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Finding Shotgun



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 18 May Session 2

    2 hours on the turbo spinning the legs. 52km
    Work fund raising thing where we had a bunch of turbos lined up keeping them going all day. 30 minute slots and I was nominated to cover 4 of them. Hadn't sat on a bike since July last year so while the legs were ok, my ass was not. The objective was just to keep the pedals spinning but I used it to spin out the legs with a long(er) run planned for the morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 19 May

    Medium Long Run 18.01km in 1:31:30 pace 5:05
    Cracking morning for a run. Was out first thing as I had to be done by 8:30am. Caz was heading away so it was my only opportunity. No window tomorrow. I hit the snooze at 6 but dragged myself out of the bed. I originally intended to get up earlier to eat something but 90 minutes unfueled is ok. Once I get up to 2hrs its a decision. I continued to drag my legs wearily around town for the first 30mins until I had to make an emergency stop in a ditch on a laneway by the riverbank. I thought I was all alone but a cyclist passed. Morto! I felt better afterwards and the next hour was good keeping the heart rate in base zone.

    Last week was 16km of the same route at similar pace with hr avg 153 max 169. This morning it was avg 144 max 155 and I managed to run very slowly over the last flyover without crossing the cap. Much better control and discipline. Progress, if only a tiny bit. Progress is still progress!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 20 May

    Yoga 40 mins. Fewer moves holding each longer.
    With the weekly objectives done a day early I was going to take the day completely off. But no harm in a bit of yoga. I found that swimming and yoga\pilates complimented running last time.

    Overall happy with the week
    4x runs 51.72km 4hrs18
    2x swims 4.1km 1hr26
    1x bike 52km 2hrs
    1x row 9.9km 0hrs40
    1x yoga 0hrs40
    Overall 9hrs04 and weight check good. Down to 82.7kg

    Objective for next week is 55km running. On the drugs for vertigo at the moment and hopefully that doesn't get worse. Basically I'm going to gradually build running volume for 6 weeks then take a handy week before settling into a 3 week on 1 week off pattern. Off would generally mean less intensity and 20% drop in volume.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 21 May

    Start of a new week. Good start the last 2 weeks, need to keep it going. Objectives in the diary are 55km (34m) and more yoga. Also since I'm back to this forum I'll make an effort to quote km and miles for runs. Just in case the log is followed by any of you imperial (dark side) runners!

    I had a window to run today but it was not the plan to run and I'm not yet in the place where I can pop in extra short aerobic runs. I want to get the 55km (34m) from 4x runs. So tonight was a row. Aerobic cardiac drift at steady sub3 pace to 156hr. 12,123m in 50:20. A full 2km and 9mins further than this session last week. Down to the long run on Saturday instead of yesterday. Felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 22 May

    Wow what a gorgeous day for a run. Warm and Sunny, plenty of shade and a cool breeze. Just about perfect. Eating lunch and necking a spinach and apple shake at my desk because I squeezed 52 minutes of a run out of a lunch break. 10.29km at 5:04 pace (6.4m at 8:09 pace). I was keeping the heart rate under control until the hills in the last 2km. Slowed way down but it still crept above the cap. Really enjoyable run through the park, around the Island and the quays. I'd happily have gone back out and done it again

    I went back over my 2011/2012 the last 2 nights to write down some of the key sessions leading up to my half marathon pb. I also noticed I was getting 1 quality club interval session per week back then too. I emailed my old club about the session times but 6 and 7pm starts just don't work for me at the moment. Hopefully I can interest a potential run buddy to do some with me in the next block. For reference the key sessions I picked out were all around 30 mins of work at 5-10k pace within 8-10 miles running (10x 800m, 6x 5mins, 5x 6mins, 3x 10mins). I'm a million miles away from those at the moment but know what I need to work towards.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    3x10min is one of my favorite workouts I used to get off my Coach, great for bringing fitness on. I done it at Tempo pace more so than 10k pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 610 ✭✭✭kerrylad1

    Well man,are you going to do a warm up Marathon this year,or going to just focus,on the sub 3 in Limerick 2019?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    kerrylad1 wrote: »
    Well man,are you going to do a warm up Marathon this year,or going to just focus,on the sub 3 in Limerick 2019?

    I've done "warm up" marathons before... never good

    The last Marathon I did was at the end of Challenge Galway in 2016 4:19, an event I did on a whim and suffered through but strangely enjoyed 4 trips out and back the Galway promenade.

    Before that it was DCM 2013 which I completely smashed with a 2:59:61.. not!

    The thing about a warm up marathon is that I'll finish it with some time that isn't a sub3 and it won't do a thing for the mojo. I know I can finish marathons. I have 5xDCM (2 as pacer), 2x Connemara, Berlin and 3x off a swim/bike in Ironmans plus a 3:15 training marathon on my own before work one day (another stupid mistake)

    So, the next marathon is Limerick 2019. I moved the log over here to give me focus. No more giddy stuff.
    Block 1 - May-June - just get fit to train
    Block 2 - July-Sept - build base, enjoy running again, do some park runs or 10ks plus some swims. Get into a rhythm and get to know my body with different running, hills, tempo, intervals, long, strides etc.. and how I recover from training and racing.
    Block 3 - Winter Oct - Jan - Marathon plan foundation and conditioning. Hit the milestones, finish the block in the marathon plan routine and fresh and ready for the marathon plan
    Block 4 - Jan - 18 week marathon plan broken into cycles with 10k and half marathon tune ups
    Last bit - Plan and execute a sub 3 at Limerick

    I promised myself that the next marathon I do was going to be a proper sub3 attempt.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 610 ✭✭✭kerrylad1

    That dcm report is gas.That is some serious cv you have there.Best of luck with the training.When I start training for Limerick, I will give you a shout,see can we get a few sub 3 lads to do them long boring runs together.I met up some Saturday mornings with a few that post on boards,in training for Manchester this year.The company was a big help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 23 May

    Swim session 2,450m. I was wrecked yesterday and it bed before the 9 o clock news. Slept 9 glorious hours and woke up fresh. I nearly didn't make the swim as Zoe (my 3yo) got up and came down the stairs to help me prepare breakfast for the other sleeping beauties plus a super green smoothie for Daddy: Spinach, green apple, kiwi, hemp protein, powdered algea and apple juice. She wanted me to stay and have breakfast with her but I heard Caz getting up just in time so a kiss and a hug and I bolted.

    The swim was mainly 4x200m, 4x75m, 4x100m. I lead my lane and held about 1:32-1:34 pace which is good enough to lose the group a little but not quick enough to join the Shark lane

    Cheers kerrylad1- long run misery loves company. I'll rally up a group for Limerick after Christmas

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 23 May Session 2

    Aerobic run 13.12km @5:38 pace (8.21mi @8:58mi) hr 160 max
    Work run group. Hopped out and did 3km on my own before meeting the group. Slow steady trot around town. Through the park, the Island and the quays. I stubbed my right big toe on a curb on O Callaghan strand avoiding pedestrians but luckily a perfect forward Judo roll on my left shoulder and I was straight back up hardly missing a stride. Warm out so it was sweaty and plodding. Enjoyable to have company for the majority of the 1hr13:51 we were running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 24 May

    Interval Run 15.98km (9.9mi) in 1:17:55 including 5x 800m reps at Z4 with 2 minutes active recovery
    1: 3:15 - pace 4:04km or 6:32mi
    2: 3:09 - pace 3:56km or 6:20mi
    3: 3:05 - pace 3:51km or 6:12mi
    4: 3:17 - pace 4:06km or 6:36mi
    5: 3:14 - pace 4:02km or 6:30mi

    I had a long window between meetings so though I'd try and get the interval session done. The warm up to the Raheen Industrial Estate was 30 mins longer than anticipated so I already knew the run would be longer than the planned 13km. The intervals were tough. It was warm and I was thirsty. By the 3rd rep I was pushing into the red zone too early and had to dial it back. It is flat in the Estate but it was still a grind.

    By the time I get to the marathon plan I need to able to do 10x of these comfortably in Z4 at consistent half marathon pace, and on Tuesdays rather than Thursday. The jog back to work on a shorter route was a slog. I was wrecked and very thirsty. At least its done now. The body will eventually adapt to this sort of stuff again. Whether I can hit the same paces as 2011/2012 remains to be seen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 25 May

    Swim Session 2,300m. I was late for the warm up drills (had to play dolls with Zoe from 6:15-6:30 then help her get breakfast ready from 6:30-6:50) so just 200m to warm up then hopped into the back of the fast lane for a main set of
    6x 50m in on 43, 45, 44, 47, 46, 47 (pace 1:28-1:34 per 100m)
    6x 100m in on 1:32, 1:35, 1:36, 1:33, 1:34, 1:35

    Then I lead out
    6x 50m in on 42, 44, 44, 43, 43, 44 (pace 1:25-1:29 per 100m)
    6x 150m in on 2:13, 2:20, 2:21, 2:21, 2:21, 2:21 (pace 1:29-1:34 per 100m)

    I felt good in the group. The real swimmers were absent so it was just the fast triathletes. I managed to keep the pace up leading the 50s and had to work hard but kept the 150s consistent. The first 150m was after a 2 minute break so a bit too hard. Good tough swim and I didn't lose too much form. I normally wouldn't bother with trying to hang onto the fast lane. You need to cruise at 1:30 pace and that is 3-4 swims a week for me. Not going to happen. Happy enough with what I'm getting out of 1-2 swims per week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 27 May

    Long Run 22.04km at 5:05 pace (13.7m at 8:10mi)
    This will probably be a medium long run by the time I get to the program but 1hr52mins of running is a long run for me. Where does a medium long run end and a long run start anyway?

    It was aerobic and capped and a challenge as I chose a hilly route featuring an 11km loop around Patrickswell and Crecora. Hill after hill trying to keep the heart rate under 155 on a grey muggy heavy day. It was 2km longer than originally planned (and my longest run in years) as I opted for a country loop instead of 2 laps around suburbia. The first 10km felt good, the final 4km not as good. No problems to report though, happy with this.

    I took yesterday off as I had 14 straight days with something done and the next 3 weeks will build the volume to 80km a week and bring in conditioning. Halfway through the "get fit to train" block and am starting to look forward to my next run...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Week 4 of 52 Summary

    Run (4x) 61.46km (38.17mi) in 5hrs 46
    Swim (2x) 4,750m in 1hr 29
    Row (1x) 12,123m in 0hr 50
    Total 8hrs 05

    Run objectives hit.
    No yoga

    Next week objectives
    66km running inc aerobic benchmark test and tempo instead of intervals
    Focus on run cadence. Currently plodding at 163-164, push to 170+

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 28 May

    30 mins very easy on the rower this morning. 7,030m with an average hr in Z1 zone (recovery). For an easy half hour though I sweated a lot. I had intended to do some yoga/stretching but Zoe arrived down 20 mins into it and made me promise to make her pink porridge after I finished (Oats soaked overnight then slowly heated up with gently squashed fresh blackberries stirred in).

    Weigh in this week was 81.8kg. Progress!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 28 May Session 2

    43 minutes of stretchy Yoga. Did plenty of Yoga and Pilates back when I was running.
    It was easy as my mum was a teacher. She has since retired, 2 kids and probably my body weight in sugar later and the body feels like a wooden plank with some small cushions attached. No time for classes these days. I tried the Daily Yoga app but after some sleep breathy hatha programs you pay for anything else. These days its either a few rotations of sun salutations myself or some of YouTube's Yoga with Adrienne. Whatever way I do it, it feels like an even more compulsory part of the program/life than it did years ago...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 29 May

    Medium Long Run 1hr22min 16.71km at 4:56 pace (10.4m @7:56/mi)

    Zoe woke up early again (damn creaky stairs) and sat down beside me as I laced up my shoes. At least she understood I was going for a run (A sign that I'm becoming consistent!) but she was concerned that it was sunny and I would get sweaty and salty so she went to the fridge to get me a cup of water. I obviously then felt guilty locking the front door with her little face pressed against the window. She was happy though so likelihood that she would play or get the bowls out before waking Caz or her brother.

    The first mile or so felt horrible. My legs were asleep and my lungs took some time to adapt. Once I got into town I was fine. I passed a few other dawn runners and it was like I was part a of secret team combing the streets. The river was like glass. I fantasized about hopping up on the wall and diving in. In reality the water is Baltic and the swans would attack me for disturbing their sleep. Once I rounded the Island to King Johns Castle I started to get my first visualization of the Marathon next year. As I passed Thomond Park I visualized myself 22 miles in, on this drag, clipping along at target pace feeling strong and motivated to push for home. The hill was over in an instant and I was alone on the long Condell road back to town. I had to emm stop in the bushes again which is a problem solved by getting up 30 minutes before I run. I passed my door on 14.5km but 16 was the goal so I went around the block again.

    It was easily the most enjoyable run I've had since starting back. Warm dawn sun but lots of shade. Calm air, calm river, nobody rushing to work yet. The nod or smile from fellow runners. But mostly the legs just happy to be running. Caz was up and Zoe had eaten her breakfast before I got back but was still happy (You never know with a 3yr old). She gives me hugs even when I'm sweaty and handed me another plastic cup of water.

    Also, my first Medium Long Run in week 1 was also 16km on a similar route but this morning's pace was a few seconds quicker and the heart rate a few beats lower. Progress!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    you haven't run in a while....the marathon doesn't go by thomond any more :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    mossym wrote: »
    you haven't run in a while....the marathon doesn't go by thomond any more :)

    Ah feic! Ah well it got me over the hill this morning. Easier to zone out than zone in. I suppose I should check out the route (and if it changes much YTY)! Nice to see you over these parts mossym

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 30 May

    Swim session 2,200m. The main set was 5x 200m/3x50m with generous rest times. It was a bit of a mess. We all had to bunch together to free up lanes for another club and thus the lanes got busy. It also happened after we started so all of a sudden the lane filled up and the order went out the window. I just swam in the middle of the group until I got annoyed with the soles of my feet being exfoliated and moved up. The last bit on the board was 10x50m with 30 sec rest. Feic that! I did a steady 400m in 6:27, keeping ahead of the group and hopped out. It was hard to get a rhythm going this morning so a frustrating kind of swim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 30 May Session 2

    Run 15.3km (9.5m) in 1:13:18 pace 4:47 (7:42mi)
    Usually a very easy trot with the work group but nobody around today. Set out on feel just trying to keep cadence up. The pace aerobic but not easy. I pushed up hills instead of slowing down to base. First 8-9k OK but then started to fade. The last 4k was a struggle. I felt overheated, thirsty and tired. Basically I didn't eat enough today or drink enough water. The pace, hills and heat beat me. Lesson learned to fuel up and hydrate on double days. Maybe 4hrs sleep last night didn't help too. I necked a shake when I got home but then it was bath and bedtime with the kids and another hour before I ate. I was ravenous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 31 May

    Tempo Run
    I have a thing this evening so no window to get out for a run. I wanted to reach the volume with 4x runs this week but have to split this one. I decided to get the tempo bit out of the way so tomorrow is short an very easy. The long run is priority this weekend. No need for a long warm up out there. Its so muggy I was sweating just pulling on my shoes!

    Overall 7.42km (4.6m) at 4:31 pace (7:16mi) with 4km of it at 4:09 pace (6:41mi). Incidentally that is target marathon pace. Just 38 more km to add on to it. In truth it was anything from realistic MP. I struggled. Probably because the pace was quicker than my recent 5k. The heart rate was in the LT zone rather than MP zone. It was a rubbish tempo and told me nothing other than I'm not yet fit to train. I was burning up after it and needed a cold shower to cool down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 1 June

    General Aerobic Run 8.55km (5.3m) in 42:51 pace 5:01 (8:04mi)
    Pretty much the same route as yesterday will a small detour through one of the more ahem, colourful parts of limerick, at the end. I replaced the battery on my Garmin strap so I had Heart Rate to control the effort. That I did. Of course I didn't have the Tempo or the direct sunlight from yesterday. It was still warm and muggy and apparently we have thunder storms en route. I felt good about getting this done earlier today.

    The key thing besides building volume I am focused on is building cadence. I general plod at 156-160 but the tempo yesterday averaged at 166. Today was a balance to keep the effort aerobic while pushing the cadence a little. Usually a slower pace drops me back and I remember it was practicing cadence on slower runs years ago that really help keep me fresh on Marathon day and helped my break the stride to smaller steps but not lose pace on hills. I managed 167 on today's run but it took concentration, and will until it feels natural.

    Another benefit for me on better cadence is that at lower cadence I tend to drop my hip which leads to hip flexor injuries. A fresher cadence engages my glutes and core more. I feel like I run straighter

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    So this is where you have disappeared to. Great consistency of late, well done Mike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 2 June

    Yoga with Adrienne. 58 mins. Body needed it. Needs more. Long run in the morning. Need to get up and get out to keep up the momentum. Diet has been decent this week apart from 2x trips to the cinema and with all this running in warm muggy conditions, I'm expecting the weigh in to be positive too
    So this is where you have disappeared to. Great consistency of late, well done Mike.

    Thanks Fran. Cheers for stopping by!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 3 June and weekly review (week 4 of 52... )

    Long Run 25.03km (15.6m) in 2:03:52 pace 4:57/km (7:57/mi)

    Was tossing and turning from 3-4 so just got up, had coffee, did some chores and hit the road for 5:15. It was a gorgeous sunny chilly morning. This was a milestone for me. A 2hr run. For my half marathon pb I had 10x runs of 1:45-2:00 in the bank ranging from 22-25km. For my Marathon pb I had 6x LRs of 2:00-2:20 ranging from 25-29km and 14x MLRs of 1:30-1:55 ranging from 18-23km. So now my LR is in that range. I have to build fitness to reduce the aerobic effort and develop the MP tempo. The next milestone is running 10km at MP under 160hr. That's a long way off

    I took in the first half of the GLR route and it was nice to run on the other side of town for a change. While the Plassey side of the route is nice they really could plan a better sight of town landmarks without interrupting the current route too much. The promenade, King Johns castle and treaty stone instead etc.. I felt great out to Vistakon and wildlife viewed on route
    1. Hundreds of pigeons in a straight line along a crack in the middle of Hyde road
    2. A stray young foal frightened at Rhebogue
    3. Bold hares staring at me at the Plassey roundabout
    4. 2 rabbits scurrying across the road

    I kept a steady pace and managed a 166, cadence throughout which I'm pleased about. I did have to work a little after 90mins but finished feeling good. Not too hungry and legs OK. I was back just in time for breakfast with the kids too.

    Weekly numbers and notes
    Run 5x 73.01km and 5hrs56
    Yoga 2x and 1hr40
    Swim 1x 2,200m and 42mins
    Row 1x 7,030m and 30mins
    Total 8hrs49

    Hit the run volume goal and a 2hr run
    A little more yoga but need to incorporate moire and some S&C
    I need to stretch after runs
    Even though I got up 30+ mins before the LR and drank coffee, I still need a bush at 80 mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunny Bank Holiday Monday 4 June

    Aerobic Z2 Row & Recovery check
    I set the session for 21,097m or half marathon and a 90min pace boat. The idea is keep up with the pace boat for as long as I can until the cardiac drift hits the Z2 cap. I stop on the first stroke after the hr touches 156. I know my body well on the erg and can hold a rock steady rate and pace. The session tells me what I should know about my condition and aerobic recovery from last weeks load ending with the Long Run.
    Ideally hitting the half marathon says I'm fit and fully fresh for the current week
    The norm is 40-50mins or 10-12km, an hour is good and 70+mins very good
    <40mins is not good and I'm still feeling the long run or something else
    <30mins and I'm pretty fatigued, Ill or injured and not ready for the plan

    So its a decent barometer. This evening was 69mins and 16,624m. Surprised by that considering the long run yesterday. Despite a strain on my right forearm (that I've had for 2 month, hard to recover when you are constantly picking up tiny kids) the body feels good and ready for running again this week. The objective is 75km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 5 June

    Yoga & Run
    I slept through the run alarm but still got up early enough to consider a shorter one. I elected to do some Yoga with Adrienne instead. 45 min of good glute, hamstring and hip stretching. Zoe arrived downstairs midway through and joined me only to give up and give out that she doesn't have her own mat (she used to use the play mats but now wants a real yoga mat). I'll give her mine and do yoga on the floor until I get her one as I don't want to put her off, I enjoy her company too much.

    The run was general aerobic at lunchtime so just half of what I wanted to do today. I may get another short one later. 8.74km (5.43m) in 42:47, pace 4:54/km (7:53/mi). Warm, calm and very muggy out. A loop into town and around the river. I felt I was working a little harder than my heart rate let on but that was the heat. My right hamstring was tight starting and although it loosened a bit by the end I need to stretch it out and mind it this week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 5 June Session 2

    Aerobic Run 42:26 8.56km (5.32m) at 4:57 pace (7:58/mi)
    Cooler but still humid. The sun was a red ball disappearing behind thick grey clouds. I wouldn't have minded some rain. A loop of the local Raheen route. No hrm so I ran on feel holding back just a little. The plan today was 16km. It took 2 runs but its done. 20mins stretching and some planks after some food.

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