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Werewolf XV - Greendale Community College



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    -Ass Crack Bandit
    The Ass Crack Bandit constantly stalks mayhem is his, or her MO, looking for exposed ass cracks to drop coins into. The Ass Crack Bandit will be able to coin someone's crack once a day. That person will not be able to use any of their powers the following day.

    Guys does this imply that Starburns SK cannot be role blocked by the Bandit? SK has a night power... Bandit blocks the power for the following day...

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    somebody this morning was calling for a 3 way race (who was this), this i think is not a good idea, two way race should be our max amount to subvert a block vote by the wolves, which until we get mod clarification, do not need to worry about 'hiding in the crowd' as somebody else suggested this morning (who was this).

    The 3 way race call was my idea. I was basing it off FFA to be honest but I see your logic. Katie I think was the one who mentioned the wolves block voting

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Derry, this is just from checking through your posts that come up when I click on "Find More Posts By...", so only includes examples where Isla gets mentioned within the first three lines.

    i'd be curious if, in your reply, you could actually type Isla's name, in full, and without any capital letters please :)
    Derry WW wrote: »
    ISLA, just stop . .

    You are either the village idiot (literally) or a wolf trying to keep me going round in circles . .

    Right now, I would vote for you tonight either as a dangerous stupid villager or wolf/SK looking to cause mayhem. .
    Derry WW wrote: »
    I will try and get to that later today. If I am correct nothing should happen until lynch at 9pm? Unless chang is still in play and if he kills me, I have recorded everything that you guys can look back over.

    Like I said, if Katie, Jake and ISLA are villagers they should just shut up about me. I've spent way too much time responding to their baseless accusations. NOTHING they accused me of adds up to anything meaningful, even Jake admitted it.
    Derry WW wrote: »
    I'm not the person who kept highlighting a rolled villager randomly and tried really hard to get them lynched . .

    Very weak defence ISLA .
    Derry WW wrote: »
    Coined in the Ass
    Day 1 Angus
    Day 2 ISLA

    Neither look to be SK (unless Chang is killing - this is going to be difficult to clarify).

    But they may be baddies who cannot use their powers . . I am guessing neither are rolled goodies because they were extremely active intentionally. I foolishly allowed myself to get rattled by ridiculous claims against me and have paid the price.

    Neither the Wolves or SK went after me. Perhaps they thought I would be protected ? Perhaps they both thought the other would take me out ? If I wasn't protected, I would suggest protecting me tomorrow . .

    Remember, if what I have said is true then lets look at the facts:

    - Wolves first kill was this morning
    - SKs Killed both people yesterday
    - When I revealed my role the wolves couldn't of known who was killed by SKs
    - This means that I could not of known that Ass coin Bandit was killed yesterday . It means nobody knows who was killed before our lynch
    - This means there is no possible way, other then blind luck, that I knew the Bandit was killed . .

    So I ask, how could I know that Ass Coin Bandit was definitely killed ?
    Derry WW wrote: »
    To be honest, a part of me is kind of glad I am on the endangered species list . I spent way too long keeping up on this. You should see my spreadsheets!

    And ISLA's disappearance is interesting . . Surely she has to be peeked . .

    She picked me randomly (I actually wasn't posting much earlier) and started belting posts naming me . . She was prob the main reason I started to defend myself . .

    But you Jake . . You broke my heart . . :(
    Derry WW wrote: »
    You gave no reasonable explanation for targeting me . . Your post was information that I posted and you saying "well why not" .

    Decide what you want to do with ISLA and Jake, but I certainly do not think they should be forgotten (like I have seen in previous villages).

    I am the ass Bandit and I resent you all for voting for me for no other reason then you saw my name mentioned by somebody else. Jake you actually did some homework that yielded NOTHING and you still voted for me simply because I said your logic was , correctly, ridiculous. For that you are a higher concern then ISLA's lunatic ravings. Perhaps she is an SK

    I will try and post some of my notes for today because I am not sure if its too late for me to save my kneck . . Some of my notes may not look like they make sense, I am just trying to post down the things that you guys can decide on. My post numbers are from the max posts per page (I think that's why some of you cant match them up when looking). I will try and link them if I have the time, I just want to get information down before the lynch.

    I chose Angus today for the coin in the crack. He was pushing to have me reveal myself and very active early on. I don't know if he was anxious that I highlighted him or if it was something else. However he seemed very interested in my character revealing.

    He was very active today. He actually asked me (Ass Bandit) to come out in post 445. Then in post 450 he was very curious about my role and in post 462 was encouraging me to come out.

    If there is no SK kill before 10pm I presume that means he is the SK? Maybe somebody else can clarify this ?

    I don't actually know for sure if Angus is bad, just that there are a lot of question marks surrounding him.

    I will try and keep posting notes, thoughts before the lynch cause I am guessing I am already gone . .
    Derry WW wrote: »
    I think I am going to have to come clean . .

    But before I do F**k you Jake and ISLA . .
    Derry WW wrote: »
    The Seers claim was ISLA, who, as I multiquoted , hasn't given any other reason to vote for me. Most people don't think ISLA is the seer cause its a stupid move (so early) and ISLA has been posting random waffle all day . .

    I must ask anybody who hasn't voted yet to hold off before people answer my question: If you were a player that the village wanted to keep and weren't sure if you were going to be lynched, what would you do ?
    Derry WW wrote: »
    OK Jake . . Looks like I numbered some of the posts wrong, but the information is close by . .

    Anybody who was pushing the "wolves don't know" just before munch is, IMO, suspicious. .

    For the record, I didn't say ISLA was safe or good, I said she wasn't my candidate. Either an NRV shooting in the dark or a baddy hiding in plain sight, I really don't know which one. .

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    found one of them.
    Jake WW wrote: »

    Wolves can hide with the crowd by just following with who we decide, especially if they know that person isn't one of them.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Jake WW wrote: »

    Wolves can hide with the crowd by just following with who we decide, especially if they know that person isn't one of them.

    NOTE: I'm not casting suspicion here, just,

    if we don't get the voting results, this disadvantage is gone, would you like to revise advice in post now?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    somebody this morning was calling for a 3 way race (who was this), this i think is not a good idea, two way race should be our max amount to subvert a block vote by the wolves, which until we get mod clarification, do not need to worry about 'hiding in the crowd' as somebody else suggested this morning (who was this).

    You'd imagine the votes aren't being released as if jeff ius voted one hed change vote and its a free info thing

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Angus WW wrote: »
    For someone whos just popped back up, you seem very well up to date on happenings in your absence
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Why dont you think they are not wolf. Explain
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Thats alot of trust in someone who could be a wolf who has evil shirleys info.

    Im not buying your act , tell me why I should believe your not a wolf? You seem up to date on a lot , watching from a far were you
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Orla seems to know a lot about Derry, she didnt trust him earlier but now shes all over him despite not being around to contribute during enough to help the village

    Shes a wolf
    Angus WW wrote: »
    I was never sure about anything more, vote Orla now.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Orla, are you gonna help the village today or watch from afar like the wolf you are.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    all of the above. youre a wolf.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    You are too caught up for my liking,

    You are a wolf who has watched the whole game unfold and is clued in to everything. Now you pop in when called to defend yourself.


    Angus, this is the kind of stuff that I don't find helpful (whether you are a villager or wolf).

    I don't think you are the seer because I have to believe that if you were, you would of peeked me. As such, you wouldn't be questioning the validity of my character reveal and you certainly wouldn't be questioning somebody who supports my theory. You are asking me to follow you when part of your argument against Orla is that I might not be who I say who I am ?!

    Orla came on here and explained why she believed my point. Maybe she is cosying up to me and maybe she is using my preferred choice (logic) in explaining why she supports my claim, but I don't see enough in your claim to be so confident and I don't know what you feel you have done to have others trust you like you are requesting .

    This is the exact same sort of B*ll**** strategy that was used on me yesterday and I don't think its a helpful villager move considering your complete lack of credibility.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    You'd imagine the votes aren't being released as if jeff ius voted one hed change vote and its a free info thing

    So, if thats the case, everybody should say on thread who they voted for yesterday and we find out who evil jeff is?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Are we totally discounting the fact that Evil Jeff had to use his Winger Speech yesterday?

    From my recollection people on thread said they were voting Frank or Steve. Angus and Fiona to the best of my knowledge are the only ones who SAID they voted Gabriel.

    So, either some people are liars or one of Frank or Steve COULD be Evil Jeff. Just something in my mind at the moment

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Derry, this is just from checking through your posts that come up when I click on "Find More Posts By...", so only includes examples where Isla gets mentioned within the first three lines.

    i'd be curious if, in your reply, you could actually type Isla's name, in full, and without any capital letters please :)

    isla ?

    Do you think its a task ?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    afternoon all. i saw a few pages back someone was wondering bout me. had a friend visiting from a different college, so was out wed, thurs and fri.

    due to the anon game, it is nearly impossible to skim through cos you're not familiar with the characters.

    all i have garnered so far is derry claimed assbandit, and isla (i think) claimed seer, but she seems to be going after derry which is odd.

    aside that i am utterly lost.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Are we totally discounting the fact that Evil Jeff had to use his Winger Speech yesterday?

    From my recollection people on thread said they were voting Frank or Steve. Angus and Fiona to the best of my knowledge are the only ones who SAID they voted Gabriel.

    So, either some people are liars or one of Frank or Steve COULD be Evil Jeff. Just something in my mind at the moment

    That's a fair point too, actually.
    Derry WW wrote: »
    isla ?

    Do you think its a task ?

    Ok, so why were you posting it in all caps up till this point?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,963 ✭✭✭Fiona WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    So, if thats the case, everybody should say on thread who they voted for yesterday and we find out who evil jeff is?

    Yeah that's a good idea, even if the wolves are lying, there are enough vilagers here to get a decent perspective as to how the voting went.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    Ewan WW wrote: »
    We have a priest in the village so Shirley would know if you are telling the truth but no way a priest should come out this early so you would have free reign if this is the case.

    Is there a backup priest at all? Doesn't look like it

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    afternoon all. i saw a few pages back someone was wondering bout me. had a friend visiting from a different college, so was out wed, thurs and fri.

    due to the anon game, it is nearly impossible to skim through cos you're not familiar with the characters.

    all i have garnered so far is derry claimed assbandit, and isla (i think) claimed seer, but she seems to be going after derry which is odd.

    aside that i am utterly lost.

    isla made early refs that were said to be cliam. troy (t-bone), abed (CUT), pierce (sperm), seer peek derry, ass bandit, and possibly every other roll in the game, but you stop thinking its serious after 5 or 6.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    Angus, this is the kind of stuff that I don't find helpful (whether you are a villager or wolf).

    I don't think you are the seer because I have to believe that if you were, you would of peeked me. As such, you wouldn't be questioning the validity of my character reveal and you certainly wouldn't be questioning somebody who supports my theory. You are asking me to follow you when part of your argument against Orla is that I might not be who I say who I am ?!

    Orla came on here and explained why she believed my point. Maybe she is cosying up to me and maybe she is using my preferred choice (logic) in explaining why she supports my claim, but I don't see enough in your claim to be so confident and I don't know what you feel you have done to have others trust you like you are requesting .

    This is the exact same sort of B*ll**** strategy that was used on me yesterday and I don't think its a helpful villager move considering your complete lack of credibility.

    not cosying up, I told you to move on from isla as I believe she is good, since nobody has countered your claim I am believing you, By posting this I somehow became 100% wolf in angus mind, despite giving my reasons, I also pointed out I never doubted you, I just said I don't think she was a wolf and it somehow ended up with angus saying I didn't believe you which you also said yourself so its an easy enough mistake

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,963 ✭✭✭Fiona WW

    Did Isla claim the seer role?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    #VoteDay1 I wasn't around.

    ^maybe above format would help collalate the votes with a search afterwards. put #VoteDay1 "who here" on line 1, then it can be seen in a thread search for #VoteDay1

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    #VoteDay1 I wasn't around.

    ^maybe above format would help collalate the votes with a search afterwards. put #VoteDay1 "who here" on line 1, then it can be seen in a thread search for #VoteDay1

    No issue with that.

    #VoteDay1 - Steve

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    I voted Frank

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    I missed vote dfue to being called into work and as punishment miss tonights vote too

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Also, Someone else questioned this already but I believe nobody knows so we would need mod clarification for real answer.

    Mod clarification request: Is evil Jeff unlynchable? or is his get out of jail free card a one time thing?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    That's a fair point too, actually.

    Ok, so why were you posting it in all caps up till this point?

    I don't actually know and didn't realise I was posting in Caps. Prob because I find ISLA the most infuriating player in the game and blame her for me having to come out . .

    Tell you what Katie, convince me that I am more likely a wolf given below information. Instead of innuendo (ooh caps lock or Spanish language or some other random theory), try focusing on statistics and facts. Maybe there is somebody better then me at maths but even adding a few percent to below figures still make the odds more in my favour:

    - Fact - Only 2 people had been killed when I disclosed my role
    - Fact - There was at best a 2/19 (5.2%) chance that the Ass Coin Bandit was killed. But that assumes that the baddys have a forum and can talk to each other.
    - Fact - If the baddies cannot talk to each other, there was a 2/24 chance that a SK killed Ass Coin Bandit ( I just realised SK can kill wolves) - that's a 4.1% chance that the Ass Coin Bandit was killed
    - Fact - For me to know that the Ass coin bandit was killed the wolves had to peek one of the killed.

    For all these things to line up, we are looking at an extremely unlikely statistical chance that I am lieing based on looking at the facts.

    I am not sure how "You typed ISLA in all caps" changes anything about these facts . . If you cannot explain away these facts then you are either a villager wasting time (trying to insinuate I am doing some secret things) or a wolf trying to confuse things.

    If villagers want to pursue these conspiracys and ignore my points then I give up trying to reason with you guys. .

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,963 ✭✭✭Fiona WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    Also, Someone else questioned this already but I believe nobody knows so we would need mod clarification for real answer.

    Mod clarification request: Is evil Jeff unlynchable? or is his get out of jail free card a one time thing?

    Once I'd imagine, otherwise if he survived longer than the SK it would be game over for the village.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    NOTE: I'm not casting suspicion here, just,

    if we don't get the voting results, this disadvantage is gone, would you like to revise advice in post now?

    As I said, I was just thinking out loud, so happy to have holes picked in it.

    I think what I meant is that if we all reveal who we we're going to vote for, the wolves will just follow the crowd and say the same.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Are we totally discounting the fact that Evil Jeff had to use his Winger Speech yesterday?

    From my recollection people on thread said they were voting Frank or Steve. Angus and Fiona to the best of my knowledge are the only ones who SAID they voted Gabriel.

    So, either some people are liars or one of Frank or Steve COULD be Evil Jeff. Just something in my mind at the moment

    I mentioned it. Or at least said it was a possibility for some night even if it didn't happen last night. And the implications that Evil Jeff might have the power to save himself from lynch more than once meaning that we need the SK to take him out.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    You'd imagine the votes aren't being released as if jeff ius voted one hed change vote and its a free info thing

    Said that too.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Save Greendale Committee


    Learns the alignment of whom she votes for, if they survive the next phase.

    Britta can choose two players to join her in a private backroom for 48hrs

    find out the role of one player per day.

    If peeked by Good Abed, he will learn Abeds identity.

    Shirley will be able to find out the roles of the dead.

    -Pierce Hawthorne
    If Troy is given the doll, Pierce will invite Troy to join him in his mansion, and the two will have a backroom for 48hrs.
    -If Evil Troy finds the doll, Pierce will join the evil team

    -Ass Crack Bandit
    hat person will not be able to use any of their powers the following day.

    If triggered he will wake up and revert to who he was before the accident Ben Chang. The result of this shock is unpredictable. 

    Darkest Timeline Study Group

    Evil Jeff
    Should Evil Jeff be lynched, he will be able to give a Winger Speech to get himself off the hook, and have the player with the second most votes lynched in his stead.

    Evil Annie
    stops a player from using their power every second day.

    Evil Abed
    find out the role of one player per day.
    is peeks abed he will loose power for 1 day
    Evil Troy
    Evil Troy aids the Darkest Timeline Group with their nightly kills.

    Evil Shirley
    Evil Shirley will learn the roles of all players killed by the Evil Study group

    Serial Killer

    will be able to kill one player every night.

    The Darkest V The Prime timeline
    The study group from the darkest timeline are like our favourite study buddies in every way, so like them infact that it is not immediately apparent even to themselves who is good and who is evil. 11 players have received pm's telling them that they are members of the study group. On the morning of day one (Friday) five of these players will receive a further pm advising them that they are in fact in the darkest timeline. Players are not permitted to discuss discuss the contents of these PM's on thread.

    this is really just for myself, i got rid of some of the inof i didnt think was necessary.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW


    The nature of the game is there's tasks and sorts to do. That means when an irregularity gets picked up upon (in this case, repeatedly posting a single posters name in all caps over and over), it HAS to be looked at. "I don't know why I'm doing that" is not the type of answer to be giving either for something that looks so deliberate. It also had to be followed up on when you either missed or ignored the question when it was originally asked.

    You're right, the "facts" and odds of things happening are slim, but that doesn't change there seems to have been a few irregularities in what you've been posting, and they are the type of questions that HAVE to be asked. I genuinely am sorry if you're good and you feel persecuted, but surely you realize when something suspicious is seen, it absolutely has to be examined, right? That's the entire point of what's happening here.

    I don't know who to vote for right now. Steve and Frank were my picks this morning, and I've not had anything concrete offered yet to put me off them. But when there's not much else to discuss, surely you can see why a two second "Hey, why are you..." with a reply of "Oh, because..." conversation is important?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Angus, Katie and Ewan have been most suspect for me today for reasons I have already expressed.

    Anybody who questions my status is a suspect if they cannot give a reasonable response to my defence. Nobody has claimed my role. The odds in my claimed character of been killed is at best less then 6%. The odds on the wolves choosing to peek a dead person on day 1 does not look like a plausible strategy and even if it was, do people think that wolves would peek dead players on day 1 when there is less likely to be a killed rolled player ?

    So unless you disagree with my maths , there is at least a 94% probability I am who I say I am . . So either trust this or some other theory like I posted ISLA in caps which means something !

    This line of strategy (casting doubt on me) is not clever for villagers.
