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December 2017 babies club



  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    bee06 wrote: »
    My little boy only sleeps on me during the day as well. I’ve tried everything except getting a sling but nothing has worked. I’m going to rent a sling on Friday to see if he’d sleep in that but if it doesn’t work then I’ve accepted that I just will spend my days acting as a mattress. It won’t last forever.

    At night he goes to sleep at 8pm. Will sleep til 12/1 and wake for a feed, he’ll wake again around 4am and then at 6am. Sometimes he’ll go back to sleep again for another 30 mins or hour. I’m exclusively bf.

    If you didn’t try and put him down to sleep during the day would he sleep for long?

    At night time yeah like he would defo sleep for about 5/6 hours straight before waking for quick feed and changfe and back to sleep im happy with that.
    It so hard to get anythin done during day when he doesnt sleep in a cot. I sometimes think its because hes an exceptional hungry baby and maybe im not producin enough milk?? I duno is that possible? I just dont see how him being feeding for a couple hours straight gives him a good flow of milk.

    Where are u going to get the sling?

    I think its also prob coz he likes the warmth etc and knows well he will be picked up if he cries for a while in the cot

    Im just afraid if he cannot go to sleep himself that he wont learn how to do it as he gets older

  • Registered Users Posts: 273 ✭✭New farmers wife

    My first girl never slept during the day until she was 6 months, it was like you, she would sleep on me, once you put her down she was awake again. By 8 weeks she slept 8 hours at night but just not during the day, once she went into her own room in her cot she slept during the day and became a great sleeper. I know it's no consolation but my little girl grew out of not sleeping during the day

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    My first girl never slept during the day until she was 6 months, it was like you, she would sleep on me, once you put her down she was awake again. By 8 weeks she slept 8 hours at night but just not during the day, once she went into her own room in her cot she slept during the day and became a great sleeper. I know it's no consolation but my little girl grew out of not sleeping during the day

    Would u just let her sleep on u so? Isnt it strange that she settled and slept when she was in her own room - was that when she was 6 months?. Im so afraid he wont end up doin that!
    I suppose one of lookin at it is if there tired they will sleep! Howd ur little lad doing?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,657 ✭✭✭Milly33

    I know I'm like the party pooper saying tis all about routine, but there has to be sense in it.. Do you have your feeding times down during the day or is it feed on demand? Just so you know when she is ready to sleep.When yous say you put her down do you put her into her cot/basket in a separate room..

    Even though it is hard (putting her in her own room) we found that worked great for during the day... We used to put her into her buggy downstairs too during the day, but just found like that she woke up more which had a knock on effect on her sleeping pattern, mood.. Tis like she could tell when you left the room :).. Started last week now putting her into her big cot upstairs for her nap.. Swadlling her and just having an environment that she associates with sleeping or even a comfort/safe zone...We used to put her into the cot after her bath so she kinda knows the cot already and she is quite happy in it.. So maybe that could be something get her used to the cot as being a safe spot and she might like it more...

    Tis so hard knowing what is good to do for them, herself is 9weeks and a bit and I think she is going through another growth spurt, she is sleeping more in the evening which is fine but then you get worried ahh should they sleep that much.. So true when everyone says just go with what you think yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 174 ✭✭justwhatithink

    I had this problem too during the day where he went from only sleeping on me, to waking if I put him down to not sleeping at all some days. I didn't know what to do, I had no clue what I was even trying to do. I'm a bottle feeder. Anyhow, I discovered a few weeks ago he was able to put himself to sleep, I just didn't know it or the signs. Now he will go off to sleep for naps if I put him down at the right long hel sleep for is still a lottery though but I feel I've had some success with the groundwork being laid too for him getting older and needing some sleep training. Anyhow after his feed he has a the bouncer or on the play mat...I keep a tight eye on him and look out for the signs...goes still, glazed eyes, gets cranky/bored, yawning etc...I pick him up on my shoulder and if he puts his head down it's a good sign to head straight for the crib and put him down once his eyes are dropping ... so he's sleepy but awake. The room is warm & dark, I put him in the grobag and say time for sleep and kiss him. Hel nod off quickly in the crib then and not miss my warmth given he's not falling asleep on me. He gets the dodi sometimes if he whinges going down. Duno if any of this helps but some of it might be worth a try...nobody told me what I should be doing/looking out for and it was weeks of stress and watching him for hours learning about him that has got me this far and it's far from perfect but it's something. It all takes time and I believe for some babies they have to be ready too for different techniques, changes etc.
    I was using a sling in the desperation stages, he'd fall asleep really quickly in it but then I was still stuck with him on me.
    I made more progress today settling him back to sleep when he woke during a nap by leaving my hand on his chest and hiding down the side of the crib...just said I'd try it and bingo. Probably won't work tomorrow but sure there you go, trial and error. It's tough in the interim though while you're dealing with it, worrying about it and trying to figure it ouT. We should all be given postnatal baby coaching rather than antenatal classes telling you how to change a nappy...that's the easy bit!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    donkey10 wrote: »
    At night time yeah like he would defo sleep for about 5/6 hours straight before waking for quick feed and changfe and back to sleep im happy with that.
    It so hard to get anythin done during day when he doesnt sleep in a cot. I sometimes think its because hes an exceptional hungry baby and maybe im not producin enough milk?? I duno is that possible? I just dont see how him being feeding for a couple hours straight gives him a good flow of milk.

    Where are u going to get the sling?

    I think its also prob coz he likes the warmth etc and knows well he will be picked up if he cries for a while in the cot

    Im just afraid if he cannot go to sleep himself that he wont learn how to do it as he gets older

    It’s highly unlikely that you have an issue with supply as long as he’s having plenty of wet nappies and is gaining weight so I wouldn’t worry about that. Keep feeding on demand because the one sure way to impact your supply is to schedule his feeds. Have you heard of the fourth trimester? Have a read of the article below, I think it has a good explanation of why our babies want to sleep on us and be near us.

    For the sling I’m going to a Babywearing Ireland sling meeting. They have a library where you can borrow a sling for a month for 10 Euro to try one out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Pocos

    donkey10 wrote: »
    Hey lookin for some advice here on sleeping. My little lad is almost 7 weeks old. At the start he would cry when hungry and once fed and changed he would go back to sleep in his cot when put down. Im bf by the way.
    Then from about week 3.5 onwards he would be up from 10am to about 3/4pm feeding the whole time. He would then sleep for maybe 3 hours.

    Now he would be awake nearly all day, when i try put him down after him fallin asleep on me he wakes up after about 10 mins and is crying. Really hes gettin no sleep unless he sleeps on me during the day.

    Hes very good then by night - i give him a bottle before bed and try get him down by 11.30 which does take a lot of ssshhing etc but he does seem to know the difference between night and day..he would sleep until around 5ish wake for a feed and change and then bac to sleep until about 9.

    Anyone else been in the same boat? Ive tried puttin him into buggy durin the day and rockin him but to no avail. He does yawn a good bit durin the day too. Is it possible a baby can lack sleep?

    Any help greatly appreciated!

    Hi donkey,
    Sorrry to hear your little lad won’t sleep during the day! I’m EBF too. My little one will go down for sleeps during the day in buggy but there was a few days she just wouldn’t. Same as you described would wake when put down. After a day or two I just decided to let her sleep on me for at least an hour then put her down. Not ideal but at least I knew she wasn’t completely overtired. I have a book which says they should have about 3 hours of daytime naps. I know it’s a pain but maybe you could split it the three hours into 2 or 3 naps.

    Anyway long story short after a week I started to put her down sooner than the hour and now after ten mins she will go into the buggy during the day! I know it’s not ideal and people will say we are giving them bad habits (which I’m sure I have!) but i think they are only small once and sometimes they just want the cuddle and security of you when falling asleep! It won’t be forever so I try and enjoy that ten minutes of cuddles!

    It might take a bit of work but I just accepted it! After a feed I would sit on couch put on tv relaxed and let her sleep! I think it got rid of the over tiredness and after a few days her little body got used to naps.

    Anyway that was just my experience. Have you tried gro bags? That night helps too as they are still very toasty going into the buggy

    Best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    Milly33 wrote: »
    I know I'm like the party pooper saying tis all about routine, but there has to be sense in it.. Do you have your feeding times down during the day or is it feed on demand? Just so you know when she is ready to sleep.When yous say you put her down do you put her into her cot/basket in a separate room..

    Even though it is hard (putting her in her own room) we found that worked great for during the day... We used to put her into her buggy downstairs too during the day, but just found like that she woke up more which had a knock on effect on her sleeping pattern, mood.. Tis like she could tell when you left the room :).. Started last week now putting her into her big cot upstairs for her nap.. Swadlling her and just having an environment that she associates with sleeping or even a comfort/safe zone...We used to put her into the cot after her bath so she kinda knows the cot already and she is quite happy in it.. So maybe that could be something get her used to the cot as being a safe spot and she might like it more...

    Tis so hard knowing what is good to do for them, herself is 9weeks and a bit and I think she is going through another growth spurt, she is sleeping more in the evening which is fine but then you get worried ahh should they sleep that much.. So true when everyone says just go with what you think yourself

    No set feeding times im feedin on demand as breastfeeding. Fair play to u been able to get it in gear with the routine. Its times like this i wish i had one too if i was bottle feedin.

    It depends re nap time during the day about a seperate room as ive tried a mixture .This week im just goin to try him in his cot in the room see how goes. I suppose its a lot about trial and error !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    I had this problem too during the day where he went from only sleeping on me, to waking if I put him down to not sleeping at all some days. I didn't know what to do, I had no clue what I was even trying to do. I'm a bottle feeder. Anyhow, I discovered a few weeks ago he was able to put himself to sleep, I just didn't know it or the signs. Now he will go off to sleep for naps if I put him down at the right long hel sleep for is still a lottery though but I feel I've had some success with the groundwork being laid too for him getting older and needing some sleep training. Anyhow after his feed he has a the bouncer or on the play mat...I keep a tight eye on him and look out for the signs...goes still, glazed eyes, gets cranky/bored, yawning etc...I pick him up on my shoulder and if he puts his head down it's a good sign to head straight for the crib and put him down once his eyes are dropping ... so he's sleepy but awake. The room is warm & dark, I put him in the grobag and say time for sleep and kiss him. Hel nod off quickly in the crib then and not miss my warmth given he's not falling asleep on me. He gets the dodi sometimes if he whinges going down. Duno if any of this helps but some of it might be worth a try...nobody told me what I should be doing/looking out for and it was weeks of stress and watching him for hours learning about him that has got me this far and it's far from perfect but it's something. It all takes time and I believe for some babies they have to be ready too for different techniques, changes etc.
    I was using a sling in the desperation stages, he'd fall asleep really quickly in it but then I was still stuck with him on me.
    I made more progress today settling him back to sleep when he woke during a nap by leaving my hand on his chest and hiding down the side of the crib...just said I'd try it and bingo. Probably won't work tomorrow but sure there you go, trial and error. It's tough in the interim though while you're dealing with it, worrying about it and trying to figure it ouT. We should all be given postnatal baby coaching rather than antenatal classes telling you how to change a nappy...that's the easy bit!

    So true them classes be well worth it!! Although would never work every baby been diff and all that!
    Im gonna start today for the week again and see if i do it solidly for the week the samr thing - pit down when i see the signs in his cot in the room and see does it make any difference fingers crossed!these forums are better than any classes hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    bee06 wrote: »
    It’s highly unlikely that you have an issue with supply as long as he’s having plenty of wet nappies and is gaining weight so I wouldn’t worry about that. Keep feeding on demand because the one sure way to impact your supply is to schedule his feeds. Have you heard of the fourth trimester? Have a read of the article below, I think it has a good explanation of why our babies want to sleep on us and be near us.

    For the sling I’m going to a Babywearing Ireland sling meeting. They have a library where you can borrow a sling for a month for 10 Euro to try one out.

    Oh he has plenty of them nappies hehe. Ya im gonna try this week get him doen when he starts signs and stick to it if it doesnt work will just have to let him sleep on me ! Fingers crossed

    Be great to see does the sling work for u hopefully it does!

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  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 6,914 Mod ✭✭✭✭shesty

    Donkey he's only 7 weeks.I would have no expectations on naps at this stage.We live and die by routine in our house, but 7 weeks, I'd just take what I can get.Wouldn't be killing myself to make a set routine work til he is about 11/12 weeks.That said, if you want to start something, pick one or two naps of the day to be religiously at home for and in his basket/cot.That will help.
    My eldest never showed any signs of as I said elsewhere, I had to clockwatch and bring her up at certain timeframes.She looked like she was having a super time until she was so far gone into overtiredness, that the crash was big!!!!She's still like that.
    And as I said elsewhere...somedays it will work.Somedays it won't.Some babies are easy, slip into a feeding/sleeping routine early and are predictable-others take a bit more work.Don't beat yourself up about it, it's a very long-haul journey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    Pocos wrote: »
    Hi donkey,
    Sorrry to hear your little lad won’t sleep during the day! I’m EBF too. My little one will go down for sleeps during the day in buggy but there was a few days she just wouldn’t. Same as you described would wake when put down. After a day or two I just decided to let her sleep on me for at least an hour then put her down. Not ideal but at least I knew she wasn’t completely overtired. I have a book which says they should have about 3 hours of daytime naps. I know it’s a pain but maybe you could split it the three hours into 2 or 3 naps.

    Anyway long story short after a week I started to put her down sooner than the hour and now after ten mins she will go into the buggy during the day! I know it’s not ideal and people will say we are giving them bad habits (which I’m sure I have!) but i think they are only small once and sometimes they just want the cuddle and security of you when falling asleep! It won’t be forever so I try and enjoy that ten minutes of cuddles!

    It might take a bit of work but I just accepted it! After a feed I would sit on couch put on tv relaxed and let her sleep! I think it got rid of the over tiredness and after a few days her little body got used to naps.

    Anyway that was just my experience. Have you tried gro bags? That night helps too as they are still very toasty going into the buggy

    Best of luck with it.

    Its prob all trial and error unfortunately!
    Tried gro bag well only started last week but only at night as i thought hed be too warm by day. Maybe i should be putting it on him during day too. Is it just a babygro and vest u have on urs under it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    shesty wrote: »
    Donkey he's only 7 weeks.I would have no expectations on naps at this stage.We live and die by routine in our house, but 7 weeks, I'd just take what I can get.Wouldn't be killing myself to make a set routine work til he is about 11/12 weeks.That said, if you want to start something, pick one or two naps of the day to be religiously at home for and in his basket/cot.That will help.
    My eldest never showed any signs of as I said elsewhere, I had to clockwatch and bring her up at certain timeframes.She looked like she was having a super time until she was so far gone into overtiredness, that the crash was big!!!!She's still like that.
    And as I said elsewhere...somedays it will work.Somedays it won't.Some babies are easy, slip into a feeding/sleeping routine early and are predictable-others take a bit more work.Don't beat yourself up about it, it's a very long-haul journey.

    So u let her go then during the day without a nap? Was it how she just wouldnt sleep? How much did she sleep at night?

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 6,914 Mod ✭✭✭✭shesty

    She was just really, really alert.Not one of these babies that drifted off to sleep being rocked in prams or anything like that (my mother could NOT get her head around it at all!!!).Even now at 3.5 she will sleep in her bed and maybe the car......and nowhere else.I can count on one hand the number of times she has fallen asleep on sofas or anything like that, no matter how exhausted she is.No.2 has never slept in a buggy.Ever.Despite my efforts!!!It's just the individual child, you learn their quirks!!!

    I should add that both mine only did 40min naps and no longer til they were 6&9 mths old.Just how they were, nothing I could do about it.(and believe me I tried.I accepted it easier second time round :-) )

    No I would try, I mean I'd sit with her by the cot for anything up to an hour...somedays I just had to accept it wasn't happening at that point, take her up again, and try again an hour later (though for my own sanity I sometimes did that driving round in the car or something).
    It's just one of those things....sure even my 23 mth old went up for her nap last Saturday at 11:30, showing all the signs of exhaustion...didn't go to sleep, had to be taken out after 40 mins, and tried her again an hour later.She slept the second time.It's harder when they are tiny because they get so overstimulated so easily and the signs can be not so obvious.It gets easier as they get bigger.At 7 weeks, you just do your best, and if it doesn't happen, try again in a while or use your sling or whatever.It's easier past the 12 week mark because their day settles into a more predictable pattern and you can time a bit better when they need sleep and food, so you can be more sure of when to pop them in their bed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    donkey10 wrote: »
    Oh he has plenty of them nappies hehe. Ya im gonna try this week get him doen when he starts signs and stick to it if it doesnt work will just have to let him sleep on me ! Fingers crossed

    Be great to see does the sling work for u hopefully it does!

    I’ll let you know how it goes.

    As you said, it really is trial and error! I had a really tough day last week during the snow. My little boy spent all day asleep in me and I just felt trapped. I kept reminding myself that it won’t last forever! And when he’s a teenager and is embarrassed to be seen with me I’ll have these days when I was his whole world to remember. The housework can wait!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,657 ✭✭✭Milly33

    Hersellf was like a demon last night trying to get her too sleep not sure what was wrong with her, think she thought there was a party going on in her cot... :)

    It is hard donkey10 but sometimes you have to be tough with the routine but defo swear by it for time for yourself, I still do not understand how ye do the on demand feeding fair deuce to you for doing it..

    Maybe try writing down this week what times she gets tired so you know yourself then, that you can put her down and she will sleep.. Another thing might be maybe try and give her a (breathable of course) top of yours or something like that, to put her at ease when she is away from you like a comfort cloth... Might do the trick...

    I stopped breastfeeding I think 2 weeks ago now, was only giving her three feeds a day (with bottles) thought my milk was gone but notice last night twas still there :) must see I might express a bit everyday or something, just to add to her formula so it isn't all wasted...

  • Registered Users Posts: 273 ✭✭New farmers wife

    Even at night when my 2 year old was small I'd have to lie there beside the crib, I ended up getting a projector with music to help her nod off. I let her sleep on me when I had time during the day bcos I only had her to look after, she got sick after feeds so I had to keep her upright for 15- 20 mins after a bottle. My brother has a book by lucy Wolfe and it was talking about whether you feed the baby/child before going to sleep or when they wake up, my nephew is 2 and still wakes for bottles!
    I wouldn't worry about bad habits when they're so young, that's just me personally. I focused too much on it on my first baby and in the end she found her own way and luckily she did like sleep at night and during the day, it just took 6 months until she slept during the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Pocos

    donkey10 wrote: »
    Its prob all trial and error unfortunately!
    Tried gro bag well only started last week but only at night as i thought hed be too warm by day. Maybe i should be putting it on him during day too. Is it just a babygro and vest u have on urs under it?

    We leave grobag to only night so she associates it with nighttime! We have her in only a long sleeved vest as per the instructions! It all depends on the room temperature! Ours is 19 degrees!

    As per another poster he is only 7 weeks I think we are obsessed with routines and sometimes it can take a little longer to get into one!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Pocos

    Hi ladies,

    Quick question, my little one had her 2 month injections today (talk about heart breaking!!!) has anyone else had them? How did your little one react? Herself was good for about 2 hours afterwards good enough form! Went to sleep and pretty much asleep since! Has woken twice for feeds but is very sleepy! Was half awake for maybe an hour earlier but kept crying like she was in pain! Poor thing! Just wondering how long this will last for?? Was told to give calpol 3 times between vaccinations and bedtime we have given two doses! Also been checking temperature regularly!


  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Pocos

    OSI wrote: »
    Our little lad was the same. Grand for a few hours, then slept near solid for the next 36 hours bar feeding and a few very uncomfortable spells. Was fine by the start of the 2nd day after, although we noticed his poo was a bit funny for a couple of days as well but apparently that's normal.

    Thanks OSI for that makes me feel better that she’s not just the only one! She’s just sleeping so much I was worried! But if you’ve gone through it hopefully she I’ll feel much better soon

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,657 ✭✭✭Milly33

    I cried when they herself had them, and I am not weepy at all. It was like ohh you are hurting my baby.... While she didn't sleep much more than normal her tummy was a little upset after, but I know the nurse advised that along with an upset stomach she could sleep more.. I suppose it is a big thing for them so it takes a lot out of them..

    Thanks New Farmers too I have those funky giraffe bibs on order, this dribble thing is driving me bonkers

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    Anyone have any cures for a bad heat rash on baby's face cheek? It looks so red it also looks like baby acne as per the images ive seen.
    Its goin onto his ears and a litle bit behind his ears

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    If it’s baby acne my little boy had it. I didn’t do anything and just let it run it’s course. It’s caused by the mothers hormones transferring to the baby so the hormones just need to leave his body. It cleared up around 8 weeks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,657 ✭✭✭Milly33

    Herself had this last week, I was really worried and typical it was the day we were going to the docs too, so she looked a bit shall we say off!!! Was worried until I thought she is just like me and tis heat rash, the best cure (even as a sufferer) is to cool it down with some cold water, there is calamine lotion too but not sure is this ok for babies, or I have been using the moo goo scalp cream (does for all rashes) seemed to work. But the baby acne stuff takes a while to shift, starts to peel a little then and walla new fresh skin.. Twas just like you say around her ears in all,

  • Registered Users Posts: 273 ✭✭New farmers wife

    Even at night when my 2 year old was small I'd have to lie there beside the crib, I ended up getting a projector with music to help her nod off. I let her sleep on me when I had time during the day bcos I only had her to look after, she got sick after feeds so I had to keep her upright for 15- 20 mins after a bottle. My brother has a book by lucy Wolfe and it was talking about whether you feed the baby/child before going to sleep or when they wake up, my nephew is 2 and still wakes for bottles!
    I wouldn't worry about bad habits when they're so young, that's just me personally. I focused too much on it on my first baby and in the end she found her own way and luckily she did like sleep at night and during the day, it just took 6 months until she slept during the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    The rash looks so horrible and so red! Hopefully it will go down. Im headin to doc tomoro as i had to cancel his 6 week check up last week due to the snow. At least she can have a look at it and see what the story is

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    donkey10 wrote: »
    The rash looks so horrible and so red! Hopefully it will go down. Im headin to doc tomoro as i had to cancel his 6 week check up last week due to the snow. At least she can have a look at it and see what the story is

    My little fellas wasn’t very red at all so good to get it checked alright in case it’s something else.

    He got is vaccinations today :( His poor legs are sore now and he was crying so much when the first dose of calpol wore off I was bawling as well. He never cries normally so it was a complete shock to the system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭donkey10

    bee06 wrote: »
    My little fellas wasn’t very red at all so good to get it checked alright in case it’s something else.

    He got is vaccinations today :( His poor legs are sore now and he was crying so much when the first dose of calpol wore off I was bawling as well. He never cries normally so it was a complete shock to the system.

    Aww no hopefully he will be ok soon notjing worse seein them cry and u cant do anything

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    donkey10 wrote: »
    Aww no hopefully he will be ok soon notjing worse seein them cry and u cant do anything

    Thanks Donkey. He just woke up and is much better ... full of smiles again.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,657 ✭✭✭Milly33

    that's what we were thinking too OSI is it teeth, she is chewing her fists and dribbling like no tomorrow.. My sister thought she spotted a break through on the back gums but not sure.. Is it says from anytime between 3 - 12 months so could be happening.. It feels like you are just settled with one thing and another starts..

    I just see this parent first aid course €35 per person, has anyone done one and if so are they good
