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What can I do about neighbours kids?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭AlanG

    Best thing to do would be to get a gate and any type of dog if possible. You will have no luck with the landlord or guards for this type of problem - the landlord has no grounds to evict them and by the sounds of it if he/she tried they could end up with squatters playing the system and paying no rent for a couple of years while the legal system creaks on. Landlords are at the mercy of the types of people you describe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭crossmolinalad

    Simple solution we did at our last place we lived
    The phone and tv box there are no meters in it so nobody have to go in there , Close them and put one or two screws between the door and the frame
    They wont get it open again without a screwdriver

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,865 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    Donutz wrote: »
    Hi OP here again. Don't think reporting the child to TUSLA is appropriate. While the child might be acting mischievous, she certainly isn't being neglected. Unsupervised maybe, but at the end of the day she is only a couple of yards from her own front door.

    This morning when my wife was putting our own 4 year old into the car to take him to preschool, she was called a f**king b***h by 2 of kids next door while they were getting into their own car for school. These 2 are around 8 and 10 years old. My wife asked them to stop the bad language around our son but their mother came out shouting and told my wife not to tell her f**king kids what to do you f**king c**t. This was 8:30am on the street at the top of her voice.

    This is typical of these neighbours though. They are an absolute nuisance but haven't criminally done anything that the gardai can do anything about.

    We have been trying to follow up on the landlord and are going to apply to the RTB for the landlord details but according to neighbours, the landlord won't do anything about it either. The tenancy isn't registered on the RTB website either so I don't even think that they will be able to provide me the landlords details.

    We also have been trying to follow up with the RAS but they don't seem too helpful either. Have been ringing every day looking to speak to somebody about it but the one time they actually answered the phone, they took some details but never rang back. We have been leaving messages on their answering machine but haven't received return phone call yet.

    We have been keeping a diary detailing any incident that has happened for a long time now but don't know who we can approach with this to get something done about it.

    Gonna keep pestering the RAS department and the landlord if I can get his details with numerous daily phone calls and hopefully they will get so sick of my voice that they will actually do something about it.

    Do you own the property? If not, look at moving would honestly be my advice.

    As I posted above, I've been in your situation and it'll only get worse as these kids get older I'm afraid. Plus they'll "train" the next generation to do the same things they're doing now... again been there, seen that.

    All that will happen with RAS/Gardai/Council is they'll just see you as a crank and dismiss your concerns. The fact is these people are overstaffed with lazy civil servants who don't care (or whose bosses don't care). The chances of getting any meaningful action is minimal I'm afraid.

    Besides, what do you WANT to happen? Unless you (somehow) got them moved/evicted, they'll only make your life even worse if any actual sanctions were imposed.. as I said before, these people don't fear consequences because in many cases, they know the system and how to play it better than anyone.

    This may sound "defeatist" to some, but it's the reality of life with people like this, and unless you want to spend the next years of your life getting abuse and dealing with behaviour like you are now, I'd just move. Brian is right above too in what he says.. you won't be able to let your kids out to play or they'll be targeted or worse, coerced into engaging in the same behaviour against other neighbours.

    What's "right" is besides the point IMO... it's just no way to live if you can avoid it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,865 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    If I was getting abuse like that from a neighbour they would be getting absolute dogs abuse back, I'd absolutely eat the head of her and her cheeky kids (and her husband if is makes an appearance to "defend" his wife). The softly approach just doesn't work with these types.

    Agreed with your last line, but unfortunately that sort of retaliation will only escalate the situation, and while the Gardai will tell you they can't do anything against them, you'll find they'll be very quick to land at your door if the people in question call them.

    Again, speaking from years of experience here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 910 ✭✭✭BlinkingLights

    Screw a metal plate over the phone line box. There's really no reason to need access to those unless you're getting fibre-to-home (1gbit/s+ ) in the future. Even then, it'll only need access once ever.

    Just check the wiring is all intact and seal it up with a cover and paint it the same colour as the wall. They'll leave it alone then.

    I actually don't understand the point of those boxes. They just make phone and cable tv installations more vulnerable.

    In general, eir will absolutely never need access to this other than if they're replacing the phone line.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,865 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    Screw a metal plate over the phone line box. There's really no reason to need access to those unless you're getting fibre-to-home (1gbit/s+ ) in the future. Even then, it'll only need access once ever.

    Just check the wiring is all intact and seal it up with a cover and paint it the same colour as the wall. They'll leave it alone then.

    I actually don't understand the point of those boxes. They just make phone and cable tv installations more vulnerable.

    Before doing that though would you not need to check with the companies involved? "Interfering with their property" etc (even if it's to protect it)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 910 ✭✭✭BlinkingLights

    They're your property actually. Only the line belongs to OpenEir.
    Secure it whatever way is necessary.

    If they ever need access (incredibly unlikely) they'll ask.

    Those boxes are just put in place by you / your property developer to facilitate easy access for OpenEir to get wiring into your premises.

    They own the wires up to the master socket, you own the house and the box.

    They are just a simple open box that is designed to allow for easy installation of future fibre optic services. There's nothing in them other than possibly a simple cable connector. In most cases the line just passes through and the demarcation point is the first "master" phone socket.

    If these kids are regularly damaging your phone line that's just a maintenance issue for Eir.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 910 ✭✭✭BlinkingLights

    If you put something over it, not an issue. Just don't seal it permanently shut, as in a few years time you might want to avail of FTTH gigabit fibre services when they become available and eir will need to be able to push fibre into the house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,491 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    If I was getting abuse like that from a neighbour they would be getting absolute dogs abuse back, I'd absolutely eat the head of her and her cheeky kids (and her husband if is makes an appearance to "defend" his wife). The softly approach just doesn't work with these types.

    Possibly you would, but many people do not want to have screaming matches with their neighbours, especially with the children around. What does it achieve, she abuses you, you abuse her, she abuses you back, the kids get even more of a nuisance and you live in a state of siege. You are talking about 'beyond ignorance' here - either you work round it, leave for example, or be prepared to get really physical and threatening, and most reasonable people are not willing to do that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 910 ✭✭✭BlinkingLights

    Just beware though that as soon as you've dealt with this issue, they'll likely find some other item to vandalise.

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  • Posts: 24,714 [Deleted User]

    looksee wrote: »
    Possibly you would, but many people do not want to have screaming matches with their neighbours, especially with the children around. What does it achieve, she abuses you, you abuse her, she abuses you back, the kids get even more of a nuisance and you live in a state of siege. You are talking about 'beyond ignorance' here - either you work round it, leave for example, or be prepared to get really physical and threatening, and most reasonable people are not willing to do that.

    I simply wouldn't be bullied by someone or take abuse from someone like that. It mightn't be wise but in the ops wife's situation I'd already have called that woman names she never knew existed before I actually realised it as I just have no time for idiots like her.

    I'd be prepared to get physical if necessary if people are trespassing on my property, causing damage and abusing me and my family (particularly if abusing other people in my family).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭con___manx1

    Cut the phone wires the kids will get the blame and it will screw up you neighbours hopefully ; )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 910 ✭✭✭BlinkingLights

    Cut the phone wires the kids will get the blame and it will screw up you neighbours hopefully ; )

    That would just cut your own phone off...

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,247 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    The problem here is the scum have too many rights. Were the council to evict them, they're straight back onto the social housing list and would qualify for the fast-track Homeless lists where the council will then be obliged to house them beside some other poor family.

    It's not so much that the Housing Dept of your council don't care, it's that their hands are tied. If it's not you plaguing them with phonecalls about the animals next door, it'll be some other unfortunate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,422 ✭✭✭Ms Doubtfire1

    You can look up who owns the property in the Land Registry. Whether the tenancy is registered or not doesn't matter to making a complaint.

    Off topic - where exactly can one look that up? can't find the relevant link on the page?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,223 ✭✭✭Michael D Not Higgins

    Off topic - where exactly can one look that up? can't find the relevant link on the page?

    You can search for property on and it'll cost €5 to view a single folio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,952 ✭✭✭kravmaga

    Donutz wrote: »
    Hi there. Sorry for the long post. Hoping somebody can give me some advice.

    We live in a small open plan estate. There is a wall that separates us from our neighbours to our right. This wall runs from the footpath right down the side of our house. Down this side is our ESB meter box and the box that houses the phone line that comes into the house.

    Last week we came home to find the door of our phone line box was taken off and just thrown in the street. The cables had been pulled out (although not disconnected) and some of our dry wall insulation had been pulled out on to the street.

    A couple of days later, my wife caught a little girl of 4 at the phone line box again pulling out some more insulation. This girl has been staying next door to us the past few weeks but as far as we know she is not the daughter. Most likely a relative though. My wife hunted her and told her not to come back in to our garden. The girl spoke back to my wife with some foul language.

    Today while we were watching tv we noticed a few kids walk into our garden and up the side of our house. I ran out to see what they were up to and low and behold there was the little 4 year old with 2 younger kids attacking the phone line once more.

    Our next door neighbours aren't the most upstanding of citizens and when my wife went next door to ask the lady of the house to keep this little girl off our property she was told to f**k off out of her driveway and the girl is only 4 so what do you want me to do about it?

    We've had numerous incidents with her older kids coming into our drive and damaging our property and cars in the past, and although we could go a few months without incident, low and behold it will all kick off again.

    Guards seem powerless as these kids are all under 12 years old. Council don't seem too bothered about it either. Other neighbours have approached the landlord about them but he doesn't seem too bothered about it.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    P.S. does anybody know if exposed phone lines could pose a danger to anybody?

    Get your telephone service provider to box the lines in or use a metal box of cage, its their responsibility, tell them its a health a and safety issue for you and the kids, get a gate and padlock close your driveway to stop the kids coming into your garden /driveway property. Id blame the parents and if a 4 yr old is using bad language thats a reflection of their home life, so sounds like the parents are not the approachable type. ie.chavs

    Complain to the PRTB or the council to get an anti social behavioural order, all the neighbours should do a joint letter of complaint, log everything on spreadsheet of every incident and get a CCTV camera for evidential purposes as it it criminal damage although the children are under 10yrs of age so cannot be held criminally responsible

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 910 ✭✭✭BlinkingLights

    You'd be waiting until the next ice age before your telephone provider would box anything!

    They will also deny it's their problem as they don't own the box, you do. The only own the wiring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,005 ✭✭✭mad m

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭Rubberchikken

    i have to agree with the poster who says that if the others complain the gardai will listen. it's always the way. and these types of people will cry wolf about their 'dear' kids, so be careful when dealing with these kids.
    cctv would be good. contacting the phone company and being persisten with them should get something there. it is their property and don't let them fob you off. after all, they put it there in the first place.

    if you wish to remain living there, you have a right to live there in peace, undisturbed by these types.
    it is possible they'll get bored and move on to the next lot, but they could also get worse as they grow so maybe considering when you really want to stay might be an option in the future.
    people like this don't care about those living beside them, aren't afraid of the gardai and generally skate through life cauing upset for everyone around them.
    hope you find some solution

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