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ZGemma Star2s

  • 21-07-2017 7:35am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1

    I have a ZGemma Star 2s box. I am trying to get saorview on it. I Bought a MyGica DVB-T2 USB Tuner and i have my saorview aerial connected to that.

    When i go into Tuner Configuration all i can see is tuner A & Tuner B. Should I see the USB Tuner here?

    I went into plugins and went to download plugins to try and get a driver for the usb tuner and it says "A Background update check is in progress. Please wait a few minutes and try again". i have waited over an hour and nothing comes up. Is there a driver installation file i can get to install on the box?



  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 12,197 Mod ✭✭✭✭icdg

    moved to terrestrial
