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United People, It's Time For Ruddy Change!



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,964 ✭✭✭furiousox

    Well I for one am completely dissatisfied with this tardiness!
    His entertainment value has plummeted nearly as far as his political standing in my opinion.

    CPL 593H

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    To me it seems that he didn't want to help people at all, he was only interested in winning an election, the vainglorious so and so

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,749 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    There’s something big going on in the background. Either his wife or someone in welfare have caused him to abandon Facebook.
    Maybe he read some of his own FB shíte and hasn't gotten over it?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There’s something big going on in the background. Either his wife or someone in welfare have caused him to abandon Facebook.

    That's eh ... a good analysis. /I'll see myself out :p

    On a serious note it can't be good for anyone to be spending that amount of time and effort on social media, election or not. Even on here I think he accumulated a fairly hefty post count in a reactively short time vs. the average poster?

    Jeff if reading, there are a few organisations in Drogheda who would be glad of your time as a volunteer and do you the world of good to get away from the keyboard and be productive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    To me it seems that he didn't want to help people at all, he was only interested in winning an election, the vainglorious so and so

    That's the thing with Jeff. The one thing you can usually about these Walter Mitty local election candidates is that their heart is in the right place. Not with Jeff. Everything he does is any ego trip.

    He's unemployed, but shares job postings for positions he believes are beneath him. He buys a camera and suddenly he's a photographer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,686 ✭✭✭whippet

    And he’s back !!! This time the gloves are off ... he is having a cut off those who are too lazy to get off the couch !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭Pelvis Parsley

    whippet wrote: »
    And he’s back !!! This time the gloves are off ... he is having a cut off those who are too lazy to get off the couch !!!

    F*cking hypocrite.
    JRFB wrote:
    Tomorrow I will be more back.
    This is a public post. Later on there will be private ones, they going more directly to those that have taken the time to become a Facebook friend.
    I have been offline for some time in order to get a number of private and business matters further dealt with. There was a health issue too, to be addressed. I have returned but there is going to be changes.
    Up to now I have been too polite in my words. I have refrained from criticising political opposition to FF, FG and Labour – in hope that they might gain in some way, over what I call "an open Dail operating mafia". I have given them years to do this. It has consistently not happened.
    It has not happened because in part, they simply refuse to get their **** together. I shall be further addressing this issue in a later post.
    I have failed the people of Ireland. I have got so far with certain issues, but I should have got further. My failure is in part due to me being too polite and holding back at times on certain issues simply because of a fear of upsetting those that’s supposed to be alongside good others that oppose a Dail Mafia. Well, if they can’t get their **** together, it’s about time they were called out on it. As said, I will be addressing this issue later.
    The gloves are off. As long as parties cannot get their crap together and form a cohesive opposition, the people of Ireland will continue to suffer.
    Speaking of Ireland’s people… It’s clear that some – I AM NOT SAYING ALL – are choosing to
    (a) deliberate remain stupid
    (b) bone-arsed lazy to open their bloody mouths to oppose some things or even anything!
    (c) Are part of an “I’m alright Jack!’ shower of bastards that only look out for themselves
    (d) gobschites that continue to vote for the Dail Mafia parties complicit in knowledge to the corruption of the parties they cult-like continue to support or
    (e) completely brainwashed by Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour – and yes, even the Green party too, that with Fianna Fail previously, now continues advocating policies that will see the Irish public screwed even more in the coming future.
    Yes, the gloves are off. Why now?
    - Because I am sick and more so angry, that Labour and it’s inner members are still being voted for.
    - I’m pissed off at the (again) tactics of opposition that have local election operated in ways that’s undermined anyone else in opposition to a Dail mafia, getting anywhere in opposing it.
    - I’m pissed off that too many in this country cannot be arsed doing anything like rising from their comfy sofas because brain-dead fodder like “Love Island” or other pure schite, is distracting them from engaging a working brain!
    Yes, the gloves are off – and if people don’t like it from here on in, they always have the free option not to visit my Facebook page.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,964 ✭✭✭furiousox

    He's not even funny anymore.
    He's just a knob.

    CPL 593H

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 10,528 Mod ✭✭✭✭humberklog

    (a) deliberate remain stupid


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,055 ✭✭✭JohnnyFlash

    furiousox wrote: »
    He's not even funny anymore.
    He's just a knob.

    He’s obviously as thick as two short planks, which can sometimes make you lose sight of the fact that he’s a petty, mean-spirited, and vindictive ballbag.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    JRFB: - I’m pissed off that too many in this country cannot be arsed doing anything like rising from their comfy sofas because brain-dead fodder like “Love Island” or other pure schite, is distracting them from engaging a working brain!

    Says the man who does nothing all day but post "schite" and "brain-dead fodder" on facebook and wouldn't work to warm himself. Yeah Jeff people spending an hour in the evening watching Love Island having worked hard all day is whats wrong with this country.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It must be incredibly frustrating when people are too stubborn to agree with you all the time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭Pelvis Parsley

    He’s obviously as thick as two short planks, which can sometimes make you lose sight of the fact that he’s a petty, mean-spirited, and vindictive ballbag.

    I don't know, it takes a certain genius to mangle a sentence to the point where it means exactly the opposite of what you intend it to mean :D

    For example: "I have refrained from criticising political opposition to FF, FG and Labour..."

    I'm sure those pesky Dail elected will be both pleased and relieved that Jeff is going to stand up ever more further stronger, now that he is "more back", and dedicate himself to criticising their opponents at long last.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 10,528 Mod ✭✭✭✭humberklog

    Also on the tv thingy, a huge a amount of Jeff's posts on back in the day were in the Reality TV forum. XFactor being one of his preferred threads.

    And it's the same bloke that felt it fitting to merge his wedding day in Blsckpool with a Sci-fi con gig. In fact instead of booking an Afters do the happy couple spent it with other conference goers.

    But of course it's everyone else's use of tv that is brainwashing them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭eldamo

    I'm alright Jeff.

    It riles me terribly that this government and previous ones have facilitated your lifestyle choice of having 6 kids and leaving your wife to raise them as you potificate from your Ill begotten shed HQ.

    A series of governments has failed you sir. By allowing you to pad your "impressive" CV with state sponsored courses. They failed to realise that you were far too important for any job for which you could be considered.

    If ever there was someone who needed some tough love it is you Jeff. You required a swift kick up the arse 15 years ago. Now it is far too late. You are an unemployable wretch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭Pelvis Parsley

    humberklog wrote: »

    And it's the same bloke that felt it fitting to merge his wedding day in Blsckpool with a Sci-fi con gig. In fact instead of booking an Afters do the happy couple spent it with other conference goers.

    What? You mean that they weren’t celebrity friends that he met during his days working in Close Personal Protection? I’m appalled that he would lie to us like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,363 ✭✭✭washiskin

    Middle aged man throws tantrum because people didn't give him what he felt he was entitled to.
    Get off your own ar$e Jeff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭eldamo

    Lads, this is pretty momentous, I think we are dealing with Jeff Rudd 2.0. he has redesigned his blurb, it used to be along the lines of.....
    Jeff Rudd A citizen trying to do some good without stepping on too many toes !
    Now reads...
    Jeff Rudd
    A citizen trying to end corruption, expose liars and create accountability. Don't like it? Go away!

    He is reminiscent of my 4 year old who is currently acting out....

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,078 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    eldamo wrote: »
    Lads, this is pretty momentous, I think we are dealing with Jeff Rudd 2.0. he has redesigned his blurb, it used to be along the lines of.....

    Now reads...

    He is reminiscent of my 4 year old who is currently acting out....

    Your 4 year old has better grammar and diction though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭eldamo

    ehm, i havn't watched falling down in a while.......
    The following is some of what you might have missed this last few weeks.
    There are now hospital consultant 487 vacant positions left unfilled across Ireland.
    There are now over 500,000 patients on a hospital waiting list. Over half a frigging million!
    More people – but not enough - have kopped on that FG is pissing useless, a shower of traitors, still filling their own pockets as landlords and business operators. FG support down (supposedly) to 23%. It’s still not bloody low enough.
    The FG government has redacted almost every financial costs related to alternative state owned Broadband options on the grounds of commercial sensitivity. What are they hiding? Too bloody much. Just look at the massive mountain of #JobPath abuses, law breaking and even highcourt invented fake evidence, to see that. O' ****. We are not supposed to be even bringing all that up in case more truth comes out! #censored
    The EU court says that Ireland should pay €1k a day for environment failings. I wonder who is letting the taxpayers down again?
    Regarding kiss-arses in Trumps recent visit that cost taxpayers another €10 Million for a round of golf and another PR stunt for Leo Varadkar, few supporting his costly visit, in Doonbeg seemed to remember that when Donald Trump bought Doonbeg golf course, the first thing he did was to let the staff go and then rehire them on the minimum wage. More stupid short memories.
    This year’s next FG mass enhanced, national number disgrace, is that 4,000 elderly wait in A&E for 24 hours.
    The homelessness crisis is being made significantly worse by Government policies, Ireland's human rights watchdog has warned. No. RTE won't be often mentioning that either.
    FG is still not giving full or open honest answers regarding the PSC card. Why? The bastard thing is ILLEGAL at EU data protection level and FG (and others) feckin’ know it solidly. Answers are overdue now almost a year on. Reports on this have been government buried. It's still unclear if probe into legality of PSC will be pushed but other parties in opposition - they, here too, cannot get their **** together on this matter also. They have turned out - again - to be bloody useless.
    Franciscan Friars had to issue an apology saying they 'deeply regret' comments of priest who compared gay people to zombies. This type of mental retarded **** has got to end – but here too, none of our local or national elected politicians have the balls to take on such an issue.
    Simon Harris to launch HIV prevention strategy later this year its been quiet announced. Seeing that this national traitor couldn’t launch a toy boat in his bath, many won’t be holding out any hope this will be a roaring success. So far in others matters he’s not only failed – he’s made things far worse – and STILL Fianna Fail won’t pull the plug out of sheer self-interest! Wake up people.
    Speaking of the Trump visit - the disparity in pay and conditions between An Garda Síochána and the Defence Forces involved in protecting visiting VIPs was again highlighted when it quietly emerged that good Irish soldiers were only getting €20 after tax for a 24-hour shift - but Gardai could expect 50 times that over Trump’s week!
    Latest Ntpf (National Treatment Purchase Fund) waiting list numbers show almost 755,000 people on some waiting list or other. There are 2.2 million people with no private health insurance. This means that there are 34% of the nation on some waiting list or other. Absolute crazy! How much more **** are the people going to allow our Dail Mafia get away with?
    With the FG policy (not public mandated by any vote) of sneaky quiet privatisation of state departments and services, the 500 unfilled posts and 500,000 unseen patients further creating a market for private institutions who don’t take all comers, only people they can make money out of. Exactly what FG and co want – and they don’t give a **** who knows!
    New research by WWF international has found the average person could be ingesting the equivalent of a credit card every week. Remember this while you think over all the plastic posters that have gone up at the last local elections alone. Yes, that includes the ones for the Green party candidates. If that’s not taking the double-standard piss – what is?
    UN writes to Ireland to say 'preferential tax laws' to vultures funds 'cannot continue'. Fine Gael not giving a ****, responds back and denies private housing investment is making housing in Ireland significantly unaffordable. What shaggin' planet is FG living on? Enough of their false PR crap! They are living in cloud cuckoo land or just likely PR spinning more of their lies! The deliberate stupid will swallow it all yet again.
    ITV plans another TV show like 'Jeremy Kyle-style'. So there wiil be even more TV garbage for the mental lazy or brain dead in Ireland and further, to watch and be distracted. Christ, what has happened to the production of making show with a modicum of moral or decent content value!
    In Spain, the undemocratic, semi-dictatorship government the is not allowing @junqueras to take his seat in the EP. Why? Because he’s speaks for a massive number of people who want Calalonia independence. His political rights, and the right of his voters to be represented by him, should not be taken away! The Spanish government that espouses its all democratic, doesn't really give a crap about its own voters mandate. Not the first time they have indicated this. No wonder democracy as an ideology is being weakened. Too many within are their own worst enemy.
    The treacherous Green Party is still pushing their carbon tax that will cost every person on average, another €2,000 a year. It’s not more taxation we need. Its policies to deal with on the ground, green issues. This additional tax will create fuel poverty in lower income families. Lets stop bull****ting ourselves. FG and all who support the carbon tax refuses to specific state how the carbon money will be spent beyond buying virtual “carbon points”. Littel or no actual carbon tax money will be spent, to actually physically address green carbon issues. The physical growing carbon reaction issue will continue - but the buck will be passed onto others as we just bury our government department failings through bought carbon points, to do a cover-up. More people need to kop on and engage their brain regarding this issue alone.
    Banks are about to further fleece homeowners for extra €2k as EU rates fall. What will FG and the other members of a Dail Mafia do about this also? Absolutely piss all too!
    Despite Irish Water and FG saying water meters (already out of date) have been stopped being put in, they still quietly continue to be put in by men operating out of often unmarked white vans leased out on a national contract with a transport manufacturer. The fact that Irish Water has rolled out metering before any serious attempt to fix the crumbling pipes is demonstrable proof of that Leo Varadkar wants to follow in UK’s Thatcher footsteps on water privatisation for private company gain. NO – you are still not getting that national referendum to help protect our water and the attached services needed. YES – you are still being toxic water poisoned by 'Fluoride' against your wishes. Again, here too, our local and national elected don’t have the balls or will, to address these issues.
    Countries that have now stopped selling weapons to murdering, human rights violating Saudi Arabia: Denmark - Germany - The Netherlands - Finland - Austria - Belgium - Switzerland – Norway. No, the UK and the USA are still internationally greedy to do the right thing. They continue to put money profit before people’s real lives.
    Dublin Port chief's has run up a whopping €95,000 credit card bill and State company €205,000 spend for just making a ferry launch song. What? RTE didn’t report any of this ****? Don’t get me started on RTE! Meanwhile, the afore mentioned is just one more example (of too many) that top brass in state don't give a **** when it's not coming out of their own pocket
    The HSE has told 30 women who developed cancer, and the next-of-kin of another woman who has died, that their cervical smear slides are missing and have been excluded from a clinical review. More ****-ups at state level continues – and it’s being tried to also be media buried also - just like #JobPath!
    FACT: Iran in 1953 was a democratically state. There was an elected President was in power. Then the U.S. CIA via 'Operation Ajax' had him overthrown in a coup d'état . Who then installed the 'Shah of Iran', a religious nutjob (who then reinvigorated fanatical, twisted religious ideology – how did that work out for the planet?) with limitless power? The CIA. The U.S. is now again is trying regime change. It’s time more people kopped this on as its’ putting our planet at whole risk. The White House is up to their dangerous **** again! Wake up people.
    When confronted by homeless figures, Leo Varadkar unmoved, very questionably claimed Ireland's homelessness numbers are better than our peer countries - rather than he or his other useless thugs actually managing to reach the very basic human conclusion that homelessness is intolerable and they actually doing something beyond seeing landlords (some of which are FG elected) further financially rewarded! You couldn’t make this **** up – unless you are part of a Dail mafia?
    Boris Johnson says the border is a phony issue. This is absolute bollox. I working (as part of my “Clear And Graphic” business) for one Drogheda setup that's close to the border, the matter could be make or break it and others as to business surviving. In this issue case, Boris has his head stuck up his PR spinning ass. Has he been taking PR spin lessons from Leo?
    Taxpayers will have to fork out €160,000 for a fitness instructor in private Dail gym. It’s a service that so far sees only one elected member using on a regular basis so far! The move comes just months after the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission sought tenders for new gym equipment worth €100,000 plus VAT – which will be another 23% on top of that price.
    Protests supporting paramedics' right to union recognition are to be held across the country. Once aspect of this will be sickening. SIPTU rep on such matters and Drogheda’s Labour elected, Paul Bell, the man that reportedly said public should cross nurse picket lines previously, will be likely in double-standards, be out backing this issue. That's a well paid and perked Labour man for you. Full of double-standards you are not also meant to learn about!
    Fiction artist, Former Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD cites the establishment of Ireland’s Citizens Assembly as one of his proudest achievements. This is the very same one that he and #FineGael then ignored as their call for the return of Participatory Democracy was most called for as a top issue! Enda Kenny, a consistent fairy tale story maker and one of Ireland's greatest traitors, in my opinion. RTE refuses to also cover the mountain of **** that he has mentally invented as does other FG cult followers.
    The OFI (Olympic Federation of Ireland) confirmed that Pat Hickey will attend the European Games. What the hell??? If true, un****ing believeable! Typical **** of modern day Ireland with #FiannaFail & #FineGael at the helm. More national level questionable people not only being allowed to continue screwing the state but also getting away with possible previous antics. There’s piss-poor accountability in Ireland. Just more rewards for possible top crooked?
    Yes, I am back – and there’s more to come.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    Does anyone remember Terry mcGeehan in the star? That sounds exactly like one of his rants.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,749 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So among all that ranting about the Government, HSE, FG, EU basically the headlines since he's been away is this precious gem we need to be concerned about.........
    ITV plans another TV show like 'Jeremy Kyle-style'. So there wiil be even more TV garbage for the mental lazy or brain dead in Ireland and further, to watch and be distracted. Christ, what has happened to the production of making show with a modicum of moral or decent content value!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,647 ✭✭✭✭El Weirdo

    Does anyone remember the forum he set up after he got permabanned from here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,686 ✭✭✭whippet

    Even Ben Gilroy had the sense to say that his version of politics wasn’t wanted by the Irish people and He is bowing out.

    Jeff on the other hand has just managed to insult 99.9% of the Irish population who don’t agree with him ... he is delusional.

    With the change in his demeanour now he is slowly becoming like Gemma ...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    El Weirdo wrote: »
    Does anyone remember the forum he set up after he got permabanned from here?

    I do!

    Used to have it bookmarked. Had a lot of different pages of it. He even had a page recommending his favourite porn sites, for discussion purposes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,545 ✭✭✭Topgear on Dave

    He even had a page recommending his favourite porn sites, for discussion purposes.

    Perfectly normal for any progressive local politician :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    As expected, all comments criticizing Dear Leader on the Clear and Graphic page have been nuked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,363 ✭✭✭washiskin

    So, instead of rolling up his sleeves and getting involved with building his community profile in case he runs again, he insults the electorate he tried courting only weeks ago. Yep, straight out of the Gemtrails book of how to lose friends and alienate people. He's as predictable as a one horse race.:rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,686 ✭✭✭whippet

    I do!

    Used to have it bookmarked. Had a lot of different pages of it. He even had a page recommending his favourite porn sites, for discussion purposes.

    There is hardly a web archive of that site knocking about ?

This discussion has been closed.