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Season 7 Episode 6 "Beyond the Wall" - "Book readers" - Spoilers from post 2



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭xper

    I have not seen the episode scanned the last 2 pages before realizing but in relation to LF do not forget he commands an army that saved them against the Boltons so they need to be careful. He may have made alliances with others in winterfell so if Sansa and Arya suspect anything they would have to be careful. Maybe Brienne leaving is a ploy
    I think LF would have more chance of support from a few of the disgruntled northerners and that's not saying much. Lord Royce would be quite happy to see the back of LF who he clearly has no time for but who he has been forced/tricked into serving thanks to LF's manipulation of young Lord Arryn.
    Hrududu wrote: »
    Why on earth would Sansa send Brienne off to Kings Landing? Especially since she just had that chat with Littlefinger. Unless she was plotting to kill Arya and didn't want Brienne around to stop it. But its a strange storyline. Arya used to be such a great character and now she's just the boogieman for Sansa.
    Maybe Sansa sent Brienne off precisely because of that conversation. He's trying to use Brienne's potential split loyalty to cause chaos. Sansa counteracts that by removing that particular chess piece from the board. Your move, LF.

    As isolated as she is currently at Winterfell with no one to turn to, it is not credible that Sansa has just suddenly forgetten the harsh lesson she learned and that she was warning Jon et al repeatedly that LF can't be trusted. I am sure she is playing The Game with him but its at Champions League level and we know how it turns out for the loser.

    I am not sure if Arya is colluding with Sansa or is a lone player at the moment. I've always hoped that her storyline is going somewhere other than the rather obvious fate of becoming a violence-loving lost soul. The "I am a Stark of Winterfell" followed by the red wedding revenge followed by the Hotpie-provoked aboutface suggested a straightforward return to the good guys' team but her characterisation has completely regressed since she walked back in those gates. I fear GRRM's wife will kill him!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,498 ✭✭✭Riddle101

    Last week people were speculating what Arya would do with the Valyrian dagger. Some even suggested that it could be used against the Littlefinger or the White Walkers. But now Sansa has it. Maybe i'm looking too much into this, but it looks like Sansa will be the one to use it. So I guess it's possible that Sansa will be the one to kill Littlefinger and not Arya as people have speculated. She could be the one to finish Littlefinger instead. Hell she may even kill a White Walker herself.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 6,731 Mod ✭✭✭✭pinkypinky

    I thought it was a great episode, and to my group of 4 who watch every week, none of us expected that the Night King wanted a dragon. I'm amazed at everyone saying this was so obvious - were there hints before?

    Frustrated by the Sansa/Arya stuff but really hope they are somehow secretly together working against Littlefinger - but why would they need that scene in private to be so antagonistic if this was the case?

    I've been happy enough with the speeded up timelines but did feel like the Eastwatch/beyond the wall/Gendry's marathon run/Dany & dragons appearance was a tad ridiculous. But since we're watching something entirely made up with fictional animals and magic, I'm just going to let it go.

    There's a lot of stuff left hanging with only 1 episode to go:

    We still don't know where Sam and Gilly are bound for. I expect the R+L=J pay off will be next season now.
    We haven't seen Grey Worm and the Unsullied in a few episodes.
    Ditto Euron
    Ditto Yara
    Ditto Bran (whose whole arch is just irritating now)

    Showdown at Kings Landing - surely Cersei will just say "sure I've got my own undead guy, had one ages ago".

    With one dragon gone to the dark side, perhaps the end game was always to only have 2 dragon riders: Dany and Jon.
    I thought their scene together was great: really well acted and heart-felt.

    Overall, 2 thumbs up.

    Genealogy Forum Mod

  • Administrators Posts: 54,700 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

    Where is Ghost?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,057 ✭✭✭.......

    This post has been deleted.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,216 ✭✭✭Daith

    ....... wrote: »
    This post has been deleted.

    Ghost not going South makes sense.

    However there should have been a scene where Jon "tells" Ghost to protect Sansa.

    Or when Sansa, Arya and Bran are going through Winterfell, having Ghost beside them would have been perfect.

    Or Ghost chilling with Bran at the Godswood.

    So yes, lots of scenes that he should be in but we get an offhand "he's waiting for Jon" from Sansa.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,308 ✭✭✭✭J. Marston

    Even a background shot of him curled up by the fire in Winterfell would suffice.

    Show us the wolf!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 255 ✭✭The Hound Gone Wild

    The Direwolves are expensive to animate apparently. The dragons and Nymeria have taken up the CGI budget.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,599 ✭✭✭2ndcoming

    I have no issue with "teleportation" or (for the most part) the overarching plot, but I do have a major issue with the shortening of the season to seven episodes.

    It seems this decision has resulted in the series being clipped to only enormous set pieces or quieter scenes showing massive plot progression interspersed with short scenes of either jokey, cool guy dialogue or blatant fan service.

    What annoys me most of all is the three hours they've cut isn't the expensive part of production. Well written dialogue in dimly lit rooms can be done in a day or two for nothing compared to the weeks of filming and hundreds of man hours of post-production the huge set pieces take, but those quiet scenes are what give the show depth and make the set pieces worthwhile!

    I guess a bigger budget can make your dragons look cool as f**k but it can't write a smarter script for you.

    In a funny way, this has actually restored my interest in seeing the books finished. I'd come into this season thinking will I even bother reading the final books now if the show resolves everything over these last two seasons, but after seeing the rush job they've done on it all so far I'm firmly back in the book camp now, hopefully to see some proper plot progression and the real fleshed out story. Maybe it was GRRM's masterplan all along.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 wacko98

    For a few seconds I was fully convinced that Jon Snow was going to be turned into a WW, and it'd be Ice vs Fire (Jon vs Dany).

    Can we all agree that The Hound was really stupid to throw rocks at the wights? Wonder why Jon or someone else didn't tell him to stop.. unreal episode though, anyone have any clues for what'll happen in the finale? Hopefully some sort of shock!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 255 ✭✭The Hound Gone Wild

    wacko98 wrote: »
    Anyone have any clues for what'll happen in the finale? Hopefully some sort of shock!

    C'mon. Stevie wonder can tell where this season is going. The NK is going to use Viserion to melt the wall.


    The fellowship will bring The one Wight to rule them all to the council of Elrond (king's landing). Somebody (gimli) will attempt to destroy the ring (Wight) The ring survives. Everyone will be shocked but will agree the ring must be destroyed. Boromir (Cercei) will join the fellowship but will have an ulterior motive, to use the war of ring to Gondor's (house lanister's) advantage. :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,015 ✭✭✭✭Mc Love

    C'mon. Stevie wonder can tell where this season is going. The NK is going to use Viserion to melt the wall.


    The fellowship will bring The one Wight to rule them all to the council of Elrond (king's landing). Somebody (gimli) will attempt to destroy the ring (Wight) The ring survives. Everyone will be shocked but will agree the ring must be destroyed. Boromir (Cercei) will join the fellowship but will have an ulterior motive, to use the war of ring to Gondor's (house lanister's) advantage. :pac:

    Bringing the wight to Kings landing and now I have the "we're taking the hobbit to Eisengard" song in my head!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 676 ✭✭✭turnikett1

    2ndcoming wrote: »
    I have no issue with "teleportation" or (for the most part) the overarching plot, but I do have a major issue with the shortening of the season to seven episodes.

    It seems this decision has resulted in the series being clipped to only enormous set pieces or quieter scenes showing massive plot progression interspersed with short scenes of either jokey, cool guy dialogue or blatant fan service.

    What annoys me most of all is the three hours they've cut isn't the expensive part of production. Well written dialogue in dimly lit rooms can be done in a day or two for nothing compared to the weeks of filming and hundreds of man hours of post-production the huge set pieces take, but those quiet scenes are what give the show depth and make the set pieces worthwhile!

    I guess a bigger budget can make your dragons look cool as f**k but it can't write a smarter script for you.

    In a funny way, this has actually restored my interest in seeing the books finished. I'd come into this season thinking will I even bother reading the final books now if the show resolves everything over these last two seasons, but after seeing the rush job they've done on it all so far I'm firmly back in the book camp now, hopefully to see some proper plot progression and the real fleshed out story. Maybe it was GRRM's masterplan all along.

    I feel exactly the same. Before season 7 was aired the hype was real and my bubble for reading the books had most definitely burst. Now I want Winds of Winter more than ever!

    What really disappoints me is how easily avoidable the poor quality of this season could've been. As you say, it does not take much money or effort to have dialogue scenes. A couple of dialogue scenes putting some of the plotholes into perspective could've reeeeally helped. An extra 3 episodes to flesh it out just that bit more and this season could've been amazing.

    I won't lie, I watched the finale trailer and I am excited. But as I've said before I'm just excited to know what the major plot developments are - as written by GRRM. There are literally times in this season where I fast forwarded a little bit because the current filler scene I was watching was just way too cringey :/ When you think about it, season 7, major plot developments aside, is literally fan fiction. D&D are fans who proposed to adapt the show. Now they find themselves writing it. As has been discussed the fault lies with GRRM. As to why he's taken so goddamn long I guess we'll never know.

    Out of curiosity has this happened before? Where a TV adaptation has surpassed the written form and the producers find themselves writing the end of book!? It's a pretty unique situation!

  • Subscribers Posts: 32,864 ✭✭✭✭5starpool

    All this needs now is for Cersei to try and ally herself with the night king somehow to really kill the show. It's almost like the writers decided after 6 seasons that they were sick of it and just said 'feck it, let's just cram everything together and finish this'.

    I'm still generally enjoying it, but it has taken a shark jumping turn recently. Still better than all that Mereen crap though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,571 ✭✭✭✭Frisbee

    I really enjoyed that episode.
    One thing stood out to me that I can't believe no-one has mentioned yet though. The Jon / Dany scene on the boat at the very end she goes 'you better get some rest' or something to that effect and he just closes his eyes immediately.

    I broke my hole laughing. It was like something a kid would do to pretend to be asleep when you are trying to get them to go to bed. He was just shy of squinting one eye open after a few seconds to see if she bought it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,220 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    After reading this thread, I have to wonder to myself why some of you even bother watching the show. If you dislike it so much, why bother?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 wacko98

    C'mon. Stevie wonder can tell where this season is going. The NK is going to use Viserion to melt the wall.


    The fellowship will bring The one Wight to rule them all to the council of Elrond (king's landing). Somebody (gimli) will attempt to destroy the ring (Wight) The ring survives. Everyone will be shocked but will agree the ring must be destroyed. Boromir (Cercei) will join the fellowship but will have an ulterior motive, to use the war of ring to Gondor's (house lanister's) advantage. :pac:

    A small part of me is thinking "this is Game of Thrones" though and is hoping for a major shock.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 676 ✭✭✭turnikett1

    After reading this thread, I have to wonder to myself why some of you even bother watching the show. If you dislike it so much, why bother?

    Who has said they dislike it? I've seen people on various forums say "well if you hate it so much then don't watch it" when the reality is no one says they dislike the show. You can criticize something and still enjoy it. Some people seem very upset that others have their criticisms of season 7.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,229 ✭✭✭blackwhite

    pinkypinky wrote: »
    There's a lot of stuff left hanging with only 1 episode to go:

    We still don't know where Sam and Gilly are bound for. I expect the R+L=J pay off will be next season now.

    Given how they played the ToJ reveal last season (Ned & Arthur Dayne fight in Episode 3, and then the reveal in the last seconds of the season), I fully expect Sam and Gilly to have their moment of revelation just before the credits roll next week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,392 ✭✭✭The White Wolf

    After reading this thread, I have to wonder to myself why some of you even bother watching the show. If you dislike it so much, why bother?

    My attitude at this stage is to accept the show for what it is and enjoy the spectacle of it. Every one knows the weaknesses of the show at this point so people are wasting their breath repeating the same criticisms.

    So I prefer to focus on the positive, while remain in the hope that GRRM will finish his own symphony.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,498 ✭✭✭Riddle101

    My attitude at this stage is to accept the show for what it is and enjoy the spectacle of it. Every one knows the weaknesses of the show at this point so people are wasting their breath repeating the same criticisms.

    That's the best way to put I think. After Arya's storyline last year with the The Waif i've kind've just accepted that this is how the show is going to be, so it's best to just watch and enjoy it rather then pick out the little errors. I'd like it the be better with the details but I guess the producers have other ideas.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,299 ✭✭✭TheIrishGrover

    This is the book readers thread. It is almost by definition going to have people who loved, enjoyed or at least tolerated the books. Those people, including myself, are frustrated by the way in which the tone of the first 4 series, which was more or less faithful to the books has been replaced by a very different tone from series 5 onwards.

    So, to give an example as to why the teleportation stuff is important, book 1 A game of thrones had a lot of tension because people were so far apart and were trying to communicate in a difficult context, and books 2 and 3 A clash of kings and A storm of swords were pretty much entirely based on the difficulties faced by armies trying to fight each other across Westeros.

    Basically, book readers like the way in which GRRM has created an imperfect world where plans rarely work out but solutions still have to be reached, and the more recent series' suffer not, IMO, because of some sense of technical imperfection or lack of reality, but rather the fact that they are no longer true to the original spirit of the books.

    It's exciting television, and TV is the new cinema as some people have said, but the hollywoodisation of the world of ASOFAI has become a lot more apparent in this series. If the price of being able to enjoy GOT is that we have to occasionally vent on the internet about these things, then so be it!

    ^^^^ This ^^^^

    I think I mentioned it in one of my posts. the whole fog-of-war aspect is gone now. Armies needed to be rounded up and actually trudge to a battle. Entire chapters were dedicated to them waiting for optimal conditions for marching, gathering provisions etc the whole "Hurry up and wait" aspect of the movement of a large mass of men. Miscommunication/missed communication was another factor early on, ravens took days to be sent/replied to, causing deaths. For Christ sake, Tyrion hasn't met Dany yet because he's still travelling. (This is not a complaint of the series outpacing the books).

    Look how long it is taking the walkers to reach The Wall. 7 years and going at this stage :) And they don't need provisions.

    Now a single man can run what seems to be 15/20 miles back to the wall, a raven can then fly 900-1500 miles AND Dany can fly back said 900-1500 miles back all overnight.
    Fair enough. Dragon power/super-fast bird etc.

    But what about Episode 4? The Dothraki go from Dragonstone to Highgarden in a couple of days.... With a big F*ckoff dragon (Although I suppose Dany could have left that morning :) )

    It's not being picky to point this out because it removes ANY "Will they or won't they get there in time" tension when they can get anywhere at any time they want.... so long as it's a minute before disaster.

    Oh, and wans anyone expecting to hear Benjen yell "Leeerrrroooyyyyyyy Jenkinnnnnns"?

    I still enjoy the show but a huge amount of tension has gone for me because you know that if a main character that Dany knows is in peril she'll fly in on Falcor and lay waste just in the nick of time no matter where she is.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,399 ✭✭✭✭ThunbergsAreGo

    ^^^^ This ^^^^

    I think I mentioned it in one of my posts. the whole fog-of-war aspect is gone now. Armies needed to be rounded up and actually trudge to a battle. Entire chapters were dedicated to them waiting for optimal conditions for marching, gathering provisions etc the whole "Hurry up and wait" aspect of the movement of a large mass of men. Miscommunication/missed communication was another factor early on, ravens took days to be sent/replied to, causing deaths. For Christ sake, Tyrion hasn't met Dany yet because he's still travelling. (This is not a complaint of the series outpacing the books).

    Now a single man can run what seems to be 15/20 miles back to the wall, a raven can then fly 900-1500 miles AND Dany can fly back said 900-1500 miles back all overnight.
    Fair enough. Dragon power/super-fast bird etc.

    But what about Episode 4? The Dothraki go from Dragonstone to Highgarden in a couple of days.... With a big F*ckoff dragon (Although I suppose Dany could have left that morning :) )

    It's not being picky to point this out because it removes ANY "Will they or won't they get there in time" tension when they can get anywhere at any time they want.... so long as it's a minute before disaster.

    Oh, and wans anyone expecting to hear Benjen yell "Leeerrrroooyyyyyyy Jenkinnnnnns"?

    I still enjoy the show but a huge amount of tension has gone for me because you know that if a main character that Dany knows is in peril she'll fly in on Falcor and lay waste just in the nick of time no matter where she is.

    If Dany can go that fast, why hasn't she checked where the unsullied are?

    ...must stop thinking logically...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,073 ✭✭✭✭PopePalpatine it just me, or did Brienne look as if she was wearing Ned's cloak?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,311 ✭✭✭✭RobbingBandit

    Where's the Horn of Joramun in all this, where the duck is Euron Greyjoy too, he may or may not have a dragon horn to take control of Rhaegal in an absolute cluster duck of a twist.

  • Administrators Posts: 54,700 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

    Where's the Horn of Joramun in all this, where the duck is Euron Greyjoy too, he may or may not have a dragon horn to take control of Rhaegal in an absolute cluster duck of a twist.

    They found that in the show ages ago didn't they? I can't remember any more references to it, so I guess it's just forgotten about at this point.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,498 ✭✭✭Riddle101

    awec wrote: »
    They found that in the show ages ago didn't they? I can't remember any more references to it, so I guess it's just forgotten about at this point.

    Sam found a horn in Season 2. He found it with the Dragonglass. It hasn't been mentioned since. I was actually thinking about the horn a few days ago. Seems kind've unusual that it hasn't been seen since because it looks important. Maybe it could play some role later on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,308 ✭✭✭✭J. Marston

    Think showing the horn that time was just a nod to book readers. Would be silly to bring that or Dragonbinder into the plot now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,235 ✭✭✭✭martingriff

    J. Marston wrote: »
    Think showing the horn that time was just a nod to book readers. Would be silly to bring that or Dragonbinder into the plot now.

    Ya the horn is just a nod getting through the wall is all Viserion

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,235 ✭✭✭✭martingriff

    blackwhite wrote: »
    Given how they played the ToJ reveal last season (Ned & Arthur Dayne fight in Episode 3, and then the reveal in the last seconds of the season), I fully expect Sam and Gilly to have their moment of revelation just before the credits roll next week.

    No a cliffhanger just as Sam is to reveal it fades to black. That or Sam has something else to drop
    Tyrion is a Targaryen or Bran is the Knight King
    and Bran does the reveal of who Jon is

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 14,556 Mod ✭✭✭✭johnnyskeleton

    But what about Episode 4? The Dothraki go from Dragonstone to Highgarden in a couple of days.... With a big F*ckoff dragon (Although I suppose Dany could have left that morning :) )

    That's another thing that's, if not annoying exactly, then unsatisfactory at the least. The big problem for Dany in the books and in series 1-6 was how you get 40,000 dothraki from Easteros to Westeros given that they don't like sailing. Dragonstone seems tiny and inhospitable, not really the type of place you could put 40,000 men and horses plus 8,000 unsullied for a long period of time.

    Then at the start of series 7 when she was in the ascendant, her Navy was partially destroyed by Euron transiting to Dorne, and the rest was stuck in Casterly Rock under siege from Euron. How did the dothraki get to Highgarden without ships, when the whole reason for Dany to remain in Dragonstone is that Euron was a serious naval threat and that and also that simply landing them in the middle of Westeros would likely cause a lot of people to freak out? Also, how does she control them while they are on land. Presumably while she is sitting back in Dragonstone they are looting and pillaging across the fields of Westeros?

    Again, it's not that we want to see boring scenes of quatermasters negotiating for provisions etc, it's that these were previously described as monumental problems in the past and now they aren't a problem at all. And what made GOT so much better than standard fantasy fodder is that it actually dealt with stuff like this rather than glossing over it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39,022 ✭✭✭✭Permabear

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭will56

    Episodes and the entire actually are trying to cram too much in.
    We are getting more great set pieces but at the cost of story and character progression.

    Have D&D said why they decided to shorten the last two series because I feel that the show is all the worse for it.

    There's no more episode cliff hangers, very little if any tension because its becoming more and more predictable.
    This weeks episode could have easily ended with Gendri collapsing in the snow, or even with the wight starting to walk across the newly frozen lake.

    If Daenarys has can do laps of westeros now why hasn't she gone after Euron.
    On that point, what is Euron up to ? There are far fewer houses/lords/contenders for the throne now that we could have seen something with Yara or Theon in the last couple of episodes to help build the story and pad out the episodes

    The writers and directors seem to have decided that we need to see everthing play out in a couple of scenes compared to back at the start when plots were allowed to build.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,589 ✭✭✭✭Necronomicon

    I don't understand why some people get offended at the criticism towards the show from others. It can come across as quite precious.

    I liked the episode for the most part, my heart was thumping from start to finish, but I agree with some of the gripes people have. Where I was fist-pumping a couple of episodes ago when Dany rode in on Drogon to ruin the Lannister army's day, this time I found myself saying 'hang on a minute...' I didn't get into calculating top raven speeds and the distances involved, but it just didn't ring true to me as I watched it. So before I'd even had a chance to give it thought, I was pulled out of the story.

    To me it felt like the writers had the idea for an outcome (zombie dragon), but had to contrive a way for it to happen that didn't ring true for a lot of people, myself included. If that makes me a 'Comic Book Guy' type fan of the show, meh. I'll live with the mantle.

    Just one more thing...
    God people we are not talking about a real life here it's game of thrones with dragons and magic. What is it with people now days trying to dilute every miniscule of a program. What happened to JUST WATCHING A SHOW AND ENJOYING YOURSELF.

    This argument might be my least favourite thing about engaging in discussions over fiction. It is spurious beyond belief. Just because a show is speculative in nature doesn't give it carte blanche to throw logic out the window, that's a cop out excuse. Events in the show still have to make sense within the context of the world, and if they don't then peoples' immersion will be ruined. To use an extreme example, if Jon Snow had whipped out a phone from the island and rang Dany, would you have given it a pass because 'we are not talking about a real life here it's game of thrones with dragons and magic'?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 73 ✭✭iFreeley

    This thought is pretty far out there and relates to a well circulated theory, SPOILER BELOW
    When Jon tells the group not to divert from the mission and attack the Night King, could it possibly relate to the theory that Bran is actually the NK? Maybe he knows this and is hesitant to attack and kill the NK - after all he may be staring directly at who he thinks is his little brother? Maybe Jon knows something that nobody else does? 

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,016 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Permabear wrote: »
    This post had been deleted.

    They won't be asking Cersei to bend the knee to Dany, merely to suspend their fight against each other until the Night King is defeated, and then they can fight over the throne later.

    This is actually good for Cersei. Dany could straight up take the throne from her if she was willing to cross lines Cersei would. Dany could just unleash her dragons and army and melt Cersei's face off. Redirecting attention to the Night King gives Cersei time to plan a proper counterattack, she can position it so she'll only join if her army are in the back of the fight (meaning Jon & Dany's armies get whittled down first), and if she hears the Night King has already taken out one of her dragons, she might join in the hopes at least one more dragon gets taken out. Dany's strengths could take a huge hit in the fight against the Night King while all Cersei would have to do is sit back and pledge a few soldiers to the fight, then be ready to strike against Dany when the moment arises.

    They don't expect Cersei will join the fight easily, but Jon and Dany have no other option. They need all to fight together without fighting each other if they're going to win, and they need to show Cersei why. But Cersei can still make sure it gives her an advantage.

  • Posts: 0 CMod ✭✭✭✭ Solomon Large Gunshot

    Someone was saying on reddit the real motivation would be to show the common people the wight, not cersei. She'll probably have a massive audience to make a spectacle of them, and they can show the wight off then. It won't matter so much what she thinks.
    It's a nice idea and makes more sense

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,057 ✭✭✭.......

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭Old Perry

    Quick question, can't remember what episode it's from and haven't seen it discussed but around the time arya changes course from kings landing to winterfell she meets nymeria briefly and nymeria turns away and leaves, what was the significance of this scene or can someone point me to some discussion off this thanks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 255 ✭✭The Hound Gone Wild

    Old Perry wrote: »
    Quick question, can't remember what episode it's from and haven't seen it discussed but around the time arya changes course from kings landing to winterfell she meets nymeria briefly and nymeria turns away and leaves, what was the significance of this scene or can someone point me to some discussion off this thanks.

    There's no real significance unless Nymeria is coming back in season 8. It's just a bit of fan service, in the books there's a giant pack of wolves roaming the riverlands, there was always reader speculation that Nymeria was leading them, so it's a nod to that.

    The 'that's not you' line is a nod to season 1 when Ned tells Arya she'll be a lords wife and her daughters will be ladies and her sons knights and she responds "that's not me". She asked Nymeria to come back to Winterfell and be a pet again, but "that's not her" anymore.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,417 ✭✭✭WinnyThePoo

    Old Perry wrote: »
    Quick question, can't remember what episode it's from and haven't seen it discussed but around the time arya changes course from kings landing to winterfell she meets nymeria briefly and nymeria turns away and leaves, what was the significance of this scene or can someone point me to some discussion off this thanks.

    They are both very different from where they left off and neither need each other now.

    More or less. Nymeria has her own pack whilst arya is going back to winter fell to be with her own.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,472 ✭✭✭Dave_The_Sheep

    iFreeley wrote: »
    This thought is pretty far out there and relates to a well circulated theory, SPOILER BELOW
    When Jon tells the group not to divert from the mission and attack the Night King, could it possibly relate to the theory that Bran is actually the NK? Maybe he knows this and is hesitant to attack and kill the NK - after all he may be staring directly at who he thinks is his little brother? Maybe Jon knows something that nobody else does? 

    I've read why and I quite like the theory
    about Bran being the Night King
    , but my question would be ... how would Jon know this (at this point) or even have any possible reason to suspect this?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,392 ✭✭✭The White Wolf

    I've read why and I quite like the theory
    about Bran being the Night King
    , but my question would be ... how would Jon know this (at this point) or even have any possible reason to suspect this?
    My problem with the theory is that, certainly in the show's case at least, I've no idea why the 3ER would help Bran become the NK.

    The man is all seeing and explicitly states he wants Bran to become him, so I'm not sure why he would enable Bran in any way to become the enemy rather than his successor.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,216 ✭✭✭Daith

    My problem with the theory is that, certainly in the show's case at least, I've no idea why the 3ER would help Bran become the NK.

    The man is all seeing and explicitly states he wants Bran to become him, so I'm not sure why he would enable Bran in any way to become the enemy rather than his successor.

    He knows the only way to stop the Night King is to let Bran become the Night King and kill both Bran and the NK. When Bran says "Am I ready" and the 3ER says "No" he knows this for sure.

    Bran becoming the NK has already happened and you can't change the past.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,420 ✭✭✭✭Dial Hard

    turnikett1 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity has this happened before? Where a TV adaptation has surpassed the written form and the producers find themselves writing the end of book!? It's a pretty unique situation!

    This keeps coming up. GRRM has told the producers what's going to happen right up until the end of the series, has he not? They're not flying blind here, as far as I'm aware.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,308 ✭✭✭✭J. Marston

    I've read that he's told them the ending. How they get there is up to them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,216 ✭✭✭Daith

    Dial Hard wrote: »
    This keeps coming up. GRRM has told the producers what's going to happen right up until the end of the series, has he not? They're not flying blind here, as far as I'm aware.

    Not flying blind but I'd say "paint by numbers". They've got the main plot points but not the links to them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,218 ✭✭✭✭y0ssar1an22

    Guys, whats the big deal with jon snow's scars? does it relate to the prophecy in some way? dany questioned tyrion about it, and her reaction when she saw them makes me think i'm missing something.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,228 ✭✭✭podgemonster

    Guys, whats the big deal with jon snow's scars? does it relate to the prophecy in some way? dany questioned tyrion about it, and her reaction when she saw them makes me think i'm missing something.

    Eh no. It shows he literally took a knife to the heart (and multiple knives to the torso) to save the wildlings. He gave all he had to save a helpless lawless homeless people. He's just really sound.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,073 ✭✭✭✭PopePalpatine

    I think it's just that Davos let slip that "he took a knife in the chest for his people", and Daenarys didn't know if he was speaking literally.

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