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WW XII - Simpsons Mafia



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Barney92 wrote: »
    If it makes anything any better for you, I knew moe was dead already. It was really the only thing that made sense when you know the roles I do. Either mick was moe or someone who claimed is lying.

    You did? Can you explain these then?
    Barney92 wrote: »
    I agree, no Moe reveal would make it more likely for the evil teams to overlap again, or if they try to pick out moe more likely that they hit another evil.
    Barney92 wrote: »
    I agree that by coming out we'd almost have all the wolves. And I do think the Simpsons should come out tonight, although maybe not Bart given the Bob thing. If Bart was to out himself then it should be done at the last moment before the munch.

    However, there is a chance that if all three evils kill separate goodies, especially important ones like Bob getting Bart and Moe getting killed without Barney also going then we could be in a pickle, especially if Nelson is turned the next munch. By Moe not coming out, it leaves a bit of doubt that could be cleared tomorrow. Because even now, I think if all the roles were identified we wouldn't be guaranteed a win. Someone might want to check that though.
    Barney92 wrote: »
    Exactly, by coming out it's an easy double kill. By staying hidden it raises a chance for a good village outcome.

    Tbh it doesnt make sense as a wolf to come out as maggie, you'll prob be top of the munch list but if you do survive, you'll have to explain these and your latest post

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Keith there are plenty of examples of you posting during the day. Mostly cryptic or obscure stuff trying to set me up as a wolf and create your confusion as the deadline neared.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    gufc21 wrote: »
    You did? Can you explain these then?

    Tbh it doesnt make sense as a wolf to come out as maggie, you'll prob be top of the munch list but if you do survive, you'll have to explain these and your latest post

    Again im not saying ur not maggie barney, but you should prove it to qb at 9.59.59 if at all possible... hell earlier if you can

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    gufc21 wrote: »
    Again im not saying ur not maggie barney, but you should prove it to qb at 9.59.59 if at all possible... hell earlier if you can

    *earlier if qb asks

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    I realised later on during day, not at the very start. And I played along with the charade in the hope that the wolves would target you when you would've died already. That was foolish of course.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Also no moe reveal was something I wanted because it would leave a bit more doubt amongst the wolves about who was still alive or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Obviously when I realised what you were doing I knew there'd be no Moe reveal, didn't want to make that very public however.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Ah who am I kidding? I was convinced Mick was Maggie. Obviously not the case with what you've said gufc. It's just me and I feel like I'm losing it back in the back room (you'll find some ramblings in there all right). May as well try and maximise the chances of an evil victory (trying to be open in the spirit of Andy), since I'll be the next one on the chopping block. I'm going to munch qb tonight, it's already set in stone and I won't be up in time to switch. They're going to lynch me next turn, but if you go for someone else evil might be victorious in Springfield. Our main chance is with no overlapping of kills. One or two slips and we're done for I reckon. There aren't many places to hide. I realise I'm risking it by going for qb, but given that no one else came out I'm guessing at least one of Bart or Lisa is dead. And if I fail you can just kill Marge and then qb.

    I won't be up in time to see the munch, but I'll try to help identify some of the other roles post munch and give you my thoughts on who to munch next. I would say sorry for the people I've killed, but I don't feel sorry at all. Looking forward to being the one to boast about taking down Homer. Peace out folks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Everyone did.

    Well done to the real maggie, ignoring the cries for the bullets and waiting till the most confusing sob on boards came on line to camouflage behind :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Lord TSC wrote: »
    Dude, no means no. Don't be so pushy...

    It reads more like you're a wolf trying to figure out if he can lynch QB.


    This is why i was pushing him lord. I wanted him to commit to a yes or no on b+l before QB got involved.

    Just pointing it out cause i know i came across aggresive earlier.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    My money still says he's on team keith

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    gufc21 wrote: »
    My money still says he's on team keith

    Dont have the energy to back through his posts now.

    Built up his posts during the day to derail the reveal.

    His challenge was a mess up, he was going with avork until it was pointed out to him in the backroom the merry little dance i was bringing him on so he went into delay tactics and waving a magic box in front of everyone.

    Take barney tomorrow i guess, it gives ye time to figure the next move, but dont be surprised if the wolf kill dont reduce. Himself and sk were thick as thieves tonight

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Chagan and keith imo.. not sure of the rest but marry their reaction to tiggers reveal and tonights reveal and it might give a clue

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,058 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Also remember... while its unlikely, RTA should not be officially cleared. Especially if pter isnt bob. If he is fair enough but if not there's a good chabce its a ruse

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,404 ✭✭✭✭sKeith

    gufc21 wrote: »
    My money still says he's on team keith

    Awwwh man. Me and mick are #teamsky all the way. We on the same team. Go #teamsky.

    At least sign off with a, go #teamsky.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,404 ✭✭✭✭sKeith

    Oh.. Nearly fell back to sleep without invoking my immunity spell._... If I die.. JOYOP KILLED ME!!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,744 ✭✭✭raze_them_all_

    gufc21 wrote: »
    Also remember... while its unlikely, RTA should not be officially cleared. Especially if pter isnt bob. If he is fair enough but if not there's a good chabce its a ruse

    This. As I said yesterday in basically nrv now. If people need a safe lynch I can be hit. I still think there is a wolf in either digital solitude or jayop that would be better to after before me.

    But I would like to point out as well as yesterday I was one of the first to go after Andy for one of his posts. Serving up one baddie is pretty standard, serving up two would be pretty suicidal as if I got lucky and hit two from a different team I'd be taken out in revenge as I clearly noticed something. Serving two up from my own team would be a massive risk as if I got hit by serial killer, lynched or hit by another team I'd of wiped out my own team basically.

    TL:Dr healthy suspicion of me is good as I can't be fully cleared. But my contribution to the village can't be ignored, digital or jayop. One of these is a baddie hiding really well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    Barney92 wrote: »
    Ah who am I kidding? I was convinced Mick was Maggie. Obviously not the case with what you've said gufc. It's just me and I feel like I'm losing it back in the back room (you'll find some ramblings in there all right). May as well try and maximise the chances of an evil victory (trying to be open in the spirit of Andy), since I'll be the next one on the chopping block. I'm going to munch qb tonight, it's already set in stone and I won't be up in time to switch. They're going to lynch me next turn, but if you go for someone else evil might be victorious in Springfield. Our main chance is with no overlapping of kills. One or two slips and we're done for I reckon. There aren't many places to hide. I realise I'm risking it by going for qb, but given that no one else came out I'm guessing at least one of Bart or Lisa is dead. And if I fail you can just kill Marge and then qb.

    I won't be up in time to see the munch, but I'll try to help identify some of the other roles post munch and give you my thoughts on who to munch next. I would say sorry for the people I've killed, but I don't feel sorry at all. Looking forward to being the one to boast about taking down Homer. Peace out folks.

    This is unexpected. I was all set to wake up this morning and have a day of accusation and rebuttal from Barney...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    Of course now we need to figure how many lies hes telling here :pac;

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    This. As I said yesterday in basically nrv now. If people need a safe lynch I can be hit. I still think there is a wolf in either digital solitude or jayop that would be better to after before me.

    But I would like to point out as well as yesterday I was one of the first to go after Andy for one of his posts. Serving up one baddie is pretty standard, serving up two would be pretty suicidal as if I got lucky and hit two from a different team I'd be taken out in revenge as I clearly noticed something. Serving two up from my own team would be a massive risk as if I got hit by serial killer, lynched or hit by another team I'd of wiped out my own team basically.

    TL:Dr healthy suspicion of me is good as I can't be fully cleared. But my contribution to the village can't be ignored, digital or jayop. One of these is a baddie hiding really well.

    Agree that both of those need some scrutinty. Since we have our wolf for tonight lets spend some time there later...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    I KNEW IT, watery Barney, watery at best.

    I think he lied about being alone

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium


    Theres another wolf here for the lynch!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,744 ✭✭✭raze_them_all_

    tritium wrote: »
    Agree that both of those need some scrutinty. Since we have our wolf for tonight lets spend some time there later...

    I didn't even see Barney's confession post I was that wrecked from travelling, thanks for quoting it! At face value that means Barney's death wipes out a team, which means Barney's team has another member at least

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    I KNEW IT, watery Barney, watery at best.

    I think he lied about being alone

    Yeah more than likely

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    I didn't even see Barney's confession post I was that wrecked from travelling, thanks for quoting it! At face value that means Barney's death wipes out a team, which means Barney's team has another member at least

    Nah dotties right, its likely a lie. The fact he gave it up so quickly may mean the wolves on one team at least feel under pressure and dont want to risk defending each other much anymore though

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,744 ✭✭✭raze_them_all_

    I KNEW IT, watery Barney, watery at best.

    I think he lied about being alone

    I agree. If pter was Bob that means killing Barney reduced kills to one from tomorrow. No way a wolf would give up that info without covering for a buddy.almost like he is covering for his don

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    Hey barney, which wolf are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    tritium wrote: »
    Hey barney, which wolf are you?

    Sorry, once more, this time in character...

    Hey hey hey barney!!, which wolf are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    Heading for 3500 posts btw. Record well and truely smashed! Great job mods and everyone else.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    Anyhoo, still lots of work to do! Lets not have the midweek slump you hear about over in shelbyville
