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The afterlife



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 877 ✭✭✭jk23

    That's very interesting, do you mind me asking what happened? How did you feel after you came back to life and reflected on it?

    Lavinia wrote: »
    As someone who experienced death of about 2 and half minutes at the age of 17 - and at the same time someone who has its strongest beliefs rooted in science, I cannot give the straight answer to this.
    I certainly was not 'dead' while technically I was, but I am still not convinced that what I experienced was not some form of brain neurons activity.
    But it is the strangest thing I ever experienced.
    Changed my life, that's for sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭Lavinia

    well i was still 'a child' kind of, so did not know what happened to me but was very scared afterwards..
    i did experience things 'from the other side' and decision i had to make to come back was one of the hardest things i ever did..
    i had 'unfinished business' i suppose..
    not sure i'm comfortable in sharing the details though..

    my life changed cause i started searching for the answers afterwards..

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,433 ✭✭✭✭NIMAN

    So you believe in life after death obviously?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭Lavinia

    Well that is the thing, I should, shouldn't I?
    But my mind being very 'scientifically orientated' still has its doubts and tries to find a 'scientific' explanation to what has happened to me.

    All I know I was not 'dead' at all, even I 'technically' was, but am wondering if it is possible for brain to has some activity still in those few minutes after 'death'.

    At that time I seriously did not know anything about the subject of 'afterlife' or of people's experiences with it, nor was I interested, so there was no possibility of me 'subconsciously' recreating something I knew about.
    But was sincerely shocked to find out that lots of people experienced some part of it very similarly, regardless of where they lived or which religion they were born in etc.

    I did experience 'the tunnel' journey. It was as if you are in some vacuum-suctioned pipe where it just takes you to that other side, and you cannot turn around or anywhere but 'let' go in that direction.
    I did see the 'light' at the end of it. And when I 'stepped' to there...
    ..all what happened..
    ,,and how I returned here...

    And yet still, I cannot say yes - there is no death - definitely. I can only say well hypothetically yes, there is a probability that this is not the only one of the worlds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Lavinia wrote: »
    All I know I was not 'dead' at all, even I 'technically' was, but am wondering if it is possible for brain to has some activity still in those few minutes after 'death'.

    I can help you answer that. And the answer is "yes". And how big a "yes" depends on what kind of "dead" you were.

    First take this analogy. If I gave you a device that detects the color red and sent you blindfolded into a room. The device reads nothing at all. So you come back out of the room. What would you say to me on your return. Would it be:

    1) There is no RED in that room.
    2) There is no COLOR in that room.

    Option 2 is ridiculous right? MAYBE there is no color. But you can not tell that from the reading of the device.

    Now why the analogy?

    In a clinical surgery situation we attach devices to you that detect particular types of brain patterns and activity. When THOSE activities stop, the device gives back a "no activity" reading. But like the color detection device above it is NOT saying there is no activity in the brain. It is JUST saying there is no activity of the type it is scanning for. That is all.

    So yes it is absolutely possible for there to be brain activity during your "dead" time (even though you are not dead but "clinically dead" which is a different thing entirely). And there are many articles around to this effect too.

    But there is a MASSIVE and VERY problematic assumption at play in the people who have had experiences matching, or similar to, your own. Which is that they assume the experience they had did actually occur DURING the time they were "dead". The problem there being that, subjectively speaking, they are the WORST person in the world to judge when the experience actually occurred.

    What is just as, if not much more, likely is that the experience they had actually occurred in the moment leading up to the "dead time" or leading out of it. Especially out of it as when someone is going into that phase we start pumping them with all kinds of physical, chemical and electrical stimuli to revive them. All of which sends cascading flooding signals into the brain and throughout the nervous system.

    It is similar to dreaming. Quite a lot of the dreams we remember are not during our sleep phases but during the passage in and out of them. And sometimes a dream that lasted mere seconds can feel like it actually lasted minutes or hours.
    Lavinia wrote: »
    At that time I seriously did not know anything about the subject of 'afterlife' or of people's experiences with it, nor was I interested, so there was no possibility of me 'subconsciously' recreating something I knew about.

    That is something that sounds very very unlikely to me. You might not think you were CONSCIOUSLY aware of such things....... but our society, culture, media, discourse and even our very language is punctuated heavily with such memes and imagery and culture. It is highly unlikely you could spend any quantity of years living in a modern society without assimilating SOME of that.

    Take UFO sightings for example. Since Spielberg gave us little grey aliens with big black eyes..... the majority of alien sightings or abduction stories include such aliens in their anecdotal descriptions. EVEN by people who never saw such a movie in their life. Because even though they did not consciously watch any such movie........ the imagery from such movies permeates memes and media and culture all over the place.
    Lavinia wrote: »
    But was sincerely shocked to find out that lots of people experienced some part of it very similarly, regardless of where they lived or which religion they were born in etc.

    Actually that does not shock me at all. The OPPOSITE would shock me. If people were all having the same real world experience (heart failure and brain problems and other stuff) but were coming out of it with DIFFERENT Experiences...... then that would be fantastical and weird and would need explanation.

    But the fact is that for all our individuality, we are all pretty much identical at the level of biology and the brain. So a person having an NDE in america and one having an NDE in Pakistan or India should really be having pretty similar experiences over all. Just like if you put diesel into a petrol car built in the US, and into a petrol car built in Japan, they are both going to die in the same way because........ for all their superficial differences..... they are essentially identical inside.

    How they render and parse those experiences however tends to be through their local language, culture and religions. And it is from there that some differences occur.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭Lavinia

    That is something that sounds very very unlikely to me. You might not think you were CONSCIOUSLY aware of such things....... but our society, culture, media, discourse and even our very language is punctuated heavily with such memes and imagery and culture. It is highly unlikely you could spend any quantity of years living in a modern society without assimilating SOME of that.
    I am an old woman so at that time there was no internet and we had 2 channels on the telly that I didn't even watch as was quite introverted at the time liked to read novels and study for school, that was my world.
    So yes, unlikely, but true, nonetheless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    My mother at 73 and my aunts are also fairly aged woman so I do have some anecdote to draw on related to the old days :)

    But joking aside, even back then the radio, television and media of the day would have been punctuated with it. Depending on where you went to school your curriculum was likely heavily influenced by it (Certainly with the "integrated curriculum" in Ireland for example). The novels you read could not have been devoid of it. The very language we use is heavily etymologically influenced by religious memes.

    Short of living in isolation in a cave with no media or entertainment of any type........ you are exposed to a LOT more memes of a religious nature than you are aware of.

    It is simply a fact in modern science and social studies that people are exposed to a lot more memes, imagery and narratives than they are aware of. Even in the moment, let alone in their memories of 10, 20, 50 or more years ago in their childhood. The inputs that influence the stories we tell ourselves in our heads are far more diverse than most of us suspect.

    But as I said, none of that is really required. It is just an interesting side fact. For your experience to match that of most other people having similar experiences you do not NEED exposure to such memes and culture. You just need the simple fact that your brain is essentially pretty identical to theirs in just about every way. So people having events similar to yours, will quite often report experiences during it similar to yours.

    The real shock would be, opposite to what you said, if there was MORE diversity in such experience. Not less. If people getting resuscitated in the same way, from the same kinds of heart failure (for example) in different countries were describing having massively DIFFERENT experiences..... that would be weird. That they all essentially describe the SAME one..... with tunnels and bright lights and so forth, is pretty much what should be expected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,104 ✭✭✭Swampy

    Just going to throw it out there, I believe in an afterlife. I'm not very religious. Not sure what the afterlife would be but I believe that the universe (or even multiverse) is too complex and our life is so pointless if there is no progression from this one. That said maybe we are a experimentation or simulation. Things like the Fibonacci sequence/pattern in nature and space lead me to believe there is some fundamental design to life.

    What drives my belief most is that I'm an optimist in life so maybe I just look for the positive which it would be for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    ^ And so what if it is pointless? Just because WE might not like that, that does not mean the universe owes us a point or a reason. It just is what it is perhaps.

    I can only talk for myself of course, but I find it would be personally ridiculous to base one truth claim on another, if the other is less a truth claim and more what I WANT to be true about the universe. Simply WANTING There to be a "point" to life is not evidence that there therefore must be an after life.

    But I guess people differ in that. Some people believe what they believe because there is a sound basis for the belief. Others select what they believe because they see believing it as being personally positive. I guess I am just not built the latter way myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,104 ✭✭✭Swampy

    I can help you answer that. And the answer is "yes". And how big a "yes" depends on what kind of "dead" you were.

    First take this analogy. If I gave you a device that detects the color red and sent you blindfolded into a room. The device reads nothing at all. So you come back out of the room. What would you say to me on your return. Would it be:

    1) There is no RED in that room.
    2) There is no COLOR in that room.

    Option 2 is ridiculous right? MAYBE there is no color. But you can not tell that from the reading of the device.

    Now why the analogy?

    In a clinical surgery situation we attach devices to you that detect particular types of brain patterns and activity. When THOSE activities stop, the device gives back a "no activity" reading. But like the color detection device above it is NOT saying there is no activity in the brain. It is JUST saying there is no activity of the type it is scanning for. That is all.

    So yes it is absolutely possible for there to be brain activity during your "dead" time (even though you are not dead but "clinically dead" which is a different thing entirely). And there are many articles around to this effect too.

    But there is a MASSIVE and VERY problematic assumption at play in the people who have had experiences matching, or similar to, your own. Which is that they assume the experience they had did actually occur DURING the time they were "dead". The problem there being that, subjectively speaking, they are the WORST person in the world to judge when the experience actually occurred.

    What is just as, if not much more, likely is that the experience they had actually occurred in the moment leading up to the "dead time" or leading out of it. Especially out of it as when someone is going into that phase we start pumping them with all kinds of physical, chemical and electrical stimuli to revive them. All of which sends cascading flooding signals into the brain and throughout the nervous system.

    It is similar to dreaming. Quite a lot of the dreams we remember are not during our sleep phases but during the passage in and out of them. And sometimes a dream that lasted mere seconds can feel like it actually lasted minutes or hours.

    That is something that sounds very very unlikely to me. You might not think you were CONSCIOUSLY aware of such things....... but our society, culture, media, discourse and even our very language is punctuated heavily with such memes and imagery and culture. It is highly unlikely you could spend any quantity of years living in a modern society without assimilating SOME of that.

    Take UFO sightings for example. Since Spielberg gave us little grey aliens with big black eyes..... the majority of alien sightings or abduction stories include such aliens in their anecdotal descriptions. EVEN by people who never saw such a movie in their life. Because even though they did not consciously watch any such movie........ the imagery from such movies permeates memes and media and culture all over the place.

    Actually that does not shock me at all. The OPPOSITE would shock me. If people were all having the same real world experience (heart failure and brain problems and other stuff) but were coming out of it with DIFFERENT Experiences...... then that would be fantastical and weird and would need explanation.

    But the fact is that for all our individuality, we are all pretty much identical at the level of biology and the brain. So a person having an NDE in america and one having an NDE in Pakistan or India should really be having pretty similar experiences over all. Just like if you put diesel into a petrol car built in the US, and into a petrol car built in Japan, they are both going to die in the same way because........ for all their superficial differences..... they are essentially identical inside.

    How they render and parse those experiences however tends to be through their local language, culture and religions. And it is from there that some differences occur.

    But you are saying there is a chance. If we all knew for sure that there was life after death maybe people wouldn't have fear of dying and might just go mental.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,104 ✭✭✭Swampy

    ^ And so what if it is pointless? Just because WE might not like that, that does not mean the universe owes us a point or a reason. It just is what it is perhaps.

    I can only talk for myself of course, but I find it would be personally ridiculous to base one truth claim on another, if the other is less a truth claim and more what I WANT to be true about the universe. Simply WANTING There to be a "point" to life is not evidence that there therefore must be an after life.

    But I guess people differ in that. Some people believe what they believe because there is a sound basis for the belief. Others select what they believe because they see believing it as being personally positive. I guess I am just not built the latter way myself.

    I get your point. We are a realtively new species in the scheme of things and have only developed our intellect in much more recent times. I believe that all we can prove or disprove now is not difinitive as there is more we don't know than we do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Swampy wrote: »
    But you are saying there is a chance.

    Of course. But there is "a chance" of just about anything you make up right now on the spot being true, no matter how ludicrous it is. So while I would say there is "a chance".... you should not read too much into that. There is a CHASM of difference between saying there is "a chance" something is true and saying there is any credible basis whatsoever of expecting it actually IS true.
    Swampy wrote: »
    If we all knew for sure that there was life after death maybe people wouldn't have fear of dying and might just go mental.

    Perhaps that is why many religions create some variation on hell, or eternal well being. So they can then teach people about a wonderful after life, but mediate it with a narrative that prevents people being too keen to speed their way into getting there.
    Swampy wrote: »
    I believe that all we can prove or disprove now is not difinitive as there is more we don't know than we do.

    There is more we do not know than we do indeed. But the trend so far is that 100% of everything we DO know links consciousness and sentience to a biological brain while nothing, as yet, AT ALL suggests any kind of disconnect between the two of any kind, let alone one surviving the death of the other.

    So while it is linguistically true to say we do not know everything..... saying it that way misses out on the trend in what we have learned which is 100% solely and only pointing in one direction so far. A fact that should not be lightly dismissed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,104 ✭✭✭Swampy

    So while it is linguistically true to say we do not know everything..... saying it that way misses out on the trend in what we have learned which is 100% solely and only pointing in one direction so far. A fact that should not be lightly dismissed.

    The one direction it is pointing in could be predetermined. I love these type of discussions just because there is no wrong or right, everyone just has their own slant. As an optimist I have noting to lose. If there is nothing after death then i'll be none the wiser. But until then I enjoy exploring the possibilities that there might!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Swampy wrote: »
    everyone just has their own slant. As an optimist I have noting to lose. If there is nothing after death then i'll be none the wiser. But until then I enjoy exploring the possibilities that there might!

    With opinions everyone can have their own slant sure. The old saying is "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, no one is entitled to their own facts". I have always loved that saying.

    As you describe it though, sure there is nothing wrong with that. But I do worry that there are many who allow their belief in an after life...... which there is no reason to think they will ever have.......... take away from their experience of this life......... which they do have.

    That is of course tragic. But if someone is living this life to the full AND also harbors some enjoyable exploration of the possibilities of the "next" one, then sure..... go for it.

    It always stuck with me what Christopher Hitchens wrote about the Christian after life during the days he knew he was very much about to die, and soon.

    He wrote that being told you are going to die is like being at the best party in the world, getting a tap on the shoulder, being told you have to leave..... but the party will go on without you.

    But as sad as that sounds, he felt that the Christian Idea of an after life was like being at the party, getting a tap on the shoulder, being told you can NEVER leave..... and what is more (in threatening tones) the host positively INSISTS you have a good time while you are there. Or else.

    To me the idea of an after life cheapens the value of our actual life. Similarly it cheapens the idea of things like sacrifice. So I have to admit that while I see no reason AT ALL to think there is actually an after life..... I am parallel to that also quite relieved to find it is so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭Lavinia

    My mother at 73 and my aunts are also fairly aged woman so I do have some anecdote to draw on related to the old days :)

    But joking aside, even back then the radio, television and media of the day would have been punctuated with it. Depending on where you went to school your curriculum was likely heavily influenced by it (Certainly with the "integrated curriculum" in Ireland for example). The novels you read could not have been devoid of it. The very language we use is heavily etymologically influenced by religious memes.

    Short of living in isolation in a cave with no media or entertainment of any type........ you are exposed to a LOT more memes of a religious nature than you are aware of.

    It is simply a fact in modern science and social studies that people are exposed to a lot more memes, imagery and narratives than they are aware of. Even in the moment, let alone in their memories of 10, 20, 50 or more years ago in their childhood. The inputs that influence the stories we tell ourselves in our heads are far more diverse than most of us suspect.

    But as I said, none of that is really required. It is just an interesting side fact. For your experience to match that of most other people having similar experiences you do not NEED exposure to such memes and culture. You just need the simple fact that your brain is essentially pretty identical to theirs in just about every way. So people having events similar to yours, will quite often report experiences during it similar to yours.

    The real shock would be, opposite to what you said, if there was MORE diversity in such experience. Not less. If people getting resuscitated in the same way, from the same kinds of heart failure (for example) in different countries were describing having massively DIFFERENT experiences..... that would be weird. That they all essentially describe the SAME one..... with tunnels and bright lights and so forth, is pretty much what should be expected.

    I am not from Ireland. Not sure what are you trying to point out, or what is your problem with me saying I didn't know anything about it prior to what happened to me. My parents were not religious and those topics were never discussed in our family. First book i found after long search on it was from the library (there were no phones at that time either, few homes had landlines even) So yea, I'm no going to repeat this the third time.
    You can believe it or you don't but please just leave it (if you can, thanks).

    (One of the reasons I'm actually really rarely talking about this is exactly this type of response, where someone is trying to convince me that what is white is black or vice versa. I know what I know, and that is enough for me, I tried to share it here as - it seems like someone was actually interested in the topic).

    What surprises me is that some people just cannot get their head around it, without accusing other people who did experience something like this that yea, it has to be it was just some kind of 'cheat' in what they are saying, something faulty, they have to discredit these people one way or another, as they simply cannot accept the possibility of it being actually the truth.

    Yea, it happened the way I described it. Now get over it so we can move on. Thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Lavinia wrote: »
    I am not from Ireland. Not sure what are you trying to point out, or what is your problem with me saying I didn't know anything about it prior to what happened to me.

    I am not aware of having any "problem". I am merely stating a straight out fact that our culture, our language, our media, our literature, our art and our entire lives are punctuated by a lot more imagery and memes of a religion nature than most people are aware of. And while someone might THINK They grew up not influenced by any such thing..... I would be genuinely gobsmacked if that were actually so.

    I am not sure how stating a mere fact, constitutes having a "problem" exactly?

    My own 6 year old yesterday just had a minor revelation around her homework and described it herself, without any prompting from me, with the words "light at the end of the tunnel". That is just the kind of language and imagery that populates our language and our culture.
    Lavinia wrote: »
    they have to discredit these people one way or another, as they simply cannot accept the possibility of it being actually the truth.

    I can not see anyone here "discrediting" you at all. The points I am making are GENERAL points, and not limited to you, or specific to you, in any way whatsoever. It is a GENERAL fact about our species that we grow up pretty unaware (both at the time and retrospectively) of the memes and imagery that we sponge up as we grow and learn.

    What I fear is going on here is you are taking mere general facts personally, and then projecting your rage at having done so onto me as if it was somehow my fault. So who, I wonder, is ACTUALLY discrediting who here. Clue: It is not me.
    Lavinia wrote: »
    Yea, it happened the way I described it. Now get over it so we can move on. Thanks.

    As I said though, the only one getting haughty here and who needs to "get over" what is being said.... is not me. I would also point out that no one (to my knowledge anyway) is compelling you to read my posts, let alone reply to them. That is entirely your own choice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,104 ✭✭✭Swampy

    To me the idea of an after life cheapens the value of our actual life. Similarly it cheapens the idea of things like sacrifice. So I have to admit that while I see no reason AT ALL to think there is actually an after life..... I am parallel to that also quite relieved to find it is so.

    So I disagree with the above because my belief in some sort I afterlife doesn't cheapen the value of this actual life. I intend to live this life to the fullest as well as the next ( if there happens to be one, unless income back as a snail or something. Feck that).

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Swampy wrote: »
    So I disagree with the above because my belief in some sort I afterlife doesn't cheapen the value of this actual life.

    Imagine if you flooded the market tomorrow with 1million tonnes of gold. What would happen to the value of gold world wide?

    Much of the value of human life comes from its delicacy, transience and uniqueness. If you removed these attributes there would be a cheapening of the value of human life. What does it even mean in such a context, for example, to stand at a grave side and say "We will never see his like again"?

    Let us take for a case study the claims made around the Christian Messiah Figure. The Nazerene was said to have "given his life" as a sacrifice to us while the god figurehead is claimed to have "Given his only begotten son".

    But hang on, said son is now said to be living in a state of ETERNAL bliss and dominion at his fathers right hand side.

    So what "sacrifice" was made here? What "gift" was "given"? At best it can be said that the son traded up one life for a better one, while the father figure basically LENT us a son, not gave, for a period of time that is functionally insignificant in the face of all eternity.

    Their myths might have been somewhat more impressive had this Messiah figure been OFFERED eternal life of bliss and dominion, but to the horror of his loving father instead chose the "True Death" as a sacrifice for his ideals. THEN they might have a collection of fables of some worthy retelling, rather than one that serves as an outright insult to any parent who has been subjected to the horror of watching their child die.

    And what of people who HAVE actually GIVEN their life for a person, a place, or an ideal? If in fact they did not lose their life at all, but merely transitioned from one stage of their eternal life to another.... then what worth does their "sacrifice" even have?

    Also, as much as some of us might love our family and spouses, and some of us really do love them very deeply indeed............ I genuinely suspect that an ETERNITY spent with them would more than grate after a period.

    But to reply directly to your sentence, I am not saying that YOUR belief in an after life cheapens the value of this life. I was not talking about belief at all. I was saying that if there ACTUALLY WAS such a thing, then it would cheapen the value of our current life. Which is a much different statement to make, so you were disagreeing with the wrong thing essentially. Your BELIEF there is 10 millions tonnes of gold in your garden would not affect the value of gold, but if there actually WAS then it may. So I would seperate the fact from the belief in the fact here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭Lavinia

    I am not aware of having any "problem". I am merely stating a straight out fact that our culture, our language, our media, our literature...
    World today and 40 years ago are not the same at all..
    I am not sure how stating a mere fact, constitutes having a "problem" exactly?

    My own 6 year old yesterday just had a minor revelation around her homework and described it herself, without any prompting from me, with the words "light at the end of the tunnel". That is just the kind of language and imagery that populates our language and our culture.
    Again, I think it is you who are projecting that since you think life is in one way it has to be the same for anybody else. Why?
    Your 6 year old prob had already more access to information than I had at the age of 16.

    As I said though, the only one getting haughty here and who needs to "get over" what is being said.... is not me. I would also point out that no one (to my knowledge anyway) is compelling you to read my posts, let alone reply to them. That is entirely your own choice.
    Sure, but you are quoting me personally, and then giving statements how what I said must be untrue because even your 6 year old etc.

    Maybe you do not see this.
    Anyway I have no rage whatsoever, Im just really surprised how - few times in my life I ever actually mentioned this there is always somebody who starts to jump.

    Btw I even said that I had doubts myself and Id be probably more 'at peace' had I figured yes I knew about this before, therefore it had to be some brain activity after I was clinically dead.

    I was lucky that my mom was a nurse and that both my parents were there at the time resuscitating me, otherwise I'd not be typing here today.

    Have a good day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Lavinia wrote: »
    World today and 40 years ago are not the same at all..

    Except yes it is. There are many differences sure, especially in terms of our technology. But overall the quantity of changes in 40 years is not as large as you make out. And certainly not large at all in the context SPECIFICALLY of what I am talking about.
    Lavinia wrote: »
    Again, I think it is you who are projecting that since you think life is in one way it has to be the same for anybody else. Why?

    Can you quote me having made any such claim? I think you are now making things up on my behalf, and simply placing them in my mouth.
    Lavinia wrote: »
    Sure, but you are quoting me personally, and then giving statements how what I said must be untrue because even your 6 year old etc.

    Again you are making up things I never said. I am making GENERAL comments and you are simply taking them personally. That is on you, not me. All I am saying is that, whatever your retrospective memory might be of your childhood, we are ALL subject to more imagery and memes and culture than we are aware of........ both at the time, and when looking back on it as an adult.
    Lavinia wrote: »
    Maybe you do not see this.

    Yea, I have had a life long inability to see things that are actually not there. Go figure.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭Lavinia

    Don't think I will post in this topic anymore.
    No point really.

    Generally sure we are all human beings, but down to each person we are all kinds of different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Yea we are all different to a point. But We are also very much more the same than we think too.

    There are many examples of this in scientific literature, but to take a more mundane cultural reference I very much enjoyed the Derren Brown setup where he pretended to be able to do a reading of people from nothing more than their name and date of birth.

    Some of the reactions (cherry picked from a larger set of potentials I am sure, so should be taken with copious salt) were priceless and of the "Oh he knows me so well!" variety. One girl even saying she did not want anyone else to read her reading because it was so personal and close to the bone.

    Of course the big reveal was that all these people, in all the groups, in all the countries, speaking all the different languages were in fact given an identical reading to each other. The reading simply contained a long sequence of generalities that match how most of us are, most of us view ourselves and most of us consider true. We are individuals, but we are all more alike than we think we are..... and many of us feel comfortable with.

    Biologically we are even more alike again. In fact I heard it said once as a pretty little analogy. We are so alike biologically that if we were dogs...... we would all be the same breed. I am not sure how pedantically that holds true, but the core message is useful. We simply are not biologically diverse as we think and certainly things like skin color and race does very little to separate us.

    The point of all that? Well I hear it said on this subject that the universality of the experiences people have in things like NDE is suggestive of something special. And I think the opposite is true. If those experiences were diverse rather than ubiquitous.... I think that would be more shocking and awesome. Their similarity says nothing to me other than something I already knew..... that the underlying hardware their experience is running on is pretty universal, so the experiences are too.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4 Man For Justice

    For me I do live.

    True beliefs:

    - I believe in Law, Sports, Music and Election 2018's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,708 ✭✭✭✭yourdeadwright

    I have always been alive,before I was alive there was no I and when I die I am no more as I am not alive ,
    So I will always be alive,

  • Registered Users Posts: 668 ✭✭✭Pat D. Almighty

    I can help you answer that. And the answer is "yes". And how big a "yes" depends on what kind of "dead" you were.

    First take this analogy. If I gave you a device that detects the color red and sent you blindfolded into a room. The device reads nothing at all. So you come back out of the room. What would you say to me on your return. Would it be:

    1) There is no RED in that room.
    2) There is no COLOR in that room.

    Option 2 is ridiculous right? MAYBE there is no color. But you can not tell that from the reading of the device.

    Now why the analogy?

    In a clinical surgery situation we attach devices to you that detect particular types of brain patterns and activity. When THOSE activities stop, the device gives back a "no activity" reading. But like the color detection device above it is NOT saying there is no activity in the brain. It is JUST saying there is no activity of the type it is scanning for. That is all.

    So yes it is absolutely possible for there to be brain activity during your "dead" time (even though you are not dead but "clinically dead" which is a different thing entirely). And there are many articles around to this effect too.

    But there is a MASSIVE and VERY problematic assumption at play in the people who have had experiences matching, or similar to, your own. Which is that they assume the experience they had did actually occur DURING the time they were "dead". The problem there being that, subjectively speaking, they are the WORST person in the world to judge when the experience actually occurred.

    What is just as, if not much more, likely is that the experience they had actually occurred in the moment leading up to the "dead time" or leading out of it. Especially out of it as when someone is going into that phase we start pumping them with all kinds of physical, chemical and electrical stimuli to revive them. All of which sends cascading flooding signals into the brain and throughout the nervous system.

    It is similar to dreaming. Quite a lot of the dreams we remember are not during our sleep phases but during the passage in and out of them. And sometimes a dream that lasted mere seconds can feel like it actually lasted minutes or hours.

    That is something that sounds very very unlikely to me. You might not think you were CONSCIOUSLY aware of such things....... but our society, culture, media, discourse and even our very language is punctuated heavily with such memes and imagery and culture. It is highly unlikely you could spend any quantity of years living in a modern society without assimilating SOME of that.

    Take UFO sightings for example. Since Spielberg gave us little grey aliens with big black eyes..... the majority of alien sightings or abduction stories include such aliens in their anecdotal descriptions. EVEN by people who never saw such a movie in their life. Because even though they did not consciously watch any such movie........ the imagery from such movies permeates memes and media and culture all over the place.

    Actually that does not shock me at all. The OPPOSITE would shock me. If people were all having the same real world experience (heart failure and brain problems and other stuff) but were coming out of it with DIFFERENT Experiences...... then that would be fantastical and weird and would need explanation.

    But the fact is that for all our individuality, we are all pretty much identical at the level of biology and the brain. So a person having an NDE in america and one having an NDE in Pakistan or India should really be having pretty similar experiences over all. Just like if you put diesel into a petrol car built in the US, and into a petrol car built in Japan, they are both going to die in the same way because........ for all their superficial differences..... they are essentially identical inside.

    How they render and parse those experiences however tends to be through their local language, culture and religions. And it is from there that some differences occur.

    Kindly let me help you or you'll drown, said the monkey to the fish, helping it up a tree.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    That probably meant something to you. It certainly did not to me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,812 ✭✭✭✭evolving_doors

    I have always been alive,before I was alive there was no I and when I die I am no more as I am not alive ,
    So I will always be alive,

    Always in your mind.
    But to others, when you die you'll always be dead

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭tac foley

    My old mate B died on a Five Peaks Run down Mt Snowden in Wales. He was successfully resuscitated after about ten minutes, and promptly died again. This time he was gone for about twelve minutes before the paramedics got him restarted. This happened a total of seven times - seven flat-lines, and seven recoveries, the last one being sustained to the present day.

    Obviously there were some affects of these combination of 'deaths', and it must be admitted that he is not the man he was before he died - leaving the army on a permanent medical downgrade was the result, and that was just the beginning. Everything, he told me one day, seems very 'flat' and lacking in significance, as though it was all passing in front of his eyes and he was watching it over his shoulder, so to speak, without being fully engaged. He continues to enjoy simple things- he is a skilled vegetable grower and his roses, many of them in our own backyard, are a credit to his early experiments in cross-breeding them.

    But he doesn't dream any more, that he remembers, and can now go to sleep instantly, whenever he wants to do so. He can't recall tunes, and has lost his musical appreciation entirely, a terrible thing for a Welshman.

    The last thing he recalls about the whole dying event is the ground rushing up to hit him, but he never felt it when it dd so. The next thing he remembers is waking up in the local hospital ER, with great pain in his chest from a few busted ribs from the resus team.

    No lights, no tunnel, no music, no loved ones who had gone before, no celestial choir, just, nothing at all, and no time either, between his beginning to hit the ground and opening his eyes. The ground came up - blank - he opened his eyes - two hours had passed.


  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Regional East Moderators, Regional Midlands Moderators, Regional Midwest Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators, Regional North Mods, Regional West Moderators, Regional South East Moderators, Regional North East Moderators, Regional North West Moderators, Regional South Moderators Posts: 9,110 CMod ✭✭✭✭Fathom

    Coming back from the dead observations are problematic. Could "after life" claims be a variation of the "Bear in the woods?" (William James)

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  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 47,240 CMod ✭✭✭✭Black Swan

    Both interpreted after physical crises and escape?
