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Off Topic Chat. (MOD NOTE post# 3949 and post#5279)



  • Registered Users Posts: 400 ✭✭Panjandrums

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 768 ✭✭✭Uinseann_16

    This post has been deleted.

    If you find it and its live one drop it into a restricted firearms dealers and store it(might cost a few quid per month to store) , its still your property even if you cant licence it.
    if it is deactivated you will still need permission to keep it at home
    it might have some value but very little better to just keep it
    The model 10 has been produced since 1899 there are any gods amounts of them that is why the box wont be worth too much

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    About 52 USD for the box on Ebay these days.

    As an aside..Was your father with the AGS or had any connection to them?As that model of S&W was, I believe a std issue to plain clothes "Branch men"?

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭gunny123

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    About 52 USD for the box on Ebay these days.

    As an aside..Was your father with the AGS or had any connection to them?As that model of S&W was, I believe a std issue to plain clothes "Branch men"?

    An old guy i used to work with years ago had a drinking buddy who was a copper before he retired.

    As a recruit back in the early 60's you got all the crappy jobs. He was ordered to get a revolver and ammo from stores, some cash for a train ticket as he was to take a prisoner from Dublin to a prison somewhere down the country.

    He got a .38 from stores and collected the prisoner, got the train and dropped the guy off at the prison.

    On his return to the station the following day he wanted to return the revolver so went to the stores and told the guy there what he was returning. There had been a delivery of new firearms at the station and the storekeeper said everything was accounted for and everything was squared away and the books were right.

    So asking what he was to do with the revolver, the storekeeper told him to "f**k off with it". He went home and put it on top of the wardrobe where it sat for over 40 years.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Bit read so bear with me.

    I've been watching the news and reading articles from various sources over the past few months and a number of things bothered me. The bias and sensationalism of certain articles over actual news worthy stories simply because of who was involved.

    This annoyance hit a crescendo in the last few days with the whole sh*thole scandal and last night after the interview with Sean Spicer by Ryan Turbidy. Now i don't watch the late late and did not watch the actual show last night but have watched the Youtube videos and the comments associated with it by the various "media"" outlets.

    Let me start by saying i'm not a Trump apologizer. The man has made some serious gaffs and outright stupid comments and at the start of his Presidency this was compounded by the actions of his press Secretary Sean Spicer. There is no excusing the stupidity of some remarks, i wouldn't try, and this is not what bothers me. What does is this.

    The various articles all had the one common thread despite the "severity" of their critique. Turbidy has been hailed as everything from brilliant for the way he done it, to unfair, but not one person disagreed about him hammering Spicer. I agree. If you hold such a position you should be put on spot and made to answer. However, and getting to what really pisses m off, is the double standards. Where was this venom and tenacity when he interviewed Clinton? Same with Graham Norton when she on his show late last year. It was all smiles, lollipops and Unicorn farts.

    Not once was she questioned on her involvements in (to name a few of her greatest hits):
    • Allowing the murder of Americans in Benghazi
    • Lying to the family and public about it
    • Pay for Play
    • Uranium one
    • Foundation donations
    • Foundation spending
    • Her daughter's job & $10m home
    • Destruction of classified e-mails (bleechbit & a hammer is sorta serious)
    • Misuse of classified documents
    • Sexual abuse/assault of women by her Husband
    • Her comments on black people
    • Her Husbands Crime Bill in the 90's
    • The Democratic Primaries (alleged rigging)
    • Donna Brazille accusations
    • etc.

    I have read numerous articles and watched video after video from CNN, CBS, NBC, SKY, Washington Post, NY Times, Fox, etc, etc. In all, even those who support Trump, the story focuses on the words used and not the content of the story and so it is with the latest "scandal" about the President using the word sh*thole. This was a claim made by a Democratic Congressman after a meeting with the President. There is no proof, no video, no record of him saying it, but it's on the news (as i type its on SKY right in front of me) about his use of this word. The President has said he never used the word, but in the last two or three days all the news outlets have had "experts" on about him using the word with no disclaimed that its a rumor/word of mouth from an opposing party. Not once has it been discussed that if he used this word, or others like it, was he right and what if anything can be done to change the "status" of these countries. If such a word was used, while undoubtedly inappropriate, its not the story. This is the same "key dangling" tactics used when he first took office to distract the people from both the real story and from other more important issues.

    Then other public figures jump on the bandwagon to get their five minutes of fame. Look at the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. He opposes a Trump visit, which is him [khan] acting as a statesman and not the Mayor, instead of dealing with the fact that his city is fast becoming one of the most dangerous in Europe with a huge jump in violent crime including knife attacks, acid attacks, terrorism, rape, robbery, assaults, etc.

    The same thing happened when Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. People lost their sh*t. I never saw one report on any of the news channels about how Barry Hussein done so three times, Bush Jr done it, Clinton (the one that won) done it. There is even a law/act in America that officially recognises Jerusalem as the capital with a motion to build the embassy there and has been for over 20 years. The only difference is Trump done it whereas the other three kept on putting it off for 6 months at a time for over 22 years. That is why Trump won, he acted on his promise and done so quickly and decisively. Not for the first time either. When Barry Hussein made promises to hold Syria responsible for using chemical weapons he never acted on it, but Trump did. Trump also (other than officially enacting the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy act) imposed stricter/harsher sanctions on Russia, pulled out of an unfair Paris accord agreement, got Nato allies to put in more to "equalize" the input from each nation, attacked ISIS head on and done more in his first year than Barry done in 8, stopped Barry's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan which would have left the door open for an ISIS resurgence, attempt to repeal (although he has changed) the affordable care act that has crippled many and failed miserably, to the recent tax cuts.

    Don't mistake this for a pro-Trump speech. I'm not so inclined and as i'm not a citizen/voter i don't feel the need to defend his actions, but i cannot stomach the bias of the media's coverage of events. CNN were caught on God's know how many lies, fake stories, made up ones, and they weren't the only ones. Its not even about Trump at this point, this is about just telling people the facts and letting them decide for themselves instead of pushing their agenda down our throats and calling us racist, sexist, ignorant, etc for not believing them.
    • They defended Hillary to the point of absurdity (when one guest spoke of Clinton and that case of the 12yr old girl Anderson Cooper told the guest to stop talking about it as it was not proven, yet CNN did an exposé on the very topic some months before hand).
    • They attack Trump with fake stories (like the producer caught on camera admitting all they had ran was bullsh*t or when they reported the secret service spoke to the trump campaign about his remarks in the run up to the election about exercising second amendment rights which the secret service dismissed as a hoax as they never spoke to the trump campaign)
    • They lie to make people believe they should only listen to them (CNN, again, said to view the wikileaks release of Clintons e-mails was a crime, yet the media could so you had to get all your information of them which is not me paraphrasing they are the exact words Chris Cuomo used)
    • During the live debates one presenter for the "Clinton News Network" was caught feeding the person she was about to "interview"" the answer she wanted.
    • They edit the footage they show. Like in the case of Sylville Smith shooting when his sister pleaded for no violence. The full interview/speech by her, that the majority of news outlets cut out, had her telling people to basically piss off and take the violence to their homes as they need, and i'm quoting here, "need our sh*". Also the exaggerated crowds at Clinton and democratic events where the pictures are cropped to make 30 people seem like hundreds.
    • MSNBC wanted to interview Trump supporters and a Black person was interviewed, in support of Trump, the news Anchor dismissed him as "not typical of all black people". So because they support Trump they are not to be listened to?
    • Live news feed cuts when the person they are interviewing starts to speak about things they don't want aired. CNN are masters at this as can be seen by their two leading agents Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon. A total of 11 times they had people on, twice it was their own reporter, and they cut them off as they were in the middle of talking negatively about Clinton. MSNBC have cut the mic feeds of people when they used fact to counter an emotive argument.
    • During the Ferguson riots most of the media chains described the looting, theft, vandalism, assaults as legitimate forms of protest. I mean, WTF?
    • They openly admitted to pushing the Clinton campaign/agenda. Chris Cuomo said in a live broadcast "we [the news staion] couldn't help her [Clinton] anymore than we have, she's just got a free ride so far, we're the biggest ones promoting her campaign".

    I could go on and on, but there is no point in trying to list everything.

    I want to re-iterate, this is a not a Clinton bashing exercise. She lost, he is President, there is nothing to be gained from prolonging that debate. This is a review of the media and what we are being told. When we read an article, watch a news report, hear something on the radio do we know which corporation owns the media outlet, what their agenda is and how much of what actually happened are we being told about and are we getting undiluted information.

    It's gotten so i trust no one. Hell even Snopes the so called fact checking website has been hit with scandal surrounding it's employees, their objectiveness, political affiliations and trustworthiness.
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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Plus1 Cass.
    FWIW, from own observation and having a US /Irish family, who voted non stop Democrat, up to about Bush Jnr.

    It seems to be an inbuilt Auerochs response in the Irish to associate "Democrats good, Republicans bad.."Vote and support Democrat no matter what". Even if Hillary was stalking around Ireland with a big sword and killing every Irish firstborn, and eating their liver in front of their families...:eek:

    Understandable maybe 150 years ago when the Democrats were looking out for Irish immigrants and workers rights, but since then they have morphed into this finger-wagging, nanny state, socialist gun banning[once a very pro-gun ownership party] spendthrift misery party.Where paradoxically the Republican party have become the Democrats in outlook in the 21st century.

    We seem to have this US Democrat obsession since we got the Kennedys into the White House and JFK came back for a cuppa in Wexford 50 odd years ago. [And let's not go there about the many skeletons in that particular families closet either.]
    You can even see it in when a Republican US president visits since Nixon there have been negative reactions and ****e stirrers with a few demos as well in the Irish media and politics.A Democrat lands here and ass and ground kissing galore ensues.

    It is so bad now that the Denis O Brien owned Irish Independent,[once a halfway decent paper, which is now rapidly becoming another red tabloid paper] Now features almost daily every little possible stinkbomb news tidbit on Trump.That not one other newspaper in the EU considers newsworthy "in the public interest" or because the great Dennis pumped five million into Hillary's election coffers and lost, and cant get over it and move on? [And don't mention Denis, Haiti the Clinton foundation, loadsamoney and [not]rebuilding said ****ehole after the last earthquake.:P]

    So it is quite easy to feed the Irish people some serious fake news alright,if no one will step outside their comfort zone and question what they are being told or just engage in groupthink.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭gunny123

    What helped swing it for Trump, was the way Billary simply stated "it was her turn" , meaning she was due her turn in the white house. Such breathtaking arrogance and sense of entitlement would sicken anyone.

    We cannot really talk either, seeing as it is only a week since we had the great and the good turn out for Peter Sutherland's funeral, a man who wanted to run europe, even though he was never elected to any public office, but appointed. Was the father of globalism, which he pushed here telling everyone it was great. Yes it is great if you are a billionare as you can make more money from cheap exploited labour, while the ordinary man feels the pinch.

    Its these people with the fake smiles telling lies, which has lead to the rise of the far right, and the far left. You only have to look at Germany since the last election to see the mess thats happened, the rise of a far right party for the first time in 70 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭yubabill1

    And the rot has spread to social media news platforms - perhaps Trump will be the last politician to bypass and subvert the opinion formers with his Tweets?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    gunny123 wrote:
    You only have to look at Germany since the last election to see the mess thats happened, the rise of a far right party for the first time in 70 years.
    Look at the recent French election. LePen came close, closer than most would have liked to see. Then look at Austria and the election of Sebastian Kurz. The Czech republic changing their constitution. In Scandinavia, the moderate left has taken a beating. Norway is ruled by conservatives and populists. Sweden by the centre-right. This trend goes from Portugal to Poland.
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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    yubabill1 wrote: »
    ............ perhaps Trump will be the last politician to bypass and subvert the opinion formers with his Tweets?
    Perhaps i'm taking this up wrong so apologies if i have, but what power/authority has he subverted?

    The press/news media?
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭yubabill1

    Cass wrote: »
    Perhaps i'm taking this up wrong so apologies if i have, but what power/authority has he subverted?

    The press/news media?

    Yes, exactly.

    The media have appointed themselves as opinion formers, rather than mere reporters.

    Now they are reduced to reporting trump Tweets.

    For how long, though, given the new shadow bans, etc.?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Manipulation of what we see of world events by the news media is not a new phenomenon. The only difference now compared to even 10 years ago is the methods available to everyone to release information. What i mean by that is normally you'd have to wait for the 1/6/9 O'Clock news to find out what happened. Nowadays with social media it's out there instantly as everyone with a mobile phone is a reporter.

    Now that has negative effects too whereby ordinary people are not competent/trained/qualified to interpret it and may put their own spin onto a situation which may be out of context or simply wrong. You know the old adage about a lie going around the world twice before the truth gets its trousers on.

    The press in their attempts to stay at pace with this have tried to convince us that they are the sole authority and to challenge them is to be wrong. However it goes further. They are not simply pushing an agenda they are fabricating events to suit their agenda meaning they are creating "news" to report on it.
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Cass wrote: »
    Look at the recent French election. LePen came close, closer than most would have liked to see. Then look at Austria and the election of Sebastian Kurz. The Czech republic changing their constitution. In Scandinavia, the moderate left has taken a beating. Norway is ruled by conservatives and populists. Sweden by the centre-right. This trend goes from Portugal to Poland.

    Call it the " Trump effect" or pendulum swing for convenience sake, there is a correct political, sociological term, when something happens that upsets the political /society norm like Trump getting in and things like Brexit happen.

    TBH ,hardly surprising, it was going to happen eventually when you try and force diverse societies and cultures who have hated each others guts and have intrigued,conquered and exploited each other for the last 1000years, more or less into a "one size fits all European" IKEA style Federal micromanaging superstate of the unelected by the people, issuing directives, that aren't even debated in the parliament, but decided in trilouges, aka smokey backrooms at 3AM,with no minutes taken or accountability and lots of table thumping...The recent firearms directive and the UK throwing its weight about being a good example of how EU decisions are arrived at. Not that the citizens need to worry about voting on these things, bar us Paddies, and we can be browbeaten into voting for the correct outcome if need be.:rolleyes:

    The Eu is now so far from what it was originally conceived to be as a trading block, it is terrifying...And worse is, our lot in the Dail keep tying us to it even more at every given opportunity...:mad:

    Then demand that we take on and in a few million predominately male refugees of a culture alien to us, whose religion considers us the enemy of their faith and repays cultures like Sweden that have never invaded anywhere in the Middle East, with rape and mayhem and murder and turning parts of their cities into absolute no-go areas..
    Something has got to give and the swing to the right is it.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    yubabill1 wrote: »
    Yes, exactly.

    The media have appointed themselves as opinion formers, rather than mere reporters.

    Now they are reduced to reporting trump Tweets.

    For how long, though, given the new shadow bans, etc.?

    Govts are finally wakening up to how powerful a weapon the internet has become for every man since the printing press and crossbow in medieval times started to break the Church's grip on knowledge and literacy and the crossbow started to break the mounted knight's supremacy on the battlefield.[No wonder Pope Innocent mk3 issued a bull against the Xbow being used against fellow Christians,not that that was very effective either.]
    Trouble is that genie is now well out of the bottle, and even controlling the surface internet, won't do it as more and more people will discover how to use the darknet for alternative news sources.

    Even younger people now consider Facebook an old folk home for the over 30s.So even if FB or Twitter was censored, it won't stop "fake news" or Govt control.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭yubabill1

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Govts are finally wakening up to how powerful a weapon the internet has become for every man since the printing press and crossbow in medieval times started to break the Church's grip on knowledge and literacy and the crossbow started to break the mounted knight's supremacy on the battlefield.[No wonder Pope Innocent mk3 issued a bull against the Xbow being used against fellow Christians,not that that was very effective either.]
    Trouble is that genie is now well out of the bottle, and even controlling the surface internet, won't do it as more and more people will discover how to use the darknet for alternative news sources.

    Even younger people now consider Facebook an old folk home for the over 30s.So even if FB or Twitter was censored, it won't stop "fake news" or Govt control.

    Logically, the printing press and crossbow would have had little (or less, at least) effect if the Church and society had been dealing fairly at the time.

    Now that recognition of press manipulation is mainstream and the pillars of the Irish state are in disarray (police, media, Tusla/some civil service depts., NGO's like Amnesty etc.) the government would do well to concentrate on serious reform (rather than 5M on spin doctors and socks) in the run-up to brexit.

    we are going to be crying into our beer in 2019/20. Farmers here are already feeling the impact of weaker demand due to Sterling decline. Any obstacles to trade will hit our UK exports. The EU wants to end our corporation tax harvest from multinationals, which will knock our FDI strategy (which has fuelled our economy for 40 years) and all we will have left is the cement mixer.....

    Unless the authorities respond to the moderates in the middle (i.e.; us - white middle aged men) things like Brexit etc are going to continue to eat the EU superstate project alive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Or worse could happen here.Especially here...Snip off the corporation tax.snip off-farm and trade with Brexit to the UK...Not everyone can be employed in the finance and computer world.Or with the cement mixing and bricklaying, Especially with the prices, some people were demanding in the Celtic Tiger era which they think they will get again.Where can you run to?The traditional sinks of places that took the Irish surplus population are getting harder to get into.

    Keep taxing and wasting our money or trousering it on absolutely ridiculous pensions and salaries for people in no way worth their money is just setting this place up for an "Arab Spring"

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Was reading an article about the spate of fake Gardaí pulling over cars and assaulting the drivers while trying to rob them or the car.

    In all articles they use the same quote:

    There is also a legal obligation on motorists to stop when indicated to do so by the Gardaí.

    Now if this is an official statement by An Gardaí i wonder did they read section 109 of the 1961 road traffic act?
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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    The new social welfare card. They claim it was not a national ID card yet people have had payments and services withheld for refusing to get one. They made it mandatory that you need it to get a driving license, a passport, and for a range of other services.

    Of course Regina, who is responsible for this and this, wouldn't answer questions on it and passed the buck.

    Now it seems all that information held is up for sale. He got 12 counts of 2 years to run concurrently with the last 12 months suspended. So 12 months and probably be out in 9 or less. For selling personal and data protected information.

    The offense is bad enough but it shows that your information is no secure regardless of the security in place on the actual system.
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Cass wrote: »
    The new social welfare card. They claim it was a national ID card yet people have had payments and services withheld for refusing to get one. They made it mandatory that you need it to get a driving license, a passport, and for a range of other services.

    Of course Regina, who is responsible for this and this, wouldn't answer questions on it and passed the buck.

    Now it seems all that information held is up for sale. He got 12 counts of 2 years to run concurrently with the last 12 months suspended. So 12 months and probably be out in 9 or less. For selling personal and data protected information.

    The offence is bad enough but it shows that your information is no secure regardless of the security in place on the actual system.

    As a former private eye, it beats me why PI's buy this info and use it in an official report when they know it is blatantly illegal, and will be challenged in court by any competent defence lawyer, on how and where any and all evidence was obtained.So it is good to see people like this go down and by rights, if this was the UK, both PIs would be doing some porridge as well,in around the 5year mark with their source, those kinds of idiots do the industry reputation great harm.

    OTOH , privacy and need to gain information for legal and justifiable reasons has become a very sharp double-edged sword.Insurance fraud,deadbeat dads and mums, creditors doing midnite flits, fake accidents are costing us millions in this state and we see it in our insurance premiums and taxes.So it is hardly surprising that some will use illegal methods to gain information.It is easier to trace someone in the USA than it is in Ireland.What is public information in the US is enormous compared to here.It is becoming a major dilemma,we insist on "privacy" yet we haemorrhage our own personal data voluntarily every day simply,because we do not question who is entitled to it.

    Same way in the US back in the 1930s the social security number became from what it was intended to be as a number for social welfare payments to a now key to your life and generalID in the US.ven libraries demand it for book rentals in some states!!.
    How to stop it here?DO NOT ACCEPT IT AS ID if you run a business,or club or offer it as ID. Do not hand it over willy-nilly to anyone in some offical dom, find out who is entitled to use it and no one else.Those that claim they have "a right"to it..Challange them under what act and what subsection??

    We really don't speak up enough for ourselves with authority figures here,and we need to learn that skill fast in this new society.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,210 ✭✭✭✭Nekarsulm

    In our local Credit Union yesterday, and they have a notice up advising that they will not accept the Public Services Card as valid ID.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    An awful lot of places don't accept it, and rightly so as it's not a national identity card. Without putting on a tinfoil hat, Grizz is right. The more departments and services that demand it the more info that is retained about you in the one place. One breach and everything you are is out there.

    In a world of social media and people incessantly documenting their lives via FB, Twitter, vblogs, etc. some might say that info is already out there, and to an extent i agree. However this is not your favorite restaurant, song, etc. this is social security numbers, driving license details, names, addresses, DoB, etc. Everything someone needs to invade/steal your life.
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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,210 ✭✭✭✭Nekarsulm

    Agree with everything youve stated, Cass.
    My wife was more or less forced to get the card or forgo the children's allowance, necessitating her to take a day off work and travel to West Cavan to get the official photo taken.

  • Registered Users Posts: 768 ✭✭✭Uinseann_16

    +1 agree with what you said Cass
    I was forced to get the social services card it for my provisional licence

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,351 ✭✭✭J.R.

    Cass wrote: »
    The new social welfare card. They claim it was not a national ID card yet people have had payments and services withheld for refusing to get one. They made it mandatory that you need it to get a driving license .
    +1 agree with what you said Cass
    I was forced to get the social services card it for my provisional licence

    I. thankfully, never experience those demands.

    I don't have a public service card - was never asked to get one.

    I had no problem renewing my driving licence. My daughter has a PS card but had no problem getting her first licence without having to show it. She showed a letter from revenue with address and PPSN number on it.

    They will accept a letter from revenue P.45...P.60... Certificate of Tax-free allowances etc. as PPSN number.

    THey have a list of what is accepted as photograph proof.

    Irish passport which cannot be expired by more than 12 months
    Irish driving licence or learner permit
    Current passport for all non-Irish citizens (valid for international use)
    Current national identity card for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens
    Irish Certificate of Naturalisation
    Current UK photo driving licence
    Current public services card (As this does not indicate date of birth an original birth cert will also be required)
    Current Irish travel document

    2nd last on the list is PS can be used but not mandatory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭ezra_

    I renewed my driving licence recently.

    Passport card was sufficient for proof of ID, my E11 health card was sufficient for PPSN. The PSC card never came up. Address wasn't an issue as it wasn't changing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 400 ✭✭Panjandrums

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Fortunately, at the moment all your other info is not cross-referencable with other govt depts or organisations.IOW the dept of social protection cant access your medical records, the revenue commissioners cant find out about your gun licenses and your doctor cant read your penalty points.THAT would be the most horrendous card ever to exist for mankind and be the card that if breached an utter calamity for anyone concerned.At the moment any dept that wants info on you has to still "ask" for it.However be assured that no doubt both here and in the EUSSR there is some faceless "beura rat" planning such a ball and chain for us all,and that, of course, it is available to some faceless minion from Ballincollig to Berlin ,that all our personal info and life is an open book to be pried into at a moments notice for any reason.

    As you might know, there is even talk of doing away completely with the Euro and going utterly cashless.Already next year the 500 euro note is going, and if that why not remove the greatest privacy barrier,cash as well?? So everyone in power can know how much that new rifle cost and how much ammo you bought of course.All of course to keep us safe from "criminals and terrorists!":rolleyes:

    Would someone please tell our elected,that 1984 and Brave New World were Satire,not feckin manuals on how to run a society?:mad:

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭gunny123

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »

    Would someone please tell our elected,that 1984 and Brave New World were Satire,not feckin manuals on how to run a society?:mad:

    Ever closer union, ever closer ties, until we disappear completely.

    Everyone scoffed at the brits when they refused to join the euro-dollar, but they did not lose control of their own currency as we did. And when they decided to pull the plug and leave completely, it gave the likes of schultz etc an open goal for the united states of europe.

    Thats fine if thats what people want, but i have rarely heard any of the politicians of any hue, here, questioning any of the dictats from the eu.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    J.R. wrote: »
    I don't have a public service card - was never asked to get one.
    Apparently they have more on order and everyone will have one.
    I had no problem renewing my driving licence. My daughter has a PS card but had no problem getting her first licence without having to show it. She showed a letter from revenue with address and PPSN number on it.
    As was said above it was meant for your first licenses and the proof your daughter handed in is the equivalent of the card.
    2nd last on the list is PS can be used but not mandatory.
    Give it time.
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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    gunny123 wrote: »
    .............. but i have rarely heard any of the politicians of any hue, here, questioning any of the dictats from the eu.
    Not a fecking chance. Talk back to our EU masters!!!!!!

    We lost our Sovereignty with the forced loan from the IMF, were forced to pay monies for the financial crisis many times over the amount other countries had to, pay back the bondholders under threat from the EU (Jean Claude Trichet), then get a pat on the head from our EU masters when our so called "leaders" go to Brussels for their belly rub.

    The corruption in our little country is rampant. From TDs and Ministers scamming expenses, double jobbing, involved in scandals yet holding their jobs, bankrupted yet holding their position, using the Gardaí as their personal enforcers, using the Gardaí as bailiffs, TDs lying about the banking crisis, TDs being paid off with cushy positions, driving the country and people into 10 years of some of the harshest austerity ever, sky rocketing homelessness, 250,000 children below the poverty line, loosing our Sovereignty, refusing to stand up for what is best for the country and its peoples over the EU, taking huge pensions from the moment they retire as opposed to the retirement age of 67, lavish pay rises, meaningless gestures spoken about in the Dail, ineffective legislation, then overly legislating every aspect of our lives. etc, etc.

    As i asked someone not so long ago, name one thing we get that is free in response to his claim we, as a people, are free. We're told what to do, what to eat, when, how to piss, what to think, what to say, etc. Its absurd.

    The views of the minority are held to a higher level than those of the majority for fear of being seeing as not "fair" or uncaring in the eyes of our masters. The same masters that have armed, 24hr guards and live in walled/gated communities/properties and never have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

    (mini rant over)
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