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GVT for the past mid-30's kinda guy

  • 11-07-2017 2:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭

    BW 90.3kg (back where I was about 2 years ago :()

    Goal 80kg by December 11th 2017
    Age nearly 40 (not until 2018, but still closer than I was 2 years ago)

    So i'm going to keep a log, maintain some level of accountability and discipline. Dropped out of the training / diet routine for about 3 months and looking to get back into the swing of things again. Starting a GVT program, looked interesting....

    Day 1 - Legs
    Squat 10*10 @ 50kg - this was fine until about sets 8 or 9. Probably could have loaded an extra 5kg and wasn't overly confident at the start. Will increase for week 2.
    Deadlifts 10*10 @ 70kg - this was killer after the squats. Legs felt heavy and it took a set or 2 to get my groove. By the end I felt like I had anchors attached to my legs. Could I have put more on the bar? Yes, not much though. I'll look to take it up a (small) notch next week.
    Leg Curls 3*12 @ 40lb - this wasn't as bad as I thought, it felt more like my hamstrings weren't under my own control, got through it, will look to increase next week.
    Leg Extensions 3*12 @ 60lb, 60lb, 70lb - I short-changed myself on this one and could have made the 3 sets at 70. The main concern was being able to get off the machine and being able to walk into work.

    Apart from being flipping starving all morning I've been more challenged by going up and down 1-2 flights of stairs without by legs folding. I haven't felt this kind of wobbly-leg effect since my early days of doing bootcamps in Raw. That worked for me then so this may be what i'm looking for.

    Next event will be back and chest!!! The burn is going to be so deep


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,146 ✭✭✭COH

    I know you!


    Good to see you at it man

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Cheers mate. Hope you're keeping well. I hear you're not in for morning training these days....

    Update to follow shortly for Chest and Back day 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 2 - Chest and Back

    Bench - 7*10, 8, 9 & 9 @ 40kg
    - this felt good at the start and I had considered loading on a additional 5kg. Glad I didn't as the elbow flared up a little bit and I struggled on the last few sets getting up to 8 or 9 reps.
    Barbell Row - 8*10, 9 & 9 @ 55kg - Again, felt good and this just drained me then. Went up to 55kg for the final 2 and scraped out the final 2 sets. Was there or there abouts, not sure i'd do a full 10 sets at 55kg. We'll find out next week.
    Incline DB Flye - 2*12 @ 7.5kg, 10 & 7 @ 12.5kg - too easy at 7.5kg, too heavy at 12.5kg. Everyone else was using the 10's so just got on with it. Strained under the higher weight, maybe get it to 11 next time.
    Lat Pulldown - 12 @ 30kg, 12 @ 40kg, 11*2 @ 50kg - This felt about right on 50kg, was digging deep to bring it in and felt like a nice place to finish up.

    Overall, not nearly as taxing as legs day. Still recovering from that, feels like I had industrial nails hammered into my thighs at odd angles for maximum pain effectiveness. Warmed up with some bw squats to try and keep them moving as well. Still a little shakey on the stairs though. If i'm carrying anything heavier than a cup of coffee I need to take the lift!!!

    Tomorrow is meant to be rest day but that's on the assumption I start on Monday as won't have time for the gym at the weekend. So its upwards and onwards to Shoulders Day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 3 - Shoulders

    I have to say, I thought this was going to be an easier day given there is only 1 10*10 set as opposed to 2 for Legs and Chest/Back day. Its all about the learning!!!
    Anyway, back to the show

    Overhead Press [EMAIL="1*10@ 20kg"]1*10 @ 20kg[/EMAIL], 9*10 @ 25kg, 1*9 @ 25kg - This felt good for the first 3 sets, then had to grind through the next 5-6 sets and for the final 2 was sneaking in a few push presses to complete.
    Lateral Raise 11 @ 8kg, 12 @ 7.5kg, 11 @ 7.5kg, 10 @ 7.5kg - This was not intentional to fade out and was a real struggle even with the slightly lighter weight. Shoulders didn't feel like they had the power at the end.
    Bent over reverse flye 12, 14, 13, 13 @ 5kg - I hit all my numbers here and really felt like I was controlling the movements. I'm glad I used the slightly lighter weight to get that in as well.

    I had underestimated the impact of day 2, I wasn't too tight but it was still noticeable on the shoulder press and lateral raise. The last hour, my shoulders are starting to get heavy, stiff so I will no doubt be feeling like I got stretched by 2 buses tomorrow.
    I am enjoying the program, its giving me some good focus and arms left tomorrow to close out the week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 4 - Arms

    Apologies for the delay, forgot to post this last Friday so will be doing this and today's.

    Bicep Curl 1*10 @15kg, 9*10 @20kg - There was more swing required from set 5 on. The weight felt about right to be able to just about complete it.
    Close Grip Bench Press 2*10 @30kg, 2*10 @32.5kg, 4*10@35kg, 10, 9 @ 37.5kg - I'm not sure I could have completed a full 10 at 37.5kg. Probably started too light and wasn't sure how much to put on the bar. This was a good one to feel out and reckon i'll be looking at the 35kg+ for next week.
    Preacher Curl 13@12.5kg, 12, 9, 7 @ 15kg - This took everything out of me, there was no power left in the arms at the end of this. Will look to see how I get on with 15kg next week.
    Cable push down 14@80, 13, 12 @90 6 @100 - Again, arms just drained to power by the time I got to the end.

    Overall, I enjoyed the first week. Arms were like noodles come lunch time and was opening doors more with my chest than the power of my arms.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 5 - Legs 2

    So the plan for this week to see what else I can add to the bar across the board. The memories of lags day last week is still something that lingers. I don't want to use that as an excuse to not progress at the same time so making sure my brain doesn't start thinking me out of this....

    Squat 10*10 @55kg - This felt easy at the start and up until about set #8. Then I felt that there was a bit more needed to close out the last few reps primarily in the final sets. Going to be on 60kg for next week. Feel I have it in the tank.
    Deadlifts 10*10 @80kg - The legs were a bit more ready for this assault today. Wasn't sure whether to bring it up to 75kg or 80kg. Went with the higher and battled through it(literally). the final 3 sets were a pure slog. Took about 30 seconds additional rest between them, dragged out the sets, breathing heavy on the lifts. I will look to bring this up slightly next week, maybe around 85kg max.
    Leg Curls 13@40, 13@50, 11@60 - I needed to push this into the 60 this week, 50-60 seems to be about where my legs can function at the moment after the deadlifts.
    Leg Extensions 12@60, 12@70, 13@80 - Need to keep this at a higher level or at least 80 fr next week and possibly higher.

    So 2nd legs session is complete. Body felt more ready for this than last week. As I mentioned, I need to make sure the numbers are moving up.
    Full body measurements happening tomorrow morning for the first time in about 2 years. There will be some harsh truths at that for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Those big volume sessions where you feel like death warmed up are rarely as hard the next time because you're mentally prepared :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Those big volume sessions where you feel like death warmed up are rarely as hard the next time because you're mentally prepared :)

    I was thinking it was going to work in reverse as in "why would you put me through this again, go light, I won't tell anyone" kind of thinking

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 Daddy_Pig

    Where'd you get this kind of programme?
    I've been at 5x5 , had good results before with it bu this looks interesting....I might nick this.

    EDIT: I just read the GVT in the title.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    Daddy_Pig wrote: »
    Where'd you get this kind of programme?
    I've been at 5x5 , had good results before with it bu this looks interesting....I might nick this.
    Yeah just look up german volume training. And prepare to cry a lot
    Based on what I've seen

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  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Daddy_Pig wrote: »
    Where'd you get this kind of programme?
    I've been at 5x5 , had good results before with it bu this looks interesting....I might nick this.

    EDIT: I just read the GVT in the title.

    Yes, found online, or something. The more I look at it the more I wonder "why this one".... I am enjoying it and its giving me some more focus to get me back into it and its nothing I haven't done before.

    There are a lot of tears in week 1, its perseverance in week 2....

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 6 - Chest and Back 2

    Bench - 8*10, 8, 9 @ 45kg
    - It felt good to be able to increase the weight and get through the sets without the elbow flaring up. That was a worry at the start that it would stop me. I'll look to bring this up again next week.
    Barbell Row - 1*10 @ 40kg, 1*10 @ 50kg, 3*10 @ 52.5kg, 4*10 @ 55kg, 1*10 @ 57.5kg - Gradually brought the weight up on this to see where I could take it, Was really stretching to finish the sets towards the end.
    Incline DB Flye - 3*12 @ 10kg - Tough but fair at 10kg. Felt about right, could bring in 1-2 sets at 12.5kg for next week and start to increase the stress here.
    Lat Pulldown - 12 @ 40kg, 12 @ 45kg, 10 @ 50kg, 10 @ 52.5kg - I'll be looking to keep this at or over 50kg for next week. The fatigue had set in by the time I got here and 10 was as good as it was getting on the last 2 sets.

    So the volume is going up from last week, nothing excessive. Enough to know its improving or I have a bit more in the tank. Legs aren't as sore this week (I may not be saying that tomorrow though) and I am feeling stronger after every session. going to blitz the 4 days in a row and then take some time over the weekend to recover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    So Wednesday became a surprise rest day and to be honest I was glad for it. Didn't have a great sleep and wouldn't have been ready for the next event.

    Day 7 - Shoulders 2

    Overhead Press 2*10 @ 30kg, 1*9 @ 32.5kg, 4*10 @ 30kg, 2*10, 9 @ 27.5kg, 1*6 @ 25kg -
    I loaded up early this week and tried to find a sustainable level to work at. After set 7 I was push pressing almost everything and started to unload in the last few sets.
    Lateral Raise 13 @ 5kg, 12 @ 7.5kg, 11 @ 7.5kg - The arms were heavy and the shoulders were exhausted for this.
    Bent over reverse flye 12 @ 5kg, 2*13 @ 6kg - I brought this up to 6kg, will look to work at 7.5kg for next week and complete the full sets.

    I needed the rest day after this session. It was tough and i'm glad I put the extra weight on the bar and failed to complete a few of the sets. It was good to get out of the conform zone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 8 - Arms 2

    I decided to work this in reverse as I got in early enough to get a bench so we're going tri to bi here.

    Close Grip Bench Press 2*10 @ 35kg, 1*10 @ 37.5kg, 5*10 @ 40kg, 2*9 @ 40kg - Had a good bit more on the bar from last time and was good to work at 40kg's for the most part. Got tired on the last few sets and there was a lot more driving from the hips to get the bar back up for those final reps. Will look to kick off at 40kg next week and see where we can progress to.
    Bicep Curl 10*10 @ 25kg - Again, a jump from 15/20kg last week. Took a little more than the 90 seconds rest for the final few sets and was using some motion to complete on the later sets. This felt good, there was challenge in it and to be honest this would be on the top end of my previous curling range so happy with that and looking forward to getting past it now as well.
    Cable Push Down 12@90, 13@100, 12@110 - I felt so much stronger on this than last week. Not sure if that's to do with leaving preacher curls till last though. Will look to keep this in the >100 range going forward.
    Preacher Curls 12 @ 12.5kg, 12, 10 @ 15kg
    - This just killed me. the final set it was like the bar was glued to the floor.

    My dodgy elbow didn't flare up at all this week from the bench press and push down exercises where I have had issues in the past so that was great. Another week done and dusted. Going to do 2 more weeks on this section of the program and then there's an update for week 5 so halfway through this cycle.
    I've felt so much stronger this week and the lifts are getting a bit easier in the fact that i'm completing sets at higher weights and not feeling stiff as a board for the rest of the week. Whats not to love

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 9 - Legs 3

    I was feeling a bit lazy and not up for legs this morning and was going to do chest and back day. I've got to give some thanks to Kate for telling me to man up and get legs done. So glad that I did (kinda!) although feeling fairly wiped out now. But hey, it needs to get done so another week of legs is in the bag.
    Down to business....

    Squat 10*10 @60kg - There was nothing easy about this. From about set 5 on, every rep was an effort. I was delighted that I managed to work through with the weight and get full sets. It didn't help that it was roasting in the gym either. For next week I reckon we can do the 62.5k although after today I many not be hitting all the reps.
    Deadlifts 10*10 @85kg - Brought this up to the 85kg. Legs were like noodles after the squats though. Was going over on the 90 seconds rest on all sets and the sweat was pouring off me. Took everything in me to not puke up on the last few sets.
    Leg Curls 13@50, 12@50, 10@60 - This took everything to curl the legs and especially at the 60 mark.
    Leg Extensions 12@70, 13@80, 13@80 - I might have been able to bring this up to the 90 mark and will look to stay in that space next week.

    Another week kicked off. The heat today made it really tough and starting to fatigue out on the small increase in weight. Overall volume went up to just under 20 ton today and will look to break that barrier next week. This is the penultimate legs day in this rotation and it will change up in a few weeks time(i.e. front squats and Romanian deadlifts instead)
