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Need advice on new provider

  • 13-05-2017 2:42pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10

    (My reasoning for placing this forum in here is to get fellow gamers advice)

    I am in a rural setting and I have no faith in eir coming to my area with fibre even know im close to town (they're bring it places further from town even a place with less people) anyways. I am with sky, who rent the line from eir I am using cable and **** speeds, imagine is in my area wireless and much faster but problem is capped internet, 20 gbs remember the guy a long time ago saying it was 20 gbs a day on data, thing is is game updates can cripple this.

    My speed currently 1.77 Mbps

    What are the pros and cons of using wireless like imagine?

    I am gaming on pc and sometimes console.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,440 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    I had Imagine back about 8 years ago for 2 years. I honestly found it fine, and that was WiMax, so not their LTE service. Yes, the 20GB limit is crippling for gamers, and i had this out with them as i'm in a similar situation to yourself.

    All depends on what you want for gaming. I had little to no issues playing CoD on PS4/Xbox 360, the odd issue due to the ping, but i was getting consistent ping rates of about 30ms. Twitch gaming will be slightly affected. So again, all depends on your needs for online gaming.

    Also, by law, you have a 14 day cooling off period where you can cancel without penalty, so if you're not sure, get it in and test the crap out of it, and if it's not good enough, cancel!

  • Administrators, Computer Games Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 32,625 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Mickeroo

    Imagine sounds like your best option for now really.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,153 ✭✭✭Grumpypants

    carlowdude wrote: »
    (My reasoning for placing this forum in here is to get fellow gamers advice)

    I am in a rural setting and I have no faith in eir coming to my area with fibre even know im close to town (they're bring it places further from town even a place with less people) anyways. I am with sky, who rent the line from eir I am using cable and **** speeds, imagine is in my area wireless and much faster but problem is capped internet, 20 gbs remember the guy a long time ago saying it was 20 gbs a day on data, thing is is game updates can cripple this.

    My speed currently 1.77 Mbps

    What are the pros and cons of using wireless like imagine?

    I am gaming on pc and sometimes console.

    Check this to see when Eir are bringing fibre to your town. If you are in town they are putting in FTTC, and if you are 2km outside the town they are putting FTTH on the yellow lines.

    I was with Vodafone who just rented the line off Eir, from Vodafone I was getting 1.2-2mbps. When I changed to Eir it went up to 3.5-4mbps. Might be worth considering if you get their broadband only bundle.

    Imagine is grand for gaming in terms of playing online, but the download limit is what catches you, however they don't charge you for going over they just slow your download until 12pm. It just means you could end up waiting 2-6 days to get your game downloaded.

    They also have a get out of contract charge of about 100 euro if Eir ever do show up with fibre.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭Icyseanfitz

    just be aware that if you do end up with eir they are utter ****e!!! my area was upgraded for ftth (was on their fibre before at 15mbs and still am) in march, ordered it day 1, still waiting on an installation. Their customer service is the worst i have ever dealt with tbh. Id go with any other provider if they could offer 100mbs vs eirs 1gig a second out of principal at this stage. But like you im crippled in that i am just far enough outside a main town (tralee) that i have no options but eir vs imagine.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,153 ✭✭✭Grumpypants

    My area went live on the 3rd May, installed first thing in the morning on the 4th. Download speeds of over 850mbps in the middle of nowhere.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭Icyseanfitz

    how the hell did you get them out within a day.... lucky fecker, you should be extremely grateful to have had that much of a hassle free experience. Go on over to the ask eir thread, hell even look at the majority of my posts :).
    i had an engineer come out 2 weeks after ordering, he looked at the house and how the underground line came came in and told me to go dig it up myself and hed be back the week after, course he never came back. my order went through eirs system as complete and here i am 2 months later!

    when i do get an engineer back im telling him to just put an overhead through the tree branches and il cut them back myself over the summer. i dont have time to go kangoing an entire duct out of the ground, id bet the house on the fact that he wont do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,624 ✭✭✭Little CuChulainn

    I was on Ripplecom wireless broadband before Eir made the phone line broadband capable last year. They had come around a few months before taking bookings so it was installed a few days after upgrade. I'd never go back to the wireless system. Contention issues and data limits were a pain.

    Only issue has been the router. On my third one now. They just randomly stop broadcasting on a channel and Eir just send a new one.
