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Anyone know of a good small GPS device I can track with my phone?

  • 29-05-2017 5:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 220 ✭✭

    I wanted to buy a GPS device, to fit on a key ring, which I could put on my cat, who often goes out and about for a day or two, and I'm quite curious as to where she goes.

    I just bought one called Tile, but after buying it I've found out that it has a rang of 100 ft. so not ideal.

    So, anyone know of a good/reliable small GPS tracker/device that could go on my cat?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,685 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    A tracker is designed to work in real time for minute by minute tracking and would require a mobile phone sim with an account enabled for data.

    It sounds like what what you're looking for is a GPS 'logger', a device which records it's position at fixed intervals and you can upload the log after the event. That's if my reading of your post is correct, it suggests that you want to know where your cat has been, not where she is right now.

    Google 'gps logger'.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 220 ✭✭xK Marcus

    coylemj wrote: »
    A tracker is designed to work in real time for minute by minute tracking and would require a mobile phone sim with an account enabled for data.

    It sounds like what what you're looking for is a GPS 'logger', a device which records it's position at fixed intervals and you can upload the log after the event. That's if my reading of your post is correct, it suggests that you want to know where your cat has been, not where she is right now.

    Google 'gps logger'.

    Yeah, that looks better then what I've got, if there isn't anything small and reasonably priced that would give real time location, I'll get one of those.

    Thanks for the help

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,674 ✭✭✭Zimmerframe

    summit like this:

    Note, this will tell you where he has been, on his return, it won't tell you where he is when he is missing. :)

    A real time tracking device including a decent battery, would involve putting a rucksack on the cat. :D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 220 ✭✭xK Marcus

    summit like this:

    Note, this will tell you where he has been, on his return, it won't tell you where he is when he is missing. :)

    A real time tracking device including a decent battery, would involve putting a rucksack on the cat. :D:D

    Haha, she wouldn't like that at all, so I suppose this logger is the best option, thanks for the help

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,685 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    xK Marcus wrote: »
    Yeah, that looks better then what I've got, if there isn't anything small and reasonably priced that would give real time location, I'll get one of those.

    Sorry, I didn't spot the title. If you want real time tracking then you need a 'gps pet tracker'. A logger will store the location data but it's up to you to upload it to a laptop after the event.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 77,644 Mod ✭✭✭✭New Home

    Question re: gps pet trackers - the ones I found on the net seem to be quite cumbersome or to have a very small range, or need a subscription, or aren't very accurate. Can anyone recommend a good one for a cat (as opposed to do a random search on the web)?


    BTW, I've opened a thread in the Animals and Pets forum as well, but I thought no harm in asking here as well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,685 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    New Home wrote: »
    Question re: gps pet trackers - the ones I found on the net seem to be quite cumbersome or to have a very small range, or need a subscription, or aren't very accurate. Can anyone recommend a good one for a cat (as opposed to do a random search on the web)?

    Pet trackers are 'cumbersome' because they require a battery which powers both a GPS receiver and a transmission device which talks to your local 3G/4G network to constantly transmit the location data. A subscription is required because the data has to be sent to a third party, you then query the data via their website or using a (supplied by them) smartphone app.

    Being able to track a car or child or pet in realtime requires more than a simple pendant.

    The ones that you've seen with a limited range are probably useless because the minute the device is outside that range, it's effectively lost.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 77,644 Mod ✭✭✭✭New Home

    Thanks for that - I had hoped the technology had moved on a bit faster than it has.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14 jeannae

    xK Marcus wrote: »
    I wanted to buy a GPS device, to fit on a key ring, which I could put on my cat, who often goes out and about for a day or two, and I'm quite curious as to where she goes.

    I just bought one called Tile, but after buying it I've found out that it has a rang of 100 ft. so not ideal.

    So, anyone know of a good/reliable small GPS device that could go on my cat?

    Yes. I think only turtles are suitable for tracking with tiles, I see someone doing this. Anyway, it can't track my dog. It is only suitable for use at home, such as standing on the first floor looking for keys placed on the second floor. As a person with good finishing habits, it is not needed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭ozmo

    Was considering this myself for a car...

    Its 70 Euros - kinda small - no sim card needed (uses sigfox radio network) -
    Months battery life - doesn't give info on renewing subs but says will work for 3 years before need renew.

    “Roll it back”

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭ozmo

    Oh - and just to keep exactly on subject - this is their version for cats - 83 euros...

    “Roll it back”

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,685 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    ozmo wrote: »
    Its 70 Euros - kinda small - no sim card needed (uses sigfox radio network) -

    Where is this so-called 'nationwide low power network'? Unless they are using the cellular networks (requires a SIM), they cannot possibly offer nationwide coverage.
    ozmo wrote: »
    Months battery life - doesn't give info on renewing subs but says will work for 3 years before need renew.

    It won't take you three years before you realise that they have no network to track the device.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭ozmo

    coylemj wrote: »
    Where is this so-called 'nationwide low power network'? Unless they are using the cellular networks (requires a SIM), they cannot possibly offer nationwide coverage.

    It won't take you three years before you realise that they have no network to track the device.

    Its not so well known - but it does actually exist - as mentioned - its the sigfox network - Similar to the LoRa network (

    All Ireland coverage and even 100's Km off the coast (link).

    I have an iot dev board called SmartEverything that demos the network - Arduino type stuff - and can confirm it does indeed work (from 11 euros per year to connect) - doesn't use the phone network or Sim cards - you are limited on the traffic - but perfect for trackers and IOT devices like sensors outdoors.

    I also had a loan of another small tracker for a while called Global Star Spot - that also works world wide with no sim card or cell network - very low power (4 AAs lasts several months) - that one uses satellites - they use those on boats a lot or anything that are often out of mobile coverage.

    “Roll it back”
