down in a seat at ringside beside some rambunctious fans.

    Michael Cole : That’s Brian Pillman, he’s here, he’s here.

    Pillman is quickly approached by security and he kindly shows them his ticket.

    Michael Cole : He’s bought a ticket, well I’ll be damned.

    Pillman appears relaxes as the security guards back off. The ringside camera approaches Pillman who can be heard saying “I’m entitled to be here” before he produces a his own fan sign from the bag which reads

    “Nice match, it be shame if someone….. Interfered in it!”.

    The fans around him go nuts and Pillman is playing up to the fans by acting like an overzealous fanboy.

    Corey Graves : This is a childish, immature stunt. This idiot needs to go home and reevaluate his life.

    Michael Cole : I guess Brian Pillman is a paying fan tonight.

    The the music of ACH begins to play and the hard working up-and-comer strolls out from the entrance way. The fans like ACH but they are too distracted by Pillman and his antics to really acknowledge him. The fans begin “Pillman” chants but they are brief as they are interrupted mid chant by the pyrotechnics of the entrance of ACH’s opponent, Neville. Neville again has a no nonsense entrance and he looks pumped and focus as he walks down the aisle.

    Evan Bourne : Man I don’t care what you say, Neville looks juiced up. He's visibly bigger, irrationally angry.... its obvious dude

    Corey Graves : You obviously never heard of hard work. Neville clearly works harder than you in the gym Bourne.

    Evan Bourne : You’re in denial man.
    Neville v ACH

    ACH turns his back to stretch and Neville seizes the opportunity to attack him from behind before the bell. Neville is vicious in his approach and lays in some vicious kicks to his opponent in the corner.

    Evan Bourne : Come on man, this is uncalled for.

    The ref tries to back Neville off and Neville appears to oblige for a moment, but he tosses the ref aside and continues with stiff kicks before he knocks ACH down with a mean super kick. Neville then pummels ACH with right hands.

    Evan Bourne : He's defenseless, he can't defend himself for god sake.

    The ref tries to pull Neville off but gets threatened for his troubles. Neville then locks in his Rings of Saturn submission and ACH looks done for as he squeals in pain. The ref tries to get Neville to release the hold to no avail as Neville cranks it up more. Neville is foaming at the mouth with rage as more refs come out to try restrain muscular Brit. Neville eventually releases the hold and backs off from the refs as ACH lays motionless on the mat.

    Corey Graves : Neville is intense and relentless

    Evan Bourne : Intense and relentless? The man has issues dude, he comes back juiced up to the nines and he's irrationally angry. He’s got roid rage and he needs help.

    Corey Graves : Shut up Bourne, this slanderous attack on Neville is baseless. He's just making a statement. I think you’re just jealous. I've known Neville years and he's just focused and driven. His only crime is his eagerness.

    Neville leaves the ring and storms up the ramp as we take our next commercial break.
    We are back and greeted with another clip of Randy Savages career in Beyond Chaos, this time it's his Heavyweight Title win over Cesaro last summer. The commentary team speak highly of that match as Michael Cole then explains its time to show footage of a pre recorded interview between himself and Beyond Chaos’s newest female monster, Bull Nakano.

    We Switch to the interview recorded backstage and Bull Nakano sits across from Michael Cole with her mentor, Dump Matsumoto standing beside her.

    Michael Cole : Last week you arrived in Beyond Chaos, attacking Champion Asuka. What were your motives for last week?

    Bull talks in her native tongue of Japanese with her mentor translating.

    Matsumoto : Bull says she is here to avenge her master. Bull Nakano and Asuka were my finest students, both destructive in nature and deadly competitors. They trained together, they were family. But Asuka went in search of fame and glory, she departed to the USA despite her the best advice of her mentor. She turned her back on her family for materialistic possessions and shallow acclaim. And Bull has found Asuka to crush her dreams and turn them into nightmares.

    Michael Cole : So Ms Nakano, you are here to fight Asuka or take her title or both?

    Matsumoto : Bull says she is here to take the materialistic possession she holds dear away from her and make her pay for her disobedience. Bull says she will take break Asuka’s back as a punishment for turning her back on those who truly cared about her.

    Michael Cole : So I can say with confidence, that you Bull Nakano are challenging Asuka?

    Matsumoto : Bull already challenged her last week, Bull showed her no respect then and Asuka, if she has any honour, will accept.

    Michael Cole : Thank you for your time.
    We switch back to the live arena, where Michael Cole informs us that we haven’t heard from Asuka since last week and he can confirm that Asuka will face Paige one on one for the title next week in a what is Paige's contractual rematch.

    Evan Bourne : I wonder will Bull Nakano turn up again next week looking for an answer?

    Corey Graves : Funny, because I wonder will Asuka turn up, or will she too scared of another beatdown from Bull? I wonder what Paige makes of this.

    Graves is interrupted by the fans who are chanting “Pillman” again. The camera picks up Brian Pillman who is still acting like an Over the top fan and he has a new sign that reads

    “I'd rather watch AEPW”.

    Corey Graves : This guy is seeking attention, if you ignore him he will go away. These stupid fans are worse for encouraging him

    The music of Johnny Gargano plays and it's time for another match.

    Michael Cole : Gargano versus Anderson, stipulation for the title match at stage, this is high drama indeed. This could be a wrestling clinic

    Arn Anderson is out next and Gargano catches him off guard with a suicide dive as Arn reaches the ring.

    Evan Bourne : Now that's Air Gargano ladies and gents.

    Gargano gets up and tosses Anderson into the ring and the bell sounds.
    Johnny Gargano v Arn Anderson
    Winner choose the stipulation for Ultimate Chaos.

    It's a good back and forth match with each men being pretty even in terms of offence. The highlights are Gargano reversing a Spinebuster attempt into a guillotine submission and Arn reversing the submission into a northern lights suplex.

    The match comes to an end when Tully Blanchard arrives to try interfere but Ciampa cuts him off at the past and a brawl between the two ensues. This distracts Arn who is rolled up by Gargano for a quick 3 count attempt but Arn reverses it at 2 and pulls grabs a handful of Gargano's tights for illegal leverage unknownst to the ref for the 3 count

    Winner : Arn Anderson.

    Arn Anderson scurries to the outside and celebrates with his partner Tully Blanchard and they retreat back up the aisle.

    Corey Graves : Arn Anderson, always one step ahead.

    Gargano and Ciampa lick their wounds as we cut to a commercial break.
    We return and we see another clip of Randy Savages BCW career, him beating a bloody Cesaro inside a steel cage to retain his Heavyweight Title before we switch to a BCW report who is trying to give Intercontinental Champion The Miz a heads up about Brian Pillman.

    BCW Reporter : Miz, Miz,... are you aware that?

    The Miz cuts him off and grabs him by the collar.

    The Miz : Listen you cretin, you can’t just run up to an A list star such as myself, you need to book time with me via my agent.

    BCW Reporter : But Miz….Brian Pill…..

    The Miz : Are you deaf? Hard of hearing? or just dumb. Listen I don’t care about that insignificant worm Brian Pillman, I’ve a match and I’m trying to get mentally prepared and I don’t need you bothering me trying to get a rub off the Champ. Be gone from my sight

    The Miz shoves the reporter down and walks away, oblivious to the warning he was about to receive.

    We then return to the ring for our next match of the evening. Out first is Cedric Alexander and the ever confident high flyer is out to a nice reception. He steps into the ring but the entrance of his opponent , the Intercontinental Champion The Miz.

    The Miz and Maryse pose at the entrance ramp and The Miz obviously is obvlious to the fact that Brian Pillman is seated at ringside.

    Evan Bourne : I wonder if The Miz is aware of Brian Pillman being here?

    The camera cuts to Pillman who has the fans in a frenzy as the chant his name over the music of The Miz. Pillman also has a new sign that reads “I’M A MIZ GUY.... seriously”. The Miz makes his way into the ring, while his wife cheers him from the outside and it's obvious both are unaware of Pillman's ringside presence. The fans continue to chant Pillman's name as Maryse makes her way outside and clocks Pillman with her own eyes.

    Corey Graves : Ignore him Maryse, just ignore him.

    She tries to alert her Husband but her attempts are in vain as he can’t really hear her as the bell rings.

    The Miz vs Cedric Alexander (non title)

    As the bell rings, The IC champ is distracted by his wife's shouts and is blindsided by the quick Alexander from the off. The Miz is off his game and his wife is screaming at him about Pillman which doesn't help matters. Cedric is in total control here and is then clotheslined outside. The Miz lands right in front of Pillman's view and dazed as the fans pop loudly while Pillman himself is staring right at The Miz.

    Corey Graves : This is totally unfair. Get out of there Miz.

    Maryse keeps her distance and again calls to inform her husband. She catches his attention but again he can’t hear her and this enables Cedric to hit a crossbody over the ropes onto Miz. Miz is on dream street as Cedric is in control. Cedric drags The Miz up, but the IC champ is cunning and low blows Cedric out of view of the ref.

    Evan Bourne : What a low, dirty, rotten...

    Corey Graves : It's called ring smarts you fool, something you wouldn't know about.

    The Miz then shoves Alexander head first into the post. The Miz, with his back to Pillman, taunts Cedric and the fans with the “Im smart” gesture as he backs up and relaxes on the ring barrier right in front of Pillman. Maryse screams at her husband to look out and The Miz casually looks around to see The Loose Cannon grinning from ear to ear.

    Corey Graves : Look out Champ…..

    Pillman then lunges over the ring barricade at The Miz and unleashes a flurry of right hands at the IC champ as the ref calls for a DQ.

    The Winner : The Miz via DQ

    Pillman is unloading hell on The Miz but it isn't long before security are on the scene to restrain The Loose Cannon. Pillman is dragged away but he breaks free and hurls rights hands at some security guards before more arrive and subdue him before eventually handcuffing him as well. As Pillman is restrained The Miz recovers enough to take a few cheap shots at the cuffed Loose Cannon. Pillman is defenseless and is eventually knocked down by The Miz who then mounts the Loose Cannon and delivers some stiff right hand to the unprotected face of Pillman.

    Michael Cole : Come on, enough is enough, he's defenseless.

    Corey Graves : Shut up Cole, you weren't speaking up when Pillman cowardly attacked The Miz were you?

    The Miz is dragged off by security but The IC Champ isn't done by a long shot as his wife hands him a chair. As soon as Pillman is on his feet The Miz knocks hit back down with a stiff shot to the ribs and one across his back. Pillman is still moving but we can see blood coming from his mouth as The Miz talks some trash to him before dragging him to the ring and setting smashing him with a chair to the ankle.

    Evan Bourne : Oooooh, Pillman has had serious issues with that ankle and teh Miz is using it as a target.

    Corey Graves : He's not called the smartest IC champ of all time for nothing Bourne.
    The Miz soaks in the boo's before shouting more smack talk at Pillman

    The Miz : That's for touching my wife last week you dirty sc*mbag……. Ohhh is your little ankle hurt?... oh, ……. Now this is for coming back for more......, Oh and you might recognise this move….

    The Miz then places the steel chair around the ankle of Pillman.

    Evan Bourne : He’s gonna try break his ankle…

    Corey Graves : How ironic. Genius.

    The Miz then gears up to stomp across the chair places around Pillman’s ankle and Pillman is badly hurt and is powerless to stop it, but thankfully The Miz is stopped as Gorilla Monsoon arrives with some backstage agents and block The Miz off. Gorilla orders The Miz to leave and he reluctantly does so as the officials check on Pillman. Pillman’s mouth is full of blood as he is helped up as we cut to commercial.

    We are back and Michael Cole confirms Pillman is receiving treatment backstage following his altercation with The Miz and tells us it's time for the next match.

    Ring Announcer : This match is for one fall. In the ring weighing in at 367 lbs, at 6ft 5 inches from Long Island, New York, Billy Manson.

    The camera cuts to the local talent who is fairly tall but massively out of shape.

    The music then plays and his opponent Matt Riddle appears and makes his way to the ring to a great response from the crowd.

    Michael Cole : The fans seem to have liked Riddles first outing last week.

    Corey Graves : Well, he looked good last week, but I feel he might have gotten lucky. We will see can lightening strike twice.

    Matt Riddle vs Billy Manson

    Riddle squares up to the big burly Manson who has a huge mass and size advantage over Riddle. Manson laughs at Riddle but that smirk is wiped off his face with a huge right hand strike.

    Evan Bourne : Riddle is coming out swinging.

    Riddle follows up the big strike with a flurry of rights and lefts and then nails Manson out with a big kick to the side of the head. The crowd are on their feet as Manson crashes to the mat and he looks out cold.

    Evan Bourne : Riddles knocked him out. There’s your lightning Graves.

    The ref checks on Manson as Riddle looks on fairly happy with his handy work. The ref calls it as Manson is unresponsive.

    Winner : Matt Riddle

    Riddle celebrates by posing on the turnbuckle as the ref checks on his fallen opponent. Riddle then grabs a mic and begins to address the crowd.

    Matt Riddle : Well, that’s two guys I faced and 2 guys I’ve taken care of with ease. I came here for a challenge and I ain’t getting a challenge bro’s. So I want a real challenge, I want competition and I wanna fight the best and most of all I want to be the top dog in Beyond Chaos, you know what I’m saying?

    Corey Graves : Great, this delusional tool beats two bums and thinks he's next in line for a shot at the Title does he? He needs a reality check.

    Matt Riddle : Well I see we have a PPV on the horizon and I see we have a potential new Champion without a challenger. So I want to put my name forward to fight for the Heavyweight Championship against the new champ Kevin Owens at Ultimate Chaos.

    Michael Cole : Riddle has been impressive thus far and he certainly is ambitious.

    Riddle is interrupted by the music of none other than Alberto Del Rio who doesn't look happy with a mic in hand.

    Corey Graves
    : Finally, a true contender appears. He’s the reality check Riddle sorely needs.

    Alberto Del Rio : Hold your horses there chico, you need to find your way back to the end of the queue. You come here, fight a couple of insects and think your a champion. You need to take a hard look at yourself and realise your not even close to being ready to fight for a championship. I on the other hand am the true champion Beyond Chaos needs and It shall be me who faces Owens at Ultimate Chaos and I, Alberto Del Rio, will become the new Heavyweight Champion, comprende?

    Alberto steps into the ring while Riddle looks bemused at Del Rio’s speech.

    Alberto Del Rio : I’m gonna be champion, and maybe when you’ve learned the ropes a bit and beaten a few decent wrestlers,maybe then I will allow you face me for the champion. So, do yourself a favor essa, hit the bricks and get out of my ring.

    Riddle steps up to Alberto and has a few words of his own.

    Matt Riddle : Do you know what, maybe you have a point, I haven't had any real tests since I’ve gotten here…… so why don’t you step up and test me right now…...essa?

    Alberto looks furious as the crowd are on the edge of their seat.

    Alberto Del Rio : Listen punk, you think you're the big man since you did some MMA huh? Well allow me to educate you. I know a little MMA myself and I wrestling legend. So, I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt since you're just a little child in a man's world, So get out of my ring before I break you.

    Matt Riddle : I think your gonna have to break me bro….

    Alberto smirks at Riddle before swinging a right hand at the MMA star, but Riddle moves quickly to grab Alberto’s arm and reverse it into his patented Bromission submission.

    Michael Cole : Alberto just walked right into it, what a counter move by Riddle.

    Referees and backstage officials are on the scene quickly and break it up and keep both men apart. Riddle and a furious Del Rio try there best to get to each other as Gorilla Monsoon arrives to order both men to the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back for the last time and Gorilla Monsoon has stayed at ringside as Michael Cole confirms both Alberto Del Rio and Matt Riddle have been ushered to the back. Monsoon has a mic in hand

    Gorilla Monsoon : Well, it's safe to say I’ve had a busy night. I’ve been out here at ringside a lot more than I’d like to tonight. I don’t wanna be out here separating tag teams at war, and I certainly don’t want to be out here dealing with incidents with an ex-employee and our intercontinental champion or between two competing rivals like Del Rio and Matt Riddle.

    Corey Graves : Tough Monsoon, suck it up. It’s what you're paid to do. Maybe if he was more competent then maybe these incidents would happen to begin with.

    Gorilla Monsoon : But I’d gladly enjoy doing those things 10 times over than having to do what I have to do right now. Ladies and Gentlemen, last week our Heavyweight Champion, The Macho Man Randy Savage announced his retirement last week and I’m out here now to officially relinquish the Heavyweight Title from him as a result.

    The fans are clearly sad but they show their respects with a “RANDY SAVAGE” chant as Monsoon continues.

    Gorilla Monsoon : While it is a great honour to work with Randy Savage over the years, it fills me with great sadness seeing him walk away. Thankfully he is departing on good terms and not because of injury or illness, but I can honestly say with my hand on my heart that I will miss him every day and I thank god for all those years I got to work with him.

    The fans begin a “THANK YOU RANDY” chant as Monsoon goes on.

    Gorilla Monsoon : So thank you Randy, thank you indeed. But without further ado, one last time…. I give you The Beyond Chaos World Heavyweight Champion, The Macho Man Randy Savage……

    The Macho Mans theme plays and the fans go wild as Randy Savage and his wife Elizabeth appear. Macho Man is dressed in his usual get up and his jacket as the slogan “Never Forget!” on the back a she and his wife make their way into the ring. Randy Savage grabs the mic after a handshake with Monsoon while the music cuts and the crowd roar with loud “RANDY SAVAGE” chants.

    Michael Cole : This is unbelievable. A true show of respect from the Beyond Chaos fans for The Macho Man.

    Randy Savage : I said it all last week folks and I got fairly emotional. I can’t promise I won’t get emotional again but i will try to keep it short and sweet. Thank you to everyone, yeah, everyone in the wrestling world for their support and kind words over the past 7 days. It hasn’t been easy, but nothing good in life is ever easy.

    The fans are chanting so loud that it's hard to hear Savage speak.

    Randy Savage : Thank you everybody. Thank you for everything. Thank you Gorilla for your support and your understanding and I hope the future of Beyond Chaos is in good hands.

    Gorilla Monsoon hugs Randy Savage and Savage slowly hands Monsoon the belt. Savage looks emotional as you’d expect as Monsoon begins to speak while the fans applaud this special moment.

    Gorilla Monsoon : All I can ever say Randy, is thank you. Humble in victory, gracious in defeat and honorable as you depart. You truly are the best. Now folks, without further ado allow me to introduce to you, the man who is known as the true peoples champion, Kevin Owens.

    The music blares through the arena and Kevin Owens makes his way out.

    Michael Cole : Kevin Owens, the man who became number 1 contender last week before Savages announcement.

    Owens gets in the ring and shakes Randy Savages hand immediately before leaning in for an embrace.

    Michael Cole : Great show of respect from Owens.

    Owens is handed a mic and he begins to speak.

    Kevin Owens : Allow me to begin by saying how much I respect you Randy. You, in my eyes, are the best. You’ve proved that so much over the span of your career and especially in the last year in Beyond Chaos. So, from the bottom of my heart you have my respect for everything you’ve done in the ring.

    The fans cheer as Owens pauses, while Savage seems to appreciate the kind words.

    Kevin Owens : But I have to be honest and true to myself Randy, and as a result i must ask you to reconsider your decision. Like I said Randy, you in my eyes are the best, and since I’ve come to this company I’ve aspired to be the best and I need to beat the best in order to truly call myself the greatest.

    Michael Cole : Kevin Owens has been undefeated since he arrived here.

    Kevin Owens : So you see Randy, I need to face you, I need to face you in order to call myself the best. Unless I can beat you, I can’t call myself the best. So I ask you, as a man to man, to give me the opportunity to be the best. One more match Savage, it’s all I ask.

    Evan Bourne : Wow, what a development.

    Randy Savage soaks in the tense atmosphere as the fans begin to chant “one more match”. Savage responds….

    Randy Savage : Kevin, I saw your match last week and I saw a true fighting performance last week and you deserve to be where you are today, you actually reminded me of myself in that you never know when you're beaten and you just keep going and going, yeaaah.

    The fans cheers as Owens seems humbled by the kind words

    Randy Savage : But Kevin,......I can’t help you.

    The fans sigh as Savage continues

    Randy Savage : Kevin, I am a man of my word and I gave my word last week when I said I would leave this business. I gave my word to my darling wife Elizabeth here, and I am truly, deeply sorry that I have to disappoint you and the fans, but I can’t go back on my promise to my wife. The answer is no Kevin. I’m sorry. I’m sure you will be a fine champion Kevin.

    Kevin Owens looks devastated as Monsoon interjects

    Gorilla Monsoon : Well Kevin…

    Kevin Owens : STOP!. Wait I’ not done here. I’m not done yet Monsoon

    Owens looks immensely frustrated and his face appears to fill intensity as he cuts Monsoon off.

    Kevin Owens : Listen to me Savage, listen to me…… I need this. I don’t think you realise what you’re doing to me. I don’t want to be a man who is handed the title. That’s not my style. I’ve beaten everyone in my way thus far and it was my destiny to beat you for the title. I need to beat the best in order to call myself the best. I need to beat you in order to be the best. Savage, I don’t want this title if its just handed to me, I’m no paper Champion. I need this Savage, I need to face you…. I need to beat you…. I ask you, as a fellow professional wrestler, as a man please reconsider.

    Savage closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath.

    Randy Savage : The answer is NO! I told you I’m done. I can see where you are coming from, I really can, but I can’t. I made a promise to that lady there (pointing to Elizabeth) and I’m not going back on my word. You don’t have to like it, I don’t expect you to but you have to respect it.

    The frustration grows in Owens and he looks even more annoyed than ever.

    Kevin Owens : Respect? What about your lack of respect towards me? What about what I deserve, where’s my respect, huh? You don’t realise what you're doing to me Savage.

    Miss Elizabeth tries to pull Savage away and Kevin anger grows

    Kevin Owens
    : Are you afraid to fight me, is that it? Did you look at me last week and what I did to Alberto Del Rio and you think “I can’t beat Kevin Owens”, is that it?

    Savage is looking furious at Kevin’s remarks and Elizabeth is trying calling at him to let it go.

    Kevin Owens : If you're not afraid of me, then prove it Savage, prove it. Fight me. FIGHT ME SAVAGE!.

    The arena is like a pressure cooker as Owens and Savage stare eachother down. Sweat beads runs down each man's face as Savage slowly raises his mic to his lips.

    Randy Savage : I said NO!

    Savage is pulled away by his Wife Elizabeth and she swings him around to leave. But in a shocking development, Kevin Owens snatches the World Title from Gorilla Monsoon and charges at Randy Savage, nailing him in the back of the skull with the title as he tries to exit.

    Michael Cole : Oh my god, Owens has snapped.

    Owens stands over Savage who is reeling from the cheap shot while Miss Elizabeth is screaming at Owens to leave him alone. Owens screams at Savage “FIGHT ME ….” as Savage tries to get back up, but Owens continues his attack with vicious right hands. Blood is starting to appear from Randy’s skull as a result of the belt shot and Owens is battering Randy with Right hands. Monsoon tries to pull Owens off of Savage but he gets pushed away by Owens and falls throw the ropes to the outside, hitting his head on his way down.

    Michael Cole : That’s our General Manager, my god Owens has gone too far.

    Corey Graves : He’s about to go further Cole….

    Graves is right as Owens drags Savage up, screams at him to “Fight” before powerbombing him in the middle of the ring. Elizabeth rushes over to the fallen body of her husband and screams at Owens to leave him alone but Owens pushes her away and delivers another powerbomb to Randy Savage.

    Kevin Owens : It didn't have to be this way Savage….. Just fight me….

    Miss Elizabeth rushes over again and this time she lays over Savage. She can be heard saying “he won’t fight you...just walk away” as she lays over her injured Husband. Owens stops and surveys the ring before walking slowly up to the fallen body of Randy Savage.

    Kevin Owens : He won’t fight me….well I’ll have to give him a reason to fight!

    Owens then grabs Elizabeth by the hair and drags her off of the bloody Macho Man.

    Michael Cole : Owens can’t be serious…..

    Elizabeth is screaming and looks terrified as she stares at the expressionless face of Kevin Owens. Owens then pushes Elizebeth to the outside and stands over the body of Randy Savage.

    Kevin Owens : You drove me to this….. I’ll make you fight me!

    Owens then pauses over Savage who is moving very limitedly as Elizabeth is outside holding her ankle.

    Michael Cole : What's he going to do to Savage….he’s already done enough, leave him alone.

    Owens then rushes to the outside and drags Miss Elizabeth up, shouts at her “it didn't have to be this way” before placing her in a powerbomb position and smashes Elizabeth back first off of the ring apron!

    Michael Cole : Jesus, …...WHAT HAS KEVIN OWENS DONE.... He has just decimated Miss Elizabeth.

    Corey Graves : I'm speechless.

    Owens stares blankly into space as he stands over the motionless body of Elizabeth. The Macho begins to stir in the ring and he’s a bloody mess as Owens walks slowly to the ropes, remorseless about what he's done.

    Officials arrive and tend to both Macho Man and his wife, while Owens picks up the title belt with his blood stained hands and stares intently at the belt. Owens then drapes the title over Savage as we go off the air with our commentary team and the fans in complete shock at what has just happened.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    (thanks to beakerjoe for the graphic)

    The episode opens with a figure seated at a table in a dark room. The only light emanates from a cigar held in the figure's right hand. The figure places the cigar down into a nearby ashtray and reaches behind to turn on a lamp. The camera is to the back of the figure but we see now that there are a number of newspaper clippings on the table. The figure sifts through the clippings as the camera follows...

    2nd May, 2016…

    MNG Owner to Step Aside

    Following the disappointment of losing the ratings war once again, the owner of Monday Night Grappling has announced he is stepping away. ‘I need to re-evaluate things. Take some time off. I will leave it up to the board to determine who takes things forward from here.’ When asked if this was an overreaction given the show still did well, his reaction was blunt: ‘Second cannot be considered good enough for us. We are not the BWA'.

    1st June, 2016…

    Ali Shocks World – Joins Wrestling Promotion

    The legend Muhammad Ali – who has recently been stripped of his boxing World Title for refusing to be conscripted in the US Army, in a shock move has been appointed the new General Manager of Monday Night Grappling.

    ‘Those men in suits want to take my belts away? Well I ain’t gonna go grovellin’ to nobody. I’m gonna put on my own suit and show the world how to run an organisation the right way. And I want all my fans around the world to tune into Monday Night Grappling and watch me do just that.’

    June - July, 2016…

    Ali now a Recruiting Sargeant!

    From one Olympian to Another

    Is it true, damn true?

    Ali, as the new General Manager, has set about signing new talent to the company and announced a tournament to crown a new World Heavyweight Champion.

    To the surprise and delight of the fans, Kurt Angle debuted in the promotion and won the tournament, becoming the new World Champion.

    Angle has since gone on to defend the title around the world in the company’s off-season...

    2nd September, 2016

    Olympic Hero to Zero

    World Champions' Wellness Test Shame

    Angle tells world: 'I need help'

    The new Monday Night Grappling World Champion Kurt Angle has failed a company wellness test and reportedly has relapsed into his previously well documented addiction to prescription painkillers.

    The GM Muhammad Ali is now faced with a terrible and ironic dilemma – as someone who knows the pain of having a title stripped from his grasp, must he now do the same to Angle? Or can some other solution be found?

    It is here, folks, we take up our story...
    Time: October, 2016

    Scene: a wet evening in Pittsburgh. A man in a white suit and hat is making his way up the stairs of an apartment block. He knocks on the door. An unshaven Kurt Angle answers; his eyes are bloodshot.


    Angle: Muhammad. Good to see you again. When I saw a guy in a white hat coming up the stairs I thought for a second you were someone else. Come in.

    Muhammad enters and looks to set his hat down on the table but there’s no room – empty pill jars, empty beer cans, and a TV dinner wrapping cover the table. By the sofa cushion sits the World Championship belt.

    Angle: Let me take your coat.

    Ali picks up the title belt and looks at it for some time.

    Angle: Take it, Muhammad.

    Angle (almost whispering): I don’t deserve it any more. I’m a shell of who I was.

    Ali smiles.

    Ali: I ain’t gonna take it from you, Kurt. But I might have to if you turn down this offer I’m going to make to you. See I know this fella in Hawaii, he’s a wrestler just like you, and he’s opened up a retreat there to look after his fellow wrestlers; the ones who have hit on some hard times. He told me he wants to help you.

    Angle: Help me?

    Ali: That’s right. I actually went out there to try and entice him into coming back to wrestling, but he says he’s decided to take time away from the sport now. Says he wants to be a family man. He’s got a little boy that he just dotes on. I think you might have heard of the man I’m speaking about: Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat?

    Angle: (his eyes bulge wide): Ricky Steamboat? He’s one of my all-time favourites. I used to study tapes of his classic matches with Ric Flair all the time when I started out in the business.

    Ali: Well he’s invited you to come stay with him in Hawaii. I have a ticket here to take you there by plane tonight. If you take the ticket, you can keep that title – providing you get yourself cleaned up and straightened out while you’re out there. If you refuse this chance, Kurt, well then I’ll have to strip you of the title – and I don’t want that. I prefer to let God judge others, not me. So what do you say?

    Ali offers a handshake. Tears run down Kurt’s face. He grasps Ali with both hands.

    Angle: Guess I’m going to Hawaii.


    Time: October

    Scene: A press conference. Attending on the part of Monday Night Grappling are the GM Muhammad Ali, the tag team champions Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas, the US Champion Dean Malenko, and the women’s champion Mickie James.


    Davy Schmultzer: A question for the tag team champions Charlie and Shelton…the company have recently signed American Alpha and they've spoken of their respect for you and how they'd love to face you down the road. Is the respect mutual, and could you see a match happening?

    Charlie Haas: If Gable and Jordan respect us then they’re pretty smart because we are what we say we are – the world’s greatest tag team. These belts right here prove that. As it happens Shelton and I know all about them and yeah we respect them, but as far as wanting to face us down the road…I think they'd be biting off more than they could chew. We do have something in mind for them though, and you'll find out what that is when the new season gets under way.

    Davy Schmultzer: Okay, and one last thing, is it true that neither of you have had contact with Kurt Angle since his recent troubles?

    Shelton Benjamin: Here’s the deal with Kurt. The Kurt Angle we knew…the wrestling machine who would stop at nothing to be the best…that guy seems to be gone now. Now he’s become soft. Weak. The Angle we knew would not associate with weak people. And neither will we.

    Woody Koller: Question for Muhammad Ali, on that point, can we now assume that Angle will not be on Monday Night Grappling’s opening show and that you will have to strip him of the title if he fails to appear?

    Ali: I ain't gonna comment on that at this time.

    Kenny Brockelstein: Question for Dean Malenko, you've been defending your US Title in open invitational challenges on house shows. Will you continue that into the new season of Monday Night Grappling?

    Dean Malenko: Absolutely. Why wouldn't I? I've been saying all along that I am the greatest technical wrestler in the world today and no one in the world comes close to me. The Iceman fears no man.

    Ali: One last question, folks.

    Mack Johnson: Mickie James, you have held that women’s championship for 9 months now. But are you feeling pressure after the recent signings of Japanese stars Io Shirai and Mayu Iwatani, plus the American duo of Cheerleader Melissa and MsChif?

    Mickie: Pressure? Have a look at my career, hon, and then talk to me about pressure. I am not a ‘star of the future’ like these other women, I am a star of the NOW and let any women in any roster, signed or unsigned, try to take this from me. I DARE them.

    Ali: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s ‘bout time we…

    Before he can finish, the lights go out. A sound begins...

    On a fuzzy, jerky screen the following appears…
    ...This is the 08 Code…This is the 08 Code…

    …The system has a virus…

    …The system will now shut down…

    …walt…BWA…Munster Mafia…BCW…

    …This is the 08 Code…

    …The system will now shut down…

    The message ends and the reporters and wrestlers look at one another in confusion. A ruffled, perturbed Muhammad Ali then brings the press conference to a hurried conclusion, ignoring the questions of the confused reporters.


    Time: October

    Scene: Hawaii. Angle has been living here at the home of Ricky Steamboat for several weeks engaging in an intense, rehabilitation programme under Steamboat's guidance. Steamboat has taken an immediate liking to his new charge, and the pair have begun to bond.

    We take up the story on one of the better days of Kurt’s recovery – it’s a Saturday morning and the pair are chilling on the porch of Ricky’s house after a gruelling sparring session on the beach.


    Angle: I tell you what, Rick, my Olympic coaches would have loved to work with you. I’ve never seen a guy leave me gasping for air before.

    Ricky: (shaking his head) Ha, you’re still not 100 per cent Kurt and you’re already pushing me to my limit.

    Little Richie Steamboat pops outside and gives his dad a hug. Then he approaches Kurt who tussles his hair.

    Angle: You’re dad’s too modest, right Richie?

    Richie laughs.

    Angle: Think your son might follow in his old man’s footsteps one day?

    Ricky: Who knows? But his mom swears she’ll never let that happen. Hell, she always got upset whenever I stepped into the ring.

    Angle: That why you turned down Ali’s offer to go to Monday Night Grappling?

    Steamboat says nothing. Angle smiles.

    Angle: I respect you putting your family first, Rick. I do. But the thing is, all of us wrestlers are addicts in a way. And I don’t just mean the guys like me who stupidly pop pills or whatever. I’m talking about the addiction to that rush you get performing in front of a crowd, pushing your body to the limit, hearing the crowd cheer as you hold up a title. Are you telling me you’ve truly left that behind? Or I wonder is this retreat a way for you to recover from YOUR own addiction to that?

    Before Steamboat can offer an answer, his wife appears and tells them she’s left out some breakfast on the table.

    Ricky: Let’s go inside.


    Time: October

    Scene: A TV studio


    Host: Welcome to Talking Grap with me, your host, Todd Pettengill. Here on our debut episode we are talking with the high-flyin sensation that is Will Ospreay, who has left our fans in awe on house shows ever since he signed with us. Now Will, with our new season about to debut soon, you have been openly calling out Rey Mysterio to sign with the promotion. Is it fair to say you want to face him to prove that you are the best?

    Will Ospreay: Look mate, I feel like I’ve been proving that for the last 18 months or so, but the questions are always there – who would win between Ospreay and Mysterio? Who would have his hand raised in this dream match? I have to admit, as anyone who has seen my Twitter feed, it’s a question I’ve wondered myself. Mysterio is a legend. A guy I’ve admired all my career. Maybe the greatest high-flying wrestler ever. If I want to go down as a legend too – and I intend to – then I need to test myself against him. But make no mistake, Todd, I am the best that there has ever been. And if a certain lucha wrestler has a problem with me saying that, well, he knows where to find me.


    Time: October

    Scene: A gym in San Diego. Rey Mysterio is doing some in-ring training when he stops. There is a commotion outside and lots of clapping and cheering. The door opens and in walks Muhammad Ali readjusting his collar, while the sound of children calling after him can be heard outside. He closes the door behind him.


    Rey: Amigo! What are you doing here?

    Ali: I’m here to see you. You know I am running things at Monday Night Grappling now?

    Rey: I heard. I have good memories of my time there a few years back.

    Ali: You hear about the young star Will Ospreay we have on our books? He says he’s the best high-flyer there’s ever been.

    Ali smiles; Rey does too.

    Rey: Yeah I heard that. The kid’s got confidence. I like that. But he’s mistaken if he really believes that.

    Ali: You’re telling me that. But I’m not the guy who needs to hear it.

    Rey laughs and Ali joins in as we fade out.


    Time: November

    Scene: A hospital

    A frantic Terry Funk is seen running down a hospital corridor, looking for his brother Dory. He is stopping at every door and looking inside. ‘Dory!’ he hollers. You might say he is finding Dory.


    Terry Funk: Dory! Dory!

    Terry eventually runs into Ali who is outside a hospital room, stroking his chin. He stops when he sees Terry.

    Terry Funk: Where's Dory? Where's my brother?

    Ali leans his head to the room beside him and Terry rushes past him. He opens the door to find his brother Dory, unconscious, in a hospital bed being assessed by doctors. They ask Terry to please leave but he is frantic and won’t budge. They threaten to call some orderlies but eventually Ali is able to usher him out of the room.

    Terry Funk: What happened? You said in your phone call Dory was jumped at his ranch? Tell me what you know.

    Ali: All I know is what he told a nurse before he passed out. He said he was jumped from behind – doesn’t know if it was a person or more than one. But he, or they, beat him. They beat him bad, Terry.

    Terry Funk: Damn it. Damn it, Dory. My brother…

    Ali: That’s not all. This is gonna be tough to hear but…right before Dory lost consciousness here at the hospital…he told a nurse that he was…

    Terry Funk: What? What, damn it?

    Ali: Branded.

    Terry Funk: What the hell are you talking about, ‘branded’?

    Ali takes out a photograph which he says one of the doctors treating Dory gave him. It is a photo of Dory’s back, and on it can clearly be seen the letters: E - C - W

    Terry Funk: My God. What’s this about? What is this about, Ali?

    Ali: Look Terry, the police would like to ask you some questions. Now don’t get all hot, they say it’s just procedure. But see that man behind you, in the uniform, you go with him and just have a little talk with him, that’s all.

    Ali’s muscles are tense, as if he’s ready for Terry to lose control, but Terry, still reeling by what he’s been told, does as he’s advised and goes to talk with the officer, as Ali looks on, troubled.

    Time: November

    Scene: Ricky Steamboat, Kurt Angle, Ricky's wife and their son Richie are eating dinner. After some pleasantries, focusing on how Kurt's rehab seems to be going well, the discussion turns to the holidays.


    Mrs Steamboat: So Kurt, will you be staying with us through Thanksgiving? You're very welcome, of course.

    Angle: That's very kind of you to offer but my plan is to get myself straightened out, ideally get back into a wrestling ring...

    Little Richie: Dad, are you going to wrestle again?

    Mrs Steamboat: No, sweetie. Your dad promised he would leave that business behind him.

    Little Richie: Aww!

    Steamboat says nothing and stares at his plate.

    Little Richie: Kurt, could my dad beat you in a wrestling match?

    Angle (his face colouring): I dunno, Richie. Your dad's pretty tough, huh?

    Little Richie: My dad had that big gold belt before, didn't you, pop? He beat Ric Flair for that title. I saw it. I came out to the ring with my dad and -

    Mrs Steamboat: We shouldn't have talk of wrestling at the table. Right Rick?

    Steamboat seems lost in thought.

    Mrs Steamboat: Rick? Are you listening to a word I'm saying?

    Steamboat: Hmm? Oh, yeah. Your mom's right, son.

    Everyone is looking at their food now - except Kurt. His eyes are focused on Ricky. Then Little Richie breaks the silence.

    Little Richie: Kurt, how come you don't eat dinner with your family? Don't you miss 'em?

    Ricky and his wife together: Richie!

    Angle: It's okay, guys. Really. See Rich, the last few months I haven't taken care of myself. I let myself get real sick. And with the help of your dad and mom I'm making myself better; so I can be with my family again.

    Hey guys, you know I'm pretty full right now. If it's alright with you I'm going to go to my room and lie down. Rick's been pushing me pretty hard in training. I'll catch up with you all, later.

    Ricky: Okay, if you're sure...

    Kurt heads to his room and Ricky and his wife exchange glances while Richie looks down at his plate.


    Hype Video - Tiger Mask is coming...


    A promotional video played featuring Tiger Mask and showing classic matches with the likes of Dynamite Kid and Mick McManus.

    It was interspliced with footage of a real tiger on the prowl.

    When it ended, Sayama, who has spent time in England and knows enough of the language, explained that he knew his old foe Dynamite had done very well in this promotion some years back. He said that if Dynamite could have such success here, just imagine what he - a man who had been Dynamite's toughest challenge - could do.


    Time: December

    Scene: Ricky Steamboat's home.

    As is often the case with rehabilitation, there are bad days. Sometimes there are very bad days. We join the story on a rainy evening when Ricky comes home, angrily confronting Angle who is sitting on the couch with little Richie watching some cartoons.


    Ricky: Time to go to your room, son. Me and Kurt need to have a talk.

    Ricky's anxious wife takes Richie out of the room.

    Angle: Rick, what’s going-

    Ricky: Is it true?

    Angle: What?

    Ricky: I ran into a guy I know down at the pharmacy who tells me he dropped off some painkillers for my wife earlier. He says he gave them to you. Know anything about this?

    Angle: No, I don’t know any-

    Ricky (grabbing Kurt by the shirt): Where are they?

    Ricky then storms off down the hallway to the room where Angle sleeps and he bursts in and pulls open every drawer. As Kurt shouts at him to stay away from his stuff, he finds the painkillers in the bottom drawer.

    Ricky: What the hell is this, Kurt? After all the progress we’ve been making.

    Angle: I don’t need this.

    Angle storms down the hallway and out of the house, out into the pouring rain. Steamboat chases after him and grabs him by the arm. Angle turns and shoves him away.

    Angle: I’m done. I don’t need this crap from you. Lecture your son, not me.

    Ricky: You walk out of here, you walk out on the World Title. This is your chance to turn your life around.

    Angle: Screw it!

    Angle keeps on walking down the driveway. Ricky grabs the bag of pills from him and Kurt turns and tackles Ricky to the ground. The two begin grappling as Ricky’s wife comes to the doorway and screams at them to stop.

    Angle gets the better of the exchange and has Steamboat pinned underneath him.

    Ricky: Well, well, you got me to the ground at last. See? You are on the road to recovery. But now you’re going to throw it all away.

    Angle: I can’t do this anymore.

    Ricky: Yes you can. All you have to do is find something to cling on to. Some goal. Something that drives you to be better than you were in your darkest moments.

    Angle: I can’t.

    Ricky: So the man who wouldn’t quit at the Olympics with a broken frickin' neck…now he’s tapping out to himself?

    Angle: Just shut up.

    Ricky: I believed in you. Your supposed Team Angle buddies Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin left you high and dry. Where have they been in all this? They didn’t give a damn.

    Angle: Shut up.

    Ricky: Even your own family turned away from you.

    Angle: Shut your damn mouth.

    Ricky: My family took you in. We believed in you. Ali believed in you. But we were fools. We were wasting our time on someone so weak.

    Angle: I said shut up!

    Angle punches Ricky in the mouth, and a child’s scream pierces the air. Angle looks up to the top of the house and sees little Richie looking out his window, tears streaming down his face.

    Kurt sees Richie and sits back, beginning to sob. Ricky picks himself up and takes the bag of pills off the ground. He bends down and gives Kurt a hug. Kurt rises up and begins to walk out the driveway. Ricky calls after him to stay but Kurt keeps on walking down the road and into the night.


    Time: A week before the season premiere.

    Scene: a beach front. Little Richie is making sandcastles as Ricky stands a few yards behind his son, staring out at the ocean. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a man approach. They shake hands.


    Steamboat: You heard from him?

    Ali: Nope. You?

    Steamboat: No.

    They are silent for a time.

    Steamboat: I failed, didn’t I?

    Ali: We don’t know that yet. You said he left the pills in your possession. At least that’s somethin’.

    They stare out at the ocean.

    Steamboat: He left something else in my possession too. I thought you should have it.

    Steamboat reaches down behind him, opens a suitcase, and presents Ali with Kurt’s World Championship belt. Ali nods his head and takes the belt from him.

    Ali: Think he’ll show up for our first show of the season? Reclaim his title?

    Steamboat: I don’t know, Muhammad. I just hope he’s doing okay wherever he is.

    Ali: You know there might be more of a chance of him showin’ up if you are on the show too. He respects you more than anybody, me included.

    Steamboat: Come on, Muhammad. We’ve been over this. My wrestling days are over. I have to be here for my family now. They have to come first.

    Steamboat glances back at his house and we see his wife looking on from the window, a concerned look on her face. Ali follows his gaze and frowns.

    Ali: You can tell her it’s just a one-night appearance. For Kurt’s sake. (He laughs) And for my sake too.

    Steamboat glances down at the World Title. He runs his hand over his face. He looks at his son playing in the sand.

    Steamboat: Well, I guess a one off appearance wouldn’t hurt.

    The camera pans up and away from the beach front, out on to the ocean horizon as the sun begins to set.

    We return to the figure in the darkened room. We see that beside the clippings the figure has a number of wrestler's photographs. The figure pushes them off the table into a bin beside the table. The figure then pushes the cigar into the bin and sets the contents on fire. We see the figure has an open letter on his desk but the figure closes it before we can get a glimpse of what it says. The figure places the letter into a briefcase - we see the code that locks the briefcase: 08.

    The figure walks out of the hallway and uses a key to slip through a back door of the building. The camera follows the figure's shoes all the way out the building as we hear a fire alarm go off in the background. As the figure exits the screen, the camera pans up and we see the building is Monday Night Grappling headquarters. The credits roll.

    Ladies and gents the season premiere of Monday Night Grappling is coming soon to the Boards PW Network. There are so many questions that need answering:

    - Will Kurt Angle appear and reclaim his World Heavyweight Championship?

    - What is this business about the '08 code?

    - Who was that figure in Monday Night Grappling headquarters, and what is their agenda?

    - Who attacked Dory Funk, and why?

    - What do Haas and Benjamin have in mind for American Alpha?

    All these questions and more to be determined soon on the new season of Monday Night Grappling!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    NCW Presents.........


    Necrominus: “Good evening everyone and welcome to Natural Selection 2! I am Necrominus, and together with my broadcast colleagues Jiminy Billy-Bob and Disco Inferno, it is our pleasure to be providing commentary on what is the most important night in NCW’s calendar!”

    Billy-Bob: “That’s for sure Necro, I don’t think I’ve ever been as pumped for an event as I am tonight!”

    Disco: “Tonight we have SEVEN – count them – SEVEN huge matches and I don’t know which one I’m more excited about!”

    Necrominus: “I have to agree. All the major titles in the company are up for grabs tonight in blockbuster matches that I’m sure will have you all on the edge of your seats!”

    Billy-Bob: “Firstly…”

    The crowd boo loudly as Ranjin Singh comes to the stage alone, a scowl on his face. He makes his way to the ring.

    Necrominus: “What the hell is he doing out here? He’s not scheduled for tonight?”

    Billy-Bob: “And interrupting my match run down!”

    Disco: “I’m getting sick of this guy…”

    Singh enters the ring and grabs a mic.


    Singh: “There will be no event tonight! I am here to protest at what is clearly an abuse of power! President Trump clearly plans to ensure that Muhammad Hussan – the NCW Heavyweight Champion and King of NCW – does not leave here as Champion tonight! This is an outrage! I demand that Donald Trump be removed from this match, and no match will start until this happens! I am staging a SIT DOWN PROTEST!!”

    Singh sits in the ring and the crowd boo him even more fiercly.

    Necrominus: “This is ridiculous. Singh clearly trying to ruin tonight so Hussan will not have to compete!”

    Billy-Bob: “Someone should teach him a few lessons about respect! He interrupted me! Disco…”

    Disco is no longer sitting at the announce table, however – he has got to his feet and has a mic!


    Disco: “Singh – Ranjin Singh? I have had just about enough of you!”

    The crowd cheers loudly as Disco rolls into the ring.

    Singh: “What do you want? Stay out of this!”

    Disco: “Enough is enough! These people didn’t pay to see your scrawny, miserable, useless, downright disgusting ass – tonight! They came to see the quality matches that are on show!”

    Singh: “How dare you speak to me like that? You ridiculous degenerate! This is Hussan’s - and the Brotherhood’s kingdom! You will pay for your insolence!”

    Disco shakes his head and squares up to Singh!

    Disco: “I don’t see your buddies right now Ranjin. Now how about you roll out of this ring, back up that ramp, go backstage and give your King another oral pleasure – before I kick your ass up and down this arena!”

    The crowd are on their feet now cheering for Disco – ‘DISCO, DISCO, DISCO!”

    Singh: “Ok… Disco. There’s no need for this. I will leave.”

    Singh goes to leave the ring as the crowd continues chanting for Disco. Disco turns around – Singh attacks him from behind!

    Singh jumps on Disco’s back and hits him around the ear with the microphone, knocking him to the mat.

    Singh then rolls out of the ring and stands by the commentary team – mouthing off at Disco Inferno as he recovers.

    Necrominus: “A dirty cheap shot! That Singh is a rat!”

    Billy-Bob: “I’m sick of him now too! That was uncalled for!”

    Disco staggers back to his feet as Singh decides to leave…

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen I have just been informed by NEW NCW Principal Owner, President Donald J. Trump – that we will have an 8th match tonight! Disco Inferno will take on Ranjin Singh – and that match will take place – RIGHT NOW!”

    The crowd pops as Singh’s arrogant look vanishes.

    Singh: “NO! I am not an in ring performer! I am a manager! I will not compete!”

    Singh again looks to leave – suddenly Necrominus and Jiminy Billy-Bob grab him!!

    Singh: “What are you doing? Let me go now!”

    The two commentators drag Singh to the ring and throw him in!! A referee has appeared and the bell is rung to start the match!

    Singh backs up now, still shouting angrily at Necrominus and Billy-Bob… bumping into a recovered Disco!
    Singh turns around and tries to plead with Disco – who shakes his head – Disco drops Singh with a DDT! Singh is motionless!

    Necrominus: “Get him Disco! Get that rat!”

    Billy-Bob: “I can’t believe I’m cheering for Glenn frickin’ Gilberti…”

    Disco kicks Singh over onto his back and stands in the centre of the ring, soaking in the cheering crowd – He runs the ropes – VILLAGE PEOPLE’S ELBOW!!!

    The crowd chant along as Disco makes the motions of the letters… ‘Y’! ‘M’! ‘C’! ‘A’!

    The crowd are on their feet now as Disco drags Singh up to his feet – CHART BUSTER TO RANJIN SINGH!!! Disco plants him!

    Disco busts a few moves as the crowd continue to chant his name.

    Disco looks down at the motionless Singh and nods to the crowd – HE LOCKS IN THE LAST DANCE! SINGH TAPS!!

    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner – Disco Inferno!!!”

    The crowd applaud Disco as he celebrates his first ever win in NCW, as Singh lies prone on the mat.

    Necrominus: “This is unbelievable! What a way to kick off Natural Selection – Singh getting just what he deserves!”

    Billy-Bob: “I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy to see someone shut up! But why finish now?”

    Billy-Bob leaves the announce table again! He’s looking under the ring – and pulls out… a FOOTBALL?

    Necrominus: “What the hell is Billy-Bob doing with a football?”

    Billy-Bob shouts at Disco and tosses him the ball – Disco catches!
    Singh is somehow trying to drag himself a standing position in the corner – Disco turns around – and fires the ball straight at Singh’s nether regions!



    Necrominus: “What in name of God…? I don’t care – I love it!”

    The crowd chants ‘Football in The Groin’ over and over again as Disco poses on the ropes. Singh lies slumped in the corner in absolute agony as we cut backstage.

    Opening Segment and Why I Booked it:
    I wanted to use Disco Inferno primarily as a ring announcer, but also as a way for Singh to get his comeuppance. I decided not to build anything and just have an off-the-cuff segment to start Natural Selection (and also to throw in my Simpson’s reference). Disco returns to commentary for the night and Singh finally gets his just desserts courtesy of another (more popular) enhancement talent.

    Backstage Jenni is standing by with Billy Graham.


    Jenni: “I am here with ‘The Superstar’ Billy Graham on what appears to be his last night in NCW. With the situation that transpired last week on Tuesday Night Destruction – is there any update you can provide on the situation?”

    Graham: “With Stephanie gone, I was approached and asked to stay by the new NCW owners. That much is true.

    But to agree to the new contract they wanted me to withdraw from tonight’s match. Unfortunately, I had to turn them down.

    I have enjoyed my time here, but I will not stand by for another minute while Pat Patterson walks around these halls. So tonight will be my last night. But – I will personally ensure that Pat will be joining me out the door… on a stretcher.

    Pat Patterson – you want to throw away all those years of friendship? Beat me down from behind? I am coming for you Pat. I will make you bleed.

    You want to be ‘The Superstar’? Take a good look at him, Pat – because tonight The Superstar will be beating your ass all around this ring!”

    Graham leaves.

    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is a TABLES MATCH – For the NCW Tag Team Championships!”

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first - the challengers – from Dudleyville – Devon, Bubba Ray - THE DUDDDDDDDLEY BOYYYYYYYYZZZZZZ!!!”

    The crowd are on their feet as Devon and Bubba Ray come to the stage, looking completely focused for the match ahead of them.

    Necrominus: “Tonight the Dudleys get what they’ve wanted for weeks now, their shot at the NCW Tag Team Championships!”

    Billy-Bob: “This might be their forte, guys – but let’s not count out the champions just yet!”

    Disco: “I’m just glad we won’t have to see that Ranjin Singh around the place again tonight!”

    The Dudleys are in the ring, posing on the ropes as the crowd chant ‘WE WANT TABLES’ at them.

    Ring Announcer: “And now, introducing the NCW Tag Team Champions – Earthquake and Typhoon – THE NATURRRRRRALLLL DISSSSSSASSSSSTERRRRRRSSS!”

    Typhoon and Earthquake come to the stage with the tag belts over their shoulders – Devon and Bubba immediately leave the ring and begin brawling with them in the aisle!

    Necrominus: “The Dudleys have waited long enough – this fight is on!”

    Bubba and Devon brawl with Earthquake and Typhoon in the aisle, backing them up a few steps – Typhoon shoves Devon backwards and runs over him with a clothesline! Bubba goes to help Devon but gets grabbed from behind by Earthquake – who rams him back first into the barricade!

    Necrominus: “It’s very difficult to keep the Natural Disasters on the back foot – their sheer size overwhelms most teams!”

    Billy-Bob: “I told you guys…”

    Earthquake hammers on Bubba and leads him back down towards the ring, slamming his head into the steel steps.
    Earthquake backs up, looking to plough Bubba into the steps again – Bubba sidesteps and uses Earthquake’s momentum to drive him into the steps! Earthquake collides knees first and goes up and over the steps, coming down in a heap on the other side!

    Necrominus: “What a collision!”

    Billy-Bob: “We might have to replace the steps after that!”

    Bubba quickly runs back up the aisle and clotheslines Typhoon in the back of the head, sending him to his knees – together Devon and Bubba whip Typhoon straight into the steel barricade!

    Coming back down towards the ring now, Earthquake has rolled into the ring just as Devon and Bubba come towards it.

    Bubba grabs a table and slides it in. The Dudleys enter the ring and Bubba stomps on Earthquake as Devon sets the table up – they call for the 3-D – Earthquake is whipped against the ropes by Devon – who reverses it and sends Devon over the ropes to the outside!

    Bubba runs at Earthquake with a clothesline – Earthquake hits Bubba with one of his own! Both men go down hard inside the ring!!

    Necrominus: “The mass of humanity crashing into each other is a sight to see!”

    Billy-Bob: “Careful guys, we need that ring for the rest of the evening!”

    Typhoon is up again now and staggering back down to the ring – Devon comes around the corner, running up the steps and leaping from the apron - taking him down with a hard shoulderblock! All four men are down!!

    Necrominus: “What a contest so far, four men giving it their all for tag team glory!”

    Billy-Bob: “I can’t believe what we’ve witnessed so far!”

    The two teams are continuing their brawl in the ring.
    Earthquake has Devon in the corner, while Typhoon and Bubba battle by the ropes. Earthquake backs up and runs at Devon – splashing him in the corner.

    Backing up – Earthquake runs forward and then splashes him a second time!

    Devon slumps into the corner, looking out of it.

    Turning around, Earthquake now comes across the ring and grabs Bubba by the legs, and together with Typhoon the two men toss Bubba over the ropes and to the floor head first! Bubba lands in a heap and stays down.

    Devon is trying to get back to his feet when Typhoon now runs at him and splatters him against the turnbuckles for a third time.
    He barely has time to get his breath back when Earthquake squashes him as well! Devon falls to the mat.

    The table still in the ring, Earthquake and Typhoon drag Devon up and place him on it. Both men back up and run at Devon – TIDAL QUAKE THROUGH THE TABLE!!

    Devon has been eliminated!

    Necrominus: “My God! Devon is a broken mess right now!”

    Billy-Bob: “Now Typhoon and Earthquake have Bubba right where they want him!”

    Disco: “Remember folks, this is an elimination match – both members of the team must go through the table!”

    Typhoon rolls to the outside and sets up a table nearby to the prone Bubba, before hauling him up and clubbing Bubba across the back.

    Typhoon rolls Bubba onto the apron and climbs up himself. Earthquake is inside the ring and together the two men look to lift Bubba over their heads!!!

    Necrominus: “This could be it right here!!”

    Bubba fights off Typhoon with elbows, dropping back to the apron – he comes alive and slams Earthquake and Typhoon’s heads together!

    Earthquake staggers back – Bubba grabs Typhoon – BUBBA BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!

    Typhoon has been eliminated!

    Necrominus: “Good God Almighty! Typhoon could be broken in half!”

    Billy-Bob: “Never mind that, Necro – Bubba could be too! What a foolish move!”

    Bubba and Typhoon lie strewn amid the wreckage of the second table.

    Earthquake now rolls to the outside and hauls Bubba to his feet, whipping him into the guard rail. Bubba slumps against the rail, looking completely exhausted.

    Earthquake kicks pieces of the table away from the apron, before running at Bubba – who turns it around and hits a diving cutter on the floor! Both men go down again!

    Necrominus: “What a counter by Bubba Ray – Earthquake may have squashed him through that guard rail!!”

    Bubba clambers to his feet slowly as Earthquake is still down. He staggers over to the side and grabs another table, setting it up before dragging the big man back to his feet – Bubba sets him for another Bubba Bomb – Earthquake fights out with elbows!

    Both men now trade blows on the outside – before Typhoon staggers to his feet and flattens Bubba from behind!!

    Necrominus: “Hey! Come on! That’s not right! Typhoon has been eliminated already!”

    Billy-Bob: “It’s a Tables Match, Necro – that means No Disqualification!”

    Earthquake and Typhoon now drag Bubba back up and place him on the table. They back up, looking for the Tidal Quake… Devon comes from the ring and floors Typhoon with a clothesline!

    Billy-Bob: “Referee! Stop the match!”

    Necrominus: “Turnabout is fair play, Jiminy!”

    Devon gets back to his feet but gets hit from behind by Earthquake – Earthquake goes to lift Devon – Bubba is up! He catches Earthquake – and hits a Bubba Bomb on the floor!!!

    Typhoon is still trying to get back up – Devon whips him – 3-D!!! 3-D THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR TO TYPHOON!!

    Necrominus: “Typhoon put through a second table at ringside!!”

    The crowd are fully behind the Dudleys now as Devon clears off the Spanish announce table, throwing the cover to one side and ripping out the monitors.

    Billy-Bob: “Hey! Stop that you vandals!”

    The two men then haul a motionless Earthquake back to his feet as Bubba lifts the big man, Devon climbs on the table – MODIFIED 3-D THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!! IT’S OVER!!!

    Earthquake has been eliminated!

    Necrominus: “They’ve done it!! They’ve actually done it!!”

    Ring Announcer: “Here are your winners…. And NEW NCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS…. THE DUDLEY BOYZ!!!”

    The crowd are cheering loudly as the referee hands the exhausted Dudleys the tag titles. They roll into the ring and celebrate on the ropes as the former champions lie broken and defeated on the outside of the ring.


    Necrominus: “The Natural Disasters reign of terror is over! I cannot believe this!”

    Billy-Bob: “I know… It’s a dark day! Those damn Dudleys!”

    Disco: “What a match though guys – both teams gave everything they had!”

    Reasoning for booking:
    I wanted to have the Natural Disasters as the ultimate destructive tag team, knocking back challenge after challenge with ease. Bringing in the legendary Dudley Boyz to combat them was the perfect counterfoil. In the ensuing months, The Natural Disasters would have just cause to claim they were robbed with Devon’s involvement in Earthquake’s elimination, eventually setting up the rematch in a standard tag bout. It keeps them strong going forward while catapulting a huge tag team to the top of my division immediately.

    Backstage, Jenni Jamestown is standing by with The Fabulous Moolah and her best friend, Mae Young.


    Jenni: “Moolah and Mae, thank you for taking the time to talk to me ahead of your huge ladder match tonight.”

    Moolah: “It’s generally a pleasure, my dear. But tonight I’m not in a fabulous mood. I may look fabulous on the outside – but on the inside I’m filled with rage. Rage at this company – making me defend my title in a Ladder Match, of all things – there is nothing Fabulous about a Ladder Match!

    It is an outrage! I’m just glad I have my best friend along-side me to ensure that I keep a hold of my title.”

    Jenni: “It’s interesting you should bring that up, Moolah. Mae, with the title on the line tonight – how will that affect your friendship with Moolah?”

    Mae: “Well, I…”

    Moolah: “It’s quite simple, Jenni – our bond is stronger than titles! We have a relationship that goes back decades. It’s not about titles. As long as I am champion, Mae is champion as far as I am concerned.”

    Jenni: “Well, I’m not quite sure…”

    Moolah: “Enough! I don’t have time for this! Come along Mae, we have a title to defend.”

    Moolah stalks off screen and Mae follows slowly behind her.

    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is the ‘Loser Leaves Town’ Match – where the loser will be forced to leave NCW forever.”

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first, representing The Brotherhood, weighing in at 265lbs – from Detroit Michigan – he is ‘The Alpha Male’ – Monty Brown!”

    The crowd boo as Brown comes to the stage with an angered look on his face.

    Necrominus: “So far tonight hasn’t exactly gone The Brotherhood’s way – with The Natural Disasters losing the tag team titles…”

    Disco: “And Disco beating up Ranjin Singh…”

    Billy-Bob: “You know, I think that part was my favourite. Disco, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship!”

    Disco: “You really mean it?”

    Billy-Bob: “Um… no…”

    Necrominus: “Focus you two! This is certainly a personal confrontation, with consequences that will see one of these guys leave NCW forever tonight!”

    Brown is in the ring now, pacing and awaiting Tarver’s arrival.

    Ring Announcer: “And the opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio - weighing in at 256lbs – Michael Tarver!”

    Tarver comes to the stage as the crowd cheer loudly.

    Necrominus: “A great reaction for the Tarver here, after he was beaten down and removed from the Brotherhood last month.”

    Billy-Bob: “I don’t get it. Tarver is an idiot! The same thing that happened to him at Agony is going to be the result here!”

    Tarver eyes Brown in the ring – he sprints down and rolls in going straight for Brown! The two men begin brawling in the centre of the ring!!

    Tarver pushes Brown back against the ropes with right hands early on, stunning the bigger man with his aggression. Tarver backs up slightly, before clotheslining Brown over the top rope to the floor!

    Tarver climbs out onto the apron and dives at Brown, looking for the superman punch – Brown dodges it and plants Tarver on the floor with a hard shoulder block!

    Necrominus: “Brown using his power here to neutralise the aggression of Tarver.”

    Brown drags Tarver up and throws him across the main announce table! Tarver crashes into the three man team, sending all four flying and they lie in a heap on the floor! Brown rolls back in the ring and orders the referee to start the count!

    Necrominus: “Ugh… we’re still here – a little hurt but still here.”

    Billy-Bob: “I want my lawyer! That was assault!”

    Disco: “I want my mommy!”

    Tarver rolls out from the announce table as the three commentators struggle to compose themselves. The referee has now reached a count of 6 and Tarver still hasn’t gotten up.

    Necrominus: “This could be it right here – Tarver looks completely out of it!”

    7 – Tarver crawls to the ring apron…

    8 – He drags himself up

    9 – He barely rolls into the ring!

    Necrominus: “He made it!”

    Brown drags Tarver up and whips him against the ropes, as Tarver comes back Brown catches him with a huge powerslam!

    He rolls into the cover – 1 -2 – No! Tarver kicks out!!

    Brown has continued to dominate Tarver throughout the match, but is beginning to get frustrated at his resilience.

    He whips Tarver into the corner and runs at him, looking for a clothesline – Tarver moves and Brown hits the turnbuckles hard!

    Gasping for air, Brown tries to turn around – Tarver quickly grabs him and throws him shoulder first into the ring post! Brown cries out in pain and goes down, holding his shoulder in agony!

    Necrominus: “What a counter by Tarver – this could be the opening right here!”

    Brown, still holding his shoulder tries to clamber to his feet – Tarver grabs Brown’s arm and drives it down into his knee in an arm-breaker!

    Brown rolls around the ring in agony! Tarver stalks the wounded Brown who again tries to get back up – Tarver jabs at Brown – once, twice, three times!

    He backs up – Superman Punch to Brown! Brown is down!

    Tarver rolls into the cover –



    NO! Brown weakly throws his wounded shoulder up to halt the count.

    Necrominus: “Tarver capitalising on the injured shoulder to build some momentum here!”

    Disco: “A great showing by Tarver! Proving that he’s not a pushover!”

    Billy-Bob: “Samoa Joe would beg to differ, I think.”

    Tarver again gets Brown on his feet – he catches him – and nails it!

    Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex!!! Brown is down!!!

    Tarver dives into the cover




    Necrominus: “He’s done it!!”

    Tarver is celebrating in the ring as the referee is trying to get his attention – Brown had his foot on the bottom rope!

    Billy-Bob: “Ha ha! Brilliant by Brown!”

    The referee has finally got Tarver’s attention. Realising the situation, Tarver goes straight after Brown again – who counters –

    Circle of Life to Tarver! Both men are down!!!

    Both men drag themselves back to their feet, absolutely spent. Tarver again throws the jabs at Brown – he backs him up –

    Brown boots Tarver in the stomach and sets him… ALPHA BOM - NO! The injured shoulder can’t lift Tarver!

    Necrominus: “He can’t hit the Alpha Bomb! He’s sustained too much damage to the shoulder!”

    Billy-Bob: “This could be serious!”

    Tarver counters Brown and drops him to the mat with a back body drop – he comes off the ropes as Brown gets back up –

    Superman Punch! A second Superman punch!!!

    Brown staggers, but doesn’t go down this time –

    Tarver sets him for Tarver’s Lightening – Brown floats over and runs the ropes, coming back –


    Brown screams in pain at his own finishing manoeuvre, clutching his shoulder in agony but falls into a cover




    Both men are still down in the ring, completely spent from the match they just had.

    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner – The Alpha Male – Monty Brown!”

    Necrominus: “And with one Pounce, Michael Tarver has been bounced out of NCW. It’s a terrible shame.”

    Billy-Bob: “What a match! What heroics by Brown, even with an injured shoulder!”

    Disco: “I can’t believe it! Michael Tarver is done!”

    Brown rolls out of the ring where the referee raises his good arm in victory.

    He shakes him off and stalks to the back clutching his shoulder. Tarver is still down on the mat, coming round as the realisation sets in on what has happened.

    Necrominus: “Despite his initial alliances, Michael Tarver has been a true stalwart of NCW – it really is a shame to see him leave like this.”

    Distraught, Tarver staggers to his feet as the crowd begins a low chant – ‘TARVER, TARVER’.

    Tarver raises his arm in thanks and applauds the crowd.

    He then exits the ring and heads to the back for the last time.

    Reasons for booking:
    Tarver and Brown have an obvious history going back to last year in NCW. I wanted to book Tarver as an outspoken member of the Brotherhood who was frustrated at being held back. Getting his opportunity against Joe was an ideal time for Hussan and The Brotherhood to cut ties with him after such a crushing failure. I deliberately held him off until the final show to add more impact to his return. Even in defeat he is elevated a little but Brown gets a huge rub and heat for sending Tarver packing, and can move on to feud for the Rising Star Championship with either Joe or Vader (whoever wins later in the night).

    Once again we are taken to the back where Jenni is now standing by with Bayley. The crowd cheers loudly.


    Jenni: “I’m here with Bayley! It’s good to see you girl! Tonight you compete for the NCW Women’s Championship in a 6 woman ladder match. How are you feeling ahead such a contest?”

    Bayley: “I’m excited, Jenni! Tonight the women of NCW are out in force in a match that has never been done before in a major company. It’s going to be hard-hitting, bodies are going to be falling everywhere! Oooh, I cannot wait!”

    (In the background): “I can’t wait – to shut your mouth once and for all!”


    Emma walks on screen!

    Emma: “I’m tired of these people chanting for ‘Bayley’ every week. Every arena we visit, all I can hear is those chants!

    AHHHHH! It drives me nuts! Tonight, after I become the NCW Women’s Champion – I will prove to the world that I am better than you!”

    (In the background again): “Hahahahaha – the levels of delusion are amazing, Emma!”


    Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky come into the picture!

    Velvet: “You girls would be best to not show up tonight – because when we’re done with those two hasbeens Moolah and Mae – me and Maddie here are going to go toe to toe until there is one left.”

    Rayne: “Exactly! The next NCW Women’s Champion needs to be classy, elegant – all things you two are not! But most importantly – they need to be – Beautiful!”

    Bayley: “Girls, really? You’re talking about women as if they need to be eye candy to get anywhere in this business! You’re stuck in the dark ages! Tonight I’m going to shine – I’m going to climb the ladder and grab that belt – you just try and stop me!”

    The four women start a shoving match which is quickly broken up by security before it can escalate. They are escorted different ways down the hallway.

    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is The First Blood Match! The only way to win this match is to make your opponent bleed.”

    (Pat Patterson’s music)

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing first, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 237lbs, Pat Patterson!”

    The crowd are booing furiously at Patterson who ignores the crowd reaction on his way to the ring.

    Necrominus: “What we have next is an intensely bitter and personal feud. Patterson revealed two weeks ago that he was Graham’s attacker at Agony – but to be honest the reasoning is still a little sketchy to me.”

    Billy-Bob: “What do you mean, Necro? Patterson is tired of being Graham’s bag handler, his lackey – he wants his time as the main man!”

    Disco: “There are ways to do that without attacking and nearly ending the career of a friend, Jiminy!”

    Patterson is awaiting Graham in the ring.

    Ring Announcer: “And the opponent…”

    Graham comes from the crowd and rolls into the ring behind Patterson!

    Necrominus: “Wait, look – Graham’s in the ring!”

    Graham has a lead pipe in hand – Patterson turns around – Graham nails him in the gut!

    Patterson goes down on his knees, gasping for air – Graham strikes Patterson in the back now, knocking Patterson to the mat!!

    Necrominus: “Patterson being attacked from behind has a ring of irony to it, guys.”

    Billy-Bob: “This is an outrage! Graham is too afraid to meet Pat man to man!”

    Graham grabs Pat’s head and looks him in the eyes.

    Graham: “Not yet. I’m going to savour this!”

    Graham drops the pipe and punches Patterson in the face! Patterson goes down!

    Graham now mounts Patterson and nails him with hard punches directly to his head.

    Necrominus: “Graham wanting Patterson to suffer for all he has put him through the past month!”

    Graham gets off Patterson and goes back for his pipe – Patterson rolls out of the ring and flops to the floor!

    Graham goes out after him – Patterson drives his foot up with force and connects with Graham’s groin!! Graham drops the pipe and falls to his knees in agony!

    Necrominus: “A vicious low blow by Patterson – has the man no class?”

    Billy-Bob: “That low blow is as legal as a headlock in this match!”

    Disco: “Still not as cool as football in the groin…”

    Patterson crawls to the barrier, hauling himself up with the help of it. He staggers across to Graham who is still on his knees – Patterson kicks him in the back of the head!! Graham goes down – hard!

    Necrominus: “Oh Jesus – not the head – Graham has not fully recovered from his concussion!”

    Patterson then looks under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. He swings it with full force towards Graham’s head –

    Graham rolls away in the nick of time! Patterson follows Graham, raising the chair above his head – Graham now connects with a low blow! Both men are down!!

    Graham and Patterson have battled back and forth now for almost ten minutes, neither man able to finish the job. Both back in the ring now, Patterson has Graham in the corner –

    Graham swings Patterson around suddenly and starts biting his forehead!

    Billy-Bob: “That sick, twisted individual is biting Patterson! This is ridiculous!”

    Necrominus: “To quote you earlier, Jiminy… It’s as legal…”

    Billy-Bob: “Oh can it Necro!”

    Patterson screams as Graham bites down hard – but immediately rakes the eyes. Graham releases the bite and you can clearly see the teeth marks –but no blood!

    Graham staggers backwards holding his eyes now, Patterson reaches into his trunks – and pulls out the brass knuckles – he swings at Graham – who ducks!

    Graham grabs Patterson – Piledriver to Patterson!! Patterson is down!

    Still rubbing his eyes, Graham slides to the outside and picks up the discarded steel chair. He rolls in and brings it crashing down on Patterson’s back! Patterson moans in pain as Graham brings the chair up again - and connects full force with Patterson again!

    The crowd are chanting for Graham now as he tosses the chair to one side and rips the brass knuckles from Patterson’s hand! Graham slides them onto his, as Patterson is slumped in the corner of the ring.

    Graham drags Patterson up – Patterson suddenly rolls away and drags Graham down – straight into the exposed steel of a bottom turnbuckle!

    Necrominus: “Patterson must have dislodged that earlier – this match should be over!”

    Graham lies slumped against the corner. Patterson somehow manages to roll Graham over – he’s not bleeding!

    Billy-Bob: “How the? What the?!”

    However, Graham has a glassy look in his eyes – he doesn’t seem to know where he is!

    Patterson hauls himself slowly to his feet using the ropes, and lands another kick to Graham’s head!

    Necrominus: “Oh come on! He’s had enough! Finish this now Pat!”

    Graham is down and looking motionless as Patterson backs up to the far corner.

    Patterson: “You’re done Graham! You’re finished!”

    Patterson runs towards Graham, diving for a low dropkick to Graham’s head against the exposed steel – Graham moves!

    Patterson’s momentum has him straddling the middle turnbuckle! Graham rolls to the outside and flops to the floor, but starts to try and drag himself up.

    Patterson rolls of the turnbuckles and falls to the mat, but immediately tries to drag himself back up using the ropes.

    Graham is climbing onto the apron at the same time – Patterson tries to grab him –

    Graham counters and blasts Patterson with the BRASS KNUCKLES!! Patterson collapses to the mat –


    The referee calls for the bell as Graham collapses back onto the apron, totally spent from the abuse his head has received.

    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner – ‘The Superstar’, Billy Graham!”

    The crowd are chanting for Graham who is lying on the apron still. Patterson is unconscious in the ring.

    Necrominus: “Graham has won this match – but at what cost? He’s not
    moving and neither is Patterson.”

    Billy-Bob: “I knew it would end like this!”

    Disco: “You have to admire the heart, the determination of Graham not to quit!”

    Medics come to the ring to tend to both men who are still lying motionless in the ring.

    They strap a heavily bleeding Patterson to a stretcher and begin to wheel him from the arena.

    Another set tend to Graham and begin to place him on the stretcher – Graham sits up!

    Necrominus: “Wait a minute – Graham is coming to!”

    Graham refuses aid from the medics and hauls himself to his feet using the ropes.

    Necrominus: “I don’t know if this is smart by Graham – he needs medical attention immediately!”

    Billy-Bob: “He’s a stubborn fool! That’s how this started!”

    Graham staggers back into the ring to loud cheers from the crowd. He raises his hand in acknowledgement but stumbles a little bit.



    The crowd chant their appreciation for ‘The Superstar’.

    Reasoning for booking:
    If I had more time (more shows etc) I would have built the Patterson turn over a number of months. Patterson, jealous of Graham’s success in the ring would finally snap and reveal it was he all along. I figured going with the concussion angle, that would play nicely into a First Blood Match – which turned out to be the most difficult match to write! Patterson would return as a big time heel and probably slot into the upper mid card or even form a tag team while Graham would leave the company.

    Stay tuned for part 2 of NCW - Natural Selection II!!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    We are taken backstage again with Jenni.

    Jenni: “Ladies and gentlemen – my guest at this time – the 45th President of the United States of America – Mr Donald J. Trump!”

    Donald Trump walks on screen and shakes hands with Jenni.


    Trump: “A pleasure.”

    Jenni: “President Trump – given what Muhammad Hussan and his Brotherhood subjected you to just four weeks ago – is it fair to say you might have a personal agenda when you referee tonight’s main event??”

    Trump: “I won’t even deny it. Muhammad Hussan is a disease in this company. But I won’t need to resort to his dirty tricks.

    I have full confidence that Edge will get the job done tonight. Once Hussan has been removed from the picture, I have full confidence that with me at the helm – NCW can be a huge part – of making America Great Again!”

    Jenni: “That leads into my next question, I suppose. Going forward and given your position – how hands on do you plan to be at NCW?”

    Trump: “Jenni, my dear – the ink has barely dried on the takeover. I cannot and will not comment on what the future holds for NCW under the Trump regime.”

    (In the background): “Donny! Great to see you again!”

    Bob Backlund walks up to Trump and hugs him!

    Trump: “Bob, I’ve been meaning to return your calls – I just want to say – thank you. And good luck in your match tonight!”

    Backlund: “Don’t get me started, Donny – I can’t wait to tear that vile, vicious, ranting, raving – psychopath Zack Ryder limb from limb tonight! Did you see what he did?”

    Trump: “I did. Now, if you’ll excuse me – I have a main event to prepare for.”

    Trump nods and together with his secret service he walks off down the hall.

    Backlund: “Donny? You didn’t get back to me on my views on climate change!”

    Backlund walks off in the same direction.

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen – it is now time for the Ladder Match – for the NCW Women’s Championship. To win this match a competitor must climb the ladder and retrieve the championship belt which will be suspended above the ring.
    And now, introducing the competitors. First – from Melbourne, Australia… It’s Emma!”

    The crowd boo Emma as she comes to the ring.

    Necrominus: “Even facing a beat-down from four other women, Emma could not contain her hatred for Bayley last week – diving off the top rope to take her out with a cross-body.”

    Billy-Bob: “And why should she? It’s dog eat dog tonight, Necro!”

    Ring Announcer: “Next, from New York, New York – Velvet Sky!”

    A ripple of cheers are heard for Velvet as she is next out to the ring.

    Necrominus: “Velvet Sky being well received here tonight.”

    Billy-Bob: “I don’t understand it! Those backstabbing Beautiful Jerks!”

    Disco: “I thought it was dog eat dog, Jiminy?”

    Ring Announcer: “From Seattle, Washington – Madison Rayne!”

    Again the crowd cheers a little as Rayne comes to the ring.

    Ring Announcer: “And now – from Sand Springs, Oklahoma… it’s MAE. YOUNG!

    The crowd boos Mae as she comes to the stage and makes her way to the ring.

    Billy-Bob: “Shame on these fans – booing a legend like Mae Young. Who do they think they are?”

    Necrominus: “I think you’d find that Mae would be better received if she kept better company, Jiminy.”

    Billy-Bob: “And just what is that supposed to mean, Necro?”

    Ring Announcer: “And the next opponent, from San Jose, California – IT’S BAYLEY!”

    The crowd erupts again for the ever popular Bayley as she is next out. She comes to the ring, hugging and high fiving her fans as Emma watches on with a scowl on her face.

    Ring Announcer: “And now – she is the ONLY NCW Women’s Champion in history. From Columbia, South Carolina, The Fabulous MOOOOOOOOOLAH!!”

    Again the crowd boos loudly as Moolah comes to the stage, dressed in a glittering outfit. She stares at the five women in the ring and then glances towards her title which is suspended from the rafters.

    Necrominus: “Will Moolah be able to defend her title tonight, climb the ladder and detach the belt?”

    Billy-Bob: “Moolah and Mae have this. She can’t lose with such a friend by her side!”

    Moolah slowly makes her way down to the ring as the five women await her arrival. She barks at Young to hold the ropes for her.

    Young reluctantly goes to do so – as she does, Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky attack and knock both Moolah and Mae to the floor!

    Emma goes straight after Bayley and the two women battle in the ring as Sky and Rayne leave the ring and continue their fight with Moolah and Mae.

    Velvet whips Mae into the ring apron while Rayne stomps on Moolah who is still struggling to get her jacket off! Velvet chops at Young’s chest – Young counters with a knee to the gut – before whipping Sky into the ring steps!

    Young then runs forward and takes out Rayne with a hard clothesline! Helping Moolah to her feet, the two women then drag Rayne to her feet – and drop her with a double suplex on the floor!

    Back in the ring, Bayley and Emma are battling on the ropes as Young and Moolah now roll into the ring. They link arms and take both Bayley and Emma out – clotheslining them over the ropes to the floor!

    Moolah then orders Young to grab a ladder and Young slides out of the ring, grabbing one before sliding it back in.

    Necrominus: “The early teamwork of Young and Moolah could see this match end quickly!”

    Billy-Bob: “I told you!”

    Young rolls back in the ring as Moolah barks at her to set up the ladder – Young eyes Moolah warily and grudgingly goes to grab the ladder – but is pulled from the ring by Bayley!

    Bayley and Young battle on the outside as Moolah, looking to seize the opportunity grabs the ladder herself and sets it up – and starts to climb!

    Billy-Bob: “Go Moolah – this was easy for her!”

    Moolah is on the third rung of the ladder as Emma gets back to her feet.

    Setting up a ladder on the outside, Emma quickly climbs to the top as Moolah is now within touching distance of the belt.

    Emma stands on the very top of the ladder – before leaping into the ring and dropkicking Moolah’s ladder!!! Moolah and the ladder crash to the mat – Moolah gets guillotined on the top rope and comes down hard on the mat!

    Necrominus: “What a move by Emma – she just saved the match!”

    The crowd sound their appreciation as Emma staggers back to her feet – only to be blasted by Velvet who is back in the ring!

    Velvet kicks the supports from the ladder which make it fold back up, before grabbing Emma – Scoop Slam on the ladder!!! Emma shrieks in pain and rolls from the ring.

    Velvet now kicks Moolah from the ring as well and goes to set up the ladder – Rayne rolls back in! Velvet hasn’t noticed her as she has her back to her and starts to climb.

    Rayne clubs her on the back and shoves her head first into the ladder!

    Necrominus: “The Beautiful People dissolving in front of our eyes!”

    Billy-Bob: “Poor Velvet having her face mushed into that ladder – she might not be beautiful anymore!”

    Rayne grabs Velvet – Rayne Check from the ladder! Sky goes down!

    Bayley and Young continue their battle on the outside. Young has the advantage now, pinning Bayley against the guard rail and chopping away at Bayley.

    She backs up and looks to clothesline line her – as Young runs Bayley counters with a drop toe-hold into the barrier!

    Bayley rolls back into the ring as Rayne is beginning her ascent – Bayley runs to the ladder and both women climb to the top!

    They brawl with each other, each trying to reach for the title at the same time – Rayne tries to smash Bayley’s head off the ladder – Bayley counters!

    Bayley drives Rayne’s head into the ladder! She grabs Rayne –


    Necrominus: “Oh my God! What a move!”

    Billy-Bob: “Both women are down – what foolishness from Bayley!!”

    Both women are indeed down on the mat from the force of the move as Emma now comes back into the ring.

    She kicks Bayley from the ring and starts her own slow ascent.

    Moolah rolls back in now, clutching her neck and shoves the ladder backwards – Emma topples off but lands on her feet.

    Sky is staggering to her feet now but Moolah kicks her in the gut and throws her to the outside.

    Young rolls into the ring now and Moolah helps her to her feet.

    Moolah orders Mae to guard the ladder as she begins to climb –


    Billy-Bob: “Wait a minute – Mae, that’s your best friend!”

    Necrominus: “The lure of the title might be too much for Mae Young!”

    Moolah shouts at Young: “What are you doing, you should know your place!”

    Moolah shoves past Young and goes to climb the ladder –

    Mae turns her around and cracks her with a right hand!!!

    The fans cheer as Young now opens up on her ‘friend’, knocking her back into the corner – she backs up –

    Velvet Sky grabs Young’s legs and pulls her from the ring!!!

    Emma has recovered now and sees Young and Sky brawling on the outside – she suddenly runs up the ladder –


    Crowd: “HOLY ****! HOLY ****!”

    Necrominus: “Good God almighty!! We need help down here! Those three women could be seriously hurt!”

    Moolah staggers out of the corner, surveying the carnage outside the ring – she grabs the ladder and sets it up again!

    Moolah begins to climb the ladder as Rayne somehow tries to get back to her feet – Bayley rolls into the ring!

    Bayley runs around to Moolah – grabs her and pulls her from the ladder! The ladder clatters to the mat as the two women stare at each other – Moolah grabs Bayley by the hair and whips her across the ring!

    The crowd boo now as Moolah stomps on Bayley in the other corner as Rayne staggers across and clubs Moolah – Moolah counters with an elbow – she grabs Rayne –


    Necrominus: “Sweet Baby Jesus!! Rayne could be broken in half!”

    Billy-Bob: “Moolah has it now! Set that ladder up!”

    Moolah does indeed set the ladder up, and with a quick look around her begins to climb.

    Bayley is somehow staggering to her feet again and climbs the other side! Both women are exhausted and the climb is long and slow – but they meet at the top of the ladder!

    Moolah rakes Bayley’s eyes! She then slams her head off the ladder and Bayley drops a few steps!

    Moolah reaches up and touches the title – Bayley climbs up and nails Moolah with a forearm!

    Moolah staggers back, nearly falling – Bayley now rams Moolah’s head off the ladder!

    Moolah slumps against the top of the ladder –


    Moolah crashes down and lies still!

    Necrominus: “This is it! Bayley has it!”

    Bayley then climbs the final step – grabs the title – and retrieves it! Bayley has done it!!

    Necrominus: “She’s done it! Bayley is the new champion!”

    Billy-Bob: “Poor Moolah – can we get someone out here to check on her please!”

    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner – and the NEW NCW WOMEN’S CHAMPION – BAYYYYYYYYYYYYYLEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!”

    The crowd are cheering with joy as Bayley looks at her newly won championship and kisses it.

    She then raises it above her head as the crowd chants her name.


    Necrominus: “What a match! What a finish! I don’t think any of these women will ever be the same again!”

    Billy-Bob: “I can’t believe how selfish Mae Young was! And now look at her! Neither Moolah or Mae have the title now!”

    Bayley finally climbs down from the ladder and celebrates on the ropes in front of the rapturous crowd.

    Reasoning for booking:
    As is probably obvious from my first show – the initial plan was to go with Bayley VS Moolah – but I really couldn’t turn down the opportunity to take on such an innovative match. I wanted to protect Moolah and Young as much as I could from the high impact moves so having Emma and Rayne take the hard bumps was the right way to go I think. The eventual turn by Young on Moolah was inevitable and probably expected given the way I had built it up. I really had great fun working with this match, so I hope the end product shows that enthusiasm. Going forward Bayley is now the top dog but would have plenty of options as challengers. I’d probably initially put her up against Emma to cap off that feud while Young and Moolah – and indeed Sky and Rayne have unresolved issues from this match to keep them occupied. Eventually I would build the Moolah VS Bayley rematch.

    Jenni: “My guest at this time – the number one contender for the NCW Heavyweight Championship – Edge!

    After everything that has happened in the past month, tonight you finally get your shot at the NCW Title.

    How will Donald Trump being the special guest referee factor into tonight?”


    Edge: “Well, obviously Jenni – I’m hoping it’s a good thing!
    I came to NCW to do two things.

    1 has already been checked off the list – restore my integrity.
    Number 2 comes tonight – when I Spear the life out of the false king and become NCW Champion.
    I don’t care if Donald Trump is referee.
    I don’t care that Muhammad Hussan is my opponent.
    I don’t care that he beat me down over the past month – night after night, week after week!
    As I proved once again last week – I am the Ultimate Opportunist.

    Just when you think you’re safe – that’s when I strike.

    Regardless of Kings, Brotherhoods, or even Presidents – I will become a 13 time world champion tonight.

    Bank on it!”

    Ring Announcer: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Long Island, New York – Zack Ryder!”

    The crowd boo Ryder as he comes to the stage sporting new gear tonight. Gone are the headbands and ‘WOO WOO WOO’ on his trunks – instead he is wearing longer shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt.

    Ryder flips off the fans and continues to the ring.

    Necrominus: “A new look and theme to go with his new attitude – Zack Ryder is clearly trying to shed his past from him!”

    Billy-Bob: “I like it – I was sick of CoBros, and Broskis – and woo, woo, woo!”

    Disco: “This is a travesty! I’m going to demand a refund from!!”

    Ring Announcer: “And his opponent, from Princeton, Minnesota – Bob Backlund!”

    The crowd cheers Backlund as he comes to the ring staring a hole through Ryder.

    Necrominus: “Backlund and Ryder had no connection until three weeks ago – when Ryder inexplicably attacked him and left him lying in the ring.”

    Billy-Bob: “That loony old Backlund deserved it! He had it coming!”

    Backlund rolls into the ring and the two men go nose to nose in the centre of the ring. The referee gets between them and orders them back to their corners – before ringing the bell to start the match.

    Backlund and Ryder circle each other, Backlund looking for the lock up while Ryder is naturally wary given Backlund’s background.
    Ryder shows Backlund his arm – before kicking out at Backlund’s knee when he moves in to lock up!
    Backlund drops down clutching his knee – Ryder backs up and plants him with a dropkick to the face!

    Backlund rolls backwards trying to recover as Ryder runs the ropes – Backlund gets to a knee – Ryder catches Backlund’s head and drops him with a neckbreaker!

    He rolls into the cover – 1 – Backlund kicks out!

    Necrominus: “Ryder continuing his recent aggressiveness at the beginning of this match.”

    Ryder pulls Backlund up to his feet and whips him into the corner – Ryder follows up and clotheslines Bob to a seated position in the corner!

    He backs up – runs at Backlund again – Backlund explodes from the corner and drops Ryder with a belly to back suplex!!

    Ryder rolls out of the ring to catch his breath – Backlund follows him and knocks him to the floor from behind!

    Necrominus: “Backlund, after a shaky start coming into his own here now.”

    Backlund hauls Ryder up again and shoves him against the apron, chopping his chest repeatedly! He then rolls Ryder onto the apron and climbs up himself – Ryder rolls into the ring under the ropes, pops up and slingshots Backlund’s neck on the top rope!

    Backlund bounces off the apron to the floor!

    Billy-Bob: “Brilliant tactics by Ryder, sucking Backlund into that move!”

    Backlund staggers to his feet – and is met by Ryder who dives across the top rope and collides with Backlund with a crossbody! Both men go down!!

    Ryder hauls Backlund to his feet and throws him into the ring again now, dropping for the cover again – 1 -2 – Backlund kicks out.

    Keeping up the pressure he again whips Backlund to the corner – it’s reversed – Backlund tries to clothesline Ryder – who gets both knees up and they collide with Backlund’s head!

    Backlund staggers backwards – Ryder swings round and hits an inverted DDT! He makes the cover



    Backlund kicks out again!

    Ryder slaps the mat in frustration but gets back to his feet quickly. He climbs to the top rope and waits as Backlund slowly gets back to a vertical base – Ryder launches for a missile dropkick – Backlund moves and Ryder crashes to the mat!

    Backlund now ascends the second rope – and comes down across Ryder’s throat with a diving knee drop!!

    Necrominus: “The Atomic Knee Drop – Backlund hasn’t used it in years!”
    Backlund quickly makes the cover



    Ryder just kicks out!

    Now it is Backlund’s turn to get frustrated and he drags Ryder up again, looking for another suplex –

    Ryder counters and whips Backlund into the corner – he backs up –

    BROSKI BOOT!!! Backlund falls to the mat! Ryder makes another cover



    THR – NO!! Backlund just kicks out!

    Necrominus: “What resilience by Backlund – I was sure that was it!”

    Billy-Bob: “I can’t believe it – Backlund should be done!”

    Ryder again gets to his feet, shouting at Backlund – ‘Stay down!’

    Ryder stalks Backlund as he tries to get back up….



    Ryder screams in pain as Backlund cinches the hold, dragging him to the centre of the ring.

    Necrominus: “Backlund has it in tight! This is it!”

    The crowd are chanting ‘Tap’ at Ryder as he fights to escape the hold – Backlund tightens his grip on Ryder’s arm!

    With a final burst of energy, Ryder pushes Backlund back into the corner – with his free arm he grabs the rope!

    The referee forces the break as the crowd boo and Ryder recovers in the corner – Backlund drags him out looking to re-apply the hold – Ryder ducks down and flips Backlund over his head!

    Ryder backs up as Backlund gets to his feet


    Ryder drags Backlund to the centre of the ring before making the cover




    The crowd boo as the ring announcer declares Ryder the winner – he gets to his feet and continues to stomp on Backlund!

    Necrominus: “Oh come on Ryder! The match is over!”

    Santino’s music hits!

    The crowd cheer as Santino runs to the ring and starts pummeling Ryder – he backs him up – COBRA STRIKE TO RYDER!!

    The crowd now cheer as Backlund gets back to his feet as Ryder is hauling himself up using the ropes – Backlund and Santino clothesline Ryder to the floor!

    Necrominus: “Ryder getting his just desserts after a post match assault!”

    Billy-Bob: “What the hell is Santino sticking his nose in Ryder’s business for?”

    Ryder has an angry look on his face outside the ring as Santino and Backlund salute the crowd!

    Reasoning for booking:
    After breaking up Team CoBro, I toyed with the idea of having Santino and Ryder feud with each other. I felt the shocking attack on Backlund was a better exclamation point to announce Ryder’s heel turn however. I gave Ryder the win as he has just freshly turned and would benefit from the bump of winning a big match. Going forward Santino and Backlund would feud with Ryder for a little while before moving into the tag team division as an interesting combination.

    Jenni: “My guest at this time…”

    Muhammad Hussan grabs the mic from Jenni and steps onto the screen.


    Hussan: “No – I will not answer your ridiculous questions!

    I was violently assaulted last week and almost seriously injured!

    This is not how servants – worthless peons like Edge – treat the undisputed King of NCW!
    And now, President Trump, again wants to step into my kingdom.
    To involve himself in MY business.
    This is MY REALM!
    Tonight when I once again stand tall and retain my championship – Edge and President Trump will grovel at the feet of the Undisputed KING – of NCW.”

    Ring Announcer: “It is now time – for the No Holds Barred Match – for the NCW Rising Star Championship!!”

    Ring Announcer: “Introducing the Challenger – From The Rocky Mountains – weighing in at 450lbs – The Man They Call….. VAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDERRRRRRRRR!”

    Necrominus: “This next match is one of the most anticipated clashes of all time. A clash of two behemoths from different eras!”

    Billy-Bob: “I hope you’ve all tucked your kids into bed folks – this next one will give them nightmares otherwise!”

    Ring Announcer: “And his opponent – Introducing the NCW Rising Star Champion – from Huntington Beach, California – weighing in at 282lbs – SAMOAAAAAAA JOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEE!”

    The crowd chant for Joe as he comes to the ring with the title around his waist. Vader awaits him in the ring and both men lock eyes.

    Joe enters the ring and removes his title from around his waist, stepping into the centre of the ring to go face to face with Vader.
    The two men stand inches away from each other, Joe raising his title in the air as the fans are cheering loudly. The chants are mixed for both men!

    Necrominus: “You can just feel the tension in the arena tonight!”

    Billy-Bob: “This is not a personal contest, guys – just two monsters who want to prove which one is the better man!”

    Disco: “I can’t believe I’m getting to witness this match – right here, right now!”

    Vader and Joe now inch closer to each other, getting nose to nose as the referee calls for the bell to start the match – this fight is finally on!

    Joe and Vader continue to stand in the centre of the ring, soaking in the amazing atmosphere in the arena. After what seems like an eternity, they back away from each other and Joe hands his belt to the referee.

    Vader and Joe then lock up, each man trying to overpower the other. Vader uses his bigger mass to force Joe back a step – Joe powers back to the centre!

    Neither man is budging as the crowd continue to cheer – Joe drives his knee into Vader’s gut! Vader doubles over as Joe goes to whip Vader – he counters and comes back with a knee to Joe’s mid section!

    Both holding their stomachs, Joe and Vader now circle each other – Vader goes for a right hand – Joe counters! Both men start trading blows – neither man budges still!

    Necrominus: “These guys are virtually the equal of each other – this is amazing!”

    Both men again back up before again locking up in the centre of the ring. This time Joe forces Vader back two steps – Vader powers back and shoves Joe to the mat!! The crowd are on their feet again as Joe looks up at Vader in shock!!

    Joe gets back to his feet and again tries to lock up with Vader – Vader blasts Joe with a hard right!

    Vader backs Joe up with hard shots – Joe suddenly ducks and reverses Vader into the corner! Joe hammers on Vader in the corner now, before taking two steps backwards – and catching Vader with a standing enziguiri!

    Vader staggers, but doesn’t go down – Joe again backs up – Vader powers out of the corner and ploughs into Joe with a shoulder block! Joe staggers this time, but doesn’t go down – Vader quickly grabs Joe and whips him over the top rope to the floor!

    Vader slides to the outside now as Joe gets back to his feet – Vader tries to whip Joe into the steel steps – Joe counters and sends Vader crashing into them shoulder first!

    Vader immediately gets back up, shoving the top section of the steel steps loose and sending them crashing to the floor in a rage – he turns around to face Joe again – Vader gets blasted with a hard forearm from Joe!

    Vader staggers backwards, stumbling over the larger section of the steps and falling onto them in a seated position – Joe runs forward and clocks Vader with a big boot to the face! Vader rolls off the steps onto the floor as Joe now picks up the top half of the steps.

    Joe awaits Vader to get to his feet – who obliges – Joe runs at Vader with the steps – Vader ducks but at the same time uses Joe’s momentum to shove him – steps first – into the ring post! The steps bounce back off the post and catch Joe square in the jaw! Joe goes down!

    Necrominus: “Using the steps has backfired on Joe!”

    Vader now flips over the ring cover, and pulls out a steel chair from underneath the ring. Joe is struggling to his feet again – Vader blasts Joe across the back with the chair!!

    Joe roars in pain but doesn’t go down, instead he backs up down the aisle and Vader comes after him – this time ramming the chair into Joe’s gut!!

    Joe doubles over in pain as Vader now throws the chair onto the ramp and sets Joe for a powerbomb – Joe counters! Back body drop onto the steel ramp!

    This time Vader gasps in pain as Joe tries to recover against the guard rail.

    Joe staggers over to Vader and drags him up by his mask. Bringing Vader up the ramp now, the two men are in the entrance way – Joe rams Vader’s head off the backdrop of the stage!

    Vader staggers backwards, Joe grabs him and wraps him up for a suplex – he can’t lift Vader!

    Vader fights Joe off with an elbow to the temple – before tossing him face-first into the Natural Selection logo! Joe explodes through the glass, sending shards everywhere!

    Necrominus: “OH MY GOD! That’s a plate glass window!”

    Billy-Bob: “What was Joe thinking? He can’t lift a man of Vader’s size!”

    Disco: “Joe could be seriously injured!”

    Joe lies amid the broken glass, bleeding profusely from a large cut on his forehead. Vader kicks glass away from around him and steps through the shattered opening. He hauls Joe to his feet – Joe pushes Vader off – and headbutts him!

    Joe backs Vader up with massive headbutts, as both men come back towards the ring. Joe again tries to lift Vader and scoop slam him on the mat – Vader again counters with an elbow!

    Vader then tackles Joe on the steel and rains blows down on the already bleeding forehead of Joe.

    Rolling to his feet again, Vader scoops up the steel chair from the ramp and waits as Joe gets to his feet slowly – Joe turns around – Vader blasts him with a vicious shot to the head with the chair! Joe goes down – and this time doesn’t get back up!

    Necrominus: “My God – Vader has dominated outside the ring here! Joe could be unconscious!”

    Billy-Bob: “That was sick!”

    Vader now drags Joe back towards the ring, and rolls him in by the corner. Vader then climbs up on the apron and steps underneath the second rope – he climbs onto the turnbuckles –


    Necrominus: “My God! A vicious Vader Bomb – that could be it!”

    Billy-Bob: “Stick a fork in this match guys!”

    Vader drags Joe out and drops for the cover




    Necrominus: “Joe kicked out of the Vader Bomb! I can’t believe it!”

    The crowd are on their feet as Vader looks at Joe in disbelief – he drags Joe to the corner again –


    Vader then makes the cover for a second time…




    Necrominus, Disco and Billy-Bob: “WHAT?”

    Vader looks down incredulously at Joe, shrugs his shoulders and ascends the ropes again –


    Vader rolls around on the canvas as Joe somehow rolls to the outside and falls to the floor.

    Clutching his ribs, Joe is somehow hauling himself up using the apron – Vader gets back to his feet and comes towards Joe – who reaches up and grabs Vader by his mask – Joe throws him head first into the ring post!

    Vader collapses from the ring to the floor as Joe, still holding his ribs searches under the ring again – and pulls out another steel chair!

    Vader, clutching his head staggers to his feet – Joe blasts him with the chair!

    Vader goes down! Joe strikes Vader across the back with the chair this time, before grabbing at Vader’s mask again!

    He rips at the clasp on the back –



    Joe holds Vader’s mask up like a trophy as Vader is again trying to get back to his feet – Joe again smashes the steel chair across his head – Vader goes back down – and he’s busted open!!

    Necrominus: “Joe just ripped off Vader’s mask and split him wide open – what else can these guys do to each other!!”

    Joe somehow drags Vader up and rolls him back into the ring. Climbing onto the apron, Joe watches as Vader tries to climb to his feet again – Joe leaps onto the ropes –


    Necrominus: “How on earth did Joe do that? He’s over 200lbs!!”

    Joe gets back to his feet as the crowd are chanting ‘THIS IS AWESOME’ – Joe hauls Vader up again – he’s calling for the Muscle-Buster!!!

    Billy-Bob: “What is this idiot doing – he couldn’t lift him earlier – he can’t lift him now!!”

    Joe catches Vader – and this time, lifts him above his head –


    Necrominus: “Good God, Joe just lifted a 450 pound man above his head!!”

    Joe rolls into the cover…




    The crowd are in shock as Joe sits up and looks at the referee in amazement. Shaking his head, Joe rolls back to the outside and now lifts the bottom part of the steel steps – and slides them into the ring!

    Joe rolls back in and again picks up Vader who is still not moving – he sets him for the Muscle-Buster again – Vader powers out – he kicks Joe in the gut –


    Necrominus: “Good God Almighty! Joe’s back could be broken!”

    Vader collapses into the cover….




    Necrominus: “I don’t understand this – how did Joe kick out of that?”

    Billy-Bob: “I don’t know – what does Vader have to do??”

    Vader rolls off Joe and is slow to get to his feet. Panting heavily now – he drags Joe to the corner and again ascends the turnbuckles – Joe somehow rolls onto the floor!

    Vader looks down as Joe lies on the floor face down. He drops to the apron and then to the floor.

    Looking around him, Vader suddenly rips the cover off the main announce table – tossing it to one side before ripping out the monitors.

    Keeping hold of one, he waits as Joe is somehow again staggering to his feet –


    Necrominus: “My Good God – this is getting out of hand!”

    Billy-Bob: “You pick now to say this, Necro?”

    Disco: “Uh, guys – I think we need to move – NOW!”

    The three commentators beat a hasty retreat as Vader tosses Joe onto the announce table, clubbing on him a number of times.

    He then shoves the commentators chairs out of the way – and climbs up on the guard-rail!!

    Necrominus: “No! Don’t do this!”

    With one last look behind him at Joe, Vader turns his back and leaps –


    Necrominus: “Oh Jesus! Oh God! Vader may have broken his neck!”

    Billy-Bob “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!!!”

    Crowd: “HOLY ****! HOLY ****! HOLY ****!”

    Both men are down on the floor. Vader lies amidst the wreckage of the announce table, as Joe is suddenly stirring.

    He ever so slowly gets to his feet, blood flowing from his open forehead as he wears a crimson mask. He looks down at Vader who still hasn’t moved.

    Joe drags Vader’s motionless body out of the wreckage and hauls him up –


    Vader is still motionless as Joe rolls into the ring with the Clutch still applied – he drags Vader up with the hold still in place.

    Vader has now gone purple – but suddenly tries to fight out –


    Vader swings his arms around wildly as Joe cinches the hold tight, refusing to release the hold.

    Vader suddenly goes limp – the referee rushes over – and calls for the bell! Vader is unconscious!!! Joe has choked out Vader!!

    The crowd are on their feet cheering as Joe finally releases the hold, rolling away from Vader and stumbling to his feet.

    Ring Announcer: “Here is your winner – and STILL NCW Rising Star Champion – SAMOA JOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE!!!!”

    Necrominus: “What a match – a war! I can’t believe what we have just witnessed tonight!”

    Billy-Bob: “Joe just choked out Vader – this is unbelievable!”

    Disco: “I’m just glad it’s over – what carnage!”

    Joe is handed his title and has his arm raised by the referee. The crowd chant his name as he holds his championship in the air.

    Necrominus: “Joe survived being thrown through plate glass, TWO Vader Bombs, a powerbomb onto the steel steps… this guy is freaking unstoppable!”

    Billy-Bob: “But for Vader’s error when he missed the moonsault it might be very different guys – Vader had him where he wanted him!”

    Disco: “I guess we’ll never know – one thing is certain – I do NOT want to tangle with either of those crazy cats!”

    Joe stands tall as Vader still lies motionless in the ring.


    Reasoning for booking:
    I deliberately built this match without any physical interaction or long mic battles between the two as I felt a match of the kind Joe and Vader would have didn’t need any more hype. The introduction of the Rising Star Championship was a kind of bait and switch this year as I didn’t plan on using the stipulation attached to defending it five times at all. I toyed with maybe having this as the 5th defense and Joe inserting himself in the main event but in the end thought it was overkill as there would have been no build to it. Going forward Vader would probably depart the company, having been bested by Joe whilst the champ himself would continue to build on his unstoppable start to his NCW career.

    Necrominus: “Ladies and Gentlemen we are moments away from our main event where we will see Edge challenge Muhammad Hussan for the NCW Heavyweight Championship. This has become a bitter, personal confrontation made so by the actions of Hussan – going all the way back to Agony.”

    Billy-Bob: “Address him by his proper title – Hussan is a King!”

    Disco: “The match has the extra intrigue as the 45th President of the United States of America – Donald J. Trump installed himself as the special guest referee for this contest.”

    Billy-Bob: “It’s a damn conspiracy – they’re trying to rob our king of his crown!”

    Ring Announcer: “I would ask you all to please stand at this time as we welcome the special guest referee for tonight’s main event – President Donald J. TRUMP!”

    The American National Anthem plays and the crowd rises to their feet as Trump comes to the stage and waves to the crowd.

    Above his typical suit he has a referee’s shirt on. The crowd reaction for the controversial President is mixed as he makes his way to the ring flanked by his secret service agents.

    Necrominus: “After what happened at Agony, I never thought I would see Trump in an NCW ring again. Tonight is personal for all three men involved.”

    Billy-Bob: “Exactly – I want Stephanie back! She wouldn’t be as biased, as egotistical as this – to put herself in the main event and as the referee of all things!”

    Disco: “I don’t think we have to worry about Stephanie, Jiminy. I’m told she’s quite comfortable in her jail cell right now!”

    Billy-Bob: “Another conspiracy – where does it end with Trump?”

    Trump is in the ring now as the crowd await the competitors.

    (Best entrance I could get please ignore the championship)

    Edge comes to the stage in typical fashion, looking laser-focused for tonight.

    He plays to the cheering crowd on the stage, going to both sides of it to feed off the atmosphere.

    Then he makes his way to the ring, sliding in and looking around him. He eyes Trump in the corner but goes to the turnbuckles and makes his signature pose as the crowd chant his name.

    Necrominus: “Hussan should underestimate Edge at his peril – the challenger clearly the vastly more experienced man in tonight’s contest.”

    Billy-Bob: “What are you on about, Necro – Hussan has reigned supreme over NCW for an entire year!”

    Edge takes off his glasses and jacket and tosses them to the outside as he stares a hole through the stage, awaiting the arrival of the NCW Champion – when the lights go out!

    Necrominus: “What? What is this?”

    Suddenly, a spotlight hits the stage where a throne is rising from within it!

    Hussan sits on the throne, a golden crown adorning his head as well as typical Arabian jewels in his head-dress.

    A cape is slung around his shoulders and he holds a scepter in his right hand.

    The NCW Heavyweight Championship is strapped around his waist.

    Billy-Bob: “Finally – an entrance fit for a King!”

    Necrominus: “Is this really necessary?”

    Disco: “It’s pretty cool, Necro-dude.”

    Hussan eyes Trump in the ring as he finally steps from his throne and raises his arms out wide. He makes his way to the ring as the crowd boo him fiercely.

    Hussan walks up the steps and ascends the turnbuckle, throwing his arms out again as ‘Hail To The King’ is sung in the lyrics.

    Necrominus: “The levels of delusion are unbelievable here…”

    Billy-Bob: “Quiet, Necro! We are in the presence of royalty!”

    Hussan climbs into the ring and poses again as he shifts his eyes from Trump – to Edge – and then back again.

    Hussan disrobes and tosses his scepter to the outside as Trump comes forward to take the belt from him.

    He smirks at Trump and tentatively hands him the title as the ring announcer begins proceedings.

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen – the following contest is our MAIN EVENT – and it is for the NCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

    Introducing first – the challenger – from Toronto, Ontario, Canada – weighing in at 241lbs, he is the RATED RRRRRRR SUUUUUPERRRRRRSTARRRRR – EDGE!!!”

    The crowd cheer loudly for Edge as he raises his arms to acknowledge the crowd.

    Ring Announcer: “And next, he is the King of NCW – The NCW Heavyweight Champion – MUHHHHHHAMMMMMMADDDDD HUSSSSSSSANNNNNN!”

    The crowd are booing loudly as Hussan raises his arms out wide again, eyeing Edge across the ring. Hussan then takes his crown from his head and walks over to Trump.

    Hussan: “You will mind this – and place it back on my head when I am victorious!”

    Trump snatches the crown from Hussan and tosses it into the crowd!

    Hussan flips out and squares up to Trump –

    Edge runs across the ring and rolls him up – Trump drops down for the count –



    Hussan barely kicks out!!

    Billy-Bob: “This isn’t right – Trump is going to screw Hussan!”

    Hussan, in shock tries to get back to his feet – Edge hits him with a hard clothesline! The crowd cheer as Edge then pummels Hussan on the mat – Trump watches on with a smile on his face!

    Billy-Bob: “Hey, ref – do your job! Those closed fists are illegal!”

    Necrominus: “Calm down, Jiminy – Hussan asked for this through all of his antics up to this point!”

    Hussan tries to roll out of the ring now, Edge drags him back in by his leg!

    Edge hauls Hussan up, whips him against the ropes, Hussan runs back into a flapjack! Edge rolls him over and makes the cover again



    Hussan kicks out again!

    Billy-Bob: “That was a fast count! Dammit someone do something about this!”

    Edge continues his early offense now, stomping on Hussan on the mat as Trump turns his back on the action and waves to the crowd –

    Hussan pops up his arm and low blows Edge!! Edge drops to his knees as Hussan rolls away for a breather!

    Trump turns around now and sees Edge on his knees and looks over at Hussan – who smirks.

    Hussan runs forward and blasts Edge with a running knee! Hussan drops for the cover… Trump is slow to count


    Edge kicks out!

    Hussan gets up now, frustrated and kicks Edge out of the ring.

    He argues with Trump about the slow count – Trump shoves Hussan!

    Hussan’s face contorts with rage as the secret service agents are up on the apron now. Hussan backs off, shaking his head at Trump before turning around – Edge clotheslines him over the ropes to the floor!

    Edge rolls to the outside now as Hussan is climbing to his feet – Edge pushes him backwards and clotheslines him over the guard rail!

    Hussan lies in row 1 as Edge now climbs onto the guard rail – and leaps onto Hussan, pummeling him as he lands!

    Billy-Bob: “Hey! Trump – do your job dammit! Edge should be disqualified!”

    Edge now tosses Hussan back to the ringside area before climbing in himself. He grabs Hussan by his head and pulls him to his feet – intent on whipping him into the ring post – Hussan reverses and sends Edge crashing into it instead!

    Edge goes down clutching his shoulder as Hussan rolls back into the ring and orders Trump to count!

    Billy-Bob: “That is your job, Trump – make sure they don’t spend more than a ten count outside the ring!”

    Trump slowly begins the count on Edge who is getting to his feet now on the outside. Frustrated, Hussan exits the ring and stands on the apron – he leaps down onto Edge and clubs his shoulder with a double axe handle!

    Edge staggers back and clutches his shoulder – Hussan again whips Edge – this time shoulder first into the steps!

    Rolling back into the ring now, Hussan shouts at Trump to count again. Trump grudgingly begins the count and reaches 6 as Edge is still down on the outside!

    Billy-Bob: “Edge can’t continue – Trump is going to have to count him out here!”

    7 – Edge stirs and drags himself up using the steps

    8 – He makes it to the apron

    9 – Edge just rolls into the ring!

    Hussan doesn’t let up however and immediately starts stomping on Edge in the corner. Trump orders him back – Hussan turns and smirks at him!

    Hussan: “Disqualify me then! I’ll keep my title!”

    The crowd boo as Trump looks unsure of what to do as Hussan now chokes Edge with his foot against the bottom turnbuckle – Trump drags Hussan off Edge and shoves him to the floor!

    Billy-Bob: “Come on! The referee now physically assaulting Hussan – this is ridiculous!”

    Necrominus: “He was performing an illegal choke, Jiminy – what else could he do?”

    Hussan gets to his feet again and looks angrily at Trump. The two men argue in the centre of the ring as Edge gets to his feet, runs at Hassan – who tosses Trump in front of him!!


    Edge looks down in shock at the fallen President as Hussan smirks behind them. Hussan runs through Edge with a hard boot straight to his shoulder!

    Edge goes down and Hussan raises his arms out wide as both men are down in the ring!

    Necrominus: “Trump is down! Edge is down! Hussan looking totally dominant here!”

    Hussan now steps over Edge and stomps on him a couple of times before setting him –


    Billy-Bob: “That’s it – Edge is done now!”

    Another referee races out to ringside as Hussan has Edge stranded in the centre of the ring with the hold applied.

    Edge tries to stand up with Hussan on his back –

    Hussan slightly releases the hold and starts clubbing the injured shoulder causing Edge to fall back to the mat! Hussan reapplies the Clutch now and sits back on it – Edge is stranded!

    The referee is inches from Edge, asking him does he want to quit as Edge shakes his head!

    Edge starts inching towards the ropes as the crowd get behind him.

    Hussan stands up suddenly and jumps down on Edge’s back – once, twice, three times! Edge goes limp as Hussan again quickly applies the Camel Clutch again!

    Necrominus: “Despite his best efforts – Edge cannot escape!”

    Billy-Bob: “Once Hussan has that Clutch in tight no one can, Necro!”

    Hussan again sits back on Edge who is now not moving in the centre of the ring. The referee checks his hand – and it drops.

    He goes back a second time – still no response.

    For a third and final time, the referee raises Edge’s arm – he keeps it up!!!

    With a final burst of energy, Edge again tries to fight out of the deadly maneuver, again inching towards the ropes – Hussan tries to stomp on him again – this time when Hussan releases –

    Edge rolls through and pops out. He quickly grabs Hussan legs, flips him over – and applies the Edgecator!!!

    The crowd chant Edge’s name as it now Hussan’s turn to feel the pain of a submission hold.

    Hussan crawls towards the ropes – Edge pulls him back to the centre of the ring! Hussan looks like he’s about to tap as the referee is in close –

    Hussan grabs the referee and slams his head into the mat!!


    Necrominus: “Dammit! This match should be over!!”

    Edge releases the hold, thinking he has won but notices the second referee on the mat holding his head. Edge backs up as Hussan struggles to his feet –


    Edge rolls into the cover as the stunned referee is slow to make the count…




    Necrominus: “I was sure that was it! The referee was still hurt – he was too slow to make the count!”

    Billy-Bob: “The resilience of Muhammad Hussan – he will NOT relinquish his crown!”

    Edge looks down at Hussan in shock and gets back to his feet. Stalking Hussan again he runs forward for another Spear –

    Hussan counters into an STO!! –




    Both men are slow to get their feet, the battle taking its toll on both of them.

    Both men finally climb to their feet on opposite sides of the ring using the ropes. Eyeing each other wearily, they come forward and begin trading right hands!

    Edge hits one – YEAH!

    Hussan hits one back – BOO!

    The crowd fully invested in this match cheer and boo every blow!

    Edge backs Hussan into the corner with rights finally, hammering on him as Hussan slumps down to a seated position – Edge backs up and looks for a diving dropkick – Hussan rolls to the outside and Edge slides into the bottom turnbuckle groin first!!

    Hussan staggers around the outside of the ring towards the time-keeper’s area.

    He shoves the man from his seat and grabs his championship belt. Rolling back into the ring,

    Hussan sets to hit Edge with the title – the second referee tries to pull the title from him!

    Hussan clubs the ref on the back and tosses him from the ring as Edge is still staggering to his feet –


    Hussan turns around in shock as Trump is back on his feet now, with a firm grip on the title.

    Hussan shoves Trump and threatens him –


    Billy-Bob: “This is an outrage! Trump is supposed to be impartial!!"

    Edge is back on his feet, half in shock at Trump’s actions as Hussan lies prone on the mat.

    Edge shrugs his shoulders and dives for the cover as Trump drops down…




    Necrominus: “It’s over! We have a NEW NCW Heavyweight Champion!”

    Billy-Bob: “Trump screwed Hussan! This is a disgrace!”

    Edge gets to his feet as the crowd reaction is a little mixed. Trump hands him the title and raises his arm high in the air.

    Ring Announcer: “The winner of this match….. and NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NCW Heavyweight Champion – EDGE!”

    Edge celebrates on the ropes as Hussan is still motionless on the mat.

    Ring Announcer: “Uh…. Ladies and Gentlemen the second official has just informed me that he has REVERSED the decision.”

    Edge and Trump turn around in shock as the second official, still clutching his head is explaining something to the ring announcer.

    Necrominus: “What the hell is going on now?”

    Billy-Bob: “Yes! Trump is a disgrace! Hussan should win this match!”

    Ring Announcer: “Due to an earlier assault on the match official – there is no other choice other than to DISQUALIFY Muhammad Hussan!”

    Necrominus: “What? But that means…”

    Billy-Bob: “Haha! YES!”

    Ring Announcer: “Therefore – the winner of this match by disqualification… EDGE. However, STILL NCW Heavyweight Champion…. Muhammad Hussan.”

    The crowd are booing furiously as the second official has now rolled into the ring and taken the belt from Edge.

    Necrominus: “It can’t end like this!”

    Hussan grabs the title from the second official quickly and rolls out of the ring, backing up the ramp and hugging his title.

    Edge continues to argue with the second official as Trump has slid to the outside and grabbed a mic.


    Trump: “NO! This is not the way this will end for you, Muhammad! As owner of this company, I am ordering the official to restart this match – RIGHT NOW! And to ensure there will be a winner tonight – there will be NO DISQUALIFICATIONS!!”

    The crowd erupts as Muhammad Hussan flips out on the ramp.

    Hussan: “You can’t do this to me! This is my kingdom!!”

    Trump rolls back in the ring as Edge eyes Hussan from the ramp – Hussan backs up and is heading backstage!

    Necrominus: “Where is Hussan going? This is ridiculous!”

    Billy-Bob: “What’s ridiculous is this flagrant abuse of power by Trump!”

    The crowd are on their feet as Joe comes to the stage, still wearing the wounds from his earlier battle with Vader!

    Necrominus: “It’s Samoa Joe! What is he here for?”

    Hussan turns around in shock as Joe marches towards him, backing him down the ramp as Trump and Edge are in the ring.

    Billy-Bob: “This is a damn set up!”

    Disco: “Hussan is in no man’s land here!!”

    Hussan slowly re-enters the ring as Joe is now ascending the steps and climbing in himself.

    Hussan has his hands up, pleading with Joe.

    Necrominus: “Hussan finally going to get what is coming to him!”

    Joe and Hussan eye each other as Edge turns Hussan around –



    Necrominus: “Oh no… NO!”

    Hussan smirks at Joe who drags a stunned Edge back to his feet –


    Hussan quickly drops for the pin as Joe menacingly orders Trump to count…




    Necrominus: “What has Joe done? He’s sold his soul!”

    Hussan quickly gets to his feet and grabs his title as Joe stands emotionless in the ring.

    Trump is irate, but quickly dragged from the ring by his secret service agents and bundled backstage.

    Hussan turns around and extends his hand to Joe – who shakes it!

    The crowd are booing furiously as Hussan ascends the ropes and celebrates as Joe kicks Edge from the ring.

    Necrominus: “Joe has joined the Brotherhood! Why, Joe Why?”

    Billy-Bob: “I can’t answer that, Necro – and I don’t want to be the guy that asks him!”

    The rest of the Brotherhood are coming back to the ring now. Hussan and his cronies celebrate in the ring as the show goes off the air.

    Reason for booking:
    I had trouble finding the perfect opponent for Hussan with who I drafted. I had initially planned to go the happy ending route, but decided that I had built Hussan enough that he should hold the title at the end of Natural Selection 2. While writing it I just felt that Edge wasn’t the right man to end Hussan’s reign and while I was happy with the story, I wanted to keep Hussan on top for another term. Trump gets no resolution either, but he won the day over Stephanie already and would now be in control of NCW. With Joe and the Rising Star Championship now joining the Brotherhood, they would have total control over the company. The natural slow burner would be to build Joe with more title defenses and finally have him take on Hussan for the ultimate prize. But that, as they say is for another draft.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Monday Night Raw!
    Live from The Greensboro Coliseum — North Carolina
    previous shows: Preview show, Show 1, Show 2

    The Pyros go off as the show opens and we have a hot crowd here tonight that seems to be in a great mood full of "Razor", "Batista", "Rowdy Ronda" and even Eddie Gilbert related chants. That all changes as the boos start in with the NWO coming out go get things started. Hogan, Nash, Perfect, Andre, Dibiase & IRS are all there but it was the Hulkster who gets a Mic and after the boos dies down addresses how the show ended last week.
    Hogan: Now let me tell you something brothers...Negativity and Hulkamania are 2 things that don’t go together! but after last week when my so called brother in arms Scott Hall did what he did. When he turned his back on the black and white. A man who used to say "When you’re NWO, you’re NWO for life" would do that because of his greed, because of his jealousy, because he could never have what I had brothers... it makes me sick!

    So Scotty... "Mr Lone Wolf", I got one question for you...Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania and the NWO destroys you, cos brother you better believe that we are coming for you, you better believe that...

    Suddenly Scott Hall appears on the titatron and interrupts Hogan
    Hall: Hey Yo! (stops Hogan in his tracks and the crowd cheer big as a result)

    What do you boys think, looks good eh? (let's out a big Razor smile as he points out the BWA world title that he is wearing around his waist) and you know what... I deserve to wear it just as much as you Hogan... I don't (he takes it off his waist and hold it in one hand)... not yet! because like you I haven't earned it since I've been in the BWA but unlike you I didn't have it handed to me, I took it! *a small Razor chant breaks out*

    You say I turned on you Hogan, well mang... You're Damn right!

    You also say that Hulkamania and the NWO are going to run wild on me, well I got two things to say to you about that "brother"... can't you do it on your own? or do you fear that the man you called "The best wrestler to never win a world title" will change all that by beating your old ass?! (Hulk looks p!ssed as the fans continue to pop essentially at the end of every sentence of Hall's) That The Bad Guy here is really going to be the good guy and shut your damn mouth, and that You aren't really "The Man" as you say you are, but a has been that's been propped up for far too long by The NWO!

    Hogan looks incensed and can be seen calling him as son of a b!tch as Nash tries to calm him down.

    Hall: If What I am saying is not the case then prove it! and if you want this here title back, then earn it! I challenge you Hogan to put that creative control of yours to good use and face me at Wrestlepalooza! (again the crowd pop big for this but he continues) but before you do think about this... I didn't turn on the NWO, I stood up to the scumbag who tried to humiliate me the way he humiliated Nash back in WCW! I stood up to the guy who used his creative control clause to screw Mr Perfect there out of a world title shot back at wrestlemania 6! Do you think you will be getting that title shot you were promised when you signed here anytime soon Curt? not while he's the champ!

    So Hogan, forget being The Man, Fight me one on one at Wrestlepalooza and prove to me you are a man fullstop!

    With that the video link on the tron cuts out and Hogan is left bursting with rage at what just happened. He is so mad that Dibiase tells Andre & Nash to take him to the back and calm him down while ordering that the show starts and that the participants for the first match make their way out.

    those participants Dibiase notes are the two men we have seen recently trying to show their worth to NWO, he refers to them as the NWO's prospects (as they make their way out) and says they now have one more chance to impress. However he also notes that they won't have it easy having to face guys who too are trying to impress since being signed to the BWA from CWA at the behest of IRS (who stands next to him).

    The Varsity Club (Steve Williams & Rick Steiner w/Kevin Sullivan) Vs Horace Hogan & Tatanka

    The Varsity Club (Sullivan in particular) look a little banged up after last week.Meanwhile Horace but primarily Tatanka does much better this week than in their recent efforts, but it is eventually the Hulksters cousin who falls afoul here with Williams taking him out via a Oklahoma Stampede Powerslam as the Oklahoma U native gets the 3 count.

    Winners: The Varsity Club
    We then go backstage to the NWO dressing room where Kevin Nash is trying to calm down Hulk Hogan, telling him he still has his back and reminding him that unlike Hall he went through with the original fingerpoke of doom. He can't however say the same about Mr Perfect and says that he heard that Hennig told Hall last week that whatever he (Hall) did he (perfect) would have his back. Already paranoid Hogan is losing it just thinking about another potential traitor within their ranks when Dibiase pipes up telling them that he had an idea that'd not only fix the problem but kill 2 birds with one stone and says he is heading back out to the ring right now to announce it.
    *Ad Break*

    When we return Ted Dibiase is already out in the ring and by his side is Andre The Giant... First he announces tonight's main event and a chance for as he puts it Mr Perfect to prove his loyalty to the NWO by putting his undefeated streak on the line against the man who has tried to oppose the group the past two weeks Batista!

    Then turning to Andre he makes another big announcement by first taking his (Andre's) CWA US title from him and referencing that he would now do something that the before mentioned Mr Perfect once did to Hulk Hogan's world title (not a topic Perfect. Except instead of doing it himself he calls out his hired help...Virgil!

    Virgil slides into the ring with a hammer and proceeds to smash the title into little bits before getting to his feet and giving The Million Dollar Man a black satchel. From there DiBiase moments later produces what he calls the new and improved BWA intercontinental championship which he awards to Andre in the place of his now destroyed old title. As big a moment as this may be we are then treated to his announcement that Andre's first title defense would be next!

    BWA InterContinental Championship title match
    Andre The Giant vs Abdullah The Butcher

    This match is more competitive than Andre perhaps would have liked, his double underhook suplex however changes things and after that it is advantage Andre, as after Abdullah gets back to his feet the big man locks in a bearhug on him leaving him and you can almost see the fight give out in The Butcher. Andre eventually loosens the hold but only long enough to headbutt his opponent at which point he easily gets the three count and retains his new belt.

    Winner: Andre The Giant

    Andre tosses his title over his shoulder and heads to the back with Dibiase and Virgil before Abdullah even gets to his feet. Another thing that happens before that however is the charging of the ring from the same fan that attacked last week except this week he isn't labelled as a fan, instead the announce team refer to him as Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson.

    He takes Abdullah out with a vicious big boot the moment he even gets half way back to his feet. He then proceeds to cut a promo on the man at his feet
    Hannibal: This Man, this piece of trash that lies before me... He deserves everything he gets and I don't want anyone here to have sympathy for him!

    This cheap carnival freak TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!.... He is the reason that nobody in this arena knows my name. My WWE contract recinded thanks to him, my dream taken from me... AND ALL FOR WHAT! (stamps on Abdullah repeatidly)...Your gonna pay for what you did! (he then rather impressively delivers a gutwrench powerbomb to The Butcher before sliding out of the ring at which point security quickly ensure he does not return while medical staff check on the man left lying in the ring.

    JB: Why in god's name are they only stopping him now, whos call was it to let him cut a damn promo!?
    BH: Actually JB I've just been informed that Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson there signed a BWA contract last week and that one of the stipulations of signing that deal was that he got to face Abdullah the Butcher.
    JB: Well could you please explain what Hannibal's beef is with the Butcher so Mr Smarty Pants?
    BH: Actually I could as we have just been given a video that pertains to that very same thing.... *plays the video*

    After the video the announcers make sure to state that Abdullah The Butcher passed a very strict medical prior to signing with the WWE and was declared clear of the virus following treatment akin to Nicholson's own.

    We are then brought backstage to what we are told should be something lighter as Charlie Minn is once again tasked with a BWA interview, this time getting a word in with Dara & Davey Dooley. Embarrassingly for Minn though he doesn't recognize the Men who say they used to wrestle in Beyond Chaos Wrestling and has to ask them their names to begin the interview. Davey responds by calling him "a little twerp" before informing him that he should show them some respect saying that they had been invited there by The Million Dollar Man himself to answer his open challenge tonight. This did leave the interviewer wondering if it was normal for someone to be invited here to answer an open challenge by the person issuing it? however this was one disrespectful question too much in their minds and they stormed off around the corner.

    Moments later however just before we headed back to ringside a loud couple of tuds and a smashing noise are heard from where the brothers had gone so Minn rushes after them to see what happened. Davey is lying unconscious with a bloodied Dara a few feet away hanging through a window frame. The only other person even remotely nearby is Dan Spivey who is then questioned with regard what just happened.

    Spivey: If you are insinuating that an upstanding part of society like me, a Varisty Club member no less, would have had anything to do with such an action then you have lost your mind announcer man. But lets not make issue here Friend these boys will be fine, leave em with me...

    JB: Not exactly the fun change of pace you were hoping for there BH?
    BH: Alright let's try this one more time... last week Eddie Gilbert was full of one liners let's see what he is up to backstage
    We are then taken to the pre-match warm up area where Manami Toyota is stretching. Eddie Gilbert approaches her.

    Gilbert: Hi, Hot Stuff
    Toyota: What did you call me?
    Gilbert: No no, I was introducing myself baby, but if you want I can give you a nickname when you and Ol "Hot Stuff" here hit the town tonight.
    Toyota: What make you so hot, You got fever, you a sick boy ?
    Gilbert: I've got a fever alright, Yellow Fever! (winks at her)

    Eddie takes a knee after a thunderous slap from Toyota who clearly understood Gilbert's english there

    Bam Bam Bigelow vs Virgil

    we return to in ring action with Virgil coming out for his return match and stating that he would do what Tatanka and Horace Hogan have failed to do and prove he should be allowed rejoin the NWO and become their newest member here with a win.

    Even he could not have predicted how good a chance he would have as Kevin Sullivan, Steve Williams & Rick Steiner all charge down the ramp and attack Bigelow before the bell even rings getting revenge for what Bigelow and his Triple threat buddies did to them last week. between the three of them they quickly drop the big man from his feet and to the mat where they repeatedly stamp down on Bam Bam. Security and the arrival of Chirs Candido & Shane Douglas make them back away out of the ring and into the crowd to make their exit. Bam Bam has taken a lot of punishment but insists on fighting anyway so the ref rings the bell at which point Virgil immediately catches him with a dropkick before locking in The Million Dollar Dream . Bam Bam is struggling and Virgil does look like he could get a surprise win but when the ref checks Bam Bam for a response (lifting/dropping his arm) the big man impresses everyone by stopping him on 3 and then being able to power out of the submission. Chance gone for Virgil and the match ends as seen below

    Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow
    Ad Break

    After the advertisements we are shown a pre-taped sit down interview with The Shiek where he is asked about his actions last week where he walked out on his nephew Sabu, leaving him to face a 3 on 1 beatdown from Triple Threat.
    Sheik: I feel no remorse for Sabu. I trained Sabu, I taught him everything he knows. Hell he would have never been brought to the BWA if not for me. I got him that trade... He owes me! but not for all that, I never asked a thing for any of that, what he owes me for is WCW! I though about what he gave to me in WCW every day since and now finally thanks to the wise Mr Dibiase I can assure you all he will get his when I take the BWA to... The Extreme!

    JB: What the heck was all that nonsense about WCW? What did Sabu do that was so bad when those two were there?
    BH: I might have some idea but I gotta say it was nice to have a segment in the show that didn't see someone get sneak attacked or slapped! Dibiase needs to keep his talent under control.
    JB: Damn man don't talk ill of the boss don't you know he is out next?

    As if on que The Million Dollar Man's music hit's and out comes Ted Dibiase with IRS by his side carrying both their tag team titles. They make their way down to the ring and Dibiase addresses the audience:
    Dibiase:I'm here, the Million Dollar man is here! but before I start my business in this here ring, Charlie Minn... we can getta a better interviewer than you before next week so... You're Fired! (he then lets out one of his trademark laughs)

    and now without further adieu I The Million Dollar Man and my trusted confidant IRS otherwise known as Money Inc will show the world why we were named BWA Tag team champions by issuing an open challenge to any team who wants a tag titles match right here tonight!

    after a good bit of time with nobody answering the challenge he continues.

    Dibiase: So If anyone back there truly believes they are good enough to take on the best there is then just make your way out her right now... ... ... you don't even have to be from this promotion... so don't be scared just...... entrance music starts to play as apparently the call has been answered... ...Finally.

    Money Inc vs The Dooley Brothers

    Dibiase then tells IRS to take the belts to the outside but stops in his tracks as he realizes that who came out to that music isn't the tag team he expected, it is instead Dan Spivey!

    Spivey: Sorry Teddy Boy, I know you were expecting someone else but despite my best efforts the doc just would not clear them to wrestle tonight. Don't fret though I knew you needed someone to answer your open challenge so I went out of my way to find someone. I especially didn't wanna let my old tag team partner and stable mate go without an opponent now would I Rotunda... I mean IRS, well fear not because I found the perfect person because like I was your partner this guy used to fight alongside your bossman there so accepting your open challenge tonight is myself and.... Stan Hansen!

    Money Inc vs Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey

    Hansen and Spivey march down to the ring and square up with Dibiase who as the bell rings to signal the start of the match seems to be pleading with Hansen saying that they don't need to be adversaries. Hansen seems to see things differently though and and immediately catches him with a hellacious Lariat. Dibiase sells the move like someone just slapped him across the face with a tree and rolls to the outside stumbling around like he doesn't know where he is or what he's doing. He does come to one realization though, a Stan Hansen Lariat is not something he had prepared for from this match so while on the outside he grabs the tag team titles and heads away from the ring.

    Rotunda (IRS) however was not as quick with his exit and instead gets grabbed and pulled into the ring by the big angry Texan who then proceeds to take his head off with a gigantic Lariat! Dibiase looks back at this as the referee begins a 10 count against him as the legal man from his team. He looks like he may return to the ring but after seeing his partner (IRS) receive a Spivey Spike DDT from one his former partners (Spivey of course) he decides not to and the ref officially calls it.

    Winners via countout: Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey

    After the match however Hansen clearly indicates that he isn't done yet and that he want's to get his hands on both the tag titles and Dibiase both of which are now heading up the ramp and into the back, therefore he decides to climb over the ropes and chases The Million Dollar Man into the back.

    BH: That goes down in the record books as a win for Hansen & Spivey against the tag champs surely they should get a proper shot against the champs now?
    JB: How in gods name is that what you are thinking about right now, Our bosses health is at stake. Get me footage from whatever reporter we have backstage!
    We cut backstage to see Eddie Gilbert introduce himself as a stand in reporter cos as he puts it "the boss sacked the other guy" but says that he has the biggest scoop any reporter could get... He has the interview with the "lovely curvaceous women who is going to put that brute (feels his face where he got slapped earlier) Manami Toyota in her place tonight... I have an interview with the Amazing Aja Kong!... so Aja, why don't you tell all the people at home how you will win your match tonight in order to be able to party all night with the Hot Stuff here"

    Kong: Ha, ha, ha do you think you could handle me puny man?
    Gilbert: Ya'll ain't nothing but more cushion for the pushing honey (flashes her a smile)

    Moments later and....
    ...that one looks like it hurt even more than the others and Gilbert is left stunned as Aja heads out towards ringside

    BH: That Eddie Gilbert is just having no luck with the BWA women
    JB: Who cares about the women and Gilbert, what's happening with the Boss!
    BH: Who cares about the women! I wouldn't say that during our next match.
    JB: You know that's not what I meant

    Lucky he clarified that before the next person came out... as it was none other than Ronda Rousey who had decided to join them on commentary for the following match. Coming out at the same time as her are also a couple of BWA officials who set up a podium beside the ring to display the BWA womens title which will be on the line at Wrestlepalooza when the winner of this match will take on Rousey.

    Manami Toyota vs Aja Kong

    skip to about 7 mins in and watch a 5* womens match between the two that would be similar to this bout until the finish which is explained below

    Both women have been going at it for 15+ minutes and tbh it would almost be unfair to try and make someone call a winner at this stage such is the display both women have made. However Aja is the one on top at this point, in fact she is literally on top of Toyota as she has her Boston Crab submission locked in on her opponent.

    It is possible she may have tapped given time although that point becomes moot when a masked women climbs over the barricade grabs the title and slides into to ring where she cracks the belt across the back of Kong's head. One could argue that Aja should win via DQ but before the ref can make any call the assailant also hits Toyota with a belt shot. She then stands above both of them and holds the belt aloft.

    BH: Ahh no not another match ruined by a run in!
    JB: But who is this mysterious woman that has the womens title?
    Ronda: (who had been silent most of her time on commentary) I'm not waiting here to find out!

    Rousey then gets up and goes to head down to the ring to face this women, she stops only momentarily half way down the ramp as she sees the woman in ring is removing her mask revealing her identity as....Victoria!

    Rousey gets right down to ringside and immediately leaps up onto the ring apron so that all that separates the two women are the ring ropes. Ronda stares a hole in Victoria who just smirks and lifts the title up infront of her.

    BH: What arrogance, does she not know who she is up against?
    JB: I think it's you and Ronda that don't know what's coming this time...look!

    JB says this pointing out a second masked assailant who comes up from behind Rousey and cracks the back of her knee with a small bat, causing her to fall backwards to the mat on the floor below. This person then without hesitation picks the former UFC fighter up and throws her head first into the turnbuckle. She then rolls into the ring and like Victoria before her, unmasks to reveal herself as none other than.... Molly Holly!

    The two stomp down on Toyota & Kong a little longer before each with one hand on either strap of the women's title hold it aloft together before we go to commercial.
    Ad Break

    When we return we see Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey backstage looking for Ted Dibiase. A stage hand scared sh*tless by Hansen tells them he saw the boss heading towards the parking lot but the two men are a little late getting there and like us (the viewers) just see Virgil helping The Million Dollar Man into his Limo which pulls out just fast enough that it gets away from the two with both just inches from reaching it.

    We return to ringside and it's time for our main event as Dave Batista makes his way out. However before the match can get underway it would seem we are going to be once again joined by The NWO as Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash & Andre The Giant all make their way down to the ring. They go face to face with Batista in the ring but only momentarily as then Mr Perfect's music hits and he makes his way down. At first the trio of men not competing look like they are forming a human barrier to separate but then Andre & Hogan who are either side of Kevin Nash turn and point at Big Daddy Cool as he tears off his NWO shirt to reveal a referees shirt.
    Ring announcer: The following is a special guest referee match between first...

    as the intros continue Hogan and Andre head to the outside laughing. The deck seems stacked against Batista here although Curt Hennig honestly didn't look like he knew much about Nash's involvement before it was announced.

    Main Event: Batista vs Mr Perfect

    Perfect goes for a quick takedown as this one starts but Batista seems to have it scouted and catches him with a kick to the gut as he tries to tackle him down to the mat, He immediately uses that opportunity to set Hennig up for his Batista Bomb and OMG the match and with it Hennig's perfect unbeaten streak could be over ... 1....2..... Kickout!

    BH: That was an awfully long 3 count!
    JB: Give over you've been complaining all night

    Batista tries to keep right on him but Perfect seems to be able to reverse almost everything he has for him. Big Dave lets his frustration get to him and starts swinging wildly at Hennig until Perfect catches him out of nowhere with one of Batista's own moves a spear and then as soon as Batista gets back up BOOM his perfect plex plants the Animal back on his back for 1.....2............. no kickout!

    BH: Another long 3 count allowing for the kickout!
    JB: It's called consistency jackass something you should try, you hardly think Nash wants Batista to win now do you?
    BH: Maybe he just doesn't want this match to end and for both men to beat all hell out of each other!

    Perfect starts arguing with Nash at this point and even somewhat with Hogan on the outside, his unbeaten streak is on the line here and he isn't happy with the long count. He's even less happy when this leaves him too distracted to notice Batista was back to his feet and ready to knock him off his with a spinebuster. He follows that up with a sidewalk slam and goes for a pin but this time Nash isn't even looking and despite Perfect kicking out before the crowd count to 3 Batista is enraged and he too starts laying into Nash verbally. Just like Perfect before him however this leaves him susceptible to his opponent and Mr Perfect rolls him up from behind for what at first looks like a pin but he transitions it into a figure four.

    We see a close up of perfect near the ropes only a few inches from Hogan and Andre on the outside. he's doing his all to get Batista to tap but the importance of that changes in an instant as from this close up angle we see Hogan tell Andre "Do it Now!" before Andre hits a KO style punch crashing his giant sized fist into Perfects skull. This obviously causes him to release his hold on Batista who tries to get up only to rise perfectly timed for Nash to hit him with a clubbing blow before for the second week in a Row Jacknife powerbombing Batista. The official being Nash means that this match never officially ended but the announcers pretty much call it as the former Diesel starts beating lumps into the downed Batista as Hogan and Andre enter the ring.

    Another week and another screwjob meaning Batista gets a beatdown from the NWO but this time Mr Perfect too is being targetted with Hogan in particular shouting at him (about how he said he'd have Scott Hall's back no matter what he did) as Andre hits him his double underhook suplex and a seated senton. The NWO are at this point essentially just posing over their downed foes and the crowd much like at least one of the announcers are sick of it and the boos are flowing until.... Scott Hall comes out! and the place goes wild! Hogan however believing that Hall would be vastly out numbered beckons him down to the ring but before Hall complies he points out that he is not alone!


    Joining him at the top of the ramp before charging down to the ring are Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey. They may have failed to get their hands on Dibiase but it seems they plan to take their frustration out on his NWO buddies/ Unfortunately for the fans though Andre, Hogan, Nash roll out of the ring and the square off is more of a stare down as the heels seem pleased enough backing away after inflicting much damage on Batista & Perfect who are now both helped to their feet by the faces.
    BWA Roster 2016
    Hulk Hogan
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Andre The Giant
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    "IRS" Mike Rotunda
    Dave Batista
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Stan Hansen
    Manami Toyota
    Aja Kong
    Ronda Rousey
    Molly Holly
    The Original Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    "The Franchise Shane Douglas"
    Chris Candido
    "Dr Death" Steve Williams
    Dan Spivey
    Kevin Sullivan
    Rick Steiner
    "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson
    Horace Hogan

  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭daithi1989

    Backstage Scene:

    Hello and welcome to the first ever episode of DPW, broadcasting live to you at home. Tonight, our Main Event, we have AJ Lee v Tamina for the DPW Womens Title. We also have a unique No1 Contender’s Contest for the DPW Tag Team Titles, with a Dance Off taking place between Tons of Funk, Brodus Clay and Tenasi, and Too Cool, who will be represented by Grand Master Sexay and Scotty Too Hotty. The winner will be decided by the DPW Universe here in an attendance.

    I will also be addressing Randy Orton after his actions from last week. I can confirm that, after the attack he received on the preview show, Daithi won’t be with us here tonight, despite initial reports that he would be here.

    Now, without further ado, let the fun and games of DPW BEGIN!!


    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, and Welcome to the Joe Lewis Arena here in Detroit Michigan. We kick things off tonight with the Dance Off between Tons of Funk and Too Cool.

    **Somebody Call My Momma**

    The following contest is a No1 Contender’s contest, and will be decided by a Dance Off. Introducing first, Brodus Clay and Tenasi,.. Tons of Funk.

    Well this is certainly unique, and would only come from the brain-child of Daithi and Hornswoggle. As Hornswoggle has pointed out, Daithi can’t be with us tonight after the attack from Randy Orton, but Hornswoggle is in the ring to over see matters in this Dance Off.

    **Turn it up**

    And their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by Rikishi, Grand Master Sexay, Scotty Too Hotty.. Team Too Cool.

    And here comes Too Cool, who I would think would be the favorites here considering the Match Type we have. We hand you down to Hornswoggle now.

    Here we are folks.. We are about to determine who will face The Legacy, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, for the DPW Tag Team Titles.
    The Rules are simple. We have 2 teams; Tons of Funk and Too Cool. Each Team will have 30 seconds to impress who in attendance, right here in Detroit Michigan!!

    **Crowd Pops**
    First up tonight, we have Tons of Funk. Brodus, Tensai.. You’re up.

    Here we go folks.

    **Lights out**

    Whats going on here? Have we had a power cut on night one here in DPW. Can anyone even hear me?

    **Lights up**

    OHMYGOD.. Manu and Sim Sunka are in the ring. Rikishi is standing along side them.

    In the ring, Manu, Sim and Rikishi beat down on Tons of Funk and Too Cool. As the beat down starts, Hornswoggle flees the scene.
    They throw Too Cool over the top rope, and continue the beat down on Brodus and Tenasi. All 3 perform Power Splash on the helpless Tons of Funk. Rikishi leaves the ring, and throws Too Cool back into the ring. Manu and Sim beat them down also. Sim climbs to the top rope and performs a Superfly Splash on Grand Master Sexay, while Manu goes to the opposite corner and lands a Frog Splash on Scotty Too Hotty.

    All 3 men stand arms aloft in the middle off the ring, standing over Tons of Funk and Team Too Cool. The turn to the top of the ramp, where Captain Lou is standing and applauding the 3 men.

    What have we witnessed? Why has Rikishi turned on his Too Cool colleagues? And what Captain Lou got to do with all.


    **Backstage Interview**

    I’m standing by with Captain Lou and the 3 men we have just seen decimate 2 of the Tag Teams. Captain Lou, can you explain what we have just witnessed?

    Captain Lou
    What part needs explaining? This 3 men are family; they all have links to the Anoa’i family, and to be frank about it, we weren’t going to stand by to have the No1 Contenders for the Tag Titles decided by a Dance Off. I have been in this business far to long to allow that to happen, and when I approached Sim and Manu, they agreed with me. We were not gonna stand by and let this Tag Division become a joke. So that’s why we did what we did. And if anyone has issues with that, come and find us.
    We are The Anoa’i Family, and we’re here to dominate all divisions.

    All 4 men walk off

    Camera returns to the arena.

    The following match is scheduled for one fall. In the ring already, weighting in at 351 pounds.. From Sydney Australia. Nathan Jones.

    **Can you dig it… SUCKAAAAA*

    And his opponent, from Houston Texas, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is the DPW Inter-National Champion.. Bookerrrr TTTT

    Right folks, here we go again. Its time for our first wrestling match here in DPW. We have Booker T against Nathan Jones, and this is a huge opportunity for Nathan Jones to put himself in the title picture.

    The 2 men lock up in the middle of the ring. Jones gets the upper hand, with his extra height and weight coming to his advantage. He controls the pace of the match for 2-3 minutes, Irish Whipping Booker and both men go for a Clothesline and both men crash to the mat.

    We see that a lot, both men went for the same move.

    The referee gets to count of 7 before both men get to their feet. They exchange chops, as the crowd “Woo” every time Booker chops, while “Boo” all Jones’.
    Booker gets the upper hand, and then sets Jones up for the Scissors-Kick, which he hits. 1-2-3..

    Here is your winner, Booker T

    Booker has come through this tough test against the bigger man. And here it is.. The Spinaroonie!!


    Split Screen from Back Stage, with Commentary over

    There’s Tamina and AJ Lee warming up ahead of their Main Event DPW Womens Title match up.

    But before they faceoff, Hornswoggle is in the ring and he has stated he is going to confront Randy Orton following his attack on owner Daithi on the preview show.

    I’m here to address the actions of Randy Orton from our preview show last time out. So, Randy, can you please come down to the ring.

    Some time passes, and there is still no sign of Randy.

    I know you’re back there Randy, can you plea…

    **I hear voices in my head**

    Randy doesn’t look interested in being here. I would advice Hornswoggle to be careful here or he could suffer the same consequences as Daithi.

    Thank you Randy for joining me tonight. Now I would like to let you know, Daithi will be back next week to confront you himself, but I was not willing to stand by and watch you attack the owner of DPW. I want to let you know that this is an official warning against you. If you step out of line again, you will have serious repercussions.
    So Randy.. Last week you were told you would be facing Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Well that match starts now. Get me a ref out here.


    Here we go folks.. Randy calls himself the Legend Killer; he is about to face a legend. Oh whats this…

    Randy comes to meet Duggan on the ramp. He drives him into the walk way with a rugby tackle and starts pounding away on him. Orton picks up Hacksaw and throws him into the barrier, and sets up for the RKO.

    Someone has to stop this!!

    Duggan staggers to his feet, before Orton hits the RKO on him. He stand over at him, before retreating back 5 or 6 steps.. He stares at Hornswoggle in the ring and mouths “this is on you” before charging at Hacksaw and punts him in the head.

    Randy that’s enough.. I have enough of your actions. I am suspending you for 2 weeks. I don’t want see you here in that time. If you show up, I will be left with no other choice but to fire you.

    At the time, Randy hits another RKO on one of the referees attending to Duggan. He walks back up the ramp, looks back the damage he has caused before smiling and walking away.

    The actions of Randy Orton tonight are nothing short of disgrace. I hope he takes his suspension seriously and stays away. Although, how will Daithi appreciate this? He will want to confront Orton as soon as he can.


    Backstage segment shows Hacksaw being loaded into the back of an ambulance.

    This really is a sad sight to see. I hope Daithi comes back next week and explains how he will deal with Randy Orton’s actions.

    The following match is a 2 on 1 Handicap match. Introducing first, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper.

    Here we have 2 former members of the Wyatt Family. They joined DPW to get out of their former leaders shadow, and will have their aims on getting their hands on Rhodes and DiBiase’s titles.

    And their opponent…

    He is the DPW World Heavyweight Champion. Standing over 7 foot tall. The Great Khali.

    7 foot tall, how can anyone stop him?! What will it take?

    Match starts with Erick Rowan locking up with The Great Khali. Khali quickly takes over. He controls the pace of the match, slowly working Rowan down. Rowan finally gets some offence in, before Khali chops him on the head. Instead of going for the pin though, he drags Rowan over to Harper and invites Harper into the ring.

    Harper has just watched his Tag Partner be destroyed. How does he think he will be able compete with Khali.

    Harper charges at Khali, swinging lefts and right hands into the stomach and chest of Khali. Khali is rattled. Harper knocks the big man of his feet and keeps the pressure up. Rowan is starting to recover on he outside. Harper calls him into the ring, and both men are stomping on Khali. The crowd cheer as the tag team dominate the heel champion. The Wyatts pick up Khali and double power bomb him.

    Harper is going to do it. Harper is going to do it.

    Harper goes for the pin on Khali. 1-2-… Khali get the shoulder up just in time. Harper can’t believe it. He digs deep, and lines Khali up for the Clothesline. Khali gets up, and Harper connects.

    He’s done it! Harper has pinned Khali. Harper has pinned Khali. Surely this puts him into the Title Picture.

    **Hornswoggles comes out to the stage**
    Congratulation Luke.. By pinning Khali, next week on DPW, you will face him next week, with the title on the line.

    Wow - what an opportunity for Harper. He came here with his eyes on the Tag titles, and now he has a chance at the World Title.


    Here we go now Ladies and Gentleman, its time for the Main Event. And its this weeks title match.

    The following match is scheduled for 1 fall, and is for the DPW Womens Title.

    Introducing first, the challenger. From Vancouver Washington.. Tamina

    Tamina makes her way to the ring for one of the biggest matches of her career. She earned this opportunity by beating Kaitlyn on the DPW Preview show.

    And her opponent.. From Union City, New Jersey; she is the DPW Womens Champion. A…J… Lee.

    AJ Lee makes her way to the ring for her first defense of the her title. She would have been up against her best friend had the result gone the other way last time out.

    Both girls circle the ring trying the get the upper hand. Tamina looks in a head lock on AJ, before AJ reverses. AJ quickly gets on top, and has Tamina under pressure. The match spills to the outside, where AJ still dominates. She drives Tamina into the ring post. She then stands back and goes to charge at Tamina who is still against the pull. Tamina moves, and AJ crashes to the floor.


    Back from the break and Tamina has now developed into the match and has AJ Lee in trouble. The blow with the post has AJ rocked, and struggling to get any offence back in. Tamina gets in 3 2 counts and tries to close out the match. AJ rallies however, and eventually gains the upper hand.

    She is able get into position to lock in the Black Widow on Tamina.

    AJ locks it in. She is on the verge of victory here.

    **Lights out**

    Not again. Please tell me it’s a power cut this time

    **Lights back**

    Captain Lou is out the ramp with Rikishi, Manu and Tamina’s brother Sim Sunka in front of him.


    [/QUOTE]Why are these here? They are going to ruin this match up!! [/QUOTE]

    AJ Lee releases the Black Widow and moves towards the ramp in the ring shouting up the 4 men. Tamina recovers, and as AJ turns round, Tamina hit the big boot. She goes to the top rope, and hit’s the Superrfly Splash on AJ Lee.

    Not this way.. Not this way


    Here’s is your winner and NEW Womens Champions.. Tamina

    Tamina makes her way up the ramp with the belt and has her hand raised by Captain Lou.

    Tamina has joined The Family. They have helped her steal AJ’s title. Dammit Captain Lou. You have ruined a great match.

    Join us next week as Luke Harper faces The Great Khali for the World Title.

    Show Ends with Tamina and The Anoa’i Family standing with Captain Lou and all 5 have their hands in the air.


  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭daithi1989


    Hello and Welcome to this weeks episode of DPW, coming to you live from the TD Gardens in Boston. Tonight, we have a DPW World Championship match, after Luke Harper pinned The Great Khali in the handicap match.
    We also hope to hear from Daithi tonight about the actions of Randy Orton on the Preview show and last week after the attack on Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Hopefully we’ll be able get update from Daithi on Hacksaw’s condition.
    We are also due to crown a No1 contender in the Tag Team Division after last week’s Dance Off never actually competed.
    Lets take you up to the ring now, where that match up kicks off the show!

    **Somebody Call My Momma**

    The following contest is scheduled for One Fall, and is to determine the number contenders for the DPW Tag Team Titles. On the way to the ring, Brodus Clay and Tenasi.. Tons of Funk.

    **Turn It Up**

    And their opponents.. Grand Master Sexay and Scotty Too Hotty.. Team Too Cool

    The same two teams from last week’s dance off open the show here, and this time in a traditional match.

    The match up starts with Tenasi and Grand Master Sexay. Both wrestlers try to develop the upper hand, knowing what is on the line. Tenasi eventually gets the upper hand, and slams Grand Master Sexay to the mat. He tags in Brodus, so makes a mistake, allowing Sexay to Tag Scotty Too Hotty in. Scotty works on Brodus, stomping on him. Brodus does get the upper hand, and Irish Whips Scotty into the corner and tags in Tenasi. Both Tenasi and Brodus continue to stomp on Scotty in the corner, allowing the ref to get to a 4 count each time before tagging in the other. Eventually, Tenasi brings Scotty out of the corner, and Power Bombs Scotty to the mat. He goes for the cover, but Scotty kicks out at 2.

    This match appears to be going on way. Tons of Funk have dominated. Can Too Cool get back into this?


    After the break, Brodus is in the ring, still working on Scotty. A clip shows Scotty being slammed into the steps outside during the break by Brodus as Tenasi distracted the ref.
    In the ring, Scotty manages to get some offense in, before running at Brodus and going for a clothesline. He bounces off Brodus, before running and delivering a Dropkick. This rocks Clay, but he stays on his feet. Scotty goes one more time, and hits another Dropkick, knocking Brodus off his feet. Scotty crawls to the corner, and gets Grand Master Sexay in. He chops on Brodus’ chest, before running and knocking Tenasi off the apron. He returns his attention to Clay, and goes to the top rope. He jumps off and hit’s a drop kick on Brodus. He goes for the cover.. 1-2-.. Clay gets the shoulder up.

    What showing we have here from Grand Master Sexay to try get Too Cool into the Tag Title match.

    Back in the ring, Grand Master Sexay tags in Scotty. Scotty comes in and hits Tenasi off the apron again. He delivers a Bulldog to Brodus Clay, and sets him up for the Worm.


    Scotty is just about the deliver the worm and then..

    **Lights Out**

    Oh not again. Please don’t let The Anoa’i family ruin this match up.

    When the lights come back up, Sim Sunka and Manu are in the ring. Grand Master Sexay climbs to the top rope and dives at Manu, who catches him and a body slam on him. Sim clothesline Scotty and turns him inside out.
    Tenasi comes into the ring and tries to get the upper hand, before Sunka and Manu beat him down. Sim picks up Tenasi, and the double power him to the mat, before doing the same to Brodus Clay.

    Captain Lou strolls to the ring.

    Captain Lou
    You want to hold a No1 Contender’s match, and not include the Anoa’i family? Then we need to make sure you know we’re here! These 2 men, Sim Sunka.. Manu.. These are the dominate team in the Tag Team division, and will not be ignored.

    The 3 men leave the ring, again leaving Tons of Funk and Too Cool laid out.


    After the break, Daithi and Hornswoggle are in their office.

    What are we going to do about the Tag Division? We have attempted 2 No1 contender match ups, and both have failed to produce a winner.

    Well until we give The Anoa’i what they want, I fear Sim and Manu, and Captain Lou will continue to ruin great match ups like we were just having.

    So what do you propose?

    Well… How about we just put all the tag teams into one match at Destiny Day, and that way we’ll discover who the best tag team is?

    Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase enter the room

    You want us to have defend our titles, because Sim and Manu think they’re relevant? They’re only relevant because we allowed them into The Legacy many moons ago. We knew they weren’t up to our levels straight away, so discarded them again.

    Exactly, and now we’re being punished, because they want to appear relevant again, and because they have Captain Lou be their side?

    To be honest Guys, who said you would be Champions at Destiny? I promised on our Preview show, that every week would have a title defense on it. Last week, Tamina won the Women’s title. Tonight, The Great Khali defends his DPW World Title. Guess what? Next Week, live on DPW, you will defend your Tag Titles against… well you’ll find out next week! I will let you know thought, it not any off our recognized Tag Teams in DPW.

    This is not fair! Why are we being punished?

    You’re not being punished Cody; you’re a DPW Superstar, and I am paying you to wrestle. Speaking of which, you have a match up tonight. Tonight you have a one-on-one match with Titus O Neil! Now if you wouldn’t mind leaving my office… Because that match up is next!

    Well the didn’t go to Plan for The Legacy. And now Cody has to face Titus, who is currently on his way to the ring.

    The following match is scheduled for one fall. On his way to the ring, weighing in at 270 pounds, residing in Tampa Florida, Titus O Neil.

    Join us after the break, to see how Cody Rhodes gets on at short notice in his match up with Titus.


    Welcome back. We are still awaiting Cody Rhodes to join… Oh here we go now.

    And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Ted DiBiase, he is one half of the DPW Tag Team Champions. Weighting in at 220 pounds, from Charlotte North Carolina, Cody Rhodes.

    Cody doesn’t look keen on this match up. It was sprung on him by Daithi, and he is deep in conversation with DiBiase now as they are on the way to the ring. They must be trying to design tactics.

    Cody gets in the ring, and slowly takes off his jacket. As he is taking of his Title, Titus runs at him and clotheslines him. Cody was caught completely of guard by this, and Titus is in full control. Cody doesn’t know what way to look and stumbles back to his feet. Titus hit’s the Big Boot. 1-2.. Cody kicks out.

    Cody has been caught cold here. Titus has come out of the blocks here.

    Titus is still dominating in the ring. He lock in an armbar, extending the arm of Cody back. He then sets up Cody for the Pump-handle slam.
    At this point, DiBiase sees enough, jumps in the ring and attacks Titus. The ref calls for the bell straight away, and DiBiase beats down Titus. He checks on Cody, and gets him back to his feet. They begin a 2 on 1 beat down on Titus.

    Legacy were just giving out about how they were being punished for the actions of the Anoa’i family, yet here they are doing the same thing. Titus was in control here and was about the knock off one half of the champs. Now he’s in need of assistance. And here comes assistance…. in the form off… really.. Nathan Jones?!

    Jones hit’s the ring and turns DiBiase inside out with a clothesline. Cody drops and rolls from the ring, wanting nothing to do with Jones.

    At this point, Hornswoggle come out on stage, before Cody and Ted get a chance to leave.

    Cody, Ted.. You were told earlier you would be defending your Tag Titles on next week’s show. Well take a look in the ring. Nathan Jones, Titus O Neil will be teaming up and taking you on for your Tag Titles.

    Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil?! No one saw that coming. They have a huge chance next week to get their names into DPW History


    As we come back from the break, Daithi is in the ring, awaiting to address the situation with Randy Orton.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve had an explosive night so far tonight. We’ve found out that next week, The Legacy, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase will face the newly formed Tag Team of Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil.

    But I can also confirm, we will have another match up next week, with Randy Orton suspension being lift by me. He is being brought back because next week, Randy Orton will be in action. Randy Orton will be singles competition with another Legend. He will be one-on-one action against Sgt Slaughter. There is one condition to this match. If Randy Orton lays a finger on Slaughter before the bell rings, he will be FIRED from DPW. I don’t want someone who thinks he’s above DPW and if Randy thinks going round attacking Legends and Owners, well he can go somewhere else! It wont be allowed in DPW anymore.

    So tune next week, for the penultimate show before Destiny Day, with 2 big match ups due to take place.

    Daithi is bringing Randy back from suspension early?! I didn’t think Daithi would bring Orton back at all, never mind early. He will be in action next week against Sgt Slaughter, and that’s one not to be missed.



    What’s happened here?!

    Referees and EMT are tending to a DPW superstar who has been attacked in the backstage area.

    Oh no. He was suppose to be in my main event.

    OhMyGod, that’s… that’s Luke Harper! He was suppose to be competing in the biggest match of his career.

    Luke, Luke.. Who did this do you know? Luke.. Goddammit. I promised my fans a World Title match. And by god, they will get one!

    Back in the arena, Juventud Guerrero is in the ring, waiting for an opponent.

    And his opponent, being accompanied by Captain Lou, from the Isle of Samoa, weighting in at 425 pounds, Rikishi.

    Rikishi started last week as the happy and dancing member of Too Cool, and then transformed into the beast he now is, and not here to have fun anymore.

    Rikishi gets in the ring, and the ref rings the bell. Juventud charged at Rikishi, but Kishi swats him aside. He picks Juventud up and slams him to the mat. He drags his body to the corner, climbs to the 2nd rope, and drops down sitting on Juventud; 1-2-3..

    Here is your winner, Rikishi.

    Captain Lou climbs into the ring, where Rikishi is still sitting on top of Juventud.

    Captain Lou
    That’s what Rikishi can do. Daithi, Hornswoggle. I don’t care which of you make decisions round here. But let it be known Rikishi’s plans. He has joined forces with me and The Anoa’i family for one reason. BOOKER T - HE IS COMING FOR YOU! At Destiny Day, Rikishi will reach his Destiny, and will take your belt from you!

    At this point, Rikishi gets up off Juventud, and walks to the back.

    Rikishi has made his plans clear here tonight, and Sim Sunka and Manu showed their colours earlier tonight. With Tamina already with the DPW Women’s title, it looks like The Anoa’i Family are here to takeover DPW.

    After the break, we have a DPW World Title Match. However, Luke Harper was attacked in the back area, and has not been cleared to compete. Who will Daithi get to replace him?


    The following match is scheduled for One Fall, and is for the DPW Heavyweight Championship.

    On his way to the ring, he is the DPW Heavyweight Champion, standing at over 7 foot tall.. The Great Khali.

    The Great Khali is on the way to the ring, and looks happy with himself. It must have been him that attacked Luke Harper. He is the one that has benefited most from Harper not being here. He must have been worried after Harper pinned him last week.
    Who has Daithi got to face Khali though?

    Khali is standing in the middle of the ring, looking up the ramp, waiting for his opponent. No is appearing.
    The crowd then begin to cheer. Khali looks out into the DPW Universe, and then turns around


    The crowd are chanting Goldberg’s name. Goldberg stand Khali up in the corner, and the ref rings the bell


    As the bet rings, Khali stumbled from the corner, and eats another Spear. Goldberg picks him up, and hit’s the Jackhammer. He pins Khali, and the ref counts 1-2-3/

    Here is your winner, and NEEEEEW Heavyweight Champion. GOOOOOLD-BERGGGGG!

    HE’S DONE IT! ON HIS DPW DEBUT, BILL GOLDBERG HAS WON THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! If it was Khali that attacked Harper, he must have wished he hadn’t now. Bill Goldberg has come to DPW and Bill Goldberg is here to stay!

    Join us next week, with the Tag Titles on the line, and the return of The Viper, Randy Orton

    The show ends with Goldberg going from Corner to Corner of the ring, climbing each turnbuckle celebrating with the title.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Monday Night Raw!
    Live from the Manhattan Center — New York City
    previous shows: Preview show, Show 1, Show 2, Show 3

    The crowd go wild as BWA Raw goes live tonight. The Pyros hit and the arena is filled with an excited electricity until the arrival of The Million Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase flanked by I.R.S & Virgil which the fans aren't as enamored with. DiBiase talks about how he is the boss here and although he has been a little distracted recently being a tag team champion, crowning a new IC champion and watching the NWO run wild on the BWA universe he must make sure that everyone else in the BWA respects his authority. He says too many matches have been ending due to outside interference, attacks or distractions and that tonight that will stop as he will be staying at ringside all night to get this ship under control, and if anyone tries to derail things under his watch he states there will be terrible consequences.

    Speaking of people he says have derailed things in his opinion why not start at the top of the card and he calls out...Scott Hall!

    DiBiase tells Hall that he does not like how he went about trying to get a title shot at Wrestlepalooza (crowd cheer), that he caused a DQ finish by kicking Hogan in the balls (another big cheer and they continue to pop after everything Dibiase says Hall did) and in doing so ruined one of his, The Million Dollar Man's Main events (cheer). Not to mention that he is is still carrying around Hulk Hogan's BWA world heavyweight title! (cheer)

    The cheers suddenly change to boos however with DiBiase's next words. He reminds everyone that Hulk Hogan has a creative control clause in his contract (boo) and that means that he can not only pick his own challenger (boo) but can also pick what kind of match they have (boo). Ted then suggests that although Hall says differently Hogan's dominance of the sport of Pro wrestling mean that he is worthy of holding the BWA title (boo) but that Hall himself, who Dibiase reminds everyone has never won a world title (boo), has done nothing in the BWA's new owners eyes to deserve the same (boo) and for that reason He says that before he will even allow him to hear Hogans response Hall has to prove himself (boo). But don't worry Dibiase states as he has already arranged the perfect opportunity for him to do so (boo). He then says that if Hall wants to challenge Hogan for his world title and in doing so main event Wrestlepalooza then he has to be able to take on and defeat the likes of this man.

    At which point Bam Bam Bigelow is introduced as a former ECW world champion and Wrestlemania main eventer.

    Scott Hall vs Bam Bam Bigelow

    This is a real back and forth match that would have not been out of place main eventing the show. Bam Bam even hits his Nuclear diving splash from the top rope on The Lone Wolf but Scott is able to kick out after a long two count. After this Hall impresses everyone by being able to fight back into a position where he is going toe to toe with the big man and then after three straight punches followed by a discuss punch to give him the advantage. He struggles to get bam bam up for his Razor's edge finisher and that is the story of the match from here on in with him attempting to wear him down enough that he has the time to get the get the big man up for it but the commentators point out that if he was to face Hogan he would have no issues hitting his devastating finisher. Eventually when Bigelow tries to get momentum back on his side and heads up to the top rope trying to hit one of his impressive aerial moves Hall instead gets some licks in and uses the fact that Bam Bam is already at an elevated position to finally hit the Razor's edge which results in the 3 count finish.

    Winner: Scott Hall

    The Million Dollar Man stops Bam Bams attempted retaliation after the bell, telling him that he how dissapointed he was in the result but that he didn't wan't him making things worse so he should just head to the back and tell the other members of Triple Threat to get ready for their match later tonight. Then he ordered I.R.S & Virgil to set up a table in the ring and headed outside the ring to grab a leather bound folder which he says contains a contract for a Wrestlepalooza main event match up for the World heavyweight title with Hulk Hogan which he then places on the table for Scott Hall to sign.

    Before he signs though Dibiase asks him to direct his attention to the titantron

    Hulk Hogan appears via satellite
    Hogan: The BWA is the House Hulk Hogan built. Hulkamania has been running wild here since the very start...I mean I headlined the first ever BWA PPV and I am going to headline the biggest ever BWA PPV in 2 weeks time but brother this match will be different, this match will be personal because this time the hero to all you little Hulkamaniacs will face off against The Bad Guy. Good vs Evil brother, The Immortal Unmoveable Force Hulk Hogan vs The guy who shouldn't even be in the same god-damn ring as the this 12 time world champion brother and yet im giving you your chance Scotty boy but... it won't just be any match, if you want to face me on the grandest stage of them all you will be doing so in my match... In a No Holds Barred Match!

    The feed cuts out and as the crowd react to the match becoming official, Scott Hall then picks up a pen and goes to sign the contract. Just before he does however Hogan reappears on the screen.
    Hogan: Before you sign on the bottom line brother remember one thing... No Holds Barred... That means absolutely anything can happen in that match and if you put your John Hancock on that there contract you have accept that. If you are ready for everything the Hulkster can throw at you then have at it Hoss.

    Hogan then smiles a huge smile as Hall shrugs his shoulders and signs the contract. It suddenly becomes apparent to the crowd why Hogan is smiling though as his second on screen appearance was just long enough to take Hall's attention while Andre The Giant entered the ring after coming through the crowd behind it. Completely unawares Hall is caught in a hellacious Chokeslam and driven straight through the table he had just signed his contract on.

    Ad Break

    BH: Just to let all you fans know, no.1 contender for the BWA title Scott Hall injured his shoulder during that unexpected attack by Andre The Giant and was helped to the back by medical staff during the break and I am now hearing he will be heading directly to a nearby medical facility to evaluate his condition.
    JB: Will you pipe down, our fearless leader Ted Dibiase and The 8th wonder of the World Andre The Giant are about to address us and the rest of the BWA universe
    DiBiase: People have told me that my friend Andre here should be annoyed at me for booking him in a match vs the man who likes to call himself Mr Perfect at Wrestlepalooza. They say Andre shouldn't be happy having to put his newly acquired Intercontinental title on the line against a man who is on such a long unbeaten streak. Well why don't I let Andre himself tell you how he feels about Curt Hennig...

    Andre: Hennig is not Perfect, Hennig is just a man, I am a Giant!

    When people think of undefeated wrestlers they think of Brunno Sanmartinno's near 3 year run as world champion, They think of Goldberg's 173 - 0 win streak or more importantly of my 15 year undefeated streak... nobody thinks of Hennig!

    I went undefeated in my last promotion and left there with a belt and this year I will leave Wrestlepalooza undefeated with my belt this year too. I will also prove that Hennig is not Perfect, he is a man and he can be broken!

    Dibiase then announces Andre's opponent as he warms up for his Wrestlepalooza bout as Eddie Gilbert and notes that Gilbert too will have a role to play at Wrestlepalooza but as of now wants to leave that unnanounced.

    Andre vs Eddie Gilbert

    Gilbert gets in some offense here but cannot take the big man off his feet and when Andre retaliates this match is not long in existence. A Hogan like Big Boot and a leg drop leaves Eddie already out for the count but then The Giant added the exclamation point to proceedings with his signature Double underhook suplex that the commentators posit may have left Gilbert unconscious as the ref counts the 3.

    Winner: Andre The Giant

    The Giant looks hugely impressive here as he picks up the win and is congratulated by DiBiase & Co at ringside after. He then heads to the back while The Million Man joins the announcers ringside and starts waxing lyrical about the man he refers to as his "Giant Buddy". The announcers then however point his attention to a recent tweet from another BWA star that he might not be so happy about that of "The Animal" Dave Batista
    Apr27 GOTG Vol2 hits the cinemas, just signed on for the new Blade Runner but worry not BWA fans I will be on Raw every week taking apart the NWO and chasing the gold while being the BWA's no.1 box office draw #Wrestlepalooza #TheBigHouse

    DiBiase brushes off the NWO comment highlighting how another big name has been tied to the company long term and the fact that he hashtagged the big house because of course Wrestlepalooza this year would once again be emanating from the one and only Michigan Stadium aka The Big House where they intend to break the record 120,000 attendance they set there last year. We are then quickl brought to a backstage segment where Angela Fong was planning on interviewing Hulk Hogan instead however Kevin Nash kicks her out of the room referring to her as tuts before the NWO originals conduct this themselves
    Nash: Looking at that Diva search references notes they wanna ask you about the man you & The Giant broke earlier tonight and about that tweet they just reported which says Big ol Dave will *laughs* take apart the NWO.

    Hogan: Well let me just tell you something about that Dave Batista brother, He thinks he is the real deal, he talks up being the same character in all his movies but you know what brother he's nothing. He thinks he can be the star of this promotion but he doesn't know what a real star is.

    When I was a hollywood star, running around taking down the zombie apocalypse or defeating the evil spiderman while single handidly taking down Hydra you know what ol Batista was doing?

    Nash: I do actually Hollywood... He was getting run out of the powerplant! While you and me were running the show in WCW, bringing in the big ratings, winning the world title and starting up the greatest faction in the world He was being told he wasn't good enough to even be in the business by that b!tch Sarge. He thinks it's a big deal he is in some superhero movies well I've worked with Steven Soderbergh b!tch and I still found the time to Jacknife Powerbomb your ass the last 2 weeks running.

    Hogan: Ha true, and as far as that punk Hall goes, that tonight... was just the first taste of what me, these 24inch guns and my creative control have in store for him.

    We return back to ringside as Ted Dibiase still with the announcers calls Hogan & Nash "Real Stars" and just before our next match which sees two recent feuds combined as the old school tag team of The Shiek & Abdullah The Butcher back together

    Sabu & Hannibal vs The Shiek & The Butcher

    This was not booked to be a hardcore match but soon after it begins Abdullah The Butcher produces his weapon of choice, a fork, and proceeds to look for revenge on Hannibal (Devon Nicholson) for his recent attacks on him. He seems to stop him repeatedly in the forehead after grabbing him in a headlock and his opponent starts to bleed all over the mat. Seeing this his partner Sabu grabs a weapon of his own from under the ring and something he clearly placed their earlier, a chair wrapped in barbed wire and comes to his aid swinging it wildly at Abdullah who quickly releases his hold and then at The Shiek on the apron. It's at this point that DiBiase at ringside feels he has to stop in.

    No Contest Declared

    He orders IRS, Virgil and some security separate the competitors while Dibiase grabs a mic and announces that he can't have constant DQs in his federation, that he want's to have proper matches with definitive endings not hardcore battles but that for that to happen he needs to bring these feuds to a head. He says he knows these guys are not going to stop until they can face each other one on one. For that reason He announces that at wrestlepalooza we will have two one on one matches but not in just any matches but in the most fitting matches possible. The Shiek and Sabu will be allowed end their family feud in a way befitting them he says, by taking things to the Extreme... in and Extreme rules match!

    Meanwhile Hannibal who Dibiase reminds everyone signed on here only if he could get the Butcher and says that he truly deserves it... and what more fitting a match for them given their history than.... a First Blood Match!

    Ted then orders security etc to ensure that all competitors (who seem to actually be happy with the announcements) disperse from ringside as we head to commercial.
    Ad Break

    When we return DiBiase is still in the ring and takes this opportunity to talk about another situation that has gone on too long in his opinion , and thats the unclear womens title scene going into Wrestlepalooza - He is interrupted by Victoria & Molly Holly who say they should face each other at the PPV for the belt. They start talking up how they stole the show when they faced off 1on1 at Mania before but this only brings out Manami Toyota & Aja Kong who square off with those two but before anything can go further Dibiase interjects informing them that they have a tag match tonight but that it won't be the last time they will face each other and announces that at the PPV all four women will take part in an elimination match for the title!

    He then says that the final competitor in that elimination match would be... this women as Ronda Rousey makes her way down to ringside and joins the announce team as this match gets underway.

    Manami Toyota & Aja Kong vs Victoria & Molly Holly

    This match is being described by the announcers on commentary as a show stealer in quality as they pt over each women as a legit contender to win their Wrestlepalloza battle. Rousey actually aknowledges each of their specific abilities as they pull of big moves on each other but it's one of these moves that ends all the niceties. While Rousey talks about the vicious streak she sees in Aja Kong the powerhouse Asian women starts to beat on Molly Holly on the outside and then when her team mate Victoria tries to stop her Kong cracks her across the Jaw with a big backfist sending her crashing into Rousey. The results of this are a straight out brawl as Rousey's instincts kick in and she starts attacking every women near her.

    When the brawl ends again thanks to the more present security (which the announcers note are more present than ever with the boss out here all night) Rousey is left alone in the ring. She grabs a mic and addresses all the others
    Ronda: For weeks now you fought to see who deserved to face me at Wrestlepalloza, now...I'm going to kill you all!

    JB: Short but damn if Ronda isn't to the point! I can't wait to see the BWA women go at it on the biggest stage of them all
    DiBiase: The Biggest name in the best womens division at the best PPV in the biggest stadium in America you mean (does his laugh)
    BH: Can't argue with that Ted but that's two matches in a row that haven't had a conclusive finish isn't that what you were out here to avoid?
    The Million Dollar Man immediately stops laughing and instead gives BH the dirtiest of looks as we head to commercial.
    Ad Break

    When we return it s to the music of Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey who come out to confront DiBiase and Money Inc. Spivey refers to how they answered an open challenge for a tag team title match but that DiBiase ran off (got himself counted out) on them last week. He says they are owed a title shot, while Hansen after crushing a beer can he just finished says DiBiase is owed an "ass whipping"

    Ted at ringside interrupts their diatribe saying that they may have answered the challenge last week but that they never earned a shot at his and IRS's titles and that if they are truly going to challenge Money Inc for the gold they'd have to win a no.1 contender match...a match that will take place right now... against these men! and with that out come all three members of Triple Threat

    Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey vs Shane Douglas, Chris Candido w/Bam Bam Bigelow

    despite constant interference from Bam Bam, Virgil & IRS, Hansen & Spivey are actually able to get the win here when Hansen hits his gigantic Lariat on Douglas and Spivey stops Candido or anyone else for that matter from breaking up the count. They could be a real threat the commentators note to The Million Dollar Man but that point is made abundantly clear to him as Stan Hansen starts wading his way through Dibiase's men at ringside making a beeline for him. This sees the boss man quickly hurry away from ringside and to the back for the first time tonight... he wants no part in the no.1 contenders to his tag titles just yet.

    We then head backstage ourselves but this time to where Mr Perfect is warming up for tonight's main event. A match the commentators inform us that they learned from DiBiase before we left ringside had originally been booked as Scott Hall, Mr Perfect & Batista vs Hogan,Andre & Nash of the NWO. Both Hall & Andre were going to be pulling double duty in this match after their earlier bouts but now they say they are not sure who exactly will be in that main event match.
    Hennig: Ever since My Wrestlepalooza opponent was announced last week people have been telling me one thing... You can't beat him. You can't defeat Andre. Nobody will stop The Giant.

    And now tonight I hear the Giant himself speak and he says that I am just a man, not Perfect... just a man and that he can break me.... and you know what I don't blame any of them. When you are 7ft4 and 520 pounds I doubt you think of me as Perfection, and that's fine by me. Hell nobody believing in me is fine by me... because I believe in me. I know I can climb that mountain to the top. I am sure that I can out work Andre, out shine Andre, out perform Andre and god knows out wrestle Andre... it might take the perfect match from me to defeat That Giant but he too is just a man while I am Mr Perfect god damn it!

    You might call me an underdog but come wrestlepalooza I promise you all will be calling me the Perfect Intercontinental Champion!

    BH: What A great promo I can honestly believe after hearing that, that perfect can actually defeat the undefeated Giant
    JB: Well I wan't whatever your smoking, he's got less chance than these guys coming out now.
    BH: Ahh Yes the so called NWO prospects who keep failing in their pursuit of getting a win to impress the NWO hierarchy.

    Before the following 6 man match Kevin Sullivan cuts a short promo saying that Virgil and Co wouldn't be getting the win they seek against them and saying that instead he hopes that the impressive victory that him and his Varsity club are going to have should ensure that they and not punks like Triple Threat are placed in the next tag titles no.1 contender match up.

    Virgil, Tatanka & Horace Hogan vs Kevin Sullivan, Steve Williams & Rick Steiner

    This one does not last long as Williams in particular puts the Varsity Clubs opponents to shame with his superior wrestling ability. He eventually picks up the win over Horace Hogan with his Oklahoma Stampede finisher which saw him ram him into two turnbuckles before slamming him in the center of the ring for the 3 count finish.

    Winners: The Varsity Club

    BH: A fine win there for a team that will no doubt be in tag title contention before too long.
    JB: They beat the job squad 2017 it's not like they beat Money Inc... speaking of which just when you thought he was gone he's back! So happy to let you know folks that we can now head backstage to Ted DiBiase himself!
    Ted Dibiase: Ha ha ha ha, that's right The Million Dollar Man is here and I've got some big business to deal with starting with the men who are the reason I'm not still out there with you JB... Hansen! Spivey!...You may now officially be the no.1 contenders for our tag team titles (we zoom out a little bit to see IRS by his side holding the belts) and you may know both of us very well having both tagged with us in the past but... How well do you know each other? Because if there is one thing you should know about me it's that Everybody's got a price for The Million Dollar Man and I guarantee you one of you will turn on the other Ha ha ha ha.

    Oh and before I forget you two stuck your nose in the main event last week. I don't want any interference in this weeks main event so as of right now I order every superstar not involved in tonight's main event to leave the arena immediately! If they fail to do so they will forfeit their place on the Wrestlepalooza card!

    JB: Well that there is a man who means business. Can't wait for our main event now, without any shenanigans
    BH: But after what happened to Hall what is our main event a 3 on 2 handicap match ? Perfect & Batista vs Hogan, Andre & Nash ? no dsurprise DiBiase wouldn't want interference in that match.

    Batista is out first to a great reception from the fans. He is even dressed in blue and seems to be loving the "BlueTista" chants the fans start up. Next out is Mr Perfect Curt Hennig who too gets a great response from the audience but when he is about ten feet out from backstage looks perplexed as boos begin. momentarily he realizes why though as Andre The Giant didn't wait upon ceremony and instead headed straight out behind Perfect and now catches him off guard from behind and tosses him head first into the stageside screens. Batista didn't notice this at first but when he turned around in the ring and say Andre's second attack this time where he tossed Hennig off the stag entirely big Dave looks to get out of the ring and run to his partners aid. However at that time the NWO's music hits and out come Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash those three start battling on the ramp way as Andre continues the sneak attack beat down on Perfect at the top of rampway.

    This beat down comes to an end after Andre sends Perfect through a table in a way very reminiscent to how the show opened with Andre & Scott Hall. Security then usher Andre to the back meanwhile the three who had been fighting on the ramp way are moved to the ring as the ring announcer officially introduces the match as a 2 on 1 handicap match between Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash and Batista.

    Batista vs Hogan & Nash

    Batista does everything he can to take on the odds here looking very much so each mans equal but eventually he starts to get worn down as his opponents tag in and out and eventually their double teaming him is what leads to him taking a pinfall loss. It takes Nash hitting Snake Eyes and a chokeslam before Hogan is tagged in to deliver his big boot and a leg drop before it happens. Even then Batista gets back to his feet relatively quickly after the 3 count but this only angers the NWO duo and together they start to stomp down on Big Dave. The ref tries to stop then but takes a right hand to the face himself for his troubles. Even that slight distraction was enough time and Batista is already getting back to one knee. Nash in particular looks p!ssed seeing this and shouts "Stay Down!" at him as he then hits him with a big boot afterwhich Hogan hits another leg drop on him.

    Winners: Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash

    Hogan and Nash start patting themselves on the back and Hogan even starts doing his signature hotdogging but Batista isn't done yeat and once again rises to being on one knee when and Angry Nash spots him. Boom! A Nash Jacknife Powerbomb on Batista for the third week in a row and the NWO lads leave the ring and head up the ramp. Half way up it however they turn to see Batista is once again rising to his feet and gesturing to them that he still wants to fight. Hogan & Nash just look at him in disbelief as we go off air.
    BWA Roster 2016
    Hulk Hogan
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Andre The Giant
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    "IRS" Mike Rotunda
    Dave Batista
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Stan Hansen
    Manami Toyota
    Aja Kong
    Ronda Rousey
    Molly Holly
    The Original Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    "The Franchise Shane Douglas"
    Chris Candido
    "Dr Death" Steve Williams
    Dan Spivey
    Kevin Sullivan
    Rick Steiner
    "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson
    Horace Hogan

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe


    The show begins with a video package reminding the viewers about the actions of Kevin Owens last week as he attacked the retiring Randy Savage and his wife Miss Elizabeth in frustration at not getting his match with the departing World Champion at Ultimate Chaos. The footage of Kevin Owens power bombing Elizabeth on the apron is just as hard to watch as it was when it happened last week.
    We then cut to the live arena and we are greeted by the commentary team of Michael Cole, Evan Bourne and Corey Graves, who begin to update us on the situation.

    Michael Cole : Welcome to Beyond Chaos and I think I speak for everyone when I say  I’m still in shock after what transpired here last week between Kevin Owens , The Macho Man Randy Savage and his wife Elizabeth.  We have had an update on the status of Randy Savage and Elizabeth, Randy needed 12 stitches to close a wound in his head but otherwise he is fine apart from some bruises. His wife however suffered a separated shoulder in the attack and is recovering at home with her husband by her side.

    Corey Graves : There has been silence from Gorilla Monsoon in the wake of this apart from a comment suspending Kevin Owens immediately after last week and that he would deal with everything once the dust had settled and we expect an update tonight at some stage. We don’t know what’s gonna happen to Kevin Owens, we don’t know where we stand with the Heavyweight Title, we have no idea what’s gonna happen with the Main Event of the PPV? It's literally limbo.

    Evan Bourne : I’m was speechless as were most of the fans in attendance I’m sure, Hopefully we get some clarity tonight on everything and….

    Evan is cut off the loud entrance of the BCW Intercontinental Champion, The Miz. The camera pans to the entrance way and out strolls the self-proclaimed A-Lister and his Wife Maryse. Both seem extremely pleased as they walk down the aisle and into the ring. Miz grabs a mic and begins to address the crowd, who are booing the IC champ mercifully.

    The Miz : Before I start with the reason I’m here, I want to begin by paying my respect to Brian Pillman. I want to show my admiration and my honest feelings to him right now, and I want to do that with a chant that all you fans can join in with………. YOU DESERVE IT………YOU DESERVE IT…… YOU DESERVE IT….

    Michael Cole : Deserves what exactly?

    The fans decline to join in as The Miz continues with Maryse clapping along in unison.

    The Miz : Come on people …… follow me, your coordination cant be that bad…...…..YOU DESERVE IT…..YOU DESERVE IT…..

    The Miz : What you don’t understand? Allow me to enlighten your dull little minds, you see last week, Brian Pillman got exactly what he deserved when he crossed me. …… so, after me…… YOU DESERVE IT……YOU DESERVE IT….

    The fans still decline to join in rather they continue to boo the IC Champ who ends his chant with a sarcastic chuckle before feigning shock at the fans non participation.

    The Miz : What? You’re not joining in? I thought you fools loved a boring repetitive chant.  Nevertheless, Brian Pillman deserved the beating I gave him last week. I left him battered and beaten in a pool of his own blood and he is lucky, extremely lucky, that I didn’t get to finish what I started.

    A 'BRING BACK PILLMAN' chant starts and The Miz laughs it off

    The Miz : I will let you in on a little secret that you all may not be aware of. Brian Pillman is a nobody. He has lived off his “Loose Cannon” nonsense for years without doing anything even remotely significant in his wrestling career. No titles, no big main events, nothing. He is simple a nobody with a screw loose.

    Michael Cole : Miz tried to break Pillman’s ankle last week with a steel chair.

    The Miz : But Pillman is old news, he’s gone and never coming back and I’ve bigger fish to fry. I’m out here to address another issue. You see I look around and notice we have a PPV with no main event…… we have a no champion and we have not even got a challenger. Gorilla Monsoon is busy burying his head in the sand, and Beyond Chaos is in need of a leader, a champion…..A HERO! And I am that Hero

    The fans continue to boo loudly as Miz continues.

    The Miz : This company needs me to be it’s hero and whether you mindless sheep know it or not, you need me, you all need me to be your hero. I’ve been overlooked by Monsoon too many times, and now he needs to see the errors of his ways. With that has-been Macho Man taking his ball and going home, and with that woman-beating hooligan Kevin Owens unfit to be the face of this company, it time for Gorilla Monsoon to do what's best for this company, and make me the new Beyond Chaos World Heavyweight Champion!

    Corey Graves : Now there’s an idea I can get behind. The Miz - World Champion, it’s gotta nice ring to it.

    The Miz : I will take on the mantel of locker room leader, company ambassador, role model to the young fans and I will unselfishly lead Beyond Chaos into the era of ….The Miz!

    The Miz baskes in his own glory as his Wife applauds. Suddenly we see two suited figures stroll out from the entrance way and make their way down to ringside. The Miz looks puzzled and ever knowledgeable Corey Graves recognizes one of them.

    Corey Graves : Is that? It is, that's wrestling lawyer Clarence Mason. I haven't seen him in years.

    It is indeed Clarence Mason And he has a taller, grey haired associate with him holding files. Mason has an iPad with him and he grabs a mic before entering the ring with his grey haired associate close behind him.

    The Miz : Who are you and how dare you interrupt my time.

    Clarence Mason : Hello Mr Mizanin,

    The Miz : Why are you here? Did that coward Monsoon send you? Have you got a contract for me to sign making me World Champion?

    Clarence Mason : Firstly I’m here to uplink my client to the tron here so he can speak with you personally.

    Mason goes straight to his iPad and configures it for a moment until the skype ringtone plays and am incoming message appears on the tron. After a couple of seconds, we are live with Mason's client….. Brian Pillman!

    Michael Cole : That's Pillman. Look at the Miz's face.

    The Miz is filled with rage as the fans pop lous as Brian Pillman appears on the tron wearing a neck brace and what appears to be a cast on his leg.

    Brian Pillman : Hi Miz, happy to see me ? …. I bet your wife is, she has a thing for me. Remember a few weeks back she asked me to lick her face?

    The Miz is furious and Maryse looks disgusted as the fans start a chant Pillmas’s name.

    The Miz : Listen you glorified loser, my time is valuable, what do you want?

    Clarence Mason : As you can see, I am acting on behalf of my client, Brian Pillman. Last week my client, an avid fan and supporter of Beyond Chaos Wrestling, was dragged over the barricade of a BCW event by one of its contracted employee’s, you Mr Mizanin and he was assaulted live on television in front of millions of people.

    Corey Graves : What? That's not what happened, that's preposterous.

    Clarence Mason : As a result of your heinous and reckless attack on my client, my client received numerous injuries and mental anguish. I’m out here to inform you Mr Mizanin of the repercussions of this violent act. It’s quite clear from the footage of last weeks show that Beyond Chaos is liable for the damages and my client, on my advice, intends to sue Beyond Chaos and you Mr Mizanin for the sum of 50 million dollars.

    The Miz : Listen you critin, do you think I’m scared. Your little ambulance chasing lawsuit is frivolous. I can afford the best lawyers money can buy, I will counter sue and send Pillman to the poor house.  

    Clarence Mason : Hold on Mr Mizanin. Allow me to continue. The negligence of Beyond Chaos allowed this situation to develop and you’re own dangerous and violent actions to attack a mere fan like Mr pillman is nothing short of despicable. I have been in lengthy discussions with Gorilla Monsoon and he and his legal team agrees that Beyond Chaos is liable. But fortunately for you Mr Mizanin, Gorilla Monsoon and BCW have come to terms on a settlement.

    The Miz : What do you mean settlement?

    Brian Pillman : Miz, Mizzy,  Mizzy.  Miz Miz Marroo….

    The Miz : Shut up you annoying insignificant fool

    Pillman seems very odd and distracted as Mason continues

    Clarence Mason : The settlement reached was that Mr Pillman will be reinstated as a Beyond Chaos Superstar.

    The crowd pops at the news and Miz is livid.

    Clarence Mason : That’s not all, also part of the settlement is that Mr Pillman will receive a match at the upcoming Beyond Chaos PPV, Ultimate Chaos…… against you Mr Mizain for the Intercontinental Championship.

    The fans go crazy with that news and The Miz is even more livid than he was

    The Miz : What? This is ridiculous, Where’s Monsoon, he can’t do that to me.

    Brian Pillman : See you soon Mizzy Boy.

    The Miz is angry and grabs Clarence Mason by the scruff.

    Clarence Mason : Hit me and I’ll sue, Hit me and I’ll sue.

    The Miz is verbally laying into Clarence Mason in the middle of the ring, while Mason’s grey haired colleague backs away behind The Miz and we hear Pillman voice again on the tron.

    Brian Pillman : Hi Miz, Hi Miz, happy to see me ? …. I bet your wife is, she has a thing for me. Remember a few weeks back she asked me to lick her face?

    The Miz continues to threaten Clarence Mason while Corey Graves notices something odd.

    Corey Graves : Wait a second, …. That video is on a loop, it's not live…..

    As soon as Graves utters those words, Mason’s colleague drops the folders, reveals the grey hair was a wig and removes the suit to reveal he is in fact….Brian Pillman in disguise!

    Michael Cole : It's Pillman, Pillman's here.

    The fans pop as Pillman spins Miz around and begins laying right hands to the face of the IC champ. Maryse tries to stop Pillman, but The Loose Cannon, grabs her and licks her face again much to the delight of the fans.

    Corey Graves : He’s out of control.

    Maryse breaks from and rolls out as The Miz gets up and swings for Pillman only for Pillman to ducks and follows through with his patented Hangmans neckbreaker. The Miz rolls out of the ring and Maryse tends to him as Pillman bounces around the ring like a lunatic. Pillman yells “see you soon Miz” as Miz and Maryse scurry up the ramp as we cut to commercial.

    We are back and it's time for our first match of the evening

    Cedric Alexander vs Neville

    Cedric Alexander is out first to a nice reception as his friend on the commentary team bigs him up.

    Evan Bourne : Cedric did very well against The Miz last week and he can cause anyone problems.

    Corey Graves : He doesn't stand a chance against Neville.

    Cedric tags the hands of some fans but before he can even make it halfway down the ramp, he is attacked by his opponent, the vicious Brit Neville.

    Evan Bourne : Come on, whats this guys problem.

    Neville is relentless with his right hands before smashing Cedric into the guardrail. Cedric holds his ribs as Neville lines him up for a vicious kick to the skull. Neville continues, he grabs Cedric up and rams him head first into the nearest ringpost. Officials come from the back and try restrain Neville but to no avail as Neville breaks free and smashes two officials with right hands before delivering a judo throw to another.

    Evan Bourne : Neville's going too far here, you can’t do that.

    Corey Graves : Keep your beak out Bourne.

    Neville then attacks Cedric again, throwing him into the next ringspot. Cedric bounces off the post and falls just in front of the announce table. Neville approaches, pushes the refs off and locks in his Rings of Saturn submission on his fallen opponent. Neville is foaming at the mouth as he pulls Cedric's limbs, and the officials struggle to stop him.

    Evan Bourne : That's it, I’ve had enough

    With that Evan Bourne steps up and removes his headset. He goes straight for Neville and drags him off Cedric. Neville is livid and he and Bourne have a stand off. Neville goes for Bourne but officials have made it over in time to cut off the aggressive high flyer. Bourne stands over his fallen friend as Neville is being restrained. More officals arrive and drag Neville away as he screams at Bourne,  as medics come down to treat Alexander. Neville is like a rabid dog as he tries to fight his way over to Evan Bourne as we cut to commercial.

    We are back and Evan Bourne has returned back to the commentary booth, but things are getting heated between himself and Corey Graves.

    Evan Bourne : Listen Graves, I respect you, I really do but you can’t seriously defend Neville's actions. The guy is out of control. He’s clearly juiced up, he’s clearly not well mentally...

    Corey Graves : Get a grip Bourne, you don’t know the first thing about Neville. We have a long history, I know him inside out.

    Graves steps up and goes to leave

    Corey Graves : Actually, I'm going to check on my friend, Neville. I like you Evan, but I can’t stand here and listen to you slander my friend anymore. I’m done listening to this.

    Graves removes his headset and leaves up the ramp. As Graves exits, the ring announcer introduces Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Both men are already on their way out to the ring and Arn has a mic in hand.

    Arn Anderson : I’m gonna keep this brief, we came here 2 weeks ago and everything we said we would do has come to pass. We said we would run right over those paper champions Ciampa and Gargano and we did. I said last week  I said I’d pin that prepubescent worm Gargano 1-2-3 and secure the match stipulation and I did. The only thing we haven’t done is take those titles and put them around our rightful waists, but that will happen, make no mistake.

    Tully grabs the mic and continues

    Tully Blanchard : And we plan on making that a reality in 2 weeks time at Ultimate Chaos. But we need to make sure everyone knows we are number 1.  And me and Arn were thinking of a stipulation, we thought we would pick a stipulation that gets our point across. So in two weeks, we will beat you’s once and just to make sure you understand that we are the new champions, we will beat you numbnuts a second time.

    Arn Anderson : But boys, if you’re too dumb to understand that, we challenge you to a Two out of Three Falls Match! But Don’t worry, the third fall won’t be necessary.

    Arn is interrupted by the theme music of The Tag Champs, Gargano and Ciampa. The stroll out and begin to talk as they walk down the aisle.

    Johnny Gargano : Do you what guys, that suits us just fine. Because, when we beat you guys twice, their won’t be any calls from Tully saying we fluked it, or Arn can’t cry and complain that we got lucky, because we are gonna beat you twice, and prove that we are the better team.

    Tomasso Ciampa : Me and Johnny Wrestling here will give you both a lesson in wrestling come 2 weeks, but we were thinking, we still owe you for jumping us 2 weeks ago, so…… how about a quick lesson right here right now.

    With that Gargano and Ciampa drop the mics and slide into the ring and a brawl ensues. All four men are clobbering each other, with Arn and Tully seemingly getting an advantage. But the tide turns and Gargano and Ciampa clothesline Tully and Arn respectively to the outside much to the crowds delight.

    Arn and Tully regroup and retreat up the ramp as Gargano and Ciampa encourage them to come back for more as we cut backstage.
    We are back stage and a camera is following Corey Graves as he enters the BCW locker room in search of Neville.  He comes across Neville, who has his back to Graves with his gear back in front of him. Neville is still in a rage and is smashing his fist against the locker door.

    Corey Graves : Neville, it’s just me… I’m here to help.

    Neville still has his back turned and brooding with rage. Graves comes closer and flings a chair across the locker room. Graves puts his hand on his shoulder and tries to calm him down.

    Corey Graves : Buddy, listen. I can see why you're angry. You work so hard and you listen to all that slanderous nonsense. I’d be angry to if someone said I was on steroids.

    The mention of steroids enrages Nevill who turns and pins Graves up against lockers.

    Corey Graves : Hey ….woah, it’s me. It’s me. Chill dude chill.

    Neville is looking psychotic as he breathes heavily into the face of Graves. Graves

    Neville : Don't tell me to chill. Just leave me alone. I don't need you or anyone.

    Neville slowly lets Graves go and Corey begins to back away. But as he does, he glances off Neville's gear back. The bag falls to the floor and the contents spill onto the floor. A syringe and some vials appear to smash.

    Michael Cole : Is that what I think it is?

    Evan Bourne : I knew it

    Corey looks truly shocked and Neville is furious. Neville attacks Graves with vicious elbow strike, which knocks Graves to the floor.

    Michael Cole : He’s got a surgically repaired neck.

    With that Evan Bourne leaves the booth and heads off to stop help Graves. Neville is standing over Graves who is trying to reach his feet. Neville then throws Graves into the lockers repeatedly before slamming him onto and through a wooden bench.  Neville is stopped by doing more by a bunch of officials who storm the locker room. Neville exits still in a rage as the officials check on Graves. Evan Bourne makes the scene and tends to Corey as we cut to commercial.
    We are back and Michael Cole is alone in the commentary booth and he informs us that Corey Graves has been taken to a local medical facility for treatment. Evan Bourne returns and he is says if Neville wants a fight, he knows where I am. Cole cuts across him to inform us that it’s time for our video link up with the suspended Kevin Owens. KO appears on the tron and it appears he's live from his house.

    Michael Cole : Welcome Kevin, what are your thoughts on what happened here last week?

    Kevin Owens : Hello Michael. Yes, it has been a hard week for me. What happened last week was crazy to say the least.  I keep watching the footage over and over, and even when I’m not watching, I keep running the situation through my head constantly. I keep reliving it and I can’t see to shake it, it’s always there. I can’t believe what happened.

    Kevin is very somber in his tone and takes a second to compose himself before continuing

    Kevin Owens : I think we can all agree that what happened last week, it was an act of selfishness, weakness and an act of desperation. Personally, I don’t know how Randy Savage can sleep after what he did!

    Michael Cole is in speechless as Kevin Owens goes on

    Kevin Owens : Last week, he selfishly tried to walk away and crush my lifelong dream in the process. He cowardly tried to avoid fighting me in what was a make that i am destined to be in. I worked my ass off to be where I am today and he took it all away. I beat everyone, everyone in my way and all I had left was to beat him to take my rightful place as the greatest of all time. But no, Randy Savage crushed everything i worked hard for in one moment.

    Michael Cole : Do you feel responsible at all for what happened to Randy Savage's wife, Elizabeth?

    Kevin Owens : Responsible? Me? Not at all. Randy Savage is the only man responsible for what happened last week. His selfish actions resulted in my reasonable reaction. The blame is at Randy’s door and I just hope he can live with himself. He ruined my dream, he crushed my life’s work and I will never forgive him. And he alone is responsible.

    Michael Cole : Do you feel even partly to blame for what happened?

    Kevin Owens : Let me take a moment Michael to make sure you fully are aware of where I am coming from. Imagine Rocky, you know the Rocky Movie with Sly Stallone right? Rocky fights his way through the movie, training harder each day than the last, waiting for his fight with Apollo. He trains harder, and harder and harder, until he gets to the title fight. The whole movie is building up until the title fight. Now imagine Apollo, just says “nah, I'm not fighting Balboa”, makes an excuse and retires before the fight. The film would be a disaster. No one would care if Rocky is just given the title instead. The movie would fail, no one would watch it and no Oscars would come its way. Well I am Rocky and  I've trained my entire life for my moment, my defining moment. My Apollo, Randy Savage, made an excuse, took his ball and went home. What happened to me was heart breaking. I’m devastated. I was denied my title fight, I was denied  my defining moment, my destiny. Randy Savage took that all away from me.

    Michael Cole and Evan Bourne are speechless as KO goes on

    Kevin Owens : I’m the victim Michael, me. I used to respect Randy Savage. Now, all I see is his true colours, I see him for the coward he really is. He ruined my life and he has to live with the consequences.

    The video link ends with Evan and Michael puzzled at Kevin’s lack of remorse and his deluded statement. We switch gears for our next match

    MMA crossover star Matt Riddle makes his way out to a great response from the crowd.
    Matt Riddle Vs Tex Hex

    Matt Riddle finishes off the mexican jobber in quick fashion with his Bromission in under 30 seconds..

    Winner : Matt Riddle.

    Michael Cole : Matt Riddle is truly impressive.

    The bell rings and before Matt can celebrate he's smacked with a steel chair from behind by Alberto Del Rio. Alberto smashes him repeatedly in the shoulder and stands over the fallen MMA star with a huge grin across his face.

    Michael Cole : Alberto Del Rio, ever the opportunist.

    Evan Bourne : He targeted the shoulder, we all know why.

    Albero can be heard shouting “Welcome to Pro Wrestling Dude” in the face of Riddle. Alberto then grabs the arm of Riddle and syncs in his Armbar finisher. The referee tries to get Alberto off but to no avail as Riddle screams in pain. More officials come out and eventually Alberto releases the hold but the damage is done. Albero screams again in the face of Riddle “This is my house b!tch”.

    Evan Bourne : That's Paige's line. Riddle is hurt bad.

    Alberto backs away very pleased with myself as the medics check on Riddle who is in plenty of pain as we cut to commercial.

    We are back and the ring announcer introduces Gorilla Monsoon

    Michael Cole : Monsoon, our GM is out here to address the Kevin Owens controversy and the title picture.

    Monsoon makes his way out and grabs a mic.

    Gorilla Monsoon : It’s been a long week. Firstly I can categorically state that there is no place in Beyond Chaos for behaviour Kevin Owens. He let himself down and he let the fans down with his actions. The moment he put his hands on Elizabeth, he lost everything. He lost his place at the Ultimate chaos PPV, he lost the Heavyweight Championship and he lost his place on the roster.  Last week I suspended him immediately and right now I confirm that I am firing Kevin Owens from the company. Kevin Owens only has himself to blame.

    The fans expected that announcement and they begin to buzz with the uncertainty in the air as Gorilla continues with his statement.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Now that leaves me with a big problem. ….

    Before Monsoon can finish the fans pop with the sight of the plain clothes Macho Man Randy Savage rushing to the ring. Savage wastes no time in grabbing the mic from Monsoons hands.

    Randy Savage : Gorilla, I’m gonna ask you once and only once,........ Give me Kevin Owens. Give me Owens NOW!

    Gorilla Monsoon pleads with Savage but Savage won’t hear it. Savage takes his top off and looks ready to fight Gorilla.

    Randy Savage : No, I don’t wanna hear excuses or corporate lines, I don’t care about the position you're in. Last week Kevin Owens crossed the line.

    Monsoon pleads that he keep Owens after last week, but Macho Man is desperate.

    Randy Savage : I don’t care if he manipulated me Monsoon, right now I don't care. Look in my eye Gorilla, take a deep look. Make the match, make it happen, phone Kevin Owens up and tell him it’s Kevin Owens vs Randy Savage for the Heavyweight title.

    Monsoon again pleads that Owen's need punishment for his actions

    Randy Savage : Oh I agree, and sending him home isn’t good enough for me, yeah. I need to personally make him suffer what what he did. Make the match, I won’t ask again!

    Gorilla looks terrified as Savage looks like a man possessed as he urges him on. Monsoon give sin ….

    Gorilla Monsoon : You want the match so bad, fine. Kevin Owens vs Randy Savage, 2 weeks time for the Heavyweight Title.

    Randy Savage : Thank you.

    Randy Savage walks away but he still looks as disturbed as when he entered the ring. Monsoon is left shaken in the ring.

    A BCW reporter tries to catch Macho Man as he leaves.

    Randy Savage : I’ve a message for Kevin Owens. Are you happy? I hope you're happy, you have what you want. But rest assured Kevin Owens, rest assured, you are gonna learn to be careful of what you wishes for because when I get you, when you are toe to toe with me Kevin owens, I’m gonna reign down on you until all the life is gone from his body. I’m gonna destroy you.

    Savage leaves with his words leaving the reporter shaken as we switch to ringside

    It's time for our final match of the evening and it's the Womens Championship match. Paige’s music blares and she and her beau Alberto Del Rio strut out and have an over the top public display of affection under the tron.

    Evan Bourne : These guys are great competitors but this PDA stuff makes me vomit.

    Alberto exits leaving Paige to walk to the ring on her own. Paige steps into the ring and can be heard telling the fans to “p!ss off” as they boo her entrance.

    The fans booing turn to joy when the music of the Womens Champion hits and out comes Asuka.

    Evan Bourne : Asuka needs eyes in the back of her head with Bull Nakano & Dump Matsumoto on her back.

    Asuka doesn't seem phased by anything as she makes her usual entrance and locks eyes with her challenger, Paige. The ring announcer introduces both women and this has a big match feel to it as the bell rings.

    Asuka vs Paige
    Womens Championship Match

    The opening moments are spent with Paige avoiding Asuka and refusing to lock up, with the loud mouthed Brit rolling out and taunting Auka rather than engaging her. Eventually Paige rolls out and carelessly responds to the fans negative chants, turning her back on Asuka who chucks Paige back into the ring.

    Paige takes a beating in the moments that follow and it's all Asuka. Paige tries but Asuka has her number at every corner. Paige is cunning, and seizes an opportunity to distract the ref by thumbing him in the eyes. With the ref distracted, Paige takes an object out of her boot.

    Michael Cole
    : Is that a brass knucks?

    Paige sneaks it onto her fist and smashes Asuka in the face with it repeatedly while the ref is blinded. Blood starts to gush from the eye of the champion and Paige tosses away the knucks before the ref sees them.

    Evan Bourne : Asuka’s eye is ripped open, she can barely see with the blood.

    Asuka is rocked and Paige does everything she can to make it worse, including raking Asuka’s eyes with her nails and rubbing the Champs face off the bottom rope.  Paige gets plenty of near falls in this part of the match via a bridging german suplex, a backstabber and her patented Rampaige. Asuka holds on.

    Michael Cole : Paige has been clever, she wounded Asuka.

    Paige begins working the back of Asuka in anticipation for her PTO submission. Asuka however ducks a clothesline attempt and spin kicks Paige on the return. Asuka, with blood streaming from her eye, makes her comeback with some vicious strikes, bombarding Paige with knees kicks and elbows. Paige is on the ropes, but just as Asuka is building up a head of steam, Paige counters one of Asuka’s moves into the PTO submission.

    Evan Bourne : the Paige Tap Out, will Asuka submit?

    Asuka is in agony and the visual of her in the PTO with blood oozing from her eye is quite gruesome. During this Alundra Blayze makes her way out to ringside. Alundra begins to cheer Asuka on and Paige screams at her to get lost. Paige releases Asuka to have a go at Blayze, both women trade insults as the ref pulls Paige away. Paige though turns right into a super kick buy Asuka who has made it to her feet. Paige is stunned and walks straight into an Asuka Lock. Asuka wraps her legs around Paige and Paige tries to hold on but she eventually taps.

    Winner : Asuka

    Blayze walks to the back very pleased as Asuka collapses to the mat. Paige rolls out of the ring and screams at Blayze and follows her up the aisle as Asuka is checked on by the ref who hands her the Womens Title.

    Michael Cole : The Asuka Lock, it's simply devastating.

    Asuka’s music plays and she's barely moves as she clutches her title on the mat, dripping in her own blood.

    Suddenly the lights go out and after a few moments the lights return and Bull Nakano stands over the Womens Champion.

    Michael Cole : Asuka just went to hell and back…. Now this!

    Bull drags her up by the throat with two hands and holds her aloft before delivering a sit down chokeslam. Asuka is motionless as Bull stands over her shouting at her in her native tongue. Bull Nakano then drags up the lifeless body of Asuka and hoists her up before delivering a vicious kneeling tombstone piledriver to the champ.

    Evan Bourne : Asuka is being destroyed again by Bull Nakano.

    Bull then says two words to her in english……”ULTIMATE CHAOS”

    Michael Cole : Is that a challenge? Bull Nakano challenging Asuka at Ultimate Chaos.

    The broadcast ends with Bull standing over the bloodied body of the Womens Champion Asuka as we fade to black.  
    Matches confirmed for Ultimate Chaos PPV IN 2 WEEKS TIME!

    Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Championship Match
    Macho Man Randy Savage versus Kevin Owens

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    The Miz vs Brian Pillman

    Tag Team Championship Match
    The Original Horsemen (Arn and Tully) vs D.I.Y (Gargano and Ciampa)
