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To the waters and the wild



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Wed 30min Fastlane; 15min yoga, 45min run; 10min yoga, 40min turbo

    Run: 30min EZ, 15min steady to strong
    Bit of a mix up found me repeating yesterdays run schedule... anyway, I felt great on this, didn't look at the watch for the first while and ended up doing the first 30min too fast for "easy" pace, but managed to up the pace towards the end as the effort increased. My breathing was FANTASTIC, better than ever, and I suspect no bread for a couple of days might have something to do with this. I'm trying to clean up my diet for Jan and will perhaps leave out gluten for a few more days and see what transpires.

    10 mins EZ
    4 * ( 10' hard, 2.20 easy )
    5 * (2 min 'building to steady' @ PE 6, 1 min super easy)
    5 mins EZ

    No heroics on this one, just getting the session done, and nothing was higher than 6PE.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Thurs 30min Fastlane; 12.3k run; Masters swim

    Run: 30min easy, 20min build, 2k fast
    I did this run on the dark cinder track in Arklow, right before the evening swim. The first 30mins were just a matter of revolving as various power walkers, runners, dog strollers, came and looped and left. With a couple of "easy" laps left, two girls/women (hard to tell in the dark) started running at the same pace as me, 10m ahead. Another guy jumped into the track, and started to run right behind them. I just felt a little weird to be running in this tight bunch, on an otherwise dark and empty track... within my last two easy laps I gradually passed them, and the guy then jumped right behind me, close enough I could almost feel his breath... it wasn't windy so no benefit there, just a little weird. I figured I'd drop him once I started to build, but as luck would have it he started to build too, right behind me. I was running in lane 5, and as the laps went on he gradually started to drop... only for him to take lane 1 for the bends and follow me on the straights! :D I decided to run lane 1, he followed for several laps but as my pace increased he gradually dropped. By now I was running too fast, so slowed slightly until my final 2k, where I had a nice amount of energy to increase the pace.
    He ran off the track as I jogged to the car, we acknowledged each others runs... weird, but it served a purpose! :D

    400 warmup
    12*75 as (25k, 25fist,25sw) odds back, evens free
    20*50 as (25IMO, 25free, 10s) first 15m fast
    200 cooldown

    I did this straight after the run and was tired. Technique was good for any free and back, but tired shoulders for fly and foot was cramping towards the end. Still, back in the pool for 2018.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Fri 30 min fastlane
    I did this wearing a finis tech toc, just to see how accurate my rotation is. Accurate enough.

    Sat 14k run
    30 mins easy, 37mins build to PE 8
    A pretty muddy trail run, along the flat Railway Walk, the first bit was probably a bit too fast for “easy “ but nothing too bad. Picked it up a tad for the balance, legs were noticeably heavy after this weeks run volume.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    What have you entered in Limerick?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    griffin100 wrote: »
    What have you entered in Limerick?

    1500, 800, 200back, 100fr, 50fr. Yourself?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    1500 and 400 free. Friday night and first event on Saturday morning and be home by lunchtime. Would have liked to try the 800 but it would have meant hanging around until late on Saturday. I think I've caught up with you age group wise :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sun 1:55 turbo

    10min easy
    4*(10s Max, 2:20 easy)
    6*(10min build 3-8PE, 5min easy)
    5 cool down

    The last couple of these reps were a struggle, definitely feeling the effects of the heavy run week. A slight twinge in my heel too, which I believe is from yesterday’s trail shoes in the mud- the heel box has lost it’s solidity and so will go straight in the bin. I’ll keep an eye on the heel.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Mon 30min S&C; 20min run; 20min run; 60min Masters swim

    The first run was 10min easy, 10min build to 8-10PE, and ticked that box nicely. the second was an unexpected catch-up with a mate who has come back from injury, and is going very well indeed. Great to see.

    200m WU
    2*(50 off 55, 50, 45)
    4*(2*200 off 3:30, 1*200 fast off 4:00)
    100m swim down

    My fast 200's came in 2:57, 2:57, 3:00, 3:05. The slower ones came in between 2:55-3:12. What gives? Long body, long stroke, good technique, controlled breathing, relaxed... attributes for the slower 200's. Punchy, tight, frantic, gasping... for the fast 200's.

    I know this is wrong. I know what to do. I know how to do it.

    Slow down, maintain form at all costs. Speed will come soon enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    One session I always remember doing with interested was a flat out 100m, recover and then a steady 100. The difference in time compared with the difference in effort really stands out. The fast one felt like I wasn't able to move by the end where the steady one I was in control the whole way through, it was tough but a manageable toughness. Think the difference was around 4 seconds. No way I could have done much more after the fast 100, no problem continuing after the steady. I think it's mental as much as anything, when we hear fast we go flat out, putting everything we have into it, something like swimming that's so much technique, the technique can be pushed aside just to get the arms through faster and the legs kicking harder.

    I'd still love to be swimming the times your swimming! First day back in the pool in about 5 weeks today, I think it's that long I've even forgotten how to float!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    joey100 wrote: »
    I think it's mental as much as anything, when we hear fast we go flat out, putting everything we have into it, something like swimming that's so much technique, the technique can be pushed aside just to get the arms through faster and the legs kicking harder.

    That's exactly the problem, well articulated joey! "Race", "TT", "Fast", words that activate a fight or flight response... and the reason my swim pb's aren't as good as they might be. Relaxing during a TT, building into the effort and trusting your technique, is the only way to faster times.

    Sometimes it takes a stark comparison like last nights 200's (or your fast/steady 100's) to hammer this point home.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 30min Fastlane; 45min weights, 15min jog; 15min S&C, 60min run

    Run: 30min easy, 20min PE 5/6, 10min PE 7

    Back to the old grey concrete test, kids are swimming tonight so I filled the time with various stretches in Lidl carpark, followed by a sidewalk run from Gorey. I kept the pace down for the easy part, and it picked up gradually from there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Wed 40min Fastlane; 10min yoga, 40min turbo
    10 mins easy spin
    4 * (10' hard, 2.20 easy )
    5 * (30' build to PE 9-10, 2.5 min easy)
    5 mins easy

    Ok they might only be 30s builds but by god can they hurt! My turbo is in the pool room and I use pool clock for timing. Its at an angle so when the second hand is vertical both ends that means 30s is done... I was literally watching the angle crawl for the last 2 secs. Time stood still! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Thurs 30min Fastlane; 65min run; 60min Masters swim

    25min Easy
    30min PE5/6
    10min fast

    Again on the cinder track in Arklow, I had a tight window between Dad taxi and Masters swim, so lopped 5 mins off the intended 30min easy. It was bitterly cold tonight, with a biting wind down one straight, and heavy, foggy air. Warming up took some time, but after a few km I could up the pace a tad for the next 30mins. A mate joined me half way through this, and we finished the set together. The last couple of km were zippy enough, I'm happy with the pace we managed to hold without burning all the matches.

    400m warm up
    8*(25k, 25drill, 25swim, 10s)
    300 hypoxic 3,2,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,3
    4*100 off 2:00 (aim for 400pb time less 10 sec in total)
    16*50 as (25IMO, 25swim, 10s)

    I was in the water 10mins after stepping off the track- no ideal, but needs must. My breathing wasn't great as I was gasping somewhat after the run, but got through the set ok. I didn't manage the "0"'s for the hypoxic, but I'm at peace with that.
    The 100's came in 1:21-1:24, nothing to write home about, but they ticked the correct box (total time 5:30). What I'm happy about is they were consistent, and my stroke was more in control than usual. I'll take those time for early January after a hard run.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Fri 47min crossfit; 60min Fastlane

    Easy stretch / warm up 5 mins

    10 rounds of {
    25 bench jump overs
    25 lateral step overs
    25 Bear crunches
    25 Bench Toe taps

    As much rest as required between sets.

    I don't know if this is termed crossfit, or HIIT, or whatever, but it was pretty tough. Sweat dripping throughout, and the sort of strange mild hurt that you just know is going to hurt in strange places tomorrow.

    Later an hour in the Fastlane with pull bouy, focus on rotation and streamline.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    1:21-1:24 for 4x 100s off 2mins after a track run session. 1) pretty good as not much rest for hard effort! 2) how did you not cramp?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sat 15min yoga, 82min run; 30min Fastlane

    40min easy
    20min steady
    20min build to finish with 2*4:10 kms

    Raining and cold all day, I finally got out on the flat Railway Walk before the light went. The first 40min was a struggle to keep the pace down- a common problem and I need to write "Y263 2I Y263" on my forehead.
    Picked it up and was working for the steady, before upping the effort for the last few km. The trail was twisty and very muddy in places, but I managed to get the last two km just under target.

    Into the pool after for a recovery swim that has worked wonders, feel much better after it.

    how did you not cramp?!

    Cramping has become much less of an issue in the pool. Probably down to the amount of S&C I'm doing these days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Sun 10min S&C, 1:55 turbo

    10min easy
    4*(10sMAX, 2:20 easy)
    6*(10min build 3-8PE, 5min EZ)
    5 EZ

    Well the DOMS from the Xfit caught up with me last night, my body felt very sore going to bed (so much so that I took a painkiller). Slept ok, but the legs didn't have a lot of power starting off this turbo and general effort was below where it usually is. Things picked up a bit as the session went on, but the lesson is this turbo might have hit the right targets if yesterday's easy parts of the run had been easier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    Cramping has become much less of an issue in the pool. Probably down to the amount of S&C I'm doing these days.[/QUOTE]

    I d like to see a study that comes to that conclusion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    peter kern wrote: »
    Cramping has become much less of an issue in the pool. Probably down to the amount of S&C I'm doing these days.

    I d like to see a study that comes to that conclusion.[/QUOTE]
    +1 The cramping is more often down to pure overloading but In my case not just that. Its a nervous thing that can be triggered by load.

    Interested to know what benefit S&C specifically has had

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Increased flexibility means less cramping in the foot... obvious I would have thought, no real need for science lads?

    (In any case correlation will suffice for me, proof is in the pudding)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Mon Masters swim 2,700m

    200 easy
    10*100 as (25k, 25easy, 25drill, 25 fast, 10s)
    200 easy
    400TT (5:50-ish)
    12*75 as (25BE7, 25fist, 25swim desc 1-3, 10s)

    I tried to swim this TT a lot more controlled than usual, and in that respect it worked. However, the pace slipped more than I'd like it to, and I was disappointed with the resulting time. I probably dipped under 5:50- there was congestion as I was getting in the way of sharks and had to stop at the wall- but it felt like I was swimming closer to 5:40. Touch turns, no dolphin kick, maybe a couple of bad habits that have crept back in... however on a positive note kick, streamline, reach, rotation, breathing; were all better than usual, so perhaps I should await a "click" in form over the next month or two.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 45min weights, 15min jog; 60min run; 30min Fastlane

    30min PE3
    20min PE5/6
    10min PE7/8

    The kids have developed a cough so last minute change of dad-taxi plans had me run locally, trying to squeeze an hour daylight from 4:30pm. I went to the muddy Railway walk, the first half hour I kept very easy. As it darkened I picked the pace up slightly, running now into blustery sleet. It was quite nice to be in that dark cold environment, something different anyway. The last ten minutes picked up again, the path could barely be made out at this stage but I got the run done and dusted.
    Pace was a little under where I thought it would be judging by effort, but I may have a blast of this dose coming on, will keep an eye on things.

    I've entered the 200back for the LC Champs, so need to get my ar$e in gear. 30mins backstroke swimming and drills, from my dreamgirl Chloe. Its useful for Triathletes to try other strokes too, so worth a look.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Increased flexibility means less cramping in the foot... obvious I would have thought, no real need for science lads?

    (In any case correlation will suffice for me, proof is in the pudding)

    Exercise-associated muscle cramping (EAMC) is a poorly understood problem that is neuromuscular in origin.

    from a 2017 paper thats why i was asking as i alwyas like to see new research on it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    peter kern wrote: »
    Exercise-associated muscle cramping (EAMC) is a poorly understood problem that is neuromuscular in origin.

    from a 2017 paper thats why i was asking as i alwyas like to see new research on it

    Having fun in the water is the primary goal of my research Peter;) Not meaning to be flippant but I've read such contradictory science about cramping over the years that I'm going with what works for me:

    Better flexibility stops plantar/calf cramping in the pool.

    Not having the digestive/respiratory systems in competition works on the run.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Wed 40min turbo; 3,000m Fastlane

    10min EZ
    4*(10sMAX, 2:20 EZ)
    5*(30s build to PE10, 2:30 EZ)
    5min EZ

    400m warm up
    5*100 off 1:45
    5*100 off 1:40
    5*100 off 1:35
    5*100 off 1:30
    600m swim down

    This is the first time I've actually used the Fastlane for a pool set. For a while now I've felt a slight gap in my swim week, its been missing this old faithful descending sets of 100's. With the pace clock running 3 secs faster than desired pace, I did these wearing bouyancy shorts. Breathing was good and controlled- there's a bit more turbulence in the Fastlane so expect gobs of water at times. The last set was pretty tough, I grabbed a pb for the last three, mainly to help with the turbulence.
    Overall, a useful set.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Did you go for the pace clock in the end?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Did you go for the pace clock in the end?

    Yeah, and its pretty much required I think! I have a regular pool clock at the side so just set the Fastlane pace and keep an eye on time spent for each rep.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Thurs 15min yoga, 50min run; 60min Fastlane

    I met up with Mick at lunchtime, plan was 30min easy, 30min steady, then 10min fast. Alas I've caught the household bug, when we upped the pace to steady I was 20s/km slower than last week, for the same HR. I ditched after 10k, no point in flogging with a bug. It was good to catch up though and chat, so otherwise a good run.

    Fastlane tonight was similar story, I skipped the Masters session for an hour myself. Various drills, speeds, toys, made for a mostly technical session, with a good deal of kickwork.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Fri 30min S&C; 20min jog
    Felt grand starting out, but noticed the missing gears when I tried <5min/km. Breathing was a little strained: its just a bug passing through, should pass soon enough as I don't feel too bad. HR was higher than it should be.

    Sat & Sun Nothing
    Felt weak, didn't stray too far from the smallest room, skipped the scheduled bikes and wallowed in pity. (Actually a very busy weekend in the office so I managed to salvage something)

    Mon 30min S&C; 20min run; 60min Masters swim

    Run: 10min easy, 10min build to 9/10PE
    I felt better today, this run was a good test and passed with flying colours, the build to effort went very well so all systems go again.

    400m warmup
    8*(25fist, 25drill, 5s)
    7*200free step test off 5:00
    200m swimdown

    I like the step test, it tells you a lot about yourself and your stroke. The idea is to take your 200PB and add 7 secs for each preceeding one, then swim each one off 5 mins. My 200PB is 2:40 so my targets were 3:22, 3:15, 3:08, 3:01, 2:54, 2:47, 2:40. The first one usually goes way too quick, and I made sure to swim it slow (still was 4 secs under). Back on track for the others: each one just a pinch harder than the previous. I was swimming well, a good long body, good reach and pull, nice kick, BE3... and you hardly notice the extra effort. The penultimate one felt very comfortable, swimming 2:47 with relative ease...

    Of course I fecked up the last one, swam like I was panicking, a frantic stroke, BE2, noticible effort and discomfort throughout... and only did 2:45. A 2 sec difference for an awful lot of extra energy, but another lesson in the importance of technique.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Tue 40min Fastlane; 40min S&C; 60min treadmill

    I had a very tight window to get this run in, and the best way was to do it on a treadmill while the kids swam. 30min easy, 20min steady, 10min fast. Done. Dusted. Hate treadmills.
