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Finding Shotgun



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 15 July

    Long Run abandoned after 2 miles

    I was up for a pre 6am start. Milling out. Good to see some rain for the first time in nearly 2 months, the lawn needed it. However, I didn't really need it for 2hrs. A little reluctant to go out but put on a cap and got going. Noticed a niggle in my right hamstring straight away. Family BBQ up at my sisters in the mountains yesterday and probably just a bruise from messing about. Nope! By the end of mile 1 I was wondering if it would ever loosen out. By mile 2, I was hobbling. Figured I was better off getting home and getting it on ice. Pretty annoying but its not the marathon cycle at stake. Hopefully just a few days and some very easy running this week will set it right.

    46 miles for the week, felt good all week so crappy end to it
    On the scale at 80.2kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Week 11 (sub40 10k block week 2/13) objectives in the diary: #1 Hamstring recovery, then start running v easy. #2 A swim, a row and some Yoga

    Took today off bar 20mins of planks, lunges, squats and shoulder/arm kettle bells this morning. Was going to pull out the erg but giving it full 48hrs rest. Muscle rub, compress quads all day, antiinflammatories and generally avoiding the temptation to run a few steps just to test it. Its just a niggle but can easily become more if I push it too soon. Minor hamstring stuff responds better to a little blood flow than nothing. Negligible while walking. Only really felt it hopping up the stairs at creche collecting the kiddies. In the morning I'll do exercises to check it and if good a small jog around the block. Otherwise the rower.

    Figured I'd just aim for the sub40 10k(ideally closer to 39) in this block while keeping the long run easy with some stuff. I'll look for a race in Sept for a go and build up to it with a couple of 5ks. Oct/Nov then will shift more focus to the stuff in the LRs for a sub90 half marathon (Ideally comfortably sub90) at Waterford in Dec. That will finish the base block then, a few weeks of some MP tempo. A week off over Christmas and start the marathon cycle in the new year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 17 July

    Recovery Run 4.67 miles @10:13/mi
    So after 2 days of rest, ice and compression I did a 5 minute jog this morning followed by a few exercises, hops, lunges, jump squats and the hamstring felt ok. Felt it more on the jog than any of the exercises. Hopping up the stairs most pronounced. Anyway, dropped the kids off at crèche, parked up and walked 30 minutes into work. All good. Niggle there but ok.

    Headed out at lunchtime very easy with shortened stride for as long as was comfortable. Felt it straight away so slowed right down until it was comfortable. By the time I warmed up it actually felt a bit better. Felt no worse than the walk commute. Feels ready for some rolling, stretching and heat. I'll mix in some cross training to very easy running until it feels good. Happy to be running but will be very cautious about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 17 July Session 2

    Row Intervals & Yoga
    Since running intervals was not an option I did 10x 500m with 60sec recovery on the erg instead. With 2k easy either side for warm up and cool down. It's been ages since I've done any intensity on the erg and a couple of weeks since I sat on it. So, I broke the session into a set of 4 with a longer 2min rest and 2 sets of 3 reps. Hit 1:43.2 - 1:44.4 for all reps and a max hr of 176. Really tough session. Last 20 strokes of the last 3 reps were proper pain cave stuff. Had toons beating beside me but Rihanna came on for the last one.

    40mins Yoga afterwards. Put on the Gladiator soundtrack, meditated for 5 minutes to calm down and then stretched the body out. Good session overall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 18 July

    Recovery Run 4.28 miles @9:46/mi
    Out at lunch time again and best I could fit in before a post lunch meeting. Ran slow and short strides again. Did a couple of hills in this one to test that. Hamstring is recovering but still gently does it. Avg hr 118 is barely warming up. Still just happy to be running at all. Very muggy and still quite warm. Cut it very fine getting back, I was more worried about sprinting the last few hundred meters and hurting the hamstring than I was heading into the meeting in short shorts and a singlet! Thankfully had a few minutes to change quickly. Starving now...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 18 July Session 2

    Recovery Run 6.12 miles @9:48/mi
    Had a few reasons to do this
    1. Garmin software problems meaning I had to reset to default settings and do an activity to record something
    2. Got the kids down early and while Caz out for her run
    3. Walked home from work so had to collect the car
    4. It was a beautiful sunny evening in Limerick
    5. Just need to drop a half pound to get under 80kg in the next weigh in
    6. Cause I can!

    HR avg 119 max 130. Again barely warmed up but it was so slow it took me an hour to get to the car. Just kept hamstring at bay. Hopefully by the weekend I can attempt a few surges but not stressing it yet. Smelled BBQ in suburbia and pizza, chinese, Indian etc on the main road. My belly was positively growling at me for a finish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 19 July

    Another Recovery Run 8.45 mile @9:26/mi
    Followed by more stretching and even more minty muscle rub stuff
    HR 120avg 134max
    Pushed 2 miles to 9min pace but not really ready so back to plod for the rest. Noticeably cooler and breezy out so took ages to warm up at such low heart rate. Had more bad patches than good ones. Long draining day. I wasn't in the mood plus trying to get more protein and less simple sugars on lately while running everything in the fat burn zone, I was hangry. Found a more cost effective way to make recovery shakes so necked a pint of that in one go when I got home. A banana, spoon of hemp protein, spoon of raw cacao and milk into the nutribullet yum. Going to wean myself off the expensive High5 shakes and sugary Avanmore Chocolate "Protein" milk. The hamstring is taking its time but gotta be patient!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 22 July

    Medium Long Progression Run (Testing the hamstring)
    I missed the last 2 days. Friday an intended rest day but yesterday family stuff took over. Caz n the kids away for a few hours so could actually do this during the day which was a luxury.

    The plan was to start at 10:00 pace and drop 30secs every mile for the first 8 miles, then do some strides in mile 9 and finish easy. Ideally I should be at 6:30 pace by mile 8 and holding 6min pace for the strides. How far would my hamstring go?

    Planned Pace: 10:00, 9:30, 9:00, 8:30, 8:00, 7:30, 7:00, 6:30, strides, easy
    Actual Pace: 9:55, 9:16, 8:55, 8:32, 7:52, 7:24, 6:56, 6:33, 7:13(inc 5x 100str), 8:37, 8:36
    Overall 11.21 miles @8:11, heart rate 142avg 167max, 1hr31:42

    First 4 miles were grand and easy into town and hamstring good. Next 4 miles around the quays and the condell road was building up to a mile tempo. Could feel just a faint stiffness at mile 7 at 7 min pace but felt good on the tempo mile. It was pretty warm out and I was parched starting the strides. Just a hundred strides or about 130m with 30secs recovery. First 2 <6min pace, next 2<5:30 pace and last one <4:30 pace. Got through those OK. Bit of a hill on the next easy mile and the hamstring was a little stiff. Overall happy to get a 90min run done and very happy to get the whole planned progression done. Certainly not fully out of the woods but I can start training again, carefully!

    40mins stretchy yoga afterwards out on the decking in peace and quiet, again a luxury.
    34 miles for the week not too bad. Plus 2hrs of yoga and exercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 23 July

    Recovery Run 6.34 miles @8:43
    First up, this mornings weigh in: 79.7kg WOOHOO! :D There is a mark I haven't seen in years, since I was training for my first Ironman in fact. I did weigh myself yesterday but thought I may have lost too much on that run. So a pint of water first thing as usual and onto the scales in my jocks. Now to make sure next week is 79.X again!

    The hamstring was fine on the brisk walk commute this morning but only a run would check properly. A mile into the Peoples Park, then a mile meandering around it before 3 miles around the 3 bridges and the last mile up Hyde Road. Ran on pace to ensure to hold what will be my normal recovery pace.

    Heart rate 129avg and 142max - that's recovery zone.
    Overall the hamstring felt a little tight but better than last week. Not ready to push on the sessions and I need to keep up the exercises, stretches and muscle rub this week. Still, between the weigh in and this run, a much better start to the week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 24 July

    7.36 mile inc. Abandoned Intervals
    Straight out after work as the clouds broke for some glorious evening sunshine. 4 miles warm up, rather long but wanted to give the hamstring a chance to loosen up. It felt dull and sort of tight. Heavy compared to the other fresh hamstring. I did a couple of 20-40 stride surges to check. Hmmm..

    The plan was a small set of 400m intervals if I could. Got to the nice undulating track around the playground at Mungret and accelerated into the first rep. It rises so I was pumping the arms. Finished it and immediately felt my hamstring tighten. Jogged the minute recovery hoping it would loosen. Started the second rep but abandoned pretty quickly. Hobbling. Shuffled/walked home to get it on ice

    Very annoying but I have to give the recovery more consideration. It needs to be a 0/5 to push on, not a 1-2/5. No point complaining, back to rest, ice, antiinflammatories until I can slowly slowly slowly start again. :(

    I entered the Charleville Half Marathon today to round off this block with a sub90 attempt. 23rd September. Hopefully a few weeks of quality once the hamstring recovers. Sigh...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 25 July

    Ice Ice Baby...
    Iced it last night, at 5am and again at 8am. It hurt on the speed rep last night and the hobble home was dejection incarnated. However not sore this morning, just feels stiff. I had swim gear ready to go for after the 5am ice treatment but thankfully Zoe arrived down the stairs to build jigsaws and prevent my default A Type taking over. Swimming still uses the hamstring, unless I cut it out with a pull buoy between the thighs. A whole set of that.. ugh. Took on the jigsaw and relaxed breakfast instead, giving Caz a rare midweek lie in.

    Yesterday session was a mistake but a learning too. I started last week ok with a couple of days off, ice etc and a few days of very easy jogging. But by Sunday I wanted to test it. The test approach was maybe ok but the plan too hard. Tempo, speedy strides. Got through them but I'm sure the residual damage only came up Monday or yesterday. Monday was back to recovery but not super easy 10:00 pace but the normal recovery 8:43 pace. It felt sluggish but I did not take heed.

    There was still an opportunity. On the 4m warm up the hamstring just felt heavy. I was on 7:55 pace. Although easy, still pushed significantly on from Monday. I was certainly not fresh to try 400s and the first one was uphill. Speed and hills and the last thing to add to fully recovered hamstring and the warm up should have been completely fresh before even attempting. I knew on the first rep and starting the second rep was the foolish thing to do. I thought I had put myself back to square one 10 days ago or worse. Thankfully the easy walk into work this morning was ok. Still muggy enough to sweat with the bag on my back.

    So the recovery plan is primarily to feel it out. Take a similar approach to the start of last week but test it much more carefully. If its not good at 9 minute pace its not going to be good at 8. If its not good at 7 its certainly not going to be good on rep! This is why I took a longer approach to starting the plan. Get this nonsense out of the way. Maybe its a good thing to have to manage a niggle now so I don't freak out if I get one during the program.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Wednesday 25 July

    Ice Ice Baby...
    Iced it last night, at 5am and again at 8am. It hurt on the speed rep last night and the hobble home was dejection incarnated. However not sore this morning, just feels stiff. I had swim gear ready to go for after the 5am ice treatment but thankfully Zoe arrived down the stairs to build jigsaws and prevent my default A Type taking over. Swimming still uses the hamstring, unless I cut it out with a pull buoy between the thighs. A whole set of that.. ugh. Took on the jigsaw and relaxed breakfast instead, giving Caz a rare midweek lie in.

    Yesterday session was a mistake but a learning too. I started last week ok with a couple of days off, ice etc and a few days of very easy jogging. But by Sunday I wanted to test it. The test approach was maybe ok but the plan too hard. Tempo, speedy strides. Got through them but I'm sure the residual damage only came up Monday or yesterday. Monday was back to recovery but not super easy 10:00 pace but the normal recovery 8:43 pace. It felt sluggish but I did not take heed.

    There was still an opportunity. On the 4m warm up the hamstring just felt heavy. I was on 7:55 pace. Although easy, still pushed significantly on from Monday. I was certainly not fresh to try 400s and the first one was uphill. Speed and hills and the last thing to add to fully recovered hamstring and the warm up should have been completely fresh before even attempting. I knew on the first rep and starting the second rep was the foolish thing to do. I thought I had put myself back to square one 10 days ago or worse. Thankfully the easy walk into work this morning was ok. Still muggy enough to sweat with the bag on my back.

    So the recovery plan is primarily to feel it out. Take a similar approach to the start of last week but test it much more carefully. If its not good at 9 minute pace its not going to be good at 8. If its not good at 7 its certainly not going to be good on rep! This is why I took a longer approach to starting the plan. Get this nonsense out of the way. Maybe its a good thing to have to manage a niggle now so I don't freak out if I get one during the program.

    Are you wearing compression sleeve for it at night, found this a big help when I had a hamstring issue in the past.

    Before you try to push it can you not stretch test it after the warm up, and after each rep thereafter if necessary?


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Are you wearing compression sleeve for it at night, found this a big help when I had a hamstring issue in the past.

    Before you try to push it can you not stretch test it after the warm up, and after each rep thereafter if necessary?


    Thanks. I have compress sport quads.Meant to wear it in work today but forgot. Good tip, I'll put it on for the night.

    Definitely. The progression run last Sunday was an example of where I should have broken it into stages and tested with a stretch. By the time I hit the tempo mile and strides I was committed. Lesson learned. Cold therapy and compression today and tomorrow and if it doesn't start feeling better I'll book in to a physio. If it does, I'll start stretching and change to heat therapy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 26 July

    Plan: Ice, compression and walk commute
    Actual: Ice, compression and walk commute circa 40mins

    Day 2 of rest and the cold therapy. Walked casually into to work and briskly home. Hamstring a little stiff but not sore and full ROM there. On ice every 3 hours at home and compression in between. Tomorrow moving onto heat therapy and stretching. If I get out of bed early enough a swim, if not some S&C test exercises. If that goes well, I'll retain the S&C and hop on the rower. Gentle running when ready and stretching will become a permanent thing rather than the odd bit with some Yoga. What is more important than hitting milestones, is starting the program healthy. Happy running in the rain everyone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 27 July

    Plan: Swim or S&C
    Actual: Swim session 2,900m

    I was up at 5:30 to do some S&C exercises. However I'm always wary of doing them without a warm up. Usually I would run a couple of miles or row for 20 mins. On the way out to get the rower, Zoe arrived down the stairs all sleepy. That was that plan gone. After some cuddles and teddies she went back to bed and I skipped out for a swim before the house awoke.

    I got to UL and to my dismay the Pool looked closed, under refurbishment even. Back to reception to be told there is a 25m pool behind the main 50m (I never knew). I had a lane to myself for 10 minutes to warm up, then a guy I know hopped in. We agreed a set to do and worked together for a solid 2,400m as 3x (400m/2x200m) with 20 secs rest. Kept the effort at CSS (Critical Swim Speed)*. It was a very even pace 1:38-1:39/100m throughout apart from 2 small sprints to overtake another swimmer (you have to sprint to overtake in a 25m pool!)

    Overall, considering it was this day last month that I last swam, it was a very solid session. The hamstring was fine and even felt a bit better afterwards.

    *CSS is usually measured off a 400m & 200m Trial. I've done enough of those and swam enough CSS (Lactate Threshold) meters to know where I am. 1:37-1:40 pace is about right. CSS sets should feel easy to start but harder at the end without ever crossing into red. Rests are usually 20s or less to keep the effort honest. Not unlike Running LT sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 28 July

    Plan: 20min Row and S&C
    Actual: 30min Row, 35min S&C plus foam roller

    Hamstring felt fine on the erg so pushed on to a half hour with a build over the last 5mins to threshold. The S&C involved squats, lunges, plank, sit ups and hamstring curls including tougher one legged ones. Hamstring fine but niggle showed up on left quad FFS. It felt worse than the hamstring on the roller!

    Day 4 of no running now. Much better and maybe a small jog around the block tomorrow before some more S&C

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 29 July

    Plan: Short run to check hamstring, S&C
    Actual: 40mins Bike, 10mins Run @10:20

    A bit gung ho on the S&C yesterday so passed on that today as stairs were a challenge. The eldest got a new mountain bike so 10 miles around town with him. Then a short super easy trot around the block to test the hamstring. Despite everything being sore from yesterday, the hamstring felt fine. Looking forward to trying a couple of recovery miles tomorrow.

    Practically a week off. 2 runs, a bike, a row, a swim, S&C all short sessions totalling 4.5hrs. Weight 80.5kg. Knew it was too good to be true

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 30 July

    Plan: Recovery miles, one at a time
    Actual: Recovery Run 6.3 miles @8:56

    The FR645 wrist based HRM seems to shoot up and spike for several minutes at the start of a run then settle back to where it should be. Its my 5th Garmin and first wrist based HRM and I'm loving it. Just wondering if that is the norm? Other than that the constant Bluetooth connectivity loss is just a little annoying. So, day 6 after I pushed too hard too soon and a run! Last week I basically did this session 2 days after twigging the hamstring so a full 4 more days this time. I still started very tentatively and stopped to stretch after 15 minutes. It felt fine.

    The rest of the run was rather enjoyable constantly monitoring the hamstring and how it felt. As this week will all be easy running I think I'll explore new routes or loops for these short runs. Very happy to be running and the pace was not far off normal recovery pace. I didn't get lost in the early morning urban stretch as I was concentrating on one muscle on one leg a lot. This is the critical point though. As frustrating as it feels to be not running, how soon it can melt away with a good run. Being your typical A type, I have to be conscious that its not a flashing green light! Its an amber one.

    Interestingly I feel I need running now. Last week I almost felt back to last year, just doing some sort of short exercise whenever I felt like it and eating rubbish. 5 or six days between a run was the norm and often it was weeks. I find not only is the running helping to manage the weight but I'm generally biased to eating better and going to sleep earlier as a result too. 8 weeks to the Charleville Half Marathon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    With the caveat that I don't even heed my own advice, would you not be better off taking at least a full week off running to let the muscles heal?

    Since I've been reading you've broken down a couple of times, why not focus on stretching and strengthening for a week and get your aerobic buzz from something else.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


    Great news. I've caught up fully on your log.

    Would you not go and see a physio? Is the hamstring at you the whole time or just running?

    In relation to the wrist based HRM for accurate readings wear tight on wrist.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    With the caveat that I don't even heed my own advice, would you not be better off taking at least a full week off running to let the muscles heal?

    Since I've been reading you've broken down a couple of times, why not focus on stretching and strengthening for a week and get your aerobic buzz from something else.

    The break downs were the same thing. I just went back too fast and too hard initially. It was the bulk of the week (Tuesday to Monday) off but I hear what you are saying. I have swimming and rowing when I need the aerobic fix. I have no running intensity beyond recovery planned this week and Wednesday is a swim. Another very easy run tomorrow and its a slow lead in. I'll keep it easy for the whole week and run on feel.
    aquinn wrote: »

    Great news. I've caught up fully on your log.

    Would you not go and see a physio? Is the hamstring at you the whole time or just running?

    In relation to the wrist based HRM for accurate readings wear tight on wrist.

    Yay, thank you and welcome! I read yours too and you are doing so well to be back running the way you are after such a lay off. Congrats on the engagement too

    I have thought about seeing a physio, looked one up last week but between work and the kids have not scheduled a session. The hamstring today is perfect walking, some dynamic stretches this morning and didn't feel it on the lunges, curls or squats the other night. Its certainly running specific and this morning I didn't feel it on the run. I ran very easy and wouldn't say its fresh like my other hamstring but its much much better than it was on Wednesday last week. I'll roll it out later after some stretching. I will book a physio session anyway as there is another niggle that's been bothering my for months, not running related (forearm)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 02 August

    Plan: Easy Run 5-6m
    Actual: Easy Run 7.63 miles @8:01

    I took a different route and added on a loop of the quay in town as I was enjoying it. I took the last 2 days off to make it a full 7 days of no running. I did nothing bar a little yoga. Out at 5am this morning and I was already sweating within 10 minutes. It was grey and very humid. After a slow, sleepy first mile I settled comfortably at 8min pace. A little squeaky and creaky from not running ,much the last 2 weeks but good. I usually don't bother with the River Bank from my house for short runs as its 2 miles just to get there but for a change, this morning I did. If only for 1 mile up and down before adding on a loop of the quays watching the swans exploring an unusually low tide level. Nearly more ground than water.

    All was good until mile 7. I was running mainly up O'Connell Avenue which is a little drag and my hamstring just started to tighten up. It had been perfect for 50 minutes. Nothing like a couple of weeks ago but still the same hamstring. I have a Physio session booked for the morning finally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 03 August

    Plan: Steady Swim 4x (200m, 100m, 100m)
    Actual: Hard Swim 2x (150m, 150m, 100m, 100m, 50m, 50m)

    I set a goal to swim at least once a week this year to justify the gym membership and because I like swimming. I'm falling behind so back to minimum once a week. The UL Pool is still being refurbished so it was out to the 25m. There was John (a guy I know and swim with) and 2 triathletes working through a session when I hopped in so I changed my plan to their plan which was not radically different.

    As we were about to set off, along come M, a fish. The type who has a house full of swimming trophies, medals and awards. She is great craic though and happy to go with the flow. We figured she would lead us out but not murder us. All good then...

    Until another lad appeared, he is from out of town, knows M and changed it all unbeknown to himself. M basically said he swims 200m in 2 mins and he was going to murder her, in turn murdering us. 2 of the triathletes hopped out, opting for the lunacy of the public bathing lane over the pain. John and I stayed. He was at the end of his first set, just 100m and 1x50m to go. The fish were happy enough to do our workout as a warm up and lead off.

    1:22 for the 100m and 1:21 pace for the 2x 50s! The fish were chatting at the wall by the time we arrived. Their warm up pace was basically max effort for us. We continued for the next 2 sets at a "dialed back" 1:30-1:32 pace, still fast, and agreed it was a small achievement this morning not to be lapped by your man from out of town.

    Physio appointment in a while. Left Glute, Right Hammer and right forearm all to be checked. I turned 40 earlier this year.. is this life now?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 4 Saturday
    GWAN DA HOCKEY WIMMIN!! Fantastic stuff altogether. Nearly as exciting as Limerick last weekend.

    Plan: S&C
    Actual: S&C 45mins

    Saw the physio yesterday. No better way to remind you that the knee bone is connected to the... Leg bone. The leg bone is connected to the... hip bone etc..
    Basically the hamstrings are boards and overloaded because my ass is not working hard enough because the glutes (left especially) are not strong enough.
    I had to do slow single leg ups off a 17inch chair. Managed a paltry 6reps on the left flute and 10 on the right. My hamstring flexibility was shocking. Holding a pole to my back to keep my head and tailbone aligned my hip angle was 71 degrees.

    The plan is basically easy running until my hip angle is 80+ degrees and I can do 15reps off the chair on both left and right flutes.

    This evening
    3x 20 squats
    7x 3 single leg ups
    8L 12R on the last set to fail
    3x 10 hip thrusters
    4x 8 single leg bridge with hold
    4x 8 hip thrusters on one leg
    4x 10 lunges
    2x 15 sit ups
    2x 5 hip hinges with kettlebell
    2x 5 hip hinges with hold

    The S&C is strictly focused on hamstrings, flutes and core and must be done daily. My hamstring was on fire afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Managed a paltry 6reps on the left flute and 10 on the right.

    Having a left and right flute can’t be helping the hammers either!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Feicin predictive text! Lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 5 August

    Plan: Recovery Run 4m
    Actual: Hobbled 3.26 miles @10:54

    The physio did say easy running but as long as the hamstring was OK. Both left quad and right hamstring sore to start. I jogged at barely faster than walking pace to see if it was just extra DOMs on niggles. It hadn't shaken off by a mile so I turned home. By the time I reached my gate it sort felt not as tight. I decided to do a very short local loop but on the short flyover hill the hamstring tightened up. Walked home to get it on ice. Hope it is just DOMs in top of already tight muscles.

    Feic the woes. Time to roar on this Irish Hockey team!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 5 August cont..

    Plan: Row, S&C
    Actual: Row 30mins Steady State, 36mins S&C

    Good erg session at steady state , pace 1:55.8/500m. Steady State is between aerobic and anaerobic threshold. Tough but mostly aerobic. Followed up with the specific physio plan S&C. Left quad niggle made the single leg ups hurt. My hip hinges (holding a pole to my back keeping head and tailbone aligned) felt OK enough to push the hamstrings. The hamstring niggle is really run specific because I can get through everything else fine

    Week Summary
    Run 3x and 17.22 miles in 2hrs33
    S&C 2x and 1hr21
    Swim 1x and 1,600m in 0hr33
    Yoga 1x and 0hr48
    Row 1x and 7,777m in 0hr30
    Total 5hrs45

    Really hope to get back easy running next week and get close to my goals for the next physio session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 6 August

    Plan: Recovery Run 3-4m + S&C
    Actual: 29min S&C + Recovery Run 4.62 miles @10:25

    S&C progressing. Should hit the milestones with the Physio on Friday. Left quad is sore though. Hip hinges were good on the hamstring but out on the run both the quad and hammer were not good. I was "running" so slow I barely got warm as a chilly evening darkened. The hammer was a little tight but OK. The quad however just felt like a constant cramp. If it feels like this again tomorrow I won't run. Very frustrating.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 7 August

    Plan: Rest Day
    Actual: Rest Day

    Quad and hammer at me just walking into work. Felt miserable until a colleague in work told me his physio said he can't run anymore. That put things in perspective. Compress quads on for the evening and 8 glorious hours sleep.

    Wednesday 8 August

    Plan: Recovery 3-4m + S&C
    Actual: Recovery Run 4.62 miles @9:44 + 35min S&C

    Same route as Monday and precisely the same distance! Lovely cool calm evening. Low tide and lots of tourists wandering around the quay taking pics and obstructing the path. The late evening cast some great colours and shades across the river and the ancient castle walls. The quad felt a good deal better and the hamstring felt marginally better running downtown and around the bridges. I nearly enjoyed it. The run was the same but 3mins faster overall. I noticed that my hammer started to tighten running back up town on a long gradual incline. I specifically noticed that the higher I drove my knee the worse it felt. Eased slightly on the flatter half mile home.

    The S&C afterwards was mainly the physio routine. Hitting 15x single leg ups on the left and right glute and I think the hip hinge is at least 80 degrees but I'll see for sure at the Physio Friday.

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