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Love Island 2017



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,264 ✭✭✭✭Alicat

    Christ, I despise Olivia!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭kopite386

    Well well I have to say in regards to the two new boys arriving
    I am really happy that Sam & Mike went back in, only because of mike though I can't wait for Olivia and Chris to interact with him, also he's looking well with the stubble I agree with Amber he looks better this time around

  • Registered Users Posts: 561 ✭✭✭HiGlo

    I think I actually feel kinda sorry for her. She's a head wrecker for sure, but I think she's got this inate self destruct mode that she doesn't even know about.... She genuinely single handedly ruined the good thing she had with Chris. It's exactly like Jamie says, she's got such a wall up, such a defensive front that people can't see what is really behind it. I think her behaviour is so ingrained in her that she hasn't a clue that she's doing it.

    she realised that she'd made a big mistake snapping and breaking up with Chris so she hoped that she could talk to him and they'd work it out. When he said that he didn't think they could work, instead of explaining how she felt and telling him that she realised what was going on for her (after her convo with Jamie) she just launched an attack at him.... Screaming and shouting....
    I presume she'll pursue Mike now out of spite and to make Chris want her back....
    I feel so sorry for Chris, he hasn't a clue what's going on in her head.

    She is DEF her own worst enemy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,300 ✭✭✭✭razorblunt

    Nah, Olivia knows what she's doing, anyone THAT self obsessed knows.

    Herself and Tyla moving on quite quickly during that 3way chat in the garden.

  • Registered Users Posts: 623 ✭✭✭smeal

    Jeez, Olivia has really shot herself in the foot now. She would have always been in my top 6 as her Queen B personality always brought drama to the show but I cannot stand how self obsessed she is. The icing on the cake was when she thought she was more deserving of being comforted because her popularity took a knocking than Tyla who was an emotional wreck because her partner had just left. She is a complete child.

    Instead of moving on from the fact she is bottom 4 her first self obsessed thought was to obviously straight away blame Chris for this and she thought the best move was to give Chris the boot. Her personality wouldn't even allow her to believe that she is entirely the root of her own problems and that she has treated Chris like absolute sh*t the past week much to the public's anger! Now she's trying to play the "oh poor me I'm troubled and I don't know how to let my guard down or express my feelings" act. I wouldn't be surprised if she is next to go. I wouldn't miss her at this point. Chris is so lovely and he deserves someone equally as playful instead of Olivia who treats him like a p*ssed off mum trying to deal with a hyper child in a supermarket.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 623 ✭✭✭smeal

    Haha I have just had to lol at my above post- I spent more time writing it than doing an excel sheet in work that I'm meant to have done for 2pm!! Oh this show! Offices will be so much more productive nationwide when it finishes....

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭JellieBabie

    Either Olivia is bloody mental or the producers are editing out bits where Chris is horrible to her. I'm thinking it's possible they have done this; she made a comment to him about him saying horrible stuff to her and he seemed to agree.. and Montana also made a comment about how she's been through it.

    Or else she's ****ing mental. Like how she can actually rationalise her perspective is beyond me. Maybe she's gaslighting him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,951 ✭✭✭_Whimsical_

    smeal wrote: »
    Haha I have just had to lol at my above post- I spent more time writing it than doing an excel sheet in work that I'm meant to have done for 2pm!! Oh this show! Offices will be so much more productive nationwide when it finishes....

    Haha but what the hell will we do with out evenings then??
    But yes, I had no intention of even watching and now I'm hooked.
    Either Olivia is bloody mental or the producers are editing out bits where Chris is horrible to her. I'm thinking it's possible they have done this; she made a comment to him about him saying horrible stuff to her and he seemed to agree.. and Montana also made a comment about how she's been through it.

    Or else she's ****ing mental. Like how she can actually rationalise her perspective is beyond me. Maybe she's gaslighting him.

    I was wondering about this too. Maybe they have edited things out, I've never heard him say anything awful to her at all. That said though she seemed to think Chris going to speak to Tyla was crime of the century the other night and also flew off the handle about him talking to the others while they were in bed so it's possible Olivias definition of "awful" is radically different to everyone else's and that he's just buying into that.

    I don't think she seemed at all genuine in her upset. I felt it was more that Jamie explained to her how a normal, emotional person might feel in such a situation and she thought "Um yeah, maybe I'll try that, seeming to be emotional and vulnerable, that might swing him back in my favour". She quite obviously wasn't shedding a tear despite leaving him in tears believing she was terribly upset and she was immediately bitching away in the garden after, no needing time alone to gather herself, no sign of any overwhelm or any tears or sobs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 623 ✭✭✭smeal

    Haha but what the hell will we do with out evenings then??
    But yes, I had no intention of even watching and now I'm hooked.

    Genuinely have no idea. The Government might need to start funding some sort of Love Island addiction charity to help us all ween off it. I have completely re-arranged my entire evenings to revolve around Love Island since I can't record ITV2. I had to organise for my boyfriend to take the car to the NCT one evening because the appointment was at 9.15 and sure I couldn't be dealing....

    Then of course there's the mandatory post show 15 minute discussion in the Whatsapp group:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,253 ✭✭✭jackofalltrades

    Loved Montana's comment about being shocked Theo wasn't in the bottom four.
    That guy seems to be a Grade A bellend.

    Hope Olivia gets booted out, it can't be good for Chris to be dealing with that headwreck.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Ha... Gabby the only one in a serious couple whose heart rate wasn't the highest for her partner...!! Says a lot...!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭JellieBabie

    Loved Montana's comment about being shocked Theo wasn't in the bottom four.
    That guy seems to be a Grade A bellend.

    Hope Olivia gets booted out, it can't be good for Chris to be dealing with that headwreck.

    Think that was pretty rude of Montana? And no I think he's stirring it up and he's honest about it, doesn't hide behind any fakeness like the others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    That Tyla one is the fakest of the lot and a complete ho too!! No wonder she's the least popular.

    Nasty side too when she smirked when Theo got dumped from the island!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,300 ✭✭✭✭razorblunt

    Here are #10reasonswhyIwantthepublictovoteformetowinthecash

  • Registered Users Posts: 561 ✭✭✭HiGlo

    For sure Liv's default defence is attack!! So messed up.....

    What she said was pure "muggy" and she's totally in the wrong but she is incapable of admitting that, the only way she can deal with it is to turn it around on him and make out like he's over-reacting....!!
    FOR SURE if he had made that same comment she'd be fuming...

    Stormzy is definitely right. He's waaaay too good for her. She's so messed up.

    I'd say she's never said "I was wrong, I'm sorry" in her life....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,017 ✭✭✭Leslie91

    I'm watching on 3e so just saw the lovefest between Chris and Olivia only to find out immediately after that they've already broken up again. Chris needs to run and keep running. As for Princess Cam............

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,951 ✭✭✭_Whimsical_

    I think the last few days have been really fake and orchestrated by producers. The Chris and Olivia stuff felt very false, from him declaring his love to her in hurried but unenthusiastic terms to her responding with a "meh" and barely hugging him. Then that speech she gave when the recoupling happened that seemed like she wasn't going to pick him, but then picking him in the end?

    Nobody would do that to someone who had just told them they were in love with them!

    Then him falling into her arms delighted? Wouldn't any sane person just say "go and screw yourself" if they'd treated your declaration of love like that?

    I don't think either of them were genuine, I'd say they were told "this is the storyline we want from you, ad lib the conversation yourselves", although Olivia's little speech and her "10 reasons I should win" were very clearly scripted.

    Also everyone suddenly putting on a under the covers display simultaneously? Just, how dumb do the producers think we are?

    I'm really disappointed. I found they all came across very genuine in the early weeks and it made compelling viewing. Now it's going to limp off our screens as yet another semi scripted reality tv thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,951 ✭✭✭_Whimsical_

    Oh! Fair play Mike for speaking up to Chris!

    Also Camilla, just ugh, tmi . :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,017 ✭✭✭Leslie91

    Yeah surprised at Mike... wonder will Chris the msg once and for all. Run for your life buddy.

    Watching on 3e so am a day behind the UK so hopefully he has done this and cut all the chords.

    Princess Di... eh I mean Camilla........ #paininthearse

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭SoapFan27

    Liv and Chris are in an ugly pattern of behaviour, one extreme to another, very toxic...hugely down to LIV. But they fancy eachother so much it seems like it will continue, hope not though for both their sakes. She needs to work on herself before getting into any relationship.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭ShazGV

    I'm actually starting to find it a bit sad watching Chris and Olivia, they do seem to care about each other & have a mutual attraction but they're just not compatible at all (I agree SoapFan27 - largely down to Liv's behaviour!).

    If they were in the outside world I'd imagine they probably would've finished things for good a long time ago, but that contained environment must make things very skewed & difficult to handle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,300 ✭✭✭✭razorblunt

    It's become very contrived in the last week really. Some of them have been giving an unnecessary advantage more than others i.e. Amber and Olivia knew they were bottom 4, Amber cottoned on quickly and kept her head down. Olivia went the other direction and seems to think drama is her longterm key to survival in there.

    She's really toxic to Chris, if I were his family and friends I'd be pulling my hair out. She kicked off an argument with him at the Twitter game and the lie detector before anything had happened, there was a real look of disgust on her face. Also her fake tears with Kem, she couldn't squeeze a tear out so covered her face instead.

    Camilla seems to wallow in self pity too. Jonny confirmed that he could only put so much out there without getting anything back and now its gone the opposite way with the "I'm not good enough", she's a former Miss Uni Scotland or whatever, she knows she's a catch. If that is genuine (and it might be) it can really wear you down after a while. Montana actually commented on it last night saying she always needs to lift her spirits. I can see Jamie only taking so much of that on the out side.

    Where has this Gabby is fake come from suddenly? Never picked up on it before, but the "act of love" having the girls spell it out from a distance was cringy, she seemed to have a fake laugh too during it, maybe the mask is slipping.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭kopite386

    To be fair a lot of people in here commented a good while ago that Gabby seemed fake and she went in there for Marcel because he was popular I didn't see it at first but there is just small things that I have started to see what they are talking about. It's also be seen by a lot more people than before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,934 ✭✭✭✭fin12

    I find the show quite boring now to be honest, it's probably because of the amount of fake people in there, that Camilia f*ckin hell will she ever just leave. It must be sickening being around her fake crap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,934 ✭✭✭✭fin12

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,300 ✭✭✭✭razorblunt

    Gets a kiss on the cheek from Chris when she came back from lunch, can barely hide her disgust anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,695 ✭✭✭✭Jamie2k9

    Montania is such a bitch, glad she
    was in the bottom 3, might take her down a peg or two

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,253 ✭✭✭jackofalltrades

    Chris naming his kid, Cash Hughes (Cashew) is pure pun based genius.
    He needs to win on his own, or maybe with Kem, because those guys are an amazing couple. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,017 ✭✭✭Leslie91

    Baby episode was a yawn a minute.... #morescrapsplease

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  • Registered Users Posts: 561 ✭✭✭HiGlo

    fin12 wrote: »

    Even though it's Daily Mail, I'd well believe every word her ex says..... I feel like that's what she'd be like alright...
