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November 2017 Babies Club



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭littlebsci

    That's great Loveinapril, despite the dates being a week behind! You're dead right to request another scan as that would have been quite a big gap!

    We had another scan this morning. 11+5 today and measuring at that too. It was so good to see it again, looks like an actual little human now! 2 hands, 2 feet and a good strong heartbeat. Making good progress!

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    Good news on the scans girls. It's amazing seeing the difference at around 12 weeks littlebsci, it looks like a proper little person by then!

    I'm 10 weeks now, feels like a nice little milestone! Can't wait for my booking appointment. I've told so many people at this stage, can't keep my mouth shut this time at all!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭littlebsci

    Absolutely Blackbird86.... Such as huge difference in only 5 weeks!

    Have told the rest of our families today as I'm officially 12 weeks, lovely to have a good news day. Now we just have a few friends to tell and then it can filter out naturally. Not bothered with big announcements!

    Hope everyone's well :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 babybaby2017

    Anyone feeling any twinges in their bellyy these days? About the 9 weeks now.. No vomiting but nausous enough

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    Anyone feeling any twinges in their bellyy these days? About the 9 weeks now.. No vomiting but nausous enough

    Not really getting twinges here. I never get the round ligament pain people talk about either.

    My hospital appointment is next week, I can't wait!

    It's quiet in here, how's everyone else doing?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 240 ✭✭Juicyfruit

    All good here, 13 weeks tomorrow! Sickness has well and truly gone and aside from tiredness I'm feeling fine!

    Second trimester here I come.

    Hospital appointment next week here too blackbird, very excited!

    Hope everyone is well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    That's great your sickness is gone Juicyfruit! I'm so grateful that my medication has stopped my puking. I still feel nauseous every day, sometimes really badly so but it's a world away from what I was like a few weeks ago. The medication is ridiculously expensive but worth every penny. I'd love if the nausea lifted soon but I had it for my whole pregnancy last time so I won't get my hopes up!

    I'm 11 weeks tomorrow, so not too long left in the first trimester :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 240 ✭✭Juicyfruit

    Ah no blackbird that's horrible, the nausea is nearly worse than the actual puking sometimes isn't it! Fingers crossed for you that it'll be different this time around and will go away soon! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭littlebsci

    Hi ladies, had my booking appointment in the hospital yesterday and have back in again tomorrow for my dating scan. Everyone I met in the Coombe yesterday was so lovely and positive about me planning a home birth​. Really put me at ease.

    I'm the same as you Juicyfruit, nausea has gone completely and my energy levels are improving too.

    I really hope the nausea does lift for you Blackbird86, it must be rotten to have it for a whole pregnancy! I thought it was bad enough when I had it all day for 3/4 weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    It wasn't at anywhere near as bad a level for the last three months or so of the pregnancy, I mostly just felt sick in the mornings & it would ease after lunchtime. Still, it'd be lovely if it stopped earlier this time!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,340 ✭✭✭Loveinapril

    I am so pleased nausea passed me by but my boobs are sore every single day. My nipples are raw and perky which is so annoying as one of my most favourite things is taking off my bra when I get home. I may have to start wearing a bra if they don't ease up. 10weeks and 2 days. Soooooo slow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 babybaby2017

    im due a scan next week ..can not wait ! the days just drag when your waiting for it ! my boobs are so sore and big ! when im walking down the stairs i'm holding them!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭littlebsci

    Loveinapril and babybaby, the boob issues are unreal... I went up a cup size last month and am already falling out of that size bra now and although my husband thinks the increase is brilliant, my nipples feeling like someone's running razor wire over them constantly isn't filling me with joy :D

    Dating scan this morning, in and out of the Coombe in 30 mins! All still looking good. Also got our harmony test results and low risk for everything so delighted to hear that.

    Hope the time flies til your scans girls!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Hi everyone, haven't been on this thread in ages. 10+4 now, had a private scan last week, heard heartbeat and saw a big head and four wiggly limbs :) Haven't told anybody yet, might tell a friend next week as I need someone to mind my son for my hospital appointment which is on Tuesday!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all! I've just joined this forum. Am 11 weeks with my first pregnancy & have my first scan next weekend. It's great to come across this forum to talk to others going through the same journey. Symptoms wise it's been the usual - sore boobs, bad nausea for a few weeks and major tiredness, but thankfully the nausea has subsided and I'm starting to feel like myself again. Just this week I have a few mild cramps and wonder if anyone else has experienced this? I've looked online and apparently it's quite normal as the womb expands/stretches but it's hard not to worry as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 norma1416

    Hi all! I've just found this forum. Am 11 weeks with my first pregnancy & have my first scan next week. It's great to come across this forum to talk to others going through the same journey. Symptoms wise it's been the usual - sore boobs, bad nausea and major tiredness, but thankfully the nausea has recently subsided and I'm starting to feel like myself again. Just this week I have a few mild cramps and wonder if anyone else has experienced this? I had them very early on too, around week 6 & 7. I've looked online and apparently it's quite normal as the womb expands/stretches but it's hard not to worry as well. They're not all day, maybe only once or twice a day for a few minutes before they pass. Looking forward to sharing the experience with you all over the next week months.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I'm 11 weeks since Saturday eeeek, scan weds week... it's number 2, my son is 6 & I feel so different this time! The boob situation is out of control!! I think I've turned a corner this week, hope everyone is feeling ok xxx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Had my hospital appointment this morning with scan, bloods, etc. It was all done in a third of the time it took with my son, great improvement! Baby wiggling all over on the scan, measuring perfectly. Back in 9 weeks to see how I'm doing based on last pregnancy's problems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    I also have had my hospital booking appointment & scan today, all good and got some nice photos. They've put my date back by one day based on the scan. Great to getting towards the end of the first trimester!

    Spotty was it you still feeding your toddler, how are you finding it now? I'm finding it really painful, mainly on latching on. My boobs haven't been sore at all otherwise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Yep I am, it's mostly fine, a bit of pain sometimes when latching but mostly only when we're lying down, and I'm used to that exact pain from when he's teething.

    Did your midwife say anything about you "still" feeding today? I got told it may cause miscarriage, I'll find it difficult to wean him, and that I must remember that the baby always needs to be first priority if tandem feeding, who would've thought!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    Yes she said it was amazing I'm still feeding but that I should really stop soon as it would get too much for me to be feeding while pregnant. I don't actually want to tandem feed so do want to stop in the next few months but my little one may have something to say about that, she's still very attached!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    I think it's a very personal decision to wean/tandem feed depending on the person and how busy their life is, the pregnancy, the toddler, and I think the midwife has no place telling women to wean. I don't plan on tandem feeding either, I said as much to her but she just kept going on. My son is naturally weaning with age and I think there's less milk now too, she just annoyed me so much presuming and giving inaccurate advice! She also presumed he eats very little because he feeds quite a bit, he eats everything around him.

    There's loads of women happily breastfeeding through pregnancy (so says the fb groups :) ), weaning him now would be more hassle for me, he loves his milkies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    Oh I totally agree that they shouldn't be telling us to wean and giving inaccurate advice. Sounds like yours was a lot more negative about it than mine, the miscarriage comment especially would scare a lot of people!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 mawn_g

    Hi ladies, congrats all round! I'm 13weeks since sunday. My gp hasn't seen me since 1st appt at 5 week and I had bloods done last week by nurse. He rang me today to send he was sending my referral to Sligo general but that i wouldn't get called for my first appointment until 18 to 20 weeks.....anyone know could this be right to not have any check up at all till then?! I have no worrying symptoms just feeling a bit lost as a first timer!

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    Welcome mawn_g. That sounds unusual alright not to get an appointment for that long. I would've thought there's usually a booking appointment around 12 weeks but I don't know anything about Sligo so maybe they don't do it? I'd probably get in touch with them and ask. it's a long time to wait to be seen. I had a booking appointment and scan at 12 weeks in Dublin.

    I feel a lot less sick yesterday & so far today, hope this keeps up!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,041 ✭✭✭will56

    Hi All,

    My wife and I are due 01st November 2017. This is our first so its all brand new to us.

    We had our Booking appointment and first scan on the 25th April putting us bang on schedule with our own calculations.

    We going to Mullingar Hospital

    Got a letter in the post yesterday giving our follow up appointment for 14th July which we worked out as being 24 weeks.
    The wife rang this morning to change it as we were away but got some confusing information about the appointment.
    We thought the 20ish week appointment was the big scan, checking for anomalies etc but the secretary told her that this was just an appointment ?
    She said that after the first scan there isn't always another scan ?

    Would this be right or is there a chance she got mixed up ?

    We're going public and are really looking forward to the big scan but this now has my wife confused and not sure what to do, do we just turn up on the day of the appointment and see if we can get booked in for a scan ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 bumpityboo

    Hi guys, I'm a newbie too, due first baby 9th November. I work in healthcare and I know that all the hospitals differ with the timing of first appointments and how many scans you get. In my hospital everyone gets a dating scan (11-14weeks) and an anomaly scan (20-24 weeks) but in other hospitals they do not always offer an anomaly scan unless you are high risk due to lack of staff and resources. If your hospital doesn't offer it there are private clinics where you can pay for a scan, just google type of scan and your area (i.e. Anomaly scan mullingar) and you should find the closest one to you. Terrible that care isn't standardised across the country!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    As mentioned not all hospitals offer the anomaly scan, in Mullingar great, we went to them for 20 week scan as our hospital doesn't provide it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 ursa actos

    My wife & I are expecting our first in mid-November. We're living in the US (she's American) and we had a confirmatory scan at 7 weeks, and a 12 week appointment yesterday. Won't have a second scan until the end of June at 18/19 weeks.
    She's had a rough first trimester with nausea but looks to be improving as we round the corner into the second trimester. Just over the 12 weeks now so going public with the news. Exciting times!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭blackbird86

    Why am I sicker at 14 weeks than I've been in weeks?!

    On a positive note I think I've been feeling little movements the last couple of days. A lot earlier than last time but I had an anterior placenta last time around and I didn't feel anything til around 19 weeks
