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Building over storm drain

  • 13-09-2017 10:14am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5

    My semi/d house has a large side garden 6.6m wide that I'm considering building a new detached house on. But there is a storm drain running through the middle of the site from front to back parallel to and 4m from the existing house. Do the building regs prohibit building over this and if so is it possible to get permission to move the drain under an adjacent 4m wide laneway that provides rear access to private housing? In Dublin City Council area.


  • Subscribers Posts: 42,423 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    well, in the first instance you need planning permission for a new dwelling, therefore this issue will be deliberated during this planning process.
    moving it may be an option.

    to answer your question, no, building regulations do not prohibit building over a sewer... they actually deal specifically with this in TGD H section 1.7
