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My OneDrive storage suddenly downsized

  • 10-02-2017 2:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭

    Got this message this morning:
    Your OneDrive is out of space
    0% remaining

    Hi xxxxx,
    You’ve run out of space on OneDrive and can no longer add new files or add to existing files. Your OneDrive files will also no longer stay in sync on your computers. Get more storage.
    Thanks for using OneDrive,
    It tells me that now I've 56GB used of 40GB max. This is a summary of my storage and bonuses. I had 140GB space, including a 100GB Bing bonus that expired yesterday, this means I'm now down to 40GB, so 16GB over my limit.
    Your current plan(s):
    Free 15GB

    Your additional storage:
    Bing bonus (expired on 2/9/2017) 100GB
    Camera roll bonus 15GB
    Loyalty bonus 10GB
    Referral bonus (0% achieved) 0GB
    Anyone else lose a chunk of storage recently?

    I have a subscription to Office 2016 - at least think I still have it, was enrolled in a course last year that provided that. Any way to combine the two accounts? I think the edu sub comes with 1TB.

