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Holiday Camera Advice: Sony A5100 or Coolpix B700 or ?

  • 18-07-2017 7:20pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 208 ✭✭


    Heading to Portugal for a week in August and will have to travel without my Nikon D7200 as it'll be getting oil spots removed.

    I'm thinking of getting a second, smaller camera which would be more suitable to travel anyway, for land/sea scapes, street shots, portraits.

    I had a look at Mirrorless and the Sony A6000 seems much loved, but it's a bit pricey. The Sony A5100 with kit 16-50mm lens is a bit more accessible.

    However, I've since come across the Nikon Coolpix B700, a bridge camera with a huge 60x motorised zoom. Reviews vary in terms of verdict. It's a good bit bigger than the A5100, and has a much smaller sensor, but the zoom is quite a big selling point.

    Any advice? Has anyone had experience of both? Or any suggestions of alternative cameras to consider in the sub-500 Euro range...or lower?



  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 4,613 Mod ✭✭✭✭dory

    I would go with the Sony. I have the A5000 and I love it. I had a bridge camera before that and even though the zoom was amazing, the quality of the photos - zoomed or not - wasn't.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 208 ✭✭cojobt

    dory wrote: »
    I would go with the Sony. I have the A5000 and I love it. I had a bridge camera before that and even though the zoom was amazing, the quality of the photos - zoomed or not - wasn't.

    Thanks Dory. Might just do that. I gather the kit lens is pretty good. What do you reckon?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,494 ✭✭✭The_Gatsby

    I have the Nex-5N (equivalent to A5000 I think?) and it does take some really nice pictures. Personally I find the lack of viewfinder a bit of an annoyance but it does take good quality images

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 208 ✭✭cojobt

    cojobt wrote: »
    Thanks Dory. Might just do that. I gather the kit lens is pretty good. What do you reckon?

    I just discovered the 'Which camera' thread so have posted this message there. Apologies for double posting!
