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Off Topic Chat. (MOD NOTE post# 3949 and post#5279)



  • Registered Users Posts: 553 ✭✭✭Munsterlad102

    Let's be brutally honest here now lad, it's not like I randomly picked a private citizen out of the blue and created an interest in him is it?
    Perhaps that's not how it started out but that's certainly where it's going. You keep linking articles about him for no apparent reason, perhaps you are genuinely obsessed with him.
    Could it be that most of my posts have been reactionary to other posts in order to give an alternative point of view to the hatred being posted on here by some?

    You seem to have a very liberal interpretation of what is or isn't hatred because I haven't read anything that could remotely be considered hatred. As for offering a counterargument, you're more than welcome, don't get me wrong but drop the random Trump articles.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Holy crap.

    It was raining hard about an hour ago with strong winds. Couldn't make it 20 feet without getting soaked. Went out just now and its snowing and you'd think someone opened a freezer door. The temp has dropped considerably in the last hour. You know that biting sensation if you inhale too deeply in a freezer, that is the way it is outside.
    Forum Charter - Useful Information - Photo thread: Hardware - Ranges by County - Hunting Laws/Important threads - Upcoming Events - RFDs by County

    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,292 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Cass wrote: »
    Not arguing that, only the double standard of them firing someone with opposing views while leaving those that have the same views, but post similar content, in their job.
    Can you show me this other person, doing it consistently for months?
    So you can't. Thats all you have to say, you can't.

    You can't or won't show me so as far as i'm concerned you're making it up.
    Sorry, but I think you're misunderstanding how the platform works.
    They are not normal web content that can be linked to like twitter for example. People post content and it viewed with the IG app, I can't send you a link to that.
    There are permanent IG posts that can be linked to on the website. Gina's page was extensively cleaned up after being fired. Include the final straw post afaik.

    Edit: This was on her twitter from last year;

    Which is a crop of this. Based on a famous anti-jewish mural.

    Thats not how it started in Germany. It started with eliminating opposition parties, attacks on opposition figures, the brown shorts, etc. As you said to Grizzly it started slowly with small actions and built over time.
    How it started wasn't the claim. The comparison was that it IS right now the same was what HAPPENED then. That is simply not true.
    Regardless or how it started, it is still a comparison to a mass genocide.

    I think the claim that the US will become 1944 Germany is hyperbole. I don't believe that anyone actually believes that. I'd question the sanity of anyone who did.

    By all means, quote this post with an I told you so when they start gassing the alt-right.
    According to you. You cannot/will not show me.
    Because it not possible for me to send you send link to it. Same way I can't link to posts on your WhatApp or similar.
    I already said that.

    As you once said to me does two wrongs make a right?
    It's not right. I've never said that it was right. :confused:
    He was!!!!! Do you mean he shouldn't have been fired?
    Yes, I meant shouldn't. You appear to agree. As did others, so he as reinstated. I'm not sure what the issue is tbh.
    If you are going to pick at semantics then i'll be sure to be more exact however if you think Jack Dorsey had no input into the fate of Parler then you're naive.
    There's no semantics.
    You claimed Parler refused Twitters demands. That didn't happen.
    You mixed up the companies. Simple mistake. Just own it and move on.
    They demanded the same level of moderation using their community standards which means Parler would not be a challenger to other social media only another branch of the same.

    No, I don't think that accurate at all.
    For example Reddit uses Amazon services and presumably has the same agreement with amazon.
    However the range of communites of reddit is extremely varied. A lot of the content would get me banned from if I was to link to it.
    Do explain how an Irish company with an Irish forum having to abide by Irish laws, and subject to prosecution for the content on their platform is the same as a worldwide social media with no such constraints other than those they wish to impose.
    Social media websites might be global platforms, but ultimately their is a legal company somewhere
    Boards happens to be based in Ireland. Many others are US based. I don't believe they are above the law.

    Nonetheless, the moderation on boards is for the most part, not based on the law.
    Take this forum as as example, your charter has 10 rules. There are essentially all based around manners, etiquette and common sense. I could break each on those rules without breaking a single irish law.

    Not re-instated by Apple/Google, but went with a completely different company and set of servers so now they're up and running and away from the oversight of Google/Apple/Amazon/Twitter/Instagram, etc.
    Sorry, I wasn't clear. They aren't back on amazon services. They are sueing amazon. They are on a new host.

    They have agreed terms of service with the new host. That terms of service includes moderation, and filtering content.

    "Should any threatening or inciting content be detected, it will be removed,
    and violation points assigned, with an opportunity for appeal via our Parler Jury."

    The fact they have an account is an affront and in my opinion a crime.
    There's no official ISIS account. They monitor accounts that support or are pro ISIS.
    A few years ago they said the tally of deleted accounts was 325,000. It's likely much higher now.
    It's estimate that these are made by a much smaller number of support constantly re-registering.
    Didn't ask about that, but good to know. I asked about allowing child porn, Terrorists, and other highly inappropriate content.

    So you're comparing Trump to the Dictatorial government of China, with one of the worst human rights track record in the world?
    I compared nobody. Please do not misrepresent my posts again. It's disrespectful. I believe I have made this request before.

    I pointed out they were both censored. Which is what you are complaining about is it not? I made no comment on the content.
    IF people are agaisnt censorship on social media, then they also support the ability for those groups to post. I can't agree with that.

    Saying that So-and-So shouldn't be censored, but that its ok to censor the [insert group] is basically saying censorship is ok when it suits us. Kinda undermines the censor free position.

    Seems Pedro Pascal has a kindred spirit in you.
    This kind of personal jibe is uncalled for. I'd expect better from a mod. Attack the post, not the poster.
    Like the Pascal thing you seem very confident without ever doing any research. You claimed Pascal never made such tweets and a 1 second search i found he did. You say Twitter would not allow child porn yet its reported in the papers only three weeks ago.

    Now you might understand when i don't believe your unverified claims about Carano and the content of her posts. You seem to be parroting what you're hearing without checking yourself.
    Gina was posting for months I said Pedro didn't do the same. I don't claim to have read every post he made.
    If you prove he's been posting that stuff for months, I'll gladly take it back and say I was wrong. But one post does not do that.

    As an aside, MAGA hatters complaining about being linked to the confederate flag is pretty funny.

    With the child porn thing you are right I didn't search for it. "Child porn" is not something I want to search about or have in my search history, I'm sure you understand why. If that story is true its outragous and they deserve compensation. I'll keep an eye on the lawsuit and the full story, its the Post afterall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,292 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Absolutely...At this point in time...
    Neither did the Nazis in 1934, but the similarities of dehumanising your opponents, removing their avenues of speech, banning them of means of defending themselves, depriving them of livelihoods and property and openly stating your plans in something like Mein Kampf or Twitter calling for locking up Republicans in deprogramming centres is rather alarming.
    So we agree that it happen incrementally.

    I'm saying that the way republicans are treated in 2021 is not remotely as bad as how jewish people were treated by the Nazis, overall. I'd hope you agree with that, at this point in time.
    The contentious post clamed otherwise.

    The hypothetical endgame you are alluding to hasn't happened. Anything is possible, but I highly doubt it will happen. Lets park this issue and check back in 2 years. No point arguing until then. :o
    As for living thru it...My grandfathers boss and eventual business partner was Jewish, and yes it happened in increments. From being yelled and spat on in the streets to being forced to sell his business to my grandfather for pfennigs on the Reich mark by 1939 and fleeing to Holland, only took about 4 years. So im sure we are progressive enough to shorten that to probably 2 years these days?
    As an aside, I dint these stories very interesting. Did your grandfather flee to holland at the same time, or how did he end up?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Mellor wrote: »
    Can yous how me this other person, doing it consistently for months?
    Are you going to keep parroting my question without answering?
    They are not websites that can be linked to like twitter for example.
    Once again, just say you can't. No need for an overly elaborate excuse, just you can't.
    How it started wasn't discussed though.
    Yes it was, by you and Grizzly.
    The comparison was that it the same was what HAPPENED.
    Semantics or obfuscation?
    It's not right. I've never said that it was right. :confused:
    You implying it was done to others which makes this right.
    Yes, I meant shouldn't. You appear to agree. As did others, so he as reinstated. I'm not sure what the issue is tbh.
    Carano was told she would not be rehired. Cannon benefitted rom black privilege.
    No, I don't think that accurate at all.
    Doesn't matter what you, or even i, think. Its what was reported. Google and Apple "demanded robust content moderation". From Reuters, among others.
    Nonetheless, the moderation on boards is for the most part, not based on the law.
    Take this forum as as example, your charter has 10 rules. There are essentially all based around manners, etiquette and common sense. I could break each on those rules without breaking a single irish law.

    Be civil, rule #1 on the forum and site. You start calling someone names its bad manners but make an accusation in the form of an insult and its slander. Under Irish law has 72 hours to remove the content, once reported, or find itself in as much trouble as the poster.

    Copy and paste something from another site. Congrats you just broke the 2011 Copyright SI. Its why we had to get rid of the press clippings page and must enforce a strict not copy and paste rule without the express permission of the copyright owner(s).

    Right to keep and bear arms stuff, discussion of illegal content, etc, etc.

    Whether you see it or not the Mods are more than just "manners police". However unlike Facebook, Twitter and other forms of global social media we have no place to hide among global HQs.
    Sorry, I wasn't clear. They aren't back on amazon services. They are sueing amazon. They are on a new host.
    As you said to me above: "Simple mistake. Just own it and move on."
    I compared nobody. Please do not misrepresent my posts again. It's disrespectful.
    Yes you did and i don't care that you think is disrespectful. Feigning offense does not deflect from your intent. To quote Stephen Fry "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so ****ing what.".
    I pointed out it was censorship. Which is what you are complaining about.
    Nope. You're not even following the conversation so no wonder you're confused.

    I'm highlighting the bias in leftist and liberal media that governs 85%+ of TV, Newspapers, media (including social) and their attacks and double standards based on people's ideology, political, religious or sexual beliefs.
    This is very immature, I'd expect better from a mod.
    Why, oh why, does this get trotted out everytime someone feels the need to deflect, change the topic, distract or simply to hide their own inadequacies?

    I am as entitled to post on any thread or forum i choose as you are. My role as Moderator only comes into being when moderation is required at which point you'll see "MOD NOTE" in the title of my posts and the text will be bold font to separate my regular postings from those i make as a Moderator.

    Once again i'll ask you to stop deflecting, stop feigning offense, because i simply don't care. If you're offended the exit is clearly marked:

    Gina was posting for month and continued.
    See you just keep saying that. No screenshots, links, articles in the papers/news, nothing. As you cannot verify your claims i'll have to assume they're fraudulent until proven otherwise.
    With the child porn thing you are right I didn't search for it.
    Yet you were "highly doubtful" they would allow it without checking or knowing. Once again i'll plagiarize your previous comment with "Small mistake, Just own it and move on".
    "Child porn" is not something I want to search about, I'm sure you understand why.
    I'm not asking you to risk jail by searching through the depths of the "dark web". Just read the papers, Look at the news, research it for yourself instead of making incorrect assumptions based on opinion.
    ......... its the Post afterall.
    As opposed to unbiased, bastions of truth such as the NY Times, or perhaps Washington Post or Politico? News is news. I'm not getting it from "Tinfoil hats weekly".

    With that i'm off to bed. I don't know what you work at but i cannot manage to stay up till 5am replying. I'll check back in tomorrow around lunchtime.

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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 39,292 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Cass wrote: »
    Are you going to keep parroting my question without answering?[

    And I provided the screenshots above that I could find.
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you missed my edit
    Once again, just say you can't. No need for an overly elaborate excuse, just you can't.
    I explained because you don't understand how the app works.
    It's not a website, how can I possibly show you?
    Yes it was, by you and Grizzly.
    I agreed with to Grizzly that it wasn't full steam from the get go.

    That in no way defends the claim that how they were treated IS THE SAME AS how another group is threated TODAY.
    Semantics or obfuscation?
    Neither of those words is remotely applicable there.

    Are you really claiming that republicians are treated as badly as the jews under the nazis?
    You implying it was done to others which makes this right.
    I in no way implied it was right. In fact I specifically said it wsa wrong.
    Again, please don't misrepresent me.
    Carano was told she would not be rehired. Cannon benefitted rom black privilege.
    Has she apologies like Cannon instead of doubling down she might have been. We'll never know I guess.
    Doesn't matter what you, or even i, think. Its what was reported. Google and Apple "demanded robust content moderation". From Reuters, among others.
    You are right, what we think doesn't matter. In fact the reports don't matter either. Adjectives are unquantifiable.
    I gave an example of a website operating under the exact same demands from Google, Apple, Amazon.

    Real world quantifiable example of what was asked and how light it is required to be. Just as light as the current moderation they've agreed to.


    Be civil, rule #1 on the forum and site. You start calling someone names its bad manners but make an accusation in the form of an insult and its slander. Under Irish law has 72 hours to remove the content, once reported, or find itself in as much trouble as the poster.
    Of course slander applies. I haven't claimed it did.

    I said you can break the civility rule without breaking the law (slander).
    Are you claiming otherwise?
    Because it would be good to get that clarity in official Mod capacity.

    Copy and paste something from another site. Congrats you just broke the 2011 Copyright SI. Its why we had to get rid of the press clippings page and must enforce a strict not copy and paste rule without the express permission of the copyright owner(s).
    Permitted in a limited sense, as long as it's properly referenced.
    However, copyright isn't reference in the 10 rules I referred to. ie Your Charter
    Right to keep and bear arms stuff, discussion of illegal content, etc, etc.
    This is false.
    Discussion of the right to bear arms is not illegal.
    Even though the RKBA is not a right in Ireland.
    Whether you see it or not the Mods are more than just "manners police".
    I never said they were just manners police.
    I said the rules are not simply to keep the site to irish law as you claimed.

    I've been around the place a wile, over 10 years like yourself.
    I've a former mod on infact. I'm well aware of the legal issues that have arisen in the past, and could arise.

    But I stand by my statement. The moderation and censorship on covers more than is dictated by irish law. That really can't be denied.
    You literally just posted asked people to mind their language.
    A moderator complaining about moderation. :confused: Surely you see the irony.
    As you said to me above: "Simple mistake. Just own it and move on."
    I said they have a new moderation agreement. That is correct.
    Yes you did and i don't care that you think is disrespectful. Feigning offense does not deflect from your intent.
    You'd be doing very well to offend me Cass. :pac::pac::pac: I never said I was offended. I doubt you could possibly offend me.
    I just think it's the hallmark of a weak argument, and a kinda pathetic line to take.
    Why, oh why, does this get trotted out everytime someone feels the need to deflect, change the topic, distract or simply to hide their own inadequacies?

    I am as entitled to post on any thread or forum i choose as you are. My role as Moderator only comes into being when moderation is required at which point you'll see "MOD NOTE" in the title of my posts and the text will be bold font to separate my regular postings from those i make as a Moderator.

    Once again i'll ask you to stop deflecting, stop feigning offense, because i simply don't care. If you're offended the exit is clearly marked:
    I'm well aware that you can post. You are also required to keep to the rules like other posters.
    I didn't ask you not to post. I wouldn't bother with long replies to you if I didn't want you to post.

    Im just asking that you show me the same respect I'm showing you. Didn't think it was a difficult request. But it's not because it offends me. If the conversation descends into misquoting, twisting words, and other such bollox, just means your wasting my time.

    See you just keep saying that. No screenshots, links, articles in the papers/news, nothing. As you cannot verify your claims i'll have to assume they're fraudulent until proven otherwise.
    The screenshot is in my previous post.
    In a previous post you said you read Favreau was defending here. So you've already seen articles.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Gonna start trying to shorten my answer(s) in terms of length rather than content to reduce the size of the posts.
    Mellor wrote: »
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you missed my edit
    I did. There was crossover between my posting and your editing and given the length of the replies i didn't see it, hence my reason for cutting down.

    To the Gina Carano/cancel culture thing.

    I see the picture you linked to. I didn't recognize it but on a cursory glance i seen rich/powerful men building their fortune on the backs of what i assume are ordinary people. An image that i've seen before only in different format/context. After some research on the piece it seems the artist was implying the conspiracy theory of the Rothschilds ruling the world through the secret organisation of the Illuminati. Some took this to be an anti Semitic message which the artist denies.

    So if she posted it thinking it was, as i thought, a rise up against power message i see no problem. If she posted it as a continuation of the myth of the Rothschild conspiracy then its her right however misguided. If she posted it as an anti- Semitic insult then she is a bigot and i'd stand with you on condemning her, but she denies this was her intent and based on her other tweets (spoken about below) i would believe her.

    While searching for the picture i also found screenshots (as i'm not on social media) of the tweets that got her fired. I have to say they are not even close to "impeachable" material. Refusing to list, made up, words for gender on her social media to refusing to have a blm tag on her social media led to months of sustained attacks on her through social media.

    That is not a racist or bigot but someone who is a conservative, and/or doesn't believe in those ideas. Nick Cannon on the other hand said that white people were evil, savages, came from the mountains scared and so they rape and kill and because of this are less than blacks. He attacked Jews saying they were the cause of the world's ills, were not real Hebrews and he [Cannon] mourned the loss of Louis Farrakhan from Facebook after his account was blocked. He did not imply these opinion, but said them specifically and purposefully. IOW no room for misunderstanding.

    As i said at the start of this i'm against cancel culture which is the mob mentality of ostracizing someone for having a different/alternate view point whether that is religious, political, sexual or anything different to the point it affects their job hence livelihood, family, etc. Gina Carano, to me, is the victim of cancel culture because of her conservative views . Nick Cannon is a racist and anti Semite who feigned an apology and was welcomed back by the liberal media as one of their own.

    Unfortunately we're at an impasse on this issue because no amount of back and forth will convince me different.
    Are you really claiming that republicians are treated as badly as the jews under the nazis?
    First off so there is no misunderstanding. I'm not saying that there are Brown shirts roaming the streets of America looking for conservatives. So lets get that out of the way. In fact there is no way i can word a reply that does not make me sound like a conspiracy theorist or simply a looney for even trying to compare one of the worst atrocities in human history to current events but that is a risk with Godwin's law.

    I am saying that some of the tactics used by democrats/democratic supporters is reminiscent of the very early actions of the Nazi party in trying to not only silence but eradicate the opposition. Do i think it would/could ever reach the level of Nazi Germany? Of course not. The actions of antifa and blm coupled with the subtle and not so subtle "poking" of the "party leaders" does remind me of those actions and given the power they now wield i dread to think what is to come over the next four years.
    In a previous post you said you read Favreau was defending here. So you've already seen articles.
    Nope, not me. I never mentioned Favreau.

    You did, back on the 16th at 05:52am. You said:
    Mellor wrote:
    But she was also the star of a massive, PG rated series on Disney+. And executives at LucasArts has repeatedly warned her about the negative attention she was drawing. She apparently would have been fired ages ago but Jon Favreau backed her - on her position, not the antisemitic stuff, he's jewish. But she insisted on continuing with it and got fired. Her actions, her fault, imo
    So you're actually arguing with yourself at this point, which is fun. :D

    I'm skipping the Moderator/Boards stuff because its not germane to the real topic i wish to discuss and frankly i don't think its appropriate for a current Mod and ex-Mod to discuss "inner workings" as i'm likely to say something i probably shouldn't.
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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 12,752 Mod ✭✭✭✭riffmongous

    Cass wrote: »
    Holy crap.

    It was raining hard about an hour ago with strong winds. Couldn't make it 20 feet without getting soaked. Went out just now and its snowing and you'd think someone opened a freezer door. The temp has dropped considerably in the last hour. You know that biting sensation if you inhale too deeply in a freezer, that is the way it is outside.

    It should get milder over the next few days, plenty of rain coming with it though

    Where I am in Germany we had about -5 last weekend and expect 17° this weekend

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Mellor wrote: »
    So we agree that it happen incrementally.
    I'm saying that the way republicans are treated in 2021 is not remotely as bad as how jewish people were treated by the Nazis, overall. I'd hope you agree with that, at this point in time.
    The contentious post clamed otherwise.

    Yeah, they aren't shoving anyone into ovens...Just yet.
    But my point is that what is happening on the streets, on social media, and in society,as well as the rantings of some extreme Leftist politicians over there has very disquieting similarities to Hitlers Germany in 1935. People said the same things back then"Ah Hitler is only exaggerating about the Jews and what he wants to do!" I will say there always has been an undercurrent of antisemitism in mainland Europe for centuries,as well in Germany, that has flared up periodically,so Jew bashing was nothing new there,so Hitler was playing on a well-known scapegoat.
    Call me cynical,but when I see a senile old puppet saying he wants to ban gun ownership all his political career,or some Austrian house painter saying he wants to extinguish a religion and other undesirables in society or some loudmouth ignorant Leftist barmaid who comes from a rich family turned NYC politician, demanding lists for "reeducation"of her political opponents in camps.....I tend to take them at their word that this is their ultimate intent. Despite whatever "fact-checkers or spin doctors " say to the contrary.;)

    The hypothetical endgame you are alluding to hasn't happened. Anything is possible, but I highly doubt it will happen. Lets park this issue and check back in 2 years. No point arguing until then. :o

    I pray to whatever gods there are that you are right...But being a natural-born pessimist...Humanity and my fellow Americans in their growing stupidity in both cases haven't and hasn't disappointed me yet.:rolleyes:

    As an aside, I dint these stories very interesting. Did your grandfather flee to holland at the same time, or how did he end up?

    Not at all, he ended up buying at the best price that he could offer his boss his veneer wood business under the Reich dis ownership of Jewish business and property laws, and they made a pact that if they survived the coming trouble, my grandfather would pay him or his next of kin the full value of the business. His boss fled to Holland and was rounded up by being sold out by Dutch Nazi collaborators in1941. The rest of his family made it to England luckily.

    My grandfather kept his head down as much as possible and kept making excuses not to sign up to the party,until 1941 where he was given a stark choice.

    Join up, because of his knowledge of lumber and timber,made him a step under a qualified occupation, but still able-bodied to fight,as a major in the Wehrmacht and have a relatively safe career on the Eastern front:rolleyes: or be conscripted as a private to the East front to Stalingrad or such. You got five mins,or we'll decide for you!
    There are a few chapters I could write on what happened then between his induction in 1941 to my family fleeing Berlin in literally the last week before it fell in 1945 to the Russians.[Could do a whole historical thesis on a day in the life of a Berlin family 1934 o 1945 ]
    Him being captured finally
    by the Americans in Sthn Bavaria, after escaping from a Russian POW column by swimming across half the Oder river in Feb 1945 with himself a catholic Wehrmacht Chaplin and two other soldiers.
    Being a POW, and then being released and rebuilding from "Stunde Null" [Zero hours as the Germans call the great post ww2 reset] a business in the ruins of the postwar Germany,to making it an employer of over 300 people in the Lower Franconia region for over 40 years.

    Suffice to say when he saw the film" Stalingrad", he said they pulled their punches on how brutal it actually was in weather conditions and combat and atrocities inflicted on everyone on the Eastern front. German on Russian, Russian on German, German on German and Russian on Russian.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    It should get milder over the next few days, plenty of rain coming with it though

    Where I am in Germany we had about -5 last weekend and expect 17° this weekend
    I think it was the "shock factor" of hearing the rain beating against the windows to walking out an hour later to snow and what felt like -5 temps without so much a breeze. Like someone turned a tap.

    You're right though. The forecast is showing cold nights with mild days with the nights getting milder and the days warmer all followed by a good dose of rain.
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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    It should get milder over the next few days, plenty of rain coming with it though

    Where I am in Germany we had about -5 last weekend and expect 17° this weekend

    Whereabouts are you in Germany?

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    @ Mellor.

    Check your visitor messages.
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 1,498 Mod ✭✭✭✭otmmyboy2

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    There are a few chapters I could write on what happened then between his induction in 1941 to my family fleeing Berlin in literally the last week before it fell in 1945 to the Russians.[Could do a whole historical thesis on a day in the life of a Berlin family 1934 o 1945 ]
    Him being captured finally
    by the Americans in Sthn Bavaria, after escaping from a Russian POW column by swimming across half the Oder river in Feb 1945 with himself a catholic Wehrmacht Chaplin and two other soldiers.
    Being a POW, and then being released and rebuilding from "Stunde Null" [Zero hours as the Germans call the great post ww2 reset] a business in the ruins of the postwar Germany,to making it an employer of over 300 people in the Lower Franconia region for over 40 years.

    Suffice to say when he saw the film" Stalingrad", he said they pulled their punches on how brutal it actually was in weather conditions and combat and atrocities inflicted on everyone on the Eastern front. German on Russian, Russian on German, German on German and Russian on Russian.

    Bloody interesting Grizz, I'd definitely like to hear more.

    History is so often distorted in the history books, and first hand accounts of people who were actually there can be extremely eye opening to what the actual situation was.

    I've got Sepp Allerberger's memoirs on my shelf waiting for some free time to read whenever I get the chance, having heard & read some excerpts from it online.
    Some of the stuff that happened on the eastern front is truly hair raising!

    Never forget, the end goal is zero firearms of any type.

    S.I. No. 187/1972 - Firearms (Temporary Custody) Order - Firearms seized

    S.I. No. 21/2008 - Firearms (Restricted Firearms and Ammunition) Order 2008 - Firearm types restricted

    Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 - Firearms banned & grandfathered

    S.I. No. 420/2019 - Magazine ban, ammo storage & transport restricted

    Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 - 2023 Firearm Ban (retroactive to 8 years prior)

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 12,752 Mod ✭✭✭✭riffmongous

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Whereabouts are you in Germany?

    Moved to the Ruhrgebiet (near Essen) a few months ago. I had low expectations of the whole place before I moved tbh, but it's much nicer than I thought it would be. Hard to get a proper feel for the place during these lockdowns though

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,057 ✭✭✭civdef

    One of the reasons “Godwin’s Law” came about in relation to internet debates is that is too easy to make superficial emotive comparisons between pretty much anything and the rise of the Nazis.

    If one person compares “cancel culture” to the rise of fascism, another person could respond with something about groups who try to ignore election results. Either way they just serve to wind everyone up, and miss out on all the historical contexts.

    Grizzly’s post about his family history is a great example of how real people get affected when all this political talk turns nasty.

    Right / left, conservative/liberal, whatever label you try to put on it- none of it is worth starting actual conflict over- but that’s getting lost in commentary in a lot of places, particularly online.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,774 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    Cass posted at 03.43
    Mellor posted at 04.49

    Do neither of you fcukers sleep? :pac::pac::pac:

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    civdef wrote: »
    but that’s getting lost in commentary in a lot of places, particularly online.

    That is why I'm trying, not saying I'm succeeding, in taking a step back and try to come at this with a little bit of a clearer head.
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    BattleCorp wrote: »
    Do neither of you fcukers sleep? :pac::pac::pac:
    Mellor has me beaten on that front.

    Surprised my last post didn't finish something like this:

    kinbnbnjlfkvmfvmfaivonvjvda;vn f;jer;anrquvnrqih v]wjwnbivrbflasvblf lwvbl

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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 12,752 Mod ✭✭✭✭riffmongous

    BattleCorp wrote: »
    Cass posted at 03.43
    Mellor posted at 04.49

    Do neither of you fcukers sleep? :pac::pac::pac:

    That's not local time for Mellor though iirc

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Moved to the Ruhrgebiet (near Essen) a few months ago. I had low expectations of the whole place before I moved tbh, but it's much nicer than I thought it would be. Hard to get a proper feel for the place during these lockdowns though

    Much nicer since alot of the heavy industry is gone as well.Used to rival London for pea-soupers. If you are anywhere near Bochum, there is a good gun shop there , Stabe& Ko. Wolfgang does both firearms, professional pyrotechnic displays, and movie prop guns.So well worth a drop in.:)

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    And we are just talking about how vindictive US politics is becoming... A new bill to deny President Trump a burial at Arlington cemetery, should he so wish is in Congress...Nothing else to worry about, forget about Covid,just do everything possible to expunge Trump's name and history...It's utterly childish now at this point. Wouldn't be surprised if this did pass too.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,280 ✭✭✭tudderone

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    And we are just talking about how vindictive US politics is becoming... A new bill to deny President Trump a burial at Arlington cemetery, should he so wish is in Congress...Nothing else to worry about, forget about Covid,just do everything possible to expunge Trump's name and history...It's utterly childish now at this point. Wouldn't be surprised if this did pass too.

    I think being so petty can backfire if the dems are not careful. It would turn-off floating voters, it certainly would me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Bummer about the Aussies being held to ransom by Lord Zukerberg withdrawing his services from Australia. Well streuth Bruce,if they could shut off the most powerful man on the planet,how'd you think this was going to play ou with your govt demanding FB pays journalists?:eek:

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    That's not local time for Mellor though iirc
    "Sumabitch". That's cheating.
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    tudderone wrote: »
    I think being so petty can backfire if the dems are not careful. It would turn-off floating voters, it certainly would me.
    It already has.

    2018 the Dems had a high 30s majority. 2021 that lead it high single digits, possible 10.

    The senate was down to the two special elections and the Georgia one is still a bone on contention given all the hype about the voting machines, plus now the newly appointed Democrat senator is under investigation (already) for voting irregularities or some such. Along with Stacey Abrams, you knwo, the "real" Governor. :rolleyes:
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,648 ✭✭✭Feisar

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    And we are just talking about how vindictive US politics is becoming... A new bill to deny President Trump a burial at Arlington cemetery, should he so wish is in Congress...Nothing else to worry about, forget about Covid,just do everything possible to expunge Trump's name and history...It's utterly childish now at this point. Wouldn't be surprised if this did pass too.

    I’ve little more than a passing interest in US politics but I do like reading the back and forth here.
    However, what the hell? Isn’t that spitting in the face of the office he held and therefore also everyone that voted for him? What happened to “we salute the rank, not the man”? I know that was a line on TV but still.

    First they came for the socialists...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,057 ✭✭✭civdef

    Well they didn't mention Trump in person at least - it would apply to any president who got impeached twice.... :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,537 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 12,752 Mod ✭✭✭✭riffmongous

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Much nicer since alot of the heavy industry is gone as well.Used to rival London for pea-soupers. If you are anywhere near Bochum, there is a good gun shop there , Stabe& Ko. Wolfgang does both firearms, professional pyrotechnic displays, and movie prop guns.So well worth a drop in.:)
    Will do, I've only been to the Frankonia in Dortmund so far

    I actually came here to do air quality/ city climate consulting, the cities here are very serious about it nowadays and it's definitely paying off

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,280 ✭✭✭tudderone
