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PW Draft 2017 - Evaluation Thread



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    (thanks to beakerjoe for the graphic)

    The show begins with Muhammad Ali in the ring who gets a huge ovation.


    Ali welcomes us to the show and says the board of directors has trusted in him to take Monday Night Grappling forward as General Manager. He acknowledges that his own boxing titles were stripped and says the rumours are true that now he may have to strip the World Title belonging to Kurt Angle.

    The crowd boo.

    Ali says he doesn’t want to take this step and wants Kurt Angle to take possession of his title. He says he brought someone here as a guest to the show in the hope it will bring Kurt to the building. He asks that man to come out with Kurt's Championship belt…

    The crowd cheer and begin chanting ‘one more match’ at Ricky.
    Steamboat: Thank you, guys. I appreciate that sentiment. But I’m a devoted family man now and I promised my wife who’s right there at ringside, and my little boy watching at home, that my wrestling days were behind me.

    The crowd boo.

    Steamboat: See tonight isn’t about me but my friend Kurt.

    He looks directly at the camera.

    Steamboat: Kurt, I took you into my home the past few months because I wanted to help you. I ate bread with you. I trained with you. I watched you play with my son. Hell, I watched you become a part of our family. I love you, brother. And I don’t know if you’re in the vicinity of the building but I believe that you are. And I want you to take back this title that rightfully is yours.

    The tag team champs Haas and Benjamin interrupt and enter the ring.

    Benjamin: You two actually think you can get Kurt to come back? He’s finished. He’s done.

    Haas: Shelton’s right. The old Kurt Angle, the remorseless wrestling machine, is finished. You two just don’t want to admit you wasted all this time on a broken shell of a man.

    Steamboat: No, I believe in Kurt. And I’ve been more of a friend to him than you two have the last few months.

    The fans cheer as Haas and Benjamin look annoyed. Haas gets in Steamboat’s face but Shelton stops him.

    Benjamin: Well I’ll tell you what, Ricky. If you and Ali are so convinced in yourselves, how about this: how about a match tonight featuring the champs, The World’s Greatest Tag Team versus Ricky Steamboat and Kurt Angle?

    The crowd cheer.

    Benjamin: If Kurt shows up, then you’ve got a hell of a tag team partner on your side. But if he doesn’t - which Charlie and I know is what’s going to happen - then you will be facing us in a handicap match, with nothing but your big mouth to fall back on. Whaddya say? Are you going to put your money where your mouth is?

    The camera pans to his wife at ringside. She shakes her head, but all the fans are chanting ‘One more match’. Ricky looks to Ali as the GM mouths ‘it’s up to you.’

    Steamboat: You know what…You’re on!

    The fans cheer as Steamboat drops the mic and leaves the ring. Ali looks surprised, while Haas and Benjamin shake their head and smile. Meanwhile Ricky’s wife has a face like thunder.
    Commentator #1: My goodness, Steamboat accepted the match! If Kurt shows up tonight, he and Ricky will take on Kurt’s former teammates.

    Commentator #2: Get real. Kurt’s probably in some bar in who knows where. Steamboat just signed up to a 2-on-1 beating tonight.

    (commercial break)

    Dean Malenko Open Invitational

    The US champion Dean Malenko comes out and takes the mic.

    Malenko: In the show’s off-season I have been taking on all-comers in open invitational challenges. And I have set about proving myself as the greatest technical wrestler in the world.

    Some cheers, some boos greet this.

    Malenko: Some have wondered if all these new faces that have been signed might make me call off my open invitational challenge.

    The camera pans out and we see Naomichi Marufuji in the crowd, wearing a suit. There are cheers when he is spotted.

    Malenko: Be in no doubt that the Iceman fears no one. So anyone back there who wants to take me on…come on down!


    Malenko looks concerned as Ultimo Dragon comes out to accept the challenge.
    Commentator #1: What a way to debut! And what a match to kick off our new season! Ultimo Dragon will take on Dean Malenko next!

    Commentator #2: This guy is certainly no stranger to winning titles!

    Match – Dean Malenko (c ) vs Ultimo Dragon for the US Championship

    The match goes twenty minutes and is a great contest with a contrast of Dragon’s high-flying against Malenko’s mat work. As the match goes on, Malenko looks increasingly desperate as Ultimo Dragon looks in control.

    The finish sees Ultimo Dragon go for an Asai Moonsault to the outside but Malenko, without the ref seeing, clocks Dragon mid-air with the timekeeper’s bell. He rolls Dragon into the ring and covers him for the 1-2-3.

    Winner and still US Champion: Dean Malenko

    After the match Malenko celebrates. But then he drags Dragon outside and applies a figure four around the ringpost as Dragon begins to scream. There is cheering then as Marufuji rushes to ringside as Malenko backs off. The two men have a staredown.
    Commentator #1: Marufuji coming to the aid of his compatriot.

    Commentator #2: This doesn’t concern him!


    (A promotional video plays hyping Chad Gable and Jason Jordan . It ends with the video saying they will be here next week.)

    When it finishes we see Haas and Benjamin watching in a locker room backstage. Haas has a box in his hand and says he can’t wait to give it to them. What’s in the box, the announcers wonder?


    Backstage we see Malenko packing his things when someone charges in and pushes him up against the wall.

    Terry Funk: Is that what you did to Dory huh? Did you clock him from out nowhere too?

    Malenko: What are you talking about, Terry?

    Terry Funk: E-C-Dubya is what was written on my brother’s back by whoever left him to rot in a hospital. You did it didn’t you? I know you did it boy!

    Security rush in and drag Funk off Malenko.

    Terry Funk: If you did it I’ll kill you! I’ll get the son of a bitch that attacked my brother!

    Funk is escorted out of the building and advised by agents to take the night off.
    (commercial break)
    Match - Will Ospreay vs Lyle Lanley

    It is a fast-paced match up and while the announcers noted the jobber Lanley glided as softly as a cloud, he was no match for Ospreay who finished him in only a few minutes.

    Winner: Will Ospreay

    After the match, Ospreay reiterated his intention to face Mysterio. Up on the titantron a message played saying ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’ which was followed by the news that Mysterio would be coming soon. Ospreay smiled.


    We had a Talking Grap segment with Paul London and Billy Kidman.

    Pettengill asked them what their intentions were. Kidman was focused and said he and Paul were set on the tag team titles. He put over Haas and Benjamin as the standard in the industry.

    London was more cocky in the interview and said his priorities in life are making money, making love, and making everyone else jealous of how damn good looking he is. He said he hears bling is back in this year so gold is on his agenda.


    Match – Tiger Mask vs Perry Saturn

    This was Tiger Mask’s debut in the company. He was joined at ringside by his girlfriend Mayu Iwatani, and Io Shirai. Kronus was at ringside supporting Saturn.

    The match was a very good contest and the finish came when Saturn was caught in mid-air by a dropkick as he went for a missile dropkick of his own. Tiger Mask then cradled him for the 1-2-3.

    Winner: Tiger Mask

    Afterwards Tiger Mask and the women celebrated, as Kronus and Saturn got into a heated discussion.

    (A commercial played hyping the MNG Hall of Fame ceremony in a few weeks. Nick Bockwinkel was inducted last year.)

    Women’s Title Segment featuring Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali was in the ring with the Women’s Champion Mickie James. Io Shirai and Mayu Iwantani were still there with Tiger Mask, while they had been joined by Cheerleader Melissa and MsChif.

    Ali said that the company had assembled some of the best women’s wrestlers in the world. He said over the next few weeks these four women would challenge each other in a series of matches. Points will be awarded for wins and the winner of this series will face Mickie for her title at Grapplemania. Ali warned Mayu and Io Shirai and MsChif and Melissa that their friendships would be tested in the coming weeks as they would have to face one another.

    Mickie: That sounds good to me Muhammad. I can’t wait to watch these women destroy each other for the chance to face me – and then lose.

    The other women began arguing as Ali said it should be a great series when suddenly the lights went out… The fuzzy, jerky screen we saw on the preview show had returned…

    ...This is the 08 Code…This is the 08 Code…

    …The system has a virus…

    …The system will now shut down…

    …Lance Storm…orestes…Hurley…

    …This is the 08 Code…

    …The system will now shut down…

    When the screen comes back on we see the figure we saw at the end of the preview show. He is standing before a car.

    Commentator #1: I believe that’s Muhammad Ali’s car.

    The figure then steps into a tow truck and begins towing away Ali’s car, as Ali looks on.

    Commentator #2: What is going on here?! Why has Ali been targeted by this person?

    (commercial break)

    Backstage we see Ali talking to Steamboat. Ali says his car has been reported several miles away, burnt out. He has to go talk to the police. He asks Steamboat if he is sure he wants to go ahead with this match. There has been no sign of Kurt and Ricky will be at a 2-on-1 disadvantage.

    Steamboat says Ali taught him the importance of standing up for what he believes in; so he will. They shake hands as Ali leaves.

    Commentator #1: I hope Steamboat knows what he’s doing. The match is next, folks!

    Main Event – Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Ricky Steamboat

    The match begins with Steamboat facing off against Charlie Haas. Steamboat does well early, as the fans loudly chant ‘We Want Angle’. As the match goes on, however, the World’s Greatest Tag Team make some quick tags and take control. Steamboat begins to suffer, as his wife looks on at ringside concerned.

    Commentator #1: I feared this would happen, ladies and gentlemen.

    Commentator #2: Steamboat’s one-time appearance is going to end in an embarrassing fashion.

    As the match continues the ref is knocked down. Haas goes outside and grabs a chair, smirking at Steamboat’s wife as he walks past. She grabs at the chair, but he moves the chair aside and pushes her down as the crowd gasp.

    Seeing this fires up Steamboat who begins throwing a flurry of punches at Benjamin, knocking him down. As Haas enters the ring, Steamboat catches him with a dropkick as the chair rebounds on Haas’s face. Steamboat, enraged by what has happened to his wife, swings the chair on Haas but the ref has revived, and seeing what Ricky has done, he calls for the bell.

    Winners by disqualification: Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

    Commentator #1: The ref saw Ricky use the chair but missed Haas pushing Ricky’s wife. What a bad call!

    Steamboat tries to explain to the ref what happened as the fans boo the decision, while from behind, Shelton recovers and he and Haas begin assaulting Ricky. Haas hits him with the chair several times now.

    Commentator #1: This is nothing but a damn mugging. And Ali isn’t here to prevent it. Somebody needs to stop this, damn it!

    Suddenly on the titantron, a car is seen screeching into the arena. As everyone looks at the screen, out of the car steps…

    ...Kurt Angle!

    The fans cheer as Benjamin and Haas look on in shock as Angle, in his wrestling gear, walks towards the entrance. Steamboat grins and turns to look at Haas and Benjamin who are frozen in their spot.

    Commentator #2: I think he’s coming this way!

    Commentator #1: He is back! It’s Kurt Angle! The World Champion!

    The crowd goes nuts as Angle marches down looking pissed off. He gets in the ring and Haas and Benjamin are unsure what to do. Haas is still gripping the chair but Benjamin pushes him back.

    Benjamin holds up his hands. ‘Good to see you back’ he is heard to say. ‘We knew you would be.’ He extends his hand and offers a handshake.

    Kurt accepts the handshake as the fans boo while Benjamin and Haas cheer - but Kurt drags Benjamin in close and belly-to-belly suplexes him out of the ring!

    Haas then swings with the chair but Kurt ducks and hits an Angle Slam on him, as Haas rolls out of the ring to his partner Shelton.

    Kurt’s music plays and the fans cheer as Ricky’s wife smiles from ringside. Steamboat leaves the ring and goes towards the timekeeper’s area. He takes out Kurt’s World Title and returns to the ring with it. The music stops.
    Ricky Steamboat: Kurt, brother, I knew you wouldn’t let me down. Here, this belongs to you…

    He drapes the belt on Kurt’s shoulder as the fans cheer. Kurt looks on the brink of tears.

    Kurt Angle: Rick, both you, and your wife there at ringside, and little Richie watching at home, you’ve all done so much for me. And I’ll be honest I was heading off the rails that night you made me see sense when we rolled around in the rain.

    Ricky smiles.

    Angle: I remember the advice you gave me that night. Do you remember? You said, “All you have to do is find something to cling on to. Some goal. Something that drives you to be better than you were in your darkest moments.” You were absolutely right. I needed a goal. And you gave me one. You know what that goal is, Rick?

    Ricky: What, Kurt?

    Angle: Facing you, one on one, for this World Title at Grapplemania.

    The fans erupt and cheer as the camera pans to Ricky’s wife at ringside who is shaking her head. Ricky looks at Kurt’s face for a long time, then at his wife.

    Ricky: Kurt, that’s an amazing offer you have made me. And I’d be lying if I said what happened tonight, sharing this ring with you, didn’t tempt me to get back in this ring one last time. But I made a promise, to my wife, to my family, that I was leaving this life behind me. Tonight was just a one-night deal. So Kurt, I thank you for your offer. But I’m going to have to say no, brother.

    Ricky turns to leave when Kurt takes his arm.

    Angle: Rick, what makes you think I’m going to take no for an answer?

    Kurt’s expression changes and he nails Ricky with the title belt across the head, busting Ricky wide open. The crowd are brought to a hush.

    Commenatator #1: What the hell was that?! Kurt just assaulted Ricky! My God, what have you done Kurt?!

    Commentator #2: I can’t believe that.

    As Ricky’s wife screams at Kurt to stop, Kurt begins hammering Ricky with rights and lefts, blood is smeared all over his fists and on the canvas. ‘You stupid son of a bitch, Ricky!’ he screams. Outside the ring, Haas and Benjamin, who are on the ramp and propped up against the barricades, are open-mouthed at what they’re seeing.

    A bunch of security guards run down and scream at Kurt to leave. Kurt takes some of Ricky’s blood and daubs it on his Title belt and then holds it up, roaring while the crowd boo.

    Kurt then leaves the ring, smiling at Ricky’s wife who is screaming and crying. Kurt walks on past Haas and Benjamin, smirking at their stunned faces, continuing on up the ramp.

    Commentator #1: My God, I can’t believe what we just witnessed. Kurt has returned but only to lay down a vicious assault and a challenge on Ricky Steamboat. How will Steamboat respond? And what will Muhammad Ali make of this?

    Commentator #2: Speaking of Ali, will he find out who towed his car away?

    Commentator #1: So many questions that need answering. Don’t miss our next show, folks.

    The credits roll.

  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭daithi1989


    Hello and Welcome to DPW. We’re gone international this week with just 2 weeks away from Destiny Day, and things are starting to heat up in DPW. We’re coming to you live from the 3arena here in Dublin Ireland. And for the first time tonight, we have the Destiny Day Logo on display.
    Last week we crowned a new DPW Heavyweight Champion, and we expect to hear from Goldberg tonight on his debut victory.
    We also have a Tag Title match between the newly formed team of Nathan Jones and Titus O Neill taking on Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.
    And Randy Orton returns a week early from suspension to fight Sgt Slaughter, where Daithi has announced that if Orton tries to take out Sgt before the fight like he did with Hacksaw, Orton will be fired.
    But first up tonight, we take you down to the ring, where new Women’s Champion, Tamina is standing in the ring, and we expect to hear her plans for Destiny Day.

    As a member of The Anoa’i Family, I was always destined for greatest. When Captain Lou approached me with the proposition of joining forces with fellow family members in Rikishi, Manu, and my brother Sim, it was an opportunity I could not allow to pass. I knew I could reach the top of the mountain and win this DPW Women’s Title myself… but it’s always nice to have the insurance policy in place. In the end, I didn’t need to any of my family to defeat Kaitlyn, because ultimately, I’m the most superior Woman on this roster.

    At this point, Naomi’s music plays in the arena, and she makes her way to the ring.

    Here comes Naomi. This is her first appearance on DPW, and she has connections to the Anoa’i family also.

    Naomi; for what do I owe the pleasure of your company?
    Well Tamina, I’m here for your benefit actually. As you as very much aware, I am also a member of the Anoa’i family, after I married into it. I highlighted this to Hornswoggle earlier this afternoon, and we requested that he gave me the opportunity to show to you what I can.

    Hold on Naomi! I know how talented you are. And as you just pointed out, we’re family! I’m not fighting you tonight.

    No Tamina, you’re not fighting me! We’re teaming up, to take on the best friends of AJ Lee and Kaitlyn. And when we beat them, and prove blood is thicker than water, I hope you will convince Captain Lou to let me join your Anoa’i family.

    At the point, AJ Lee and Kaitlyn come out onto the stage

    Blood is thicker than water? Are you questioning our friendship Naomi? We’ll show you now that our friendship is as strong as any families!

    We have our first match of the night Ladies and Gentleman. After the break, AJ and Kaitlyn take on Naomi, trying to join the Anoa’i family, and currently family member, Tamina.


    As we come back from the break, AJ and Naomi are in the ring. A clip is showing from during the break, which shows Tamina performing a Samoan Drop on AJ to take control of the match for her team.
    Naomi continues the domination of AJ, and has AJ in a submission lock, working on the arms of AJ. AJ eventually breaks free and starts to build momentum. She eventually hits a drop kick, and crawls towards Kaitlyn to get a tag. Naomi crawls the other direction and gets to Tamina out stretched hand, however, Tamina drops to the floor, refusing to take the tag.

    What is going on here? Why is Tamina leaving?

    Back in the ring, Kaitlyn goes to take advantage of the situation, and stand in the opposite corner. Naomi struggles back to her feet, turns round and eats a spear. Kaitlyn goes for the pin; 1-2-3

    Here is your winner, the team of Kaitlyn and AJ Lee.
    Tamina has just cost her team the match up by walking out on her partner. She’s standing on the ramp with her title draping her shoulder and a mic in her hand.

    See Naomi, there’s only room in the Family for one woman, and that’s the champ!

    **Hornswoggle Music**

    Here comes the DPW General Manager. He won’t have taken too kindly to Tamina’s actions tonight I would imagine.
    Tamina, your actions tonight will carry consequences. Destiny Day is 2 weeks away, and you’re about to find out your opponent for the night. At Destiny Day, live from Yankee Stadium New York, you will face… NAOMI.

    Wow – what a match up! Hornswoggle has dropped a bombshell. Maybe if Tamina stuck around for the match, she would have avoided this match.

    Sorry Tamina, did I say opponent? I meant opponents. See Kaitlyn is entitled to her Rematch after you defeated her for the title. And sure we might well just throw AJ in the mix too! At Destiny Day, Tamina vs Naomi vs Kaitlyn vs AJ Lee in a Fatal 4-Way for the DPW Women’s Championship!

    Tamina is livid! She loses her championship advantage and doesn’t need to be pinned in the process to loss her title. How will Captain Lou take this news? He won’t be happy to see his Family Member treated this way.


    Back from the break, and the camera is in the GM’s office, where Daithi and Hornswoggle are in discussions.

    I must say Hornswoggle; that was one hell of a Women’s match up you have announced for Destiny Day. We have to get more match annou----

    Captain Lou bursts through the door

    Captain Lou
    Horny – who the hell do you think you are putting Tamina in that sort of a match at Destiny Day?! This is complete abuse of power, and you are punishing Tamina, and because we have been stream rolling competition round here. We effectively run the joint!

    No Lou, I’m not punishing Tamina. She just walked out on Naomi, and Kaitlyn is entitled to a rematch. And to show you that I am not punishing your Anoa’i family, I have also made another Destiny Day. Rikishi laid down the challenge to Booker T last week for his Inter-National Championship. At Destiny Day, he will have his chance, as its Rikishi v Booker T at Destiny Day.

    Captain Lou
    Well after what you did to Tamina, it’s the least you could do for the Family. I can assure you Hornswoggle, this is not the last you’ve heard from us tonight.

    One thing Lou. If the Anoa’i interfere in the Tag Title match tonight, then Rikishi loses his title match at Destiny Day, and Tamina will be stripped of her Title. See Lou, there’s only one person who runs the joint, and that’s me! Now, get out of my office.
    Captain Lou leaves.

    Wow Hornswoggle, you keep making great matches for Destiny Day, and that’s one way of stopping Manu and Sim getting involved in the Main Event tonight. Now… We have to try get to the bottom of who attacked Luke Harper last week. He isn’t here tonight, so it will be next week before we can ask him what he remembers.
    My money is on either The Great Khali, or Captain Lou’s men.

    **Back to the ring**

    Juventud is in the ring waiting for his opponent.

    **Booker T’s music**

    And his opponent, from Houston Texas, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is the DPW Inter-National Champion… Bookerrrr TTTT

    Here come’s Booker T, fresh from the news that he will be facing Rikishi at Destiny Day.

    Booker T gets in the ring, and Juventud goes on the attack straight away, before Booker gets fully in the ring. He Irish Whips Booker into the barrier, before rolling him back into the ring.

    Juventud coming out a lot more aggressive this week, obviously trying to make a point after being dominated by Rikishi last week.

    In the ring, Booker gets on top very quickly, performing 2 Suplex, on Juventud. He sets Juventud up to hit the Book-End.

    *Lights Out*

    *Lights On*

    Captain Lou and Rikishi are standing at the top of the ramp

    Here we go again – Captain Lou and The Family trying to ruin a perfectly good match.

    Back in the ring, Booker is looking up at Captain Lou and Rikishi. Next thing, Juventud rolls Booker up, and grabs a fist full of tights. Ref doesn’t notice this and counts 1-2-3!

    Here is your winner, Juventud

    What a shock! Juventud has defeated the International Champion. He has pinned Booker T.

    The titantron lights up, and Daithi is on the screen.

    Congratulations Juventud. You took advantage of a situation, and as a result, you have earned yourself a title opportunity. On the Preview show a few weeks back, I said a title will be defended every week. Well unfortunately, this was not fully correct. I need to have all my champs locked in for marketing reasons by the end of tonights shows ahead of Destiny Day. Therefore, you won’t get your title opportunity next week. Instead, you will go to Destiny Day, and you will included in the Inter-National Title Match, which has now become a Triple Threat match!

    Captain Lou is not happy with this decision.

    I see Lou you don’t like my decision. Well as Hornswoggle told you earlier, you don’t run things round here; We do!

    What an opportunity for Juventud! He has been added to the match up of Booker T and Rikishi at Destiny Day and will have a chance of leaving as champion.


    Back from the break, and announcer is standing in the middle of the ring preparing for the next match.

    The following contest is scheduled for one fall

    **I Hear Voices In My Head**

    From St Louis, Missouri. Weighting in at 250 lbs. He wants to be introduced as “The Legend Killer”, Randy Orton.

    Here he is – the man who viciously assaulted Hacksaw Jim Duggan 2 weeks ago and is hell-bent on killing Legend after Legend. He faces someone tonight he has faced in the past, but let’s hope Sgt Slaughter knows what he’s getting himself in for.

    **Sgt Slaughter Music**

    And his opponent, from Parris Island South Carolina, weighting in at 310 pounds. Sgt Slaughter.

    Slaughter looks pumped up for this. He will have seen what would have happened to fellow legend Jim Duggan, and will not want to suffer the same here tonight.

    The match starts and Randy locks in multiple Head locks on Sgt. He works the head area of Sgt for majority of the match.

    Randy working on the head of Slaughter is not good. He is thinking of further in the match, when going for the RKO, and maybe worse, the punt kick.

    Randy continues to dominate, with Slaughter getting little to no offense in. Eventually, Sgt gets a burst of energy, hits 2 clotheslines, with Randy jumps straight back up from, before hitting another, knocking the Legend Killer to the floor. Slaughter indicts that it’s time for the Camel Clutch, and goes to lock it in. Randy is able reverse out of it before it gets applied and gains control of the match again. He sets Slaughter up for the draping DDT from the second rope, and hits it. He then calls for the RKO. He pounces, waiting. Sgt struggles to his feet and Orton hits the RKO. He goes for the cover. Ref counts 1-2… Orton lifts Sgt Shoulder of the mat. He isn’t done yet.

    Orton had the match won! Why does he insist on trying to punish people!?

    Back in the ring, Orton rolls Slaughter onto his chest. He begins to back away. The ref is pleading with him.

    Someone has to stop this. Someone has to stop this. Orton is about to take out another legend.

    Orton is in the opposite corner, and is shaping up for The Punt.

    Suddenly, the lights go out.

    Finally! The Anoa’i Family are coming out to save someone. I never thought I would say this, but I’m happy to see---


    Wait a minute


    This isn’t the Anoa’i Family


    Lights come back up.

    He’s here! He’s really here! Sting has debuted in DPW here in Dublin Ireland!!
    Sting is standing in the middle of the ring, between Orton and Slaughter. He is holding a baseball bat over his shoulder. Randy looks like he’s seen a ghost! Sting shapes to charge at Orton, but Orton drops and rolls from the ring and edges towards the ramp. Sting doesn’t take his eyes off Orton at any stage. He pulls a mic out of his pocket.

    Randy… You claim to be a Legend Killer. Well you have never faced a legend like me!

    He drops the mic, and then points his bat at Orton! He slowly begins to move the bat around and stops with it pointing towards the Destiny Day Logo.

    Sting appears to have challenged Randy Orton to a match at Destiny Day. These 2 have never faced off before. This is a match for the ages. Daithi, Hornswoggle, make it happen!!


    Backstage interview area

    I’m standing by the owner of DPW, Daithi, and Daithi, I have just one question. At Destiny Day, are we going to have Sting v Randy Orton?

    I’m gonna give you a very simple answer. Yes, yes we are! See a few weeks ago, Randy assaulted me, and then the following week assaulted Jim Duggan. I was not going to stand back to let this happen. So I search high up and low down. And then came across a legend Randy never faced. So at Destiny Day, for the first time ever… Randy Orton faces The Icon… STING!

    **Back in the arena**

    The following match is scheduled for one fall… and is for the DPW Tag Team Championships.
    Introducing the first, the challengers. Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil!

    It’s Main Event time! What a huge opportunity for these guys. Let’s take you back to last week, where it was Cody Rhodes vs Titus O Neil. As Titus was looking like coming away with victory, DiBiase jumped in and a 2-on-1 beat down began. Then out of nowhere Jones ran to the ring to save Titus, and earned themselves this opportunity.

    And their opponents… They are the Current DPW Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes… Ted DiBiase… The Legacy!

    These 2 men come to ring for the first defence of their titles. They come from wrestling royalty, and will want to live up the Legacy that comes before them.

    The match starts with Nathan Jones and Cody Rhodes. They fight back and forth, with neither man gaining a foothold. Eventually, Jones knocks Rhodes of his feet, and tags in Titus. Titus is in control off the match from that point on. He throws Rhodes over the top rope, and then blasts DiBiase off the corner. Legacy take time to regroup on the outside, as we go to break.


    Back from the break, and DiBiase is working on Titus in the ring. A clip from during the break shows how Legacy got back on top, with them double teaming Irish Whip on Titus into the ring post. DiBiase works the upper of Titus. Eventually, Titus gets back into the contest, and had DiBiase down. As he crawls to the corner to make a tag, DiBiase gets to Cody first, and Cody pulls Titus away by the foot. Titus gets back up onto his other leg, and performs a standing drop kick to Cody, before diving to the corner to Hot Tag Jones.

    Here comes Jones; he's fresh having being out of the match for so long
    Jones cleans house. Clothesline after clothesline on DiBiase. He knocks Cody of the apron, before setting up to deliver a Chokeslam to DiBiase. As he wraps his hand round the throat of DiBiase, Cody gets back in the ring, only to be intercepted by Titus' Big Boot. Jones hits the chokeslam on DiBiase, and covers the Legacy member. Ref counts 1-2-3.

    Here is your winner, and NEW Tag Team Champions, Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil

    They've done it! They're first match teaming up, and they have become the new champs. They functioned like a well oiled team, who had been tagging for ages. What a performance by the duo.

    At this point, Captain Lou, Sim Sunka and Manu walk out onto the ramp. They signal by rubbing their hands over their waists that they want a shot at the Tag Titles.

    Captain Lou controlled his men tonight, but they have their sights set on becoming Tag Champs, and who knows what Daithi and Hornswoggle have in store for Destiny Day and the Tag Team match up.

    Back in the ring, Titus and Jones celebrate their victory with the belts.

    Thats not the only celebrations we have tonight, as after the break, Goldberg speaks for the first time in DPW and celebrates his DPW Heavyweight title win.


    Huge news coming through to us here. As per orders of GM Hornswoggle, Goldberg will be defending his World Heavyweight Title against The Great Khali at Destiny Day.
    Also the DPW Tag Team Titles will be defended in a Tag Team Turmoil match at Destiny Day. Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil will defend after The Legacy, Cody and Ted; Anoa'i Family members Sim Sunka and Manu; Team Too Cool and Tons of Funk. And next week on DPW, we will the determine the order the teams appear.

    **Goldberg entrance starts**

    He's here! Goldberg is here. He is making his way to the arena here, flagged by his security men. He made a surprise debut after the attack of Luke Harper last week in the backstage area. Some people have speculated that it may even have been Goldberg behind the attack. Daithi and Hornswoggle hope to find out more next week with regards that.

    Goldberg climbs the steps leading out the arena, goes through the curtain and out into the sparks.

    Oh my God!!

    Suddenly, The Great Khali comes from behind and blasts Goldberg in the back with a Steel Chair. He pounds away on Goldberg with the chair repeatedly. He then picks him up and powerbombs him onto the ramp. Goldberg is hardly able move, yet Khali doesnt hold back. He picks Goldberg up on his shoulder, and charges towards the Titantron area, driving Goldberg into the display wall. Khali then drags Goldberg to the side of the stage.

    Khali has evil intentions here - you can see it in his eyes. He was blind sided by Goldberg last week and lost his title, and now he has made a statement with his attack on Goldberg.

    Khali has Goldberg over by the side of the stage at this point, and picks him and chokeslams him from the edge and through the tables.

    That must be a 10 foot drop there. Khali has not taken his defeat well at all. He has made his intentions very clear here tonight, and I would expect Goldberg will not taken this lying down either. At Destiny Day, these two giants will come to blows with the DPW Heavyweight Title on the line.

    Join us next week, as we find out the order for Tag Team Turmoil; try get to the bottom of who attacked Luke Harper and why; And deal with the fallout of this attack on Goldberg by The Great Khali.
    The show ends with the camera facing upwards at Khali as he stands on the top of the stage looking down on Goldberg, with the Title above his head.


  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭daithi1989


    Ladies and Gentlemen; Welcome to final stop before Destiny Day! We come to you live from Madison Square Garden and what a show we have lined up for you tonight!
    Later tonight, we find out the order of Tag Team Turmoil, we have a Women’s match up between AJ Lee and Naomi; I sit down for a pre-recorded interview with Sting; we are also expected to have a contract signing between Goldberg and The Great Khali ahead of the Main Event of DPW Destiny Day.
    We start the show tonight though with Luke Harper, who is in the ring with Erick Rowan, wanting to discuss his backstage attack a few weeks before he was due to face Khali for the title.

    I stand before you tonight a dejected man. I had the chance of a lifetime 2 weeks ago. I was set to face The Great Khali for the DPW World Heavyweight Title. I was warming up in the back, and I was viciously attacked and blind side by someone. They have taken this opportunity away from me. People have been speculating as to who the attacker was, with people suspecting Anoa’i Family, while others thinking maybe Goldberg, as he was the one who benefited most from my demise. Other suspecting The Great Khali, as he was afraid I would defeat him again.
    Well I’m here to ask my attacker, whoever it was, come out here now and face me!

    Harper is fired up here! He’s standing waiting for his attacker to make themselves known. What the --?

    In the ring, Erick Rowan runs towards Harper, picks him up from behind, and performs a German Suplex on Harper.

    Rowan is attacking Harper! Why?! Why is Rowan doing this? They’re a tag team; they came here to challenge for the Tag Titles.

    Rowan continues to beat down on Harper. Rowan rolls out of the ring, and looks under the ring, where he pulls out a table. He sets the table up in the corner, and walks over toward Harper. He picks him, and sets him up for a Powerbomb. He runs towards the table and slams Harper through it.

    We have seen the implosion of Harper and Rowan here. Rowan has attacked Harper, and it appears it may have been that attacked Harper 2 weeks ago before the Title match.

    Rowan bends down and picks up the mic and walks over to where Harper is laid out.

    It was me Luke - it was me who took your hopes and dreams away from you. You would be nothing without me, and then you get an opportunity, and cast me to the side! Well I made sure you figured out which of us was the better performer! And at Destiny Day, I’ll put you through another table! Because Luke, its Me vs. You in a tables match… that’s if you even make it!

    So Rowan that jealous that Harper had worked an opportunity for himself. And now at Destiny Day, they face off in a Tables Match!


    **Backstage Segment**

    Harper is being helped backstage by Trainers. The Backstage interviewer catches up with him.

    Luke, can I get your reaction to what just happened?
    I considered Rowan my brother, but if he’s jealous of my achievements, and now trying to make a name for him at my expense, I’ll see him at Destiny Day. I accept his challenge, and consider this just a stepping stone in me achieving my Destiny of become Champion one day.
    Harper leaves and goes to the medical room for more attention.

    The following match is scheduled for one fall.
    **AJ Lee Music**

    Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Kaitlyn, AJ Lee.
    AJ Lee and Kaitlyn are on the ring, as AJ prepared to face Naomi tonight, before all 3 go onto Destiny Day to face Tamina with the DPW Women’s Title on the line.

    **Naomi Music**

    And her opponent, from Orlando Florida, Naomi.
    Naomi came to the ring last week to try and join forces with Tamina and the Anoa’i Family, and instead Tamina walked out on her. She now a chance to build up momentum before Destiny Day.

    The match starts with AJ Lee and Naomi lock up in the middle of the ring; they both try to get the upper hand, but neither can. Both then go for another lock up, and then back off, and nod towards each other in a show of respect for each other.
    Naomi then gets the upper hand in the match. She throws AJ Lee out onto the apron, and then drop-kicks her to the floor.

    Naomi gets the upper hand here, but can she keep it up!

    As we come back from the break, AJ Lee has a submission hold locked in on the Knee of Naomi. Naomi is struggling in the middle of the ring. She eventually gets to the bottom rope, and AJ is forced to break the hold.
    AJ gets back to her feet, and waits for Naomi to get back to hers. As Naomi gets to her feet, AJ jumps on her back, and locks in the Black Widow.

    **Lights Out**

    **Lights On**

    Tamina is standing in the ring, with Captain Lou standing at ringside. AJ has released the hold, and AJ and Tamina start swinging at each other. Kaitlyn jumps into the ring and sets up for the spear. She runs at Tamina, who side steps the move, and Kaitlyn ends up hitting AJ with the Spear

    Kaitlyn is after spearing her best friend! She took out her best friend.
    Tamina then runs the ropes, and hit’s the Big Boot on Kaitlyn, knocking her to the outside. As Tamina turns around, Naomi is charging at her and hit’s the Rearview on Tamina!
    She bends down, lifts up the Womens Title, and points towards the Destiny Day sign.

    Naomi is standing tall here tonight! Can she stand still be standing tall at Destiny Day?


    Earlier this afternoon, I got a chance to sit down with Sting to discuss his match up with Randy Orton.

    **Interview Room**

    Sting; thank you for joining me here this afternoon.
    My pleasure
    At Destiny Day, you have challenged Randy Orton to a match. Considering how many Legends he has taken out in the past, I have on question Sting.. Why? Why are you putting your Legacy on the line?
    Why you ask? Because I’ve followed Randy for many a year. I have seen him take out legend after legend. I saw his attack on Hacksaw Jim Duggan 2 weeks ago and decided enough was enough. I heard on the grapevine that Daithi was search for a Legend to take on Randy, and made contact with him. Daithi sees me as the best available option to try teach Orton a lesson. He was not happy to have suffered and RKO, and was not happy to see the Legend of Hacksaw Jim Duggan taken out like he was. But he also didn’t want Randy to leave and join any other Wrestling Promotion.

    So you ask why? I ask why not? At Destiny Day, I will make show Randy that he won’t be able kill every legend! I’m no normal Legend. I’m The Icon.. I’m Sting!!

    Sting then stands up to leave the room. As he stand up, Randy Orton appears and hits a RKO on Sting.

    You’re just another Legend that I’m going to take out; it is my Destiny.
    Randy stands over Sting, staring down at him, as trainers rush the room.

    **Back in the arena**

    Randy appeared from nowhere, and like a Viper, took out Sting with an RKO. At Destiny, will Randy kill another Legend, or can Sting buck the trend and be a Legend too far for Orton


    We return from the break, and have the 4 Tag Teams competing against Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil at Destiny Day. The 4 teams are standing in a corner each.

    The 4 teams are standing in the ring, but we still have no idea how we are going to determine the order of teams these teams come Tag Team Turmoil; Knowing Daithi and Hornswoggle, it may get decided with a Dance Off! Here’s Hornswoggle now to explain what happens!

    Hornswoggle appears on the Titantron

    Thank you for gathering in the ring. As announced last week, at Destiny Day, you will all have a chance to win the DPW Tag Team Titles at Destiny Day in Tag Team Turmoil. Tonight, we decide the order in which you 4 teams come to the ring at Destiny Day. It has already been decided, that as Champions, Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil will enter last as Team number 5. You 4 will not compete to decide the order you compete, in an 8 man tag match. Tons of Funk and Too Cool vs. The Legecy and Anoa’i Family. The person who secures the victory will be the 4th team to join Tag Team Turmoil, while the person who gets pinned will be team 1. In a twist, the 2 men not pinned will team 3 at Destiny Day. Lets get things going!

    The match starts with Sim facing off against Brodus.

    So to explain how this works, if Sim was to Pin Brodus, Manu and Sim would be Team 4 at Destiny Day, while Brodus and Tenasi would start the match up against Legacy at Destiny Day, with Team Too Cool coming in as Team 5. What an innovated idea from Hornswoggle! I’m just glad it wasn’t a Dance Off!

    Brodus knocks Sim off his feet with a shoulder charge; he tags in Tenasi, and they double team Sim with a double Suplex on him. Manu rushes the ring, and takes out Tenasi and Brodus. He drags Sim over to the corner, and waits for the tag. Sim is about tag in Manu, and instead tags in Ted DiBiase. Ted looks confused, but gets in the ring.

    Sim tags in the opposition here, as Ted goes to take on Tenasi. Oh here comes Captain Lou to ring side again, and is speaking with Manu and Sim

    As Lou speaks with the Anoa’i family, Ted gets distracted, and turns into a clothesline from Tenasi. At this point, Sim and Manu hop of the apron and walk away from the match up with Captain Lou

    They’re leaving the match up? Why can the Anao’i family not complete matches! Tamina did the same thing last week too.

    Cody is on the apron with his back to the match. Tenasi hits him of the apron, and Rhodes flies into the barrier at ringside.

    Brodus Clay grabs both Grand Master Sexay and Scotty of the apron and throws them into the barrier also. He hops back up on the apron. Tenasi performs a big splash on DiBiase, tags in Brodus, who runs and delivers a big splash of his own. 1-2-3.

    Here is your winner, and Team number 4 at Destiny Day; Brodus Clay and Tenasi; Tons of Funk

    Now it becomes clear; Lou pulled his men from the match so they couldn’t get Pinned, and a result, will enter the match 3rd. They obviously fancy their chances against Tons of Funk or Too Cool, and didn’t mind which team comes in 4th. Now we have the running order for Tag Team Turmoil; Legacy will start again Too Cool, with the Anoa’I Family coming in 3rd before Tons of Funk hit the ring 4th. Jones and Titus will then be waiting to face the winners of these 4 teams with the DPW Tag Titles on the line.

    Join us after the break for the contract signing for the DPW Heavyweight Championship match between Goldberg and The Great Khali for Destiny Day.


    **Backstage Segment**

    Rikishi is backstage attacking Juventud, with Captain Lou encouraging him.

    Captain Lou
    You think you have what it takes to compete for the Inter-National Championship at Destiny Day? That is his Destiny and you better keep out of his way!

    Rikishi has attacked Juventud to try and take him out of Destiny Day. Juventud will struggle to get back 100% ahead of Destiny Day after that sort of beating.

    **Hornswoggle Music**

    The ring is set up for the Contract Signing for the Destiny Day Main Event. Hornswoggle and Daithi are on the way to the ring.

    This is final step on the way to Destiny Day right here. The Great Khali has requested his rematch against Goldberg at the PPV. After the events of last week, where The Great Khali choke slammed Goldberg of the side of the stage, myself and Daithi have decided the Main Event of Destiny Day will be a… Last Man Standing match up!
    What a turn up for the books! What was already a huge main event for the first Destiny Day PPV, has just been made bigger!

    Now, without further ado, let me introduce the competitors for this match. Introducing first, the challenger, The Great Khali.
    **Khali Music**

    The Punjabi Monster is on his way to the ring. He is still not happy about how he lost his title, and showed last week what he can do to Goldberg. If he can do that again at Destiny Day, he will walk away with the DPW Title.

    The Great Khali gets into the ring, picks up the contract and signs it straight away.

    And now.. The Champion.. GOOOOOOOOLDBERG!
    **Goldberg Entrance**

    Here comes the Champion! We will finally get to here from Goldberg in DPW.
    Goldberg comes to the ramp and our through the films. The New York Crowd are chanting his name.

    Goldberg gets into the ring and takes up a position opposite Khali. He grabs the contact, signs it, picks up a microphone..

    KHALI - You made a huge mistake last week, a huge mistake. I was gonna be nice in our rematch and let you live. But your actions made me request a Last Man Standing Match for Destiny Day! And at Destiny Day.. KHALI…. YOU’RE NEXT!!

    Goldberg then jumps and clears the table and rugby tackles The Great Khali to the floor. Daithi and Hornswoggle jump out of the ring, but call for Security. Goldberg is punching away at Khali.
    Khali over turns Goldberg and is now pounding away on him. Khali then tries to escape, but Goldberg stops him. Khali turns around and Chops Goldberg, before grabbing Goldberg by the throat and Chokeslamming Goldberg through the table set up for the contract signing.

    Khali has chock slammed Goldberg through the table. He has laid out Goldberg again tonight on the final stop before Destiny Day.

    Khali leaves the ring, and stand with his arms in the air celebrating his actions. In the ring, Goldberg begins to stir again, and gets back to his feet.

    Goldberg is back to his feet; its going to take more than that for Khali to keep him down for a 10 count at Destiny Day.


    Final Card for DPW Destiny Day, Live on PPV From Yankee Stadium, New York City.

    DPW World Heavyweight Championship
    Last Man Standing
    Goldberg ( C ) vs. The Great Khali

    Legend vs. Legend Killer
    Sting vs. Randy Orton

    DPW Inter-National Championship
    Triple Threat Match
    Booker T ( C ) vs. Rikishi vs. Juventud

    DPW Tag Teams Championship
    Tag Team Turmoil
    Jones/O’Neil ( C ) vs. The Anoa’i Family vs. Too Cool vs. The Legacy vs. Tons of Funk

    DPW Women’s Match
    Fatal 4 Way Match
    Tamina ( C ) vs. AJ Lee vs. Naomi vs. Kaitlyn

    Tables Match
    Luke Harper vs. Erick Rowan

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Monday Night Raw!
    Live from the Cow Palace - San Fransisco
    previous shows: Preview show, Show 1, Show 2, Show 3, Show 4

    The Show opens with a recap of what happened last week primarily highlighting two events. First When Scott Hall signed the contract for the No Holes Barred Championship match only to be caught in a Giant sized surprised attack (by Andre) allowing Ted Dibiase to take back Hulk Hogan's world title belt, and secondly our main event which saw both Hogan & Kevin Nash double team Dave Batista in our handicap main event. Once that recap ends Batista's music hits and the Animal makes his way out as the crowd start to chant his name. They (The crowd) seem to be in great form tonight as Big Dave enters the ring and grabs a mic
    Batista: Last week I sent one little tweet to promote my movie and to let all you BWA fans that I was here for the long haul. An action that took me all of 1 minute to do but boy did it rub some people the wrong way. Hogan and Kevin Nash, those boys made me laugh talking up their days in acting, I mean what were they compensating for it's not like one of them wanted to be in Marvel movies so much that they played Odin in a movie that got a 1.7 on IMDB or anything.... o wait.

    I'm Sorry those boys were so threatened by an actual Movie star that they had to get their buddy Ted Dibiase to make the main event of last weeks Raw a 2 on 1 handicap match against me, but you know what even then they could not keep me down! Which is why it was no surprise that when office got on the phone with me this past week they had just one question for me.

    At which point someone in the crowd shouts...."How big is your Dick?"

    Batista: *smirks* bigger than Kevin Nash's but no, not that, they asked me if I wanted a match at Wrestlepalooza.... a Last Man Standing Match! against the man the company were quick to remind me had Powerbombed me the past 3 weeks running, Kevin Nash.

    Kevin Nash is jealous of me, jealous of how big I am (grabs his crotch as he says this)... in Hollywood, Jealous of how much the fans cheer me and jealous of the fact that unlike him I am not other man's B!tch. He thinks he can prove himself by besting me... hell No! I know he will cheat, I know he will politic and I know he will do whatever he can to try and keep me down but he will fail cos Nash... you're on!

    Batista drops the mic and gets a great response as he climbs to the top rope and starts ripping his shirt off as the commentary team at ringside inform us that Batista requested to open the show tonight with a warm up match that could prepare him for the unpredictable nature of his PPV bout. As a result he faces off against The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal....Death–Defying Maniac other wise known as Sabu a man who he himself can sometimes be near impossible to predict.

    Dave Batista vs Sabu

    Sabu lives up to his unpredictable billing and thanks to that this match goes from inside to outside the ring and back again as the Houdini of Hardcore hits his Triple jump moonsault. Impressively though Batista is able to kick out after 2 and then slowly works his way back to his feet and after that back into the ascendancy and after a sidewalk slam and a spinebuster it's his finisher that gets hit except after the Batista Bomb we do get a succesful 3 count.

    Winner: Batista

    We are then brought to footage from backstage earlier today
    We see Ted DiBiase arrive to the arena and on his way to his office he see's two wrestlers he stops to converse with. First he sees Eddie Gilbert who is trying to chat up a female announcer. Ted confirms with him that he was notified of his role at Wrestlepalooza, to which Gilbert looking please replies positively. Then he comes across Abdullah The Butcher and reminds him that tonight he didn't want to see any weapons involved in his match before decreeing that weapons will actually be banned from his first blood match vs Devon Nicholson at the upcoming PPV.

    BH: Weapons banned from a first blood match, I dunno how he will inforce that.
    JB: Calm down with your bloodlust, I've been told he will just be clearing the ringside and under ring area of all potential weapons, these guys can make anything into a weapon even the ring itself.
    BH:Calm down man I didn't mean that, but maybe this means it won't be a short match like a lot of Abdullah's matches.
    JB: Another great move by the leader of our ship The Million Dollar Man, that said I dunno who's call it was to let this guy out here

    The guy he is of course refering to is Kevin Sullivan who has made his way down to the ring to the ring. He looks like he has something to say and joined by the rest of The Varsity Club he is about to do so until Abdullah The Butcher & The Shiek's music hits interrupting him as he went to (lift a mic to his mouth so as to) address the audience. He looks vexed but passes the mic back to the outside as the following tag team match is introduced.

    Steve Williams & Rick Steiner w/Sullivan vs Abdullah & The Shiek

    Good match, the finish comes with Abdullah trying to pull his fork from underneath his elbow pad but Sullivan bringing the refs attention to it and then as he struggled to remove the foreign object from the Hall of Famer Rick Steiner rolls him up from behind for a 3 count win. Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson is seen watching the action backstage and claps the result.

    Winners: The Varsity club

    After the match Kevin Sullivan grabs a mic again and enters the ring.

    I give you tonight's winners, The University of Michigan's Rick Steiner and The University of Oklahoma's Steve Williams aka The Varsity squad, The group that at Wrestlepalooza will put Triple Threat in their place. You see, we came here to the BWA for one purpose, no win the tag team titles! I never intended on even setting foot in a wrestling match in the BWA but those mongrols decided to put their hands on me, they brought this all on themselves at that moment...

    I had found the greatest collegiate athletes the world of pro wrestling had to offer and we were in line for a shot at the tag team titles until that moment and thats why I asked for this match, why I will wrestle again... and I will win and not only prove that we should be the no.1 contenders for those tag belts but also to put those brash, uncivilized, ECW (said with disdain) wrestlers back in their place. At Wrestlepalooza They will see the full force of the Varsity Club

    We then head to another pre-taped interview with The Original Shiek, the most noteworthy part of which is highlighted below where he also notes what it is that he said Sabu gave him back in ECW during the first part of this interview shown 2 weeks ago.
    Shiek: He thought that his recklessness, had cost me my career. He thought that it was his fault that I had to leave WCW and that I had this god damn limp when I did... and he was right. But my son of a b!tch nephew never did a god damn thing to make up for it and for that reason I brought him here, here where I, The Originator of Hardcore Wrestling can break his god damn Leg and make him beg for forgiveness!

    JB: Jaysus that fellah means business!
    BH: Don't think he is the only one... I've never seen Hennig looking so serious.

    He is of course referring to Curt Hennig aka Mr Perfect who has made his way down to the ring and as eluded to looks like he means business. Before his match tonight, a match he notes that Andre The Giant's confidant Ted Dibiase booked for him. Perfect explains that he has the perfect match plan in place for his PPV bout with the Giant and promises the world that just like he will tonight, that at WrestlePalooza he will over come the odds and be victorious.

    Curt Hennig vs Tatanka, Virgil & Horace Hogan

    After Perfect dispatches of Horace with a near immediate Perfect-Plex Ted Dibiase appears on the titantron (with Andre among others by his side) and let's it be known that this match is not a handicap match but an eliminate style gauntlet match. Despite interference from the outside however this makes very little difference to the outcome of the match as first Virgil falls to a Perfect Spear followed up by a figure four which he taps to, and then it was Tatanka's turn as the native American also fell foul of the Perfect-Plex. He did put in a slightly better showing than the previous two but still the commentators couldn't help but refer to this as the perfect warm up for Hennig pre PPV, mostly because he didn't pick up any knocks.

    Winner: Mr Perfect

    After the match as Hennig headed to the back the three NWO prospects start squabbling and pushing each other in the ring when suddenly Ted Dibiase re-appears on the tron talking about how much of an embarrassment the 3 men men were. He sites the history he has with 2 of them (Virgil & Tatanka) and says they have let him down just like Horrace has his cousin Hulk. It's been 4 weeks since any of them debuted in the BWA and all they have done is lose but he says that at Wrestlepalooza that won't be the case because in order to find out which of them is actually worthy of their lace as a potential NWO member they will face each other on the PPV pre-show in a Triple Threat!

    After that announcement we are brought backstage to the dressing room of Hulk Hogan who is about to be interviewed

    Hogan: Let me tell you something brother, before our main event tonight there will be a world title presentation where the world heavyweight championship will be returned to it's rightful place, right here (gestures) around the Hulkster's waist. You see God created the Heavens, he created the earth! He created all the Hulkamaniacs! Then, he created a set of 24-inch pythons, brother! He sculpted the greatest wrestler on the face of the earth and when that wrestler took his vitamins and said his prayers, God Spoke directly to him and told him to head to the where it all begin, to head to the BWA and spread the good word but some people don't want to listen. Some people believe they can stand up to a wrestling god but what are they going to do when Hulkamania runs wild one them!

    Interviewer: (quietly) I didn't actually ask my question yet do you feel about...

    Hogan: (Glares at the interviewer) Do you want Hulkamania to run wild on you?

    As the interviewer backs out of the room shaking his head, the distinctive voice of former BWA wrestler Jesse Ventura can be heard "I hate him...Hulk Hogan has become what we all hated... he is the reason there is no wrestlers union... Hogan stooged me... I find it pathetic" Hogan is incensed and starts searching the room to find the source of this audio eventually finding a speaker on the back of the dressing room door with a big too sweet logo on it, which he immediately tears off the wall.

    When we return to the ring we see Aja Kong, Manami Toyota, Victoria & Molly Holly all at ringside as a women we are told is a former BCW competitor stands in the ring. That said everyone's attention is immediately drawn to her opponent as she, Ronda Rousey makes her way down to the ring.

    Ronda Rousey vs Beaker Josephine

    The challenger charges at Rousey in what the announcers later call a stupid attempt to catch the former MMA star off guard and is immediately caught with a fast right hand to her jaw which immediately floors her.

    At this point Rousey walks over to ringside and calls for something, then much to everyones surprise she is handed a microphone which she uses to address her PPV opponents at ringside.

    She first tells Manami Toyota that no matter how fast she thinks she is she (Ronda) is faster as her punch just now attends to. Then she picks the downed wrestler up and lifts her up for an impressive Jackhammer, holding her for near ten seconds in mid air before dropping her and once against picking up the Mic and this time addressing Aja Kong and telling her that no matter how strong she thinks she is that she (Rousey) is more devastating. Again she lifts her opponent up to her feet and then as she sways from side to side trying her best just to stay upright Rousey addresses Victoria and tells her no matter how much of a b!tch she is that she is badder before head butting and dropping her essentially already defeated opponent back to the mat. Rousey however does not let up and instead looks at Molly Holly and states that she may not yet think of her as a pro wrestler but no matter how good a fighter you are... I'm better at which point she locks in her Armbar and the women immediately taps out.

    Winner via submission: Ronda Rousey

    The announcers note that all her Wrestlepalooza opponents were out here hoping to see some chink in Ronda Rousey's armour, some weakness they could take advantage of, but nope, nothing of the sort was on display. Meanwhile Ronda rolls out of the ring and exchanges heated glances with these ladies as she heads to the back and we head to commercial.
    Ad Break

    When we return we see Hulk Hogan Backstage talking to Ted Dibiase
    Hogan is ranting and raving about Scott Hall trying to screw with him and saying that his dressing room has been compromised. Dibiase tries to calm him down and tells him he can use his office until they will head to the ring for the title ceremony later as he has to go find Andre.

    Seemingly this does the job and calms the Hulkster down until he steps into the office and suddenly the iconic voice of The Ultimate Warrior can be heard calling Hogan a "B!tch" and a "hypocrite" and saying that "Hogan's vitamins were coke and weed" at which point Hogan once again snaps and starts tearing the room apart until he once again finds a too sweet emblazoned speaker this time under The Million Dollar Man's desk.

    Elsewhere backstage we see Ted Dibiase who as he stated earlier was looking for Andre and upon meeting IRS we find out The Giant is in transit and should arrive momentarily. Schyster uses this opportunity however to remind DiBiase of something, saying that just in case things should go sideways with the NWO guys at Wrestlepalooza that they always have options. After being questioned he elaborates further saying "You got Andre, Tatanka, Virgil & me for sure, who are all loyal to you, all have history with you... and don't forget those other guys, we always have plan B.

    JB: What the hell do you think Plan B is?... can't imagine Hogan will be too happy hearing that just in case talk from IRS & DiBiase.
    BH: I think Hogan has enough on his mind right now anyway... but speaking of DiBiase I am sure he will be a keen observer of this next match.

    The match sees the men who will face Money Inc at Wrestlepalooza for the titles Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey take on Triple Threat. As they (Hansen & Spivey) make their entrance the announcers really play up the potential distrust between the two and we are then re-shown the reason why and The Million Dollar Man's proclamation last week that one of them would turn on the other because "everyone's got a price" implying that he'd payed off one of them.

    Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey vs Bam Bam Bigelow & Shane Douglas w/ Chris Candido

    Bam Bam and Hansen start things off her in a real Sloberknocker of a bout but it isn't until Dan Spivey gets tagged in that this match starts to really get interesting as it is then that the rest of the group he is usually affiliated with aka The Varsity Squad in the form of Kevin Sullivan, Steve Williams & Rick Steiner make their way down to ringside seemingly to cheer him on. There presence annoys Hansen but it's their opponents who are totally taken off their game by the arrival of the men they will face at Wrestlepalooza so much so that Candido and Bam Bam square up with them on the outside leaving now legal man Douglas isolated in the ring. He is not just isolated but also distracted due to what is now a 3 on 2 conflict on the outside and turns straight into a Spivey Spike DDT. However instead of being able to go for the pin Stan Hansen tags himself in and delivers his signature Lariat as a finishing blow on Douglas before picking up the pinfall victory.

    Winners: Hansen & Spivey

    After the match the commenators play up Spivey's annoyance at Hansen tagging himself into the match and Hansen's reaction to the Varsity clubs arrival to build up the potential of one of them turning on the other but as of now the challengers seem to be able to remain on te same page. We then head backstage for another Hulk Hogan update
    Hogan looks completely worn out as he exits The Million Dollar man's office and does not look too pleased when Jojo approaches him looking to get an interview with him. Out of the corner of his eye however Hogan spots a guy wearing a Too Sweet T-Shirt and loses it, attacking the guy who we later learn is a member of the ring crew. Jojo looks scared of Hogan and who could blame her as he looks a little deranged when he gets right up in her face and addresses her

    Hogan: I'm a Patriot brother, I'm a hero to all the little Hulkamaniacs out there and this punk, this joke Scott Hall thinks he can get in my head! He thinks he can make me question and battle with my inner Hulk... but you know what sister, the next time you see me I'll be in the ring having my world heavyweight title put back around my waist... Because I'm The Man!

    Further down the hallway we see The Varsity Club including Dan Spivey leaving the arena, talking about how they were heading out to celebrate their two wins tonight and how they will have another two at Wrestlepalooza according to them. We then move back to the announcers at ringside

    BH: He says he is the man, but he is coming across as a madman tonight, Scott Hall has really gotten in his head
    JB: How dare you! that's our World Champion you are talking about. Somehow I doubt you will say the same when he comes out here after our next match for his championship presentation.

    Before the following match Eddie Gilbert comes out and addresses the ladies in the audience saying that he is sure they are all dying to hear just what role the genius Ted DiBiase asked him to fill at Wrestlepalooza. Well he says that Ted told him that given how he had already proven in recent weeks that he can take some physicality from the women on the BWA roster (winks at the camera as he says this) The Million Dollar Man could think of no better man to be the special guest referee in what will no doubt be a super physical bout for the Womens title at the biggest PPV in draft history.

    Chris Candido vs Eddie Gilbert

    The announcers are still trying to work out why exactly DiBiase would give Gilbert his PPV role as this one gets under way but they are even more surprised when it actually leads to the finish in the match. Molly Holly & Victoria both come charging down to ringside mid match and it's Molly who grabs Candido's leg as he bounces off the ropes and sends him stumbling into Gilbert's Hot Shot (Flapjack dropped into a hangman) finisher resulting in the 3 count pin. Afterwards a shocked looking Gilbert has his hand raised by both women until he is shocked even further as Victoria takes out Molly with a big clothesline before planting a big kiss on Eddie's lips and rolling out of the ring.

    JB: I really don't know what to make of that!
    BH: Well I am sure you will like this next segment more...
    JB: Yes, Yes, it's time for The Champ, It's time for The Man, it's time for the Hulkster

    Despite JB bigging up Hogan it's The Million Dollar Man whose music hits as he emerges from the back with both Andre The Giant & IRS by his side. They enter the ring and then out of the briefcase that IRS carries with him produce the BWA world title that had been taken back from Scott Hall last week before calling out the man they called the true world champion Hulk Hogan. After some hot dogging Hogan joins them in the ring and it's time for the official championship presentation except as IRS under DiBiase's orders attempt to fix the title back around the waist of the Hulkster Hogan grabs the title off him and holds it aloft screaming for joy as if he had just won the thing in a grueling battle. The crowd start showering him in boos but he ignores them and even starts doing his signature gestures to celebrate being re-united with the gold.

    It is at this point much to the fans relief that Scott Hall interrupts proceedings and gets a big pop in doing so
    Hall: Hey Yo!

    You hear that Hogan, that's called cheers. The reason they don't cheer you isn't because of the things you have been hearing other superstars say about you all night, hell it isn't even because of the things I've said about you... it's because I may be "The Bad Guy" buy you Hogan... your just a C*nt (actually gets bleeped out).

    Hogan looks like he is about to burst a blood vessel he is so enraged but it's DiBiase who responds first.

    Dibiase: I don't know who in god's name you think you are but You cannot speak to the BWA World Champion like that! *the fans begin a Razor chant*.... You fan's cheer for this man? this self proclaimed "Bad Guy" and "Lone Wolf"?... You won't be cheering soon because Scott you are just too predictable. We knew you would come out here and try and spoil our fun and that's why we thought ahead and you know what you did... we gave you a match for tonight. Afterall your buddies Batista and Hennig wanted had warm up matches tonight so we assumed you would want one too, not only that but we presumed you would be looking for some retribution on the big guy here (patting Andre on the back) for what he did to you last week and that's why 6 days before you face Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlepalooza you will fight in tonight's main event and once again in a No Holds Barred match but this time against Andre The Giant!

    Surprisingly that seems cool with Hall who heads down to ringside while the crowd eat it up as they expect they will now get a PPV quality main event.

    No Holds Barred Match: Scott Hall vs Andre The Giant

    Unfortunately though for the fans and somewhat unsurprisingly the match is not a fair fight and although Hall does well standing toe to toe with the giant at the beginning it isn't long before Hulk Hogan gets involved and the match essentially becomes a handicap match between the three. It is when Hogan uses his newly re-acquired World Title as a weapon knocking Hall to the mat that things start to head towards the finish of this match. As then a dizzy looking Hall gets back to his feet only to be caught in an Andre double underhook suplex down onto the belt again. The announcer highlight how all this is legal in a No Holds Barred Match as Andre goes for the pinfall victory.

    1......2........ suddenly Scott Hall is pulled from the ring by Andre's opponent at Wrestlepalooza Mr Perfect!

    The match essentially becomes a 2 on 2 Brawl now but It's at this point that Ted Dibiase starts to get his hands dirty and then when Kevin Nash charges down to the ring and enters the action it becomes a 4 on 2 and once again means the NWO boys have the advantage as the former tag partners Hennig & Hall take a beating once more. Thankfully for them though it isn't long until Batista makes the numbers up somewhat for the faces as the announcers go wild building up all the feuds for this Sunday's PPV we are seeing played out before us, something that becomes even more evident as Stan Hansen speeds to the ring to fully even things up.

    However with his tag team partner having already left for the night things turn back the heels favor as IRS comes out especially as he is not alone, having Tatanka, Virgil & Horace Hogan all right behind him. Those four, Dibiase & Nash pull Batista, Hansen & Perfect to the outside of the ring and hold them off long enough for Hogan & Andre to once again double team Hall and eventually after Hogan hits his Wrestlepalooza opponent with a big boot sending him stumbling into an Andre Chokeslam at which point Hogan lays his title over Hall's neck before hitting his leg drop on him at which point Andre makes another pin and after what the commentary team say seems like a fast count gets a 3 count.

    Winner: Andre The Giant

    Hall isn't kept down however and almost immediately after the 3 count kicks out and then rolls to the outside where the NWOs advantage is not as big and by joining the other faces out there he actually causes the heels (Nash, Dibiase, IRS, Virgil, Tatanka & Horace) to join Andre and Hogan in the ring. The show ends with both groups facing each other down while Hogan shouts abuse at Hall some of which the announcers reluctantly agree with noting that should Wrestlepalooza's main event end in a similar manner it will be the Hulkster who will reign supreme over the BWA once more.
    BWA Roster 2016
    Hulk Hogan
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Andre The Giant
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    "IRS" Mike Rotunda
    Dave Batista
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Stan Hansen
    Manami Toyota
    Aja Kong
    Ronda Rousey
    Molly Holly
    The Original Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    "The Franchise Shane Douglas"
    Chris Candido
    "Dr Death" Steve Williams
    Dan Spivey
    Kevin Sullivan
    Rick Steiner
    "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson
    Horace Hogan

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    We are live and the commentary team tonight is different from the usual 3 man booth. Michael Cole, who is usually flanked by Corey Graves and Evan Bourne, is joined by a new colleague, Brian Thompson. They welcome us to the show and explain that Corey Graves is recovering following the attack he received by Neville while Evan Bourne, who was a guest commentator in recent weeks, has recovered from his own injury problems and will be in action later tonight. The camera then pans to the entrance ramp where the music of Alundra Blayze plays and the fans pop with the anticipation of the legendary female.

    However, she does not appear.

    Michael Cole : No sign of Blayze.

    Alundra Blayze doesn’t appear but out comes a grey haired lady on a mobility scooter. The camera zooms in and Michael Cole recognises the lady.

    Michael Cole : Is ….Is that Paige?

    It is indeed Paige. She is dressed in a ridiculously long haired grey wig, oversized glasses and an old dress that has “Blayze” written across it, as she comically drives the scooter to the ring. Paige then crashes the scooter into the ring steps and hilariously asks who put that their while adjusting her specs.

    Brian Thompson : This is ridiculous. Is she supposed to be Alundra Blayze?

    Paige then gingerly dismounts the scooter before slowly entering the ring with a gigantic handbag. Paige then takes out a mic from the bag and address the crowd doing her best old lady impression.

    Paige : My name is… name is….(she what's written on her dress.) ...ah that's it, my name is Alundra Blayze and I’m an old, jurassic medler who keeps sticking my nose in Paige's business. I am jealous of the youthful and carefree Paige, because she's living the life I never had. I’m just a barren, sad old lady while she is a beautiful, talented, fun loving gal. If only I could find my marbles…..

    Paige begins rummaging in her huge oversized handbag, in search of Alundra’s marbles.

    Paige : Lets see… marbles…….marbles…..

    Paige pulls out a giant maxi pad….

    Paige : I don’t need this anymore, damn you menopause…..

    Paige then pulls out a giant pair of granny knickers

    Paige : Maybe I can wear these when Gorilla Monsoon takes me to the box social…..

    Paige rummages some more and pulls out a a bag of marbles.

    Paige : oh here they are...oh fiddle sticks…

    Paige then drops the marbles which spill all over the canvas.

    Paige : Oh dear, i’ve dropped my marbles….oh they are lost now. So that’s my marbles, my dignity, my youth...all lost!

    Paige is cut off mid impression by the music of Matt Riddle and the fans are overjoyed.

    Michael Cole : What’s Matt Riddle doing here?

    Brian Thompson : Maybe he’s out here because of what Paige’s fella did to him last week.

    Paige comically adjusts her glasses as she stares at the entrance ramp, but Riddle does not appear. However someone does appear and it's Alberto Del Rio and he’s dressed up mocking Matt Riddle.

    Michael Cole : Oh gimme a break?

    Alberto is dressed in a tap out tee shirt with MMA gloves along with a crazy blonde wig and he walks to the ring bear foot just like Riddle. Alberto does some shadow boxing before sliding into the ring and bouncing around like some MMA fighters tend to. Paige hands him the mic and Alberto speaks

    Alberto Del Rio : Hello duuuuudes. I’m Matt riddle and I am everyone's Bro. Bro this, Bro that….Bro Bro Bro Dude, Bro Dude Bro!

    Alberto Del Rio then shadow boxes a bit before he removes the wig and gets serious.

    Alberto Del Rio : Matt Riddle wants to come in here, into my house and think he’s all that. He thinks he is special because he is everybody's “Bro” and because he fought a little MMA. Well I fought in MMA and I was considered too dangerous a fighter. I broke too many arms and knocked people out so bad, that sponsors and fans couldn't handle my realness. Matt riddle got taught a lesson last week and he now knows he is in a world of real fighters and there is no one more real and more deadly, than Alberto Del Rio.

    Paige : Fact is, in Matt Riddle, we have a boy can’t measure up to my man Alberto and we have a senile old fart in Alundra Blayze living off past glories who can’t measure up to me. We are just simply better than them.

    The couple begin to embrace but suddenly Alberto and Paige are interrupted by the music Alundra Blayze and the real Blayze appears at the entrance ramp. Paige removes of the wig and glasses at the sight of Blayze.

    Paige : Oh, Alundra, you made it. Did your grandson drop you here?

    Alundra Blayze : Ah the misguided youth of today, thinking they are funny and hip.

    Paige : Ha, Firstly no one says hip anymore darling. Speaking of hip though, how’s your new one? Listen, I’ll cut to the chase, especially seeing as you haven't much time left on this earth and all that. Last week, you stuck your wrinkly nose in my business for the last time. Why don’t you bring your saggy arse down here so I can kick your old bones to dust.

    Alundra Blayze : Listen sweetheart, you wanna watch your pretty little mouth before I take pleasure in slapping the taste out of it. You strut around this place, getting undeserved opportunity after undeserved opportunity, with this deluded sense of entitlement and I'll be more than happy to give you a sorely needed reality check.

    Paige : Are you confused again? Having a senior moment? I’m right here grandma, why don’t you come and get some?

    Alundra Blayze :
    My pleasure!

    Blayze takes off her jacket but before she can make her way down the aisle BCW officials, including Gorilla Monsoon, head her off before she reaches the ring. Monsoon has a mic.

    Gorilla Monsoon : You two ladies want to fight, fine. It will be Paige vs Alundra Blayze one on one this Sunday.

    Both women seem pleased with that but Gorilla Monsoon isn't finished.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Oh and Alberto, if you're the real alpha dog you say you are, you won’t mind facing Matt Riddle one on one this sunday…….. In a submission match!

    Alberto looks worried but tries to act macho and says he’s fine with that. The announce team put both big matches over as we cut to our first commercial break.

    We are back and we see a shiny expensive looking sports car screech into the arena and skid to a halt in front of the camera. After a moment we see the driver is none other than BCW Intercontinental Champion, The Miz with his wife Maryse. The Miz is suited and booted and locks the car. He then grabs the valet and threatens him.

    The Miz : You see this car, it’s worth more than your house. Actually it's worth more than your life so guard it with your life.

    Miz chucks the keys at valet and struts off with his wife linking his arm and his title on his shoulder as we switch to ringside.

    It's time for our first match. The pyro goes off and it’s the return of Evan Bourne. Evan salutes the crowd and dashes to the ring.

    Evan Bourne vs Pat Divley

    Evan doesn't look like he’s missed a beat with some impressive high flying maneuvers. He finishes his opponent off in style with a picture perfect “Air-Bourne” Shooting Star Press.

    Winner : Evan Bourne

    Evan celebrates at first but then grabs a mic.

    Evan Bourne : It’s great to be back in this ring and I feel great. But I ain’t out here to brag or showboat, I’m here to send a challenge to the the angry little troll, Neville.
    The fans pop at the challenge as Evan continues.

    Evan Bourne : I’ve been watching you for weeks, cowardly attacking friend of mine. So why don’t you get your scruffy little ass out here and try attack me?

    The fans cheer as Evan patiently waits for Neville to arrive. Suddenly Neville appears on the tron.

    Neville : You want me? Be careful what you wish for mate, because you may be sorry why I beat the living daylights out of you. You want a piece of me? Why don’t we settle this on Sunday on the big stage, me, you….Ultimate chaos. And I will put you side by side with your little friends.

    Michael Cole : Evan Bourne v Neville, this Sunday….. Oh boy!.

    Evan seems to accept as we cut to commercial
    We are back and it's time for Miz TV and the ring is decked out in preparation for the Miz’s arrival. The Miz’s music hits and he and his wife stroll out to a chorus of boo’s. The Miz steps in the ring as the announce team speculate at who the guest is as one hasn't been announced. The Miz speaks
    The Miz : Welcome everyone to a very special and unique edition of the most must see talk show in wrestling history….Miz TV. In this episode we will dissect and analyse the career of the self proclaimed Loose Cannon, Brian Pillman. Joining us throughout the show, will be many people whom had the displeasure of interacting with Brian Pillman during his sorry excuse for a career.

    The fans boo as The Miz goes on.

    The Miz : Brian Pillman has lead you all down a path of misdirection over the years, while many untrained sofa pundits think he is a legendary figure in wrestling, I am here to debunk that myth and show the world the reality of Brian Pillman's shortcomings. Tonight Miz TV I present, Brian Pillman- This is your life!

    The Miz : Over the years you may have hear that Pillman was a former NFL star. Now that is a huge embellishment. In reality, Pillman never really made the cut. He was the runt of NFL and did nothing of note in his years in the league. He was so bad, he had to join the Canadian Football League for some game time. During this time, he played with part timer football players and old retired nobody’s in a league no one ever watched.

    The fans rain down the boo’s but Miz keeps going

    The Miz : I’m a A list journalist, i’ve done my research, but don’t take my word for it, take the words of Brian’s Football Coach for the Calgary Cats, Abe Parveen.

    An old figure appears and walks down the aisle in a varsity jacket and it appears he is Brian Pillman's old coach.

    The Miz : You sir are Brian Pillman's old CFL football coach, you know him like the back of your hand. Just how bad was he?

    Abe Parveen : Brian…. Brian was too small for the league, he always tried his best but he always underperformed compared to his team mates.

    The Miz : You hear that, Brian Under performed. Underperformance was a theme throughout Brian’s life and clearly he couldn’t live up to the low expectations of Canadian Football. But Brian changed his career after failing at football and tried his hand at Professional wrestling. Brian trained in the famous, yet now closed Hart family Dungeon. I think It got closed down by the health authorities or maybe it was sued for false advertising because no real stars ever came from it.

    The fans are really giving Miz a hard time and the boos are deafening, but Miz is goes on.

    The Miz : But how or never, Brian couldn't grasp pro wrestling either. He always came up short and did nothing of note in wrestling either. He has had a mediocre career to date with absolutely no meaningful championships won. But once again, don’t take my word, take the word of Brian’s former tag team partner, Tom “Z- Man” Zenk.

    The now retired Tom Zenk strolls out and shakes the Miz’s hand upon entering the ring.

    The Miz : Tom, what was it like wrestling with Brian Pillman.

    Tom Zenk : Well, he was pretty awful. I was paired with Pillman against my wishes, I was told be a team player and all that. I carried the team, week in week out, and quite frankly Pillman weighed me down. I could have been a star but carrying Brian killed my career. We lost too many times because of Brian and I had to retire because of an injury caused by Brian's negligence. Had I had a half decent partner, I could have been someone. Brian Pillman ruined my career.

    The Miz : Brian Pillman, habitual loser. That’s the picture his career paints. Full of failure. But failure didn't just follow him in his career, no, failure was very much present in his personal life. Brian was a burden to everyone he ever came into contact with, but again, don’t take my words as gospel, please listen to the ones closest to Brian Pillman. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome 3 people who know real Brian Pillman, Beulah McGillicutty, Terri Runnels and Brian’s ex wife Melanie Pillman.

    The 3 women walk out and step into the ring.

    The Miz : We have heard the words underperformance, failure, mediocrity, are these words you would associate with Brian Pillman?

    Beulah : Oh yeah, I dated Brian for a year in Canada and I look back and thank god I didn't end up with, no offence Melanie. He was so cheap, always drinking, he was a loser basically.

    Terri : Yeah, he was a failure alright, especially in the bedroom, Am I right ladies?

    Melaine : You both are just lucky, I got all of that plus I have had kids with the guy. He doesn't pay child support or alimony. He is a deadbeat dad who constantly lets his kids down.

    The Miz : Well, I think it's conclusive. In all walks of life, I feel I can safely say Brian Pillman has failed at life.

    The fans chant “we want pillman” as The Miz goes on.

    The Miz : In comparison, take me for example. I’m a success. I’ve worked hard all my life, over come adversity after adversity to become the star I am today. I’ve won numerous championships, starred in a multitude of movies and TV shows and I have the perfect wife to have on my arm. I am a perfect 10, whereas Pillman is nothing short of a zero. Fact is I am simply better than Brian Pillman, and this Sunday I will take the sorry sad career of Brian Pillman and put the self proclaimed Loose Cannon out of its misery.

    Suddenly The image of Brian Pillman appears on the tron and he’s backstage smiling from ear to ear.

    Brian Pillman : Man, that hurts Miz. I should just leave now and never come back, huh?

    The Miz : Yes, yes you should. You're not worthy of being in the same ring as me. You should crawl back under that rock from which you came.

    Brian Pillman ; Ok Miz, you proved your point, I’ll leave. I’m a failure, I’m a no hoper, I should just pack my bags and leave. I just one problem Miz, I’ve no ride home. So I was wondering can I borrow your car?

    The camera zooms out and we see Brian Pillman is in fact sitting on the bonnet of The miz’s sports car. Needless to say, Miz is livid.

    The Miz : Get your filthy behind of my deluxe car, that car is worth more than your life.

    Pillman jumps up off the bonnet and spits on it and wipes it with his shirt.

    Brian Pillman : Ok, I won’t touch the paint work…. Good as new. …… I will drive it though.

    Pillman dangles the keys in front of the camera before hopping into the car and starting up the engine.

    The Miz : That’s grand theft auto, get you of my car.

    Brian Pillman : GTA baby, I love that game….I always wanted to play it in real life though.

    Pillman revs the engine a couple of times before waving bye bye to The Miz and with the IC Champion furious in the ring. Brian teases speeding off out of the arena but stops and gets out of the car.

    The Miz : Finally, a smart decision.

    Brian Pillman : I’m not taking the car, it’s not my style. I could take a joyride and have a little fun but I’d rather be a little more…… unpredictable.

    The Miz is watching on as Brian pulls a handgun from his pants and begins to riddle the Miz’s car with bullets.

    Michael Cole : He’s shooting the new sports car of the Intercontinental Champion.

    Pillman uses up his clip, smashing the windscreen of the car along with pumping bullets into the bonnet and tyres of The Miz’s car. Pillman cackles as he addresses the camera

    Brian Pillman : Miz, the next bullet has your name on it! See ya sunday shooter.

    Pillman walks away laughing and exits the car park area as The Miz is close to tears in the ring as we cut to commercial.

    We are back and Michael Cole informs us it's time for a pre recorded training video/interview with Beyond Chaos Womens Champion, Asuka as she gears up for her match this Sunday with her nemesis Bull Nakano. We see Asuka being schooled by various trainers who take her through her paces of her grueling training schedule. We see a montage of Asuka as she boxes, wrestles and bench presses as her trainers push her harder. During the video we can hear the voice of Asuka make various comments about Bull Nakano.

    Asuka : Bull and I, we were on and the same. Sisters if you will. Both training to be the best. I left my home to travel to become the best. Bull and Matsumoto resent me for that.

    Just like a scene from Rocky we see Asuka lift larger weights each time while in other scenes she's out-wrestling and out-boxing her sparring partners, both of whom resemble the size and stature of her opponent Bull Nakano.

    Asuka : Bull Nakano is one of the best in the world and she will challenge me like no other before her. I will have to dig deep to gain the strength to defeat her.

    The video ends with Asuka proclaiming

    Asuka : “But the question is not “Am I ready for Bull Nakano” The real question is Bull Nakano ready for me!”

    The video ends with Asuka staring at the camera with her trademark smirk as we switch back to ringside. The commentary team put over Asuka’s undefeated streak and her ability and declare her ready for her battle on Sunday. It's time for our next match.
    In the ring stands two local talents as the music of The Original Horsemen hits and out strolls Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard to a chorus of boo’s.

    The Original Horsemen vs local talent.

    The Horsemen make a statement in this brief match with both Arn and Tully destroying both wrestlers with power moves and stiff brutal strikes. Arn gets the pin after a thunderous spinebuster on one of the local wrestlers.

    Winners : The Original Horsemen

    Arn and Tully aren't done and deliver a spike piledriver to the other local wrestler after the bell and stand tall as the ref checks on their victims.

    Michael Cole : The Original Horsemen send a message to the champs Gargano and Ciampa. Both Arn and Tully have been impressive here tonight

    Both Arn and Tully make the belt gesture around their waists as we cut to commercial.

    We are back switch gears again and just like the training video for Asuka, a clip airs of Bull Nakano in similar style. Bull is training in a dark, run down dojo and we see her being instructed by her mentor Dump Matsumoto. Nakano does speak, rather the voice of Dump Matsumoto speaks over the video.

    Dump Matsumoto : Asuka betrayed her family. Now it is time to reap what she sewed.

    We see Bull Nakano pushing boulders, chopping trees down and pulling rickshaws full of weights.

    Dump Matsumoto : Asuka will fall at the feet of Bull Nakano and she will beg for forgiveness. She is without honor and Nakano is without mercy.

    We then see Bull battling other members of her dojo and she destroys each one. The video climaxes with Bull staring at the camera telling Asuka that “prepare to be disgraced” as the commenters at ringside put over Bull Nakano as the one of the most dominant and destructive women in sports today.
    We switch back and a BCW reporter is backstage with BCW Tag Champs, Gargano and Ciampa.

    The BCW rattles off a question but before they can answer, Tully and Arn attack from behind and beat down the champs.

    Michael Cole : A sneak attack by the Original Horsemen.

    Gargano and Ciampa eat plenty of fists and Arn then throws Ciampa into a locker room and Tully grabs a chain and padlocks the door shut with Ciampa inside. Arn then trash talks the isolated Gargano.

    Arn Anderson : Divide and conquer boy.

    Tully then picks Gargano up and the tag champ tries to fight back but is beaten down again by Tully and Arn. Tully then positions Gargano and they deliver a neck crushing spike piledriver to the tag champ on the concrete floor.

    Michael Cole : That's a sickening move. Gargano could be seriously injured.

    Arn and Tully seem very pleased and walk off high fiving each other as Gargano is left motionless on the floor. As we cut to commercial.

    We are back Gargano and Ciampa are being looked at by medics backstage and it doesn't look good for Gargano. We then switch back to ringside and it's time for our final match.

    Alberto Del Rio is out and he and he is still mocking matt riddle with his entrance. Del Rio is still dressed as Riddle, with a blonde wig, bro tee shirt and MMS gloves and he is still barefoot, and he is shouting the word Bro to the tune of the “yes chant”. We see his opponent is in the ring and he is a luchador named El Local.

    Alberto Del Rio vs El Local.

    Alberto gets on the mic before the bells rings and has a message for Matt Riddle, his opponent on Sunday.

    Alberto Del Rio : Matt Riddle, (Alberto takes off the blonde wig), the time for games is over. This sunday I will hurt you so bad you won't want to step inside a ring again. Maybe, you will see what i do to this jobber here and rethink turning up on Sunday. Believe me it would be wise because if you do turn up, I will break your arm chico.

    The bell rings and Alberto doesn't appear to take his opponent seriously as he pretends to bounce around like Matt riddle tends to. Alberto goes in for a few strikes but suddenly, El Local grabs the arm of Del Rio and transitions it into an armbar takedown.

    Michael Cole : An Armbar Takedown out of Nowhere. What the hell!

    Alberto panics and scrambles to the ropes and makes it outside and avoids the move being locked in. Alberto is mad as El Local takers his luchador mask off to reveal…… Matt Riddle!

    Michael Cole : El Local is Matt Riddle in disguise.

    Alberto is furious and walks off in a huff as Riddle stands tall after gaining one up on Alberto. We cut to commercial with Del Rio mouthing “we shall see Sunday” at Riddle.
    We are back and it's time for the big contract signing. Gorilla Monsoon is already in the ring and looks extremely uncomfortable as he is flanked by 6 security guards. He stands in the ring where a table and 2 chairs are placed either side. Monsoon speaks as the tension builds.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Ladies and Gentlemen, I won’t lie, I just want to get this over with. I want this contract signing to go off without a hitch so I have employed the security here tonight to make sure both Kevin Owens and Randy Savage are no danger to anyone around them. So without further ado, …...Kevin Owens

    The music of KO hits and out comes Kevin Owens and he is flanked by BCW officials as well as additional security. Kevin Owens swiftly enters the ring and walks straight up to Gorilla Monsoon in intimidating fashion before he is blocked off by the security. The music cuts and Owens picks up the contract and teases signing it. He then puts down the contract without signing his name, and picks up a mic instead.

    Gorilla Monsoon : Before you sign Kevin, on request of not only the Macho Man, but also from listening to the BCW fans, this match will not only be for the BCW Heavyweight Title, but it will be a no holds barred match. No rules, no disqualifications, No count outs. First pinfall or submission wins it.

    The commentary team gush over the announcement but Kevin Owens remains unmoved at the stipulation.

    Kevin Owens : That's fine by me…...was that supposed to scare me or phase me? I’m Kevin Owens and I welcome this stipulation.

    Kevin grabs the contract again and looks over it.

    Kevin Owens : But before I sign this, I’ve a few things to get off my chest. I hear the whispers and the comments, everyone wants to portray me as the bad guy in this situation, especially you Monsoon.

    Gorilla is staring a hole in the direction of Owens, as KO continues.

    Kevin Owens : You see, Gorilla Monsoon is fooling you all. He is acting all angry and outraged, but it’s all a mask. You see, underneath it all, under all of this fake anger, Gorilla Monsoon is delighted. He’s jumping for joy. He is full of joy at the way things have worked out. You see now, he has his dream match to headline his Pay Per View this sunday. He has two of the very best, going at it one on one in a heated feud and he gets to say it was all under his watch. Take a bow Gorilla.

    Monsoon is mouthing his anger at Owens as the tension continues to rise.

    Kevin Owens : So please, drop the act Monsoon. You get to have your big PPV match, you get to out do Eric Bischoff and host a bigger event that his winning effort last year. So please, drop this faux anger and let's accept that without me and my drive and commitment to this company, you would be nowhere. Without me, Macho Man would be gone, without me he’d have no one to face and without me your PPV would be a dud. So, even though you won’t admit it, you are grateful of me.

    Monsoon is being calmed down by BCW officials as Owens moves on.

    Kevin Owens : Now before I sign on the dotted line, I want to look that coward Randy Savage in the eye, one last time, so get him out here.

    The music of the Macho man hits and the roof comes off the arena. Randy Savage appears, and just like Owens he is flanked by security and BCW officials. Randy looks extremely focused and the anger clearly still burns within him as the enters the ring. The security create a wall between both Macho Man and the Table and KO and the table. We can hear Owens talking trash at Randy as soon as the music cuts and Savage tries his best to get at Owens, however the security restrain him. Owens lifts the mic up to his mouth and begins to address Savage.

    Kevin Owens : Now, I know Randy's anger is real, unlike Monsoon. I can see the fire that burns within him, however his anger is misdirected. Randy is actually angry at himself.

    Michael Cole : This is gonna boil over pretty quickly.

    Kevin Owens : You see, when you tried to deny me of my rightful place in history, your actions caused my reaction and you only have yourself to blame for your wife's injuries. By the way, how is lizabeth, has she forgiven you yet?

    Randy Savage is furious but the security are just about restraining him.

    Kevin Owens : You see, I wouldn't have even put my wife in that position. You see I don’t need her at ringside. But i understand why you do. You can’t trust her can you?

    The officials are trying to keep Savage calm as KO goes on.

    Kevin Owens : Hit a nerve again have I? I’m right though, You’re afraid that if she isn't at your side, she’d be backstage canoodling with another man. You can drop the story that you need her by your side for support and for strength and all that, I don’t buy it. You drag her to ringside with you and everywhere else, because you know that as soon as your back is turned she’d be in the arms of a better man…. A more secure man. I’m right, ain’t I?

    Savage is now being held in the corner by security as Kevin continues

    Kevin Owens : So i’ve covered that you're an insecure, jealous husband, who’s cowardly and irrational ways have caused her harm. And I’ve been pretty clear about how you selfishly tried to take my opportunity at immortality away from me. But what I will say I’m delighted you managed to find your testicles and man up to face me this sunday.

    The fans are into this big time as we see Randy Savages face fille dwith pure rage as Owens continues

    Kevin Owens : This Sunday is going to be emotional. But not for you, for me. I will stand tall this Sunday holding my championship high above my head with a lump in my throat. But you will have a lump in your throat too Savage. But rest assured Savage, that the lump in your throat won't be from emotion, it won’t be from any kind of overwhelming sentiment or feeling. That lump in your throat will be the feeling of gushing blood leaving your internal organs and spewing out of your mouth after I beat the living hell out of you in front of the entire world. This Sunday I will beat you to an inch of your life and I will take my rightful place as the greatest champion that ever lived!

    Kevin drops the mic and signs the contract before tossing it across the desk. Monsoon walks over to the furious Savage and tries to calm him down before Savage signs the contract. Savage screams at Monsoon to get him a mic and Monsoon obligees.

    Randy Savage : Owens, you wanna keep adding fuel to the fire huh, yeah. You wanna keep making this more and more personal yeah, make no mistake about it, I will be unleashed this sunday and will make you wish you never crossed my path. This sunday i will have you, no one will stop me when I bash your face in with a steel chair, no one will restrain me when I smash your broken body through the announce table and no one will get in my way, not even god himself, when i stand over you from the top rope and reign down my vengeance. I will make you pay for everything you’ve said and everything you’ve done. I will end you Kevin Owens, I will end you.

    Kevin Owens smirks at Randy's threat and antagonises him further by spitting at him.

    Michael Cole : That's disgusting.

    With Owens saliva across his face, Randy loses it and makes one desperate lunge at Owens and this time the security fail to restrain him and a brawl ensues.

    Owens and Savage trade lefts and rights and security try in vein to successfully pull apart both men. Finally both men are separated and restrained as both men scream insults at each other.

    Michael Cole : This Sunday it will be Owens versus Savage, No holds barred for the Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Championship.

    We go off the air with both Savage and Owens being restrained from attacking each other as we fade to black.

    Matches set for this Sundays Ultimate Chaos PPV

    Beyond Chaos World Heavyweight Championship Match
    No Holds Barred Match

    Kevin Owens vs Macho Man Randy Savage

    Beyond Chaos Intercontinental Championship Match
    The Miz vs Brian Pillman

    Submission Match
    Alberto Del Rio vs Matt Riddle

    Beyond Chaos Tag Team Championship Match
    2 out of 3 Falls Match

    DIY vs The Original Horsemen

    Beyond Chaos Womens Championship Match
    Asuka vs Bull Nakano

    Singles Match
    Paige vs Alundra Blayze

    Singles Match
    Evan Bourne vs Neville

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Preview show here.

    Week 1 show here.
    (thanks to beakerjoe for the graphic)

    The show opened with Kurt Angle's theme which was met with a chorus of boos. The fans chanted 'You Suck' as he made his way to the ring. He had a solemn look on his face.


    Angle: All week long I have been beating myself up over what I did in this ring last week.

    Fans chant 'asshole' at him.

    Angle: What I did was out of line. You don't treat friends like that. And I want to give a sincere and heartfelt apology right here, right now.
    Commentator #2: You hear that? Kurt's going to apologize to Steamboat.

    Commentator #1: What he did to Ricky Steamboat was appalling, but at least it seems he has rediscovered his conscience.
    Angle: So right now I'd like to take this time to publicly Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas.
    Commentator #2: What?!

    Commentator #1: Oh for goodness sake.
    The tag champs Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas emerged to boos. They had suspicious looks on their faces.


    Angle: Guys, I want to apologize for throwing you around the ring last week. I was fired up, I remembered all the insulting things you said about me, and I just lost it. But you know what? You were right about me. I had become weak. I was no longer the remorseless wrestling machine I once was. I was a shell of my former self. You were right to cut me adrift. But now guys I assure you...I'm back.

    The fans boo.

    Angle: And I want to put the band back together. I want Team Angle to reform. With all the craziness around here, guys in masks, sneak attacks, Ali's car getting towed away, hell, we need to watch our backs and there's strength in numbers. So what do you say?

    Kurt extends his hand as Shelton and Charlie look to the crowd. The crowd are shaking their heads and saying 'no'. The tag champs consult one another and then move towards Kurt.

    Shelton: We don't want to shake your hand, Kurt,

    The fans cheer.

    Charlie: Give us a hug, man!

    The fans boo as the three men embrace and reform their Team Angle stable.
    Commentator #1: Absolutely reprehensible. These three guys deserve each other.

    Commentator #2: (sniff) That was so touching. Man, is it humid in here or what because my eyes are running.

    (commercial break)

    Match - Dean Malenko (c) vs Ultimo Dragon for the US Championship

    This was a rematch from last week. Malenko had cheated to win and had attacked Dragon's leg after the match before Naomichi Marufuji made the save for his countryman. Marufuji was in the crowd watching as a fan like last week.

    The story of the match was Malenko working over the injured leg of Dragon, whose aerial offence was curtailed. The announcers said Dragon was brave but foolish to take on this match.

    Malenko won with the Cloverleaf submission after 15 minutes.

    Winner and still US Champion: Dean Malenko

    After the match, Malenko again put a beating on Dragon's leg and Marufuji again hopped the rail and went to Dragon's assistance.

    Malenko backed up the ramp and screamed at Marufuji to stay out of this as it's none of his business and he's not employed here.

    Backstage segment with Todd Pettengill


    Todd informs an interviewer that General Manager Muhammad Ali has asked him to hold the fort tonight until he returns to the show later on.

    He says he is honoured by the responsibility and that Ali insisted he was the only man for the job, and to sit tight until he returned.

    Todd says the tournament to find a number one contender to face Women's Champion Mickie James commences tonight. It will be an Iron Woman tournament - the four contenders (Io Shirai, Cheerleader Melissa, MsChif and Mayu Iwatani) will face each other in the coming weeks with a pin or submission earning twenty points; fifteen for a countout win; ten for a DQ victory; five for a time limit draw; and zero for a loss. Todd says the first match is next!

    (A commercial played plugging the return of the Monday Night Grappling Hall of Fame next week. It notes Nick Bockwinkel was the first inductee last year. Who will go in this year?)

    Match - Io Shirai vs Cheerleader Melissa

    Mickie James was on commentary for the match which was excellent and went twenty-five minutes. The story of the match was Shirai trying to fight with honour - offering a handshake, allowing her opponent get to her feet, breaking quickly on a rope break - while Melissa took every cheap trick in the book: eye-raking, cheap shots and so on.

    The finish of the match saw Melissa avoid a missile dropkick and she rolled up Shirai with a hold of the tights for the 3 count.

    Winner: Cheerleader Melissa

    After the match James said Shirai needs to quickly realise honour has no place here. It's every woman for herself.

    Rey Mysterio return segment


    Mysterio returned to Monday Night Grappling to a huge reaction. He was visibly emotional. The announcers noted he was here several years ago and very successful. They wonder might he be the one inducted into the MNG Hall of Fame this year?

    Mysterio: Thank you guys. Mi familia. I missed you!

    The fans cheer.

    Mysterio: Now it's no secret that there has been a certain cocky young English kid calling me out the past few months. His name is Will Ospreay.

    The fans cheer his name.

    Mysterio: And he says he's the greatest high-flying wrestler of all time.

    This gets a mixed reaction. Mostly boos, but some cheers.

    Mysterio: Well Ospreay, you want the match. I think these fans want the match (they cheer). And kid...I want the match! So get out here and let's make this match a reality!

    Suddenly there is a commotion as someone comes into the ring from behind and attacks Rey - it's Terry Funk!

    Funk: E-C-Dubya was written on my brother Dory's back by whoever attacked him! It was you wasn't it you Mexican jumping bean! I know you did it!
    Commentator #1: Funk is like a man possessed! We saw him go for Malenko in the locker room last week as well!

    Commentator #2: Funk is trying to find out who branded his brother with the letters E-C-W. He must think it's Rey now!

    Commentator #1: I don't believe that. Funk has lost it here. Someone needs to stop this.
    There are cheers as Will Ospreay's music hits.

    Ospreay runs down and hits a hurricanrana to Funk and kicks him out of the ring. Security guys enter the fray and escort Funk away as he screams he will get revenge for Dory.

    Ospreay meanwhile helps Rey to his feet. There is a moment where Ospreay seems to be weighing up whether to do more than that - but he helps Rey up and medics carry Rey away as Ospreay looks on.

    Match - Mayu Iwantani vs MsChif

    Mickie James was again on commentary for the final women's match of the show. The match swung back and forth. About 15 minutes in Io Shirai walked down the ramp to watch her friend from ringside.

    The finish saw MsChif go up top to hit what appeared to be a leg drop when Shirai, unbeknownst to the ref, got on the apron and pushed her off. Iwatani did not seem to notice this and cradled MsChif for the win.

    Winner: Mayu Iwatani

    Mickie James on commentary said Shirai was starting to learn you needed to be ruthless here. After the match Cheerleader Melissa entered the scene to remonstrate with the ref over her tag partner's loss. Shirai pointed to her tights reminding Melissa she had cheated earlier. A brawl then broke out with the two Japanese women fighting with the two Americans. Mickie James on commentary laughed hysterically and said her odds on leaving Grapplemania with the title were getting better and better.

    So on the leaderboard, Melissa and Mayu lead the way in the standings to be number one contender.
    (commercial break)
    Backstage segment with Team Angle

    The three men made light of what happened to Steamboat last week. Benjamin asked Kurt if he thought Steamboat would return to face him. Kurt said he had come to know Steamboat and that, despite his wife not wanting him back in the ring, he knew there was a warrior inside Ricky itching to get out.

    Haas then presented Kurt with the box he and Shelton intend to give the debuting American Alpha who will be here tonight. Haas tells Kurt to take a look inside. He and Shelton wait on Kurt's reaction. Kurt smiles and says it's perfect. Charlie and Shelton smile too as we fade out.

    Match - Tiger Mask vs John Kronus

    Before the match began we saw a clip from earlier with Tiger Mask telling his girlfriend Mayu Iwatani, plus her friend Io Shirai, to stay back here as both were selling the effects of their brawl with Melissa and MsChif.

    The announcers noted Tiger Mask had beaten Kronus's partner Perry Saturn last week. Saturn was here at ringside.

    It was a showcase match for Tiger Mask for the most part, though Kronus had some offence.

    The finish saw Tiger Mask get the win with a diving headbutt.

    Winner: Tiger Mask

    After the match Saturn entered the ring and put a beating on Tiger Mask. We cut to backstage and Mayu was wanting to go out and help her boyfriend but Shirai was trying to hold her back. Mayu broke free and ran down to help, while Shirai followed. Both women entered the ring to tend to Tiger Mask but behind them Saturn and Kronus loomed over them menacingly.

    Commentator #1: Somebody needs to do something!

    There was a huge cheer as American Alpha made their debut. Jason Jordan hit a belly to back suplex on Saturn, while Gable hit a German suplex on Kronus and tossed him out,

    The fans cheered as Saturn and Kronus backed off up the aisle.

    We cut backstage to Team Angle who are smiling.

    Kurt: Guess it's time we gave them their welcoming gift.

    Commentator #1: Folks, I don't know what that means but looks like they're coming out here next!

    (Commercial break plugging Grapplemania later in the month)

    Team Angle meet American Alpha segment

    Back from break we hear Gable on the mic telling the crowd what a privilege it is to be here on Monday Night Grappling and how they want to make a big statement when Team Angle's music hits...


    The men faced off against one another in the ring as the fans were going crazy. 'This is awesome' rebounded around the arena.

    Kurt: Chad Gable, Jason Jordan...I've been a fan of yours for quite some time. Put it there.

    Angle extends his hand but neither Gable nor Jordan accept it. Shelton steps in as Kurt's eyes begin to narrow.

    Shelton: We have a gift here that we know you're going to love. Give him the gift Charlie.

    Haas sets down the box and opens it up to reveal two Team Angle T-Shirts. He holds them out.

    Shelton: Welcome to the gang, boys.

    Gable and Jordan look to the crowd as the fans are screaming 'no'. The announcers note this is similar to the scene at the start of the night when Haas and Benjamin accepted Kurt's offer.

    Gable and Jordan take the shirts as the fans boo - and then they drop them to the ground as the fans cheer. Team Angle look on in amazement.

    Jordan: You think we're going to align ourselves with you Kurt after what you did to Ricky Steamboat? We've seen how you treat your friends. You can take your offer and shove it. We respect Haas and Benjamin - the tag team champions of the world - but if they're willing to trust in you then they're going to be doing it alone.

    Gable: There is something you two guys have that we would like though...

    The fans cheer as Gable looks at their tag titles.

    Gable: We want to defeat you for those titles and show the world that American Alpha are the world's greatest tag team!

    Angle(getting nose to nose with Gable): We thought you were good enough to stand with us but you fools just made the worst decision of your lives.

    Gable: No Kurt, you made the worst decision of your life last week when you attacked Ricky Steamboat. I do agree with you on one thing - I think Ricky will return. And I think he'll kick your ass and take that World Title from you. And I think that's the real reason why you sneak attacked him last week. Because deep down you know he's better than you. You used to talk about the three I's. Well you forgot to mention the fourth one: Inferiority Complex.

    With that, Kurt attacks Gable; and Haas and Benjamin assault Jordan as the 3-on-2 odds prove too much. Tiger Mask, who American Alpha earlier helped, comes back down to try and even the odds - and for a moment he has some joy, but Kurt hits him with a low blow and follows it with an Olympic Slam.

    The segment ends with all members of Team Angle standing tall as the fans boo.
    (Commercial break)
    Final Segment - GM Muhammad Ali returns

    Ali arrived in a cab and as he emerged from it the camera panned wide and we see a jubilant Team Angle leaving the arena and about to enter a limo. Ali spots them and sprints over but the three Team Angle members hop in and speed out of there before he can get to them.

    Ali shakes his head and marches on into the arena as the camera follows him. He enters his office where Todd Pettengill is.

    Todd Pettengill: Muhammad! I've been holding down the fort like you asked and I didn't go anywhere just like you instructed,

    Ali then shoves Todd against the wall by the collar as he moans in surprise.

    Ali: Who are you working for? Why was my car targeted?

    Todd Pettengill: Muhammad, I know you're stressed out but you're making a terrible mistake.

    Ali: Police traced a number from your Talking Grap studio to an unknown line. I had them review CCTV footage of the night the intruder broke into Monday Night Grappling HQ. Your key was missing. Phone records from that night show a call from your studio delayed the authorities from apprehending the intruder. In other words Todd, I know you're working with someone to bring me down. And I want to know why.

    Todd begins to chuckle. Then he begins to laugh hysterically. Then he gets in real close.

    Todd: Muhammad, you have no idea the forces you're dealing with. But you will. Real soon. My boss is a very powerful man. And he has a very dangerous weapon. And when the 08 code infects this show...everything will come crashing down.

    Todd then begins laughing hysterically, and slinks to the ground in a foetal position, muttering strangely. 'This is the 08 code. Can you hear the wedding bells? Cant't put a price on that. Hehehe.'

    Ali walks away from him as some security guys lift him up and drag him away. Then the credits roll.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy




    Petey: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MWA Supremacy. Things are hotting up as we near the Ultimate Showcase of Supremacy, WrestleRama IV."
    Dave: "We already know we're going to have a huge Battle Royale tonight but also the Beast Incarnate, our World Champion, the conquerer, BROOOCK LESSSSNAARR will be in action."
    Petey: "Huh, I could have sworn Lesnar fired Paul Heyman yet here you are."
    Dave: "Shut it Petey. I'm just showing our champion the respect he deserves, unlike the disgraceful general manager in his interview last week."
    Petey: "Speaking of, here comes Shane O'Mac."
    Shane: "The Road to WrestleRama officially launches tonight with a bang as we have the MWA World Champion Brock Lesnar in action. That's right, he's actually going to be fighting on live TV. And the man he's facing? Fresh from Monday Night Grappling, he is The Stone Pitbull, Tomohiro Ishii. Also tonight will be a Battle Royale to help determine the #1 contender to Brock Lesnar's title at WrestleRama. The final two men standing will face off next week and that winner will go on to main event the Ultimate Showcase of Supremacy, WrestleRama IV. But that's not all for tonight. Their war has been brewing for weeks now but tonight it ends as MWA Undisputed Tag Team Champions New Age Outlaws will defend their titles against the Impact Players, Justin Credible & Lance Storm."

    The crowd show their appreciation with loud cheers and Shane waits for them to calm down.

    Shane: "But before all of that I have something to address. Mankind..."

    The crowd cheer once more but this time Shane is less amused.

    Shane: "Oh don't give me that sh*t. Mankind is a has-been with no place in this company. His cowardly, unprovoked assault during my interview last week cannot go unpunished. Now as my theme song will tell you I've got the money and I'm going to put that money to good use. Mankind, there is a bounty on your head. If you think you're even stepping foot in that ring for tonight's Battle Royale you've got another thing coming, namely a steel chair across the skull. So this goes out to every single person in the locker room tonight, take out Mankind, stop him tonight and I will personally reward you with $250,000. Mick.... have a nice day.
    Road Dogg: "Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls and children of all ages. D-Generation X proudly brings to you the MWA Undisputed TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOORLD!! THE ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES, THE BAD ASS BILLY GUNN, THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!"
    Billy Gunn: "Lance Storm & Justin Credible, if you're not down with the New Age Outlaws we got two words for ya..... SUCK ITTTT"

    New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Impact Players
    The New Age Outlaws burst into this one with Billy Gunn taking down Justin Credible with a series of drop kicks and a powerslam. Billy & Road Dogg keep Credible in their corner before Billy Gunn catches him by surprise with a Fame Asser. Lance Storm distracts the referee and Billy Gunn gives up on the pin to confront him – Storm blindsides him with a rake of the eye, drags him to the outside and throws him straight into the barrier. Road Dogg runs around only to be countered into a back suplex on the outside. Credible tags in Storm who rolls Billy Gunn back into the ring.

    Storm assumes control, keeps Billy in the opposite corner to Road Dogg, flowing seamlessly between submissions to keep the Ass-Man grounded. When he locks in the Single Leg Crab it looks to be over until Road Dogg breaks the submission before he punches Credible off the apron. Storm forearms Road Dogg in the back, hits a DDT and kicks him to the outside. However Billy Gunn is back to his feet and hits Storm with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam. Both men are down, the referee is counting to ten when Credible tries to re-enter the ring. The ref blocks him at the rope, won't let him pass and is completely oblivious to Road Dogg sliding in the other side with the belt. He DDT's Storm onto the gold and slides to the outside; Credible drops down and gives chase but Billy Gunn covers Lance Storm and the referee counts to 3.

    Billy Gunn & Road Dogg

    Dave: "That is disgraceful. Strip those two delinquents of the titles now."
    Petey: "I can't excuse the nature of the win but the New Age Outlaws had this won immediately were it not for Lance Storm cheating."
    Dave: "Spineless as usual Petey, the more things change the more they stay the same here in MWA. How are you still employed with calls like tha-"
    Petey: "Who the hell is this?"
    Tyler Breeze jumps the barrier behind Dave & Petey and hits Justin Credible with a Beauty Shot. Lance Storm, now leaning against the ropes, looks dumbfounded as Breeze stares at him. Breeze takes out a phone, lifts Credible's head and takes a selfie. He backs away up the ramp as Storm's mouth stays open.

    Dave: "What the hell was that about?"
    Petey: "Tyler Breeze was once the protege of Lance Storm and he's just taken out his mentor's tag team partner. This was a vicious side we've rarely seen from Breeze whereever he's been in the past."
    Dave: "I like it."

    The cameras cut to backstage Damien Sandow is standing with his Intercontinental Championship and talking to somebody off screen.
    Sandow: "....everybody knows that I am of superior intellect and, well, you two aren't. So here's my operation strategy. Using my sleuthing abilities I discover the precise location of Mankind, I contact you using this cellular telephonic device and the two of you transcend upon said location and win us that bounty."

    The camera pans to show The Authors of Pain.

    Sandow: "Now obviously my role as commander means I take the majority of the $250,000 but complete this job and there will be plenty more like it for you both within my Union of Intellect. So what say ye behemoths?"

    Authors of Pain stare angrily before walking away without saying a word.

    "That sounds like a plan, count me in...." Ludvig Borga emerges from the corridor and receives the Sandow Nod of Approval.

    After the break we are in a dimly lit boiler room. A figure is hunched over between the pipes rocking back and forth.
    Mankind: "You just don't get it Shane. All the bounty hunters in the world can't prevent me from getting in that ring tonight, nothing you do will stop me from becoming World Champion. Your father couldn't stop me and his balls were twice the size of yours. Your sister couldn't stop me and her balls were twice the size of yours. So send as many cronies to this boiler room as you want Shane... I will be in that Battle Royale tonight and when the dust settles there'll only be two men left standing.... Mankind... and Mr. Socko!"

    Mankind starts laughing and waving motioning the camera with Mr Socko on his hand.

    Rich Swann jovially dance-walks his way into Ricochet's locker room.
    Swann: "Good news my man, I've just gotten us into the number 1 contender's match for the Tag Team titles. All we gotta do is beat Authors of Pain and an unnamed team and we got New Age Outlaws at WrestleRama."

    He resumes dancing on the spot.

    Ricochet: "....... Oh wait, you think this is good news? You want us to have a match and hour before we compete for a World title opportunity? And you expect me to be happy? C'mon man what were you thinking?"
    Swann: "You're looking at this all wrong man. We can still win the Battle Royale, and one of us will go on to main event WrestleRama. But how much sweeter would it be if we first walked into WrestleRama and became the new Undisputed Tag Team Champions? Imagine it, us walking out of the Ultimate Showcase of Supremacy top of both the tag team and singles mountains. Names like Brock Lesnar & Ultimate Warrior having to bow to us. Pretty sweet am I right?
    Ricochet: "Yeah, I guess you are. I'll meet you in the ring and we'll do this properly."
    Rich Swann dances his way to the ring, Ricochet's music plays but Ricochet doesn't appear. Swann is confused but the music plays again and this time Ricochet comes out. He makes his way to the ring, looking ready. Once in the ring he discusses tactics with Swann before suddenly Pele Kicking Swann on the temple. Swann goes down and Ricochet punches him multiple times. Ricochet climbs to the top rope and hits Swann with a 630 Senton. As Ricochet is leaving The Authors of Pain make their way to the ring; a medical team helps Swann out of the ring and up the ramp.

    Authors of Pain vs Minnesota Wrecking Crew
    Somewhat of a throwback to yesteryear, these two teams engage in a good old fashioned brawl throughout. The Authors of Pain control most of the match before eventually winning with a Super Collider Double Powerbomb.

    Authors of Pain

    Petey: "Wow that is a big upset victory for the Authors of Pain."
    Dave: "What are you talking about Petey? Upset? Look at the size of these two men, the Andersons should be thanking them just for ending this one."
    Petey: "The Andersons have been arguably the longest lasting & most dominant team in MWA history. For a couple of rookies, as big as they are, to come in and dominate them within their first year wrestling at this level is mightily impressive but a huge upset by my book."
    Dave: "Well I got news for you Petey, publishers aren't interested!"
    Damien Sandow is backstage meeting Ludvig Borga, the door behind them says 'Boiler Room'.
    Sandow: "Using my detective skills I have deduced that Mankind is behind this door."

    Borga rushes through the door but there's nobody there. Suddenly he is struck with a lead pipe in the stomach, Mankind was hiding against the wall at the door entrance and Borga ran right by him. Sandow runs in but immediately runs back out. Mankind DDT's Borga and tosses him out of the boiler room Before the cameras can adjust however Mankind is charged at and taken down by Tomohiro Ishii. Mankind gets back up to fight but Ishii plows into him again before striking him with forearms across the head. Ishii lifts Mankind and throws him headfirst into a pipe on the wall, breaking it and engulfing the room in steam. With no visibility cameramen rush out of the room & focus on the door. Ishii stumbles out coughing, slams the door behind him and picks up the pipe Mankind struck Borga with. He jams the pipe into the handle, tests its strength and the door fails to open. Mankind is trapped.

    The Minnesota Wrecking Crew are heading back to their locker room when an all-too familiar laugh can be heard....
    Jimmy Hart: "Hahahaha ohh it's all gone wrong for the Andersons. Ahahaha. 'The most dominant team in MWA history' they say, oh well I guess that's what you are now isn't it, history. Maybe if you had the mouth of the south Jimmy Hart in your corner you'd have more success but I don't align myself with yesterday's heroes, only tomorrow's winners baby."

    Having had enough of Hart's megaphone in their faces The Andersons punch Jimmy before Ole hits him with a lariat that leaves the mouth of the south out cold.

    Brock Lesnar vs Tomohiro Ishii
    A stiff match filled with crushing elbows, forearms and painful submissions. Ishii gets some near falls but for most of the match is resisting Lesnar's offence. Lesnar puts him away with an F-5.

    Brock Lesnar

    Petey: "That's why Brock's the champion."
    Dave: "The beast is unstoppable."
    Petey: "I know we'd all like to see him more and I commend Shane McMahon for making this happen because Brock Lesnar is must-see TV."
    Dave: "For once I agree with you. But I almost feel sorry for whoever lasts to the end of the Battle Royale, imagine fighting off 10 other men only to get a match against Brock Lesnar as your prize.
    Ludvig Borga vs Caristico vs Riki Choshu vs Ricochet vs Damien Sandow vs Jack Swagger vs Rich Swann vs Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Ultimate Warrior vs Mankind?

    Dave: "All the entrants are in the ring but no sign of Mankind, I guess the oaf isn't gonna make this one. I hope McMahon has his chequebook ready cos Ishii's gotta get paid."

    Music plays but it isn't Mankind's. As Sweet Child O' Mine blasts around the arena everybody waits in anticipation before the ring announcer exclaims "making his way to the ring... RANDY THE RAM ROBINSON.

    Dave: "That's Mickey Rourke, what the hell is he doing here?!"
    Petey: "He's...he's entering the match. What is going on?

    Mickey Rourke enters the ring, climbs on the turnbuckle and poses for the fans. The other wrestlers look a bit bemused, Sandow is visibly laughing whereas Caristico & Tanahashi don't look at him as they keep their focus.
    This is your standard battle royale match with most of the action taking place against the ropes. Some notable moments:
    • Rich Swann goes straight after Ricochet but comes out on the losing end and is first eliminated from the match.
    • Tanahashi quickly eliminates Ludvig Borga before being attacked by Jack Swagger.
    • Damien Sandow assumes the role of wrestler hiding outside the ring early in the match
    • Riki Choshu comes close to eliminating Caristico but is dumped out by Ultimate Warrior
    • Tanahashi wins the brawl with Swagger and eliminates him with an elbow that draws blood.
    • Mickey Rourke spends most of the match getting hit in the corner, though is at least on the mat. Sandow spies his chance when Rourke makes it to his feet and attacks him from the outside. Sandow climbs in & starts to lift Rourke; he has him on the top rope & Rourke is clinging on seemingly in vain. The rope starts shaking, Rourke is headbutting Sandow's arm from a horizontal position, finally Sandow releases his hold & Rourke lands with his feet on the apron. He starts punching Sandow, much to the surprise of the announce team Rourke's punches are quick & deadly. Sandow is rocked. Rourke hooks his arm & lifts him clean over the rope. Almost losing balance he drops Sandow on the apron, cracking Sandow's back against the ring before he flops to the ground. In the same motion Rourke grabbed the top rope as his feet came off the apron but he stays inches from the ground before pulling himself back up. Mickey Rourke has eliminated the MWA Intercontinental Champion.
    • Sandow is incensed. He grabs his title, hits a referee with it and slides back in to hit Mickey Rourke with it across the back of his head. Sandow throws Rourke out of the ring, eliminating him, before attacking him on the outside. Security rush down and drag Sandow away.

    *Remaining: Caristico, Ricochet, Tanahashi, Warrior

    The sound of a car crash brings the crowd to its feet; the tron shows the boiler room door wide open before Mankind emerges at the top of the ramp, lead pipe in hand. He charges down to the ring and hits everybody left with it. Mankind eliminates Caristico & Ricochet leaving him, Tanahashi & Warrior the only remaining competitors. The two men to survive will fight next week to decide who faces Brock Lesnar

    Shane McMahon runs down the ramp, Mankind faces him yelling to get in and fight. The crowd reacts loudly and suddenly two large men have entered the ring from the crowd, it's Akam & Rezar. The Authors of Pain attack Mankind from behind and stomp on him repeatedly on the mat. Ultimate Warrior tries to fight them but both men are fresh and double-team him to the ground. Shane can be heard shouting "leave them, get Foley get Foley" as Tanahashi gets involved with a series of kicks that rocks both men. Tanahashi & Warrior are now successfully fighting off AoP until Shane McMahon crashes a steel chair off the back of Tanahashi. The crowd are audibly shocked, even Ultimate Warrior stands mouth agape before AoP take advantage and send him to the mat. Shane orders them to stop their assault and hold up Mankind - they do, pulling his hair back so Shane can look him in the eye before hitting him with the chair on the temple. The crowd groans at the nastiness of Shane McMahon. AoP toss Mankind over the top rope and the match ends. Boos reign down as a disheartened Shane McMahon walks up the ramp flanked by the #1 contenders for the MWA World Tag Team Championship.

    Hiroshi Tanahashi & Ultimate Warrior

    Petey: "I honestly don't know how to respond to what we've just seen. Shane McMahon crossed a line and I can't imagine the MWA Owner Mr. Maddox will be too pleased at what has transpired tonight."
    Dave: "Unfortunately Petey, Shane just did what he had to do to keep that psycho out of the World Title picture."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Preview show here.

    Week 1 show here.

    Week 2 show here.
    (thanks to beakerjoe for sig)

    The show opens with General Manager Muhammad Ali walking down to the ring, carrying a briefcase.


    Ali begins by saying that Todd Pettengill has had his contract terminated. He says under police questioning Todd has revealed an addiction problem which explains his strange behaviour, and that he gave away information on the company for money. Ali says Todd won't reveal who he is working for, but Ali is not going to let whoever is trying to hurt him or the company succeed: the show will go on.

    The GM reveals tonight we will have a Battle Royal for the brand new MNG Skyweight Championship - for the high fliers. The final two people in the Battle Royal will wrestle one another at Grapplemania for the gold - and not just in any match; to emphasize that the sky is the limit it will be a ladder match. Ali also says tonight will see the 2017 Hall of Fame inductee officially announced. This sees the fans chant '619' as Ali smiles.

    Ali then touches on Ricky Steamboat...
    Muhammad Ali: Kurt Angle, you and your buddies ran off last week before I could tell you this, but I have been in touch with Ricky Steamboat, and I have offered him a chance to show up at Monday Night Grappling one more time if he chooses to do so. Now I don't know if he'll accept but-

    ???: Yo Muhammad! Ali!

    Up on the titantron we see all three members of Team Angle walking along a gravel path with a video camera.

    Angle: It's alright, Muhammad. We figured why wait any longer? So we came right here to Hawaii to confront Ricky in person! Lucky for me Ricky didn't change the security code on his gates.

    Angle, Haas and Benjamin approach Steamboat's house as Ali in the ring shakes his head.

    Commentator #1: I can't believe this! Angle has gone back to the Steamboat home!
    Angle: Rick! Get your ass out here! Let's finish this! Be a man, Rick! Let's finish this in your driveway like that night we fought in the rain!

    The door opens and Steamboat appears, his body rigid, his eyes locked on Kurt. His wife stands beside him looking shaken, with little Richie clinging to his father's leg.

    Haas: Looks like he's hiding behind his son, Kurt!

    Angle: Come out here and fight me, Rick. (Angle takes off his World Title and lays it on the ground). You put me down and you can have the belt. I'm giving you your chance for revenge, Rick. Take it.

    Steamboat: Leave my home before I call the police.

    Angle: So that's how it is? You're backing down from me? I thought you were a man, Rick. I thought you were a warrior. What sort of example is that to teach your kid, huh?

    Little Richie: Go away!

    Angle: Aww, I thought we were friends, kiddo? But that's okay. You got fire, kid. Maybe one day there will be a man in the family.

    Steamboat goes to step outside but his wife holds him by the shoulder. Richie screams 'noooo!' at his father.

    Benjamin: His own son doesn't think he can beat you, Kurt!

    Angle: But what do you think, Rick? Moment of truth: are you accepting the challenge or not?

    Steamboat stares at Kurt for a long time, his eyes staring a hole right though him, he then looks at his wife, then into his son's eyes, and he turns around and closes the door.

    Angle: I can't believe it! Did you all see that?! He's a coward! Ricky Steamboat is a damn coward! Ali, were you watching? You can scrap that invitation for Steamboat to show up again because it's clear he isn't the warrior he pretends to be. I thought he was a fighter but I was mistaken, He's a fraud. Come on, guys. Let's get out of here.

    With that, Team Angle leave the Steamboat home as Ali looks on from ringside. Then we go to commercial.

    (commercial break)

    Backstage segment with American Alpha and Muhammad Ali

    Chad Gable and Jason Jordan appear and ask Ali why Team Angle were given the night off; they say they wanted revenge after what happened to them last week. Ali says he never authorized them to have the night off.

    Gable says Ali needs to put his foot down or things will spiral out of control. Ali says Gable is right - it's time to show everyone who is boss. He is making a match for Grapplemania where American Alpha can have their revenge: it will be Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs American Alpha for the tag team titles. The fans pop huge for this.

    At that moment, The Eliminators arrive and ask why have Gable and Jordan been gifted a tag title match. They get in the face of each other and Saturn and Kronus say they want revenge for American Alpha getting in their business last week. Ali says okay, they will have a match next. If Saturn and Kronus win they will be added to the tag match.

    Match - American Alpha vs The Eliminators

    A very good, fast-paced match that went twenty minutes or so. The finish saw American Alpha win via the Grand Amplitude for the clean pin, meaning it will be them only that face Benjamin and Haas at Grapplemania.

    Winners: American Alpha


    After the match Saturn and Kronus consulted with one another and approached Gable and Jordan, offering handshakes. After deliberating, Gable and Jordan accepted the handshake - only for Saturn and Kronus to cheap shot them and attack.

    Suddenly Paul London and Billy Kidman's theme hit. The duo, making their debut, ran down to make the save and sent Kronus and Saturn running.

    Commentator #1: Paul London and Billy Kidman are here and thank goodness for that!

    (commercial break)

    Match - Io Shirai vs MsChif (Iron Woman Tournament)

    The announcers reminded us that last week it was Cheerleader Melissa and Mayu Iwatani that scored wins, so if either of these women want to keep alive their hopes of facing Mickie James for her Women's Championship at Grapplemania, a win is paramount.

    It was a good match and unlike last week Shirai did not fall for any dirty tactics. Shirai won in twelve minutes with a moonsault.

    Winner: Io Shirai

    Her second straight loss in the tournament means that MsChif cannot now win and go on to face Mickie at Grapplemania.

    Match - Dean Malenko (c) vs Ultimo Dragon for the US Championship

    Malenko got on a mic before the match and said the fans are probably wondering why this match is happening again after Malenko worked over Dragon's leg last week and made him submit.

    Malenko said Dragon pleaded for one more match and promised Marufuji would not be in the crowd this time. Malenko said he had to accept as it was an easy night's work for him and he will take on anybody.

    Malenko was cocky before the bell and pointed at Dragon's hurt leg, signalling he would go for it.

    As soon as the bell rang Dragon leaped up and hit a hurricanrana into a cradle for the 1...2...3 pin!
    Commentator #1: My goodness Malenko's long reign as US Champ has been ended in seconds by Ultimo Dragon! But how? Dragon's leg could not be 100 per cent.

    Commentator: #2: Something isn't right here. Wait a he unmasking?!

    Dragon to the shock of the fans unmasks - but it's revealed it's not Ultimo Dragon at all. It's Naomichi Marufuji!


    Commentator #1: How can this be? I didn't realise he had been signed! The last few weeks he has watched on from the stands!

    Winner and new US Champion: Naomichi Marufuji

    (commercial break)
    Backstage segment with Dean Malenko and GM Muhammad Ali

    A furious Malenko demands to know how this happened. Ali says Marufuji was signed to a contract in the past week and that Ultimo Dragon decided to give Marufuji an opportunity in his place as a thank you for Marufuji's help the last few weeks. Malenko says this isn't fair, it's a screwjob, but Ali points out Malenko says he takes on all comers. Ali says he will give Malenko a rematch at Grapplemania as Malenko leaves enraged.

    The commentators note Ali appears to be alienating a lot of the talent.

    Match - Mayu Iwatani vs Cheerleader Melissa

    These two women won their respective matches last week. Mayu was joined by Shirai who won earlier, while Melissa was joined by MsChif who earlier lost. This was a match that built slow but by the end was all out action. Mayu used a lot of aerial moves while Melissa worked over her body.

    The announcers had noted that there was a time limit to the Iron Woman tournament matches which was 30 minutes, and when the 30 minute mark was reached, neither woman was put away.

    Result: Time Limit Draw
    The announcers reminded fans what was said last week that wins by pin or submission are worth twenty points, while a draw earns five points. That leaves the leaderboard like so, going into the final show next week:
    Cheerleader Melissa - 25 points
    Mayu Iwatani - 25 points
    Io Shirai - 20 points
    MsChif - 0 points

    The announcers further noted next week's final matches would see the friends and partners face one other:
    MsChif vs Cheerleader Melissa
    Io Shirai vs Mayu Iwatani

    Mickie James' music played and the champ appeared at the top of the ramp. She said she would enjoy the friends all fighting each other and ultimately whoever wins the tournament will still lose to her at Grapplemania. The four women eyed up their friends with concerned faces as the segment ended.

    (Commercial break)
    Backstage segment with The Eliminators and GM Muhammad Ali

    The Eliminators stormed in and demanded to know why Ali had not revealed London and Kidman were debuting tonight? Ali smiles and says it slipped his mind. Kronus says Ali is losing control. Saturn agrees and says his friend Dean Malenko was screwed earlier, and now so were they. Ali says he will give them a match with London and Kidman at Grapplemania. Saturn says they want to teach them a lesson ECW style and asks for it to be a tag team tables match. Ali says he knows Kidman and London won't be intimidated by that and agrees.

    As The Eliminators go to leave, a voice hollers 'E-C-Dubya! I should have known it was you two!'

    Terry Funk charges in and tries to attack The Eliminators as Ali calls security. Ali tells Terry that enough is enough. He says the hospital called and Dory is now conscious and speaking. Ali says Dory will be speaking live via his hospital bed on next week's go-home show and hopefully they will get answers. Terry says 'Thank God' and leaves voluntarily as Ali looks on.

    Match - Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender for the new MNG Skyweight Championship at Grapplemania

    The ring announcer reminded fans the match would end when there are two men left standing - these two men will then face one another at Grapplemania for the new title. The title was hanging above the ring to remind fans that it was a ladder match at the PPV.

    The first man out was Rey Mysterio who got a huge pop. The commentators joked this could be a Hall of Fame-worthy night for Rey if he wins, playing off the speculation he will be inducted later.

    The next man out was Ultimo Dragon - the real one this time - who was selling his hurt leg from last week's match with Malenko. Fans gave him a sympathetic pop.

    Next out were the team of Paul London and Billy Kidman who also got a great pop.

    Out next came Tiger Mask, unbeaten since coming to the company, and he too got a great response.

    Next man out was Will Ospreay who also got a great ovation.

    It seemed these six men would be the participants but Dean Malenko's music played to boos and he was revealed to be the final one in the match.
    Commentator #1: I'm surprised Malenko is in this match. Ali gave him a US Title rematch earlier.

    Commentator #2: Dean Malenko is good enough to have two title matches at Grapplemania. Maybe Ali is trying to kiss up to him. Anyway, look at the talent in this match, it's amazing.
    When the bell rang, Malenko went right for Ultimo Dragon to get revenge for losing his US Title earlier.

    Eventually 5 of the participants were selling on the mat and we had a face off with Mystero and Ospreay as the fans went wild. The announcers noted this match was not yet official at Grapplemania but everyone wants it.

    The two men lock up and give a tease of what the match could be with jaw-dropping counters and aerial flips with neither man getting the upper hand. Mysterio goes for a 619 but Ospreay moves; Ospreay then attempts a 619 on Rey but Mysterio moves. The two men stand off and smile as the fans applaud, but from behind Malenko rushes towards them and dumps both out as the fans boo the heel ferociously.

    The match continues and Kidman and London shake hands and decide to try to eliminate the others.

    Eventually Kidman finds himself confronted with Tiger Mask. From behind London dumps out Kidman. London smiles and shrugs as if to say, 'it's every man for himself.' Outside, Kidman looks pissed off but then smiles and nods.

    From behind London, however, Malenko dumps him out leaving a final three of: Malenko, Ultimo Dragon and Tiger Mask. Whoever is eliminated next misses out on the chance to get to Grapplemania.

    Malenko taps Tiger Mask on the arm and points to Ultimo Dragon suggesting they team up to face him. Tiger Mask however shakes his head. The announcers suggest he doesn't like how Malenko has treated his countryman. Tiger Mask and Dean Malenko exchange fists and it looks like Malenko is about to eliminate him when from behind Ultimo Dragon dumps out Malenko to a huge ovation!


    Result: Final two survivors and facing each other at Grapplemania for the new Skyweight Title - Ultimo Dragon and Tiger Mask

    Malenko throws a tantrum outside as Tiger Mask and Ultimo Dragon shook hands and looked at the title hanging above. The announcers predicted these two would put on a classic at Grapplemania.
    (commercial plugging the Hall of Fame ceremony which is next)

    2017 Hall of Fame ceremony with Muhammad Ali

    Ali came out and was joined by Will Ospreay. Ali said it has been quite an evening. He said he wasn't sure how Malenko wound up in the previous Battle Royal as he had not sanctioned that, nor had he sanctioned Team Angle taking a trip to Hawaii. Ali said there were a lot of unprofessional actions taking place but the 2017 Hall of Fame inductee could never be called unprofessional. Fans chanted '619'.

    Ospreay took the mic and said the 2017 Hall of Fame inductee was his hero growing up. He was someone responsible for him wanting to become a lucha style wrestler. He said it's no secret who it is...Rey Mysterio!


    Rey came out in a suit this time and was overjoyed. He shook hands with Ospreay.
    Will Ospreay: Rey, last week you challenged me to a match at Grapplemania. I wasn't able to give you my answer, but I will give it to you now: it would be my honour.
    The fans cheered and Rey shook his hand and then gave Ospreay a hug. Rey wanted to give Ali a hug and he asked Ospreay to hold the mic for him. Ospreay held the mic, behind Rey, who gave Ali a hug. Ospreay looked at the mic and then the fans and some fans seemed to want Ospreay to do something - but Ospreay stayed calm and handed Rey back the mic.

    Rey Mysterio: Wow guys. Mi familia. I am so honoured to be chosen as the 2017 Hall of Fame inductee, and to follow in the footsteps of last year's inductee, the legend Nick Bockwinkel.

    The fans cheered.

    Rey Mysterio: Thank you, Muhammad. Thank you, Will. Thank you, MNG fans. This is truly one of the happiest days of my life.

    Then the lights went out.

    And the familiar jerky screen returned...

    ...This is the 08 Code…This is the 08 Code…

    …The system has a virus…

    …The system will now shut down…


    …This is the 08 Code…

    …The system will now shut down…

    When the lights came back on, a figure was in the ring wearing a balaclava with the number '08' written on it. The figure swung the chair at Ali knocking him down. He then hit Rey and Ospreay.
    Commentaror #1: That's gotta be the person who broke into Monday Night Grappling HQ. The man Todd Pettengill was helping.

    Commentator #2: Yeah, but who is it?
    The figure stood over the prone Ali and removed his mask to reveal...

    Minoru Suzuki!


    Commentator #1: Oh my God. Minoru Suzuki is here in Monday Night Grappling!

    The fans popped for the reveal, but returned to booing his actions. Suzuki grabbed a mic and pointed up at the titantron. He had a sick grin on his face.

    Suzuki: "The reeeeeaaaalllllll 2017 Hall of Fame boss!"
    The fans looked up at the titantron as a number appeared on screen, starting at 1 AD and whizzing up to stop at the year 2008. We then see a figure in a room, seated in a chair, who swings around to reveal...


    Commentator #1: My God, that's the owner of Monday Night Grappling! What the hell is this about?!

    Commentator #2: I can't believe this!

    Myself: Good evening, everyone. Surprised? I understand. In all the years of the Draft I have shied away from being in the spotlight...until now.

    The 08 code...everyone's been wondering what it means. Well, that's the year when it all started: 2008. This Draft. This game. It was my brainchild back in 2008. I watched it grow, first dominated by the so-called Munster Mafia - people like Ger. C and flah - but then later years when it came to be dominated by someone else: ME.

    Monday Night Grappling became a symbol of excellence in the Draft. We set the standard. And it is because of that I am pleased to announce the REAL inductee to the 2017 MNG Hall of Fame!

    Commentator #1: This is repulsive.

    Myself: But while I am a worthy inductee to the Hall of Fame for the years of greatness I provided, I must also acknowledge that eventually...there was failure. Our empire began to crumble. First to the barbarians of the BWA, and then to those of BCW.

    This is unacceptable. And who is it I blame? The Monday Night Grappling audience. You fans let us down.
    Commentator #1: This is pathetic. You lost out the last few years because your storylines weren't as good and you drafted poorly. This egomaniac is out of control!

    The fans: Asshole! Asshole!
    Myself: Chant all you want but I will have the last laugh! I have decided it is time to bring Monday Night Grappling to a close. For the last few weeks I have been imploring the board of directors to see sense, to see that Muhammad Ali is not up to the job. Yes, I exploited the likes of Todd Pettengill for my own ends, compromising the company; and yes I have used my powers to influence matters such as giving Team Angle the night off tonight to go to Hawaii, and letting Dean Malenko into the Battle Royal tonight, but a competent GM needs to be able to rule with an iron fist and Ali is not up to the challenge. We don't even have a World Title match yet for Grapplemania! Add to that numerous members of the roster being unhappy and it's all Ali's fault.

    Muhammad Ali has failed. And so has Monday Night Grappling. Now it is time for the company I built - to be destroyed. The system will soon shut down. And my associate there - Minoru Suzuki - the most dangerous man in wrestling, will destroy every member of the roster who does not seek to leave at the end of the season. This goes for you too, Muhammad Ali. And if you think I'm making an idle threat...Suzuki!

    Suzuki drops the chair on the ground and picks up Muhammad Ali. He puts him in a piledriver position.
    Commentator #1: No not this! For goodness sake!
    Suzuki then hits a piledriver to Muhammad Ali on the chair as the fans are brought to a hush, and then boo.
    Myself: You have been warned.

    The screen fades to black as does the show itself.
    Commentator #1: My goodness the owner of Monday Night Grappling has turned to the dark side! He has pledged that this year will be Monday Night Grappling's last on the tenth anniversary of the Draft! Say it ain't so!

    Commentator #2: Unbelievable. Could there be a way to stop him?
    And what about Ricky Steamboat? Ali said he invited him to appear. Will he do so or was Kurt Angle right that he's a coward?

    Commentator #1: Not to mention we'll finally hear from Dory Funk on what happened to him. So many questions to be answered as we prepare for the go-home show to Grapplemania!

    The credits roll.

    Matches announced thus far for Monday Night Grappling: Grapplemania...

    World Tag Team Titles
    World's Greatest Tag Team (c) vs American Alpha

    Singles Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Will Ospreay

    US Title Match
    Naomichi Marufuji (c) vs Dean Malenko

    Women's Title Match
    Mickie James (c) vs t.b.a.

    For the New MNG Skyweight Championship
    Ladder Match
    Tiger Mask vs Ultimo Dragon

    Tag Team Tables Match
    The Eliminators vs Paul London and Billy Kidman

    More matches to be announced...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,123 ✭✭✭✭paulie21

    Paulie Championship Wrestling (Show 2)


    Byron Saxton and David Otunga welcome the Philadelphia crowd to another Friday night edition of Carnage. They explain they had to leave Dublin thanks RTE cancelling their TV slot due to cutbacks. Some Arsey Tubsrity had to get their combined 5 million a year salary after all. Anyway, after a two hiatus NBC picked up the rights to the show and we're back in business.

    The Rock's music plays and he makes his way to the ring


    Rock: Finally the Rock has come back to Philadelphia and most importantly is back on PCW. Last time I was on the verge of becoming No.1 contender for the World Championship. Who denied me you ask? None other than the man who created me. That's right Rocky Johnson get your candy ass now here right this minute.

    Rocky Johnson music hits and he makes his way to the ring


    Rock: "Father why did you turn your back on me? Your own flesh and blood."

    Johnson: "Firstly, may I say son I've always been immensely proud of what you've achieved in your career, multiple world champion, movie star and been the most famous man in the world. You've earned all that through hard work and dedication. You've had what I've always wanted and dreamed for myself so last time I seen my opportunity fall to me eventually and I took it.

    Rock: "Okay, Dad I see your point but doing it in such a sneaky and underhanded fashion doesn't sit well with me and unfortunately I can't support you tonight in your championship match against Mr. Kennedy."

    Soulman looks heartbroken in the ring

    Womens Match
    Sasha Banks v Nikki Bella

    We can a video recap of went down the last time with Nikki eliminating her sister Brie before Brie returned to the ring to eliminate Nikki allowing Vickie Guerrero become Womens champion.

    Back to the ring

    An excellent encounter between both women is decided when Bella goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Brie distracts her from the top of the ramp allowing Sasha to slide down and lock in the Bank Statement meaning Nikki taps out.
    Winner: Sasha Banks

    Sasha grabs a Mic

    Banks: "Vickie Guerrero, I hereby challenge you for your title at the second annual PaulieMania in two weeks time."

    From behind, Sasha gets laid out by Bertha Faye. Vickie is seen laughing on the titantron.


    Tag Team Match:
    Heath Slater & Rhyno v Gangrel & Val Venis

    A six minute match with some hard hitting action ends with Rhyno connecting with a Gore on Venis for Slater to grab the pin.
    Winner: Slater & Rhyno

    Mr.Kennedy is backstage been interviewed by JoJo backstage


    JoJo: “How do you feel about your title defence tonight?

    Kennedy: "You know me JoJo? I'm the best in their business and tonight I'm going against some has been like Honky Tonk Man again. Soulman Rocky Johnson doesn't belong in there with me and I'll retain my title tonight in record time."

    The Rock walks past staring at Kennedy

    Rock: "Best of luck champ."

    Singles Match
    Chris Jericho v Dolph Ziggler

    Back and forth action with plenty of near falls for both men ends with both men getting counted out.
    Winner: Double Countout (No Contest)

    Paulie makes his way to the ring

    Paulie: " At Pauliemania II, we're going to have ourselves a ladder match. This will be for the vacant Tag Team Titles. Anyone on the roster is eligible to form a team and compete on the night."

    PCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Mr Kennedy (c) v Rocky Johnson

    Kennedy controls this match but Johnson makes a late flourish making the crowd believe he is about to win. The Rock makes himself down to ringside. This distracts Johnson and allows Kennedy to hit the Mic Check. He covers Johnson. 1,2 but Rock drags the ref from the ring and knocks him out. He hits the Rock Bottom and Peoples Elbow on Kennedy and drags his father over Kennedy. Referee, Nick Patrick runs to the ring to make the three count.
    Winner: Rocky Johnson (New PCW World Champion)

    The Rock grabs the title belt from the timekeeper and as Johnson gets up groggily his son tosses the belt to him and walks off as the shows goes off the air.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Preview show here.

    Week 1 show here.

    Week 2 show here.

    Week 3 show here.

    (thanks to beakerjoe for graphic)

    Commentator #1: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night Grappling and the final show before Grapplemania. What a night this should be as we deal with the shocking fallout of Minoru Suzuki being revealed as the MNG owner's henchmen - with the owner intent on destroying this company; GM Muhammad Ali was last week assaulted and we have no update on him; we do hope to learn whether or not Ricky Steamboat accepted the offer to appear on this show one last time after Kurt Angle accused him of cowardice; we also discover which woman will face Mickie James for the title at Grapplemania.

    Commentator #2: I'm also hearing that tonight the tag champs, the World's Greatest Tag Team, will have a face off with their challengers American Alpha. Not to mention we'll hear from Dory Funk via satellite talking about who assaulted him a month ago.

    Terry Funk's music plays.

    Commentator #2: Speak of the devil...!

    Terry Funk opens the show and takes a microphone. He speaks about the events on the preview show of the new season, how his beloved brother Dory was left laying as someone jumped him from behind before branding him with the words 'E-C-Dubya'. Terry says he has made it his misson to find the culprit. He says it's time to see if Dory has answers.

    Dory Funk Jr then appeared on screen, sitting up in a hospital bed. He got a big ovation.

    Terry Funk: Oh Dory! It's great to see you up and awake, my brother. How are you feeling?

    Dory: Well, Terry. I'm a feeling a little better but ever since I regained consciousness I've been replaying the events of that night I was attacked at my ranch over and over again...and you know what? I think I got if figured out.

    The crowd cheer this.

    Terry: Well Dory, they say sometimes brothers think alike because I think I got if figured out too!

    Dory: The person who attacked me: it had to be someone that knew my homestead very well, someone who has a history of working with ECW, someone who would benefit with me out of the way, and last but not least someone capable of a heinous, vicious attack like that.

    Terry: You're absolutely right, Dory! And that's why I'm sure you came to the same conclusion I did: the person who attacked you was...Kurt Angle!

    Think about it: he knows your ranch well because you and he used to be very close; he has a history in E-C-Dubya; he would benefit with you out of the picture because you have the technical ability to rival him and you know him so well; and as for being capable of a vicious attack, well we all saw what he did to Ricky Steamboat weeks ago, and last week we even saw him break into Steamboat's home. It's an open and shut case, brother.

    Dory: That is a compelling argument, Dory. But it was NOT Kurt Angle that did this to me. See, some events have been coming back to me, and while I never saw who attacked me in the darkness of that night, I did hear the person who branded me. This person is the kind of person that says aloud whatever it is that they write, and I now remember what this person said as they branded me: 'E-C-Dubya'. I'd know that voice anywhere. It was YOU, Terry.

    Terry shakes his head and looks down...and then he starts to grin.

    Terry: You're damn right it was me, Dory!

    The fans gasp as the commentators are shocked.

    Dory: Why did you do this?

    Terry: Why? Why? Because this was not supposed to be about you. I was the only Funk drafted to this company - not you. No, you were a gift to the MNG roster. You just couldn't let me have the spotlight. You had to steal my thunder. I should be in the main event but I knew with you around I could never have that. When I attacked you, first I was shocked at myself. But I knew there was no going back - and that's why I branded you, Dory. Your brother Terry is gone; now there is only the E-C-Dubya legend Terry Funk.

    Dory: Well I see you're finally showing some honesty after weeks of lying and misdirection. But you know what Terry, you aren't the only Funk capable of that. Remember when I said I was speaking to you via my hospital bed...

    Dory stands up and we see he is not in hospital but sitting in a bed that is seemingly in a green room.

    Dory: I ain't in hospital. I'm here!

    The fans cheer as the screen goes dead. Then there is a commotion as running out of the crowd, and behind Terry, Dory attacks and sends Terry Funk scampering.

    Dory: I made the deal last week with Ali, before our GM was laid out: at Grapplemania it will be you and me one on one: in an Extreme Rules match!

    Terry backs up the aisle in shock as Dory takes the fans' acclaim.
    Commentator #1: My goodness, the brothers will collide at Grapplemania in a match where anything goes.

    Commentator #2: This will be a war!

    (Commercial break)

    Match - Billy Kidman & Paul London vs Seymour Butts and Hugh Jass

    Before the match Kidman got a mic and thanked GM Muhammad Ali for signing them to the company. He said he and London are excited about facing The Eliminators at Grapplemania in a Tables match. Kidman said himself and London will always be loyal to Ali and looked to his partner for comfirmation - London didn't answer right away but nodded.

    The match against the two jobbers was a showcase match for Kidman and London, with London sealing the pin with a shooting star.

    Winners: Billy Kidman and Paul London.

    Then the lights went out as a countdown appeared on the screen, stopping at '08'. When the lights came back on Minoru Suzuki was in the ring.

    Suzuki destroyed them both and gave both of them piledrivers. The MNG owner - yours truly - appeared on screen to boos and warned the roster that anyone who is loyal to Ali will be destroyed. I warned the roster that Monday Night Grappling's days are numbered and anyone who resists will be taken out by my hired gun, Minoru Suzuki.

    As Suzuki left, EMTs came down to take away Kidman and London but as they were being wheeled up the ramp, The Eliminators then attacked.

    The Eliminators put a beating on London and Kidman and tossed both guys off the stage into tables positioned below. The announcers wondered how London and Kidman could now be in any condition to compete in the tables match at Grapplemania.

    (commercial plugging Grapplemania)
    Match - Cheerleader Melissa vs MsChif (Iron Woman Tournament)

    The announcers noted that MsChif could not win the tournament after losing last week. Melissa got a mic.

    Cheerleader Melissa: Look, MsChif, we've had our differences in the past, but now we're friends. These people don't need to see us fight tonight.

    The fans boo.

    Cheerleader Melissa: Especially considering you've been on a losing streak lately and have zero chance of getting a title shot.

    The commentators note MsChif didn't appreciate that.

    Cheerleader Melissa: Why don't you just lay down and I'll pin you and we can get back to being best friends, kay?

    The fans boo and chant for MsChif. Melissa gets upset but MsChif clocks her with a punch and the match is on!

    The match is a back-and-forth effort that goes twenty minutes, and despite being on a losing streak lately, MsChif picks up the win with her Desecrator DDT finisher.

    Winner: MsChif

    The announcers note MsChif just cost her friend Melissa a title shot by beating her as Melissa threw a tantrum in the ring. That means the winner of Io Shirai vs Mayu Iwatani later will be the number one contender for Mickie James at Grapplemania.

    Face off with World's Greatest Tag Team and American Alpha

    The announcers noted that American Alpha had insisted Angle be kept away, but Angle is not at the show yet anyway. There were security guards standing between both teams.

    Charlie Haas: it didn't have to be this way. We respect your ability. We see a lot of you in ourselves. If you had taken our offer to join Team Angle then we could have ruled this place.

    Chad Gable: I believe you when you say you see a lot of yourselves in us. And the truth is myself and Jason have been inspired by the both of you. But there's one thing I don't believe. I think the real reason you offered us a place in your group is not because you want to rule this place, but because you don't want to have to face us - because you know we will take those titles from you.

    The fans cheer.

    Shelton Benjamin: Watch your mouth, boy. We are the World's Greatest Tag Team for a reason. And if we have to shut you up at Grapplemania, then we will.

    Jason Jordan: Why wait? Why don't we tell these security guys to leave and let's give these people a taste of what's to come right here, right now!

    The fans cheer as Haas and Benjamin shake their heads.

    Jordan: Looks like you're only tough when your boss Kurt is around. Do you have to ask him for permission to go to the bathroom too?

    Benjamin: Nothing wrong with loyalty, Aren't you two loyal to Muhammad Ali?

    Jordan: You're damn right we're loyal to him and -

    His voice trails off as he realises what he's just said. The fans get to their feet as Benjamin smiles. Then the 08 Code intro goes off again and the lights go out. When they return, Suzuki has reappeared.

    Suzuki beats the hell out of American Alpha with kicks and shots, as Haas and Benjamin join in. The MNG owner - me - then reappears on the big screen and again warns that those loyal to Ali will be dealt with like this. Monday Night Grappling's time is coming to a close.

    Suzuki leaves the ring and nods to Shelton Benjamin who the announcers note have history together from Japan as Shelton was part of Suzuki-gun. Shelton grabs a chair and targets Jordan's leg as Haas applies his Haas of Pain, cranking on the body part.
    Commentator #1: Jordan's leg has been hurt badly here!

    (commercial break)

    Match - Io Shirai vs Mayu Iwatani (Iron Woman Tournament - Final)

    Before the match we saw a clip from earlier of Tiger Mask giving his girlfriend Mayu a hug, and her friend Shirai. He acted as translator and told an interviewer the two women would be friends before and after the match, but not during it.

    The match went a half an hour and was the best match of the tournament. Io Shirai won the match, hitting a third moonsault.

    Winner and number one contender: Io Shirai

    Io Shirai and Mayu shared a hug afterwards and Mayu held aloft her friend's hand. The announcers noted the final standings of the tournament:

    Io Shirai - Forty points
    Cheerleader Melissa - Twenty-Five points
    Mayu Iwatani - Twenty-Five points
    MsChif - Twenty points

    The champion Mickie James' music hit and she entered the ring and got nose to nose with Io Shirai. James extended a hand and smiled as the fans booed, sensing a trick. Shirai went to shake and then pulled her hand away and ran it through her hair as the fans cheered. She left with Mayu and motioned for the belt as James looked on.


    The announcers suggested Shirai will be more of a match for Mickie than she realised.

    (commercial break)

    Backstage - a limo arrives


    Kurt Angle stepped out of the limo with a big smile. An interviewer arrived and asked him whether he thought Steamboat would show tonight. Kurt said he was wrong about Steamboat. He thought there was a warrior inside him itching to get out but he was nothing but a coward.

    The interviewer then asked him about the situation with Muhammad Ali. Kurt says he thinks Ali is finished and that everyone knows who his loyalty is to - himself. Kurt says Team Angle will thrive no matter what and notes how thrilled he was to see his buds Shelton and Charlie take out the leg of Jason Jordan tonight.

    At that moment Chad Gable arrives on the scene and says his friend Jordan is lucky he didn't have his leg snapped. Gable says he's sick of Kurt running his mouth and challenges him to a match tonight. Kurt agrees as long as it's a non-title match. Kurt says Jordan may be lucky his leg wasn't snapped, but tonight Gable might not be quite so lucky. Some referees intervened to separate the two as the announcers said this was a dream main event.

    Match - Rey Mysterio vs Mr. Bergstrom

    Mysterio entered the ring gingerly, selling the beating he took last week at the hands of Minoru Suzuki.

    Despite not being 100 per cent, Rey beat the jobber in less than a minute.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    Rey grabbed a mic. He said last week he was made a fool of by the owner of Monday Night Grappling and what was supposed to be one of the best nights of his life - being inducted to th MNG Hall of Fame - ended up as a nightmare. He notes he and Will Ospreay were attacked by Suzuki and he calls out Suzuki right here, right now.

    Will Ospreay's music hits instead.

    Ospreay gets a mic and says he respects Rey's courage but if he doesn't stop then Suzuki will show up and the dream match between them at Grapplemania will be in jeopardy.

    Rey says he understands that but he has to be faithful to his conscience. Ospreay smiles and says he understands - he then smashes Rey across the head with the mic.
    Commentator #1: What the hell is that? Ospreay just attacked Mysterio!
    Ospreay gets in Rey's face as Rey is prone on the ground.

    Ospreay: Don't you dare threaten my match with you at Grapplemania. Consider yourself lucky that I'm sparing you a worse beating than you'd get from Suzuki - because you WILL be at Grapplemania, Rey. You will be there and you will lose to the greatest high-flier of them all - Will Ospreay.

    Ospreay drops the mic and leaves as the fans boo.

    (commercial break)

    Match - Naomichi Marufuji, Ultimo Dragon and Tiger Mask vs Dean Malenko and The Eliminators

    Before the match, Dean Malenko cut a promo saying he would take back the US Championship from Marufuji at Grapplemania.

    The 6 man tag match was a great bout featuring lots of high-flying action, especially from Dragon and Tiger Mask. At one point it looked like the two friends were trying to outshine each other ahead of their ladder match for the new Skyweight Title at Grapplemania.

    The finish of the match saw Tiger Mask hit a Tiger Suplex on John Kronus for the 1-2-3.

    Winners: Naomichi Marufuji, Ultimo Dragon and Tiger Mask

    The babyfaces celebrated in the ring. A furious Dean Malenko grabbed a mic and declared his loyalty was to the MNG owner. He accused the three babyfaces of being loyal to Muhammad Ali.
    Commentator #2: Uh oh, now Malenko's gone and done it!
    The lights then went out and the familiar 08 Code intro hit again. When the lights returned, Suzuki appeared in the ring. He had a mic and approached Marufuji, Dragon and Tiger Mask. Suzuki looked at Marufuji for a long moment, a reference to their history in Japan as long-time rivals. The MNG owner appeared on screen; I asked Suzuki to ask them where their loyalty lied. Suzuki asked them the question in Japanese.

    Before they could answer the sound of a screeching car could be heard, and the titantron switched to a Mercedes. Out of it stepped...Muhammad Ali! The fans cheered.

    Commentator #1: It's the GM! He's back!

    Commentator #2: And it looks like he's coming out here!

    Muhammad Ali marches down to the ring as Marufuji, Ultimo Dragon and Tiger Mask exit. I reappear on the titantron.

    Myself: Hold your ground, Suzuki. Ali's not going to be stupid enough to try anything. He's a GM now.

    Ali keeps on walking and gets in the ring. Suzuki has done as instructed and is not backing down. Ali then takes off his jacket and tie as the fans are going mental.

    Myself (sounding less sure): He won't do anything. He's an authority figure now. He won't do anyth-

    Ali then knocks Suzuki down as the fans erupt, several of them jumping up and down.

    Suzuki gets back to his feet but he's on spaghetti legs now.

    Myself: Get out of there, Suzuki! Get out of there!

    Suzuki staggers out of the ring as Ali stands tall. Ali grabs a mic.

    Muhammad Ali: Minoru Suzuki, you and the owner tried to take me out of action last week. But it takes a lot more than that to keep me down!

    The fans cheer.

    Ali: The owner wants to wind up this company, to take it away from our great fans, but I have spoken to the board of directors and they agree with me if MNG's future is up in the air, then the only way to settle it is right here in the ring. So at Grapplemania, it will be Minoru Suzuki taking on yours an MMA match. If Suzuki wins, then this will be Monday Night Grappling's final ever show; but if I win, then Monday Night Grappling will survive!

    The fans cheer.
    Commentator #1: My god! Did you hear that?! The fate of the company will be on the line at Grapplemania!
    Ali: My loyalty is to all these great fans. And remember, Suzuki. You ain't dealing with a man in a suit at Grapplemania. You're dealing with the greatest of all time!

    Float like a butterfly,
    Sting like a bee.
    At Grapplemania, Suzuki,
    Your ass belongs to me!

    The fans cheer as Suzuki backs up the aisle as I look on the verge of tears on the titantron screen.
    (Final Commercial break)

    Main Event - Kurt Angle vs Chad Gable (non-title)

    Before the match, Team Angle were seen watching what happened with Ali's return. Charlie noted Ali returned - will Steamboat? Kurt said the all saw what a coward Steamboat was last week. Kurt says Steamboat is busy being the doting father. Benjamin asks does Kurt want them out there? Kurt says no, he can handle this alone.

    In the other locker room, Jason Jordan is getting treated for his injury. He warns Gable to be careful out there. Gable nods.

    As the match was about to begin, before Angle or Gable even locked up, the fans chanted 'this is awesome'.

    The match didn't disappoint, going nearly thirty minutes, and highlights included Gable hitting Angle with a belly to back suplex from the second rope for a long 2 count. Angle also hit an Angle Slam on Gable but Gable rolled out of the ring.

    The finish of the match saw Gable go for his German Suplex but Angle countered and reversed into the Ankle Lock. Gable tried to reach the ropes but Kurt dragged him back and sat down on it, tightening the grip. Gable had no choice but to tap out.

    Winner: Kurt Angle

    After the match, Benjamin and Haas entered the ring and celebrated with Kurt.

    The three men then began beating on Gable as the fans booed.

    There was a cheer as Jason Jordan bravely hobbled down on his injured leg but the numbers game was too much as Team Angle put a beating on him too. Angle grabbed a mic and screamed 'no one can stop us!'

    Then Ricky Steamboat's music hit to a giant pop.

    Steamboat, wearing wrestling gear, ran down and as Haas charged him, he back dropped Haas over the ropes to the floor below. Benjamin tried a clothesline but Steamboat ducked and clotheslined Benjamin. Then it was just Steamboat and Angle facing off as the fans went wild.
    Commentator #1: Steamboat is here! And look at this stand off!
    Both men began exchanging punches. Kurt tried an Angle Slam but Steamboat countered and hit a swinging neckbreaker as Kurt rolled out of the ring beside Haas and Benjamin. Steamboat got a mic.

    Ricky Steamboat: Kurt Angle, me and my family helped you recover from your addiction problems and all we got in return was a slap in the face. Your obsession to prove you are the best, to prove you're better than me, saw you turn on me like a snake.

    But in doing so you also caused me to fall back into my own addiction: my addiction to compete in this ring. And after the way you disrespected me and my family, my family now support me coming back to wrestling - to kick your ass!

    The fans cheer.

    Steamboat: You will rue the day you asked for this match Kurt. Because I accept your title challenge and at Grapplemania I will become the new World Heavyweight Champion. Kurt Angle, you snake, prepare to be eaten alive by The Dragon!

    The fans cheer as Steamboat's music plays and Team Angle back away up the aisle. Angle has a look of shock on his face, then he stares at his title, then he stares back at Steamboat - a smile falls on Angle's face. He has the match he wanted. But will he get more than he bargained for, the announcers wonder.
    Commentator #1: Folks, do not miss Grapplemania this weekend. It promises to be the biggest one ever. Angle vs Steamboat for the World Title as the old friends collide, World's Greatest Tag Team vs American Alpha in a tag match for the ages, and the incredible return of Muhammad Ali in an MMA match with Minoro Suzuki with the company's future on the line!

    Commentator #2: Not just that, the Funk brothers going to war in an Extreme Rules match, Will Ospreay vs Rey Mysterio in a dream match, the Women's Title on the line as Mickie James meets Io Shirai, Malenko vs Marufuji for the US Title in what should be a mat classic, Tiger Mask vs Ultimo Dragon as the friends fight in a ladder match, all that and more!

    Commentator #1: Get ready for...Grapplemannnniiiiiaaaaaaaa!

    The credits roll.

    Final Card for Monday Night Grappling: Grapplemania...

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Kurt Angle (c) vs Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat

    MMA Match - Company's Future on the Line
    Muhammad Ali vs Minoru Suzuki

    World Tag Team Titles
    World's Greatest Tag Team (c) vs American Alpha

    Singles Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Will Ospreay

    Extreme Rules Match
    Terry Funk vs Dory Funk Jr.

    US Title Match
    Naomichi Marufuji (c) vs Dean Malenko

    Women's Title Match
    Mickie James (c) vs Io Shirai

    Ladder Match - for the New MNG Skyweight Championship
    Tiger Mask vs Ultimo Dragon

    Tag Team Tables Match
    The Eliminators vs Paul London and Billy Kidman

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,288 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    (LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment) LWE cordially invite you to the wedding of Snoop Dogg and Awesome Kong at PPV




    The current LWE GM, Jesse Ventura has headed to BWA again to apologise and collect Mason Ryan who despite even a restraining order after showing up on a movie set is still pestering Batista claiming they are twins.

    Will this be the final straw for Ventura and will he be firing Mason?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Too busy to read all those BWA shows ? Well I guess this one write up is for you If they simply were TL;DR for you!
    Opening Match:
    Virgil vs Tatanka vs Horace Hogan

    The NWO arrived in style to the BWA but unlike in the WCW they have so far kept it with only top level talent with Hogan, Andre, Nash & Money Inc leading the way. However much like in WCW lower card guys did want in and these guys all seemed to have a claim. Horace is Hogan's cousin and both he and Virgil were actually in the group before, then you have Tatanka and his links to NWO member and man now in charge of the BWA Ted Dibiase. Despite all this all 3 men were not immediately welcomed into this newest incarnation of the group but they did set about trying to prove themselves worthy of inclusion through their in ring prowess. The only one small problem there however was that each men kept losing anytime they set foot in a BWA ring. As a result DiBiase booked them in a match that has to see one of them victorious as they will face off against each other with the winner receiving the honor of a place in what they believe is the greatest faction in draft history.
    Blood Feud:
    Abdullah The Butcher vs Hannibal

    The build for this match took place mostly outside of the BWA and in the courts and after the build started within the federation a lot of that would have been re-told whether on the show or via but when Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson known to many as the host of Hannibal tv on youtube came through the crowd to viciously attack Abdullah during a live BWA show peoples interest would have been peaked and they would have looked into how the now cured Nicholson had contracted Hepatitis C from Abdullah (now also cured) the butcher in a match where both men got cut open. How Hannibal proved this in a court of law and got awarded a massive settlement but that The Butcher missed court dates, denied the courts ruling, never admitted guilt nor apologized and has been near on impossible to get money from. As a result Hannibal went to where the Butcher was to confront him and beat an apology out of him, to get his retribution in person and what more a fitting match thought the BWA officials than in a first blood match. However Nicholson deserves more than a 2 minute match against a man who is known for stabbing people with a fork and bleeding almost immediately in matches so weapons will not be allowed during this match. Will Hannibal finally get his pound of flesh or will the butcher continue to deny him but this time on the grandest stage.

    Pre Show Main Event: Extreme Rules match
    The Original Sheik vs Sabu

    The Original Sheik (Ed Farhat) was one of the originators of what became hardcore wrestling. He had great feuds with the likes of Bruno Sammartino but was known for his underhanded tactics like using fireballs and pencils in matches to gain an advantage. He actually went 127 matches undefeated until he faced another BWA wrestler Andre the Giant and even that defeat was by DQ, not to mention that he actually beat Andre as part of his run although the WWF & BWA never officially recognised that as it would contradict Andre's 15 year undefeated claim. It was when he went to WCW that things took a turn for the worst but in an unexpected way as his nephew whom Farhat had actually trained himself and now managed broke his leg and left him unable to wrestle anymore. Sabu went on to become known as the Houdini of Hardcore, The Human Highlight reel and many other monikers as he made a name for himself as a hardcore legend just like his uncle but The Sheik had only one ambition now to work his way back into a ring where he could get his vengence on his ungrateful nephew. That is exactly what he did when he signed for the BWA even going as far as to work behind the scenes to facilitate a trade that would bring Sabu to the federation. Now the two will finally go one on one on PPV an what more fitting a match could they have than an Extreme rules match. This one won't be for the faint of heart
    Stable warfare
    Triple Threat (Bam Bam Bigelow, Shane Douglas & Chris Candido) vs The Varsity Club ("Dr Death" Steve Williams, Rick Steiner & Kevin Sullivan)

    Sabu was not the only man traded to the BWA this year as Steve Williams & Kevin Sullivan made a big deal of walking out of CWA so as to head to the promotion and join up with the rest of the Varsity Club which included Rick Steiner, Dan Spivey & the man who facilitated this trade and the new boss of the BWA (Ted DiBiase)'s right hand man IRS (Mike Rotunda). When they arrived in the BWA they had their sights set firmly on the tag team titles but every step of the way they found their path blocked by another stable in the form of Triple Threat. Bam Bam, Douglas & Candido made a statement upon arrival in the BWA and that statement was at the expense of The Varsity squad. With Spivey's past drawning into another feud we were left with a 3 on 3 situation and where better to settle the dispute between the two groups than on the BWA's grandest stage Wrestlepalooza. Are Douglas and co correct in saying this is where they will make an impression on the landscape of the BWA and make everyone take notice before heading forward in search of singles and tag gold or will the collegiate athletes do what they have suggested and show the men from ECW what real wrestling is all about?
    BWA Womens' World title elimination match:
    Manami Toyota vs Aja Kong vs Ronda Rousey vs Victoria vs Molly Holly
    With Special Referee "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert

    The BWA made a big splash when they announced that they were bringing back their womens title but at the time they had no women officially signed up to the promotion so lets not lie the real reason that the worlds eyes first came upon the company with regards the women was when they re-signed "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey! The former UFC fighter had not been in a BWA ring for 2 years (when she defeated Jesse Ventura) signed a long term deal and as part of that deal she had apparently been told that the new women's' division would be built around her. She was also told that at Wrestlepalooza she would have the opportunity to become the BWA women's champion.

    This sent ripples throughout womens wrestling all around the world as the best female competitors all wanted to sign up so as to go toe to toe with Rousey and prove themselves. First it was Manami Toyota who is often touted as one of the greatest of all time and has a list of 5* matches that make that hard to argue with and then came Aja Kong the women who has appeared in the BWA more than any other and has gone up against male competitors in BWA rings before. Victoria & Molly Holly too joined the fray and it could be arugued tried to stack the deck in their favor by their action towards the man who will officiate this match, a man who is no stranger to getting physical with BWA female competitors "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert. If Rousey is actually to overcome all these obstacles she will truly deserve to be a champion wrestler but then also if anyone can defeat the former Olympian then they will not just just become a champion but no doubt a worldwide superstar!
    BWA World tag team title match:
    Money Inc - "The Million Dollar Man"Ted Dibiase & IRS vs Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey

    Stan Hansen is a big angry Texan, that's the kind of person you really should listen to and that is the exact mistake Ted DiBiase made when he ignore his former tag partner telling him that he wanted to challenge for the BWA tag titles. Instead the new boss in the BWA named himself and IRS aka Money Inc the new champions without having ever won a match to win those belts and in doing so turned what could have been a great ally into a p!ssed off advisary. Money Inc did their best to avoid having to face Hansen but when he recruited IRS old tag partner and stable mate (and a man Hansen himself used to regularly tag with in Japan) Dan Spivey and together they earned the right to be number one contenders Money Inc could avoid it no longer and a date was set for the title defense at Wrestlepalooza.

    This is The Million Dollar Man we are talking about though and the boss of the company, he always has a plan and when he announced that one of Hansen or Spivey would turn on the other at the PPV he sowed seeds of discontent between his opponents. Is it true that everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man or will it be Money Inc paying the price on PPV? tune in to find out

    Grudge / Last Man Standing Match
    Kevin Nash vs Batista

    When Dave "The Animal" Batista was signed to the BWA it was not under the current (DiBiase) ownership and when he arrived ans saw what the company had become with the NWO running the show he snapped and started a war with the faction. However despite his best efforts he was almost always out numbered and most weeks the fate he suffered was a Nash Jacknife Powerbomb.

    Speaking of Nash, who came out today claiming he will play Cable in Deadpool 2, a lot of people are claiming that he is jealous of the Marvel Man Batista especially after a sit down interview he and Hogan gave where they ran down his accomplishments as an actor despite being in Bond, Guardians of The Galaxy & The upcoming Blade runner sequel. In recent days he also seems annoyed that he has to face Big Dave in a falls count anywhere match as he & hogan together could not keep the big man down last week. Will "The Animal" once again defy the NWO original or will his fate be to once again be layed out by the NWO but this time for the count of ten! find out at Wrestlepalooza.
    Intercontinental title match:
    Mr Perfect vs Andre The Giant

    When he signed for the company as part of the NWO Curt Hennig aka Mr Perfect was promised a title shot. However after the leader of the NWO Hulk Hogan was awarded the world title Ted DiBiase was not in a rush to give Perfect an opportunity to face off against the Hulkster. Then when Scott Hall turned his back on the NWO people began to question Hennig's loyalty to the cause. You see back before the NWO, before Razor Ramon and before Mr Perfect there were the AWA tag team champions Curt Hennig & Scott Hall.

    those two guys were best friends as well as partners and all these years later as NWO members they were still close, so close in fact that before Hall did what he did, turning on Hogan, Hennig told him that whatever he decided he would support him... big mistake! no longer able to trust him the NWO dumped him out of the group and although he would get his contractually obligated title shot at Wrestlepalooza it had never been stipulated what title he would get to fight for and as a result DiBiase announced that he would fight for the new BWA intercontinental title against none other than Andre The Giant! Andre was the newest member of the NWO having shocked the world by joining them upon his arrival to the BWA and he did not care for perfect one bit. He ran down all his accomplishments including his perfect undefeated streak which he promised to crush at Wrestlepalooza. will he be able to do so and retain his championship or will Hennig be able to truly prove his moniker and pull off the perfect match to defeat the Giant? tune in to find out!
    World Heavyweight title match:
    Heel Hulk Hogan vs Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall

    The NWO arrived in the BWA and with them the promotion saw the return of the man who headlined the companies first ever PPV, the immortal Hulk Hogan. However Hogan is a changed man since he left the company back then, and the Hulkster that has returned as the leader of the NWO is not in any way at all a fan favorite. He had the world title just handed to him but not just that he had a "Creative control" stipulation inserted into his contract which meant only he could book world title matches as long as he held the title. Even the newly signed Batista couldn't get near him or his title thanks to this and to the huge amount of backup he always had in tow. Due to all of this Hulkamania was not running wild with the fans and apparently nor was it with one member of the NWO because they saw him for what he really was.

    That one member of the NWO was Scott Hall and the one moment that pushed the former Razor Ramon too far was when Hogan wanted to recreate "The fingerpoke of doom" in the BWA... hell no! thought Hall and BOOM! a moment occurred that saw not only arguably the biggest crowd pop ever in a BWA arena occur but saw a super over face be born in Hall as he turned on Hogan. Hall continued to call Hogan out on all his actions throughout the years and with his manhood, inconic status and leadership of the NWO in question along with it being the only way to get back his championship belt which Hall took from him the night he turned on him Hogan agreed to a match at Wrestlepalooza. However this is Hulk Hogan we are talking about, Mr Creative Control, it was never going to be any normal match t was to be a... No Holds Barred match! Will Hall flop just like Hogan's movie of the same title did or will he be able to overcome all the odds that a stipulation like that might mean he would have to agaisnt the underhanded Hulkster.... You don't need to wait very long to find out because..
    Wrestlepalooza is next!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Wrestlepalooza!
    Live from "The Big House" - Michigan Stadium
    previous shows: Preview show, Show 1, Show 2, Show 3, Show 4, Go-Home Show

    We start of with shots of the Arena which is 95% full already even though the pre-show is only about to start and the announcers running down the card. We also get shots of the numerous celebs in the crowd including former BWA Alumnus Jesse Ventura who apparently traveled here from LWA for the night to stop Mason Ryan from bothering Batista but is seemingly going to stay for the show... and who can blame him say the announce team as they introduce our first bout.
    Opening Match:
    Virgil vs Tatanka vs Horace Hogan

    This is a short match to get things started where the announcers play up how no matter what these guys tried they just can't get a win here in the BWA. A fact that seems to be continuing in this match as everytime someone would go for a pinfall the 3rd man would break it up which they suggest is why Virgil chooses to not go for a pin but instead syncs in his version of the Million Dollar Dream on Horace Hogan as soon as he tosses Tatanka to the outside. Hogan does seem to be fading and is almost passing out when the Native American re-enters the ring via the top rope with his Tomahawk Chop that floors both men. He then lifts up Virgil and whips him against the ropes before slamming him to the mat with his "End of The Trail" Samoan Drop. At this point the announcers start talking about how 1 win could turn it all around for someone like Tatanka who had previously been known for his undefeated streak in the WWF and before they can even finish making this point he delivers his Wakinyan (Swinging side slam) to Virgil allowing him to get the 3 count while Horace Hogan seems to be just about regaining full consciousness.

    Booking explanation:

    To be fair Tatanka is a level above Horace & even Virgil and he is the one of these three who could actually recieve some sort of mini push so he had to be the one to win here. All will appear again later though.


    Backstage segment where Charley interviews Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson and asks him about his match coming up next against Abdullah The Butcher
    Hannibal: He never admitted what he did. He never admitted fault, apologized nor took any responsibility at all.... tonight I am getting my pound of flesh...tonight he will bleed once more... tonight I will get my Vengence!

    Before our next match BWA officials come down to ring side and begin to remove everything that could be deemed a weapon from around the ring. Several tables and chaires among other things are removed from under the ring. Even the ring bell is taken away from ring side.
    Blood Feud:
    Abdullah The Butcher vs Hannibal
    They exchange big rights and lefts, both men hit thunderous clotheslines before Hannibal connects with a suplex.

    JB: What is that maniac doing, your not going to win a first blood match with a suplex!
    BH: True but it's not like there are any weapons out there that he can use now
    JB: No offense BH but anything can be used as a weapon these guys need to step it up!

    It almost seems as if the combatants are taking note as the intensity gets kicked up a notch with Hannibal first targeting Abdullah's scarred forehead with elbow strikes and then The Butcher stopping him in his tracks with a low blow and removing the top turnbuckle.

    They take turns ramming each others head into the exposed steel. Still no blood though so Abdullah decides it's time to head to the outside and after one strong turnbuckle shot he tosses him between the ropes and it's then that they really get going and start using anything and everything available to then as a weapon. The steel steps, the ring post on the outside and the announcers table but still no blood.

    BH: Usually you would just look at Abdullah and the dude starts bleeding.
    JB: But when have you seen him not using with chairs and blades in matches.
    BH: Uh-Oh looks like he might have just found a more extreme weapon!

    It's at that point that Abdullah reaches into the crowd and grabs a beer bottle from a fan and with Hannibal charging at him from behind he turns and cracks him across the head with it. This sends him stumbling backwards looking like he is seeing stars and then right as The Butcher goes for a second swipe at him he drops to the floor still selling the impact of the bottle. As a result Abdullah misses Hannibal this time and instead the bottle smashes upon impact with the ring post. He then screams at the ref to check for blood but somehow there does not seem to be any on Hannibal. Therefore The Butcher decides it's time for more and lifts his opponent up balls up his fist and swings but the punch is dodged and Hannibal then kicks him in the gut before hitting a fast snap DDT onto the broken bottle shardes. Glass is drilled into the butchers skull (the grooves in his forhead to be exact) which bursts open and blood starts pouring out.
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson

    After the ref calls the result the camera zooms in on Hannibal and you can see the joy on his face but much to the announcers exclamations you can also see some blood dripping down his head from his forehead. They later suggest that he was busted open when Abdullah hit him with the bottle it just was not evident when the ref checked him and that perhaps it was not until he stood upright that the blood started to flow.
    Booking explanation: After everything Nicholson was put through by Abdullah in real life he needed to get the win here but this feud would most likely not be one and done and this finish allows for that plus the fans would only really be getting used to him at this stage in many cases so the feud would mean a lot more going forward now too.


    Backstage segment where Shane Douglas is interviewed about Triple Threat's (the other members of which are behind him) upcoming battle
    Douglas: These men behind me are some of the baddest men on the planet and when we all worked together, back in extreme championship wrestling I was the world heavyweight champion. ("me too" says Bam Bam in the background) but the chumps we have to face off against tonight were never anything! They are a forgotten stable that nobody cared about in a joke of a federation and didn't win anything of note. They should have stayed forgotten but nobody will ever forget the beating we give them tonight!

    BH: Speaking of ECW and all things Extreme, it's time for our pre-show main event!
    JB: How weird is it to see them bringing back all the foreign objects they removed from under the ring before the last match.
    Pre Show Main Event: Extreme Rules match
    The Original Sheik vs Sabu

    This match started at an incredible pace as neither competitor was waiting on any graces for instance before the bell even rang and as The Sheik made his way down to the ring Sabu performs a suicide dive to the outside taking him out. He then immediately grabbed some shards of glass still left from the last match, balls up his fist and places them in the gaps in between his fingers and stats to punch his uncle across his forehead. screaming out in pain The Shiek does him best to crawl away but Sabu grabs him and tries to drag him back unfortunately for him though he was just about able to crawl over to those broken pieces of glass and grabbed the largest of them and stabs into Sabu's foot!

    This draws a big "ooohhh" from the crowd as does Sabu pulling it out of his foot moments later and showing how painful that was on his face while the announcers play up that this truly is "Extreme". Like a terminator Sabu shakes off what just occurred and keeps moving forward after the sheik who is now under one side of the ring seemingly looking for another weapon and just like before when Sabu grabs him it is revealed what he was doing as the Sheik performs on of his signature moves and throws a fireball into Sabu's face. The Houdini of Hardcore is left completely dazed and confused and stumbles away as The Sheik grabs a chair and starts to lay into him causing him roll into the ring in pain to get away from him. The Sheik then starts tossing chair after chair into the ring. He finally stops when about six different chairs are in the ring and comes in after his nephew but Sabu this time rolls to the outside frustrating The Sheik. When he does so he takes a chair with him and then when the Sheik immediately tries to follow him but doing so via his own attempted Suicide dive Sabu throws up the chair and The Sheik goes head first into it and never makes it outside the ring.

    Now having had time to recover Sabu grabs a table and slides it into the ring before getting in himself and setting it up. The announcers play up how both men just keep getting up though as The Sheik gets back to his feet and starts brawling with Sabu and forces him into the corner. He gets one really good elbow shot in on Sabu and seems to get in the ascendency enough to put him up on the top rope and prepares to hit Sabu with a suplex onto the pilled up chairs in the ring but Sabu reverses it into a tornado DDT and drives the Sheik into the steel below. Sabu then grabs him and lays him out on the table before climbing back up to top rope and BOOM! Arabian Skullcrusher (diving leg drop driving a steel chair into his opponents face) through the table. He then rolls him over and makes the pinfall.

    Booking explanation:

    A Family feud between two hardcore wrestlers would be super heated and could be a spotfest to really get things going and to get the crowd pumped before the main show kicks off. Sabu would have to win though as there is so much more future for him going forward given that this storyline is based around how The Sheik almost (in reality did) have his career ended due to the leg break incident with Sabu in WCW even though we can claim to have them at their peak in the draft and at his peak The Shiek has a massive draw.


    We are then taken to Sean Mooney who is backstage with Kevin Sullivan and asks him about what Shane Douglas had to say earlier tonight
    Sullivan: Douglas talked about how his men were in a top stable in extreme championship wrestling... well so were the Blue Meanie and Big Dick Dudley. That place was a joke and Douglas (looks straight down the camera) you are a joke too! tonight we (The Varisty club are behind him) will show you what real wrestlers can do in a real promotion, tonight the punchline to your joke will be 1..2 ..3 and our hands raised"
    The Main Show Begins

    Pyro's go off and the crowd go wild as the main show begins with announcement that tonight's attendance is officially a new record beating last years record by over two thousand people at a grand total of 122,200. It is then announced that our first match of the evening would be the big 6 man tag team match which they refer to as Stable Warfare.
    Stable warfare
    Triple Threat (Bam Bam Bigelow, Shane Douglas & Chris Candido) vs The Varsity Club ("Dr Death" Steve Williams, Rick Steiner & Kevin Sullivan)

    The story of this match is the mat based skills of The Varsity Club against the underhanded nature and power based moves from Triple Threat and despite impressing initially The Varsity Club really begin to struggle when this one breaks down and multiple men are batting at one time, something that seems to be happening regularly. The crowd love when this happens but it takes a toll on the former collegiate athletes and their opponents are clealy on top when we get our first near fall after one particularly impressive double team move which sees Shane Douglas tag in and then suplex Bam Bam Bigelow onto their downed opponent Steve Williams. The announcers are actually very impressed with Williams that he is actually able to kick out after this but it does affect him considerably going forward.

    The finish of this match comes When it seems like there could be no other outcome but a Triple Treat win. Williams has taken a huge amount of punishment and is layed out on the ring mat while Sullivan and Steiner are beset on the outside by Candido & Douglas. Bam Bam goes up top and tries for his always impressive moonsault but at the last moment Williams is pulled out of the way but by why? seconds later and the camera focuses on Dan Spivey at ringside. Back inside the ring however and Williams is quick to get back to his feet while Bam Bam is clearly in a lot of pain after coming down hard on the mat, it's at this point that the man known as "Dr Death" delivers not 1, nor 2 but 3 Backdrop Drivers (Spike belly-to-back suplex) to Bam Bam, the last of which is a brigding pin variation and get the 3 count victory.
    The Varsity Club

    Booking explanation: It would make sense that given both IRS & Spivey are not involved here that the 3 man Varsity club may struggle against triple threat especially given how dominant Bam Bam could be booked to be but you always wanna keep the audience (reader) guessing and the 4th man giving them the chance to overcome the odds tells a nice story while not making their opponents look weak in losing to them. We may see more of these characters too later so..


    We then go backstage were Todd Grisham interviews first IRS and then The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase.
    IRS: I understand why you want to ask me about that match and yes I used to be in the varsity squad and am the reason they are here in the BWA so would like to congratulate them on their victory but I have my own match here tonight and not only that it is a match for the ever so prestigious BWA tag team titles and what's more it is with this great man right here. (DiBiase enters)

    DiBiase:Ha ha ha The Million Dollar Man is here and now this show can begin for real, but Mr Bigelow (looking straight down the camera) don't you go looking for retribution on that fellow Spivey tonight because this is your boss speaking and as a former member of the million Dollar Corporation you know I mean business when I tell you that I have something special in mind for him and a one Mr Stan Hansen tonight, something very special Ha ha ha

    JB: I wonder what the boss has in mind, do you have any ideas BH? how's he gonna screw Spivey & Hansen? Don't forget what he told them.
    BH: I know, I know everyone's got a price for the Million Dollar Man but we have a match up before that one and it's the return of Ronda Rousey to a BWA ring
    JB: Wow we haven't seen he on PPV since she humbled Jesse Ventura 2 Wrestlepalooza's ago!

    She isn't the first person involved in the following match to come out however as instead Eddie Gilbert makes his way down to the ring in his referee's top looking mightily pleased with himself. She is however second and every women who comes out after her seems to only have eyes for her.
    BWA Womens' World title elimination match:
    Manami Toyota vs Aja Kong vs Ronda Rousey vs Victoria vs Molly Holly
    With Special Referee "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert

    When this match starts all of the other four women involved target Rousey and try to get an early elimination for the former UFC star but it is not that easy. She dumps Manami Toyota to the outside using her own momentum against her and then drops Molly Holly with a straight right hand. As she does however Victoria tries to roll her up from behind. 1..2..Kickout

    BH: Damn that was a fast count
    JB: I think Gilbert might have favored filly in this race

    Rousey is straight back up to her feet and after as she rises she hits Victoria with a devastating uppercut and then gives Gilbert the dirtiest of looks. However her attention is then drawn to biggest dog in the fight as Aja Kong finally decides to get involved having stood back and watching all the others charge in. A huge clubbing blow from Kong knocks Rousey to the Mat and then she continues to pound on her until Rousey grabs her arm as it comes down and wraps herself around it reversing the attack into her patented armbar.. She is able to get to the ropes and break the hold however and then rolls to the outisde when Ronda releases it.

    Ronda has been so dominant that the announcers refer to her as being like a super hero, saying they should have cast her as Ms Marvel.

    On the outside Manami Toyota and Molly & Victoria (who had started to team up) had begun to brawl and due to the numbers the Americans had gotten the better of Toyota meaning that it was Molly who is the first to re-enter the ring but she is immediately hit by a roundhouse kick that looks like it could have knocked her clean out so Rousey goes for a pin afterwards. 1......2................kickout! again it is an incredibly long count by Gilbert but this time he gets more than just a hard stare for his trouble as Rousey opens up on him with a combination of rights and lefts punctuated by a scissors kick.

    Victoria then enters the ring and tries to attack Rousey from behind but she must have eyes in the back of her head because she catches her with a spinning backfist and knocks her to a knee and the flips her over once more into her armbar. Victoria immediately starts to tap but there is no referee. However she does not release the hold and moments later another ref comes running out and when victoria once again taps she becomes the first woman eliminated.

    Molly Holly has still barely moved after kicking out of the longest 3 counts ever as Ronda now turns her attention to her and she again locks in her armbar and within seconds Molly has also tapped and is eliminated.

    JB: What the heck, she attacks a referee and she isn't disqualified instead she is rewarded with two eliminations!
    BH: cmon JB, I'm not promoting what she did but Gilbert was not doing his job as an official out there, this is serious business, the BWA womens title is on the line here.

    At this point both the Asian ladies re-enter the ring an perhaps it is Rousey starting to tire from being involved in all the action so far but she makes a slight mistake and leaves herself open for a German suplex from Toyota which sends her crashing into the corner. They both seem to be working together As Toyota stands back and watches as Aja ascends the turnbuckles getting ready to perhaps drop down on her victim below her. Unfortunately 1 suplex is not enough to incapacitate Ronda Rousey and as Kong get to the top turnbuckle Ronda grabs and pulls her legs out from under her sending her crashing to the mat hitting her face off the top turnbuckle as she does. She then rises and goes toe to toe with Toyota as both throw kicks at the other. Rousey avoids one of Toyota's big advances however and then sweeps her trailing leg dropping her at which point she mounts her and begins to ground and pound her like no other woman in professional wrestling can. The ref steps in and ends Toyota's fight making her the third person eliminated by Rousey.

    At this point Ronda slowly goes to get back up to her feet and as she gets to a knee she turns to see where her one remaining opponent is but much to her shock and that of the viewing audience where Aja Kong is, is about to come off the top rope and Rousey has no time to adjust herself or move out of the way and her bigger opponent comes crashing down driving her elbow right into Rousey's skull. She drops straight to the mat and looks like she has been KO'd. Aja rolls her over and the stunned crowd watch on as she gets the 3 count and becomes the new BWA woman's champion.
    Aja Kong
    Booking explanation: Last time Ronda came to the BWA she was facing a man and it was right to put her over the a guy playing an arrogant douche but this time her losing to another woman puts over not just Aja but the entire womens division. That said the story had to be all about Rousey and how they could beat her and personally I believe anybody could be beaten by something like a diving elbow to the temple from someone like Aja Kong. Aja too because of her size and brawling ability could be believable in a feud with Rousey after this, in fact I believe I remeber the bostoncrab wanted to draft Ronda in the past to put her in that exact feud.

    Backstage we see Dave Batista arrives to the arena and Scott Stanford asks him about the busy couple of weeks he is in the midst of with his BWA PPV debut and the release of GOTG vol#2
    Batista: Tonight I am not Drax The Destroyer I am just a destroyer, and when I'm done with him Kevin Nash won't just not be able to stand, he won't be able to show his face around here again...

    BH: Some serious words from a serious man there
    JB: pfft who cares what some actor has to say, here comes the boss!

    Money Inc make their way down to the ring and before the tag team title match gets underway reminds everyone of his proclamation that one of his opponents tonight would turn on the other because as he put it "Everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man!"
    BWA World tag team title match:
    Money Inc - "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase & IRS vs Stan Hansen & Dan Spivey

    Stan Hansen demands to start the match when he sees Ted DiBiase doing the same but The Million Dollar Man wants no part of the big angry Texan and immediately tags IRS in. DiBiase may have had a plan for his opponents here tonight but as this match begins the announcers start to question it considering the first few minutes of the match are Hansen tossing Schyster around the ring but after each big move he would challenge Ted to tag in and face him but to no avail. Eventually DiBiase does enter the ring but it is only to break up big Stan's pin attempt after Hansen had delivered a thunderous piledriver to IRS. This led to the cowboy chasing Ted not only out of the ring but around it and he only gave up the chase when DiBiase had jumped the guard rail and gone into the crowd to get away from him while the ref had started a 10 count. This also gave IRS a chance to recover and when Hansen does slide back into the ring just before the 10 count he is immediately caught with a knee to his head.

    The momentum shifted and suddenly DiBiase wanted in and Money Inc took advantage performing several quick tags in and out cutting off the ring and not allowing Hansen to get to his partner. They really wore the big man down and if things were to continue like that the gold would no doubt be staying where they were. However a change wasn't long coming as The Varsity Club comes down to ringside. They start cheering on their former member IRS which seems to enrage his opponent Stan Hansen who seems to use it as fuel to power a comeback. He fights his way off his back and begins to battle up to his feet where he starts trading blows with Schyster. Meanwhile The Varsity Club have now moved around to Hansen's actual corner and started conversing with his partner and another VC member Dan Spivey.

    Stan has gotten back on top despite being exhausted from not being able to tag out all fight and emphasizes that by grabbing IRS and smacking him with a thunderous Lariat that nearly knocks him clear out of his wrestling boots.

    He hit him so hard that he actually dropped to his knees himself and then starts almost crawling to his corner looking to tag out except much to his chagrin Dan Spivey has his back turned to him and actually drops off the apron and joins up with the rest of the Varsity Club as Hansen makes it to the corner. Once again he can't tag out but this time he cannot (directly at least) blame his opponents. He is incensed and starts screaming at Spivey while IRS crawls over to his partner (DiBiase) and tags out . Dan Spivey looks up at Hansen and just laughs at the big Texan as Kevin Sullivan starts stuffing dollar bills of an unknown quantity into Spivey's hands. Stan may be have been nearly completely worn out but this did not stop him screaming at the top of his lungs at Spivey saying he was going to kill him, however it did stop him being able to focus on the ongoing match and Ted DiBiase took advantage of this coming up from behind him and locking in his Million Dollar Dream (Cobra clutch) submission hold. Hansen fought to get out of it but after fighting the whole match on his own and not seeing this attack coming he struggles and eventually passes out in the hold and the referee calls it for Money Inc
    Ted DiBiase & IRS

    Booking explanation:
    DiBiase had promised that someone would turn from his opponents, that everyone had a price for The Million Dollar Man and Hansen is not really the type to sell out plus with IRS (Mike Rotunda) being a former Varsity Club member and Dan Spivey's partner this makes sense. It also makes The Boss an even bigger heel and gives Hansen a proper reason to be the Big Angry Texan looking for vengenace.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    We kick off part 2 of the PPV with one of the two men who will main event the show Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall being interviewed by Pamela Paulshock about his world title match
    Scott Hall: Can I beat Hulk Hogan? Can Hulkamania actually be stopped? Can I actually win the big one and become a world champion? Well there is one quote that I always come back to chica...hard work pays off, dreams come true, bad times don't last, but bad guys do! and you're looking at The Bad Guy right here and this bad guy assures you that my dream is going to come through tonight so Hogan... welcome to your nightmare!

    JB: I don't know if his dream will come through here tonight as he has to contend with not only Hulk Hogan but it's going to be No Holds Barred and you gotta believe the NWO will get involved.
    BH: Maybe but either way that man is a star, and speaking of stars we have one of the biggest stars in the world in our next match.
    JB: what you mean Kevin Nash? ... I heard he is up for the role of Cable in the next Deadpool Movie

    Last Man Standing Match
    Kevin Nash vs Batista

    This match is what could only be described as good old JR would put it, as a slobberknocker with neither man willing to take a step back or do anything but throw and take big clubbing blows as this one started off. It was as if it was a contest of one upsmanship with each man taking turns trying to see who could hit harder or deliver the more devastating move.

    After about 12mins of this both men are beginning to show some wear and tear when the match finally leaves the ring with Batista spearing Nash and both men going through the ropes and to the outside as a result. Batista actually takes this bump the worst though and what results is the first ref count of the match. However The Animal has already broken it before he reaches 6. When he does get up though Nash is waiting and with a big sidewalk slam drops him hard on the announce table. Big Sexy then climbs up on top of the Spanish announcers table next to the one he left Big Dave lying prone on and drops a big elbow but Batista rolls off the table at the last second. This is lucky as the impact of the elbow looks devastating and the table buckles and breaks under the weight of the impact. The ref now starts to count out Nash but again the count is broken this time just before 7.

    Batista sets grabs another table from under the ring and sets it up right beside the ring but instead of trying to use it immediately he grabs big Kev and attempting to not give him a chance to recuperate hitts a series of big powerslams on him dropping him back on the remnants of the announce table. Again however the founding member of the NWO is back to his feet before the ref gets to 7 but this time as he does rise to his feet he avoids continued Batista attacks by taking with him one of the monitors from the broken table and catching him off guards with a shot to the stomach with it. Nash then drives Batista shoulder first into the outside of the ring post, not once but twice. Then smartly while the ref starts another 10 count he starts searching under the ring for a weapon. It was smart because Batista is back to his feet once again before the count of 7 but rises straight into a shot from Nash's newly acquired Keno stick which drops him back to his knees. Whack! Whack! Whack! he starts working over his back before winding up and WHACK! oooh everyone in the audience gasped at that once but not as much as they did at what came next as the GOTG star crawls into the ring to get away from the shots only for the man formerly known as Diesel to grab him by his legs and with one in each hand pull him back towards the outside so that his golden globes as the commentators put it come crashing into the turnbuckle. Again however Nash doe not look satisfied and immediately grabs something else from under the ring... Duct Tape! and while Batista is in agony in the corner he starts to duct tape his legs together behind the ring post.

    BH: Oh my gawd, this is actually exactly how Batista lost a last man standing match before!
    JB: This NWO original is not just packing big muscles but a big brain too!

    Nash though does not yet let the referee start his ten count and instead almost hits the poor guy with his kendo stick and a steel chair that he tosses intot he ring. Then after re-entering it himself he proceeds to pick up the Kendo stick and once again start wailing on the now defenseless Batista. Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! four more shots before with a big smirk he tosses his weapon away sets up the chair in the center of the ring and sits on it before barking at the ref to make the count.

    JB: Even without the tape i'd be surprised if Big Dave could make the count after the beating he has taken.
    BH: Gotta admit things don't look good for The Animal

    1...2...3...4 (the camera shows a close up of the Duct tape)...5...6..(OMG it's starting to tear)...7 ( Yes Batista is able to rip it apart using just his leg strenght)..8...9... and he gets back to his feet just in time to break the count. Nash looks stunned and gets up and heads over try and knock him back down but if he was stunned then he is stunned even more so moments later when Batista has a huge burst of energy and after a flurry of right hands, kicks him hard in the gut before speedily getting him up for a Batista Bomb! not just that but he brings Nash down hard onto the steel chair before collapsing to the mat himself as the referee once again starts to count. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8 and both men look to be getting back up so the ref stops counting. That said neither man looks great doing so and actually grab onto each other to balance themselves all while exchanging clubbing blows.

    This exchange goes on for a while with both men looking like they could drop again until Nash hits a mighty kick which the announcers suggest could well have been a low blow which completely takes the wind out of Batista's sails and given what happened to that region of his body early leaves him prone for Nash's further attack and attack he did by impressively (given how much damage he too had taken) getting Batista up for his Jacknife Powerbomb. Except this wasn't just any powerbomb, he hit this one from the inside to the outside of the ring and through the table Batista had set up at ringside earlier. Immediately EMTs run down to ringside to check on Batista but before they do the referee begins to count - 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10!
    Kevin Nash
    Booking explanation:I went back and forth on this one but wanted Nash to be able to leave the match still as a potential threat later on given the No Holds Barred (and thus potential for NWO interference) in the main event. Similarly I didn't really want the anti-NWO Batista being in peoples minds for that match and I think it'd be understandable for people not to expect someone who lost a last man standing match to be nvolved later in the night. It as well as DiBiase's earlier win starts a NWO streak going that could at least play into Andre's match plus it makes big Kevin Nash look great going forward (he could play up how he beat the Marvel man and is the real superhero of the BWA) while Batista does not look too bad given how much abuse he took and the fact that he had the impressive moment where he broke free of the duct tape.

    Batista impressively isn't down much longer than the 10 count and pushes away the assistance of the medical personal and leaves ringside without assistance and gets a great crowd reaction in doing so but our winner tonight is Kevin Nash! Will the other NWO members fair so well?

    We then have a commercial for the next time the BWA will be on PPV with their annual Survivor Series style open challenge to all other promotions from the CWA and MNG to BCW - The advertisement reminds everyone that the BWA is still to be defeated at this show but wonders if the company will be able to put together a cohesive team this year given all the faction warfare going on

    When we return we see Kevin Nash being interviewed by Lauren Brooke
    Nash: Thanks Babe, Batista is one tough SOB but he is not a superhero and this is not a movie, this is the BWA and the NWO run this house.... (he stops in his tracks as his former running buddy Scott Hall walks up to him and after a brief stare down breaks the tension by speaking to him)

    Hall: Hey Yo mang...screw Hulk Hogan.. be it the Kliq, NWO, or the outsiders I was always those things for life and you were always my brother and bro after that battle you went through all I wanted to say was... congratulations mang, you deserve it.

    He then too Sweets Nash (before exiting) who almost instinctively responds in kind but as we return to ringside the last thing we see is a somewhat confused and conflicted look on Big Daddy Cools face.

    When we do get back to ringside we witness the entrance of "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig and then out comes Andre The Giant

    JB: Oh My, no matter how many times I see him I am awe struck by Andre
    BH: They aren't joking when they call him a giant!
    JB: very true, now let's see if Hennig really has the perfect match plan because he will need it in this Intercontinental title match!
    Intercontinental title match:
    Mr Perfect vs Andre The Giant

    As this one gets under way Andre seems to be stalking his smaller opponent while Hennig does his best to avoid his big lunges. Each time he does he shoots off a kick to the back of The Gaints most advanced leg. The announcers wonder if that is part of his plan but it appears if it is things aren't going according to plan as on his fourth attempt Andre catches him in a chokehold which he then transitions into a bearhug that he holds in place for what must have seemed like an eternity to the challenger. Eventually he releases the hold but as he does he catches Curt with a devestating headbut and drops him to the mat.

    BH: Well this match has clearly not starting as Perfect had intended
    JB: Unless he intended to get his ass handed to him I think that's a safe bet

    The commentators suggestion gets highlighted even further as the big man picks perfect up, tosses him into the corner and then proceeds to repeatidly hit him with gigantic overhand chops. You can already see Perfect's chest turning red when he is finally able to avoid one of those shots and rolls to the outside to catch his breath.

    Andre stays inside and laughs at Hennig and starts goading him into getting back in with him and calls at him "I thought you were perfect litle man". The game plan seems to be out the window now as Hennig charges back in and executes a dropkick perfectly. The only thing being that on Andre it only connects to the chest but still it gives Perfect an opportunity and one he tries to take by immediately going for his perfect plex... but no, he cannot get Andre up and the Giant once again is seen chuckling as his opponent struggles in his attempt. He only stops laughing so as to reverse the attempted move and suplexes Perfect instead. Another suplex follows that but this time the Double Underhook Suplex that Andre usually finishes matches with. He seems in total control now as walks on his fallen opponents chest as he heads over to the corner climbs to the second rope and goes for a senton. Hennig just gets out of the way in time rolling to the outside as Andre hits the mat.

    Andre may be in the ring wincing in pain after that drop but Perfect outside is the one who really needs to collect himself and not just due to the pain he is clearly still in. in fact as the commentators note Hennig starts slapping himself in the face and shouting at himself at this point telling himself to get it together. he then slides back into the ring opposite Andre takes a big deep breath and actually beckons his Gigantic opponent to come at him. He avoids Andre's lunge and hits a number of quick kick combinations to his tree trunk legs before backing to the opposite side of the ring and once again calling Andre to come at him. For a second time The Giant attack (this time a big chop) is dodged before another flurry of kicks are delivered to Andre's legs. The third time he does this Andre's legs actually begin to buckle under his own weight given how perfect has weakened them.

    BH: finally, The perfect plan in action. He tried this at the start of the fight but now he's doing it.. taking out the big man's legs
    JB: Even the mightiest of redwoods will fall if you keep chopping at it's trunk, this is like McGregor vs Diaz 2 all over again
    BH: ooh look at you with the pop culture references

    Perfect continues with this course of action and finds that Andre gets slower in his movements after each subsequent blow to his legs and therefore easier to attack. He does not stop until Andre cannot support his weight at all and drops to his knees at which point Perfect begins to target pther areas employing more dropkicks for example. After a minute or two of taking shot after shot Andre according the the announcers puts all his remaining energy together for one last effort and rises to his feet to attack Perfect but no he just cannot hold himself up and stumbles into the ropes which he uses to hold himself up. buoyed by this and how well he had turned around the fight in general Perfect looks full of energy again and pulls down the strap from over his should and calls out that he is going to finish things before grabbing Andre and once more going for his Perfect-Plex

    JB: what are you doing you idiot, your plan was working... you can't lift the giant
    BH: Hang on! Oh My... I think...

    Then in an amazing nay a Perfect feat of strength "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig Perfect-Plexes The Giant for the 3 count!
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig

    Booking explanation: For me the story of how Mr Perfect can pull of the perfect match and topple the Giant heel so as to become the IC champion is of course far more compelling than the Heel Giant overcoming the smaller challenger. It would also mean that Andre probably would not be able to interfere in the main event and between he and Perfect the heel was always more likely to do so but now we have a reason why he perhaps wouldn't. Plus the IC title is often a stepping stone towards the World Title and whether it is his good friend Scott Hall who along with perfect often dominate the debates about best wrestlers never to win the big one or Hulk Hogan who as illustrated in the build for Hennig in the BWA (highlighting there past issues) he would perhaps be the better choice for a main event run, definitely a fresher one than say Hogan/Andre, especially with his perfect undefeated streak in tact.


    When they are finally done showing replays of how The Giant was toppled and while Andre is being assisted to the back we are brought backstage where the new Intercontinental champion is being interviewed and congratulated on his victory by Lance Catamaran
    Perfect: Thank you, thank you Lance, your right it is a huge moment to beat Andre he Giant, a man who claimed he had not been defeated in 15 years. I mean how many people can say they have done that, only main event talent that's for sure. but that there is the problem Mr Perfect should be considered main event talent and as much as it means to me to have won this belt (holds aloft the IC title)... I didn't come here to be the Intercontinental champion... I came to the BWA to be world champion.

    Perfect: Scott Hall or Hulk Hogan... I don't care... I am coming for the world title!

    JB: Oh my! can you believe what we just saw? How could he do that to the IC title?
    BH: tbh that title has only been in the company a few weeks, Andre brought it with him from his old federation
    JB: You would of course defend Perfect, well unlike him here is a real man of the people and a real American... Hulk Hogan
    Hogan: Now let me tell you something brothers... up next is the battle for all ages, the war between good and evil, and right vs wrong as the great power of Hulkamania and the NWO runs wild on Scotty Hall.

    but lets get real for a minute he calls himself the bad guy but your looking at the big Kahuna bad guy here brother! I do what I want when I want and you people will still cheer me because I am your god! I am the Immortal one, Hulkamania will live forever and no god damn Junkie piece of crap like Scott Hall will change that.

    The commentary team are left speechless after Hogan spat right into the camera before leaving that interview but find there voice again as the challenger Scott Hall makes his way out... it's time for our main event!

    World Heavyweight title match:
    "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan vs Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall

    Hogan and Hall start this one on an even pegging trading punches and moves and generally going toe to toe with each other. Hall seems to be gaining a slight advantage however due to his speed advantage and starts to get on top landing more and more offense in comparison to Hogan. When he hits a fall away slam on the champion it seems as though he is starting to take command of the match but Hogan Hulks up much to the fans chagrin. Much more to their liking however is the fact that "The Bad Guy" interrupts this with a kick to Hogan's gut and then BOOM! The Razor's Edge! he goes for the pin but nope we won't have an early win here as they are too close to the ropes and the Hulkster is able to get his foot up onto the bottom one to break the count. He then rolls to the outside to collect himself. Hall follows him but when he tries to toss Hogan back into the ring Hulk rakes the challengers eyes completely knocking him off his game. Then while Hall is incapacitated Hogan reaches under the ring and pulls out a chair and proceeds to hit him with it. This is followed by another shot to his back and then four more strong chair shots once again across Hall's back. Hogan looks to be revelling in the boos that ring out as he does this and that continue to be heard as he rolls his opponent back into the ring and goes for a pin.

    1....2... nope, kickout! Hogan looks very annoyed by this and after several stomps on Hall all (while he seems to be considering going back out to get the chair) he throws up some form of signal to the back and almost instantaneously out comes Horace Hogan. Horace charges down to the ring but the referee tries to get Horace to not enter the ring by physically blocking his path. While the ref admonishes the interloper Hogan low blows Hall who had just fought his way to his feet. Hogan immediately follows this up with a roll up pin but distracted by Horace the ref is slow to spot the pin and Hogan only gets a 2 count.

    BH: Such underhanded tactics by Hogan and yet it's he who looks like he could kill the ref now
    JB: what do you mean underhanded this is No Holds Barred! I don't blame him for being angry he could have just retained his title there.

    Hogan then lets his frustration out as he begins to shove the referee and after one particularily hard push the ref goes over the top ring rope which Horace Hogan had just pulled on so as to get up onto the ring apron.

    BH: I guess you think that is justified then?
    JB: don't you go putting words in my mouth but again no holds barred so ref or no ref Hogan's fine

    With the ref incapacitated there is nobody there to stop the uncle and nephew team double teaming Scott Hall here. Then as the Hulkster delivered an atomic drop to Hall, Horace grabbed the chair from the outside and slid it in to the champ. He then re-entered the ring and held Hall up for Hulk to deliver a charishot to his head but Hall is able to dodge it at the last second and instead Horace is taken out. Hall uses this moment to hit three big strikes followed by a discus punch and a belly to back suplex and goes for a three count but it fails because there is no ref to count the fall.

    When the ref does actually come to and gets in the ring Hall goes for another pin but this time it's broken up by Horace. A p!ssed off Scott Hall rolls to the outside after Horace but the ref also has chased after him and is trying to get him to leave. Hulk Hogan too comes to the outside and with the ref separating Hall and the two Hogan's the Hulkster embraces his nephew seemingly telling him it's ok and to listen to the ref but the announcers spot Horace pass him something as he leaves... Brass knuckles! Which he then uses to clock Hall on the side of the head. He looks like he is out cold!

    However they are outside of the ring and the announcers emphasize that although it's no holds barred it's not falls count anywhere and Hogan struggles to drags Hall back into the ring and as a result perhaps too much time has passed and when he finally goes for the pin... 1...2...kickout!

    Hogan looks shocked and is clearly wondering how can he beat him? but it seems he has decided on a way as he beckons Hall to his feet and then as he gets to them goes for his Big Boot but No! Hall reverses it into a rollup 1... 2... kickout! Of the two Hogan (still the fresher man) gets to his feet first and slingshots himself against the ropes and as Hall gets up he is hit by another Big Boot, this time Hogan follows it up with a Leg Drop


    His signature move isn't able to keep Hall down but Hogan blames the ref and once move attacks him. He then once again signals to the back and suddenly a ref wearing a NWO referee's shirt comes charging down to the ring. The ring in which Hogan lifts Hall up and delivers the body slam that the announcers put over as the move that beat Andre at WM3... another kickout!

    Again Hogan looks incredulous but signals he's going to finish it with another big boot/leg drop combo. Hall though is once again able to avoid the Hogan's raised leg and bounces off the ropes before cracking the Hulkster with a big Lariat. He then doesn't miss a beat and hits his 2nd Razor's Edge of the night and immediately goes for the win 1.... 2... the Ref hesitates but ...3!
    Scott Hall

    It's over! The champion has been pinned for the 3 count and as the ring announcer states we now have a new world champion! Scott Hall is then presented the title by the referee and he can't help himself but stare in amazement at it. He has finally won a world championship, he is a world champion! The crowd chant his name and he looks like he may even shed some tears.


    This moment however is interrupted by Hogan who grabs a mic and tells them (the crowd) to shut up before calling out Andre & Nash before he starts screaming for DiBiase telling him to "get out there and re-start the match"

    As if on cue The Million Dollar Man then does appear on the titantron with Andre, IRS, Virgil & Tatanka all standing behind him.
    Ted: "Hogan...You're not in charge here...I am!
    and now that your no longer the champion you no longer have your creative control clause, and you know what (looks around behind him) I don't think you even have the NWO anymore cos 'brother' (said sarcastically) your looking at the new and improved Million Dollar Corporation!"

    DiBiase then let's off one of his trade mark laughs as the focus returns back to the ring

    It is there that we see Hall laughing at Hogan but then Nash's music hits and Big Daddy Cool makes his way into the ring and goes face to face with Scott Hall. He points to his shirt which "NWO for life" which elicitsa big smile from Hogan who had been beyond distraught but then... swerve! both Outsiders (Hall & Nash) turn and lay out Hogan. Nash then picks up Hogan and delivers a Jacknife before picking him up so that Hall can add the exclamation point with another Razor's edge! Nash then hands Hall an NWO shirt which he puts on as Nash kicks the broken Hogan out of the ring.

    Then the final image of the show is Hall in the black and white of the NWO having one hand lifted by Nash while the other hold his BWA world heavyweight championship aloft. As this happens Mr Perfect (Hall's friend and a potential future challenger for the belt) and all the other faces come out to applaud the new champion as we go off the air.
    Booking explanation: Put simply nobody reading this wanted to read about Hulk Hogan winning, this had to be about Scott Hall overcoming The Hulkster taking full advantage of the No Holds Barred stip to win his first ever world championship. Hogan 100% had to get his comeuppance after being portrayed as a complete bastard in the weeks proceeding the match but the match also needed more than just that so as not to be obvious, hence all the bits after the bell the seeds for which were planted earlier in the night. Not only did Hogan get his ass kicked and his title taken from him but the NWO also abandoned him, The Million Dollar Corporation was formed and especially with DiBiase as the boss that stable will no doubt be a force to be reckoned with going forward and it could get bigger too as Ted himself referenced earlier in the night that Bam Bam is a former member and they now do have a Varsity Squad association. Nash too turned on him because tbph The outsiders being alligned just feels more right than the alternative as does Hall having friends while Hogan is abandoned completely, it'd certainly send the fans hom happy too.
    BWA Roster 2016
    Hulk Hogan
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Andre The Giant
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    "IRS" Mike Rotunda
    Dave Batista
    "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig
    Stan Hansen
    Manami Toyota
    Aja Kong
    Ronda Rousey
    Molly Holly
    The Original Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    "The Franchise Shane Douglas"
    Chris Candido
    "Dr Death" Steve Williams
    Dan Spivey
    Kevin Sullivan
    Rick Steiner
    "hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert
    Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson
    Horace Hogan

    Thank you all for reading the BWA 2017!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,288 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment (LWE) presents

    WrestleMayhem PPV

    The main event is the "battle of austin" with current LWE world heavyweight champion Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) Vs. Austin Aries

    Cesaro Vs. Nigel McGuinness ladder match for a LWE world heavyweight title match at anytime valid for 1 year

    Beth Phoenix Vs. Chyna (c) for LWE women's title

    Tyson Kidd (c) Vs. Steve Blackman for LWE IC title

    Carlito & Primo (Cool Colons) with Nidia (c) Vs. (British Perfection) Curtis Axel & Davey Smith Jnr for LWE tag titles

    Ryback Vs. Matt Morgan

    Colt Cabana Vs. Jack Evans Vs. Teddy Hart (c) for LWE cruiserweight title

    The LWE current hardcore champion Crimson issues a open challenge to anyone

    The in style guide with Darren Young telling you what is hot and what is not

    Will LWE GM Jesse The Body Ventura accept Michael Elgin match challenge and what will Mason Ryan's fate be?

    The wedding of Snoop Dogg and Awesome Kong

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,123 ✭✭✭✭paulie21

    PCW (Show 3) One week to Pauliemania II


    Byron Saxton and David Otunga welcome the Detroit crowd to another edition of Carnage.

    Rocky Johnson makes his way to the ring


    Rocky: I'm still in shock what happened last week, my son, Dwayne went against his moral values and helped me become Heavyweight champion. I need to know why son?"

    The Rocks music hits

    Rock: "I gave you everything you ever wanted now I want one thing from you."

    Rocky:"What's that"

    Rock: "A one on one match at Pauliemania for the title. Lets prove it once and for all who is the alpha male of the Johnson family."

    Mr Kennedy music hits

    Kennedy "Hold on one minute, I'm owed a championship rematch and I plan on using that opportunity at Pauliemania."

    Paulie appears on the titantron

    Paulie: "Well we've certainly have a dilemma on our hands so I've decided tonight we're going to have a one on one match to determine the number one contender for the PCW Heavyweight Chamionship."

    Sasha Banks v Bertha Faye w/ Vickie Guerrero

    Saxton tells us this match will determine the stipulation for the Women's title match this Sunday

    Bertha dominates the match but as she holds up Sasha at the apron for Vickie to deliver a slap Vickie accidently catches Bertha allowing Sasha to lock in the Bank Statement for the win.
    Winner: Sasha Banks

    Sasha:"Vickie this Sunday at Pauliemania, you and I will compete inside a steel cage."

    Vickie looks mortified


    Singles Match
    Chris Jericho v Dolph Ziggler

    The match never starts as both men have an all out brawl across the arena
    Winner: No contest

    Brie Bella is talking to JoJo

    JoJo: "Brie, you and your sister Nikki seem to be having lots of problems lately."

    From behind, Nikki attacks Brie

    Paulie is in his office

    Paulie: "No more carnage is happening here tonight, at Pauliemania, Nikki Bella will take on Brie Bella and Chris Jericho will take on Dolph Ziggler."

    Paul Bearer heads to the ring with his monster, Giant Gonzalez

    Bearer: "Ohhh Yess, We're back. My monster has scared everyone off, he has no opponent for this Sunday. Nobody is brave enough to step up."

    Baron Corbins music hits and he stares down Gonzalez


    Singles Match (No.1 Contender for PCW World Heavyweight Championship)

    The Rock v Mr Kennedy

    Back and forth action but the referee gets knocked out, Kennedy grabs a chair and goes to blast the Rock with it but is stopped by Rocky Johnson and his son gets up to connect with the Rock Bottom and the referee recovers to make the three count.
    Winner: The Rock

    Rock and Johnson stare each other down and stare at the Pauliemania sign. Johnson hoists his title above his head. The Rock hits him with the Rock Bottom as the credits roll.

    Pauliemania II card:

    PCW Heavyweight Championship

    Rocky Johnson (c) v The Rock

    Singles Match:

    Chris Jericho v Dolph Ziggler

    Singles Match:

    Giant Gonzalez v Baron Corbin

    Singles Match:

    Brie v Nikki

    Steel Cage Match for Women's Championship:

    Vickie Guerrero (c) v Sasha Banks

    Ladder Match for Tag Team Titles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Fireworks and pyro go off welcoming viewers to this presentation in front of a sell-out crowd of over 72,000 people at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA, for Monday Night Grappling: Grapplemania. This year's Grapplemania event will feature the most matches ever - 9 emotionally charged match-ups in all - with 5 championships on the line, a clash involving brothers, and a match where the very future of the company is at stake - depending on how things go, this may well be the last Grapplemania ever on the tenth anniversary of the Draft. Without any further ado, let us get this Grapplemania presentation under way…

    Tag Team Tables Match
    Billy Kidman and Paul London vs The Eliminators


    Back story

    Paul London and Billy Kidman debuted in the company, making the save when The Eliminators were attacking Chad Gable and Jason Jordan, and sending Perry Saturn and John Kronus running.

    Incensed and humiliated by this, The Eliminators demanded and received a tables match with the popular tag duo in order to teach them a lesson.

    Question marks surround the health of London and Kidman going into the match after The Eliminators last week threw both men off the stage into tables below.
    The Match

    Before the bell it was announced that the match ends when both tag team partners are put through a table. It was a tornado tag style format and so tag ins weren't necessary.

    It was a fast-paced match to start with, and the action swung one way then the other, but it became clear as the match progressed that Kidman and London were not 100 per cent.

    The turning point of the match saw Kidman go for a shooting star press on Saturn but Kronus moved his partner out of the way and Kidman crashed and burned. Kronus and Saturn then put Kidman through a table in the corner.

    Billy Kidman has been eliminated.

    This left London isolated and while he fought bravely, the numbers game was too much. The Eliminators used Total Elimination to put London through the table.

    Winners: The Eliminators

    After the match, Kidman returned to the ring and helped up his partner London. Once London was up on his feet, he clotheslined Kidman to the mat and got in his face screaming 'You did this. You left me on my own!'

    Commentator #1: He just took out his friend! What the hell is that?

    London then went up top and hit a shooting star press on his now former friend and leaves screaming that their partnership is done.
    Why I went with this feud: I wanted to kick off the show with an exciting match and I think a tables match involving these teams would be pretty great.

    Why I booked it this way: I want to have London and Kidman immersed in my Skyweight (high-flying) division and so it was necessary to put The Eliminators over since they'd be remaining in my tag division. I also think I needed to give them a win as they took a few losses on my TV shows.

    Ladder Match - for the New MNG Skyweight Championship
    Tiger Mask vs Ultimo Dragon


    Back Story

    This is the only match on the card featuring two babyfaces against one another. General Manager Muhammad Ali had announced a battle royal for the brand new Skyweight Championship - for the cruiserweights in the company. In this battle royal, the final two men left standing would face one another at Grapplemania in a ladder match to determine the first ever champion.

    In a match that also featured such star names as Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio, and Will Ospreay, it was Ultimo Dragon and Tiger Mask that managed to be the final survivors. Now one of these men will claim the gold - but who will it be?
    The Match

    The fans were quiet early on as both men being babyfaces made it tough to know who to cheer for - but Ultimo Dragon gained the sympathy as Tiger Mask worked over his leg and gradually the fans got more and more into it.

    Highlights of the match included Ultimo Dragon hitting an Asai Moonsault on Tiger Mask through a table, Tiger Mask hitting a diving headbutt off of a ladder on Dragon, Dragon hitting a corkscrew moonsault on Tiger Mask who was flat out on a ladder, and Tiger Mask hitting a diving crossbody off a ladder on to Dragon outside.

    The finish of the match saw Tiger Mask climbing the ladder and being inches away from the title, only for Dragon to leap on to an adjacent ladder and lock in his Dragon Sleeper. Tiger Mask passed out and fell to the mat as Dragon climbed and took the title.
    Winner and first ever MNG Skyweight Champion: Ultimo Dragon


    After the match Dragon went to his friend and helped him up. Both men hugged as the fans cheered.
    Why I went with this feud: I think my roster is crying out for a title for the cruiserweights and I wanted the match for the title to be a big deal. These two men would put on a classic and get over the title as important.

    Why I booked it this way: I have had Dragon suffer a few losses up to now and I wanted this match to act as a reminder to fans of how much of a legend he is. Tiger Mask has been kept strong on my shows and this is his first loss so I don't think he suffers from the defeat.

    Backstage interview with myself


    Interviewer: Boss, we are here on the tenth anniversary of the Draft. What are your feelings as you reflect on everything?

    Myself: Listen, tonight is an emotional night for me. I think back to Drafts gone by, years that were successful, and years that were not. I am happy to see that tonight we've had great in-ring action - those fans who hate me for wanting the company to die tonight have got the wrong idea about me. It's not that I take joy in putting down Monday Night Grappling. This company is now like an old horse, with a game leg - it must be put out of its misery. It breaks my heart to do it. But tonight it ends.

    Interviewer: Finally, sir, are you not at all concerned that Muhammad Ali might beat your man Minoru Suzuki tonight and scupper your plans.

    Myself: Concerned? Of course I am. Muhammad Ali is perhaps the greatest boxer and sportsman of all time! But remember this is an MMA match, not a boxing match - Ali decided to play fair with the rules and he'll regret that because MMA style suits Suzuki. Plus...well...let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve if I need them...

    Purpose of promo: Antagonize fans and tease some surprises...

    Women's Title Match
    Mickie James (c) vs Io Shirai


    Back story

    At a press conference before the new season started Mickie James was dismissive of the other women who had been signed, declaring she was not a star of the future like the others but a star of the NOW.

    Muhammad Ali's idea to determine the number one contender was for an Iron Woman Tournament, where the four contenders would face each other week, with points on offer for results. The woman that topped the standings would earn the spot. And after a tricky opening week for Io Shirai in which her trust was exploited by Cheerleader Melissa - much to Mickie James' amusement - eventually Shirai got to grips with her rivals and emerged as the top contender for the title.

    This match at Grapplemania sees Shirai, one of the most sought after talents in women's wresting, wanted by WWE for their women's tournament on NXT, taking on Mickie James, a multiple time WWE Women's Champion.

    Which woman will take the gold?
    The Match

    As the bell rang, in a twist from last week on TV, this time Io Shirai offered Mickie a handshake. The fans screamed 'no'.

    Commentator #2: So much for Shirai learning her lesson. She's too trusting!

    Commentator #1: You may be right.

    A big smile broke out on Mickie's face as the fans shouted 'no'. Mickie shrugged and went for the handshake only for Shirai to drag her in and apply a crossface as the fans roared.

    Commentator #1: Wait a minute! The crossface is locked in! Mickie's got nowhere to go!

    To the shock of everyone Mickie tapped out in just under 30 seconds.
    Winner and new MNG Women's Champion: Io Shirai


    After the match Shirai's friend Mayu Iwatani hugged her friend as Mickie looked on in shock.

    Fireworks went off as Shirai posed with the title.
    Why I went with this feud: Mickie is the most well known of my women so it made sense for her to be in the title picture. I went with Shirai as her opponent as she looks like being the best female wrestler in the industry over the next few years. I think these two would have a very good match today, and when Mickie was in her prime, an even better one.

    Why I booked it this way: I need to build Shirai up so the plan was always for her to go over here. The story of the feud has been Mickie underestimating her so I thought a quick win for Shirai would be a good way to further that story, as well as get over Shirai in a big way.

    US Title Match
    Naomichi Marufuji (c) vs Dean Malenko


    Back Story

    Dean Malenko captured the US Title last year and was defending it on house shows in open invitational matches, always winning and always proclaiming himself the best technical wrestler in the world.

    He continued his open invitational challenge into the new season of Monday Night Grappling and would face his toughest challenge yet - Ultimo Dragon. Malenko survived the test but his decision to try to hurt Dragon's leg would have big ramifications. Naomichi Marufuji was watching from the stands and hopped the barricade to come to his compatriot's aid. The same thing would happen the following week. Malenko however would learn going to the well too many times can be a mistake. Accepting what he thought was another challenge from Dragon, Malenko would get pinned and discover his opponent was actually Marufuji - newly signed and now the new US Champion.

    Both men believe they are the best technical wrestler but only one can leave with the title. Which man will get the glory?

    The Match

    Despite being the heel, Malenko got more cheers being American, as well as being a familiar face to the Georgia fans from his WCW days.

    The match was a mat classic and the only time they left the ring was when Malenko applied a figure four to Marufuji's leg - which was the move Malenko had tried to do to Ultimo Dragon before Marufuji had made the save.

    The story of the match was Malenko working the legl and despite Malenko being popular here, Marufuji got enough of the audience invested. Duelling chants broke out.

    'Dean Malenko', 'Marufuji', 'Dean Malenko', 'Marufuji'

    Highlights included Malenko hitting two powerbombs for a long 2 count, Marufuji hitting his Ko-oh finisher but only getting a long 2 count, Malenko having his cloverleaf locked in for almost a minute but Marufuji refusing to submit, and Malenko kicking out of a Shiranui Kai - a moonsault slam.

    The finish of the match saw Malenko go for the cloverleaf only for Marufuji to counter in a cradle - it was just a 2 count but as both men got to their feet, Marufuji hit an Emerald Flowsion and draped an arm over Malenko for the 1...2...3.

    Winner and still MNG US Champion: Naomichi Marufuji

    Both men got a standing ovation after the match was over. Marufuji offered a handshake but Malenko refused it and stormed out of the ring. This finally led to the crowd booing him as Marufuji shook his head.
    Why I went with this feud: Pretty straightforward. These two would put on a brilliant match and it would be a contender for match of the night.

    Why I booked it this way: Marufuji just won the title recently so it was too soon to switch. There would be other options for Malenko such as going for the Skyweight Title. I would eventually do a rematch between him and Marufuji but not too soon.
    Backstage interview with Ricky Steamboat


    Interviewer: Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, tonight in the main event you take on Kurt Angle for his World Heavyweight Championship. Tell us your thoughts on tonight.

    Ricky Steamboat: Well you know it's been building for some time between me and Kurt. There has always been a tension between us, even when I was helping him and we'd spar as part of his rehab, that tension was there and that question - who is the better man.

    I never thought things would get so out of hand that I'd return to the ring and be fighting for a World Title again, but Kurt made it personal when he disrespected me and my family. Now he has to pay the price - and he'll pay it in gold.

    Interviewer: Finally Ricky I understand you'll have plenty of support tonight, and I don't just mean all the fans here.

    Ricky Steamboat: That's right, my wife and my little boy Richie are here. That means everything to me. Last time they saw me and Kurt face off, Kurt called me a coward. You know what it's like to be called that in front of your wife and son? It hurts like hell. But tonight I prove to my wife and son that I'm no coward. Tonight I'll make them proud of me.

    Purpose of promo: Get fans excited for the main event and sympathetic towards Steamboat.

    Extreme Rules Match
    Dory Funk Jr. vs Terry Funk

    Back Story

    Right before the new season was set to start, tragedy befell Dory Funk Jr. as he was sneak attacked at his ranch one night, suffering the indignity of being branded in the attack with the letters E-C-W.

    While suspicion surrounded his brother Terry Funk and his involvement, Terry's impassioned crusade to find the culprit seemed to suggest it was not him. Going after talent with a history in ECW such as Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko and The Eliminators, and ultimately pointing the finger at Kurt Angle as responsible, Terry Funk made a convincing detective to a lot of people - but not his brother. Upon regaining consciousness Dory revealed the attacker had spoken the letters E-C-W while writing them, and Dory revealed he'd recognize the pronunciation of 'Dubya' anywhere - it was Terry after all.

    Terry Funk eventually admitted it, revealing he didn't want Dory on the show as a rival to his own ambitions. He declared the branding symbolised a change in him - no longer was he the brother Terry, but now he is totally ECW legend Terry Funk.

    But Dory would have a surprise in store himself. He had in fact arrived at the TV taping with the news that Muhammad Ali had made a match for Grapplemania involving the brothers in an Extreme Rules contest. In what is sure to be a war, which Funk will have his hand raised?
    The Match

    In a surprise to nobody, this match descended into a war quickly. While both men would have been well capable of a mat classic, it was clear from the off this match was going to be violent.

    Terry was busted open inside two minutes as Dory chased his brother around ringside, swinging a chair. It was all Dory Funk in the opening exchanges as the fans got behind him. But Terry would turn the tide, snatching the ring bell and clocking his brother with it. Terry then worked over Dory with the chair and Dory got busted open.

    The men brawled into the crowd and the match even wound up backstage; they fought in the boiler room, they fought in the cafeteria, they even fought in the 'Gorilla' position.

    Eventually they returned to ringside. Highlights included Terry Funk positioning Dory on some chairs and hitting a moonsault for a nearfall; another moment saw Dory hit a powerbomb on Terry over some thumb tacks.

    The finish saw Terry pull out a barbed wire bat and pour lighter fluid over it; before he could set it alight, however, Dory pulled out a branding iron. He showed Terry his back that Terry had branded.
    Commentator #1: Dory is going to do to Terry what Terry did to him.

    Commentator #2: I guess turnabout's fair play! Come to think of it, anything is fair play in this match!
    As Dory brought the hot iron near his brother's face, Terry blocked it with the bat,and the heat from the bat set the barbed wire bat alight due to the lighter fluid on it.

    This surprised Dory who stepped back and Terry took full opportunity, smashing Dory several times with the flaming bat, making sure to target the already weakened back of Dory that had been branded a month ago.

    Terry then pulled up his brother, brought his face close, screamed 'you should have never come here!' and then hit a DDT on some of the thumb tacks. Terry then covered Dory for the 1...2...3.

    Winner: Terry Funk


    The announcers put over that this was one of the most vicious matches they'd seen on Grapplemania. Terry staggered to the back, while Dory was wheeled out to be taken back to hospital.
    Why I went with this feud: Initially my plan for Terry involved something with Suzuki but when I was gifted his brother Dory, I thought it would be good to keep up the tradition on my show of family members fighting each other. In recent years I've had a mother vs daughter match, and a grandfather vs grandson clash, so this seemed the way to go.

    Why I booked it this way: I would have big plans for Terry as a main event heel so I felt he needed to win here. Dory is just out of hospital so it's not like a narrow loss hurts him much, if at all. I think I'd take Dory off TV for a while. There would be an option of having these two as a tag team down the line, but that would be far off.

    End of part one...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Backstage interview with Muhammad Ali


    Interviewer: Muhammad Ali, earlier we heard from the owner who says he is confident Monday Night Grappling will end tonight. Your thoughts?

    Muhammad Ali: That fool thought having Stone Cold lose to Dynamite Kid a few years ago was a good idea. What does he know?

    I'll tell you what my thoughts are: tonight I'm gonna take this fist, and this fist, and I'm going beat that boy Minoru so bad his own family won't recognize him. Tonight I ain't bringing a suit and tie and hat. Tonight I'm bringin' a good ol' fahsioned whuppin' to that boy, and I'm gonna make our fans proud.

    Purpose of promo: Get fans pumped for the match later.

    Singles Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Will Ospreay

    Back Story

    Upon signing with Monday Night Grappling, Will Ospreay made no secret of his intentions - to have a match against his idol Rey Mysterio. For his part, Rey welcomed the challenge, admitting he was a fan of the youngster but taking issue with his claim that he's the best aerial wrestler around.

    Things were relatively cordial between the pair, and on more than one occasion Ospreay had a chance to take out his rival but chose not to; however, when Rey attempted to call out Minoru Suzuki in revenge for Suzuki attacking him, and when he refused to listen to Ospreay's advice that Rey could jeopardise their match by confronting Suzuki, Ospreay would snap and take out Rey by slamming a microphone into his head. Ospreay was outraged that his potential dream match may not happen - and his opportunity to take out Rey and proclaim himself the better man.

    Now the match will happen and the question remains: will Ospreay defeat the man he looks up to, or can Rey prove to the young upstart that he is the best?
    The Match

    The fans were standing as both men went nose to nose. Ospreay pie-faced Rey to begin with but Rey hit a dropkick that sent Ospreay to the second ropes. He went for the 619 but Ospreay avoided it.

    The early stages of the match saw neither side able to take control and a series of counter manoeuvres that had the fans giving a standing ovation.

    Highlights of the match included Rey hitting a 619 followed by a big splash only for Ospreay to kick out, Ospreay hitting a top rope frankensteiner only for Rey to kick out, Mysterio 'droppin da dime' from the top turnbuckle to the outside, and Ospreay using Mysterio's own West Coast Pop move for a 2 count.

    The finish of the match saw Mysterio attempt a springboard moonsault but Ospreay got his knees up. Ospreay then went up top and hit his 630 senton for the 1...2...3.

    Winner: Will Ospreay


    The announcers put this over as a star-making performance. The fans cheered both men when it was over but Ospreay got in Mysterio's face and gloated that he was now the best as the fans booed. Rey was in shock in the ring and couldn't believe it.

    Why I went with this feud: I wanted to do this one from very early on. I had seen Ospreay tweeting that this was a dream match of his and I think this would be a classic.

    Why I booked it this way: I thought the young guy should go over and the idea from here would see Ospreay's ego go out of control while I'd take Rey off TV for a while. I would have him feud with Ultimo Dragon for the Skyweight Title and eventually win it - then Rey would make his big return and face a cocky Ospreay for the title and win the belt. This would build to the big grudge match.

    World Tag Team Titles
    World's Greatest Tag Team (c) vs American Alpha

    Back Story

    It could all have been so different between these teams. While fans had been salivating about a dream match between these pairs from the moment they signed, Haas and Benjamin had other ideas. They revealed a gift of Team Angle t-shirts, offering Jordan and Gable a chance to join their Team Angle stable so they could all dominate the industry.

    But the offer was turned down and Gable and Jordan revealed the only thing they wanted from Haas and Benjamin was their tag team titles. What followed was an assault on American Alpha - and there would be a futher one on the leg of Jason Jordan just a week before the PPV.

    There is a lot on the line here in this clash of generations. Can Haas and Benjamin prove they are still the world's greatest tag team, or are American Alpha the new alpha team of the industry?
    The Match

    No one in the arena was sitting as the two teams squared off. Gable elected to start off due to concerns over his partner's leg, and so it was him and Shelton Benjamin that took the match early on.

    Jordan eventually got a hot tag and ran wild early but then Haas and Benjamin worked over the leg methodically, cutting off the ring from American Alpha.

    The match went a half hour and had the fans riveted. Highlights included American Alpha hitting Grand Amplitude on Benjamin, only for Haas to break it up at the last moment, Shelton hitting a springboard superplex on Jordan, leaping to the top rope effortlessly before he delivered it, Haas and Gable countering one another with the Haas of Pain and Ankle Lock respectively, and Haas and Benjamin hitting a double powerbomb on Jordan only for Gable to break up the pin.
    Commentator #1: These teams are cancelling one another out exactly. It's amazing.

    Commentator #2: I can't call which of these teams will win!
    The finish saw Haas and Benjamin set up for their signature broken arrow move - Haas had Jordan perched in a wheelbarrow position on the ropes as Benjamin prepared to leapfrog Haas and crash on top of Jordan - but Gable saw what was happening and as Benjamin was in mid-air over Haas' shoulders, Gable hit a german suplex that took out both members of the World's Greatest Tag Team at the same time.

    As Benjamin rolled out of the ring in a heap, American Alpha hit Grand Amplitude on Haas who was legal, and Jordan, the legal man, pinned Haas 1...2...3.

    Winners and new MNG Tag Team Champions: American Alpha

    After the match Haas and Benjamin shook their head and went to leave, then they spoke amongst themselves and decided to return to the ring.

    Jordan and Gable braced themselves for another fight as the announcers pondered whether we'd have round two, but Haas and Benjamin raised aloft the hands of Jordan and Gable and applauded them. The announcers were surprised at this classy gesture and the fans popped for it.
    Why I went with this feud: Everyone knew I was doing this one. It was a no-brainer and a match I, and I think most fans, would love to see,

    Why I booked it this way: It was always my plan to have Jordan and Gable go over as I think they needed the win more. I think WWE have booked this guys in a very disappointing way. I'd look to keep them strong.

    As regards future storylines, American Alpha debuted on my TV show to prevent an assault from The Eliminators - who won earlier on my show - so that seems to me a natural future feud. I'd do a rematch with Haas and Benjamin but not too soon. Obviously I'm teasing a babyface turn here for Haas and Benjamin down the line.

    MMA Match - Company's Future on the Line
    Muhammad Ali vs Minoru Suzuki


    Back Story

    When the owner of Monday Night Grappling decided to step aside following his disappointment at losing the ratings war last year, little did anyone know how deep his concerns were.

    Instead the world was shocked at Muhammad Ali being named General Manager in the owner's absence, but right from the off it was clear Ali was being undermined. Mysterious videos played involving the '08 Code' as a mysterious figure sought to cause problems for Ali every week.

    It would later transpire the figure was Minoru Suzuki, acting on the instructions of his boss, the MNG owner, who it transpired wants Monday Night Grappling to end on the tenth year of the Draft.

    But Ali would confront the owner, ditching the suit and tie, and becoming the fighter once again. He has made this match in which the fate of the company now lies in the hands of both Ali and Suzuki in one of the biggest matches in Grapplemania history. If Ali wins, the company survives; but if Suzuki wins, this will be the final year. What's going to happen?
    The Match

    The rules were that there would be five rounds. A three person jury picked by the board of directors would rule on the outcome if it went the distance.

    Ali got the loudest pop of the night so far and he entered the ring in his usual boxing gear. Suzuki came to the ring in his 08 Code get-up, flanked by the MNG owner who wore a shirt from our merch department a few years back that said 'BWA and WECWF suck'. The announcers noted the owner wasn't letting that grudge go if this is to be the final Grapplemania ever.

    Round 1

    Ali went on the attack early but Suzuki bobbed and weaved and wouldn't engage.
    Commentator #1: Thunderous Ali chants here!

    Commentator #2: No point in us being impartial. We need Ali to win this for our jobs. Get 'em, Ali!
    Suzuki stayed in the ropes as Ali got frustrated. Ali was pushed back by the ref and Suzuki nailed Ali with a leg kick that took Ali down. The crowd gasped as Ali collapsed to one leg as Suzuki unleashed a flurry of slaps and kicks that had Ali wincing. As the bell sounded, Ali hobbled to his corner and there was no doubt who won that round.

    All Judges: 10-9 Suzuki.

    The owner of Monday Night Grappling did a jig outside as the fans gave him the middle finger.

    Round 2

    Suzuki was the aggressor now and was hurting Ali bad with the kicks. He locked in a sleeper hold as the fans were standing and in shock,
    Commentator #1: The sleeper hold is in tight and I regret to say it looks like the end is near for Ali.

    Commentator #2: And for our jobs too. I'm gonna need to find another commentating gig. Is that company thebostoncrab ran a few years back still going - the one with the all-female roster?

    Commentator #1: Will you stop.
    The MNG owner is making a night-night gesture to Ali but the clock is on Ali's side - there are twenty seconds to go and despite Suzuki's best efforts, Ali survives the round.

    All Judges: 10-8 Suzuki

    Round 3

    Suzuki swaggers out for the start of the round as Ali looks out of it. Suzuki slaps him a couple of times in the face and sticks his tongue out as the fans boo. 'Quit' shouts Suzuki. The MNG owner is laughing outside and says, 'The system will now shut down.'

    Suzuki keeps slapping Ali but Ali gets a look in his eyes - the fans see it too. They sense there is fight left in Ali. Suzuki goes for one too many a slap and Ali's eyes go wide and he shakes his head. He plants a right on Suzuki that knocks the Japanese wrestler into the ropes.

    'The kicks, the kicks' the MNG owner screams. Suzuki somehow hears it despite his brain being scrambled and he goes back to hitting a kick - but this time Ali shakes his head. Ali looks at the owner and screams 'your ass is about to be shut down!' Ali releases Suzuki's leg and unleashes a combo - left jab, left jab, big right - Suzuki amazingly doesn't fall but his eyes are streaming with tears. Ali goes to the body now - left jab to the ribs, then a right, then a left, then a right, then he looks at Suzuki and mouths 'Sayonara' and flattens Suzuki with a devastating haymaker.

    Suzuki hits the mat as the ref begins to count.
    Commentator #1: This should be a formality folks.

    Commentator #2: Count to a thousand and he ain't getting up!
    Suddenly there is a commotion as the MNG owner, yours truly, grabs a mic. 'Ali! You ain't the only ones with the power to make rules around here. I now make this a No Disqualification match!

    The owner motions to the back and a bunch of jobbers from TV run down to interfere. Hugh Jass is there. Mr. Bergstrom. Seymour Butts. They pour into the ring.

    The owner then calls out Fibber Magee - the guy developed from scratch in the 2013 Draft who that year teamed with Finlay. He comes running down with his manager Old Donal. The owner smiles at the chaos. 'It ends here!
    It ends here!'
    Commentator #1: This is not right, damn it. The owner is screwing Ali, and the whole lot of us. We gotta do something!

    Commentator #2: Hell, I'm game if you are!
    The beloved commentators 1 & 2, also known as Babe E. Face and Dick Heel, run down and help Ali as a big brawl is taking place in the ring.

    Ali, however, starts swinging and clears out most of the owner's henchmen, while the commentators grab a hold of Big Fibber. Behind Ali, though, the MNG owner has a chair and he swings it at Ali who collapses. The owner then drapes Suzuki's arm and tells the referee to count...



    thr - no!

    Ali gets the shoulder up! The owner can't believe it. He prepares for another chair shot - and then the crowd erupt as the lights go out.

    When the lights return, Ali much to his own surprise, is holding a chair and there is a bow on it - when the camera pans in we see it says, 'With regards, from walt' - the owner of long-time rival to Monday Night Grappling, WECWF. The MNG owner pleads with Ali as the two face off butAli clatters him with the chair and tosses him out of the ring. What a turn of events now as MNG fans are chanting 'thank you walt'.

    In the ring, Suzuki staggers to his feet, barely knowing where he is, but behind him Ali is waiting - and he has Suzuki right where he wants him. Suzuki has an 'oh sh*t' look on his face as Ali smiles and hits one last big right hand that floors Suzuki again. Ali then covers Suzuki...1...2...3.
    Winner: Muhammad Ali - Monday Night Grappling survives!

    Ali takes the plaudits as the announcers return to their booths.
    Commentator #1: What a night! Monday Night Grappling lives to se another season, we hope. And the owner's plans have been scuppered. What a way to ring in the tenth year of the Draft!

    Commentator #2: Amen to that partner!
    Why I went with this feud: It was always the plan to involve Ali in a match in some capacity. I thought Suzuki was the best candidate given he has an MMA background. I also wanted to do a match that played off ten years of the Draft.

    Why I booked it this way: Well I had some technical issues as I touched on in the discussion thread and I did consider this being the last show on the tenth year, but I didn't want to be too hasty on making that call so the show is not quite finished yet.

    I originally was going to ask Bounty Hunter and beakerjoe if I could use them but my technical issues got in the way. I wanted to use walt too but time constraints meant I coudn't so I settled on the idea of walt leaving a gift to bring down my plans.

    Backstage interview with Kurt Angle


    Interviewer: Kurt you are moments away from the biggest match of your career but I have to ask you about the events tonight. Ali winning -

    Kurt Angle: Screw Ali! Whoever won that match, my job security was never in doubt. Any company would want me: a guy who won an Olympic gold medal with a broken freakin' neck. Why don't you ask me about Haas and Benjamin because -

    Kurt trails off as Haas and Benjamin enter the scene.

    Kurt Angle: Perfect timing. What the hell was that out there, huh? Not only did you drop the ball and lose the titles, but you raise the hands of American Alpha too?! Are you kidding me?

    Shelton Benjamin: No, Kurt, we ain't kidding you. They earned our respect out there, and truth be told, the more we listen to you, the less respect we have for you.

    Charlie Haas: Yeah, Shelton's right. Screw Ali? No Kurt. Screw you. We're out of here!

    They leave.

    Angle: Oh yeah? Fine. Get out of here. Desert me again - wouldn't be the first time. I don't need you two. i don't need anybody! I'm the best damn wrestler in the world and that's why I have this World Title. And if Steamboat thinks he's taking it from me, he's got another thing coming - a broken ankle! Oh it's true, it's DAMN true!

    Purpose of promo: Get Haas and Benjamin out of the picture and get fans psyched for the main event.

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Kurt Angle (c) vs Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat


    Back Story

    Kurt Angle won the World Title in 2016 but soon his old problems caught up with him. The resurfacing of his addiction problems saw him in danger of being stripped of the title by GM Muhammad Ali. Instead Ali made a deal - go to rehab in Hawaii and stay clean and you can remain champion. Who ran the rehab practice? Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat.

    Initally things went well and Kurt became one of the family, bonding with Steamboat's son Richie. But the old demons resurfaced and Kurt almost gave in to temptation. As Kurt and Ricky rolled around in the rain Ricky advised Kurt to 'find something to cling on to. Some goal. Something that drives you to be better than you were in your darkest moments.'

    Little did Ricky know how those words would resonate with Angle - because the World Champion remained clean. Why? So he could achieve his goal: to defeat Ricky Steamboat in a World Title match. Angle would even return to Steamboat's home, calling Steamboat a coward when he refused to fight him.

    But Steamboat has decided he must now fight for his family's honour. He has returned to wrestling with his own target: defeat Angle, take the title, and defend his family.

    Something has got to give in the main event of Grapplemania. Who will prevail?
    The Match

    Steamboat entered first holding the hand of son Richie and flanked by his wife. Steamboat got an ovation just as loud as Ali earlier.

    Angle entered flanked by a US Military Band as red, white and blue fireworks went off all the way down the ramp. The fans of course chanted 'You Suck'/ Then the men got nose to nose.
    Commentator #1: This is a Grapplemania moment, ladies and gentlemen.

    Commentator #2: Two of the greatest wrestlers in the history of our sport. Only one can win. I can't wait!
    As soon as the bell rang Kurt took Steamboat down to the mat and popped up smiling. He taunted Ricky and then got down on all fours, daring Steamboat to do the same. Steamboat attempted it but Kurt countered and took Steamboat down again, then popped back up once more. The announcers noted it was mind games from Angle. Kurt waved to Richie at ringside and Steamboat got mad and hit a dropkick on Kurt, and getting a 2 count out of it.

    The match descended into a brawl early on as emotions spilled over, but this seemed to suit Steamboat better and The Dragon took control, with Kurt having to go outside and take a breather on more than one occasion.

    As the match settled into a rhythm of mat wrestling, Angle took control and got the better of the wrestling, though Steamboat held his own. At the thirty minute mark they were evenly matched, and when Steamboat clotheslined Angle out of the ring, Angle began to pull off the monitors from the Spanish announce table.

    The ref pleaded with both men to get back in the ring but Kurt ignored him. As Steamboat came to the ring apron, Kurt hooked him by the waist and attempted a German Suplex.
    Commentator #1: My God, from the ring apron it would kill him!
    Steamboat however countered with hard elbows that dazed Kurt and saw him fall backwards. Steamboat then did a springboard crossbody off the ropes as both men crashed through the table - Kurt taking the brunt of it.

    The fans chanted holy sh*t.

    Steamboat recovered and rolled Kurt into the ring. He then went up top for a diving crossbody from the turnbuckle and connected for...


    2...just two. Angle kicked out.

    Steamboat delivered some shots to Angle and went for another high risk move but Angle rushed up the ropes and hit a belly to back suplex as the fans screamed. The camera panned to Steamboat's wife who was biting her nails. Angle covered...


    2...just two. Steamboat kicked out.

    Angle got mad and said 'that's it'. He went for the Angle Slam but Steamboat countered and landed a crucifix pin for a near fall. Kurt recovered and hit a trio of German Suplexes and then signalled this time he was going up top.
    Commentator #2: I think Kurt's thinking moonsault time!
    Kurt is indeed trying a moonsault but Steamboat recovers, rushes the ropes himself this time, and hits Angle with his own move - an Angle Slam from the top turnbuckle. The fans cheered and little Richie jumped for joy as Steamboat pinned Kurt...


    2...just a two. Angle barely gets the shoulder up.

    Steamboat has his head in his hands, amazed at Angle's endurance. He prepares to use his chickenwing into a facebuster finisher, but as he hoists Kurt up, Kurt reverses into a cradle, then follows through and locks in the Ankle Lock.
    Commentator #1: It's locked in! Steamboat may have to tap in front of his family!
    Steamboat was writhing in pain and his hand hovered above the canvas as the fans screamed 'no'. Eventually Steamboat made the ropes but Kurt dragged him back to the middle - but before Kurt could sit down on it, Steamboat counters and kicks Angle away. Angle charges but Steamboat drops down, sweeps Kurt's leg, and then locks in the figure four on Angle. Now it's Angle whose hand is out, contemplating tapping.
    Commentator #2: Steamboat's felt this hold plenty of times over the years. Now he's applying it.
    Angle however reaches the ropes as the fans boo. The fans are solidly behind Ricky and chanting his name. Steamboat again tries for his chickenwing into a facebuster, but Kurt again counters - this time landing the Angle Slam. As poor Richie had his face in his hands, Kurt pinned his father...



    thr - no! Steamboat gets the shoulder up as Kurt can't believe it.

    The fans chant 'This is awesome' as the match reaches its 50th minute. Kurt then gets up and pulls down the straps - which gets a pop - and makes for the top turnbuckle again. He is determined to land the moonsault.

    Kurt soars through the air - but Steamboat avoids contact! Steamboat then lands with the chickenwing into a facebuster and at the 52nd minute pins Kurt



    thr-eeeeeeee, wait a minute! Kurt gets a shoulder up again!

    Little Richie is bouncing up and down in dismay, and hell, there are grown men and women jumping up and down too. Steamboat's wife looks like she may faint at any moment.

    Steamboat decides to go up top himself to try another crossbody. Kurt again recovers and sprints up to hit another belly to back suplex but this time Steamboat was ready and punches Kurt off the ropes. Steamboat dives but Kurt sidesteps it and Steamboat hits nothing but canvas and clutches his ribs.

    Kurt does up the straps and does them down again and goes for the Angle Slam one final time, but as he rotates Steamboat in mid-air, Steamboat counters and hooks his legs in a crucifix position - he uses the momentum to get Kurt over for a crucifix pin




    He got him!

    Winner and new MNG World Heavyweight Champion: Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat


    Fireworks go off in the background as the camera pan to Ricky's wife and child jumping for joy. Steamboat collapses to his knees, with tears in his eyes. Kurt is on his knees, with tears of despair.
    Commentator #1: Steamboat has climbed the mountain of Monday Night Grappling, and has defeated his former friend!

    Commentator #2: What a match! What a win!
    As Steamboat's music plays, he approaches Kurt and extends his hand to Kurt. The music stops as everyone wonders what Kurt will do. Ricky's wife suggests that might not be a good idea but Ricky doesn't take the hand away. 'Be a man, Kurt. Be the man I know you are' says Steamboat.

    Kurt refuses to budge and his eyes have hate in them. Then little Richie approaches and as many boys will do, he imitates his dad and extends his own hand towards Kurt. Upon seeing this Kurt almost breaks down. He shakes little Richie's hand and then Steamboat's hand and they share a hug.

    More fireworks go off as Steamboat's music once again plays and the fans cheer.
    Why I went with this feud: This was a match I've always thought would be a dream encounter. I think you would get a brilliant contest between these two if they're given time.

    Why I booked it this way: I think Steamboat had to win this one. A loss would have been hard to recover from. In contrast I think Angle comes out of this just fine. Going forward I'd hold off on the rematch for the time being but would look to do it again in around 6 months when the fans would be desperate for it.

    That's it from me this year. I want to thank everyone who reads my shows and to especially thank beakerjoe for his excellent handling of the Draft, as well as for the graphic he did for my TV shows.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,123 ✭✭✭✭paulie21


    Pauliemania II (Is Blood Thicker Than Water) is live from Lambeau Field, Green Bay


    Ladder Match for Tag Team Titles

    Heath Slater & Rhyno v The Club v The Briscoes v The Bashams v Gangrel & Viscera

    Bodies are everywhere during this. The finish comes about as Rhyno gores Doug Basham into a ladder set up in the corner allowing Slater to retrieve the gold.

    Heath Slater & Rhyno


    Mr Kennedy heads into Paulie's office

    Kennedy: "Hey I've no match tonight Paulie, how can I be left off the big one."

    Paulie: "That ain't true my friend. You'll be facing off against our newest recruit, Roderick Strong and that match is next."


    Singles Match:

    Mr Kennedy v Roderick Strong

    A energetic encounter is lapped up by this hot crowd who are cheering on both Wisconsin native men. The finish comes about as Strong goes for Death by Roderick but Kennedy counters into the Mic Check and heads up top to connect with a Kenton Bomb for the win

    Mr Kennedy

    Singles Match:

    Nikki Bella v Brie Bella

    A hard hitting and personal encounter comes to an end as Nikki hits the Rack Attack but instead of going for the pin taunts her twin sister allowing Brie the opportunity to lock in the Yes Lock forcing Nikki to tap out

    Brie Bella


    Singles Match:

    Chris Jericho v Dolph Ziggler

    A match of the year candidate concludes when Y2J locks in the Walls but Ziggler grabs the ropes, Jericho attempts the Code Breaker but Dolph pushes off connects with a Superkick goes for a Zig Zag but Jericho counters into a Code Breaker to pick up the victory

    Chris Jericho


    Steel Cage Match (Women's Championship)

    Vickie Guerrero (c) v Sasha Banks

    Sasha is in complete control here as Vickie is getting destroyed but Bertha Faye climbs over the ring and slams Sasha into the cage. Sasha kicks out though and locks in the Bank Statement on Faye before locking it into Guerrero who taps out and we have a new champion

    Sasha Banks


    Singles Match:

    Giant Gonzalez v Baron Corbin

    Both men go at in the opening couple of minutes before Giant seizes control. Corbin fights back and attempts an End of Days but Gonzalez is too heavy who hits a Chokeslam for the win

    Giant Gonzalez


    Singles Match: (PCW World Heavyweight Championship)

    Rocky Johnson (c) v The Rock

    The main event is finally here. The Rock is control early and hits a tornado DDT but his father kicks out. Johnson is in the ascendancy hits a dropkick and locks in the Boston Crab but Rock refuses to tap getting to the bottom rope. Rock locks in a Boston Crab of his own but Johnson reverses and has the hold on again but Rock saves himself again. Rock connects with the Rock Bottom but Johnson kicks out. Johnson is crawling to his feet with Rock unsure what to do. His father gives him a look, Rock hits a spinebuster followed by the Peoples Elbow to claim the victory

    The Rock

    The Rock embraces his father and heads to the top rope to celebrate.


    Pauliemania II comes to a close with fireworks hitting the Green Bay skyline.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe



    The PPV begins with a video package playing, highlighting each feud involved in this evening's PPV. As the video reaches the its climax and the main feud of Owens v Savage, the song 'Human (Don't Blame Me)' by Rag and Bone Man plays in the background.

    (we choose that song to suit the main event, with both Owens and Savage and the feeling of being wronged be each other) The songs tone should emphasise the seriousness of the match as well as the dark tone of the feud).

    The video ends and we switch to the massive Mercedes Benz football stadium in Atlanta Georgia for Beyond Chaos Wrestling's Ultimate Chaos Pay Per View. Huge pyros go off in the stadium and the crowd seem hyped for the event. We cut to the commentators who welcome us to the show.

    Michael Cole : Welcome everyone to Ultimate Chaos. We will have 7 exclusive match ups for your wrestling pleasure and the crowd here in Atlanta are really excited. I'm Michael Cole and I'm rejoined by the mercurial Corey Graves

    Corey Graves : I'm back Cole, and I wouldn't miss this night for the world. Someone is needed to cover up your shortcomings, and who better than me. Thankfully my injuries aren't too serious and I'm here to call the show.

    Michael Cole : Well I'm just glad your back, it wouldn't be the same without you. Now we have a feast of wrestling action here tonight but first we would like to thank Rag and Bone Man for the use of his hit track "Human" as the official theme song for tonight's main event. Now it's time to start the action, It's our first match¦..

    The Build Up : These two ferocious females have been on two different pages (no pun intended) as of late.

    Since Paige began dating Alberto Del Rio, her career has been on a rollercoaster. Reports of wild parties and constant intoxication would soon engulf her personal life, and these rumours appeared true when she lost her title to Asuka, while appearing to be somewhat under the influence. Paige seems to have a devil may care attitude lately, and seems unconcerned about her career and more focused with her new boo.

    Alundra Blayze on the other hand has been on a career renaissance and has been working hard to reclaim top spot in the division. Blayze has been critical of Paige, and believes she has been throwing her career away. Paige however hasn't taken kindly to Blaze's opinion and accused her of being a bitter jealous old has-been who is jealous of Paige.

    Paige and Alundra have been at loggerheads ever since, with Paige mocking Blayze in comedic fashion (doing an OAP impression of Alundra) while Blaze's distraction cost Paige a chance to reclaim the Womens Title.

    Tonight Alundra Blayze meets Paige one on one. Can Alundra Blayze beat some respect into the young carefree Brit, or will Paige send Alundra Blayze to the scrap heap?
    The Match: After the initial opening pyro's end, Paige theme screeches over the PA system of the 79,000 seat Mercedes Benz Stadium and the fans begin to boo as Paige makes her way out. She poses at the ramp before coolly making her way back into from where she came.

    Michael Cole : Where's Paige going?

    After a few moments, Paige appears and shes riding the mobility scooter she had last week to the ring. Paige gets in the ring and mocks Blayze by holding her hip moves about. Alundra Blayze's music hits and the fans pop as the female legend appears on the ramp.

    Corey Graves : Blayze looks like she's not here to play games Cole

    Beginning : (1-5mins ) The matches opening story is a simple one Blayze charges for Paige straight off the bat. Blayze brings the fight by backing Paige into the turnbuckle and delivering a few hard strikes to the body with Paige struggling to defend herself.

    Blayze then whips Paige into the opposite corner and Paige does the old Flair/HBK turnbuckle spot and flies over the tope rope as a result.

    Michael Cole : Paige to the outside with authority.

    Paige recovers and gets back in the ring only to be backed up into the corner for a second time. The ref makes Blayze back off but she comes back moments later with a leaping stinger splash to the Brit who retreats to the outside much to the joy of the thousands in attendance. Paige tries to recover but she is caught by surprise as Blayze suicide dives through the ropes, knocking Paige flat on the ground. The fans erupt with a 'this is awesome' chant as Blayze throws Paige back into the ring

    Michael Cole : Blayze seems to be drawing her drive from the fans here in Atlanta.

    Corey Graves : There is life in the old dog yet I guess.

    Middle of the match (5-10 mins): When the women return to the ring, Paige soon gains the advantage when they return to the ring with a rake to the eyes. Paige then delivers a massive spinebuster and gives abuse to the fans who jeer her heelish actions and then shouts 'THIS IS MY HOUSE YOU OLD HAG' at the fallen Blayze. Paige is now in full control and starts to work on Alundra Blayzes back with some vicious stomps followed by a series of suplexs and a devastating backbreaker.

    Corey Graves : Paige is full of class, something these fans know nothing about. They can criticise her private life all they want put she's teaching Blayze a lesson here.

    The fans chant for Blayze as Paige begins to do more damage to her back with a surfboard submission which makes Blayze's face wince in agony. Paige eventually releases the hold and she is obviously warming her up for her PTO submission. Paige works over the back of Blayze some more with some hard elbow drops and a vicious penalty kick to the spine. Paige works the crowd as Blayze holds her back in agony, taunting her opponents back as if she's broken a hip . Paige then drags Blayze up and hits a mean DDT and goes for the cover.



    Kick out by Blayze, Paige looks shocked
    Michael Cole : Paige looks like she's intent on really punishing Blayze.

    Corey Graves : The way Alundra is these days I'd say father time has punished her enough.

    Paige then lifts the prone Blayze up and positions her on the top turnbuckle. Paige goes up and tries to lift Blayze up for a superplex, but Alundra blocks it and battles back with right hands and eventually she knocks Paige to the mat below. Alundra is still hurt but she slowly begins to stand on the top rope and awaits Paige to get to her feet. As the young Brit stands up, Alundra attempts a missile dropkick, but Paige sidesteps the move just in time causing Blayze to hit the mat hard.  

    The Finish (10-15mins):
     With Blayze down, Paige wastes no time in capitalising. Paige swings Alundra around and delivers sick looking german suplex and she elegantly rolls through the suplex to apply her back bending PTO SUBMISSION!

    Michael Cole : Seamless transition from Paige. You can see the pain in Blayze's eyes, Paige has spent the whole match working over her lower back.

    Corey Graves :Alundra gotta tap here.

    Alundra screams in agony and she has her arm raised as if she's about to tap, but she refuses to give up and begins to fight out of the submission hitting Paige with elbows with her arm. Soon enough she breaks free from the hold, but the damage looks to have been done. Paige gets to her feet first and she's still smarting from those elbow shots and begins to slap the downed Alundra and trash talking her as she does.

    Michael Cole : The end is nigh surely for Blayze

    Corey Graves : Judging by her age, you're not wrong Cole

    Paige drags Alundra up by the hair and continues the smack talk but Alundra begins to throw a few desperate rights and lefts which stun Paige a little. Paige gets angry and goes for Blayze and she gets caught with another right hand which does more damage than the previous ones. Paige is stunned but again tries to go for Alundra again but Blayze catches her in mid-air and delivers a Belly-2-Belly suplex out of nowhere, but really doesn't catch it all... she covers her anyway



    ....Kick out by Paige

    Michael Cole : Ooh so close by Blayze, she didn't get all of that belly to belly to be fair.

    Both women are down and Blayze gets to her feet first but still holding her back and Paige slowly follows. Blayze charges at Paige, but Paige thinks fast and hits a kneelift to the jaw of her opponent. Paige is growing more frustrated at her opponent and she claims that she's 'finishing this'. Paige makes her way to unfamiliar territory and climbs the ropes. Alundra however struggles to her feet just as Paige reaches the summit much to the Brit's surprise. Alundra then shocks everyone by running up the ropes to meet Paige and delivers heart stopping OVERHEAD BELLY-2-BELLY SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!

    Michael Cole : Wow there's a big match moment from Blayze out of nothing. Shes pulling out all the stops here

    Corey Graves : I didn't think the old dog had it in her, especially at this late stage. Wow.

    Both women are down and the fans begin a 'this is awesome' chant. Blayze starts to move and drapes an arm over Paige for the pin



    Paige kicks out at the last. Blayze is in disbelief and looks stunned at the resilience of her opponent. Blazye drags Paige up and flings her at the ropes. Paige bounces off and ducks a clothesline attempt and wraps her body around her opponent's body and transitions into her Paige Tap Out for the second time.

    Michael Cole : Paige locks it in out of nowhere!

    Paige has the move on tight, smack dab in the middle of the ring and Blayze is done as she has no choice but to tap out.

    Winner :

    Michael Cole : What a way to kick off the PPV, what an effort by both women. But Paige gets her retribution in style.

    Paige gingerly makes it to her feet and talks some trash at Blayze who is badly hurt on the mat. Paige gets up and stands on the top turnbuckle to celebrate and we then see her fella, Alberto Del Rio, make his way out to join in. The kiss passionately in the ring while the fans show their disapproval.

    Aftermath - I felt Paige is too strong a character here to lose. There is plenty of mileage in her off the rails character and I felt she had to go over the older opponent. Paige can be a slowly built towards a great heel run in the future with this persona. Alundra will be ok with the loss and as the older legend that I've portrayed of her, her job is to put over the younger talent.

    Why i booked it this way : This match would be a great way to kick off the PPV and I believe the entrance by the heat with someone like Paige would get the fans invested in the show early. Both women are great in-ring competitors and both are capable of delivering a good opener, so a match between both could work in-ring. The fans ideally would be rooting for the plucky legend punching above her weight at this stage in her career and would be all for the immature Paige being taken down a peg or two.


    The Build Up : With Neville suffering from a confidence problem, he went away vowing to return bigger and better than ever.  But when he did return, he certainly came back bigger and badder.

    Neville would show up 4 weeks ago visibly bigger in his physique and showing little mercy for his opponents as he recklessly attacked those who faced him. The commentary team would debate his anger and his actions, with Corey Graves defending him from the accusations from Evan Bourne who claimed Neville was on steroids.

    Nevertheless, Neville continued his new aggressive stance, beating down Evan Bournes friends ACH and Cedric Alexander in recent weeks, with Bourne coming to the aid of his friends. Corey Graves, a close friend of Neville blindly defended him until Neville attacked Graves in the locker room in an unprovoked rage.

    At this point Evan Bourne had enough and challenged Neville to a match and tonight we find out if Evan Bourne can stop Neville in his tracks or will Bourne be the next victim of Neville's anger.

    The Match: Neville is out first is out first to a lukewarm reception and he looks focused and cold in his approach to the ring. Neville stares a hole in Corey Graves who does the same as both men lock eyes once Neville reaches the ring.

    The crowd perks up once Bourne's music hits and the returning high flyer appears and makes his way to the ring. Both men go nose to nose, with Neville staying silent as Bourne talks trash.

    Michael Cole : I can only imagine what's going through your head right now Corey.

    Corey Graves : I'm fine Cole, I'm a professional. I will do my utmost to call this match honestly.

    Beginning (1-5 mins) : The opening exchange is exciting as both men go after each other and hold nothing back, each throwing hard strikes and attempting german suplexes early on. Neville attempts one but it's reversed by Bourne who does a superb dead lift german to Neville, stunning the Brit.

    Michael Cole: What a power move, so early on too. Evan's got a point to prove.

    Neville is stunned and Bourne urges him to get up. Neville charges at Bourne and Evan ducks and clotheslines Neville over the top on the return. Neville gets to his feet but is met with a suicide plancha from Bourne

    Michael Cole : Bourne is no stranger to high flying moves
    Bourne then picks up his opponent and but Neville regroups and throws Bourne into the timekeeper in desperation.

    Michael Cole : Neither man is not holding back

    Corey Graves :  Bourne better not underestimate Neville.

    Neville tosses Bourne back into the ring and then whips Evan into the turnbuckle, but Bourne reverses and whips Neville into the corner instead. Bourne then charges at but he moves at the last minute and Bourne goes through the turnbuckle shoulder first into the ringpost.

    Michael Cole : Great awareness by the Neville there, he had Bourne scouted.

    With Evan still in between the ropes, Neville leaps to the top rope and does a double footed stomp to the shoulder of Bourne. Bourne collapses to the mat holding his shoulder.

    Corey Graves : Bournes had his issues with his arm already, and Neville will look to exploit that.

    Michael Cole : Softening him up for the Rings of Saturn submission perhaps.

    Middle (5-15 mins) : Neville smells blood, and attacks Bourne's arm straight away. He starts with some simple arm twists before hitting a back-suplex with Bourne's arm wrapped around his back. Neville then goes for a sidearm bar while the ref asks Evan if he's ready to tap. Bourne says no and fights through the pain and eventually gets to the ropes. Bourne is smarting from that but Neville doesn't let him rest and delivers a volley of vicious kicks to Bournes shoulder while he is on his knees.

    Corey Graves : Neville has a giant target on Bourne's arm and shoulder.

    Neville goes to pick up Bourne but he manages to push him away and somehow manages to hit a nasty high kick to the face of Neville. Bourne is still holding his arm but he appears to have broken Neville's nose with that kick as he is busted wide open. This gives Bourne and opening and he follows up with a jumping spinning heel kick which knocks Neville back. Neville goes to clobber Evan in his rage, but Evan telegraphs it with a crucifix pin attempt.



    Kick out by Neville

    Neville is furious and he charges again at Evan and nearly takes his head off with a stiff clothesline. Neville is relentless and then goes for a springboard leg drop off the ropes. Neville keeps going and kicks the arm of Bourne hard with some soccer kicks. Neville then does more damage to the shoulder of Bourne, by whipping him to the ropes and scooping him up over his head on the return. Neville then spins Bourne around before nailing him with a violent shoulder breaker. The ref checks on Bourne as Neville signals the end and locks in his Rings of Saturn finisher

    Michael Cole : It's been all Neville the last few minutes and he's exploiting the arm of Evan meticulously. Maybe Evan came back too soon from injury.

    The Finish (15-20 mins): Neville locks in the hold and Evan is in pure agony as Neville applies alot of pressure.

    Michael Cole : Will Evan submit, will he tap.

    Graves remains silent, letting Cole do the talking as Neville is screaming at Bourne to tap. The blood is pouring out of Neville's nose, which creates great visual as he roars at Bourne to give up. Thankfully for Evan he struggles enough to get his ankle on the bottom rope, breaking the hold.  

    Michael Cole : Evan manages to get to the ropes

    Evan struggle sup the ropes and is met with clubbing blows by Neville. Neville then scoops Evan up and slams him right beside the turnbuckle.

    Michael Cole : You know what he'S doing here, he's going for the Red Arrow.

    Neville begins to climb the turnbuckle and pauses to smack talk Graves. But this pause is Neville's down fall as Evan recovers and hits a Pele kick to Neville while hes perched on the top. Neville falls into a seated position and Evan climbs up and hits a picture perfect frankensteiner from the top sending Neville flying across the ring.

    Michael Cole : The come back is on, can Evan Bourne do it.

    Both men are down but both struggle to their feet at the same time. Both men trade right hands as the crowd pop in unison for every punch. Eventually Evan goes for a kick but it's caught by Neville, only for Evan to follow up with a brutal enziguri to the side of Neville's head.

    Michael Cole : He nearly took Neville's head clean off. Corey, do you think Neville will recover?

    Corey again is in silence as Neville is pinned by Bourne



    Kick out by Neville

    Bourne is still hurt but hits some nice shots to Neville's body. Neville is now punchdrunk and swings aimlessly at Bourne who catches Neville and delivers a fantastic full-nelson suplex. However the ref is hit by Neville's leg as Bourne delivered the move and he is out.

    Michael Cole : The ref is down, he was hit with Neville’s trailing leg.

    Bourne isn't desired and signals for his AirBourne shooting star press finisher while Neville is down and out. He climbs the ropes slowly, showing the effects of his injured arm, but he successfully flies and lands on Neville. Bourne is hurt but he makes the cover

    Michael Cole : That's 1...2...3¦. Bourne should be the winner but the ref is still down.  

    Evan looks in disbelief at the ref but as he does he hear a ruffling from the commentary desk.

    Michael Cole : Where are you going?

    Graves has left the booth with Cole and he's grabbed a chair. Evan is unaware as Corey comes in behind him and wallops him with the chair.

    Michael Cole : WHAT IS COREY DOING?

    Evan goes down as Graves stares at him in a cold manner. Graves can be heard saying 'Sorry Evan' and he then goes to help Neville up. Neville recovers but is still groggy and looks puzzled at what's happened. Graves exits the ring and the ref comes round. Neville just about seizes the opportunity and locks in his Rings of Saturn submission on Bourne. Bourne tries to hang on but Neville syncs it in tighter to force the tap out.

    Winner :

    Corey slides in once the bell rings and approaches Neville.

    Both men stare at each other without muttering a word before Neville rolls out of the ring and he walks away. Corey stands in the rings as medics come down to help the injured Evan Bourne. Corey then exits the ring and makes his way back to the commentary desk. Michael Cole quizzes him

    Corey Graves : Don't judge me Cole. My friend Neville needs help, and I'm not giving up on him just yet. He needs me and what he did to me a few weeks ago isn't him. What I did there was to regain his trust. That's all I'm saying.

    Aftermath following the PPV: Graves will continue to try reach Neville and try help him with his addiction and rage. Evan Bourne won't be as understanding and will confront Graves only for Neville to attack continuing the feud. Neville will slowly begin to let Graves try help him only for Graves once again to be burnt by Neville.

    Why I booked it this way : I felt Corey siding with Neville despite Neville attacking him would be a good swerve that many wouldn't see coming, while having some logic behind it. I feel going forward the story would be more interesting with Corey going full heel and siding with Neville.


    The Build Up - For the past year, Gargano and Ciampa were part of the faction "The Horsemen Reborn" along with Chris Hero and Cesaro and they cockily called themselves the not only the best tag team in history but the best version of the Horsemen too.

    Now alot has changed in that year with Gargano and Ciampa splitting from the faction and becoming firm fan favorites, which has in turn made them more humble and appreciative to the fans and they have gone on to hold the tag titles for nearly a year.

    But their jaw jacking back in their Horsemen days was not forgot by two men, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard..... two men who were part of The original Horsemen faction and Tully and Arn decided to remind the tag champs of who they were by attacking them after a match 4 weeks ago.

    Since then Arn and Tully have challenged the champs and made it clear they want the tag team titles. After Anderson beat Gargano in singles competition, The Original Horsemen got to choos ethe stipulation and they chose a 2 out of 3 falls match.

    In recent weeks DIY have been attacked multiple times with Arn and Tully always seemingly one step ahead. What will happen tonight? Will Arn and Tully continue to dominate and capture the gold or will DIY prove they are no copies and see off the challenge of the Original Horsemen?

    The MATCH : It's time for our next bout and it's the 2 out of 3 falls match for the Tag Team Championship. The Original Horsemen are out first and the boos are deafening as they make their way down the aisle. But the boo's turn to cheers as the Tag Champs, Gargano and Ciampa attack from behind.

    Corey Graves : What a cowardly act! No class from DIY

    Michael Cole : I think it's a little bit of payback, Arn and Tully have done nothing but cheapshot DIY in recent weeks.

    Arn and Tully are then rolled into the ring and all 4 men are going at it. The ref signals the bell and as he does both Arn and Tully are clotheslined to the outside and the fans cheer with approval.

    Arn and Tully recover and are both stunned, but they don't get a chance to regroup as both Gargano and Ciampa hit smooth baseball slides on each man.

    Michael Cole : DIY are the aggressors early on, I for one didn't see that coming.

    Gargano rolls Tully Blanchard into the ring and order is restored as he goes for a pin fall, but Tully easily kicks out as it's early on. Johnny Gargano then drags Blanchard up and backs him up into the corner where he tags Ciampa who begins to chop the chest of Blanchard so hard the crowd 'Woo' in unison. Ciampa then steps back and charges with a mean running elbow to the face, knocking Tully for six. A succession of quick tags by the champions sees Gargano and Ciampa hit some nice double team moves such as a drop toe hold dropkick combo, a double elbow strike/double elbow drop combo and shades of The hardy Boys with a poetry in motion.

    Michael Cole : Its all DIY so far, Tully and Arn have been knocked off their game.

    DIY continue tag in and out regularly and the announcers refer to the opening of this match as an education for Anderson and Blanchard, as despite their best efforts and experience, they have seemingly have under-estimated DIY. Tully is isolated until some a distraction by Arn takes Gargano's attention away from staying on top of Tully Te ref tries to separate Arn and Gargano and this gives Blanchard time to recover and low blow Johnny behind the ref's back.

    Michael Cole : Ah come on, thats a DQ.

    Corey Graves : Not if the ref misses it, he can't call what he can't see. That's experience you can't teach.

    Tully makes the tag and from this point he and Arn isolate Gargano. They are slowly wearing him down to the point that when Tully Blanchard is tagged in and hits him with his signature Slingshot suplex for a close 2 count. Gargano rolls to the outside after the pin and tries to catch his breath but Arn, who isn't the legal man blindsides him with a running knee to the back, sending Gargano into the ring steps. The fans are furious as Arn rolls Gargano back into the ring. Tully Blanchard then tags Arn, but he stays in the ring and he props Gargano up. He holds Gargano in position as Arn runs in and takes his head off with a clothesline. Cover by Anderson



    Kick out by Gargano.

    Arn isn't impressed and he stomps away on Gargano before he lunges at Ciampa in the corner, knocking him to the floor. Ciampa tries to get some revenge but the ref holds him back which leads to Tully choking Gargano while Arn stomps a mud hole behind the ref's back.

    Corey Graves : You can't buy the in ring smarts of the Horsemen. DIY are being taught a lesson.

    After breaking the hold, Tully tags in and puts the hurt on Gargano with old school headlock. Gargano screams in pain and Tully wears him down but Gargano hulks up and feeds off the crowd. Gargano gets to his feet still in the head lock and battles out with some hard elbows. Tully breaks the hold and Gargano then ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a flying clothesline on the return. Both men are down and Gargano is inching towards his corner to make the hot tag. Just as Gargano makes it to his corner, Ciampa is dragged down by Anderson who has snuck round the ring. Gargano eventually makes the ropes but he has no one to tag and in his confusion, he is clobbered from behind by Tully who ten sets him up for a piledriver! But it gets worse as Anderson gets to the top rope and spikes the Piledriver. Tully covers




    The Original Horsemen.

    Gargano is in a heap as the first fall is awarded to Tully and Arn. Arn then tags in and goes for Gargano but as he does, Ciampa is back in and spears him with authority much to the fans approval. Ciampa is ushered his corner afterwards and both Anderson and Gargano are laying in the ring licking their wounds. Both men begin stirring and head towards their respective corners. Both men make the tag and Ciampa begins cleaning house. He takes down Tully first before tossing Arn over the ropes to the outside.

    Michael Cole : Ciampa with a  head of steam, can DIY come back?

    Ciampa has the fans behind him and hits some nice moves to Tully from a scoop powerslam off the ropes to a nice missile dropkick from the second rope. Tully is reeling and ducks a clothesline but is met with a superkick from the recovered Johnny Gargano. Arn makes his way back into the ring and charges at DIY who duck his clothesline attempt too and deliver a sweet double super kick. Blanchard is up but DIY get to him first and Ciampa takes him down with a crossface. He's about to tap but Here is Arn anderson to make the save, but hes caught by Gargano who takes him down with a  crossface. DOUBLE CROSSFACE! Both Arn and Tully Tap out and DIY takes the second fall


    DIY breaks the hold and The Original Horsemen roll to the outside. They again can't regroup for long as DIY follow them and the 3rd fall is on. It's a big brawl on the outside now as both teams go at it and the ref has lost control. Arn, who is battling Ciampa,gains the upperhand and sends his opponent into the ring barricade. Tully and Gargano continue to brawl back into the ring. Gargano backs tully into the corner with some nice leg strikes and goes for an Irish whip but Tully reverses it and whips Gargano straight into the waiting arms of Arn Anderson who catches him with his Double A Spinning spinebuster. The ref goes to remove Tully but sees Arn go for the pin so instead counts while Blanchard is able to block Ciampa's path from making the save.



    Kick out

    Ciampa and Tully brawl to the outside as Anderson stays on Gargano and locks in his figure four leg lock. Tully smashes Ciampa into the steel steps and Ciampa screams in agony. Back in the ring, Gargano is battling towards the ropes and is getting closer but he is in extreme pain/ He is pretty close to the ropes but before Johnny Gargano can reach them, Tully is back and Blanchard jumps over the ropes and comes down hard in a stomping motion on Johnny's leg while he is still in the figure four. Gargano is in pain and Ciampa can't make the save. Gargano taps out

    Winners and New Tag Team champions -
    The Original Horsemen, Tully and Arn
    Arn and Tully stand tall and embrace as they are handed their newly won gold. Both men cheers eachother with the titles as their opponents lick their wounds.

    Corey Graves : Often copied, never equalled. The true horsemen reign supreme.

    The Aftermath - This is a feud that DIY need to lose initially and the matches will continue after this match to a series in which DIY would eventually conquer Arn and Tully. The matches surely would be at least 3 and a half stars each in my book and a series of matches would be welcomed by all.

    Why i booked it this way - I wanted DIY to lose initially so they could learn and come back stronger. They would eventually win a rematch before a rubber match in a cage perhaps in which they would be victorious.
    Intercontinental title Match - The Miz vs Brian Pillman

    The Miz is out first and looks more reserved than usual. He and his wife dont do their usual pose and cagily walk to the ring past a sign that reads "TROY MCCLURE > THE MIZ".

    Pillman is out next the fans erupt as Pillman walks to the ring.

    The Begining 1-7 mins The Miz exits the ring out of fear when Pillman enters and Pillman is begging him to enter as the bell rings. Miz finally enters the ring and but immediately bails as Pillman goes for him. Pillman chases The Miz around the ring until The Miz begins to hid behind his wife Maryse. Pillman teases going through Maryse but Miz's wife stuns the crowd and Pillman by pepper spraying the face of Pillman.

    Corey Graves :
    Miz set the trap and Pillman walked into it.

    Pillman is blinded and in agony as The Miz clobbers him with a clothesline and then taunts the crowd. Pillman is tossed back into the ring and he is having a lot of difficulty seeing. The Miz picks him apart with a running bulldog, a backbreaker and his signature turnbuckle clothesline.

    Michael Cole : The smartest IC champ of all time is proving why he's called just that.

    Middle 7-13 mins Pillman tries to fight back but his efforts are in vain with his impaired vision. The Miz takes early control with some not so classy moves, such as rubbing Pillman's face off the top rope and pulling the hair of Pillman while hes draped over the bottom rope.

    Michael Cole : The Miz with some dirty tricks tonight, no surprise there

    Corey Graves : Shut it Cole, he does what it takes to win, the history books dont care about the how, all that matters is the result

    Pillman though gains an opportunity with a desperate clothesline after ducking one of Mizs clothesline attempts. Pillman sits up and his eyes are red and watering but his vision seems to be returning even if he's still in pain. Pillman hits a nice variation of strikes to the crowds delight and then hits a delayed backbreaker to Miz. Pillman then goes to the top rope signalling that a diving fist drop is coming but Miz springs to life and follows him up the turnbuckle fighting him as he goes before poking Pillman in the eye and hitting a superplex off the top rope. Miz with the cover



    Kickout by Pillman

    Miz is frustrated and takes his aggression out on Pillman by choking him until the ref makes him break it. Miz doesn't stop there though and instead immediately climbs back up to the top rope and follows it up by performing a Bret Hart like elbow drop onto Pillman and going for the pin again




    Miz keeps on top of Pillman much to the disappointment of the fans with some Yes kicks followed by a shining wizard. Pillman is hurt and The Miz signals the end. He raises Pillman up for his Skull Crushing Finale, but Pillman spins round Miz and hits a gorgeous dragon suplex.

    Michael Cole : Pillman may be odd but man can he wrestle with the best.

    Both men are down and Pillman is the one stirring first. Pillman beats Miz to his feet and clobbers him with some right hands and hits a nice standing dropkick. He doesn't stop there and hits a dazed Miz with a crossbody and a pin




    Pillman is building up a head of steam and begins chopping Miz with the crowd wooing as he does. Miz swings widl with a right hand but Pillman ducks and hits a back suplex with a bridging pin




    Miz is quick to his feet this time but he walks right into Pillman's trap and he's about to hit a Skull Crushing Finale on MiZ...........and he hits it.

    Michael Cole : He hits Miz with his own finisher!

    The Finish 14 - 20 mins Perhaps that could have been enough for the win but Miz smartly rolls to the outside after the impact and takes a moment to adjust himself. Miz's wife goes to him and he looks really shaken up but also annoyed as this match really has not been going his way thus far The Miz looks like hes had enough and grabs his IC title and goes to leave. Pillman is having none of that and decides that he is not going to wait around for a count out win and dives out to meet Miz but Miz clocks Pillman with the title.

    Corey Graves : Miz..... always one step ahead.

    The Miz looks pleased and obviously did it to get disqualified but the ref suspects that too and chooses to punish the Miz by not giving the DQ. The Miz is furious and Pillman seems dazed but lunges at Miz and a brawl ensues as the match rumbles on. Miz is able to gain an advantage and hits his signature kneeling DDT on the outside. Pillman is motionless as Miz rolls back in and orders the ref to count out Pillman. Pillman just about makes it back in but he is hurt and easy pray for Miz who is slapping him and nudging him with his foot. Miz signals the end once more and goes for his finisher once more but Pillman reverses it into a victory roll............ And uses the ropes for leverage unknown to the ref.




    Winner :
    Brian Pillman

    Michael Cole : Pillman wins and steals it.

    Corey Graves : Literally, he cheated damn it. The Miz has been robbed

    Pillman rolls to the outside as the fans cheer. We have a new IC champ and The Miz is in disbelief. Pillman celebrates into the crowd holding the title aloft.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    PPV Part 2
    The music of Alberto Del Rio hits and out comes the man himself and he is looking as confident as ever. He stops halfway down the notices a fan sign that reads 'Alberto is an Immigant, I knew it was him' and he rips it up on the poor fan before continuing his way to the ring.

    Corey Graves :
    Alberto is deadly and he can party hard and hit hard.

    Michael Cole : He has vowed to introduce Matt Riddle to wrestling tonight, and Alberto is capable of making good on his promise.

    Alberto spends a lot of time grandstanding before Matt Riddle is out and he looks ready for combat as he strides down the ramp. When Matt Riddle enters the ring, ref goes over the rules before Alberto surprisingly sticks out his hand in a show of good sportsmanship. A cautious Riddle goes to shake Del Rio's hand but Alberto pulls away at the last minute and adjusts his hair.

    Michael Cole : Del Rio is cockier than ever, is he underestimating Matt Riddle?

    Alberto bounces on his toes in a mocking fashion and keeps on shouting "Come on Bro" as a dig towards Riddle. The bell goes and it's on!.

    Beginning : (1-5mins ) : Alberto is bouncing on his toes around Riddle as Matt Riddle looks more focused and is stanced ready to defend Alberto. Riddle throws a punch at Del Rio but Del Rio avoids it and taunts Riddle. Again Riddle throws a right hand but Del Rio ducks and taunts Riddle some more. Alberto then says 'enough games' and goes to attack Riddle but Matt takes him down and transitions into an armbar takedown and the fans go nuts as Alberto is trapped in the hold by the MMA expert.

    Michael Cole : Alberto is locked in the armbar out of nowhere!

    Corey Graves : Dont be so hasty Cole, Del Rio has a great MMA background himself.

    Alberto is trying his damnedest to get loose and counter the hold. Riddle has him in the center of the ring and Alberto is in trouble. Alberto is then able to flip out of the armbar but Riddle still has Del Rio and transitions into a guillotine.

    Michael Cole : Del Rio gets out of 1 submission and into another.

    Alberto again is doing his best to counter or find a way out and he manages this time to escape the guillotine using his own weight as leverage but he leaves himself open to Riddles deadly Bromission.

    Michael Cole : Riddle is going for his finishing submission.

    Riddle locks in the submission tight and to the shock and delight of the fans, Alberto taps immediately after 3 minutes 4 seconds.

    Winner :
    Matt Riddle

    Alberto rolls out of the ring licking his wounds as Matt Riddle bounds up to his feet in joy as the the ref raises his hand.

    Michael Cole : Im in shock, Del Rio taps in under 4 minutes to Matt Riddle. Wow

    Corey Graves : Del Rio must have been out last night and someone must have spiked his drink. This is ridiculous.

    Matt Riddle celebrates and climbs the turnbuckle to salute the fans. Suddenly though in mid celebration Del Rio smashes him from behind with a steel chair, causing Riddle to fall over the top rope to the floor below.

    Michael Cole : This is uncalled for, he lost fair and square.

    Del Rio follows the fallen Riddle and smashes him repeatedly with the chair across the back. Del Rio then smashes Riddle so hard over the skull that blood begins to trickle down the head of Riddle. Alberto then places the Riddles arm in between the chair and teases stamping on it.

    Michael Cole
    : Dont do it Del Rio, this is too far.

    But despite the calls from Michael Cole, Del Rio does in deed stamp with both feet across the chair. Riddle screams in pain as Alberto is now blocked off by arriving referees and officials. Alberto seems very bitter as he walks off on his own accord but the damage is done. We cut away as Riddle is in agony clutching his arm as the officials call for medics.
    Why I booked it this way : I felt it a quick submission win would get Riddle over huge especially over an established star with an MMA background. Alberto has looked strong up until this match and he hopefully wouldn't be hurt too much as he could blame his partying lifestyle and he could be viewed as underestimating the younger star. I feel Alberto's attack will allow him to get some heat back and further the feud to another match.

    Bull Nakano is out first and she is accompanied by Dump Matsumoto. She looks impressive, almost like female Brock Lesnar in terms of her presence. Asuka is out next and she hoists her title over her head on the ramp, as if to say she is the champ.

    Michael Cole : Asuka may have met her match tonight, one one side Bull has looked impressive and on the other Asuka is still an undefeated Champion.

    Both women go head to head as soon as Asuka enters, and Bull towers over the Champion as the bell rings.

    Michael Cole : Here we go.

    Beginning (1-5mins) : The bell sounds and Asuka explodes from the blocks with a vicious strikes to her bigger opponent but while Bull is shaken, she remains on her feet. Nakano has been taken by surprise and Asuka unloads with hard right hands to the head of a shielding Bull.

    Michael cole : Wow, Asuka showing no fear, taking the fight to her opponent

    Asuka backs the bigger Nakano back into the corner and goes to work with some quick strikes and the ref breaks it up and backs Asuka back but she comes straight back with a vicious heel kick to the face of Bull Nakano, sending her through the ropes.

    Bull adjusts herself as the champion taunts her back in the ring as the fans chant "holy sh!t". Bull slowly re-enters and Asuka goes for head shots immediately, but Bull manages to grab the leg of Asuka as she attempts a kick and delivers a high impact T-Bone suplex.

    Michael Cole : Bull took everything from Asuka and is now in control

    Corey graves : This is Asuka's biggest challenge yet.

    Asuka can't grab a breath as Bull is straight in with some stiff kicks and a blatant choke with the ref tries to break but Bull ignores him and lifts Asuka up by the neck off her feet to gasps from the fans. Asuka is then tossed across the ring and Bull lets out a scream before allowing asuka back to her feet and the stadium is buzzing.

    Middle (5-15 mins) : Asuka adjust herself and she goes to lock up and Bull gets the advantage with some stiff knees to the ribcage of Asuka before hitting a delayed vertical suplex. Which brings more gasps from the crowd. Asuka is hurting and crawls to the corner but Bull sprints and squashes her in the corner with a stinger splash. Bull then drags Asuka out and hits a side belly2belly suplex. Asuka is being dominated and Bull allows her to her feet. Asuka gets up and is scooped up before being thrown over head by the impressive Nakano.

    Corey Graves : Asuka is feeling it now as Bull shows her dominance. What a fallaway slam.

    Bull Nakano stands over the hurt Asuka and talks some of her native tongue but Asuka retaliates with a few neat jabs which stun Bull. Asuka gets back to her feet and then hits two more jabs and a spinning elbow combo to make Bull stagger, but Bull regains control with a vicious knee strike, followed by a leg sweep takedown into a Kimura submission.

    Michael Cole : Bull has her now, not many get out of this hold.

    Asuka is in serious trouble and it looks likes the challenger is about to make her tap. The Champ is thankfully close to the ropes and manages to dangle her right leg on the bottom rope, making the ref break the hold. Asuka is in a bad way and is easy pickings for Nakano, who goes for a German suplex again but Asuka manages to spin round and kick the right knee from Nakano. Nakano's knee buckles and Asuka tries to apply her Chickenwing crossface.

    Michael Cole: What a reversal out of nothing. It's been all Nakano until now, can asuka lock it in?

    There is concern that Bull may tap her and as Asuka tries to fully lock in the hold. Bull is luckily near the ropes and grabs the ropes. Both women are feeling the hurt as Bull charges at Asuka for a spear through the ropes but Asuka sidesteps it and Bull crashes through the ropes to the floor below. Bull gets to her feet but Asuka, who is now standing on the apron, cannonballs on onto the prone Nakano. Asuka then rolls Bull back into the ring and hits a springboard heel kick to Nakano as she reaches her feet. Asuka gets up and is feeling the love from the crowd as she gathers momentum.

    The Finish (15-23 mins) : Asuka is eyeing up her opponent for another chicken wing attempt but Bull counters into hip toss, followed by a running boot to the face of Asuka. She goes for the pin



    ....Kick out by Asuka. Bull is furious and runs at Asuka but avoids a spear and transitions to her Chicken wing finisher!

    Michael Cole : Asuka has her again, will Bull submit to The Champ?

    This time Asuka has the hold is firmly locked in and is doing her best to try take Bull down.  It looks like Bull is going down but she manages to stay upright and backs Asuka back into the corner and grabs the rope to break the hold. Asuka releases and then goes for some hard kicks and the final one is a Cody Rhodes esque Disaster kick, which knocks Bull down. Asuka Pins Nakano



    Kick out

    Asuka gets to her feet and smiles psycoticly as she ponders her next move. She goes up stairs and awaits Bull to reach her feet. Nakano is up right and Asuka dives off but Bull catches her in her arms, smashing her mean side effect slam. Bull then backs up and goes for a spear once more. She charges at Asuka and The Champ leaps frogs her. Bull though kills her own momentum and turns and catches Asuka as she falls from her leap and locks in a Chickenwing Crossface of her own.

    Michael Cole : Bull has a Crossface on Asuka, Bull Nakano is relentless, she's not letting go.

    Bulls face tells the story as she tightens her grip on Asuka who is still fighting her best with no success. Bull is pulling on Asukas face and arm but Asuka wont quit. Suddenly, out of frustration at Asuka not tapping, Bull delivers German suplex from the submission and sends Asuka flying on her neck.

    Michael Cole : Ouch, on her neck, that's gotta hurt.

    Corey Graves : I know a thing or two about neck injuries, that's how you get them. Man that looked nasty.

    Bull stands over the fallen Asuka who is clutching her neck and Nakano signals the end with a cut throat signal. She drags Asuka up and scoops her into position before creaming and delivering a sick looking Sitdown Tombstone Piledriver! Nakano covers for the win.




    Winner :
    Bull Nakano

    The ref steps in and raise Bulls hand in victory as the bell sounds. Her music plays and she is visibly exhausted as Asuka is motionless on the mat. Bull receives her belt and her hand is raised in victory again as the fans are in shock at the Asuka finally losing. Bull celebrates and we see the ref checks on the former champion.
    Corey graves : Its the year of the Bull Cole, maybe even the decade. Shes a monster

    The crowd have already taken in a lot of action tonight and now it's main event time as the ring announcer declares this match is a No Holds Barred Match for the BCW World Heavyweight Championship. The fans boo loudly as the music of KO hits, and Kevin Owens himself enters at the ramp surrounded by a host of security guards as well as some local law enforcers.

    Michael Cole : This match has a big fight feel and it's the biggest fight of either man's careers. If you're wondering about the security guards present, that's the doing of Gorilla Monsoon, who wants to keep both men apart until the bell rings.

    Corey Graves : However you will see some police officers there. During the last week, Kevin Owens has been the target of some angry fans who have violently threatened Owens in response to his actions against the Macho Man.

    Michael Cole : Kevin has received death threats, he's been approached by angry members of the public and the officers are their for his safety.

    Corey Graves : What? They are there to protect the idiotic people who approach Kevin Owens from getting a beat down from Owens. Simple as that

    Kevin Owens makes his way into the ring and hes all talk a she is telling the crowd that tonight is his defining moment. Owens is in one corner of the ring and the security stand between him and the opposite corner as Pomp and Circumstance hits as the crowd erupts. The Macho Man appears and he looks focused as ever as he gets the same security treatment down the aisle as Owens.

    Michael Cole : Look at his face, hes focused.

    Savage steps into the ring and he doesn't play up to the crowd once, and he stares a hole into Owens. Security stand between both men as the ring announcer does the big match introductions. Kevin Owens yells at Macho…

    Kevin Owens : Is your wife not here Savage?

    Savage is furious but the security holds him back. The bell rings and Savage is unleashed and he and Owens brawl from the off.

    Beginning (1-10 mins) :  Savage and Owens trade punches and the fans go nuts.

    Michael Cole : Neither man holding back.

    Savage gets the better of the exchange and Owens drops to the mat and rolls outside for a breather. But Savage leaps over the top with a crossbody and the fans erupt. Savage remains on top of Owens and smashes his skull with stiff punches. Owens pushes off Savage and tries to retreat, but Savage clobbers him from behind with running elbow.

    Michael Cole : Savage is unloading on Owens and he is in full control.

    Owens tries to get to his feet but Savage is relentless and keeps throwing bombs at the challenger and Owens fumbles into the timekeeper's table. Owens thinks fast and grabs the ring bell and clocks Savage with it out of desperation, sending Savage to the mat holding his face. Owens catches his breath and batters Savage again as he reaches his feet. Owens then talks some trash at Savage saying 'Lizzy takes a better punch than you'. The trash talking only enrages Savage who musters an uppercut to Owens and follows it up by throwing the stunned Owens over the Spanish announcers table into the commentators.

    Michael Cole : Owens just bounced hard on the table, Savage is taking no prisoners tonight.

    Corey Graves : he's a man on a mission, but Im betting his rage will be his downfall, he's too emotional and he will make mistakes as a result.

    Savage follows Owens and drags him to his feet before smashing him head first off the table much to the fans delight. Savage then drags Owens out from behind the table and takes his opponent all around ringside, slamming his head on the ring steps and tossing Owens into the barricade. Savage then grabs a chair and leathers it off the skull of Owens, sending Owens to the floor holding his head. Owens tries to crawl away but Savage continues to batter him with the chair across the back before standing over his downed opponent and choking Owens with the chair. It's all Savage early on and the ref tries to plead with Savage to break the choke but Savage is having none of it

    Michael Cole
    : Savage is like a man possessed.

    Corey Graves : Hes right to not break the hold, no holds barred Cole emans he can do what he wants

    Savage eventually breaks the choke for a breather and the referee pleads with him to return to the ring and Savage drags Owens back to the ring bringing the chair with him. Savage holds the chair high, waiting for Owens to reach his feet. Savage swings but Owens is quick to dodge the chair shot and hits a nice super kick to Savage on the follow through, with both men hitting the mat. Owens is up first and collects himself before hitting a mean looking Senton splash to the downed Savage before talking some trash in his opponent's face. Owens then threads his boot into the face of Savage and taunts the crowd who show their displeasure.

    Corey Graves : Owens is feeding off the fans negativity and he embraces it.

    Middle (10-25 mins) : Savage crawls away to the corner to gather himself and Owens picks up the chair and lays in the boots to the Savage. Owens then chokes Savage with the chair while Randy is down in the corner and screams 'How do you like it now Savage' as he takes the chair to Machos throat. Owens then places the chair in front of the face of Savage before running in a circle, ending with a dropkick to the chair, crushing Macho Mans nose. Owens removes the chair and tosses it across the ring and we can see Savages nose is dripping blood.

    Michael Cole : Savage could have a broken nose.

    Owens then backs up and hits a vicious cannonball splash to Savage while he lays prone in the corner. Owens then gets up and yells ' yeah Digggg it' and the boo's reign down on him. Owens then drags Savage up quickly and hits a mean Samoan Drop and a cover.



    Kick out by Savage.

    Owens pounds the mat with frustration and pleads with Savage to stay down. Owens then goes to the outside and grabs a second chair and sets both up side by side in the ring.

    Michael Cole : What's Kevin Owens got in mind here.

    Owens then drags up Savage and signals for a Powerbomb through the chairs. He lifts Savage up but The Macho Man wriggles out over his back. Owens then charges at Savage who ducks the clothesline, but Owens bounces off the ropes and charges again at Savage. Savage though, is ready and hits a drop toe hold to Owens, sending KO head first off the chairs. Savage does waste anytime and picks Owens up and hits a sidewalk slam on the chairs!

    Corey Graves : Owens back could be broken here.

    Owens is in agony as he hold his lower back in pain. The blood is gushing out of Savages nostrils now as he covers Owens.



    Shoulder up by KO

    Savage ponders his next move as the fans chant his name. Goes up top and before he gets up to the summit, Owens is back up and hits a superkick. knocking Savage to the mat.

    Owens then taunts Savage some more and does a Savage like spin and the fans react angrily. Owens then turns to Savage, but Randy is back and knocks him down with a solid right hand. Savage turns Owens over on his back and grabs one of the chairs and place sit over the skull of Owens. Savage then grabs the other chair and it looks like hes going for a Con-Chair-To. Owens smartly rolls to the outside before Savage can hit it but he hasn't avoided danger just yet. As Owens rolls to the mat, Savage bounces off the ropes and hits a suicide dive through the ropes to the unsuspecting KO.

    Michael Cole : Savage putting his body on the line.

    Savage struggles to his feet and wipes the blood from his face and yells out a battle cry as Owens is hurt in front of him. Savage unleashes a flurry of right hand before draping Owens across the Spanish Announce Table. Savage hits a few more punches before pointing to the top turnbuckle to the joy of those in attendance.

    Corey Graves : What is Savage thinking. This is a huge risk.

    Savage climbs up and poses on the top as he traditional does before leaping off the top, looking to drive his elbow into the heart of KO. But Owens rolls off the table while Savage is in mid-flight and Macho man crashes hard through the table below!

    Michael Cole : Savage is broken in half.

    Owens struggles to his feet and baskes in the beauty of Savage broken in front of him. Owens then grabs a fan's sign that reads 'We less Kevin Owens and more money for public schools' and tears it in half. Owens then drags Savage up and laughs joyfully as he lifts Savage over his head and powerbombs The Macho Man on the ring apron.

    Michael Cole : That's the same move he used on Elizabeth.

    Savage is down and Owens takes a breather as the fans boo him heavily. Owens yells out that it's over now as he rolls the broken Macho Man back into the ring.

    Corey Graves : Savage has driven himself through a table and then Owens smashed him off the ring apron. We have a new Champion Cole.

    Michael Cole : You may be right.

    Owens though stands over Savage who is motionless and instead of covering Savage with a traditional pin fall, he cockily places one foot over the fallen Savage and yells at the ref to count it.



    Shoulder up!

    Somehow Savage gets a shoulder up much to the delight of the fans. Owens is furious and starts to berate the referee.

    THE FINISH (25-35 mins) : Savage is barely moving and Owens signals the end. He drags Savage up and tries to position him for a final powerbomb but Savage collapses at KOs feet.

    Michael Cole : Savage is done surely, he hasn't got anything left.

    Owens is yelling at Savage and again tries to position him for a powerbomb but Savage again falls at the feet of Owens.

    Corey Graves :
    The referee should call it, ............. call it damn it.

    Kevin Owens pulls Savage up for a third time up Savage grab him and rolls him up in a small package out of nowhere



    Kickout by Owens.

    Owens is up first and goes for a Powerbomb again and this time he lifts Savage up in position but Savage has grabbed one of the steel chairs and as Owens lifts him over his head, Savage smashes Owens with the chair. Both men are down and we see now that Owens is busted wide open following the chair shot. Both men are down but Owens is stirring slowly while Savage is motionless. Suddenly the crowd cheer as someone is making their way to ringside.

    Michael Cole : Is that?,......Yes, it is Elizabeth, shes here!

    With her hand in a sling, Miss Elizabeth makes her way to ringside and starts pleading with Savage to get up. With the words of encouragement from his wife, Savage begins to stir. Soon he and Owens make it slowly to their feet, both men bloody and battered from this war. Owens hits a right hand and Savage follows it up next with a right of his own as the fans eat it up. Both men trade punches with the fans cheering Savage and booing Owens. Savage soon hits 3 rights without reply and then knocks Owens to on his back with one final clubbing fist.

    Michael Cole : The tide has turned. Where is Macho Finding the will to continue?

    Owens gets to his feet and swings wildly at Savage who ducks and hits a kick to the gut of Owens before landing a beautiful DDT.Savage with the pin.......



    Kickout by Owens.

    Savage struggles to his feet and the fans roar with approval as he signals for his Elbow Drop finisher with Owens on the mat unmoved. Savage slowly climbs the ropes but Owens has struggled to his feet and makes his way over to Savage and clocks him with a right hand. Owens then climbs ropes and both men trade right hands on the top rope.

    Corey Graves : These two warriors have no quit.

    Randy Savage appears to get the better of KO but Owens, out of pure desperation rakes the eyes of Savage. Owens then quickly throws Macho off his perch to the ring below. Savage is not moving and Owens points to Elizabeth and begins to pose on the top rope like Savage.

    Michael Cole : He's not.. Hes not gonna attempt Machos trademark elbow drop...... The final insult.

    Corey Graves : My god I love it!

    The fans boo extremely loud as Owens finishes his mocking pose and KO leaps through the air. But Savage reaches out and grabs the chair once more and Kevin Owens smashes into the chair Savage has grabbed. Owens is down and Savage stirs and crawls towards the turnbuckle. Savage then is urged on by the crowd and his wife Elizabeth as he climbs the ropes.

    Savage then poses at the top and flies through the air, ramming his elbow onto KO below.

    Michael Cole : Is that it? Savage has done it surely.

    Savage crawls over the bloody carcass of Kevin Owens and makes the pin as the fans count along




    Savage barely moves as the ref hits the 3. The bell rings and the fans erupt and Savage is motionless as the blood runs from his face a she lays over the motionless KO.

    Michael Cole : Savage has done it! He has not only solidified his status as The greatest Champion of All Time, he not only ended Kevin Owens undefeated streak but he extracted his vengeance on the man who has plagued him.

    We linger on the scene for many minutes as Miss Elizabeth goes to her husband's side and he looks like he used his last bit of energy driving his elbow through the body of Owens. Owens is then moved out of the ring by officials, two mangled steel chairs. Savage is helped to his feet by the ref and his wife. Elizabeth is telling a punch drunk Savage that "he did it" and she wears the blood soaked face off of her triumphant husband. Fireworks begins to go off over head and confetti rains down over the arena as Savage slowly raises his arm in victory.

    Graves and Cole discuss how hard both men fought and Cole believes Miss Elizabeth's presence was the difference maker. Savage and Elizabeth embrace while the fans celebrate. The Final image is Savage begin handed the Heavyweight title and his entrance attire hat as he looks at the fallen Kevin Owens below him. He then looks at Elizabeth before a huge smile goes across his bloody face. Savage then places the belt on the motionless Kevin Owens and places his hat on his wife, before leaving the ring with Elizabeth by his side.

    The battered yet victorious Macho Man rides off into the sunset with his wife Elizabeth while the fans begin to chant 'Thank You Randy'as we go off the air

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy

    It is announced that Mankind is not here tonight as a result of Shane McMahon's brutal attack last week.

    Justin Credible & Lance Storm argue backstage with Credible angered by Storm not helping him last week. Justin Credible vs Tyler Breeze - Lance Storm on commentary. Tyler wins via pinfall but grabs a chair to hit Credible with; Lance runs in but Tyler escapes. He helps Credible up, but Credible then picks up the chair and smashes it against Lance.

    Ishii wants his reward from Shane for taking out Mankind, Shane tells him since Foley made it to the Battle Royale Ishii gets nothing.

    Damien Sandow is outraged that Mickey Rourke was allowed to enter the Battle Royale and says it was deeply unfair for MWA GM Shane McMahon to enter somebody who clearly has brain damage if he believes in his Ram character from the movie.

    Brock Lesnar has a sit down interview. He says every time he shows up he earns his money and if Shane wants him there every week then he can pay him accordingly. Says he doesn't care who wins between Tanahashi & Warrior as whoever he faces at WrestleRama IV doesn't matter, the result stays the same - Brock Lesnar walking out with blood on his knuckles and the MWA Championship on his shoulder.

    Ahead of his #1 contender's match, Ultimate Warrior cuts a promo backstage about competing so that he can be a hero for all the little n large Warriors in the crowd and watching at home tonight. He wants to inspire others. Warrior is interrupted by Jack Swagger who says "screw these fans, beat Tanahashi for me. Beat Tanahashi for America. Beat Tanahashi for President Trump."

    Ricochet announces that Rich Swann turned his back on him last week by scheduling him for a match he didn't want. Ricochet announces he has a new tag partner and this one's a perfect 10.

    Ricochet & Tye Dillinger vs Minnesota Wrecking Crew - Tye is getting a lot of crowd support with 'TEN' chants and it seems to be getting under Ricochet's skin. After getting beaten up for much of the match, Ricochet tags in Tye who cleans house due to being so fresh. Dillinger hits The Perfect Ten but Ricochet tags himself in, hits a 630 Senton from the top rope and gets booed by the crowd. Tye stands at their corner to another TEN chant and Ricochet attacks him before leaving. Alone, Dillinger has no chance to fight against the veteran tag team. Winner: Minnesota Wrecking Crew via pinfall.
    As Minnesota Wrecking Crew make their way up the ramp they are attacked from behind by Tomohiro Ishii with a chain wrapped around his fist. The shouts of Jimmy Hart can be heard through his megaphone as Ishii meets him at the top.

    New Age Outlaws promo interrupted by Authors of Pain and a brawl breaks out. Shane McMahon comes down to calm things down...until he Super Kicks Road Dogg. AOP attack Billy Gunn and hit Double Powerbomb him through the announce table.They then hoist up Road Dogg and allow Shane to hit him with a steel chair.

    #1 Contender's Match: Ultimate Warrior vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - Winner: Tanahashi via pinfall. Both men shake hands after the match as a sign of respect.


    Ultimate Warrior comes out to the ring for a promo. He thanks the fans for all their support over the years - "you are the legend makers of Ultimate Warrior." It sounds like Warrior may be about to announce his retirement when the music of Jack Swagger rings out. Swagger feigns getting a microphone and attacks Warrior. He picks up Warrior's mic & cuts promo saying that Warrior let everyone down and that it's up to him to fulfil Trump's message in MWA, but to successfully eradicate the foreign presence he needs to send the weak & pitiful back to 'Parts Unknown'. But luckily he's not the only one who recognises this, and Ludvig Borga walks down the ramp. Borga says he admires Swagger and supports Trump's cause, vowing to help it in any way he can before he enforces it in his own homeland. The two of them continue to beat down Warrior as Swagger puts him in a Patriot Lock while Borga attacks his head with the microphone. Eventually security rush out and drag the two men away.

    Tomohiro Ishii vs Ole Anderson - Jimmy Hart at ringside. Ishii is wrapping a chain around his arm readying for a lariat when Gene runs out to stop him, but as Ishii is fighting off both men he is joined by Riki Choshu who takes out Gene but doesn't see Ishii lariat Ole with the chain. Both men are joined in the ring by Jimmy Hart who yell through his megaphone about the Andersons messing with the wrong man.

    Mankind's daughter Noelle is spotted in the crowd as cameras catch security escorting her away citing 'boss' orders'
    After the break we see Noelle enter Shane McMahon's office. Shane apologises for the way they are meeting but he has an offer she won't be able to refuse -- a job with MWA. Noelle says she needs to think about it.

    Tyler Breeze finally explains that he is targeting Justin Credible to get under the skin of his mentor. Claims Lance takes credit for creating him but he claims the only reason he is so eccentric & gimmicky is because Lance was 'boring' and ultimately achieved nothing in his career. Now Tyler is overlooked & under-appreciated by wrestling fans, all they see is his love of clothes but ignore the wrestler behind the gimmick. So Tyler is setting the record straight by not just taking out Lance but his one remaining friend too.

    Lance Storm vs Justin Credible - Lance makes Justin tap out before Tyler Breeze comes from the crowd and hits Lance with a Beauty Shot.

    Noelle is talking to her father Mankind backstage; Mankind says she shouldn't trust Shane, that he's using her to get to him and that she heard what he said two weeks ago, she saw what Shane did to him and then to New Age Outlaws last week. Noelle says she wouldn't dream of working for that pig Shane McMahon.

    Ricochet blasts the fans for never showing him the respect he deserves - he tears the house down against Will Ospreay and gets criticised for 'flips for the sake of flips' and being nothing more than an exaggerated gymnast. And 'even those who gave my match the credit it deserved, who are they raving about now? Will F'n Ospreay. Who got signed first? WILL ****ING OSPREAY! And now, I bring Dillinger to MWA. I was about to win our match, it was my move, it would've been my pin, my win. And what do YOU all chant? Ten Ten Ten Well I'm sick of it and I am calling out Shane McMahon right now to give me the recognition I deserve." Shane comes out, mentions he sure wishes someone had said yes to him earlier so he could delegate this crap, but Ricochet has a point and deserves a shot. So he announces Damien Sandow will have to defend the Intercontinental Championship against

    MWA Intercontinental Championship Match - Ricochet vs Damien Sandow (c) - Sandow is furious at having to defend his title. Says beforehand that McMahon is punishing him for his insightful comments about decision-making last week and this one adds to the list. During the match Mickey Rourke, fully dressed as Randy 'The Ram' Robinson comes out to high-5 people in the crowd. The distraction leads to Ricochet pinning Sandow & becoming new Intercontinental Champion.

    Brock Lesnar & Hiroshi Tanahashi sign the contract for their Championship match at WrestleRama IV. Lesnar promises to beat Tanahashi to a pulp. Tanahashi says he will prove Lesnar wrong, he will prove Shane McMahon wrong. Tanahashi says he knows Shane doesn't want him, he knows Shane tried to trade him to another company so as to not have him at WrestleRama and the first thing he'll do when he wins the title is shove it up Shane's ass. As usual things don't go smoothly once the talking is done and both men fight. Lesnar F-5s Tanahashi through the desk in the ring.

    Shane calls out Mankind. Mankind comes down to the ring and they exchange words; Mankind - "We have a lot in common Shane. We both love and hate your father. We've both battled The Undertaker inside HIAC, and we've both plummeted from the top of that cell to have our bodies changed forever. But were we differ is that I have class and respect...." Shane - "Class? Look at yourself Mick. You wear a tattered shirt, a dirty tie, you look better when you're wearing a mask. The last thing you have is class." Shane lays down the challenge - they will fight 1-on-1 at WrestleRama inside HIAC but they cannot touch each other until that match. If Shane wins Mankind cannot darken MWA's doorway again as long as he is in charge. Mankind is about to agree when Noelle Foley comes down the ramp. She pleads with her father, says she can't bear to watch him go through hell again and fears that this match might kill him. Mankind, with tears in his eyes, says this is something he has to do & accepts the match. Noelle hugs her father before shockingly kicking him between the legs with a low-blow. As she stands over her writhing father Shane approaches saying "let me introduce you to my new personal assistant, Noelle Foley... Oh and Mick, you're going to be in action next week...against Brock a Last Man Standing match" Noelle - "Have a nice day Dad..."

    An announcement is made after the show that the Last Man Standing match will be for the MWA Championship. Dave on commentary calls it genius "Brock will demolish Mankind if the title is on the line, and if Mankind somehow wins then not only does Tanahashi not have a chance of defacing the title & General Manager but Shane will become the World Champion on Sunday."


    Tanahashi & Warrior vs Jack Swagger & Ludvig Borga - Winner: Tanahashi & Warrior via pinfall

    Lance calls out Tyler Breeze. Breeze wants Lance at WrestleRama to prove that he is better than his mentor ever was. "After I make you tap out, everyone of these people will take me seriously." Storm agrees & a Submission match is set.

    Jimmy Hart challenges the Minnesota Wrecking Crew to put their livlihoods on the line at WrestleRama in a tag team match with Ishii & Choshu - when they lose it'll be more than just a match but their MWA contracts too.

    Ricochet brags about being Intercontinental Champion, claiming he rose above the people who tried to drag him down. He gets interrupted by Caristico (still getting booed by the audience over betraying Mysterio at MNG) who says Ricochet is making the same mistakes he once did and that if he keeps turning on friends he'll eventually have nobody to turn on but himself. Ricochet says that's stupid and makes no sense; Caristico says he hates who he became in his drive for glory and in trying to redeem himself.. but he gets cut off by Ricochet who tells Caristico that if he's "not here to fight then get the hell out of the King's ring". Rich Swann comes out and says he's here to fight, Tye Dillinger is next. Ricochet is nervous but temporarily saved by Noelle Foley who announces that there will be a Fatal-4-Way Ladder Match at WrestleRama IV.

    'Randy Robinson' issues an open challenge and is of course answered by Damien Sandow. Sandow insults Mickey Rourke, says his acting is nothing compared to Sandow & that clearly his mind isn't either. However Sandow isn't ready for a match tonight, instead he wants to get the mainstream publicity a celebrity matchup brings at WrestleRama. Rourke accepts and potentially the best worst match of the year is set.

    Akam vs Billy Gunn - Winner: Billy Gunn via count out. As Billy gets the upper hand in the match, Rezar is joined by Shane McMahon at ringside and Shane orders Akam to get out of the ring and save himself for the tag titles. Chants of p**** can be heard but are quickly stifled for viewers at home by Petey & Dave talking about the MWA Network were you can watch WrestleRama this weekend.

    MWA World Heavyweight Championship Last Man Standing Match - Mankind vs Brock Lesnar (c) - A tough to watch match as Mankind refuses to stay down. He takes 12 German Suplexes & two F-5s before landing any offence of his own. When Mankind fights back however, the crowd gets to its feet. In scenes more reminiscent of Cactus Jack, Mankind gets the Beast rocked with an assortment of toys. Chairs, kendo sticks, and a Double Underhook DDT onto thumbtacks has everyone believe Mankind is the new World Champion but as it turns out the Beast is a resilient one and gets back to his feet at the 8 count. After another gruelling 20 mins and countless near falls, Mankind has a Mandible Claw on Lesnar in the corner; it doesn't get Lesnar on his back but it wears him down and only the ropes are keeping Brock upright. With a table set in the middle of the ring, Mankind looks from Brock to the table & back before a sly (and rare) grin crosses his face. He slides out of the ring & takes out a bag from under the ring & throws it inside. Mankind opens the bag to unveil lighter fluid which he douses the table with. As if the crowd has been plucked straight from Ancient Rome, their bloodlust is matched only by Mankind as he sets the table alight and proceeds to lifting Lesnar to the top rope. He readies Lesnar for a Superplex only to be blocked and in one sudden move Lesnar shifts his head & shoulders under Mankind's arm, raises him up & F-5s Foley from the top rope through the flaming table. Mankind is out cold, medics rush to the ring with extinguishers. After putting the fire out, Mankind still hasn't moved & the referee ends the match with the ten count.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy




    As Petey & Dave hype up tonight's show they're joined at the commentary desk by a blond woman dressed in leopard print. Martina The Session Moth is at WrestleRama.


    Swagger works the injured ankle for most of the match, Warrior's offence is mostly stiff clotheslines & running blocks combined with powerslams. Borga causes multiple distractions at ringside; when he tries to enter with a chair the referee stops him. Swagger grabs the American flag adorned with "Make America Great Again" and attempts to hit Warrior with it...but Warrior blocks it, lifts Swagger into a Gorilla Press Drop, runs the ropes knocking Borga off & hitting a Running Splash to Swagger's back. He turns 'The Real American' over for the pinfall.
    Ultimate Warrior



    A slow affair compared to the first match filled with methodical picking off of body parts and submission counters as these two know each other so well. The match reaches its crescendo when Tyler Breeze counters Storm's Single Leg Crab into one of his own, forcing Storm to tap out to the move he taught Breeze.
    Tyler Breeze

    As Breeze celebrates Lance Storm hobbles over to his protege and offers his hand. Breeze slaps it away and embraces his mentor. Justin Credible comes out yelling only to get a double Super Kick for his troubles. Storm, hurting even more now, leaves the ring so Breeze can have his moment.


    An extremely stiff match, no man is making it out of this one unmarked. With Choshu down on the outside it looks like the Wrecking Crew's MWA careers will continue until Jimmy Hart gets involved with his big mouth. Yelling abuse at Gene at ringside, Ole chases Hart down and tackles the mouth of the south. The referee tries to break him up, not seeing Ishii wrap the chain around his arm & with a vicious Lariat to Gene Anderson the Minnesota Wrecking Crew's MWA career is over.
    Tomohiro Ishii & Riki Choshu

    Ishii picks up Jimmy Hart & carries him up the ramp. The focus is on The Andersons in the middle of the ring, fans chant their names in unison. "Thank You Andersons" *clap clap clap clap clap*. As they're enjoying their moment Riki Choshu joins them to shake their hands and show the respect they deserve. The Andersons leave the arena to a standing ovation, incl. Choshu applauding in the ring. In the background Jimmy Hart whispers something to Ishii and takes the chain out of his pocket. Ishii quickly wraps it around his fist and takes down Choshu with it.


    Sandow doesn't take Mickey Rourke seriously at all and toys with him for much of the match. A nearfall from a roll-up pin by Rourke angers Sandow and he starts dropping elbow after elbow to the Oscar nominated wrestler. Martina The Session Moth has had enough and throws her beer can at Sandow. Sandow hurls abuse, appalled that such a common wench would dare provoke his genius. Noelle Foley comes out and yells at Martina, tells her she's be back in the dole queue tomorrow morning if she doesn't apologise. Noelle slaps Martina, which doesn't go down too well. Martina throws Noelle into the ring; meanwhile Sandow has turned around and is caught with a right hook by former boxer Mickey Rourke. Sandow is out cold, Rourke climbs up to the top rope. Martina climbs the opposite turnbuckle. At the same time they both jump, Martina hitting Noelle with a Tornado DDT and Mickey Rourke hitting Sandow with a Ram Jam diving headbutt. Randy 'The Ram' Robinson gets his moment in the spotlight and celebrates with Martina who is then escorted by security from the arena.
    Mickey Rourke



    Predictably filled with dangerous stunts & high flying action, Ricochet rises above everyone to retain his title.



    Authors of Pain use their superior strength to overpower New Age Outlaws and win the World Tag Team Championship
    Authors of Pain


    A throwback to two iconic moments. Mankind is seriously injured before the match begins. The match quite literally peaks as both men battle on top of the cell. They both come close to forcing the other over the side multiple times; a super kick by Shane has Mankind teetering, Shane goes for another one to finish the job but he misses. Mankind grabs hold of Shane,
    roars "HAVE A NICE DAY" and dives off the cell sending both men plummeting towards the announce table. Neither man moves from the wreckage, medical teams rush out with stretchers and both men are taken up the ramp.
    Draw. Neither man is fit to continue

    A special live performance by The Smashing Pumpkins gets the crowd raucous again for the main event.


    Lesnar dominates large portions with his power but Tanahashi is quicker and used to going longer distances. The match ends with a Frog Splash by Tanahashi.
    Hiroshi Tanahashi

  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭daithi1989


    The show starts with Daithi and Hornswoggle in the middle of the ring.

    Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to DPW Destiny Day!
    Crowd pops loudly.

    We come to you live from Yankee Stadium here in New York City. Tonight we see 6 match ups, with all 4 titles of DPW being defended. We also have the Legend vs. Legend Killer Match featuring Sting vs. Randy Orton.
    But staring us off tonight, we have Luke Harper vs. Erick Rowan in the Tables Match, as these 2 former best friends and family members clash.

    **Erick Rowan Entrance**

    The following match up is a Tables match. The only to win is to put your opponent through a table.

    On his way to the ring, from Minneapolis, Minnesota; weighing in 315 pounds, Erick Rowan.

    Hello and welcome to Yankee Stadium. In this first match up tonight, Luke Harper seeks redemption after being stabbed in the back by Rowan a few weeks back, costing him an opportunity for the DPW Heavyweight Championship. Then a few weeks later, Rowan drove Harper through a Table, leading to this match up

    **Luke Harper Entrance**

    From Rochester New York; weighing in at 275 pounds; Luke Harper
    Not often Harper is the smaller man in a match up, but he is giving up both height and weight here in this match up.

    The match up starts with both men just eyeing each other up, circling in the ring. Harper then decides enough is enough, and charge Rowan. He goes in swinging lefts and rights, as Rowan holds his hands up blocking them. Harper backs Rowan up into the corner and continues to swing. He backs away, and Rowan drops and rolls from the ring, giving out to the ref that Harper hadnt stopped.

    I don't know what Rowan is complaining about; this is a tables match, the ref isn't going to stop Harper from doing anything here! Rowan is now going to have to live with the consequences of his actions here.

    Harper rolls out of the ring the other side, and sets up 2 tables side by side. He goes for a 3rd table, but Rowan comes from behind and hits him. Rowan then Irish whips Harper into the steps, and has now taken control. While Harper is down, Rowan sets up 2 more tables on top of the top Harper had positioned on the outside, and then slides one into the ring. Rowan throws Harper into the barricade at this stage, and then throws him back into the ring. As Harper tries to recover, Rowan sets up the table, leaning it up against the turnbuckle.

    Rowan doesn't look like he wants to be hanging around here long, he wants to finish things quickly.

    Rowan picks Harper up on his shoulder and charges towards the table, attempting to slam Harper through the turnbuckle. Halfway across the ring, Harper slides out the back, and shoves Rowan towards the table, but Rowan is able side step the table. He takes no chances though, and knocks the table over so its lying flat on the ground.

    As he turns around, Harper hits the spinning Clothesline. Harper then picks up the table and sets it up in the corner again. He calls for a Power Bomb to Rowan, as the crowd cheers. He sets up Rowan for the Power Bomb, facing towards the corner turnbuckle. As he goes to heist Rowan up, he notices the 4 tables on the outside.

    Harper seems to have evil intentions here!
    The crowd begins to cheer when they suspect what is about to happen.

    Harper drags a lifeless Rowan over towards the 4 tables. He picks Rowan up on his shoulders and throws Rowan out of the ring, through 4 tables!

    Here is your winner; Luke Harper!
    OH MY GOD! He's well and truly put an end to that brotherhood with that. Harper has just put Rowan through 4 tables to win this opening match here at DPW Destiny Day. Is this the first step in Harper's destiny to one day achieve the World Champion Status.

    **Backstage Segment**

    Captain Lou is standing with his Anoa'i family members behind him.

    Captain Lou
    Ladies and Gentlemen.. Tonight is the night the Anoa'i family reach their Destiny. Despite Daithi and Hornswoggle putting up so many barriers in front of my family but putting them all in multi-person match ups, we will find a way to prevail. The have even taken away the Champions Advantage in the Women's match from Tamina, forcing her to go up against the 3 women. Rikishi has been screwed out of his 1-on-1 match up because Booker T couldn't get the job done against Juventud, and my Tag Team brothers, Sim and Manu, should be given a 1-on-1 match up also, after dominating all other tag teams. Despite all this, we will come out on top, because.. Blood is thicker than water! We are the Anoa'i family!

    Captain Lou means business tonight; he has promised a lot of success for his family tonight, and the following match up gives them their first chance tonight, as Booker T defends his Inter-National Championship against Anoa'i Family member Rikishi, and the Mexican Juventud Guerrera

    The following match is a Triple Threat Match, scheduled for one fall, and is for the DPW Inter-National Championship.

    Introducing first, from Mexico City, weighting in at 165 pounds, Juventud.

    This is a huge opportunity for Juventud tonight. He holds a pinfall victory over the current champ, Booker T, however, Rikishi made light work of him the week previous. He will have a lot to do to be able compete here tonight, especially after the beating he took from Rikishi backstage last week.

    **Rikishi Music**

    And the other challenger.. Being accompanied to the ring by Captain Lou; From the Isle of Samoa; weighting in at 425 pounds; Rikishi.

    Rikishi joined DPW as a member of Too Cool, and danced his way to the ring, laughing and joking. Since joining DPW though, and meeting Captain Lou, he has changed his style, and is no longer here to make friends.

    **Booker T Entrance**

    And their opponent; from Houston Texas; weighing in at 250 pounds; he is the DPW Inter-National Champion.. Booker T!

    As the match starts, Booker and Juventud double team Rikishi and try get the big man down.

    This is a smart tactic by Booker and Juventud. If they can get the big man down and out, both will feel they have a chance of winning this match up.

    Juventud and Booker continue to beat down on Rikishi. They send him to the outside, and follow him out towards the commentary table. Booker continues to stomp down on Kishi, and Juventud begins to clear the table.

    It looks like Booker and Juventud and preplanned this attack; all I know is soon enough, I'm not going to have a desk for the rest of the night, and gonna have a very angry Samoan at my feet.

    With the table cleared, Juventud and Booker position Kishi to double suplex him through the table. As the are about to pick him up, Rikishi gets a second wind, and stops them. They try again, but again, Rikishi stops them, and reverses it, suplexing both Booker and Juventud away from the desk.

    My desk survives to fight another da--
    Rikishi picks up Juventud and performs a Samoan Drop to him through the announcers table.

    There goes my table! Juventud has been taken out. I felt his was out of his depth in this match up, and I don’t see him being able to work his way from this. Rikishi has effectively turned this into a 1-on-1 match.

    EMTs come down and treat Juventud. He is loaded up onto a stretcher and wheeled out of the arena.

    Rikishi picks up Booker T and throws him into the ring. He performs suplex and DDTs on Booker, always having the upper hand. Captain Lou is barking instructions to Rikishi and tells him to keep up the attack on Booker.

    Rikishi then drags Booker over towards the corner, and climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle.

    Rikishi has had enough fun, and is setting Booker up for the end here. If he lands down on Booker, the ref will be making a 3 count.

    As Rikishi is about to drop down, Booker rolls out of the way, and Rikishi is stunned.

    Booker moved! He's still in this match.
    Booker gets some offence in, hitting drop kicks, and DTTs to get Rikishi off his feet. Booker then kicks Kishi is the stomach, and goes for the Scissors Kick, which connects. He signals for the Book-End, and Rikishi struggles back to his feet. Booker hit's the move, and the crowd start to Pop.

    Booker goes for the cover.. 1-2 SPLASH

    Juventud is back!
    Juventud comes off the top rope, and breaks up the 3 count. Booker can't believe it. Juventud seems to have used the last of his energy, as Booker hits the Scissor Kick on him. But before he gets a chance to capitalise, Rikishi has recovered. He picks Booker up on his shoulders and hits a Samoan Drop. He drops him over the corner again, climbs to 2nd turnbuckle and drops, this time connecting with the chest of Booker T. He sits atop of Booker, while the ref counts 1-2-3..

    Here is your winner, and NEW DPW Inter-National Champion Rikishi!
    Rikishi has delivered part 1 of the Captain Lou's destiny. He has won the title from Booker T, but he owes Juventud. Booker has this match up won after hitting the Book-End, until Juventud came of the top rope to break up the 3 count.

    Rikishi goes to the outside, grabs his title, and he walks up the ramp, with the title lifted above his head. Captain Lou walks along side, saying to the camera, "I told you this was our Destiny"

    **Backstage Segment**

    AJ is warming up ahead of the Women's title match tonight, when Kaitlyn walks in.

    AJ; I just want to apolgise for what happened last week. You have to believe me when I say I was aiming for Tamina with the spear. You're my best friend, and I would never spear you on purpose.

    I know that Kaitlyn, I watched the footage back. No hard feelings. But tonight, when the title is on the line, just remember, its Every Woman for themselves, and should you get in my way of me achieving my Destiny, I wont be apologising for my actions!

    AJ walks off, leaving Kaitlyn bewildered by what has just happened.

    Maybe I'll just have to hit you with another spear..
    **Team Too Cool Entrance**

    The following match up is Tag Team Turmoil match for the DPW Tag Team Titles.

    Introducing first, Grand Master Sexay; Scotty 2 Hotty; Team Too Cool

    Its time for our 2nd title match up tonight, where the newly formed team of Nathan Jones and Titus O Neil defend their titles against the whole division in DPW. And this is their first title defense also.
    **Legacy Entrance**

    And their opponents, Team Legacy, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase
    And here come the former Champions. They are out to try reclaim their titles, but have their work cut for them as they have to get through 4 others teams.

    The match starts with DiBiase facing off against Scotty. DiBiase takes control of the match, and had Scotty caught up in the corner. He tags in Rhodes, and they Double Team Scotty.

    Scotty needs to try make a tag here, or his team will struggle to get through this match.

    Back in the ring, Rhodes Irish Whips Scotty and goes to clothesline him. Scotty ducks, runs the rope and then hits a clothesline of his own.

    Here's Scottys chance. He needs to get Grand Master Sexay into this match.
    Scotty crawls to make the tag, while Rhodes crawls the other way. Both men get to the partners at the same time, and as both make the Tag --

    **Lights Out**

    **Lights Back**

    Sim and Manu are at ring side, they are meant to wait until there is a Pin Fall in this match first.

    Sim attacks Cody from the apron, driving him into the steps, while Manu is doing the same to Grand Master on the other side. They throw them both into the ring, where they perform a Samoan Drop on them and place Cody on top of Grand Master Sexay. The ref reluctantly counts 1-2-3.

    Team Too Cool have been eliminated.
    Manu and Sim then continue to beat down Cody, before Sim goes to the corner and waits for a tag. Manu tags him in, and Sim goes to the top rope, and hits the Samoan Splash on Cody. Manu goes to the outside and makes sure DiBiase doesn't break up the count by throwing him into the barrier. Sim covers Cody, 1-2-3.

    The Legacy have been eliminated.
    The Anao'i Family have made short work of both Team Too Cool and Legacy, destroying them both. They are standing in the middle of the ring now, and are still very fresh here. Jones and O Neil will have their work cut out here, should Sim and Manu get through Tons of Funk.

    Tons of Funk make there way to the ring, a bit reluctantly. They stop at the bottom of the ramp to try formulate a plan. They decide to split, and Brodus goes one way, while Tenasi goes the other. They stand on opposite side of the ring, and begin to climb the apron slowly. Manu and Sim charge at them, both knocking them of the apron.

    Brodus and Tenasi will need a better plan than this to be able compete against the Anao'i than that.

    Eventually, Sim and Manu back up into their corner and allow Brodus and Tenasi up onto the Apron. Tenasi starts the match, but as he enters the ring, Sim tags in Manu, who charges Brodus and splashes him into the corner, before roaring at Brodus. Brodus tags himself in, and goes to charge at Manu, but just bounces off him. Manu flips, picks up Brodus and slams him to the mat.

    Manu has just picked up Brodus with ease there! I have never seen Brodus man-handled like that.

    Manu runs the ropes, and splashes down on Clay, before tagging Sim in. Again, Sim climbs to the top rope, landing down on Clay, connecting with the Samoan Splash again. Manu again takes Tenasi out of the ring, making sure he cant break up the count. The ref counts 1-2-3, as Sim covers Brodus.

    Tons of Funk have been Eliminated.
    Tons of Funk have been just swept aside. The Anoa'i are one fall away from walking away with the titles. Oh! Whats this?!

    Back in the ring, Jones and O Neil have come through the crowd to cheers, and have attacked Manu on the outside. They have him thrown into the barricade before Sim is able get out to scare them off.

    Titus and Nathan have realised the only chance they have was to take out one of the Anao'i family out.
    Nathan starts the match up against Sim, knocking him to the ground. He tags in Titus, who picks up Sim and performs 2 suplex on him.

    This is the most vulnerable we have seen Sim and Manu since they joined DPW. Titus and Jones have the upper hand here and need to make hay while the sun shines!

    Manu begins to stir again on the outside and make his way to his corner. Titus notices this, and is distracted by him. He turns around back in the ring, and Sim has recovered and clothesline him. Both men begin making there way to the corners, and make the hot tag. Manu, still a bit worse for ware, charges at Jones, and they start exchanging chops, as the crowd Wooo and Booo. Jones gains the upper hand in this exchange, and hits a DDT. Jones goes for the pin; 1-2.. Manu gets the shoulder up and saves the match.

    Manu just gets the shoulder up. The Anoa'i just about hanging onto the chance for a clean sweep here tonight.

    Jones tags back in Titus, and they attempt to Double Suplex Manu, however Sim recovers in time, to take Jones out of the ring with a tackle. Titus goes to perform a Suplex on his own, but Manu stops him, and reverses it into one of his own. He picks up Titus and hits the Samoan Drop on him. Sim has come back around to the corner. Manu tags him in, rolls to the outside and takes out Jones again with another Samoan Drop on him.
    Sim jumps from the top rope, lands on Titus, and hits the Samoan Splash. Ref counts 1-2-3.

    Here's are your winners, and New Tag Team Champions, Sim Sunka and Manu, The Anoa'i Family.

    That's 2 for 2 for The Anoa'i Family. Sim and Manu have come through Tag Team Turmoil, with Sim pinning 3 people with the Samoan Splash. Captain Lou comes out onto the top of the Ramp now to applaud his men. Can anyone stop the Anoa'i Family tonight? Just Tamina to go.

    **Backstage Segment**

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest, Naomi.

    Naomi; tonight you have a chance to win the DPW Womens title. You face friends AJ and Kaitlyn, and current champ, Tamina. How are going to approach the match?

    I'm going to go out there and give it my all and come away as the champ. I'm glad Tamina decided to turn her back on me. She tried to leave me high and dry in our Tag Team match, and tonight, I plan I leaving high and dry in the middle of the ring, and I will take her title with me.

    Thanks you Naomi.
    Naomi sounding very confident there. Has she got what it takes to end the Anoa'i Family dominance later.
    Switching gears now, we have the Legend vs. Legend Killer match next, where Sting is taking on Randy Orton.

    **Sting Entrance**

    The following match up is Legend vs. Legend Killer, and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the legend.. The Icon.. Sting!

    Sting is here to try stop Orton's run. Orton has already taken out the 2 legends in Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Sgt Slaughter, having also eliminated Daithi with a RKO a few weeks ago also.

    **Randy Orton Entrance**

    And his opponent, from St Louis, Missouri; weighting in at 250 pounds; he is the Legend Killer; Randy Orton.

    Randy is looking confident on his way to the ring; I wonder is he expecting this to be similar to other legends he has faced. Sting will be a different proposition though.

    The match starts with the 2 men staring each other up and down in the middle of the ring. Randy then slaps Sting, and gains the upper hand quickly. He locks in a headlock on the mat, and then goes for a sleeper hold. Sting gets as far as the ropes, and the ref forces Orton to break the hold. Sting gets back to his feet and starts punching at Orton. Orton is rattled, and roles from the ring.

    Randy now realises he is in a match now.
    Orton regroups on the outside, before sliding back into the ring. Sting charges him and knocks him to the mat. Orton slides out of the ring again to try regroup. As he tried shake off the cobwebs, as Sting comes over the Top Rope and lands on Orton.

    Sting is not going to sit back and wait for Randy! He's bringing the challenge to him.

    Sting rolls Orton back into the ring, and climbs back in. They fight it out, with an exchange of punches. Sting goes for another punch, but Orton ducks, and the referee is standing to close and eats the punch. Orton takes control, and throws Sting over the top rope, pulls him back in through the ropes and grabs his head, and performs a DDT from the 2nd rope. Sting is lying near the corner, and Orton sees the opportunity to attempt a Punt Kick. Randy backs away from Sting towards the other corner.

    Orton is going to try end Sting's career as well. If this punt kick lands, Orton will have taken out a 3rd legend.

    As Orton is about to run at Sting, Daithi runs down the ramp, and slides into the ring. He pleads with Orton to not punt Sting. Orton is still shaping up for the punt, as Daithi's protest is falling on deaf ears.
    Suddenly, Daithi turns and punts Sting himself!

    What!? What has just happened?! Daithi?! What have you done?
    Randy looks just as surprised as everyone else, but takes full advantage. He stands Sting up, and hits a RKO on him. Daithi slides out of the ring, as the ref comes round. Orton slides on top of Sting, and the ref makes the count! 1-2-3..

    Here is your winner, The Legend Killer; Randy Orton.
    Daithi has come out and punted Sting, and aligned himself with the man who hit him a RKO a few weeks ago. This is an astonishing turn of events. And he now takes a microphone!

    **Crowd Boos**

    Boo me all you like, I fooled you all! None of you were suspicious even when I brought Orton back from his suspension early! Orton is my star attraction! He is a Legend himself, never mind the Legend Killer.

    Randy and Daithi stand over Sting in the middle with their arms held aloft.

    No one can have imagined this is how the match is ended! Daithi has aligned himself with Randy. With Daithi by his side, there is nothing to stopping Randy now.

    **Backstage Segment**

    Camera is backstage watching Goldberg and Khali preparing for the main event tonight.

    **Naomi Entrance**

    The following match up is a Fatal 4 Way for the DPW Women's Championship. Introducing first, from Orlando, Florida; Naomi.

    Here's comes Naomi, who got into this match after Tamina walked out on her in their tag team match a couple of weeks back.
    **Kaitlyn Entrance**
    And her first opponent, from Houston, Texas. Kaitlyn

    Here comes the former Champion, Kaitlyn, who accidentally hit her firend AJ with the spear on last weeks show.

    **AJ Entrance**

    Next out, from Union City, New Jersey; AJ Lee.
    AJ Lee on the way to the ring now. After her exchange with Kaitlyn earlier, we know she will do anything to win, including using her friend to get there.

    **Tamina Entrance**

    And finally; being accompanied to the ring by Captain Lou; from The Pacific Island; she is the current DPW Champion; Tamina.

    Here comes the final competitor in this match, and it's the champ. Captain Lou promised us earlier that his Anoa'i Family would be leaving Destiny Day with all the Gold they came for. So far, they have all the Championships. Can Tamina hold onto her belt here?

    The match starts with all 3 women beating down Tamina. The eventually get her out of the frame and dispatched to the outside.

    Smart play with the 3 women; take Tamina out of the equation. Now AJ and Kaitlyn have numbers on their side, if they decide to take Naomi out.

    AJ and Kaitlyn are set to team up on Naomi. As Kaitlyn is about the go at Naomi, AJ super kicks her!

    That puts an end to that truce! AJ really shows its every Woman for themselves.

    Kaitlyn is taken out by the super kick, as AJ mouths, "you got in the way". This leaves AJ v Naomi. They lock up in the ring, before AJ gains the upper hand. She hits a DDT on Naomi, and goes for the cover. Ref only gets a 2 count. AJ keeps the pressure on, and locks in an Arm Bar. Naomi wriggles out of it, and regains the upper hand. After a few moments, Naomi swings AJ into the ropes, and hits the Rear View on AJ. As she lands on her feet, Kaitlyn has recovered and gets into the ring, and hits Naomi with a spear. Kaitlyn then turns round, and Tamina has got back into the ring and hits the Big Boot on Kaitlyn.

    All 3 challengers are down! Tamina has her pick on who she wants to pin to win this match.

    Tamina climbs to the top rope, with all 3 women in a row. She jumps from the top, and lands on all 3 with the Superstar Splash. She stands up, and decides to pin Naomi. Ref counts 1-2-3.

    Here is your winner, and still DPW Women's Champion, Tamina.
    Tamina has retained, and Anoa'i family have completed the sweep! Tamina pins Naomi when she had her pick off all 3 challengers. She obviously decided to pin Naomi after their history coming into this event.

    Captain Lou and Tamina start walking up the ramp, with the title draped over Tamina's shoulder. As they reach the top of the ramp, Rikishi, Sim and Manu come out also. All 4 stand in a row, with the titles above there heads, with Captain Lou standing in the middle of them!

    The Anao'i Family have done it; they have all captured gold they aimed for in DPW.
    **Backstage Segment**

    Daithi and Randy Orton are in Daithi's office, when Hornswoggle comes in.

    Daithi, what the hell was that? Why have you sided with Randy?
    Sorry, but when did I have to start answering to you Hornswoggle?! I am the owner of DPW! Who the hell are you?!

    I'm your General Manager.
    Not anymore you're not! I'm in full control round here. Hornswoggle.. You'e Fired!! Now get out of my office!!

    Daithi has just fired Hornswoggle?! He has gone power mad! And with Orton by his side, who is going to be able stop him?!

    **Great Khali Entrance**

    Ladies and Gentleman, its Main Event Time! The following match is a Last Man Standing Match, and is for the DPW World Heavyweight Championship.
    Introducing first, the Challenger; from Mumbai India; weighting in at 347 pounds; The Great Khali.

    Here we go! Its Main Event Time! On the way to the ring now is The Great Khali, the former Champ. He claims he only lost because he was caught of guard when Goldberg arrived, and has proved he can get the upper hand on Goldberg since losing the title. He has twice lead out Goldberg.

    **Goldberg Entrance**

    And his opponent. From Atlanta Georgia; weighing in at 270 pounds; he is the DPW World Heavyweight Champion; Goldberg!

    Here he comes; the champ is on his way to the ring for his first Title Defense. As Khali has pointed out, the only reason Goldberg is champ is because he was a surprise entrant in the Championship match weeks back.

    Khali leaves the ring, and meets Goldberg on the ramp with a clothesline.

    Khali wasting no time here!
    Khali goes back to the ring, and pulls out a chair from under the ring, and goes back up and hits Goldberg multiple times. After 7 chair shots, he calls the ref to count; 1-2-3-4-5...

    Goldberg is starting to move here. He should be able answer the refs count here.

    Goldberg gets back to his feet, but Khali is there again with a new chair. He hits Goldberg again, knocking Goldberg to his knees again. Khali then brings Goldberg up to the top of the ramp, and choke slams on the top of the ramp and calls for the ref to count again.

    Goldberg has not got going here yet. Khali has dominated him throughout.
    The ref gets to a count of 8 before Goldberg gets back up. Khali is starting to lose patience. He clothesline Goldberg, which send him over towards the edge of the stage. Goldberg grabs the chair again, and swings it at Goldberg, who is standing on the edge of the stage. Goldberg is able move out of the way, side stepping the chair. He moves back far enough, and charges at Khali.


    Goldberg spears Khali of the stage, down through the table and technical area. The ref stands on the top of the stage looking down. Neither man is move.

    Goldberg has sacrificed himself to try win this match! He has thrown himself of the stage, and both men are down, as the ref begins his count.


    Goldberg is moving! Goldberg is moving! Goldberg has to get back to his feet to win this match.


    Goldberg is back to one knee, while the ref is still counting.


    Goldberg is standing; he is back on his feed! Khali hasn't moved, and the ref is at a count of 9!

    The ref waves Goldberg up and then counts 10!

    Here is your winner, and STILL DPW World Heavyweight Champion; GOLDBERG!
    He's done it; Goldberg has taken down the Giant. He is still champion. It took a spear from the stage, but he has done it! He has retained his title.

    Goldberg gets up from the wreckage, and makes his way back up to the top of the ramp. He stands with his title above his head.

    What a night we've had here! Thank you all for tuning in to DPW Destiny D----


    Randy Orton and Daithi appear from the back, and Orton hits a RKO on Goldberg as he turned round to go to the back.

    Ladies and Gentleman; don't leave just yet! On the preview show weeks ago, I promised you a title match every week! Well to make up for there being no title match last week, I'm going to give you a bonus Title Match Tonight! And that match starts right now! It will be Randy Orton v Goldberg for the DPW World Heavyweight Championship.
    And one last thing, it will be a Special Guest Referee Match, Falls Count Anywhere Match! And the Special Guest Ref is... ME!

    Daithi takes of his shirt, to revel a refs shirt on.

    You have got to be kidding me! Daithi has gone to far with his power here! Goldberg has just be beaten by a Steel Chair, and throw himself of the stage, and has now eaten an RKO. This is a set up!

    Daithi calls for the bell. Randy lies on top of Goldberg. Daithi counts 1-2-3...

    Here is your winner, and NEW DPW World Heavyweight Champion; Randy Orton

    I can't believe what we have seen here! Daithi has hand picked Orton and made sure he ended the night as champion. He has screwed Goldberg out of the title. This is not how I expected this night to go.

    Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for tuning into DPW Destiny Day; It has been my pleasure to call events.
    The show ends with Daithi and Randy Orton standing over Goldberg, arms aloft.

