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Earning my go-faster stripes...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Great to see this log being updated C :)
    I had read that HADD document before, possibly when you were doing it before actually, and just re-read it now. Very interesting, I'll be looking to see how it goes for you!

    I was due to be off the week after next but thinking I'll cancel it instead of that dreaded staring at the walls for the 5 days!
    Thanks V, good to be back!

    Yeah there's definitely better uses of leave, you're probably wise to skip it if you can! Though it's been kind of nice having the week doing very little to be honest, so not the worst if you did have to either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Thursday 14th - Lunchtime: Online Pilates class | PM: 75 mins steady @ 160 HR
    8.2 miles @ 10:05 p/m average (159 HR)
    Splits: 9:35, 9:41, 9:48, 9:55, 10:18, 10:15, 10:07, 10:41

    Another one where steady effort ended up at what would normally be easy pace. Sigh! Ran past a man sitting on a bench reading a book, chuckling out loud to himself at whatever he was reading. Gotta love humans sometimes. Also: the running-shorts-tan is officially being resurrected :D
    I was looking for some kind of pilates videos to do (feeling guilty for neglecting that side of things, basically) and Huzzah! kindly told me that the physio we both go to has started doing online classes, so I signed up for a month. Did the first one and instantly remembered how much I hate Pilates... Felt the better for it though.

    Friday 15th - Lunch: Pilates class | Evening: 60 mins easy @ 145 HR
    6 miles @ 10:35 p/m (actual 145 HR)
    Splits: 10:24, 10:39, 10:52, 10:24, 10:46, 10:19

    A boring run in many ways but I really focused on keeping the HR where it was supposed to be and slowing down when needed, and it was actually very pleasant. Nice and slow and relaxing. And the splits were actually fairly even when the gradient of each mile is taken into account, so I’m happy enough that it was a reasonably consistent effort.
    Did my second of the online Pilates classes earlier, legs in particular definitely felt it! 

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Saturday 18th - Long run @ up to 155 HR
    11 miles @ 10:22 p/m average (153 HR)
    Splits: 10:08, 10:20, 10:15, 10:18, 10:08, 10:25, 10:54, 10:22, 10:41, 10:07, 10:21

    I wasn’t looking forward to the thought of another long run within the 2k zone, but this ended up being really lovely. Couldn’t help stopping briefly in mile 2 or 3 when I spotted a fox skipping along on the opposite footpath, in broad daylight. Made my morning. I adore foxes (maybe down to reading these books as a kid, and I'm clearly not a farmer ;)) so always love seeing them around but you don’t usually get them in the daytime. 
    I headed in along the quays then and around College Green and up to Stephen’s Green. The whole area was dead, hardly a soul around. I ran up the middle of Nassau St and there wasn’t a single bit of traffic. Turning off Stephen’s Green to run back down Dawson St and the only sound I could hear was birds. Absolutely surreal. Legs a bit tired for the last few miles but I’m guessing having done Pilates the two previous days probably contributed. 

    Sunday 19th - Recovery @ up to 145 HR
    4.65miles @ 10:42 p/m average (144 HR)
    Splits: 10:38, 10:51, 10:42, 10:36 (10:45 pace for last 0.65)Recovery run. The nice weather's back :)

    Finished at 50 miles for the week, probably the highest I've hit since DCM training in 2018 I'd say! None of it strenuous in the slightest though so it didn't feel like too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,298 ✭✭✭ariana`

    We've been saying here that we can hear the birds more distinctly recently and that's living in the schticks so i can't imagine how surreal it must be in the city! Strange times indeed but kind of cool in some ways. Nice week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Monday 20th - 45 mins easy @ up to 145 HR
    4.5 miles @ 10:26 p/m average (144 HR)

    First day back at work after being off last week and it was very tough getting back into it, despite not having been away anywhere. Anyway I ended up timing this badly and not having long enough to do the planned steady run or even a full hour easy, but this was better than nothing. Beautiful evening (again) and lovely to get out.

    Tuesday 21st - AM: Pilates class | PM: 65 mins steady @ 160 HR plus a short w/u and c/d
    8.5 miles @ 9:39 p/m average (157 HR)

    Started the day with a morning Pilates class and maybe it's something I should do more of because it was the first time I didn't hate Pilates! :D
    Headed out after work for the run. Warm evening which I'm going to blame a bit of the slowness on if I can! Managed to keep the HR very steady though which is good, even if the pace was a fair bit less so.

    Steady splits:
    9:04 (159 HR)
    9:26 (161 HR)
    9:27 (159 HR)
    9:41 (160 HR)
    9:34 (160 HR)
    9:51 (159 HR)
    9:37 (160 HR)

    Wednesday 22nd - AM: 60 mins easy @ up to 145 HR | Lunchtime: Pilates class
    5.5 miles @ 10:50 p/m average(144 HR)
    Splits: 11:09, 10:58, 10:47, 10:51, 10:35

    A morning run for a change, so this was slower for the heart rate as I expected. Lovely to be out when it was quieter though, and very few people on the streets. Did another pilates class at lunchtime - I'm going to try for 3 of these a week. Early days yet so it may be all in my head but so far it seems to be making the work-from-home-pains a lot less noticeable.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Thursday 23rd - 70+ mins easy @ 140-145 HR
    7.1 miles @ 10:25 p/m average(143 HR)
    Splits:10:04, 10:24, 10:37, 10:26, 10:23, 10:23, 10:33

    Out after work for this, and it really seemed like there were so many more people out on the footpaths than there have been lately. Mostly walkers, not runners, and plenty out sitting on grass too.
    I'm finding that with working from home now and being mostly housebound, if I don't get out running until the evening it's hard to go as the sitting all day makes you very sluggish (or just lazy maybe :D). It's like the less you do, the less energy you have to do anything, or so I'm finding anyway.

    Friday 24th - AM: Pilates class | PM: 60 mins steady @ 160 HR
    8 miles incl w/u and c/d

    Enjoyed the pre-breakfast pilates again. Did the run after work and it was the best of these steady runs I've done in this block. The first few miles were a bit of a struggle and I couldn't seem to get the HR up, but by mile 3 or 4 I did and then it stayed very steady quite easily. Pace was more even than it has been too. Happy with that!

    10:15 (135 HR) - warm up
    9:10 (153 HR)
    9:05 (156 HR)
    9:20 (158 HR)
    9:00 (159 HR)
    9:07 (159 HR)
    9:04 (161 HR)
    9:11 (159 HR) - 0.5 mile
    + 0.5 mile cool down

    Saturday 25th - Easy (5.45 miles @ 10:15 p/m average)
    Forgot the HR strap. In "college" all day (over zoom) so pushed the long run back a day and just went out for a short easy run. 

    Sunday 26th
    - 90 mins easy @ up to 145 HR
    9.2 miles @ 10:04 p/m average (143 HR)
    Splits: 9:55, 10:04, 10:05, 10:08, 9:57, 10:08, 10:12, 10:14, 9:55, 10:04

    Kept the run a bit shorter than a proper long run as we had plans to go for a walk afterwards and I needed to get back (and not have the legs too wrecked ;) )

    Total: 48.4 miles for the week.
    Don't know if it's the Pilates or what but my body's feeling the best it has in ages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    It's a feature of the times that looking back to last Monday and Tuesday now feels like a lifetime ago already - time seriously has no meaning anymore :cool:

    Monday 27th - 70 mins easy @ up to 145 HR7 miles @ 10:03 p/m average (144 HR)
    Splits: 10:10, 10:06, 10:37, 10:05, 9:50, 9:51, 9:42

    Good to get out after a day of sitting .... Mile 3 came in as much slower than the others and it definitely wasn't, but it's clear from looking at the map run after the fact dodgy GPS in the park was a factor here, meaning the actual run was a bit longer and a bit quicker, but sure.

    Tuesday 28th - AM: Pilates class | PM: 60 mins steady @ 160 HR + w/u and c/d (75 mins total)
    8.2 miles @ 9:07 p/m average (156 HR)

    I was really glad to get out for this run by the time it came around - needed something to break up the monotony of working from home. Felt a bit less controlled than last Friday's attempt at this, but the pace was quicker overall for the same effort, and didn't slow too much (aside from the first steady mile being a bit quicker, but that's often the way with me).

    9:47 (138 HR) - warm up
    8:43 (160 HR)
    8:52 (158 HR)
    8:59 (160 HR)
    8:57 (160 HR)
    9:03 (160 HR)
    9:00 (160 HR)
    9:01 (160 HR) - 0.75 mile
    + 0.5 mile cool down

    Wednesday 29th - AM: 60 mins easy @ 145-150 HR
    6 miles @ 10:29 p/m average (145 HR)
    Splits: 10:51, 10:40, 10:27, 10:14, 10:27, 10:16

    As always the early morning (relatively :P) runs are slower for the effort, and this started out very slow but got quicker as I eased into it. Nice to be out with the streets so quiet.
    Signed up for Pilates at lunchtime but then I couldn't get into the class on Zoom so no pilates today :(

    Thursday 30th - 60 mins easy @ 145-150 HR
    6 miles @ 10:01 p/m average (147 HR)
    Splits: 9:47, 10:02, 9:58, 10:10, 10:11, 9:58

    Friday 1st - AM: Pilates class | PM: 60 mins @ 150-55 HR
    6.3 miles @ 9:30 p/m average (151 HR)
    Splits: 9:39, 9:09. 9:27, 9:25, 9:54, 9:23

    May! Another month begins in lockdown. I find it nuts how time at the moment seems to go so slowly and so quickly at the same time. Delighted that we're to be allowed widen our radius from next Tuesday anyway - means I can get back to the Phoenix Park :) .
    Couldn't sleep at all last night so I opted to keep the effort slightly lower than planned. Zero to report from this, apart from the loooong queue outside the off licence as I ran past. Friday night plans :D

    Saturday 2nd - 1hr 45 mins easy @ up to 155 HR
    10.4 miles @ 10:05 p/m (actual 150 HR avg)
    Splits: 9:43, 9:48, 10:07, 10:00, 10:15, 10:01, 10:08, 10:05, 10:31, 10:19

    About 6 miles in to this run I just got really tired for some reason, and the rest of it was a struggle that got progressively slower. No idea why really. Last long run within the 2k radius though!!

    Sunday 3rd - Easy hour
    6.1 miles @ 9:59 p/m average (148 HR)

    We had a cocktail night over zoom on Saturday night so Sunday morning was a little tender to say the least. Finally got out Sunday evening and actually felt surprisingly good! Didn't hurt that it was an absolutely beautiful day.

    Total: 50 miles

    Finished out April on 200 miles - only the second time I've ever hit 200 in a month, and the last time was peak month of marathon training in 2018. It's all only easy or steady stuff but happy with how it's going at the moment. I'm planning a repeat of the HR test this week but it's a bit soon to expect any difference just yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Monday 4th - 50 mins easy @ 140 HR
    4.75 miles @ 10:36 p/m average (139 HR avg)
    Bank holiday and another beautiful day. Tired again, haven't been sleeping well lately, so kept this a little shorter and very easy.

    Tuesday 5th - AM: Pilates class | PM: Repeat HADD LT test
    So Hadd says not to do these tests any more often than every 6 weeks because that's how long it takes for any kind of changes to mitochondria, etc. It was only 4 weeks since I did the first one so I wasn't expecting an improvement but I figured setting up a 4 week schedule might make more sense for me so that it would generally come at the same time for me in terms of hormones/cycle, which makes a massive difference to speed and effort, I've noticed.
    However it was also windy and I was coming off several nights of terrible sleep, so I probably shouldn't have bothered doing it. Gave it a go anyway and for the most part the paces were slower, with the pace at 150 and 180 HR coming out quicker but that was probably down to wind direction. Also got a shout from a friend I haven't seen in a long time who had some big news so I abandoned the last rep and stopped to chat (from a distance ;))

    Probably the only thing worth noting about this was that I found it hard to get the HR up high enough on the last rep, which was strange.

    Plan | Results Week 1 | Results Week 5
    8 mins @ 140 HR | 10:31 avg pace (HR 139) | 10:35 avg pace (HR 141)
    8 mins @ 150 HR | 10:02 avg pace (HR 150) | 9:41 avg pace (HR 148)
    8 mins @ 160 HR | 8:58 avg pace (HR 158) | 9:08 avg pace (HR 158)
    8 mins @ 170 HR | 8:24 avg pace (HR 170) | 8:30 avg pace (HR 168)
    8 mins @ 180 HR | 7:55 avg pace (HR 179) | almost 7 mins @ 7:48 avg pace (HR 175)90 seconds recovery between intervals.

    Wednesday 6th - Pilates + 75 mins easy @ 145 HR
    7 miles @ 10:22 p/m average (145 HR)

    Thursday 7th - 30 mins easy @ 145-150 HR
    3.2 miles @ 10:14 p/m average (145 HR)

    Friday 8th - AM: Pilates class | PM: 5 miles steady @ 160 HR (7.25 miles total)
    Late getting out for this and was going to just keep it easy but decided to go for at least a few steady miles. Amazed at how much busier the roads seemed all of a sudden. Home in time for end-of-the-work-week takeaway pizza :D

    Steady miles:
    9:04 (157 HR)
    9:10 (159 HR)
    9:20 (159 HR)
    9:15 (160 HR)
    9:19 (161 HR)

    Saturday 9th - 1hr 45 mins easy @ up to 155 HR
    11.2 miles @ 10:06 p/m (152 HR avg)
    Splits: 10:09, 10:44, 10:27, 9:35, 9:49, 10:35, 10:08, 9:38, 10:08, 9:31, 10:27
    Phoenix Park!!! Enough said :) Ok and that much as I loved the park before, it's even better now with (almost) no cars.

    Sunday 3rd - 50 mins easy/recovery @ 140 HR
    5.3 miles @ 9:47 p/m average (139 HR)
    Much colder all of a sudden but it was lovely to run in actually. Ran in to town through very empty streets, did a lap of Stephen's Green and ran home. Really enjoyable and for some reason the effort was way done on previous days, despite a few drinks the night before.

    Total for the week: 45 miles

    More of the same for this week probably, though I'd like to try and get the sleep sorted if possible. I put my name down for the mile TT for the craic, but I won't be doing any speed training for it so it'll be... interesting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    This HR training feels all over the place for me some days, and like you, my sleep is a bit poor at times. I think the temperatures outside must affect it also?
    Is there a plan with HADD or you just plan it according to that document?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    This HR training feels all over the place for me some days, and like you, my sleep is a bit poor at times. I think the temperatures outside must affect it also?
    Is there a plan with HADD or you just plan it according to that document?
    Yep temperature definitely affects it, definitely when it's hot or humid anyway.

    There isn't an exact plan as such, but he sets out a fairly clear plan in the document and outlines the progression after a few weeks, etc. so it's very easy to follow. I have a few notes made but it's a fairly simple approach so that seems to be enough so far anyway! It's extremely repetitive which would put a lot of people off I'd say (for good reason), but the benefit of that is you can compare like with like very easily to look for improvement, which is kind of satisfying.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    I guess the 'bad' weather on Sunday was a blip? I'm enjoying it being straight back to sunshine anyway, even if it's cooler. The cooler temps are better for running sure!

    Monday 11th - 60 mins steady @ 160 HR (8.3 miles incl w/u and c/d)

    Wasn't expecting much from this after another very poor night's sleep, but I felt good once I got out, and was delighted that I was able to keep this pretty even in terms of effort without having to try, and without the pace fading. These runs are definitely getting better and more consistent, I think.

    Steady splits:
    9:03 (155 HR)
    9:00 (158 HR)
    8:58 (161 HR)
    9:04 (160 HR)
    8:57 (160 HR)
    9:06 (160 HR)
    8:51 (161 HR) - for 0.7 mile

    Tuesday 12th - AM: Pilates class | PM: 70 mins easy @ 140-145 HR
    7 miles @ 10:28 p/m average (143 HR)
    Enjoyed Pilates, I'm actually finding it a nice way to start the day on the mornings I do the early class. Never thought I'd say that!
    Out for an easy run after work though and it felt tough! Not massively so but I was very glad to finish it all the same. Still despite it feeling tough the splits and HR stayed pretty consistent so happy with that.

    Spent a bigger chunk of today than I care to admit reading back over yaboya's log of his experience with HADD training (thanks Murph for the tip ;)). Inspiring stuff, and I've plenty of reading still to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    I didn't realise you're the exact same age as me; I genuinely thought you were in your 20s. In addition to sharing your training, care to share your skin care tips?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,298 ✭✭✭ariana`

    HADD seems to be going well. It sounds like a fantastic way to base train. The mileage you are doing consistently is very impressive. You'll be in great shape when things open up again.

    Do you track your RHR? I find a pretty amazing correlation between my RHR and my running HR that day! Though at this stage i wonder some days if there's a bit of self-prophecy going on :cool:

    Is it a live Pilates class you do - how do you find in comparison to a studio based class, would you continue it (if the classes continue) after the lockdown?
    Huzzah! wrote: »
    I didn't realise you're the exact same age as me; I genuinely thought you were in your 20s. In addition to sharing your training, care to share your skin care tips?!

    My tip to all of you young 30-somethings is to enjoy your skin! It (along with a few other things :eek:) goes rapidly downhill once you pass the big 4-0 :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    I didn't realise you're the exact same age as me; I genuinely thought you were in your 20s. In addition to sharing your training, care to share your skin care tips?!
    Ha! Say what now? Well I assumed you were a good bit younger than me, so maybe the lesson here is that we judge ourselves much more harshly than each other!

    Although when you saw me close up I was probably benefiting from the post-marathon glow, might be a different story now :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    ariana` wrote: »
    HADD seems to be going well. It sounds like a fantastic way to base train. The mileage you are doing consistently is very impressive. You'll be in great shape when things open up again.

    Do you track your RHR? I find a pretty amazing correlation between my RHR and my running HR that day! Though at this stage i wonder some days if there's a bit of self-prophecy going on :cool:

    Is it a live Pilates class you do - how do you find in comparison to a studio based class, would you continue it (if the classes continue) after the lockdown?

    My tip to all of you young 30-somethings is to enjoy your skin! It (along with a few other things :eek:) goes rapidly downhill once you pass the big 4-0 :(
    Thanks E, I'm really happy with how the HADD training is going so far. It seems fairly ideally suited to the current strange circumstances too, in that it benefits from having a bit more time/mileage and since I'm not going anywhere else at the moment I can put that in, but also I'd be reluctant to commit a good chunk of the year to it if there were races to be doing, but again that's not a problem right now! Maybe more than anything for me though, it's extremely low stress because you are never trying to hit a pace, and over the last while when I had a lot on in the rest of my life I was finding that an added stress mentally, whereas this just feels relaxing. It's definitely going to make the mile TT a massive struggle though! :eek:

    I don't track RHR at all - I wish I did but my watch doesn't have a wrist-based monitor so it doesn't track throughout the day. Whenever I sit down to count it myself I always get anxious and my HR goes up (ridiculous, I know), so it's not very effective!

    Yep the Pilates classes are live ones, run by the same place I used to go to in-person classes. They still only have a small number of people in the online classes and I find them brilliant. I would never do 3 classes a week in a studio because it would be way too expensive and more time consuming (getting there, etc), but this is so much more convenient. I would love to continue it post-lockdown, but I doubt they'll keep them going when they can reopen the studio. I'd definitely recommend them, then again I know you have your hands full these days!
